[RCSE] Silkspan?

2000-06-06 Thread gmehojah

What is silkspan and how is it applied?  I have heard of it being applied over foam 
"wet" and then sealed with poly sanding sealer and then painted.  Can someone give me 
some insight into this stuff?


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[RCSE] Scooter E Tips?

2000-04-12 Thread gmehojah

I am getting prepared (when the kit arrives) to build a Scooter E.  Its an all EPP 
SP400 powered ship produced by Bowman's Hobbies.  If anyone has built this I would 
love to hear your input/tips/suggestions before I start building it.

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[RCSE] The Opposite of Sour Grapes

2000-03-23 Thread gmehojah

All this whinning on the list helped me decide to share my SUCCESS stories with you 
folks. Mostly in the hopes of hearing other people's success stories and forestall yet 
another gripe fest.

I started flying gliders (Gentle Lady  GP Spirit 100) about 5 years ago when I was in 
college.  I went to the field, asked the standard newbie questions, too the 
suggestions and showed up with a glistening GL ready to learn.  Those folks in VA 
taught me how to fly, how to search for thermals, etc. and I had a blast.  I built up 
a Spirit 100, had a blast with that, and then finally a Skeeter HL (which I really 
enjoyed, though it took some serious modification).  Well, my wife had our baby so I 
put everything away and did not return to flying until about 6 months ago when I saw 
those same folks who taught me to fly on a trip to VA.

Man, did things change over the years!  Foamies, cheaper radio gear and the evolution 
of electric power (evolution=leaps in tech).  I built a Spirit 2M (much better builder 
now) and flew it three times.  Bought a Zagi EPP to try my hand at slope, and 
summarily sold all my thermal stuff.  Bought another slope wing (boomerang) and a DAW 
Ki61.  I have since been having a blast on the slope flying combat45+ minute 
flights are much more enjoyable for me than launching, landing, etc.  

I started recently trying my hands at electrics.  These things are really a blast when 
you cannot get to the slope.  I have a Zagi 400 (heavily modified power system now), 
Twinstar (waiting for my TX to return from the doctor), Twister (much too fast for me 
yet), and my most recent build, an Ace Simple Series Speed 400 sport plane.  This 
thing is a ROCKIN plane for 30 bux.  If you want more info on this plane, check out my 
review of it on Ezone here in about a week.

Anyway, the short end of it is I have had nothing but good experiences, met a lot of 
great people and learned quite a bit, while still keeping grounded in the reality that 
these things are just toys to play with.  Regardless of how much they cost (from a $30 
electric to a $2,000 glass slipper) its still just playing with toys.

BTW, thanks to everyone on the list who provided me with endless advice for my 
questions over the past 6 months.  

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Re: [RCSE] The good ol' days.

2000-02-23 Thread gmehojah


When I started out in college flying TD gliders (built up puppies mind you) I had to 
swap out batteries, servos and receivers!  And that was just a few years ago.  Money 
was always (and now quite a bit) tight.  I have now given in to my addiction and have 
5 fully built and ready to go airplanes with all their own gear.


   I have several NIB HiTec receivers.

The above statement really reminded me what it was like when I started in

Remember the day when you only had ONE receiver and ONE airplane? Then you got
a SECOND airplane and had to swap receivers! Ahhh, the good ol' days. May they
never return! Man did I hate receiver swapping.

Bill Swingle
Pleasanton, CA

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[RCSE] DAW Ki61 photos now up!

2000-02-15 Thread gmehojah

I finally scanned in some pictures of my DAW Ki61 Warbird and posted them to my site.  
It was cloudy that day, so the pics are a little dark.  I will work tonight or 
sometime soon on enhancing them via photoshop and reposting them.  There are also some 
pics of it flying and two pics of my flying site at Jemez Canyon Dam.  

Photos of the Ki61 are here:


Just one note.  Freeservers.com has been having some problems since last weekend with 
their sites.  It may not work but then again, who can tell with today's technology.  
It was working this morning.  Let me know what you folks think of my handiwork!

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Re: [RCSE] Twinstar

2000-02-15 Thread gmehojah


I don't think a Zagi is a great beginner plane (though it is a great plane!).  I would 
suggest something like a wingo, teddy (though it looks so much like a kids toy!) or a 
smiley.  Those are all stable, though I don't know how much use they will be on a 
slope.  You could always get one of the above and something like the DAW 1-25 hlg for 
the slope.


Bill Johns [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for all the input on the sources of Twinstar.

Let me tap into this wealth of experience and knowledge and ask for

I am trying to start a R/C club at Washington State University.  So far
I showed Endless Lift and Old Buzzard tapes.  Les Grammer came by and
brought a competition 2M and presented an excellent showtell.  We
chatted about this and the group would like to find a group beginner
plane.  An electric powered sailplane would be ideal.  A foamie would be
wonderful.  We need something stable, durable, that can be flown on flat
land and perhaps a bit of sloping.  Perhaps do a little thermalling,
too.  Les suggested an electric Zagi.  I have no idea how stable or
suitable these are for newbies with no stick time.  Also note that these
kids live in a dorm and anything that takes huge volumes to store simply
won't do. Anything that is stick built is not suitable as we don't give
them that much spare time away from homework.  ;-)  We do have a little
room for group building.  

Suggestions anyone?

Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is 
very important that you do it.- Ghandi

Bill Johns
Pullman, Washington
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[RCSE] Flaps question for a Ki61

2000-02-14 Thread gmehojah

After the maiden flights of my brand spankin new DAW Ki61 (which flies and looks great 
by the way) I thought about putting in flaps.  But (there is always a but) my landing 
zones are quite harsh on the ships even foamies.  Dropping the ailerons (setup as 
flapperons) would greatly increase the possibility of destroying them when I land.  
Instead I thought about deflecting both ailerons up instead of down and then mixing in 
some elevator  to keep the plane level.  I guess this is similar to spoilerons, but I 
have no experience with it.  Anyone have any thoughts?
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Re: [RCSE] Cutting holes in EPP

2000-02-14 Thread gmehojah

On both my Boomerang and Zagi 400 I used an old soldering iron.  I mark the radio gear 
where I plan on placing it, then use a soldering iron to melt away the foam.  I 
usually hold the soldering iron next to the piece of gear I am melting the foam for to 
judge depth.  The trick is to constantly check the fit of your gear and do this in a 
well ventilated area.  Worked great on my DAW Ki61 too and saves quite a bit of time.


 I have always found straight through cuts works best -I made a sideways cut for the 
battery - as for the servo,
and added thin EPP layers as was needed to hold the battery 
tight and new strapping tape on top! 

A fish filetting knife is the ideal tool!

At times I do vertical shafts the same way, replacing
the top if need be (cut off the right amount from the
plug you just made and reglue - works excellently!

The Zagi and EPP nut, aka


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Tord S. Eriksson, Ovralidsg.25:5, S-422 47 Hisings Backa, Sweden

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Re: [RCSE] Re: Flapperon on a 6XA

2000-02-10 Thread gmehojah

So, it is alright to have the ailerons reflex a little when I input down elevator?  
How much flapperon mix is appropriate for good turns, loops, etc?  I think I have it 
set to 20% mix into the elevator.

Thanks for the help.


Jeff Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am setting up my brand spankin new Ki61 DAW foamie warbird and have the
ailerons set to channels one and 6.  I have them enabled via flapperon and
want the ailerons to droop when I input up elevator.  I have it setup now,
but whenever I input down elevator, the ailerons move upwards.  Is this

This is the way the T6XA works. It may help with inverted flight.

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[RCSE] Will HMG melt coroplast?

2000-01-24 Thread gmehojah

I was thinking of using hot melt glue to attach the tail feathers on my Ki61 (still a 
ways off mind you).  But I am worried that it might melt the coroplast.  Any 

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[RCSE] Ki61 DAW Foamie construction questions

2000-01-19 Thread gmehojah

I am building my first foamie warbird (DAW Ki61).  I am confused about a couple of 
things regarding the elevator servo.  Does this get buried completely into the fuse?  
I imagine that you bury the pushrod for the elevator into the fuse, then install the 
servo into the fuse completely, so that all the linkages to the servo are covered by 
foam and shrink covering.  Anyway, the instructions are a little vague about the 
process, so I wanted to get some input.

Also, I already have three standard futaba servos I would like to use (to keep it 
cheap!).  Will these work fine as two wing servos and another in the fuse for 
elevator?  Weight isnt much of an issue, I would like this to weigh more than my Zagi 
EPP for higher lift days.

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[RCSE] Foamie Warbird?

2000-01-14 Thread gmehojah

I asked this question a while back, but due to an "upgrade" on my 'puter, I lost all 
those precious saved emails.  So, you guys, here goes:

I have been flying some combat wings, but wanted to get the cool look and feel of a 
Combat Warbird.  I have looked around quite a bit and found most of all that are 
available.  I don't like the fact that Dave's birds don't come with all the hardware 
(but look pretty cool), while most others do.  But, I havent heard too much about 
performance in terms of reviews of these birds.  I would like something (not a mini, 
gear costs too much!)that could be flown in 10-15 mph winds, but is quick on its feet. 
 I always have the Boomerang if winds die down too much, and the Zagi 400 when there 
are no winds at all.  Looks are somewhat important as well, as are the quality of 

Suggestions are greatly appreciated,

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Re: RE: [RCSE] Kestrel Wind Meter

1999-12-30 Thread gmehojah

My Girlfriend bought one for me for Christmas (she ROCKS!).  She said she couldnt get 
the lower end model because they were out of stock, so she bought the next level up.  
Mine has the wind speed, average wind speed, max wind speed, temp, and wind chill.  It 
works pretty well when you don't forget it at home (like I did yesterday)


Anyone tried this one?



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[RCSE] removing the case of a 555 receiver

1999-12-16 Thread gmehojah

Is removing the case off a hitec 555 receiver a good idea for building the Zagi 400?  
I have heard about doing this to reduce weight, but am unsure about its continued 
durability (hey, its a Zagi, right?).

If it is a good idea, what is the best method for removing the case?

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[RCSE] RE: RCSDisgest's Christmas Gift to the Gang

1999-12-07 Thread gmehojah

I have to say, I really like the idea of getting the lower end Focus III SS as a first 
run radio.  I know a lot of folks tell you "get the most expensive radio out there 
because you will eventually buy it anyway" (which I recently did...though not the most 

However, for the first timers, its a much better path to get into the hobby cheaply 
and then determine whether you will stick with it.  Its analogous to getting the most 
expensive golf clubs, then after a season, realizing you don't want to do it anymore.  
There you are, stuck with this ritzy set of clubs gathering dust in the garage.

If the new flyers stick with the hobby, THEN they can invest.  Those that don't havent 
lost much on the attempt.  Besides, if you do fly slope combat, your going to destroy 
your equipment anyway, right?

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[RCSE] Dynamic Soaring?

1999-11-23 Thread gmehojah

What exactly is dynamic soaring?  I have heard quite a bit about it, but no 
information has been found on the net.  Thanks in advance,

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