[RCSE] Need to contact George Voss

2000-01-14 Thread Massmann, Robert F.


I am interested in your Falcon 880 kit.  If you still have it.  Please
contact me at "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" or "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".

Bob Massmann
Wilmington, Ohio
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[RCSE] I got an idea about bashing on RCSE

2000-01-14 Thread Karlton Spindle

Here is a good idea when you need to bash a R/C soaring company on RCSE
please not only put your name include your club affiliation.  Because if you
will never buy from a supplier why should that supplier support your club
and your events?  Just an Idea.

Flame me here .  Please only use the space provided :)

Smooth Thermals,
Karlton Spindle

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[RCSE] Flying Wing?

2000-01-14 Thread Robert Steinhaus

The DAW Schweizer 1-26 you are currently flying is a rather nice versatile 
slope glider when properly trimmed (especially if the glider has been built 
with ailerons and reduced dihedral of about 2 degrees). If the glider was 
built with rudder/elevator and standard recommended polyhedral it tends to 
exhibit some tendency to get blown over in strong winds/crosswind landings 
on the slope. I have had good results with the straight dihedral aileron 
equipped Schweizer HLG penetrating in rather strong winds up to about 25 
mph. I might suggest you consider examining the trim of your glider before 
you dump it in favor of a flying wing or other aircraft. Consider

1) Check the CG to make sure it is at the manufacturers suggested location 
(the Schweizer tends to build up mildly tail heavy).
2) Check the decalage (relative angle between the chord line of the wing and 
the chord line of the horizontal stab) such that it is approximately 1.5 
degrees. Foamy airplanes tend to get tweaked when crashed or carried in a 
vehicle and they get knocked out of trim. It is also possible to warp the 
EPP fuselages when assembling using strap tape. Check to see the the aft 
portion of your fuse lies flat when placed against a flat surface (if not it 
is an indicator that the fuse is warped/tweaked and you need to correct the 
problem using a monocoat iron/heat gun bending the part in a direction 
opposite the warp while applying heat).

When properly adjusted the DAW Schweizer has one of the widest performance 
envelopes (light lift to very strong wind conditions) of any EPP foamy 
glider. The improvement resulting from getting the decalage set correctly is 
significant. If you have too much positive incidence set in the horizontal 
stab it will reduce the high end speeds that the glider can operate at. 
Schweizer 1-26 gliders built for the slope can benefit from slight reduction 
of the decalage to no more than 1.5 degrees as this will preserve the wide 
speed range the glider can fly at.

The best flying of the EPP foam flying wings in my opinion is the CSD 
Boomerang. This is a rather agile glider designed for combat but is tuff 
enough for intermediate flight training. If you decide not to work further 
on improving your DAW Schweizer this would be a glider to consider (it flies 
in light lift and also fine in quite strong winds).

Best wishes!
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[RCSE] Sunbird

2000-01-14 Thread Ray Kostuk

Has anyone flown one of the Skybench Sunbird HLG's? I'd be interested in
hearing how it flies and compares to the LB2.

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Re: Iflyicrash@aol.com: [RCSE] Brian Agnew

2000-01-14 Thread bagnew1

To Whom It May Concern:

I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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2000-01-14 Thread Karlton Spindle

Multiplex USA, Inc. Is PROUD to SPONSOR the Soaring Category at the AMA IMS
Y2000 show.  Bring your SHOW plane and get in on the FUN for a change!  BTW
we will be adding a little something extra for the winner ;)

Ever notice GPS sets in this time EVERY year.

Smooth Thermals,
Karlton Spindle

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[RCSE] for sale ;^)

2000-01-14 Thread Doug Boyd

CNC machined DELETE KEYS!!!
Hardened steel ejector pin material. 65-70Rockwell C scale.
Guaranteed  to never wear out. Perfect for those long annoying

only $100.00

allow 6-8 weeks for delivery, pay me first. Don't call and bother me.
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Re: [RCSE] T Bird of Time?

2000-01-14 Thread jslarkin

Ed--All a T tail will do to the BOT is add weight in the tail.  Build it as
per the plans.  It is a wonderful sailplane.   JimAt 08:35 PM 1/12/00
-0400, Ed Eustace wrote:
>Hi Folks,  Building a Bird of Time, my third glider, and am looking for any
>information on usefull modifications, probably mostly in the crash proofing
>area! but also want to build it with a T tail. Anyone have any hints or Web
>sites I could check out.  Thanks  Ed.
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[RCSE] NiMh Batteries

2000-01-14 Thread Monteagle Durban

For years I have been happily using the little dumpy 2/3A 600ma Nicads with
great success and the advantage of being able to squeeze them into flight
spaces and further down the nose of skinny fuses. Also been pretty good in
7 cell packs for Speed 400 - not quite up to the 500AR's but pretty cheap
and reliable for sport use. 

Been disappointed that these cells have not been developed further whilst
the AA capacities have increased dramatically. When buying a new pack just
now, I was introduced to the Nickel Metal Hydride cells in the same size at
950ma rating. After a sales pitch I bought a receiver pack with some
trepidation as I had heard horror stories way back of dumping, non fast
charging and non peak detect. The blurb also said seven cycles before full
capacity and mentioned "memory effect".

Please could those experienced in the use of NiMh cells give advice on:
1. Normal charging rate - 50ma or 100ma or whatever.
2. Initial charging period (the blurb says no longer than 12 hours which is
contrary to the normal nicad one of 24 hours).
3. Whether these pack can be fast charged with peak detect (the older
Hitech G325 in this instance) and at what rate - I use 1.5 A on the nicads.
4. Whether the cells would be up to the rigors of sport Speed 400 use with
its high current requirements.

Most appreciated.

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[RCSE] Foamie Warbird?

2000-01-14 Thread gmehojah

I asked this question a while back, but due to an "upgrade" on my 'puter, I lost all 
those precious saved emails.  So, you guys, here goes:

I have been flying some combat wings, but wanted to get the cool look and feel of a 
Combat Warbird.  I have looked around quite a bit and found most of all that are 
available.  I don't like the fact that Dave's birds don't come with all the hardware 
(but look pretty cool), while most others do.  But, I havent heard too much about 
performance in terms of reviews of these birds.  I would like something (not a mini, 
gear costs too much!)that could be flown in 10-15 mph winds, but is quick on its feet. 
 I always have the Boomerang if winds die down too much, and the Zagi 400 when there 
are no winds at all.  Looks are somewhat important as well, as are the quality of 

Suggestions are greatly appreciated,

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[RCSE] Multiplex covering

2000-01-14 Thread Easwen6877

Just got through trying to iron down the Very thin and quite easily torn 
covering on a nice Multiplex Pilatus B4.This is the first pre-covered 
Multiplex model I have ordered (have always covered my own before, sometimes 
Has anyone else noticed that the MPX covering is not up to par, to say the 
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RE: [RCSE] winch battery

2000-01-14 Thread Doug Boyd

The definatve answer from the winch doctor is:

it depends!

If you are launching a whole bunch of sailplanes all day long, get a deep
cycle marine battery as big as you are willing to carry.

If you are only interested in launching YOUR airplanes for but a few, killer
launches, get a regular car battery, it will supply a stronger punch for a
shorter time than the deep-cycle.

-Original Message-
From: Bobbi and Randy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2000 7:03 AM
To: rcse
Subject: [RCSE] winch battery

Ok troops, hopefully this post will not start a flame war like most of the
other post have lately.

My winch battery died yesterday after only 1.5 years of medium use. I am
unsure of what I should replace it with. I am launching open class/F3B/F3J
type planes off a Rahm winch. I also don't want to have to pay doctor bills
because I killed my back trying to lift something that weighs to much. What
experiences do you have that would help me make the right selection?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Randy Bullard

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[RCSE] speed radar

2000-01-14 Thread Raymond Wong

i would like to find out the dive speed of glider.
where can i buy a speed gun?

Raymond Wong

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Re: [RCSE] winch battery

2000-01-14 Thread John Hazel

>My winch battery died yesterday after only 1.5 years of medium use. I am
>unsure of what I should replace it with. I am launching open
> class/F3B/F3J type planes off a Rahm winch. I also don't want to have to pay
> doctor bills

> I have in the past replaced my batteries every two years.  You
> will get more life if you choose a deep cycle battery.  This is probably
> because we tend to abuse our batteries in use. we launch until they go almost 
> and they will then never come up to full capacity again.

The quick discharge, frequent replacement, and large bills for hernia operations
 when you try to use huge batteries are symptomatic of oversized winch drums. 
The excess current draw, extreemly low efficiency, burnout of motors, and
need for gigantic batteries can be alleviated by going to a smaller drum. 

John Hazel 
can be alleviated 

The Liftroll.xls download area is:  http://homepage.av.com/johnhazel/downloads.html

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[RCSE] Flying down under 36 vs 72 Mhz

2000-01-14 Thread lizo

I have been out of the RC hobby for some time now and want to get back into
flying. I started about 15 years ago on a Gentle Lady, then moved on to a
couple of power models before comming back to a Sagitta 900. I want to get
back into flying with a HLG.

I am currently living down under in Perth, WA. The frequencies here are on a
36 Mhz band. I have been told that is illegal to operate US equipment on the
72 Mhz band. But I see plenty of Toys R US and Tandy/Radio Shack RC cars for
sale which are on the 50 and 72 Mhz bands and even some on a 40 Mhz band. I
was also wondering what the competition pilots do when they come to
Australia to fly.

My old radio gear is from the mid 80s so I need to buy new equipment, its
just that I don't want to spend heaps of money on something that won't work
when I return to the States. Also the same radio gear sold here is
considerably more expensive than what you can get in the States with the
only difference being 36 vs 72 Mhz.

Anyone have any experience with this they can throw my way?


David O'Donnell
Perth, WA

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Re: [RCSE] RES vote

2000-01-14 Thread John Hazel

> But there is a problem.  We need a standard definition of the class.

That is said over and over. But whith the commonality of email 
why do we need this standard? look at NOS for an example of why we
don't need it. NOS is running just fine without the cumbersome AMA process.

> CD can still deviate from the standard definition if he publishes the
> deviation in advance.  Having a standard just makes it easier on everybody.

Only if that standard is well proven. That proof only comes in practice.
We still have some issues to resolve in practice/conduct of contests.

John Hazel


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Re: [RCSE] Inflight combat video

2000-01-14 Thread RH1037

Also are there any other flight videos ie HLG, thermal in general?
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Re: [RCSE] Sunglasses

2000-01-14 Thread Kjell-Arne Fjelde

I use the Digi sportslens. And I use glasses under them. I really recommend 
Check out http://www.digieyes.com/index.html

At last some real wrap around sunglasses, Ive tried a couple, and these are 
the ones I ended up with.

Ps. the amber polaroid lens I think is the best for viewing at a blue sky.


>From: Lee Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: soaring mail page <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [RCSE] Sunglasses
>Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 15:11:59 -0800 (PST)
>Some how I have miss placed the web site address for
>the people that sell those wrap around hi tech sun
>glasses. Does anyone still have it ? please post it
>for me if you know it.  Thanks*** Lee
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
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Re: [RCSE] I got an idea about bashing on RCSE

2000-01-14 Thread Chuck Gadd

Simon Van Leeuwen wrote:
> So Karlton, you are suggesting not only do you want to penalize the
> customer but you wish to penalize any, or everyone, whom he/she might
> associate with? In other words, if he/she won't buy from you (for

But the people that say "I'll never buy from..." may be failing to 
take into consideration what that person is doing for the hobby as
a whole.   Our vendors are great, kind, swell people, but I don't 
think they contribute and support club events with expensive
merchandise just because they are nice.  They want (and deserve)
appreciation and maybe even a little support for their efforts.
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Re: [RCSE] Sunglasses

2000-01-14 Thread The Love Villar Family

Do you mean this one?


 -- Keith

> Some how I have miss placed the web site address for
> the people that sell those wrap around hi tech sun
> glasses. Does anyone still have it ? please post it
> for me if you know it.  Thanks*** Lee

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[RCSE] Bookmarks, Winching Videos?

2000-01-14 Thread Paul Klissner

I have lost some of my good bookmarks for websites.
Can some people send me or post me some of the 
*better* soaring websites, with pictures.  

Anyone know where I can find and avi, mpg, or
qt movies of a winching or two.  I've never seen
it done, and I'd really like to.

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Re: [RCSE] IMS (AMA) Show in Pasadena, CA

2000-01-14 Thread Derek Boyer

Richard writes:
"One other manufacturer has a charger for "those small 150mAh battery
Couldn't get close enough to get a brochure and forgot who it was.

Sirius Electronics was there with the Sirius  Charge 100 for small
packs. He also had a speed control with glitch-removing signal
smoothing that tips the scales at 1 gram!

Besides all the cool r/c and composites stuff, there's an awesome
display of submarines and trains (if you're into that stuff.)

Very cool, already I know I should have spent more time at the CST and
ACP booths :-(

Thanks RCSE for the directions!


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[RCSE] Seledkin test flights replete with bad landings...

2000-01-14 Thread Tom Rust

Got the Seledkin assembled and made the first test flights on Wed. As
luck wud have it, with the 18 cell packs, and the MaxCim motor, the CG
came out perfect for the first tests - rite at 2-1/4" in. I ended up
putting the rcvr behind the main bats, velcroed to the bats, and the
motor cntlr and rcvr bat in the nose with the motor. The elevator servo
went in with double sided tape, with a piece of 3/32" ply to give the
servo arm some room, taped rite into the tail. Thanks to Tom Broeski,
Eric Weder, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Alex Larionov, Bruce Davidson, Anthony
Brindle and Sal for lots of help and suggestions - everyone seemed
pretty happy wih theirs. The 3 piece wing is especially compact.
I set the trims so the ailerons and elevator were flat, and set the
travels for as much as the servos wud drive to start with - I like to be
able to wang it hard if I have to, even tho the March 99 S&E article had
very small travels for the controls (less than 1/2 what I'm using).
First launch was almost perfect trim - only slight adustments needed.
1/2 throttle is plenty to climb out with, and full throttle, altho not
vertical, is darn close. The first thing I notice is - wow - efficient
flight - it doesn't want to come down. On the 3000 mah 18 cell tests, I
flew for 45 minutes on a still air day at the Marina, and typically was
running 1/2 throttle for 1/4-1/3 the time (lots of aerobatics, too). The
time of gas, the beauty of electric. Yes! I did it again today - 45
minutes, and I still had battery left! It just keeps going back up to
1000', can do plenty of aerobatics, then back up again - maybe 20-30
times! Ok, u glass ship guys, are they all like this??
Surprisingly easy to fly inverted - lots easier than my flying wing.
On a REALLY long steep dive, I could do almost 3 rolls on the climb back
up, without stalling. I tried stalling it and was surprised at how slow
it wud go - it was WAY mushed and pretty high angle of attack before it
stalled - I was 2/3 to 3/4 stick back before it wud stall (pulled back
SLOWLY). I was warned abt keeping the speed up - maybe the stall
characteristics are worse in bank - didn't try that. Rolls were a bit
tricky at first, but I worked up to 3 consecutive horizontal rolls - oh,
yeah! Loops - wide, big, fat, or sharp and quick. Tried a lot of
vertical climbs all the way to stall to see how it wud pitch over, and
tried a few 180 degree turns like that - before it wud reach the top -
but cudn't quite get it aligned rite.
  Well, of course as u can imagine as a newbie, I had trouble with my
landings. I didn't set up the airbrakes the first day - I'm used to LONG
finals and ground effect - but this was a BIT much. I flew it about 300'
in ground effect, finally stuffed it. Knocked the nose cone off, and one
of the outboard sections popped off (I didn't tape them the first day).
On the 2nd flight, the Nicd's weren't charged rite, and I had to do an
aborted landing - again knocked the nose off and a wing section. The
last flight of the first day went great, until I prepared to sink into
ground effect, when it suddenly dipped and cartwheeled - I DIDN'T do
that! I found out later the antenna wire had come loose from the tail,
and there was just a ball of antenna wire in the fuse behind the rcvr.
Oops. Broke one of the carbon connector wing rods. Little did I realize
at the time that the rods are bent to get the slight dihedral. To make a
long story short - Richard Graham, machinist par excellance helped me
drill out the glued part, and we bent a 5/16" Al rod into perfect
replacement position. So back in the air today!. Had 2 early AM flights
- I set up the airbrakes, checked them in flight - there was a slight
pitch down when activated - of course this was due to my setting the
elevator 15%, instead of the default 10% - in fact the defaults on the
Futaba 6XA were dead on for ideal - 50% on the ailerons and 10% on the
elevator - no pitch change when activated. End result - 2 perfect
landings - hurray! I was surprised how much the airbrakes slowed it
down. Anthony Brindle suggested I make the ailerons move as much as
possible to get the most airbrake effect - you can hear it when on, too
- the air whine gets rougher.
SPeaking of which, anybody know why that is? My flying wing doesn't make
NEARLY as much of a whistle, even at the same speed.
Anyway, last flight today, dropped into ground effect, and while
reaching for the air brake switch, must have pulled down too hard - wham
- one wing caught - scraped a hole in it - and broke the fuse abt in the
middle. Rats. 2D tape is holding it in place at the moment. Fixing
suggestions, anyone?? I dunno, maybe this machine is a bit on the
sensitive side relative to tolerance to crashes - but it sure flies
sweet. Maybe it's just that glass ship brushless electric rush...but I
like it!
Anybody have a favorite 2m electric like this ship that they feel
qualifies as the ruggedest? Bigger than 10 cells, please.
Thanks, Sal, for such a fun intro to glass ships!

Tom Rust

Re: [RCSE] Sunglasses

2000-01-14 Thread Jay Sloat

I also attended the IMS show in Pasadena today where there was a 
booth showing/selling these glasses. I had never seen or tried 
them before and was blown away. To say that they really improve
visibility and remove glare is an understatement. Without the 
glasses you look up into the blinding glow of the convention 
center lights, and with them not only is all the glare gone but
you can see the lightbulb filament and the writing on lightbulb.
I gotta get me some of these!
-Jay Sloat-

The Love Villar Family wrote:
> Do you mean this one?
> http://www.zurichsunglasses.com/
>  -- Keith
> > Some how I have miss placed the web site address for
> > the people that sell those wrap around hi tech sun
> > glasses. Does anyone still have it ? please post it
> > for me if you know it.  Thanks*** Lee
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[RCSE] Digest Help

2000-01-14 Thread The Johansens

Need the commands to get digest format.  TIA Wayne
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