[RCSE] Good news and Bad news

2006-01-28 Thread Tom Nagel

We had a beautiful day here in Central Ohio, for 
January or just about any other month: 55 degrees, sunny, SSW 
winds. There were 9 cars at the little Linnville slope, as many as I 
have ever seen there.

 A new club member got his first 
slope flights in, and I think he's hooked.

 And nobody broke much of 

 The bad news is that when I 
arrived, the surveyors were just finishing up. The land owner has 
sold off some lots, and building will start in a few months. I hope 
the new owners like RC sailplanes and will want to fly with us.

Tom H. NagelJudicatum Procurator 

RE: [RCSE] Good news and Bad news - slopin'

2006-01-28 Thread Brent

My brother and I hit Brookville (IN) today, was much 
better than I expected - S winds, 10-15 with lots of lift. Helped my 
brother dial in his new HalfPipe, made mine look pretty ratty (almost a full 
season in on it, and the rocks and guardrails are taking their 
toll). Plan was to get him flying on the backside by the end of the 
day, mostly successful. It's addictive. If you have not tried DS'ing 
yet, you have to try it at least once.

I'm definitely hooked 
- spent the last hour working on making good circles. was getting some good 
speed going. Learned that tighter cricles were faster, maybe just feels 
that way? Regardless,I felt like today was my fasted day yet. 
For a sailplane guy, there's nothing like the sound of an engine-less ship 
going by fast enough to make that kind of noise. 

Good thing I'm still 
flying foam, tho - "set her down" hard enough to bend metal control horns, but 
the ship could fly tomorrow. Good News / Bad News? 
news, still one of the best sites to fly around. Bad news, I won't be out 
there tomorrow.
