Re: [SLUG] [Fwd: [Lias] Latest Microsoft Stupidity]

2002-04-21 Thread Jim Clark (Compaq)

Robert Reid wrote:

> (end of quote)
> Two clauses from the NT 4 Workstation EULA:
> Single COMPUTER. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed with the
> HARDWARE as a single integrated product. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT may only
> be used with the HARDWARE as set forth in this EULA.

This looks to have changed for Win2k:

4. TRANSFER-Internal. You may move the product to a different
Workstation Computer.  Transfer to a Third Party. The initial
user of the Product may make a one-time transfer of the product
to another end user.

So this would seem to indicate that you can move it between
your own machines anytime, any number of times, or sell it.
Note: this is not an OEM version, so there was no harware to
start with.

However, the real nasty piece is this:

(Under Intallation and Use):
You may not use the Product to permit any Device to use,access
or display or run other executable software residing on the
Workstation computer, nor may you permit any Device to display
the products user interface, unless the device has a separate
license for the product.

If I read that correctly, I would need a second license of
Win2k to display the first Win2k display on my linux box
(using VNC for instance). However even if I did that, I am
not allowed to use VNC then to actually run anything on the
first box!

I guess this limits the number of win2k boxes I can run to
the amount of deskspace I have spare for monitors/keyboards!
(stupid fscking restriction!).



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Re: Leading newbies astray... (was Re: [SLUG] Why)

2002-04-19 Thread Jim Clark (Compaq)

David Fitch wrote:

> Second thing is never run anything at all
> as root unless you're really sure you know what 

>   (a) you're doing, and

>   (b) what the command will do.

and (c) You really have to!

// Note: (c) should not just be for 'newbies'

> (and then there's keeping backups/multiple copies of important
> data etc etc)

and since we all do this regularly , does anyone
know of a way of backing up large amounts of data (>700MB)
across multiple CD-Rs?
The equivalent of:
   # tar /home cvMf /dev/fd0

would be real handy (floppies just don't cut it anymore :)


> Dave.

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Re: [SLUG] USB Webcam

2002-03-24 Thread Jim Clark (Compaq)


>   Does anyone know if the cheap run of the mill USB webcams work under
>   linux, if so how?

swann USB smartcam deluxe (640x480) - $58 at unmart.
based on the ov511+ chip - so it works with


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Re: [SLUG] USB Webcam

2002-03-24 Thread Jim Clark (Logique)


>   Does anyone know if the cheap run of the mill USB webcams work under
>   linux, if so how?

swann USB smartcam deluxe (640x480) - $58 at umart.
based on the ov511+ chip - so it works with


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[SLUG] GRE and netfilter NAT

2002-03-24 Thread Jim Clark (Logique)

Has anyone successfully got a pptp client running behind
a linux firewall/NAT (linux 2.4.x / netfilter)?

Or even a reference to howto/faq?

(I have found some, but they are all for linux 2.0 && 2.2)


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Re: [SLUG] dual IP addresses

2002-03-19 Thread Jim Clark (Compaq)

Simon Bryan wrote:

> Hi,
> Is it possible in RH to assign two IP addresses to the one NIC?
> Everything I have tried simply overwrites the first IP with the second.

Google rulez!


Setting up IP Aliasing on A Linux Machine Mini-HOWTO


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Re: [SLUG] OT: reliable mail

2002-03-18 Thread Jim Clark (Logique)

Frode Egeland wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 09:11:48AM +1030, David Fitch wrote:
>>What do other people with perm connection who run their own mail
>>server do for secondary/backup?  (ie. secondary mx)

It is good to have friends with static IP's (esp if they run an ISP :)

> There are two points of view on using secondary MX (that I've heard):
> 1] Use a secondary MX, and pay the associated costs (though $11/m seems
> a little steep) for the knowledge you have some control over your mail.
> 2] Don't use a secondary MX, as the sender's mailserver will spool
> messages and retry sending for an average of 4 days. In effect, the
> sender's outgoing mailserver will act as a pseudo-secondary MX for you.
>>(it strikes me as something that would be good for a little "co-operative"
>>to do, eg. 2 or more people on different networks/ISPs each be a
>>secondary for someone else in the group)
> This might be costly, which is why I guess there isn't such a service
> available. DNS info is a lot less bandwith intensive than the CEO
> sending 20 Meg powerpoint attachments through your 2ndary MX.. ;)

Now I am confused (so what's new? :)

I had thought the secondary was just supplying a secondary source for
DNS (in this case, the MX records), not actually becomming a secondary
destination for the actual email...

Is this not the case?


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Re: [SLUG] bind version

2002-03-18 Thread Jim Clark (Compaq)

Ben Donohue wrote:

> Thanks Slugs,
> however I *DID* RTFM and the -v option is not there!

Well it is documented in the man page for BIND9 that
shipped with Mandrake 8.1. Perhaps you have an older
version (both man page and bin).

> it also gives an error when i do
> named -v
> it just gives the options. it's possibly running debian i think.
> uname doesn't give any clues

/usr/sbin/named -v
BIND 9.2.0rc3

certainly works on that version - from Mandrake 8.1
(which reminds me, I aught to uninstall it now :)

> any other ideas?

at the risk of starting a bind war:

Note: I'm not certain that the djbdns suite provide a command
line arg for printing the version !



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Re: [SLUG] Optus Dial-Up Internet

2002-03-17 Thread Jim Clark (Compaq)

Antony Stace wrote:

>>You have to give them a call and ask them. 
> Will do.
>>If you live in a unit, chances
>>are they won't be able to provide cable service to your home.
> Is there any one who has Cable/DSL to a unit/apartment? If so who is the providor?

ADSL runs over standard phone lines (from local exchange to
customers house/unit/cave). As such, provided your local
exchange is ADSL equiped (most of them by now?) and you
satisfy the conditions (proximity to exchange, line quality,etc),
you can pretty much take your pick of ADSL ISPs.

Disclaimer: I don't actually have a unit - but I did pull hair
out for 12 months waiting for the exchange to be fitted for ADSL
, so had plenty of time to look into it (and then when Telstra
did outfit the exchange, I decided against using Telstra for the
service... never regretted that move :)

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Re: [SLUG] Optus Dial-Up Internet

2002-03-17 Thread Jim Clark (Compaq)

Tiwari, Rajnish wrote:

> Hi Folks,
>   Thanks to all who replied to my earlier query regarding
>   Linux friendly ISP's. 
>   Has anyone has had any experience with using Optus's
>   dial-up networking with Linux ? Are there any issues with
>   using their service and linux ? I presume they too don't
>   say they support linux but is there enough information
>   to get oneself setup ?
>   (The reason, I ask about optus is that currently their
>   sales guys are roaming our streets offering phone, internet
>   & tv packages. I thought I investigate my options ... :-)
>   Thanking you in anticipation.

I had a optus permanent dial-up connection (static IP, 24x7) up till
about 9 months ago. No problems using that with linux.

However, if they are selling phone/net/tv packages, wouldn't that net
connection be via their cable service?



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Re: [SLUG] Linux Friendly ISP in Sydney

2002-03-12 Thread Jim Clark (Compaq)

Tiwari, Rajnish wrote:

> Hi Folks,
>   With dingo blue shutting its doors soon, I am, once again,
>   looking for a Linux friendly ISP servicing Sydney. (dial-up
>   networking, 56k modem)
>   Suggestions are most welcome. So is information on quality
>   of service, pricing plans etc etc.

I'll but a free plug in for my old mate John:


Linux friendly... or even better, linux/*bsd savvy.
Good service (modem/customer ratio), etc...

They service Sydney and the Central Coast.


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[SLUG] [OT]: Cables, KVM switchs, etc

2002-03-11 Thread Jim Clark (Logique)

I've finally got around to finishing the (home) office.

But for what I have in mind, I would like to run the
CPU boxen away in a cabinet (so I can pretent all the
machines are as quiet as the iMac :)

Q: Has anyone here have experience running VGA over
10m cables (at high resolution: 1600x1200).

Q: Can anyone recommend a KVM (2 or 4 way) that
will support 1600x1200?

Oblinux: Esp. a KVM that has keybord switching and
works with Linux of course :)

I was also considering getting something like the
Logitech cordless freedom optical kbd + mouse (I
assume these will just be seen to the machine as
a standard usb kbd+mouse). Anyone using usb kbd+
mouse under linux?


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Re: [SLUG] ownership of samba shares

2002-03-11 Thread Jim Clark (Compaq)

Terry Collins wrote:

>The easiest protocol for small situations is called "head space" and
>chart on wall.
>I currently have five users that are entered onto all machines in the
>same order so they all have the same uid/gid.
I have a similar setup, but running with NIS (ok, the win2k and iMac 
don't get
that lucky... yet).

>So long as you are using similar distros, this means that each gets an
>identical UID & GID.
setting the UID/GID to specific values is trivial.

But with modern distros, setting up NIS and NFS is a snap.

>At worst, you need to renumber /etc/group and /etc/password on some
>machines and chown/chgrp affected files.
Yes, that is much worse than setting up NIS and NFS :-)

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Re: [SLUG] Downloading to a floppy.

2002-03-10 Thread Jim Clark (Compaq)

Bill Bennett wrote:

>I've got a file on the laptop that I'd like to download to floppies.
>Unfortunately the file will run to 3 floppiesworth.
>When I used to use pkzip, I could tell the programme to download
>and if the floppy filled up it would add a "to be continued" and
>tell you to bung in a second (or third etc.) floppy. The only
>thing to be remembered was to upload the discs in reverse order.
>Is there a similar method with RH 7.1? A flag with cp, perhaps?
>Bill Bennett.
how about

tar cvMf /dev/fd0 

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Re: [SLUG] Fax to email service?

2002-02-27 Thread Jim Clark (Compaq)

Peter Vogel wrote:

>Does anyone know if there is a service whereby I get a phone number
>which behaves just like a fax machine for receiving faxes, but the fax
>is delivered to me via email as a pdf?
How about a fax-modem + hylafax?

Or did you want somebody else to provide it for you?
(am I sensing a business opportunity here? :)


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Re: [SLUG] Putting faster RAM in a machine that can't deal with it

2002-01-17 Thread Jim Clark

- Original Message - 
From: "Jeff Waugh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, 18 January 2002 10:10
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Putting faster RAM in a machine that can't deal with it

> > This has worked for me on a number of boards - even putting 256Mb RAM in a
> > old VX board with a P200 I think worked but only counted 128Mb.
> Almost; those motherboards would only support caching up to 64mb of RAM.
> More than that, and they'd turn it off completely. For some applications, it
> meant that more RAM actually killed performance (I was doing 3d modelling
> back then, and it was certainly true in that case). You had to have an HX
> chipset if you wanted decent performance with lots of RAM.

Nope, I have seen pretty much the same thing happen on many older boards
sporting DIMM sockets - sometimes less ram is detected than the actual
DIMM size, sometimes it refuses to work at all.
(Not that I am saying the caching issue is not real, but that there are
real compatability problems with older implementations of DIMM controllers)..

For instance, I had bought several rated 128MB DIMMs a couple of years ago.
These refused to be detected at all in several old Digital desktop machines
(Petium 233MMX vintage), though the same machines happily run with 128MB
DIMMS from different manufacturers. The new DIMMS worked fine in my BX
motherboard (as well as serveral other BX motherboards) - All detected
as 128MB.

Jump forward a year or so

Put the same DIMM into a Athlon system, and suddenly the DIMM is seen as
256MB! (they were/are mislabled 256MB DIMMS?!).

> I *thought* we didn't have stupid bollocks like that going on these days.

I suspect this is only true if all your hardware comes from the same vendor
(Sun, Apple, etc)...


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Re: [SLUG] Delivering new mail to a Courier shared maildir from Postfix

2002-01-16 Thread Jim Clark

On Wednesday 16 January 2002 22:00, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:
> Note that the *existing* mail appears in the client's shared mailboxes,
> i.e. all mail that was in /home/shared/Maildir/.group1/cur/ appears in the
> clients Share->Group1 mailbox.
> The problem is that Courier isn't picking up on *new* mail being delivered
> to the shared mailboxes, i.e. mail in /home/shared/Maildir/.group1/new/
> isn't appearing in the client's Share->Group1 mailbox.
I have not played with shared folders myself, but I notice that both Evolution
and Outlook Express (IIRC) have an option to check all mail folders for
new mail (did not see an option in kmail for this tho'). 
If your mail client has such a feature, maybe it will help?


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2002-01-15 Thread Jim Clark

- Original Message - 
From: "David Fitch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 1:56 PM

> On Wed, Jan 16, 2002 at 10:21:11AM +1100, George Vieira wrote:
> > Home connections don't have fixed IPs.. especially Tel$tra ADSL unless it's
> > business class. 
Last time I checked (a while ago I admit) only telstra BP-Direct offered static IP's,
and they charged arm+leg. 

> > There are some providors I've heard which provide DSL with
> > ethernet connections and not PPPoE, these were static too. WHo it was who
> > told me I can't rememeber...
> dunno who told you but I think internode do that (
> (and they give you a static IP)
I may have mentioned them in the past, as I use them for my connection
(and yes, static IP,  no authentication client or problems :)


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2002-01-14 Thread Jim Clark

> I am setting up a Linux firewall for our small network (10 Hosts). We
> currently have a Telstra ADSL connection, (1.5Mbps 500MB allow usage @ $130
> pm). However I want a static IP address and they seem pretty anal about
> handing them out.
There are alternatives to telstra. I went with Internode (,
and for $135/month get 500MB on a 1500/256 link. Static IP  comes standard.
No contract period (pay month to month), no pppoe client required for authentication
(eliminates one of Telstra's reliability problems).

> I was wondering how reliable AAPT's & Optus's ADSL networks are?
My connection seems to be actually supplied by Netspace (resold by internode).
I think they use Optus for international links. I have been happy with the service
for 6 months now (except for a bad period last week caused by some Telstra
network problems in QLD)

> Also what ISP's are Linux friendly and knowledgeable?

Internode seem to be both (but I have not had much need of this - setup is as
simple as configuring an ethernet card with a static IP, and pluging into
the ADSL modem). I can't speak for other suppliers/resellers.


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Re: [SLUG] Internet Banking

2001-12-13 Thread Jim Clark

- Original Message -
From: "Christopher Booth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, 14 December 2001 12:28
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Internet Banking

> I have been checkng out Commonwealth Banks' netbanking
> On Mandrake 8.1 I can connect and use it no problem with Galeon 0.12.1
> and Mozilla 0.9.4, and also Netscape. Communicator 4.78.
> Konqueror, doesn't like connecting through the proxy server.

I have not had any problems connecting with Konqueror (firewall or not).
However, once I have logged in, I get the Netbank borders with no
content (no account info, no navigation items).

Anyone else got Konqueror further than this?
(setting up UserAgent maybe?)?

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Re: [SLUG] Re: Memory Probs in 1.6G Athlon was RH 7.2 and AMD Duron 1ghz

2001-12-13 Thread Jim Clark

> Thats what I thought until I did 2 installs on each individual chip (just
> 256Mb in the computer). Absolutely no problem...
> Any suggestions on how to run a detailed stress test?

I find doing a full kernel compile quite stressful :-)

Also, get hold of badmem to do a real mem-test. If you have
static bad-spots in your memory, try the badmem kernel patch
to map around them.

Disclaimer: not tried either badmem or badram patches myself.


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Re: [SLUG] Telstra ADSL - Quick Query

2001-11-26 Thread Jim Clark

I have had a few people asking me about my reference to Internode
in a previous post, so I thought I'd just followup publicly with a few
details here:

I opted for the 1500/256k link with 500MB/month for $135/month.
Note: That is 500MB downloads, uploads are free (Telstra charge
for both incoming/outgoing, in effect double charging).

There is no contract period, you are billed monthly and can terminate/
switch at any time.

They do not use PPP authentication - no client software is required - 
just hook your ethernet card straight up to the modem, and set up
your static IP.

Static IP (yay! :)

Adelaide based, and also service Sydney/Melbourne metro (where
available I guess). They also service Brisbane metro (lucky for me :),
though I don't think they mention that on their site.

Service has been good (only suffered a couple of 20minute outages
since I have had the link). And since they don't use PPP, there is one
less potential problem to worry about...


Disclaimer: Just a satisfied customer...

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Re: [SLUG] Telstra ADSL - Quick Query

2001-11-25 Thread Jim Clark

> Good morning all.
> Is there a 'Telstra BigPondDirect - ADSL' Linux Howto type document
> that will ease me into this wonderful service offering of Telstra ?
Last time I checked, Telstra BPDirect were charging arm+leg for their
ADSL service. That, and it requires a pppoe client for authentication?

It may be worth your while looking at alternative ISPs. I went with
Internode. I get a static IP, no pppoe client required - just set up a
static IP on (one) of your ethernet interfaces, plug it into the ADSL
modem, plug modem into phone line. No howto is really required.
It was also alot cheaper than the BPDirect option, and I did not
have to sign up for any long term contracts (just buy the ADSL modem).
I have also been very happy with the service/reliability (though I have
yet to see 1.5Mb download speed :)


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[SLUG] windows98 and djbdns oddity

2001-10-24 Thread Jim Clark

Does anyone here have a windows98 (in my case, win98/win4lin) talking
to tinydns or dnscache successfully?

I have just found my win4lin session not resolving names at all, when
configured to only look at my dnscache or tinydns servers.

Reconfiguring dhcpd to provide an external dns server to the win4lin
session solved the problem.
However the dnscache and tinydns servers appear to be working fine
for my linux and Mac boxes.

Any ideas?


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Re: [SLUG] Webcams

2001-10-02 Thread Jim Clark

> I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for linux compatible
> webcams, or rather, webcams that you can actually write applications for.
A good cheap webcam that works on linux (and everything else) is the
Swann USB Smartcam Deluxe. Based on the OV511+ chipset, it is supported
under linux, and at only $58.00 (I got mine from, I
it a bargan. I have had it working on Linux-x86/Windows2k/iMac-OS9.1.

The Swann USB Smartcam Personal is $10 cheaper, but may use a different
chipset (it is lower res than the 640x480 Deluxe model).

> I've always been somewhat interested in real time video type stuff, and
> like to have a go at hacking on a webcam motion tracking / telepresence
> application, but I'll needa webcam that I can get access to in code, to
> the stream from.
> Most uses of webcams seem to just be "grab a snapshot, put it in a
> directory" type apps, I'm looking for something more than that.

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Re: [SLUG] Autostart to a desktop in KDE

2001-09-19 Thread Jim Clark

> > Is there a way to cause an autostart application to target to a specific
> > desktop in KDE?


kstart --desktop   

where  is the number of the desktop,
and  is the program to launch.

(use it myself to launch win4lin on the
windows desktop)

see 'kstart --help' for lots more options.


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Re: [SLUG] win4lin + reiserfs = ok

2001-07-02 Thread Jim Clark

On 02 Jul 2001 20:12:21 +1000, Andre Pang wrote:
> hello,
> i was doing a search on google about reiserfs and win4lin and noticed
> that somebody (Jim Clark?) was trying to do it without success.

That was probably me :)

Way back in the win4lin 1.0 days, win4lin would not work on resierfs

I eventually got around to tracing the problem, and hacking a workaround
in the
reiser statfs function.
This is no longer required, as version 2 and 3 work properly.



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Re: [SLUG] Linux Friendly ISPs?

2001-03-06 Thread Jim Clark

> Tom Deckert wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone have comments on Linux-friendly ISPs?

I can recommend - Northlink Communications. Not only
do they support linux, *bsd etc, the site is running on linux.


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[SLUG] pptp over dialup

2001-02-19 Thread Jim Clark

Has anyone got pptp (client) working over a dialup ppp connection?

It looks like I need to patch pppd for mppe support. But I suspect
that I may also run into trouble with getting the second pppd (ppp1 for
the tunnel) talking over the dialup connection (ppp0).
If anyone has tips or links to info on doing this, it would me
very much appreciated.


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[SLUG] Win4Lin on reiserfs partitions

2000-09-04 Thread Jim Clark

Here is a workaround that I came up with this morning
(had an hour to kill while flying to work this morning :)


attempting to install win4lin onto a reiserfs partition fails
when attempting to loadwindowsCD, failing with an error
something like:

specifically, it is failing in the mkimg stage of the install.
trace reveals that it is doing a statfs().
It appears that the reiserfs implementation of statfs does not
use the f_files and f_ffree fields of the statfs structure.
In fact, it sets these values to 0 (which appears to be an error,
as the man page indicates that unused fields should be set to -1).

I did not try installing win4lin when these values were set to -1,
instead, I set these values to the values of the f_blocks and
f_bfree fields respectively (I figured that was my best chance of
getting win4lin to run - and it worked! yippee! :)

the relevant function is called reiserfs_statfs, and is found
in /usr/src/linux/fs/reiserfs/

This was with version 3.5.19 of reiserfs included in the Mandrake 7.1
2.2.15 kernel. I don't know (yet) if this has been changed in more
recent versions of reiserfs (I think it was still broken in 3.5.23
or 3.5.22).

If anyone knows of more relevant lists to post this to (I havn't gone
searching yet), could you please let me know, or forward this info


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Re: [SLUG] Kmail woes

2000-08-31 Thread Jim Clark

Erich Schulz wrote:
> I upgraded from SuSE 6.3 to 6.4 yesterday, and I happened to be looking at
> my Mail directory, when I noticed the size of the Inbox folder was
> huge. So I played around with it a bit, and deleted a whole swag of
> messages using pine, because they do not show on kmail.
> Has anybody else had this problem of kmail inbox getting huge, even though
> it is supposed to be empty ?
if you edit the mbox file, you should delete the kmail index file so
that it is forced to rebuild it.


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Re: [SLUG] sed help please

2000-08-21 Thread Jim Clark

On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> ; $CHARS is not being expanded when enclosed within single quotes.
> ; 
> ; try:
> ; sed -e "s?CHARS?$CHARS?g"
> firstly, you don't need the -e. 
good point.

> secondly, there's no need for an
> alternate pattern/replacement seperator, sed is smart enough to
> recognise that when '$' is followed by something, it doesn't denote 
> end of line.
this I know. But if the result of the variable expansion contains 
the pattern/replacement seperator, the script will break (ie., if
$CHARS='foo/bar', "s/CHARS/$CHARS/g" fails).


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Re: [SLUG] sed help please

2000-08-21 Thread Jim Clark

On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, Howard Lowndes wrote:
> This is an example of a script I am trying to put together:
> #!/bin/sh
> PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
> . /etc/site-params
> ssed -e 's/CHARS/$CHARS/g' this.file
$CHARS is not being expanded when enclosed within single quotes.

sed -e "s?CHARS?$CHARS?g"


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Re: [SLUG] Easy shell scripting question

2000-08-21 Thread Jim Clark

On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, CaT wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 22, 2000 at 12:49:08PM +1000, John Ferlito wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 22, 2000 at 12:36:51PM +1000, Doug Stalker wrote:
> > > 
> > > I'm sure this is easy but U'm having a big mental blank when I try to do
> > > it.
> > > 
> > > I have a variable in a shell script (#!/bin/sh) which is a number
> > > representing a month.  It has a 0 in the front if it is less than ten
> > > (ie: July is 07) but I need to remove that leading zero.  How can I do
> > > this?
> > 
> > newmonth = `echo $oldmonth | sed -e 's/0\([1-9]\)/\1/'`
> Hmmm...
> newmonth = `echo $oldmonth | sed -e 's/^0//'`

or how about using  Arithmetic Expansion:

% oldmonth='07'
% echo $oldmonth
% echo $((oldmonth))


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Re: [SLUG] Broadband access with permanent IP address?

2000-08-01 Thread Jim Clark

On Tue, 01 Aug 2000, Anand Kumria wrote:

> It seems a lot of companies/people are getting permanent links to Telstra
> dialup for about $500 install and 0.19$/Mb
I think Optus was advertising similar for around $200 connection
(if you were referring to the 56k permanent modem connection -
but I would not call this broadband without a :-)


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Re: [SLUG] Mandrake 7.12 and Yamaha 4260 CDRW (SCSI)

2000-07-30 Thread Jim Clark

On Mon, 31 Jul 2000, Bill wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Just installed (on 3rd attempt)Mandrake 7.12 (Linux Central 2 cd set), and
> the only real problem I have is that the system keeps trying to access my
> CDRW even though there's no CD in it.
> Setup devs and mountpoints exactly the same as RedHat 6.2 (on same system),
> and have no problems with RedHat.
mandrake has added a little something to their kernel - called supermount

> ensured that "Automount" was removed from system, so unless its left
> somethin in a config file somewhere I can't figure out why the system keeps
> trying to access the CDRW.
> Any advice appreciated

try 'supermount disable'


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Re: [SLUG] Going around in circles

2000-07-14 Thread Jim Clark

On Sat, 15 Jul 2000, David wrote:
> Am I committing a fundamental stupidity?  I am trying to update python to
> the latest version, and I've got into a cyclic dependency problem. Is this
> a RedHat problem, or just me?
> I'm trying to install mailman, which requires python 1.5.2, which in turn
> requires tkinter 1.5.2. RH6 comes with python 1.5.1. and tkinter 1.5.1.
> I would really appreciate some one taking the trouble to follow the steps
> below and tell me what I've done wrong, and what I should have done
> [root@fast rpm]# rpm -i tkinter-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm 
> error: failed dependencies:
> python = 1.5.2 is needed by tkinter-1.5.2-13
> [root@fast rpm]# rpm -i python-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm
> error: failed dependencies:
> tkinter < 1.5.2 conflicts with python-1.5.2-13
> [root@fast rpm]# rpm -i --nodeps tkinter-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm
>  --- lots of snipped errors, the last of which is:  --
> error: file /usr/lib/python1.5/lib-dynload/ from install of
> python-1.5.2-13 conflicts with file from package python-1.5.1-10
> [root@fast rpm]# rpm -e python-1.5.1-10.i386.rpm+
> error: package python-1.5.1-10.i386.rpm+ is not installed
> [root@fast rpm]# rpm -e tkinter-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm+
> error: package tkinter-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm+ is not installed

try doing an upgrade instead of an install for the python and tkinter
packages (that should avoid the ' conflicts with ' type
errors. for the 'package python-1.5.1-10.i386.rpm+ is not installed' error,
should you have included the '+' at the end of the package name?

> ...and then just to rub salt in the wound
> [root@fast rpm]# rpm -i --test python-docs-1.5.2-13.i386.rpm
> error: failed dependencies:
> python < 1.5.2 conflicts with python-docs-1.5.2-13
yes, well you have not managed to install/upgrade to python 1.5.2 yet,
have you? :-)

> ... GGGRRR

relax: take a deep breath, and go and get the latest linux distro
(anything not redhat! :-)


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Re: [SLUG] Stupid Regex questions..

2000-07-10 Thread Jim Clark

Anthony Rumble wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Rick Welykochy wrote:
> > Anthony Rumble wrote:
> > >
> > > s/\$ord\{/\$ord\-\>\{/g
> > >
> > > Why doesn't that work?
> >
> > Assuming this is perl:
> >
> >s/\$ord\{/\$ord\-\>\{/g
> >
> > changes nothing, unless "$ord" is found in
> > the current string $_
> Doesn't work in VI or sed.
> > BTW: What are you trying to accomplish? What is the spec?
> im trying to change $ord{ to $ord->{
> (Ie.. changing some perl source from a hash to a hashref)

in vi or vim (or sed even):

:1,$ s/\$ord{/$ord->{/g 


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