[RCSE] Multiplex Multilock

2006-09-05 Thread Loren Blinde
Is there a US distributor that carries the Multiplex Multilock wing 
locking system?  My web searching has only come up with overseas sources.

Thanks in advance,

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[RCSE] Tom Neill's passing

2006-08-22 Thread Loren Blinde
Kelly Neill wanted to let you all know that Tom passed away Sunday 
evening, August 20.  Tom was still having some reasonably good days 
up until Sunday morning so after almost two years of cancer, the end 
came quickly.

Tom was a long-time member and president of the Lincoln Area Soaring 
Society (Nebraska) and one of the key people in organized slope 
soaring at Wilson Lake, Kansas.  He flew in every Midwest Slope 
Challenge, was a tireless contributor to the event, and even finished 
as the runner-up in this year's Unlimited race.  One of the nicest 
guys you will ever meet in this hobby and we will miss him dearly.

If you'd like details about the service or memorials, please contact 
me off-line.


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[RCSE] Tom Neill's passing

2006-08-22 Thread Loren Blinde
Kelly Neill wanted to let you all know that Tom passed away Sunday 
evening, August 20.  Tom was still having some reasonably good days 
up until Sunday morning so after almost two years of cancer, the end 
came quickly.

Tom was a long-time member and president of the Lincoln Area Soaring 
Society (Nebraska) and one of the key people in organized slope 
soaring at Wilson Lake, Kansas.  He flew in every Midwest Slope 
Challenge, was a tireless contributor to the event, and even finished 
as the runner-up in this year's Unlimited race.  One of the nicest 
guys you will ever meet in this hobby and we will miss him dearly.

If you'd like details about the service or memorials, please contact 
me off-line.


apologies for sending this twice, the original appears to have 
gotten garbled in the digest version

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[RCSE] Subject: WOW-where'd all these posts come from?

2005-11-11 Thread Loren Blinde
I got a digest email tonite, all 116K of it, with about that many October 
notes included, in a hard to read black font on a dark blue background, but 
fortunately only had to hit the delete key once vs. 80 times, which is the 
joy of the digest version come to think of it 


Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 16:14:22 -0800 (PST)
From: Dana Flemming [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: soaring soaring@airage.com
Subject: WOW-where'd all these posts come from?

All of a sudden, I have 80 postings from OCTOBER on my email list.

This happen to anyone else?


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[RCSE] Re: Some history, status of things a challenge

2005-09-30 Thread Loren Blinde

Some perspective on Harley's note

I recently acquired one of the neatest books I've ever read:  Do You Speak 
Model Airplane? by Dave Thornburg.  A wonderfully written history of model 
aviation in the USA from day one into the 90's.  If this out of print gem 
ever comes your way, grab it.

Since so much of it happened before I was in the hobby, I can enjoy most of 
it with a clear conscience.  But some of it overlaps my hands on modeling 
experience and left me wondering about things that happened while I was in 
the game and how much of it I missed because I was too busy.

When the next Do You Speak Model Airplane is published later this century, 
covering model aviation from 1990 until 2050, there's going to be an early 
chapter in it about this prolific designer-visionary from Walla Walla named 
Harley.  Every bit as prominent as Jim Walker and Carl Goldberg are in the 
current version.

I'm pleased to have latched on to this piece of history while it was 
happening and you have the opportunity to build a rocking chair moment 
telling the grandkids you knew that guy and built his planes.  I've never 
met Harley, but the dialog we've had over the past two years is the most 
treasured I've ever had in the hobby.

And jeez, you've got carbon cloth available instead of cedar shingles... :-)


Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 18:28:15 -0700
From: Harley Michaelis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: soaring@airage.com
Subject: Re: Some history, status of things  a challenge

I suspect I have about as many years in model airplane design, engineering,
construction, flying, crashing and repairing as anyone on the planet. I got
hooked when Lindbergh did his 1927 flight to Paris. I thereafter never
complained Mom. . . there's nothing to do!

 With the big Depression shortly underway and money unavailable even for
 essentials, my building, originally with non-flying models, was done with
 cedar shingles, fence posts and cigar boxes, apple boxes and what was in
 the lumber yard scrap heap. The first adhesive I ever used was LePage's 48
 Hour Iron Glue. It took that long to cure!  Tools were my dad's hammer,
 file, pliers and mom's kitchen knives.

 In my teens, besides Spicy Detective with its stimulating artwork, I
 discovered model mags offering things like Ambroid cement, balsa, tissue,
 banana oil, etc. There were rubber powered kits, but with money so scarce,
 I scratch built my own. Well, I did build one kit. It was a folding prop,
 36 span, Douglas Space Conqueror. To buy it at a whopping $3, I saved
 up small change for 6 mo.!

 By the time I had discretionary income, I was so comfortable scratch
 building and with ideas popping into my head, I had no interest in kits. A
 life of scratch building has kept costs down, unleashed and kept the
 creative juices flowing and always given me something constructive to do,
 even now.

 Since getting into R/C sailplanes about 1965 I've built one kit, a Dodgson
 Maestro I promptly sold. No discredit is meant to Bob's designs. I
 remember a contest with 28 entrants I attended. 27 had a Dodgson ship.
 It's not his fault, but as money became less tight and with younger guys
 who never scratch built anything wanting to get in the game, kits became
 the way to go.

 Now with more money to spend and with guys showing up who are accustomed
 to instant satisfaction, and with the advent of ARF's and RTF's,
 relatively inexpensive kits that can similarly perform are about

 The upshot of this is that the joy and satisfaction of being creative has
 been squelched, it costs too much, and because of costs it limits new
 participation. Pity.

 Sadly, guys who take this route do no original thinking, do nothing new or
 creative and thus have nothing to pass on to make a meaningful
 contribution. This is clearly confirmed in the pages of the model
 magazines that used to contain such meaty and useful construction articles
 that reflected the state of the art creations done by individual modelers.

 I'm disheartened that so many guys have acquiesced to the notion that only
 ARF airframes can effectively compete. This notion, in my humble opinion,
 is erroneous and essentially the result of failing to develop and use
 building skills.

 Just my opinion, but I think the common excuses of no time, my time is
 too valuable, I can't build, I want to be competitive, etc. have
 little validity for most who express them. Rather, for most, I consider it
 just a copout for their failure to develop and use skills and exercise
 their creative abilities.

 By now, readers must know of the Big Genie, the Genie Pro and the Genie
 LT/S at http://genie.rchomepage.com/. These are unique, highly
 competitive, scratch-buildable designs that, properly built and in skilled
 hands, will perform as well as any ARF in their size classes. The how to
 CD offered probably provides the most thorough instructions with pictures
 of any model offered on the planet. Stick to 

[RCSE] Mark's Models Bird of Time Kit

2005-09-23 Thread Loren Blinde
I have a Mark's Models Bird of Time kit that can be had for $75 plus 
shipping.  The kit box has apparently been through a serious rain storm, as 
the label is nearly washed out.  But the contents are intact and in good 
shape.  Small parts and hardware are still in plastic bags.  Included is a 
pristine RCM plan with a reprint of the '79 Thornburg construction article 
(the best sailplane article ever written in my humble opinion) and the 
original construction photo sheet.

If you like your 60 oz. RFT Bird of Time, you're gonna LOVE a 43 ounce 
version with extremities so light they respond to belching butterflies and 
wings with the strength of actual vertical grain shear webs.  This is the 
kit of the design as it was meant to fly.

Preference to PayPal payment and UPS shipping.  Reply off line if you're 


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[RCSE] Grand Esprit sold

2005-09-03 Thread Loren Blinde

It's been sold.  Thanks for the interest.


Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 23:14:48 -0500
To: soaring@airage.com
From: Loren Blinde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Grand Esprit

Grand Esprit partial kit from the former Dream Catcher Hobbies for 
sale.  Wing ribs, shaped parts, tail boom, plans  instructions.  You 
provide the rest of the wood.  I only wish I had the time to build it.

$75 + shipping, US.  I'll even throw in a dozen sheets of 1/16 Sig 
contest balsa.


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[RCSE] Grand Esprit

2005-09-02 Thread Loren Blinde
Grand Esprit partial kit from the former Dream Catcher Hobbies for 
sale.  Wing ribs, shaped parts, tail boom, plans  instructions.  You 
provide the rest of the wood.  I only wish I had the time to build it.

$75 + shipping, US.  I'll even throw in a dozen sheets of 1/16 Sig contest 


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[RCSE] Lil' T

2005-08-30 Thread Loren Blinde
I was just trying to make a buck, but seem to have inadvertently unleashed 
some really neat vintage stories that have been a pleasure to 
read.  Reminds me that most of us were once bug-eyed newbies who showed up 
at a contest just to watch and got tricked into flying :-)  So take 
that experience to heart and go trick someone else into flying at a contest.

But unless someone wants a Lil' T for $50, I may just have to build it and 
learn to fly all over again.  Come to think of it, that might be fun...


p.s. Ed Berris (and his large Sicilian associate) found me and I didn't owe 
him money, really...

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[RCSE] Nostalgia kit for sale

2005-08-27 Thread Loren Blinde
For us golden age types, I have a Midwest Lil' T kit for sale.  It's a 74 
T-tail sailplane and the kit is in good condition.  Here's the fun 
part:  it's designed for single-channel rudder only.  The box says Ideal 
for Galloping Ghost Single Channel Proportional.  While I suppose you 
could engineer an elevator control, real men don't need all them steenking 
servos anyway ... :-)

Best offer of $50 or more and I'll pay US shipping.


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Re: [RCSE] The Midwest Lil' T rememberance

2005-08-27 Thread Loren Blinde
You got me curious, so I checked the plans on the one I've got up for sale, 
and no mention of lightening holes either.  There's a small notation of 
10/78 on the plan, presuming that might be a date.

I bet a power pod would be good on one of these.  I'm just back from a 
nostalgic session of flying my .049 powered Jetco Eastwind and now my hands 
smell funny.

But if starting out with a Lil' T can put one in Harley's footsteps, I may 
have to raise the price... :-)


At 01:47 PM 8/27/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I too so many years ago had a lil'T.
It actually flew quite well considering the times,
I think I put a World Engines MkIII or something similiar in it., as at 
the time I was working for World, so many years ago.
I Just picked up a Kit at the Nats, it was missing a set of wing ribs for 
one wing, for 50 bucks !!

Courious though, I did notice that this kit did not reference the 
Optional  cut ous on the plans for the Lightening holes on the Tail and 
the fuse..
The kit I have now must be an earlier version than the one I had in the 
mid Seventies.

I remember hi-starting the heck outta the thing,
Launches were always scary due to the wing blanking out the smallish 
t-tali and the smallish rudder was a challenge at slower airspeeds.

Probably at home on the slope, it did thermal as well as could be 
expected, at the time, considering my limited thermaling skills.
I think that it was my 3rd glider I had been flying power for quite 
some time and was gettin bored...

I am Looking Forward to building this gem, if for nothing else a grin, a 
giggle, and a hoot !!!


Jack Strother
Granger, IN

LSF 2948
LSF Level V  #117
LSF Official 1996 - 2004
CSS Gold

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[RCSE] Servos for Sale - SOLD

2005-08-16 Thread Loren Blinde

Servos listed below have all been sold.  Thanks for the responses.


Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 22:57:29 -0500
To: soaring@airage.com
From: Loren Blinde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Servos for Sale

Selling for a friend's estate:

4 - Airtronics 94141, old Airtronics connector, new in boxes
All 4: $150, shipped U.S.

2 - Hitec HS-85 MG, Hitec connector, new in boxes
2 - Hitec HS-81, Hitec connector, new in boxes
All 4: $50, shipped U.S.

16 Servo Grab Bag:
1 - Futaba S9601, 2 - Royal Titan Mini, 2 - Hobbico CS-12MG,
2 - Sanwa 80411, 2 - Hitec HS402, 2 - DAD Tina, 2 - Hobbico CS-11
1 - Hobbico CS-31, 2 - Kyosho KS-31, and 6 bags of Hobbico servo gears.
Assorted connectors, I plugged them in and they all work.
All 16: $75, shipped U.S.

An offer to take the whole works for $250, shipped U.S., wins.

Reply off-line with questions or offers.


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[RCSE] Servos for Sale

2005-08-15 Thread Loren Blinde

Selling for a friend's estate:

4 - Airtronics 94141, old Airtronics connector, new in boxes
All 4: $150, shipped U.S.

2 - Hitec HS-85 MG, Hitec connector, new in boxes
2 - Hitec HS-81, Hitec connector, new in boxes
All 4: $50, shipped U.S.

16 Servo Grab Bag:
1 - Futaba S9601, 2 - Royal Titan Mini, 2 - Hobbico CS-12MG,
2 - Sanwa 80411, 2 - Hitec HS402, 2 - DAD Tina, 2 - Hobbico CS-11
1 - Hobbico CS-31, 2 - Kyosho KS-31, and 6 bags of Hobbico servo gears.
Assorted connectors, I plugged them in and they all work.
All 16: $75, shipped U.S.

An offer to take the whole works for $250, shipped U.S., wins.

Reply off-line with questions or offers.


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[RCSE] Re: Opportunity to scratch build Genies for profit???

2005-08-10 Thread Loren Blinde


I'll accept the dawdling award in good humor as a proud testimonial to a 
lifetime of underachievement.  Do I get a trophy or something?

Actually my shop overhead time is probably 50% due to non-productive, yet 
somehow rewarding activities like scratching,  getting distracted by 
classic movies and transporting beer from the upstairs refrigerator to the 
upstairs bathroom via the basement work area.  A basement refrigerator and 
enhanced use of the floor drain would alone have cut the Genie time down by 
50 hours.

I think the focused types among us could do the first Genie in 100 hours 
and the second one in a lot less.  My #2 would have been done already were 
it not for that dang Ingrid Bergman month on TCM.


At 12:09 PM 8/10/2005, you wrote:

I scratch build my designs primarily for myself and every personal ship
I've subsequently offered for sale has been grabbed up pronto. I've also
built a few new on contract at prices comparable to those being
paid for better ARF's and RTF's.

My interest in and capacity for building new ships is very limited. I like
the creative end of design and engineering, problem solving, etc., but take
no joy in production work, other than rarely/occasionally building a ship
for flyers in which I have some compelling personal interest.

3-4 airframes a year is about all I'm willing to do, since it's work and I'm
supposed to be retired. Doing it to generate income is okay, but that, in
and of
itself, is of no particular interest to me.

With the demand as it is for ARF's and RTF's, it seems to me that there is
an opportunity for some enterprising modelers to augment their income
working at home, by learning to scratch build the Genie line of airframes
for profit. If you do a good job, sticking to the construction as I detail
it is to be done, I
think you would be able to sell all you can build and stay as busy as you
care to be doing it.

To get started would require you to build one of these airframes to see
what's involved and learn how, wring it out to see that the performance is
comparable to other
contemporary airframes and, if interested, acquire supplies, figure out
production steps to minimize your time and make yourself known as available
to build.

I'd suggest that you make it a requisite that the buyers provide the proper
servos for you to install along with the Rotary Driver System drive shafts
and pockets so it's done right to provide the cleanest wings in the business
with nicely working flaps and ailerons.

I will continue to provide plans, CD, hardware package, RDS couplers, etc.
as mentioned in the What's Available? file and offer to be helpful by
e-mail, but you will otherwise be on your own. I want nothing except for the
airframes to be built according to the instructions so the quality is

I thought I was a slow builder, but if it really took Loren Blinde 200 hours
to build his Genie (the 10' span LT/S version, yet) he takes the prize for
dawdling. (Just kidding, Loren. I know you are young enough to suffer those
distractions that interrupt one's concentration and productivity.)

I can turn out an LT/S in about 40 hours of genuine effort. I may take 6
weeks, however, putting it out. When the composite fuse is available, it
looks more like 25 hours . I'm thinking in terms of a plain paint job that
gives a 2 tone LE on the wing as seen on moldies, etc. Fancier paint trims
take extra time.

On the big 145-1/2 span big Genie, I'd say 60 hours if you scratch build
the glassed-over fuse, but more like 50 using the available composite

The Genie Pro with its 130 span and the composite fuse takes a bit less
time than the big Genie.

I get about $275 into the LT/S with the glassed-over fuse. I'm guessing it
will add another $75 or so to use the forthcoming composite fuse/canopy.

With the composite fuse/canopy used on the Genie Pro or big Genie, it's
about $400 in materials.

The above costs reflect the cost of the ready-to-use CNC cut wing cores that
Les offers.

The Genie pages at http://genie.rchomepage.com/, particularly in Files 1,2
and 3, give a good overview of what's involved, but the CD I offer as part
of my package always includes later editions of the various files posted in
that website.

I see the number of hits on the website is over 12,500. I've mentioned it
only over the RCSE to which there are around 850 subscribers. Guys must be
repeatedly drooling at the material, but very few have built one of the
ships. Among those who have, three who had never even built a kit are now
building their third of the Genie line. Several are building their 2nd one.
It appears that many would like to own one of these, but for whatever
reasons, will never get to it. There must be a market for RTF versions.

Questions? e-mail me.

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[RCSE] Re: Lamenting the lack of available sailplane builder's kits

2005-08-08 Thread Loren Blinde
Thanks for your post !  I'm one of those vanishing weirdos who enjoy (and 
make the time for) building every bit as much as flying.  And you've hit an 
issue right on the head.  Today's builders are equipment installers, 
the market has responded in kind, and you're left to cope.  I know, I know 
...  I'm sounding like a brain-damaged, nitrate-dope-sniffing geezer.  That 
aside, I've occasionally been seduced into immediate gratification as well, 
I really like my Soprano, so I'm no saint in that respect.

But, IMHO, you won't get a more satisfying and rewarding TD building 
experience than one of Harley's Genies.  You get to do the cool stuff, like 
bagging a wing. The rest of it, fuselage and tail feathers, is 
balsa/plywood/monokote heaven.  And you end up with a kick-ass plane in the 
process.  That's what attracted me to Harley's designs in the first place, 
it's the best of both worlds and the best way for a builder to deal with 
the world as it is.

Materials:  $300
Time:  200 hours (I build slow and am easily distracted)
Having some ask Where did you buy it?


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[RCSE] Estate planning

2005-08-07 Thread Loren Blinde
Let's say that tomorrow, due to circumstances beyond your control, you 
either go to heaven, ascend to a higher reality or become worm-food, 
depending on your own personal beliefs (off-topic for this forum).  What 
happens to your stuff, presuming you think you'd care?

A dear flying friend's recent death, who had the foresight to consider the 
question, made me think of this in real terms.  Had he not done so, there 
would be a cache of primo sailplanes in the bottom of a dumpster; 
compounding the grief beyond that of his passing.

You may have this sunshine vision of your flying buddies enjoying the 
fruits of your labors, but if its not written down, it may not be so.  Just 
think about it  it's all to easy to worry about it the day after tomorrow.


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[RCSE] Esprit Models KA6e

2005-05-31 Thread Loren Blinde
Does anyone have opinions or experience to share about Esprit Models and/or 
their KA6e ARF kit?

A friend (not on the list) is interested in the plane.


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[RCSE] Re: Spirit of 76 foam 2-meter

2005-04-21 Thread Loren Blinde
Can't say I've ever owned the plane... but about 25 years ago, a newbie 
showed up with one at our field.   He soon broke it on landing.  So, being 
the resident expert with all of two years experience, I offered to fix it 
for him.  Out comes the bottle of Hot Stuff, liberally applied.  10 minutes 
later we're watching his plane dissolve into a wad of goo, wondering what 
happened  :-)

Formerly young and stupid, now old and stupid,
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[RCSE] DJ Aerotech

2005-04-17 Thread Loren Blinde
I have a good friend, not on RCSE, who ordered a Chrysalis 2M MKII  back in 
December.  All he has gotten so far are assurances to be 
patient.  Considering the web site has a banner proclaiming Chrysalis 
Electric and MKII Available!, 4 months seems like a stretch for a 2 meter 
built up kit.

My friend is relatively new to the hobby, his winter project has become a 
summer one at best, and right now I'm feeling a bit sheepish over having 
recommended the kit.

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RE: [RCSE] JR/Hitec servo question

2005-03-24 Thread Loren Blinde
I was wondering sort of the same thing about comparing the two servos.
But my question is:  Why, when I plug in both brands, with no load, do the 
Hitec servos make this funny sound like distant morse code in a WW2 
submarine movie, while the JR's are dead silent?

And presuming that there's some current drain involved in making those 
sounds, why would I want to use Hitec?

Newbie to this digital servo stuff,
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Re: [RCSE] What do you have in your toolbox?

2005-03-19 Thread Loren Blinde
A long, long time ago (1979), I flew with some guys from the Rocky Mountain 
Soaring Association in Denver.  One of their members had a large fancy 
tackle box, apparently suitable for a bass-boat episode of American 
Sportsman.  Someone challenged me to ask him what's in his flight box.  So 
I did.

What I found was a quarter, a piece of lead and a sock. Thinking about 
it... priceless.


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[RCSE] Building Something Too

2005-02-04 Thread Loren Blinde
I have my second Genie LT/S close to completion.  In 30 years of flying, 
it's the only plane I've ever built that I wanted to build again.

Now I know how Harley can build 27 (or whatever he's up to now) 
Genies.  After the first one, the next 26 are a breeze  :-)

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[RCSE] Cal's Winch LED's

2005-01-14 Thread Loren Blinde
Some time back, Cal Posthuma offered a kit for LED's on a two solenoid 
winch.  The idea being to indicate if one of the solenoids was stuck.  I 
ordered and received the materials and instructions in good time.

It was easy to assemble and worked flawlessly.  Now here's the testimonial 
part.  Since I was in winch-spiffing mode,   I decided to wrap on a new 
spool of line as well.  When I started, both LED's were glowing and I 
verified with a continuity checker that the solenoids were working.  About 
halfway through the first roll of line, one of the LED's went out.  I 
checked continuity and sure enough, one of the solenoids was stuck!

Granted, I likely caused the problem by messing with the solenoid 
connections in the first place.  I had installed some new bus bars and 
probably put some stress on a solenoid body in the process.

But for 10 bucks and an hour of work, it might very well save you someday 
from either diving for the master shut off switch or watching your plane go 
through the turnaround.

Thanks Cal !
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2004-12-17 Thread Loren Blinde
I know the feeling.
I even started cutting templates for my LT/S wing last year.  A four panel 
wing takes 5 templates x 2 (for upper/lower).  I got bored after template 
#5, and frustrated that I couldn't find blue foam locally, so I ordered the 
cores from Les Horvath..

Upon opening the box, my first reaction was what the hell was I 
thinking??  Cores so perfect that it seemed a disgrace to subject them to 
my band saw for spar slots.  Leading edges so smooth that I ignored 
Harley's balsa leading edges and left them intact.

Throw in those neat blade joiners plus some of Harley's sliced condom 
rudder hinges, and you're on your own for the rest.  Scratch builder heaven.

I think Harley should do one of those MasterCard commercials:  Wing cores, 
$75; Plans and other stuff, $30; Some carbon and balsa, $150; Beating a 
$1,500 plane . priceless. :-)

Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2004 19:11:41 -0500
From: Andrew E. Mileski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: soaring@airage.com
Harley Michaelis wrote:

 Since I first mentioned this spring of posting of the GENIE CD content
 at http://genie.rchomepage.com/, there have been well over 5,000 hits.
 That many intentional visits tells me people are looking for worthy
 airframe projects. Yet, but a few dozen inquiries have come in and fewer
 yet have committed to building.
Keep in mind it has been nearly a year since I first looked seriously at
building a Genie.  Things may have changed since then.
When I first looked at the Genie I was disappointed.
 From what it was being touted as, I was expecting to be able to visit
the web site with glue in hand, download some plans, and start building.
Though there is a wealth of information on the Genie (and great tips for
building in general), one still had to resort to ordering plans and wing
cores.  This was a big disappointment for me.  Perhaps this partially
explains the hit-to-build ratio.
I looked at cutting my own cores, and communicated with you (Harley),
Winston, and Les, and decided it wasn't going to happen.  I think Les
even phoned me to try to answer my questions.  I'm pretty sure I could
cut a Genie-ish core now, but it seems one can only buy Genie cores.
It just didn't seem right that I couldn't scratch-build a supposedly
scratch-built sailplane.
Now for anyone still reading this, and interested in a Genie, please
do investigate this wonderful ship for yourself.  It looks like a worthy
project one will be amply pleased with.  It just wasn't what _I_ was
looking for, but it maybe exactly what others are.  And again, it has
been a year since I last looked into the Genie.
My $0.02 Canadian.
P.S. See Harley for the latest info, but my very outdated site is at:
Andrew E. Mileski
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[RCSE] AMA Election Results

2004-11-29 Thread Loren Blinde
The AMA election results have been posted to the web 
site:  http://www.modelaircraft.org/

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Re: [RCSE] Dave Mathewson for AMA President

2004-09-29 Thread Loren Blinde
Gordy is right on with his endorsement of Dave Mathewson for AMA President.
A couple of years ago, during the near-demise of slope combat, I found 
myself involved to some degree and corresponded with Dave on several 
occasions.  I was impressed by his willingness to listen and understand a 
situation, in contrast to some in power who reacted to mis (and 
dis)-information on the subject.  His actions back his words.  He, along 
with some other district VP's, were genuine allies.

Bill, you are not only legitimate now, you have been assimilated... 
:-)  Slope combat will be in the 2005 AMA rule book, right up there with 
Pattern and CL Scale.

Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 09:25:13 -0700
From: Bill Swingle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Dave Mathewson for AMA President
Well I'll be. Gordy asked a candidate about my favorite flavor of flying;
Foamie Combat. More importantly Mr. Mathewson offered a reasonable and
supportive answer!
Does this mean I can now safely consider myself legitimate? No longer a
bastardized, fringe participant? Goodness, I can hardly imagine.
No longer the black sheep, or red-headed step child? No longer Un-Clean?
You know, if there were more than 2.5 slope flyers in my county, I might get
pretty excited. DAVE MATHEWSON for president.
Thanks for asking Gordy. I'm impressed.
Let's be sure to give this gentleman a look:
Dave Mathewson
AMA Vice President, District 2
7271 State Fair Blvd.
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
315.635.1039 (Fax)
Bill Swingle
Janesville, CA
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[RCSE] List etiquette

2004-09-25 Thread Loren Blinde
Okay, when I receive a Digest version of this list, and it includes ten 
trivially useless, personally intended, one-line responses from one 
individual, something needs to be said:

I know it's an daunting and technically challenging task to cut and paste 
an address into a private email instead of just hitting reply.  But if just 
a few of us took the time to do so, the ratio of content to crap on this 
list would improve dramatically.

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[RCSE] Aquila text

2003-03-08 Thread Loren Blinde
The AMA has a wonderful free resource available to all, an online archive 
of every page of every Model Aviation magazine since 1975.  Go to 
www.modelaircraft.org.  Click on the Members Only link (you don't have to 
be a member), then the AMA Digital Archive link.  Search for the December 
1977 issue.  On page 9, you will find an article by Skip Miller on his 
journey to the 1977 world championship and a sidebar article on the Miller 
Mod to the Aquila.

Yes, I confess, I'm old enough to remember reading the article on paper... :-)


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[RCSE] Aquila text ... PS

2003-03-08 Thread Loren Blinde
I'm informed that you do indeed need to be an AMA member to access the 
members only area. My cookies, and probably donuts as well, are smarter 
than I am!  Just for kicks, I deleted all AMA cookies and it does ask you 
for your last name and AMA number to enter the members only area.  So I may 
not have done our friend from Sweden much good...


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[RCSE] Shot down personally

2002-10-19 Thread Loren Blinde
This thread rings close to home tonite.  Earlier this evening our club was 
giving a demo for some school kids at a small field in suburban big-money 
acreage land.  I flew a tried and trusted Quaker old-timer with at least a 
couple hundred flights logged (yes, it had an engine, no, it was off, but 
that's irrelevant) and after three successful flights the controls locked 
up about a thousand feet up and away and the result wasn't pretty.

Extensive post-mortem shows the batteries were okay, the servos all 
function, a range check of the remains was okay and the switch was on and 
functional.  And there were no other participating transmitters on my 
frequency.   Which leads to the interference theory.  I've been flying 26 
years and have never experienced such an event and have a personal aversion 
to attributing pilot error to interference; I don't do that lightly.

But the nagging thought that keeps coming back (considering the local 
landscape) is that there could have been someone in the vicinity innocently 
flying a slow-flyer in the back yard.

I can't prove I got shot down, but can't help thinking it.  The 
mass-appeal, anyone can do it mentality that goes with those damnable 
back yard abominations is going to signal the end of organized RC flying 
anywhere in radio range of modern suburbia...

My personal stance it that I won't buy one, fly one or even suggest that 
anyone use them to get into the hobby.  And if you have one, next time you 
flip the Tx switch to entertain the neighbors, stop and think about anyone 
else who could be flying in the vicinity.

Loren Blinde

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