[SLUG] [Fwd: LINUX Consultants needed.]

2004-04-04 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,

Please see below :) looks good.


-Forwarded Message-
From: Ellis Seder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: LINUX Consultants needed.
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 15:13:20 +1100

dynamic professionals
Hi Pia
My name is Ellis Seder the Director of Dynamic Professionals, IT
Search specialists!!
We have 2 high profile requirements for a Global software
company looking for outstanding and experienced Linux Consultants.
Your name was provided to us as a high calibre Linux professional that
could put us in the right direction, if these roles are of interest to
you or you know of anybody that fits the criteria we would certainly
like to here from you.
We reward successful candidate referrals with a $200 David Jones
 1. Linux Professional Services Consultant, Manager...$150,000 
 2. Linux Professional Services Consultant...$100,000
Responsible for all Linux consulting project delivery activities. 
Technical responsibilities include problem identification, system
architecture definition, hardware/software specification and/or design,
implementation, testing, client training, and deployment. 
  * High energy levels
  * Someone to grow the consulting business from its current 4
people to 15 people.
  * Linux projects consulting experience
  * Unix projects consulting experience a bonus
  * Must bring local contacts with them
  * Young vibrant team working there
I look forward to your feedback.
Please do not hesitate to call.
Kind regards
Ellis Seder
Sales Director

+61 (0) 2 9252 4650

+61 (0) 2 9484 0040

3 spring street. Sydney.
nsw. 2000 


Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Update - March

2004-04-05 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,

We have decided to do monthly updates rather than by the meeting. We do
a lot that happens outside the meetings and wanted to encapsulate all
activities for your reading pleasure :)

Linux Australia has been incredibly active this last month. We got a
Press statement out about the FTA with some summary papers
(http://linux.org.au/press/ and http://linux.org.au/papers/) and have
just completed a draft Whitepaper (http://linux.org.au/papers/) on the
subject. We are planning on submitting this to the Government Committees
looking into the FTA so as to hopefully make a difference. Why? To
protect our current freedoms to create and use software in this country,
especially Open Source. Read the papers for more. We have a "What you
can do" paper coming out in the next few days, and will be having a
petition to help support the stance, so keep an eye out! Many thanks to
Rusty for all his excellent work on this!

I spoke at the Open Source Forum 2004 in Sydney a week ago, which was
mainly a government gig. It was quite interesting (apart from some
pretty blatant sales push talks), and I spoke about the community, who
we are, why we are important, and some of the challenges and
opportunities facing opensource at the moment. My slides can be found at
http://linux.org.au/papers/200403-osf.sxi and
http://linux.org.au/papers/200403-osf.pdf. I also touched on the FTA
stuff for interests sake, sparking a good discussion. I was a bit cheeky
and put up an Onion article where MS patents the numbers 0 and 1 to
protect their business. It got the point across ;)

We have had two meeting recently with the OSEG crew. Check out what they
are up to at opensource.org.au/oseg/. OSEG is basically working on some
policy and FAQ stuff, and on getting itself set up for future advisory

We have met with NOIE/AGIMO, AUUG, ACS and OSIA recently. We are trying
to help government get information about Open Source. It is possible
that we need to set up some sort of group/task force specifically to
deal with government. This group should have some representation from
the different Open Source groups in Aus, but more importantly, should
have people that have interest and expertise in dealing with government
at this level. This group would have no other function but to deal with
gov, allowing the rest of us to get on with our duty directly to the
community :) We need to focus our interactions with the government to a
well prepared and groomed team used to their ways, rather than every man
and his dog :) Especially if we want to have a lasting _postitive_

The idea of merging has been floated again. We would like to get some
idea on what people think about this. We tend to like having a diverse
atmosphere, one with choice and different flavours, however this
discussion needs to be brought out into public debate for a more
thorough appraisal.

The Press team has several people now, and we are organising some
training for them to assure a kick-ass Press team. We have chatted to
several groups for advice on direction and professionalism, and are well
on the way.

We have been organising the support and delegate run for the LCA2005

Opensource.org.au is almost finished. It has a fair bit of information
up and is looking pretty good (Thanks Michael D!). Linux.org.au is on
the way now. We have a Site structure and a potential new design that
everyone loves. We should hopefully have the new site done within 1-2
months, with new look, easier navigation, and more information and

What else? The March minutes aren't up yet however should be soon, so
check them out. Stewart Smith, our VP is speaking at LUV this month. ATO
and several other government agencies are looking at Open Source.
Mailman will be fixed soon and so will our mail issues :) So much so
that we need to ensure that the place of the community is put very
firmly in the picture. 

Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] FTA petition and foo

2004-04-08 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,

Linux Australia has upped the ante on the FTA ('Free' Trade Agreement)
issue. We have pinpointed patents and anti-circumvention concerns that
would have a negative impact on both the Australia Open Source
community, and the Australian ICT industry.

The short of it is if you are interested, read http://linux.org.au/fta/
for a whole heaps of summaries, a whitepaper, and comparison sheets on
the FTA. If interested sign the petition at
http://www.petitiononline.com/auftaip/petition.html. There are lots of
other things you can do to help found at the /fta/ page.

Lets try to protect the freedoms we currently enjoy. We have been too
quiet for too long.

Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Free Trade Agreement

2004-04-26 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,

for anyone that is not aware, Linux Australia has publicly stated its
opposition to the IP and anti-circumvention clauses in the AUS-US Free
Trade Agreement. Check out http://linux.org.au/fta/ for information on
how it will affect you, and your own freedoms. Please feel free to
contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for further information, and we highly
recommend you sign our petition at
http://www.petitiononline.com/auftaip/ if you care. A few Linux
Australia committee members will be at this months SLUG meeting to
answer any other questions and discuss the issue.

Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Update - April

2004-05-05 Thread Pia Smith
ere to find out how they went about their FTA
negotiations, and how it affects them considering their postitive
approach to open source.

Cheers everyone,
Pia Smith
President of Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Committee News - 200406

2004-07-06 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,

I know I've said this the last few months, but... what a month! 

We have been contacted and are in contact with several different
industry representatives about the FTA issue, including PBS, and Media.
We are looking at a collaborative effort to demonstrate our concerns in
a public forum. This will be huge, as it will attract attention across
much of the board, and show that there are common areas of concerns, and
serious issues. Thus far we've been involved in meetings, and a few of
us will be travelling down to Canberra this week for more meetings on
this topic. There will be more news in the _very_ near future, we just
need to confirm a few things first. As people may be aware, we are
bringing Lawrence Lessig out to Australia to help educate our government
and people about the issues surrounding the FTA. This will cost LA
money, however will certainly be worth it for the attention, messages
and education it will produce. Well done to Craig Warner who has done a
great job contacting several politicians. We still are able to have an
affect on the opinion on the FTA, so please ensure you contact your
local member if you are concerned.

The line of credit for Computerbank NSW has been passed. A contract has
been written up and handed to Computerbank NSW to ensure due diligence
on both sides. We look forward to seeing and helping out where we can in
the projects.
Both travel grants from Jeff Waugh and Daniel Stone were respectfully
declined, although both are encouraged to continue to submit for grants
they feel will benefit the community :)


See http://pipka.org/blog for my WSIS Vs FISL report. I will be adding
to this entry over the next few weeks with more talks, videos and slides
from the conferences. Needless to say the Brazilians rock, and I hope we
can learn some lessons from them, especially in our politics ;)

ACS and archive issues

ACS contacted us about an issue with one of our posts concerning the ACS
policy work we did for them on Open Source. I mistakenly had "ACS Policy
on Open Source" in the Subject, and although the message body and
attachment name had draft in them, the subject line could be seen to be
misleading. Unless there is any serious issues raised, we believe where
erroneous data is archived, we should fix the mistake. After ctte
discussion, we thought this would be ok to do under two conditions, 1)
if the membership is notified and 2) if the mistake is rectified with
verbosity (ie - subject will be changed to "Subject was 'ACS policy on
open source', changed to 'ACS draft policy on open source' at the
request of ACS"). Please notify if this is unreasonable.


Unfortunately this got a little delayed with other stuff happening,
however http://www.linux.org.au/devel/ is up. Please let us know what
you think :) we have some css files happening, and some data migrated.
We are 80% of the way! :) (Please don't take the news seriously, Michael
Davies is very silly ;)

We are having the Ghosts meeting in Canberra in August. This is where we
transport a few people from previous LCA committees to the current
committee to have a brain dump, and transfer ideas/knowledge. It should
be a good weekend, and the Canberra guys are certainly on top of things
:) Rock on!


Mark Tearle, our treasurer is doing an awesome job. We have business
cards on the way, our finances are getting super organised, and he is
rocking out! Jason King, the Education Officer reported to LA that he
has progressed the LPI program in Australia, bringing on some affiliate
training organisations, and aiming to get the TAFE LPI curriculum
currently used and developed by several people around Australia, and
getting it certified as a Linux course. This would make it more
accessible and standardised, and certainly easier to get into TAFEs and
otehr educational institutes. Go Jason!

Thanks all! More to come in the next couple of weeks.

Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] FTA cross-industry press conference

2004-07-18 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,

Just a quick note from your friendly Linux Australia type person :)

Due to recent talks between Linux Australia and several other industry
representatives, we are lucky enough to now be involved in a
cross-industry press conference this Wednesday. It will be at 11am, in
the Jubilee room at Parliament House, Macquarie St, Sydney. We have reps
from IT, the Health as well as the Media indsutries with many concerns
to be expressed, including common areas of concern such as IP.

The scary thing is that some of these groups have been involved with the
FTA discussion for 2 years, they were at the drawing table and still
received the sharp end of the stick. We are at a significant
disadvantage because they _are_ the peak bodies of their industries,
whereas in IT, Australian focused organisations like us are expressing
concerns, and some of the bigger IT organisations have a lot of foreign
companies on the board, of whom don't have to worry about the changes so
much and so are embracing the FTA. It has been amusing to watch some of
the orgs put out statements supporting the FTA and then withdraw their
comments upon research ;) Anyway, our politicians are getting mixed
messages from us which is frustrating.

I hope that anyone concerned with this stuff has sent letters, or at
least called their local members. They can't protect you from that which
they don't understand.

I'm not sure how public the press conference should be, it isn't being
organised by us, however some support there would certainly be helpful

Cheers all,
Pia Smith
President of Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Empty CD Cases

2002-04-28 Thread Pia smith

Is anyone interested in a bunch of empty cd cases. Probably over 100...

Am doing software cleanout at a site.



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Luke Szymanski
Sent: Monday, 29 April 2002 2:47 PM
To: Pia smith
Cc: 'chat slug'
Subject: RE: [chat] boogie nights

On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Pia smith wrote:

> Changing SLUG to another night would also mean I couldn't come. Between
> time uni mon-wed and trying to participate in band type activities, friday
> night is the only one free for me too :(
> I would move that it be something that slug as a group vote on, at the
> meeting

Convenient sample space, wouldn't you say ;)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug-chat
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] Empty CD Cases

2002-04-28 Thread Pia smith

They are taken ppl. :)

Quick responses round here

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] Are these specs OK for RH7.2

2002-04-28 Thread Pia smith

With fear of retribution in mind, I would suggest to replace all Ipex
Components ;)

Seriously, I actually just put debian woody onto exactly the same machine
and had no problems at all. The only thing I haven't played with on my
sirius box is the sound (as it is only acting as a netsaint server, so who
cares )

Net mod i used was the eepro100, worked fine.

Have fun

Pia Smith
Ipex Engineer

-Original Message-
Simon Bryan
Sent: Monday, 29 April 2002 2:16 PM
To: Slug
Subject: [SLUG] Are these specs OK for RH7.2

Hi all,
I am looking at putting RH7.2 on the following machine and wondered if
anyone had heard anything good or bad about the system. I would be upgrading
to 512MB RAM and a 40GB 0r 60GB HDD.

Case :Ipex Micro Office Case
Motherboard :Ipex Sirius with i845 chipset
CPU :Intel Pentium 4 - 1.6Ghz CPU Socket 478
Memory :128mb PC 100/133 RAM
Hard Drive :20Gb IDE Hard Drive - 5400 RPM
Video Card :Ipex NVIDIA M64 32mb Video Card
Floppy :1.44 Mb 3.5" Floppy Drive
CD Rom :Ipex 52 spin CD Rom
Keyboard :Ipex 104 key PS/2
Mouse :Ipex 2 button ergonomic PS/2 mouse with wheel
Network card:Onboard Intel Pro 10/100V integrated Lan
Sound Chip:Onboard ADI Soundmax AC'97 audio
Monitor :Ipex 15" Monitor 0.28 dot pitch V728


Simon Bryan
IT Manager - OLMC Parramatta

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] SLUG meeting summary...

2002-05-01 Thread Pia smith

Heh, I didn't see that with the Tandoori Chicken, next time could you let
the rest of us know ;) I also really did like the food there, and would be
happy to go back. Maybe we should start a round robin of restaurants and
check out lots of places. We haven't done Thai yet, or Japanese 


Ah you didn't see me then get up and take the Tandoori Chicken to the
counter and ask to see the boss? The chicken inside was raw. It even had
red blood filled veins running through it. A few other round me at the
table saw it too. Not good. The boss was so worried when he saw the
raw chicken, his eyes even bulged out more than normal :-) I just let
the guy know that we did enjoy the food, we were still happy, but that
it is quite dangerous to serve raw chicken - as he well knew. 

Given that I think they will be moer careful next time. I certainly
prefered that over the chinese. A nice change and I look forward to more
tandoori and butter chicken next month :-)
(U, yum yum - nice yummy and very very fattening butter chicken)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] Highly Technical Talk Offers / Requests?

2002-05-01 Thread Pia smith

Can I suggest a talk/debate that really highlights differences in distros.
Get us some fanatics from different distros to do lightning
talks/comparisons, and then crack out the WWF boxing ring ;)

Seriously, I think that would be quite helpful and educational for most
people, and good to see what is new in different fields, and what direction
diffferent distros are taking.

Could also get a StarOffice/OpenOffice comparison.

Just a suggestion,

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] Highly Technical Talk Offers / Requests?

2002-05-02 Thread Pia smith

I agree that a demo of Open Office at a meeting would be great :) If we
could do a versus demo of it against StarOffice even better :) Would be
interesting to pull in a windows box (gasp) to show how well documents
import but that could be just getting silly.

> I'm not familiar with the project (just pulling keywords out of the
> press release :) but I'd be interested to hear what it's like. Perhaps
> someone who is part of it could tell us about it? (Ken? :)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] SPAM stuff

2002-05-05 Thread Pia smith

What the faq is happening with all this spam?! :)

Time to play around a bit more with SPAM assasin people!


PS - I just acquired a PA system, so if anyone has any functions that need
one, let me know :)
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] Bite the Troll... (Re: Anti-MS bullshit)

2002-05-13 Thread Pia smith

> Dear Kevin,
> Well that depends, you can do what I did a long time ago and work
> for yourself and refuse to work with unacceptable O/S's. Or you can work
> for a Boss, who controls what you do and how you do it. 
> We might stress, that it is your decision what you do with your
> Lives and what technologies you work with. Linux and open-source has been
> very kind to us, such that it empowered us to put Redmond completely
> behind us and be independant. If you are not in a position to be
> self-employed, then perhaps work on convincing your employers to deploy
> more linux/unix/bsd, dunno dude... thats my $0.02c

you need to chill a little bit. I agree, everyone makes their own life
decisions either directly or indirectly, and probably shouldn't whinge about
their lot, but there are very few jobs available that are what we would call
ideal for ourselves (mind you, most people are never satisfied anyway) and
not everyone has the cash/ability/knowledge/whatever to get up and start
their own business. There are many people on this list who work with some
OS's they don't particularly like, and a lot of us _do_ try to convince
employers to deploy more unicies, but why make it a religion when you need
to get the references to get to the good work, and the axe is over your neck
at any rate. Fact of the matter is that there _are_ other OS's out there
that someone _has_ to work with, and people need to make a living to get
themselves in a position to work how/where they want (plus the fact that at
least if _you_ are the person working the network with 5 ms servers and 2
unix servers, you'll know that someone else isn't screwing up the unix
machines ). Some of us are contract bound (by nasty big companies who
take advantage of naive young up and coming professionals - ), and
whatever the reason for using what you call "unacceptable OS's", I think
getting on your high horse and preaching is neither encouraging, nor (to use
Jaq's word) productive. 

If you are so interested in promoting open source and such, do a talk at a
meeting, encourage people, do posts that are relevant and useful to people.
I mean in the time I've been on the slug mailing list there are only 4 posts
from you, all of them vaguely condescending.

There, that is _my_ 2 cents worth.

Pia Smith

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Free labour on offer....

2002-05-15 Thread Pia smith

Hello all,

I have been on this list a while and am a (trying to be) active member. I am
working for a big IT outsourcing company and am stuck here for at least
another 1 1/2 years (don't ask, its all yuck). Unfortunately the company is
a microsoft partner, and any attempts I've made to do interesting work has
been squashed. I've managed get them interested in Netsaint, which was lots
of fun (fighting against the grain for them, it was uphill to start to say
the least) to implement, but I have been told that I'm not allowed to join
the midrange (unix) team (who are incidentely in canberra, but I would
rather get to do stuff I love and live in a crappy Canberra than not )
until I get my MCSE. 

Yep, it all ugly.

Anyway, I am probably about 6 months off that, due to travel I am
undertaking between now and then.

I wish to beg and plead of people, that if they want a spare set of hands on
any projects/interesting things/fests/anything involving practical work with
linux/unix, that they consider allowing me to come along to learn. I am
_not_ looking for paid work, and  unfortunately my time is taken up 9-5
mon-friday. I am willing and eager to shift around almost everything else in
my life. I merely wish to start getting some real world experience and
unfortunately currently have my hands tied in my job. I am very keen to get
into  backend/security/networking/admin/monitoring type stuff. I wish to
later on, work exclusively with opensource and learn some languages in
detail (I can only do basic scripts and such now). My lifestyle till now has
simply been too limited in time (mainly due to my workaholic urges and some
indecision as to direction), but I learn quickly once put in a situation.

Hoping this doesn't sound too desperate (I throw myself at the feet of SLUG
) and I suppose to an extent it is desperate. I _need_ so much to
start getting into this field, I am sick to death of what i do and am stuck
here because I am the best they have. Which is really sad when people have
been doing this for 3-6 years and they still do a sloppy job. I am really
keen to learn anything that people are willing to teach me. 

Thanks all for your attention,

Pia Smith
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] gdm question

2002-05-26 Thread Pia smith

Hi all,

Quick question, when gdm loads, I input the username and password, it
appears to start X and then loops back to the gdm login.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] gdm question

2002-05-26 Thread Pia smith

> I'd check the contents of ~/.gnome-errors
> GDM is doing its job, but the users session can't start up.
> Likely to be a missing gnome-session package (from experience)

Thanks Tony, that was exactly the problem :)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Digital Camera for sale

2002-06-03 Thread Pia smith

Hi all,

Friend of mine has a Olympus E20 digital camera for sale. Basically new and
going for I think $3300 ONO. If anyone's interested please email her at


PS - there is no point replying to me, as I'm not in the country as of
Saturday ;)


RE: [SLUG] (no subject)

2002-08-26 Thread Pia smith


> I am interested in trying Linux, especially for recovery of data on NTFS
formatted HDDs - WinXp seems to crash a lot
> leaving often leaving my clients unable to recover data. I know this can
be done in Linux as I have a boot CD from AntiVar > (a German Virus Cleaner)
that will read such a partition - I just can't copy files with it or at
least, I don't know how.
What sort of boot disk do you have exactly? How comfortable are you with
linux console tools? You could always make the hdd a secondary drive to
another windows disk and copy the data across using your windows tools? That
is if the crashing is due to XP and not dodgy hardware. If you are already
comfortable with windows tools, and not so much with linux tools, and it is
clients data, I would suggest to use windows option and learn kewl linux
tools on your own disks first ;) 

> So is there such a boot disk or can one be made, how?
There are several decent boot disks available, a good one is at:


Pia Smith

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Linux Australia Committee News - 200408

2004-09-12 Thread Pia Smith
we got through a lot including some new plans to
increase LUG communication and participation, to continue the FTA
research and planning, to try increase communication within the OS
sector in Australia amd some other interesting things. Thanks to
everyone for your time, especially after all the time already put into
the Ghosts meeting.

The website is almost ready to go live, as in, in the next few days. For
a sneak preview see http://linux.org.au/~pia/website/. Many thanks to
Janet Reid for her icons, Stewart for his excellent work (and for making
sure all my html is compliant ;), Michael Davies and Jeff Waugh for
their design help, and everyone else who has lent a hand.

Open Source Forum
We am very interested in running an Open Source Forum, in order to
increase internal commnication if you like between businesses and
organisations to do with open source in Australia. The idea is to create
the first ever mechanism in Australia where people can actually have the
discussions about issues and opportunities in the open source space for
Australian businesses. The FTA saga highlighted a few things for me
personally, specifically that the ICT sector in Australia is different
from the Australian ICT sector. Many businesses rely on large bodies
they are part of to look after their interests, not necessarily having
the resources to put into research of issues and opportunities
themselves. Unfortunately sometimes there is conflict of interests and
the small businesses are not always looked after. I hope this forum can
be a regular occurance (perhaps bimonthly) where we have a topic, and
invite 2-4 speakers from opposite points of view. Participants get to
see the issue from various angles, and from where their peers see it.
After the short talks, the microphone goes to the floor for opinions,
questions. An open forum. They get to participate equally in the
discussions and learn from each other rather than being told continually
what is good for them. This is not the formal announcement of such an
event, but rather a call out to the community to give some feedback on
the idea. Please contact me on [EMAIL PROTECTED] with any suggestions.
The first one will probably be scheduled for Sydney but there is no
reason why it can't roam.

Patents watch
The idea has come up to try interfacing the community with the
Australian patents system. We have 3 months on each patent lodged where
we can prove prior art before that patents is locked in. By finding an
easy way to find and filter what may be relevant to us, we are hoping to
over a period of time come up with some unmistakeable and quantifiable
arguments against the patents system we have now locked ourselves into.
The initial arguments and such, along with education is an important
first step, but we also need cold hard figures to win this. More to come
on linux-aus.

These have been pressed and are being sent out. Many thanks to Ryan
Verner and Jason King particularly, along with the many other volunteers
in Adelaide who donated their time and efforts into getting these out
the door. The DVD data can be found at
http://www.linux.org.au/conf/2004/videos/ and the CD can be found at
Rock on everyone! Also thankyou to Andrew Braund, Peter Gossner, Ben
Wannan, Ian Loxton and Jan Schmidt for their video footage.

LUG Communication strategy
The LA ctte has committed to better communication with the LUGs, this
was one of the main topics in our recent face to face meeting. More
information will be coming on this in the half year report, as we really
want to improve in this area. Information is also up on the devel
website if you are interested :)

Cheers all, and many thanks to everyone participating,

Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] New website rocks!

2004-09-16 Thread Pia Smith
So LA have our new website. Finally! :)

http://www.linux.org.au. Any breakages reported would be much

Rock on Australia,
Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Thank your contributor

2004-09-19 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,

With the Linux Australia website update, the Australian Contributors
page is now much easier to find. We had a request to add Neil Brown to
it recently, which is done. All future requests should go via


This is a good opportunity to either:

a) put forward recommendations for Australian Contributors that should
go be recognised for their sterling efforts, or
b) update the information of contributors that are currently on the page
and way out of date.

Thank your hacker, your favourite maintainer, a Linux advocate, a
rocking Australian software project, your mum. It is a good way to
recognise and in a way thank these awesome Aussies for their efforts and
contributions both to Linux and the Australian Linux community.

Rock on Australia! and keep in mind the page is outdated, by perhaps 2
years. Please don't hold any information on it against us :)

Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] RE: [Announce] Re: [Linux-aus] New website rocks!

2004-09-19 Thread Pia Smith
Title: [Announce] Re: [Linux-aus] New website rocks!

That's a kewl idea. I'll 
migrate it from the old site. I had completely overlooked that so thanks! 

behalf of Peter GossnerSent: Fri 17/09/2004 5:07 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: linux-aus; Announce LA; LUG; SLUG; 
committee-LASubject: [Announce] Re: [Linux-aus] New website 

On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 04:52:09 +1000    
wrote:>So LA have our new website. Finally! :)>>http://www.linux.org.au. Any breakages 
reported would be much>appreciated!It all works 5X5 here 
(Woodside SAu :)Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i586; en-US; 
rv:1.6) Gecko/20040614Firefox/0.8[Debian 
testing] Nice work... Very Nice.Clean navigation , content is 
easily understood and IMHO wellfocused. The Graphics are great, the off-site 
links relevant.My one small tiny observation:on  < http://www.linux.org.au/linux/ 
>(the about page)Is there meant to be a link to an au or wav file 
with Linus pronouncingLinux or have I misread :While 
this is effectively the definitive pronunciation, Linus isreported to have 
said:    "Call it what you like, just use 
it."Hmmm (wonders what could be done with SABLE / 
festival here :) )Pete Gossner--Message Composed: Fri Sep 17 
07:02:03 UTC 2004Calendar events:Sep 17  Battle of Antietam, 
1862Sep 18  Victory of Uprona in 
Burundi< http://www.gnu.org/software/tetum/ 
>< http://bigbutton.com.au/~gossner 
>< [EMAIL PROTECTED] >___announce 
mailing list[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://lists.linux.org.au/listinfo/announce

e-mail, including all attachments, may be confidential or privileged.  
Confidentiality or privilege is not waived or lost because this email has been 
sent to you in error.  If you are not the intended recipient any use, 
disclosure or copying of this email is prohibited.  If you have received it 
in error please notify the sender immediately by reply email and destroy all 
copies of this email and any attachments.  All liability for direct and 
indirect loss arising from this email and any attachments is hereby disclaimed 
to the extent permitted by law.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Data Projector

2004-10-06 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,

I've managed to acquire a data projector, and I wanted to offer it for
SLUG events or other open source events that people are running. If
anyone wants to borrow it for such events please email me :)

Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] NSW Tender meeting

2004-10-06 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,

I was thinking that it would be a good idea to have an open discussion
about this tender. I know a few people have already been taling about
it. All that has come out thus far is essentially a call to participate,
referencing what skillsets the government are looking for, and trying to
put together a panel of who would be appropriate. It might be a good
time to get together, look at all the requirements and put together a
matrix of skills in NSW. We already have a few directories online:


but it would be useful to see exactly who can do what, to what capacity
and so forth. As far as I'm concerned this is a really big pie, and many
slices to go around :) We should try to find out where any gaps are as a
community of skills and expertise, so we can ensure as a solution open
source is quite covered by experts according to the governments need.

I think Bruce Badger was able to secure a room at the ACS building for
Thursday 2pm next week. Anyone interested is welcome to come along. I'm
sure he'll post a follow up with the address :)

This is a great opportunity for open source, and for the Australia open
source community. Rock on Australia!

Cheers all,
Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Stallman at UTS

2004-10-06 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all, three posts today! :)

RMS is speaking at UTS next Friday at 2pm. 


Anyone interested needs to register, but anyone that hasn't seen RMS
speak I highly recommend to attend.

Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Just the big guys? [Was - NSW Tender meeting]

2004-10-08 Thread Pia Smith
I started a big thread, and then couldn't get back to it for 2 days,

I guess the point of this "tender" is to find a panel of 10 as a primary
contact for Linux and Open Source solutions. It certainly doesn't mean
that no one else can play, and 10 is quite a few when you think about it
so you may as well go for it :) The tender is specifically after support
and training, with an option to support other aspects like integration
and other stuff as opposed to hardware. There is an emphasis in
government now on trying to use x% of local businesses, and so this
isn't something just for the big guys. If you are truly interested
register with the Dept of Commerce and get your own copy of the tender
to check out. At the meeting on Thursday I'm hoping for two things:

- to clarify what the tender means, all the questions and such
- to create this matrix of skills (based around the tender
requirements) and capacity of interested participants so that everyone
knows who they can use for what. This also means we have an opportunity
to identify any areas where we as a community lack skills.

We need to ensure that we very specifically:
- don't talk about pricing AT ALL
- don't make any agreements in the meeting between parties

So the meeting is an information session only. If you're interested come
along, otherwise don't :) Many of the smaller companies simply don't
have time or resources to research this kind of stuff, and many don't go
for these kinds of tenders assuming they aren't big enough. The meeting
should hopefully address any questions and help people reply to the
tender with a better idea of what is out there. If small companies
reply, and can only cover say 30% of the requirements, then that is
still on the radar of the government. There is also the opportunity to
work with bigger companies as partners.

> As I see it, your concern has to tick off very strongly on
>  hardware; desktop to mainframe,

No, the tender specifically excludes hardware, although it does talk
about the LSB, which is great!

>  operating system(s),

Actually the tender only covers particular skills, not operating

>  software development (major league)
>  networking (LAN to statewide)
>  documentation (real stuff)
>  project management (with proven managers of major projects)
>  Training (with certified trainers with the latest certification)
>  financial backing
>  comprehensive insurance, 
>  etc.

Erk! You don't need to do _everything_ to run for this. Otherwise they
would be after only 3 panel members, not 10. There are many ways to skin
a cat :)

Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

Re: [SLUG] NSW Tender meeting

2004-10-08 Thread Pia Smith
On Thu, 2004-10-07 at 09:39, Craige McWhirter wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-10-07 at 06:03 +1000, Pia Smith wrote:
> > put together a panel of who would be appropriate. It might be a good
> > time to get together, look at all the requirements and put together a
> > matrix of skills in NSW. We already have a few directories online:
> Sounds like OpenSkills - http://openskills.com/ - may as well use an
> existing infrastructure.

I'm talking specifically about a matrix of skills as defined in the
tender. IE - who does postfix, spamassasin, etc. An opportunity to
figure out where we may be lacking, or have many options.

Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] [Fwd: Free Oracle Seminar]

2004-10-17 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,


Oracle are running a free seminar and I didn't think it was completely
off topic to send it to list. Feel free to forward it to any of the
LUG/other lists you are on. If people would prefer we didn't forward
these kinds of offers, let us know.


> Register now for Oracle Developer Days and Hear About the Latest
> Technologies and Best Practices Directly from Oracle Experts FREE!
> Mark your calendar! Oracle is pleased to invite you to a FREE workshop
> in Sydney or Melbourne. This one-day event includes technical
> sessions,
> an InstallFest, and hands-on labs. Attendees must bring their own
> laptops to participate in the labs. Topics will include:
> Overview of Service Oriented Architectures (SOA)
> Discover what it means for organisations to move to SOA, and learn
> about
> key technologies and platforms that enable SOA.
> Constructing the Services Layer
> Learn how to productively develop back-end business services using the
> latest J2EE technologies.
> >From Web Services to Business Processes
> Learn about key J2EE 1.4 technologies used to implement Web services,
> and find out how to build Web services-based business processes using
> the industry standard Business Process Execution Language (BPEL).
> Building SOA User Interfaces
> Find out how to build an end-user presentation tier for
> service-oriented
> applications by using design patterns that assist in data-binding
> back-end business services to the client tier.
> Afternoon Hands On Session
> Put theory into practice with a hands-on lab to let you practice your
> SOA skills, and an "install-fest" to get your laptop in shape for SOA
> development. Please note, due to limited space for the afternoon
> session, we will confirm attendance for those interested. ***Java
> skills
> are a pre-requisite for attending the hands on session.***
> Space is limited, so REGISTER NOW! Register at the appropriate city at
> the links listed below.
> Sydney   22 October  http://www.oracle.com/go/?&Src=3321579&Act=22
> Melbourne26 October  http://www.oracle.com/go/?Src=3321579&Act=23
> 9:00 a.m. - 12 :45 p.m.   SOA Development and Deployment Workshop
> 2:00 p.m. - 5 :00 p.m. Hands On Session (confirmed attendees only)
> Oracle looks forward to seeing you.
Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Server Administrator job

2004-10-18 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,

I was sent this and thought it useful to forward to SLUG. Please see
below for details. Good luck to anyone going for the job :) SquizNet is
doing some pretty amazing work.


 Forwarded Message 
> From: John-Paul Syriatowicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Server Administrator
> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 12:10:56 +1000
> Hi Pia 
> As mentioned on the phone, I am looking for a Sys Admin with the
> skills defined at http://www.squiz.net/jobs/Server_Administrator.
> We are looking to pay between $45K and $55K inc super depending on the
> individuals experience. There is good opportunity for promotion. It’s
> a full time job in Sydneywith some travel to our other offices.
> If you can point interested candidates at the form at the URL above
> that would be great.
> Thanks!
> JP

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Software Patents Forum - please RSVP

2004-10-25 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,

Please see below for the details about the first Open Source Forum being
run by Linux Australia and OSIA. We are planning on running these every
2 months, and highlighting topical and relevant issues. We are looking
at running one on the desktop, working for government, and other topics
are welcome. Please see below for details and...

...MAKE SURE YOU RSVP! We have limited spots :) If you wish to attend,
please reply to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" with Subject: "[RSVP]
Software forum: patents".


   Open Source Forum

Software Patents

Linux Australia in collaboration with the Open Source Industry
Association (OSIA) and the Baker & McKenzie Cyberspace Law and Policy
Centre at UNSW is proud to present the first Open Source Forum, which
will deal with the increasingly important, but often misunderstood,
issue of software patents. 

The Open Source Forums will be short and focused seminars on topical
developments in the Open Source field. It is intended that each seminar
will include presentations from invited speakers who will represent a
range of views. The forums will also provide an opportunity for all Open
Source participants to express their views. The Forums are intended to
provide Open Source participants, including small businesses, with an
opportunity to get the benefit of a range of views from leaders in the
relevant fields and to contribute to the debate on topical developments
of relevance to the Open Source movement. 

The Forum on Software Patents will be hosted by Baker & McKenzie's
Sydney office on:

Wednesday, 3 November 2004, 12:30pm at:

Baker & McKenzie
Level 27, AMP Centre
50 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000. 

The program for the Forum will be: 

12:30: Introduction and Welcome Pia Smith, Linux Australia

12:35: Patents and Open Source Licences Derek Neve and John MacPhail,
Baker & McKenzie

12:50: How The Australian Patent System Works Bob Kemp, R. E. Kemp & Co
Pty Limited 

13:00: An Industry Perspective: Les Bell, Open Source Industry

13:10: An Industry Perspective: Craig Laughton or Greg Keiser, Novell

13:20: An Open Source Patent Experience: Rproxy, Rusty Russell, Linux

13:30: Roundtable discussions

14:30: Close

Attendance is free and a light lunch will be provided. We look forward
to your participation. 

If you wish to attend, please reply to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
with Subject: "[RSVP] Software forum: patents".

For further details see

We are aiming to run these every 2 months and are open to suggestions
for topics. Please send any suggestions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pia Smith
President of Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] First Open Source Forum - a success!

2004-11-07 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,

Last Wednesday Linux Australia in collaboration with OSIA and Baker &
McKenzie presented the first Open Source Forum. The plan is to run these
every two months tackling challenging opportunities and issues the
Australian Open Source sector.

The first one was on Software Patents. We had around 100 people come,
and many more try to register (the venue could only really hold 80). The
participation was excellent, and many lessons were learnt for the next
one, such as more time is needed :) I'm afraid we didn't get recording
organised in time, and at any rate that wasn't discussed with the
speakers prior to them agreeing to speak. We will aim to record the
event next time. Sorry to all! All the slides will be available from the
LA website as soon as the speakers agree. I'll post when they are up.

We had a large range of attendees, from government, to large
multi-nationals, universities, developers, and of course lawyers. It was
great to se some SLUGgers there, and I hope to see more at other forums
we put on.

The speaker breakdowns are below:

* Patents and Open Source Licences
Derek Neve and John MacPhail, Baker & McKenzie
This talk gave an introduction to software patents from a legal
perspective. It spoke briefly about how the GPL fits in, and about the
clause in the GPL that if a patent is being challenged in court, the GPL
loosely doesn't apply anymore, ie - you can't distribute. Please note
IMNAL :) John spoke about the patents system in Australia, some of the
challenges and possible issues it presents. Both were good talks.

* How The Australian Patent System Works 
Bob Kemp, R. E. Kemp & Co Pty Limited 
Bob is an excellent speaker. He was kind enough to meet me for coffee
about a month ago and go through the patents system. I was astounded
with some of the things he said, and similarly were the Open Source
Forum crowd. He works as a patent searcher, and thus has a very
practical sense of the patents system in Australia, and to some degree
the US. He gave us an excellent oversight, and we are hoping to get him
to publish some of the figures he knew.

* An Industry Perspective
Les Bell, Open Source Industry Association
Les has a long history in the Open Source world, from long before Linux
was around. He gave some excellent insights to issues both from a
personal and from an OSIA viewpoint. He covered how it affects
businesses, particularly small Australian businesses who simply can't
play the game.

* An Industry Perspective
Greg Keiser, Novell Australia
Greg covered the recent Novell initiatives about Software Patents and
IP issues generally. Novell offer several programs to customers to
protect them from various IP threats, and interestingly enough, Novell
have taken their patent portfolio, accrued over 21 years, and have
pledged it to protecting Linux. Certainly worth reading up on.

* An Open Source Patent Experience
Rproxy, Rusty Russell, Linux Australia
Rusty was his usual charming self :) He managed to successfully
introduce to the crowd how software patents are a threat to developers,
and to projects. Not just in word, but actually stopping projects today.
He has a paper on the threat to RProxy linked from his blog, at
http://ozlabs.org/~rusty/rproxy.html which makes a good read.

The event was covered briefly by ZDNet at

Many thanks to all the speakers. It was a great forum, and I think it
introduced to people the fundamental need for an independent
investigation into our current IP system, and how it impacts the
Australia ICT sector, particularly the Australian SMEs, developers, and
community. Cheers all, and make sure you come along to the next one. If
anyone is interested in participating, or assisting, please let me
know :)


Pia Smith
President of Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] FTA book

2004-11-28 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,

Just in case it wasn't posted,

"It's hard to believe an Australian government could sign a deal which
so betrays Australia's interests. How to Kill a Country demonstrates how
the FTA as negotiated will seriously damage Australia's institutions,
interests and identity."


Pia Smith
President of Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Forensics and Linux

2004-12-01 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,

I'm trying to figure out whether we can use Debian for doing forensics
work on computers. RH 7.1 was certified for doing forensics work but
none of the other Linux distros were. FreeBSD apparently is also
certified. Does anyone know of anyone who uses Debian for forensics
work, and can they give me a contact I can chat to about it? I'm trying
to figure out all our options :)

The funny thing about the RH thing is that you have to use the dd
version that 7.1 dhipped with (4.0.36), and otherwise it could be any
components, in any configuration. Weird...

Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Sun Regional Delegate Program for linux.conf.au 2005

2005-02-05 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,

the Sun Regional Delegate Program is running again this year, so I thought I'd 
forward the details :)


- Forwarded message from Linux Australia Mailing List -

From: LCA 2005 Sun Regional Delegate Program <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Linux-aus] Sun Regional Delegate Program for linux.conf.au 2005

Hello all.

As with previous LCAs, Sun Microsystems has kindly offered to sponsor
the Regional Delegates Program (RDP) for LCA 2005. For the LCA 2005 RDP,
there will be ten winners: one from each of the Australian states and
territories; a national winner; and a winner representing New Zealand.

Each of these winners will recieve:
 - transport to LCA 2005
 - accomodation
 - professional registration at the conference (including all the
   normal things which come with that)
 - special recognition as a RDP winner

Additionally, LCA provides an important mechanism for developers to
network with each other, and the RDP winners will have excellent
opportunities to further their open source projects.

This is the first year that New Zealand has been included in the
competition, which has prompted some changes in how the RDP is being run
this year. The timetable for the RDP is as follows:

 - entrants should draft a 100 word or less description of how the open
   source community would benefit from their presence at LCA 2005

 - these should be emailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED], including an
   indication of where the entrant lives by midnight, Friday the 18th of
   February 2005 [1].

 - the winners will be announced by the end of February and travel
   will be arranged.

 - RDP winners attend the conference and have a great time

If a winner has already registered for the conference, then a refund of
that registration will be provided.

We look forward to many interesting entries,
The LCA 2005 team

1: The information about where you live will be used solely for judging
the competition, and will then be destroyed.

Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Open Source Forum - Linux on the Desktop

2005-02-20 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,

After the success of our first Open Source Forum last year, Linux
Australia decided to continue with the Forums. The Open Source Forums
take current topical issues and invite a variety of speakers from
different point of views to put forward their ideas. This is extremely
valuable for attendees as they are able to see a cross section of
different ideas and be in a better position to make an educated decision
on the issue.

The next Open Source Forum will be on "Linux on the Desktop". We've
invited 4 commercially supported Linux distribution companies to give a
brief talk on what makes them relevant, what their differentiators are
in this space, where they see the market, and a success story or two to
illustrate. There will also be a generic Linux desktop speaker from a
company who uses all of these desktop distributions and has practical
experience if each.

Date: 3rd March
Place: UTS Sydney Room 4.10, Level 4, Building 2, Broadway
Provided: Light lunch and refreshments

12:00 - Introductions - Pia Smith (Linux Australia)
12:10 - Industry perspectives from 4 commercial Linux vendors:
* Red Hat - Dean Samuels
* Novell - Greg Kieser
* Sun - Laurie Wong
* Canonical - Jeff Waugh
13:30 - Break for short lunch
14:00 - An overview of Linux on the Desktop - Mark Englaro (Si2)
14:30 - Panel discussion
15:00 - Close

Thanks all! I'll put details up on the website within a day or two at
http://linux.org.au/projects/ under Open Source Forums.

Pia Smith
Vice President
Linux Australia -- http://www.linux.org.au
linux.conf.au 2005 -- http://www.linux.conf.au

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Re: [Osia-discuss] Open Source Forum - Linux on the Desktop

2005-02-22 Thread Pia Smith
A final note, please RSVP to pia at linux.org.au if you are attending,
as we are organising some catering for the event.


On Mon, 2005-02-21 at 08:36 +1100, Pia Smith wrote:
> Hi all,
> After the success of our first Open Source Forum last year, Linux
> Australia decided to continue with the Forums. The Open Source Forums
> take current topical issues and invite a variety of speakers from
> different point of views to put forward their ideas. This is extremely
> valuable for attendees as they are able to see a cross section of
> different ideas and be in a better position to make an educated decision
> on the issue.
> The next Open Source Forum will be on "Linux on the Desktop". We've
> invited 4 commercially supported Linux distribution companies to give a
> brief talk on what makes them relevant, what their differentiators are
> in this space, where they see the market, and a success story or two to
> illustrate. There will also be a generic Linux desktop speaker from a
> company who uses all of these desktop distributions and has practical
> experience if each.
> Date: 3rd March
> Place: UTS Sydney Room 4.10, Level 4, Building 2, Broadway
> Provided: Light lunch and refreshments
> Agenda:
> 12:00 - Introductions - Pia Smith (Linux Australia)
> 12:10 - Industry perspectives from 4 commercial Linux vendors:
> * Red Hat - Dean Samuels
> * Novell - Greg Kieser
> * Sun - Laurie Wong
> * Canonical - Jeff Waugh
> 13:30 - Break for short lunch
> 14:00 - An overview of Linux on the Desktop - Mark Englaro (Si2)
> 14:30 - Panel discussion
> 15:00 - Close
> Thanks all! I'll put details up on the website within a day or two at
> http://linux.org.au/projects/ under Open Source Forums.
> Pia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

[SLUG] Open Source Forum - Linux on the Desktop - THIS WEEK!

2005-02-27 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,

After the success of our first Open Source Forum last year, Linux
Australia decided to continue with the Forums. The Open Source Forums
take current topical issues and invite a variety of speakers from
different point of views to put forward their ideas. This is extremely
valuable for attendees as they are able to see a cross section of
different ideas and be in a better position to make an educated decision
on the issue.

The next Open Source Forum will be on "Linux on the Desktop". We've
invited 4 commercially supported Linux distribution companies to give a
brief talk on what makes them relevant, what their differentiators are
in this space, where they see the market, and a success story or two to
illustrate. There will also be a generic Linux desktop speaker from a
company who uses all of these desktop distributions and has practical
experience if each.

Date: 3rd March
Place: UTS Sydney Room 4.10, Level 4, Building 2, Broadway
RSVP: pia at linux.org.au
Provided: Light lunch and refreshments

12:00 - Introductions - Pia Smith (Linux Australia)
12:10 - Industry perspectives from 4 commercial Linux vendors:
* Red Hat - Dean Samuels
* Novell - Greg Kieser
* Sun - James Eagleton
* Canonical - Jeff Waugh
13:30 - Break for short lunch
14:00 - An overview of Linux on the Desktop - Mark Englaro (Si2)
14:30 - Panel discussion
15:00 - Close

Thanks all! Details are up on the website at
http://linux.org.au/projects/ under Open Source Forums. Take a moment to
check out our other projects.

Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html


2002-10-09 Thread Pia Smith

At the risk of this being inappropriate for SLUG mail, but with the idea
this _is_ a SLUG event


Have anyone you want to take out? Some scores to settle? Some PAINT TO

Skirmish Paintball!

We are organising a group to go on a paintball escapade on Saturday November
16th. I need to get an idea of numbers as soon as possible to book places,
but I am looking at a place at East Kurrajong. We could have the whole place
to ourselves if we get more than 20 people, and the costs are:

$8 - is for your entry fee, it also covers 12-14 games of paintball,
equipment hire (facemask, overalls, gun/gas, ladies armour), and a BBQ lunch
(BBQ meat, bread and salads)

Paintballs are the only things not covered, base rate is $22 per 100, but
this gets cheaper the more we buy. 2400 balls costs $400, so that makes it
16.70 per 100, so we buy in bulk :)

Anyone interested who will be driving up please let me know so we can car
pool people, if we can't get enough car's, we could consider renting a 12
seater and splitting the costs between those people, but I think we should
be able to get enough cars.

In short, please let me know ASAP if you are interested, and let me know if
you have a car or need transport. Also ideas for groupings of people would
be great, eg - vi VS emacs users? ;)


Mobile: 0407 966 443

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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug


2002-10-14 Thread Pia Smith

For Those interested:

Paintball site is Adventure Quest, find info at www.paintball.com.au

Remember to ignore the prices, our fees are a good $20 less than the
packages there :)

Oh, and balls are $20 per 100 not $17 :(


> Attention!
> Have anyone you want to take out? Some scores to settle? Some 
> Skirmish Paintball!
> We are organising a group to go on a paintball escapade on 
> Saturday November 16th. I need to get an idea of numbers as 
> soon as possible to book places, but I am looking at a place 
> at East Kurrajong. We could have the whole place to ourselves 
> if we get more than 20 people, and the costs are:
> $8 - is for your entry fee, it also covers 12-14 games of 
> paintball, equipment hire (facemask, overalls, gun/gas, 
> ladies armour), and a BBQ lunch (BBQ meat, bread and salads)
> Paintballs are the only things not covered, base rate is $22 
> per 100, but this gets cheaper the more we buy. 2400 balls 
> costs $400, so that makes it 16.70 per 100, so we buy in bulk :)
> Anyone interested who will be driving up please let me know 
> so we can car pool people, if we can't get enough car's, we 
> could consider renting a 12 seater and splitting the costs 
> between those people, but I think we should be able to get 
> enough cars.
> In short, please let me know ASAP if you are interested, and 
> let me know if you have a car or need transport. Also ideas 
> for groupings of people would be great, eg - vi VS emacs users? ;)
> Email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Pia
> Mobile: 0407 966 443

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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Update on skirmish paintball - last email :)

2002-10-14 Thread Pia Smith

Saturday November 16th all day
Adventure Paintball 1200 Singleton Rd, East Kurrajong
Package Prices - Special Rates (all prices include lunch, equipment, 12-14
games, and paintballs as indicated.

200 Paintballs - $44
300 Paintballs - $65
400 Paintballs - $80
500 Paintballs - $100
700 Paintballs - $120

Pia Smith
Systems Engineer
Ipex ITG
Lvl 2, 431 Glebe Point Rd
Glebe NSW 2037
Phone: 02 9209 6690
Fax: 02 9209 6696
Mobile: 0407 966 443

Website: www.ipex.com.au

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disclaims all liability and responsibility for any direct or indirect loss
arising from this e-mail and/or any attachments. 

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] Re: St.George Browser Based Banking Feedback

2002-10-20 Thread Pia Smith
> > This is kind of happening here as well. I have a friend who 
> works for the
> > government, she is almost completely blind and has worked there for
> > 20years,
> > and when she comes across bogus web sites (ones she can't 
> use) she readily
> > reports them.
> > 
> When you say bogus do you mean sites that do not support disabilities?
> What happens when she reports them?

When I say bogus, I mean sites that her software for the visually impaired
can't deal with, or sites that throw up thousands of pop-ups, which are hard
to deal with when you can't see them. Sites that you can't tab through very
well (are mouse clickable only), generally sites that are hard to steer when
you only have a voice to rely on.

She has got a bit of notice sometimes, but generally she ends up sticking to
what she knows. She works for a company that supports her very well, and
they back her up with any claims she makes.

Pretty sweet really :)


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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] Re: St.George Browser Based Banking Feedback

2002-10-17 Thread Pia Smith

> Ive noticed in the USA people with disabilities are suing such 
> companies as banks etc for producing web sites that block
> access by people with disabilities due to lack of fundamental 
> standards
> in the access portal (windows IE isn't a standard).

This is kind of happening here as well. I have a friend who works for the
government, she is almost completely blind and has worked there for 20years,
and when she comes across bogus web sites (ones she can't use) she readily
reports them.


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disclaims all liability and responsibility for any direct or indirect loss
arising from this e-mail and/or any attachments. 

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Skirmish Paintball RSVP's

2002-10-30 Thread Pia Smith
Anyone who is considering the paintball day (see www.slug.org.au for details
or my previous post) I need to get definites by friday morning at the
latest. We currently have 20 or so people keen, and if we can get 5 more we
get the fields to ourselves! :) Anyone who has friends or family interested
feel free to invite them. We have an awesome group of people so it should be
a crazy day of paint and silliness!


So come along and join in the tomfoolery. RSVP to me at


PS - if you've already confirmed with me, but have extra people to bring
along just drop me an email with the number of people. Also if you have
already confirmed but didn't indicate your travel plans (ie - do you have a
car with extra places, or do you need a place in a car?) please get back to
me on this.

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arising from this e-mail and/or any attachments. 

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

RE: eye candy, was Re: [SLUG] Configuring XF86Free 4.x for a Ti PowerBook

2002-11-06 Thread Pia Smith

> Tom wrote:
> > speaking of meetings
> > i have never been to a slug meeting 
> > i should though
> > i'll bring my girl for eye candy too!

Can we get some male eye candy as well, please!! ;)


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arising from this e-mail and/or any attachments. 

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Skirmish Painball

2002-11-14 Thread Pia Smith
Hi everyone,

Last chance to shed some paint!

We have a big group of people going to paintball tomorrow. This is the last
chance to come along. There are plenty of semi-empty cars available for
people to get lifts and such.

Please call me on 0407 996 443 if you are interested.

We are down to 35 people for skirmish paintball tomorrow, and having had 42
ppl confirm on saturday, I had the deposit paid for 40 :( (It _had_ to be
paid last friday) I have two ppl who may be able to come, but basically I am
up for the deposits on any left over places. We need more paintballers! :)

Thanks all, 


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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] a problem

2002-11-17 Thread Pia Smith
> > was left with one problem.  The display on my screen needs 
> adjusting,
> > but I don't know how to do it.  Can you help?  I would be 
> very grateful
> > if you can.

When you say the display needs adjusting, do you mean the resolution? If so
I think by default the install should have a few resolution settings. By
typing Ctrl Alt + or Ctrl Alt -, you either increase or reduce the
resolution. If you mean something else please let me know.


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arising from this e-mail and/or any attachments. 

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

RE: [SLUG] December meeting

2002-11-19 Thread Pia Smith
I think on the 13th would be sweet, lock me in for A. (Work x-mas party on
the 20th anyway)

Alternatively 2nd choice of E: "Other" - Emu races, hardware floatation and
aviation games, and then mud wrestling in spain please don't care which
date. If its not too far outside the SLUG budget ;)

Aahh, I love it when presented with the "Other" option  so much
oportunity for silliness!


> The last Friday of the month is the 27th, which will be 
> holiday time for
> too many, so the Friday choices are probably the 13th (only two weeks
> after the November meeting) and the 20th (leading into a weekend that
> will be the start of many people's holidays). And whatever we do we're
> bound to clash with people's office parties.
> So, what are your preferences among:
> A. A December meeting on Friday 13th December (for that extra special
> Friday the 13th feel...)
> B. A December meeting on Friday 20th December
> C. A December meeting on some night other than a Friday (any 
> particular
> nights that appeal?)
> D. No December meeting
> E. Other

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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Re: [Linux-aus] ALP Open Source Forum: summary for SLUG and LinuxAustralia

2003-07-21 Thread Pia Smith
On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 23:29, Mary Gardiner wrote:

> The following are my notes from the "Open Source: Where Should Labor
> Stand?" forum, held at NSW Parliament House with the ALP IT and
> Communications Committee on Wednesday 25th June 2003.

Thanks for that Mary! :)



SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

[SLUG] Monday Night Info session

2003-08-11 Thread Pia Smith
Hi all,

Just a quick reminder to anyone interested in our Linux Skills in the IT
Sector Seminar at 6pm, Monday evening. Come along to 5-11 Wentworth Ave,
Sydney City, and don't forget to RSVP to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Also please note that the exams will only be held at 10am on the Tuesday
and Wednesday. Again please ensure you RSVP to  [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
read up on the exam prerequisites on the Linux Australia web page.

Info at:

Linux Australia

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug