Re: [RCSE] The NOS dead horse beating.......again

2005-05-22 Thread Ray Hayes
Just so you folks interested in building your own once in while know, here
is a break down of what is happening at Wood Crafters next week for about 60

Special Events Thur/Fri and number of entrants:

Windfree ONLY =  8MOM Hi Start 60  = 17
Ray's MOM Hi Start Mini Fun Scale = 9
2 Minute Ladder = 32   Longest Flight = 29

Saturday and Sunday Soar In Championship entrants:

2 Meter Unlimited  = 29   100 RES = 38
Unlimited  =  39

Separate Categories within the Soar In Championship:

Best Challenger  =  6 Best OLY ll  = 11
Best Astro Jeff   =  5

Scale, four day aero tow/winch event:

Gordon's Rules =  11
Ray's Unlimited Fun Scale  =  15

Does this look like fun to you 

Ray Hayes
Home of Wood Crafters
- Original Message - 
From: Jack Womack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Chuck Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Ray Hayes
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2005 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] The NOS dead horse beating...again

 Dear Blabby,

 Since my name was mentioned, and not in vain, I guess
 a comment here is appropriate. The fact is that the
 list isn't the only source of eligibility. I, too,
 have a nostalgia design from 1977 called the Magic
 Carpet that is not eligible. It was designed for
 Johnnie Casburn who thought he wanted some of the
 glider kit market. He was in Ft. Worth and had a hobby
 shop and a kit mfg. business, making sport power
 models with a foam wing. It hung in his shop for
 years, until he sold it to someone else. It was orange
 and silver. I may try to scan some of the pics I have
 of it.

 Unfortunately, and this isn't a personal dig at Jack
 Iafret, the keeper of the rules wasn't around all that
 much in the days. As Ray said, some built stock
 models, but most of us gave them their own personal
 touches. For instance, I never fully sheeted wings,
 but usually took the top sheeting back an extra inch,
 a practice I still use with good results. In a contest
 where things are checked, that would disqualify my
 Windfree and my Grand Esprit. I will say that in fact
 some have presented models that should be allowed to
 the list, but they ain't there... draw your own

 The Miller mods for the Aquila, if they're allowed,
 then why not the Womack mods for the Legionair. Why
 not the Legionair 132, which by all accounts and all
 opinions save one, should be there. After all, a 132
 has been flown at the NOS NATS, with the keeper as
 the CD.

 Airfoil changes, planform changes, etc., I can
 understand why these should not be allowed. I would
 NOT have allowed the dihedral changes to accomodate
 the spar mods. That's a planform change. It can change
 the way the design performs and flys. Why was that
 compromise made and the rest kept so strict? I gave up
 on the Nostalgia class when informed that a carbon
 fiber tail boom would not be allowed for a Legionair.
 This mod would have much less effect on the design
 than a dihedral change.

 The fact is that Nostalgia class models are a pain to
 build, if you can find a kit. If not, you may have to
 do the old scratch builders boogie. I built some
 Legionairs that way, pod and all. It was rewarding, to
 say the least. Imagine my disappointment had one been
 a 132, and I had driven from Texas to Muncie, only to
 be told I couldn't fly. There it is. DISSAPOINTMENT.
 That's why Nostalgia's growth is dead. Until someone
 steps up to revive it with some realistic rules, dead
 it will remain. It won't be me, as I have backed away
 and jumped off into flying full-scale with both feet.
 The rules are simpler...

 Will someone please kick this soap box over and knock
 me off of it?!?!

 Dissappointed in Houston.
 (Jack Womack)

 --- Chuck Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I too am disappointed with the way Nostalgia at the
  Nats has developed.  I
  understand the necessity of using the existing
  winches even though they are
  much too strong and have too heavy line since it is
  not practicable to have
  special winches for one class.  I do object to
  restricting it to one day
  combined with RES while wasting two days on 2-meter,
  a class very few would
  be flying if it wasn't  sandwiched between hand
  launch and unlimited.  I
  also object to flying modern man on man tasks and
  landings instead of the
  tasks and landings as flown at the SOAR Nats.  The
  old events are much more
  suited to the old models.  I have entered Nostalgia
  every year since it was
  first proposed at the LSF tournament in 1994 and
  flown in all but
  four.  The first two years were rained out and I
  didn't stay for the last
  two because of the weather forecast.  (My wife was
  with me and getting
  tired.)   I will not be entering Nostalgia this
  year.  It is not worth
  spending another night and paying the high entry
  fees for three
  flights.  Another day will cost at least $100 or $33
  per flight.  Maybe I
  will go back to flying my Sailaire

Re: [RCSE] The NOS dead horse beating.......again

2005-05-21 Thread Ray Hayes
It is very early am, I can't go to the OVSS in Cinci, so I'll take my
frustration out by beating the dead Nostalgia horse.   My apologies to

Having an AMA Nostalgia class is good, accept it or not, most entry level
into RC Soaring ( non electric) is with a woody, ARF or home built.  I don't
classify an AVA, etc. as a woody ( beat on that one for a while) because it
has a molded wing section.

The current NOS rules need to be amended through the AMA process of rules
changing ( won't this bring out the know it alls), but NOS will be in
trouble because there will be some really goofy rules changes proposed,
mostly  by people that have no experience of building and flying back in the
days of nostalgia and likely no experience flying in a current NOS contest.

I truly hope the AMA Nos  Nats will grow, so far it hasn't and for several
obvious reasons.  One of the reasons is the rules are not right and do not
reflect what really was going on in the good old days when the SOAR NATS
attracted so many more contestants then what we see at the NATS currently.
A good example is, it was fairly common practice to fully sheet or partially
sheet the wings of a Windfree, Astro Jeff, and etc..  The irony of the rules
administration at the NOS NATS is the planes are not checked for compliance,
a process that would be impossible to undertake.  Another problem at the NOS
NATS is the tow lines (and winches) do not comply with the tow lines used
during the days the so called NOS rules are trying to duplicate. 280 to 300
lb test tow lines used at the NOS NATS are not compatible with small NOS
designs, so it didn't take long to realize the NOS planes to fly at the NATS
( if you were competing to win) were the larger designs and for the lack of
size classes in the NOS NATS ( another mistake) it makes flying the larger
designs almost mandatory.  These conditions are not the best for attracting
larger numbers of entrants.

My Wood Crafters event was created to attract people who enjoy building and
flying a woody, I think the AMA NOS event is developing a reputation for
turning people off to NOS.   I personally enjoy flying the AMA NOS event,
but I have given up on flying my 23 oz Windfree there.

Participate in the Rules changing process and hope for the best.

Ray Hayes
Home of Wood Crafters
- Original Message - 
From: Chuck Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CapnCrunchie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] The NOS dead horse beating...again

 You think you got it bad.  I am unable to fly my original design that I
 used to win a first place trophy at the 1974 SOAR Nats because it was
 published other than in our club newsletter.   The original model still
 exists but is not flyable on modern high power winches.  I did build a
 replica with a beefed up wing a few years ago to see if if really flew as
 well as I remembered.  It didn't!  I did take both the original and the
 replica to the Nats one year and displayed both along with the 74 SOAR
 trophy and a sign reading ILLEGAL NOSTALGIA MODEL

 Chuck Anderson

 At 09:24 PM 5/20/2005, you wrote:
  My guess is you have not read the rules because it clearly
 states the
 pilot is to provide documentation, no where does it referance a
 C'mon lets face it, if one goes to a contest and his plane is on the
 List, he wouldn't have to provide documentation, right? BTW, where is
 Legionaire 132 on 'the list'? DUUUH!
 I have been digging and asking for ANY type of documentation so I
 wouldn't have to be concerned about being disqualified by the CD after
 driving 200+ miles to attend a NOS event with my MalCo Eagle. Thanks
 bunches for the info, Chuck Anderson. I see light in the tunnel.
 Many of us are flying Vintage ships that have been bought at swap meets
 from widows and have no source for the plans. Or the plans got wasted
 during construction! I am trying to find plans or a picture of the box
 an Original(first edition) Windrifter 100 that shows the stab mounted on
 the fuse. I saw one once on eBay but didn't win the bid. Until then, I
 can't compete at an AMA NOS event with mine
 THAT, is why I like the way Ray Hayes and Jack Womack think. I also have
 set of plans for a Legionaire provided to me by Jack Hamilton that shows
 how to use a fiberglass boom like the one on his '76 FAI ship. But
 according to AMA rules - 'taint legal! I understand the original intent
 the rules, but they are too restrictive and more dificult to document
 a Scale ship!!
 Blue skies,
 Capn Crunchie
 Yahoo! Mail Mobile*
 Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

 RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe
and unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please note that
subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text

Re: [RCSE] The NOS dead horse beating.......again

2005-05-21 Thread Chuck Anderson
I too am disappointed with the way Nostalgia at the Nats has developed.  I 
understand the necessity of using the existing winches even though they are 
much too strong and have too heavy line since it is not practicable to have 
special winches for one class.  I do object to restricting it to one day 
combined with RES while wasting two days on 2-meter, a class very few would 
be flying if it wasn't  sandwiched between hand launch and unlimited.  I 
also object to flying modern man on man tasks and landings instead of the 
tasks and landings as flown at the SOAR Nats.  The old events are much more 
suited to the old models.  I have entered Nostalgia every year since it was 
first proposed at the LSF tournament in 1994 and flown in all but 
four.  The first two years were rained out and I didn't stay for the last 
two because of the weather forecast.  (My wife was with me and getting 
tired.)   I will not be entering Nostalgia this year.  It is not worth 
spending another night and paying the high entry fees for three 
flights.  Another day will cost at least $100 or $33 per flight.  Maybe I 
will go back to flying my Sailaire in Unlimited.  After all, my best place 
at the Nats in the last 20 years was with the Sailaire in 1996.  That year 
I placed 17th and beat a lot of high tech sailplanes.  Almost as good as a 
win.  :-)

Chuck Anderson

At 06:07 AM 5/21/2005, you wrote:

It is very early am, I can't go to the OVSS in Cinci, so I'll take my
frustration out by beating the dead Nostalgia horse.   My apologies to

Having an AMA Nostalgia class is good, accept it or not, most entry level
into RC Soaring ( non electric) is with a woody, ARF or home built.  I don't
classify an AVA, etc. as a woody ( beat on that one for a while) because it
has a molded wing section.

The current NOS rules need to be amended through the AMA process of rules
changing ( won't this bring out the know it alls), but NOS will be in
trouble because there will be some really goofy rules changes proposed,
mostly  by people that have no experience of building and flying back in the
days of nostalgia and likely no experience flying in a current NOS contest.

I truly hope the AMA Nos  Nats will grow, so far it hasn't and for several
obvious reasons.  One of the reasons is the rules are not right and do not
reflect what really was going on in the good old days when the SOAR NATS
attracted so many more contestants then what we see at the NATS currently.
A good example is, it was fairly common practice to fully sheet or partially
sheet the wings of a Windfree, Astro Jeff, and etc..  The irony of the rules
administration at the NOS NATS is the planes are not checked for compliance,
a process that would be impossible to undertake.  Another problem at the NOS
NATS is the tow lines (and winches) do not comply with the tow lines used
during the days the so called NOS rules are trying to duplicate. 280 to 300
lb test tow lines used at the NOS NATS are not compatible with small NOS
designs, so it didn't take long to realize the NOS planes to fly at the NATS
( if you were competing to win) were the larger designs and for the lack of
size classes in the NOS NATS ( another mistake) it makes flying the larger
designs almost mandatory.  These conditions are not the best for attracting
larger numbers of entrants.

My Wood Crafters event was created to attract people who enjoy building and
flying a woody, I think the AMA NOS event is developing a reputation for
turning people off to NOS.   I personally enjoy flying the AMA NOS event,
but I have given up on flying my 23 oz Windfree there.

Participate in the Rules changing process and hope for the best.

Ray Hayes
Home of Wood Crafters

RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe and 
unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe 
messages must be sent in text only format with MIME turned off.  Email sent from web based email 
such as Hotmail and AOL are generally NOT in text format

Re: [RCSE] The NOS dead horse beating.......again

2005-05-21 Thread Jack Womack
Dear Blabby,

Since my name was mentioned, and not in vain, I guess
a comment here is appropriate. The fact is that the
list isn't the only source of eligibility. I, too,
have a nostalgia design from 1977 called the Magic
Carpet that is not eligible. It was designed for
Johnnie Casburn who thought he wanted some of the
glider kit market. He was in Ft. Worth and had a hobby
shop and a kit mfg. business, making sport power
models with a foam wing. It hung in his shop for
years, until he sold it to someone else. It was orange
and silver. I may try to scan some of the pics I have
of it.

Unfortunately, and this isn't a personal dig at Jack
Iafret, the keeper of the rules wasn't around all that
much in the days. As Ray said, some built stock
models, but most of us gave them their own personal
touches. For instance, I never fully sheeted wings,
but usually took the top sheeting back an extra inch,
a practice I still use with good results. In a contest
where things are checked, that would disqualify my
Windfree and my Grand Esprit. I will say that in fact
some have presented models that should be allowed to
the list, but they ain't there... draw your own

The Miller mods for the Aquila, if they're allowed,
then why not the Womack mods for the Legionair. Why
not the Legionair 132, which by all accounts and all
opinions save one, should be there. After all, a 132
has been flown at the NOS NATS, with the keeper as
the CD.

Airfoil changes, planform changes, etc., I can
understand why these should not be allowed. I would
NOT have allowed the dihedral changes to accomodate
the spar mods. That's a planform change. It can change
the way the design performs and flys. Why was that
compromise made and the rest kept so strict? I gave up
on the Nostalgia class when informed that a carbon
fiber tail boom would not be allowed for a Legionair.
This mod would have much less effect on the design
than a dihedral change.

The fact is that Nostalgia class models are a pain to
build, if you can find a kit. If not, you may have to
do the old scratch builders boogie. I built some
Legionairs that way, pod and all. It was rewarding, to
say the least. Imagine my disappointment had one been
a 132, and I had driven from Texas to Muncie, only to
be told I couldn't fly. There it is. DISSAPOINTMENT.
That's why Nostalgia's growth is dead. Until someone
steps up to revive it with some realistic rules, dead
it will remain. It won't be me, as I have backed away
and jumped off into flying full-scale with both feet.
The rules are simpler...

Will someone please kick this soap box over and knock
me off of it?!?!

Dissappointed in Houston.
(Jack Womack)

--- Chuck Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I too am disappointed with the way Nostalgia at the
 Nats has developed.  I 
 understand the necessity of using the existing
 winches even though they are 
 much too strong and have too heavy line since it is
 not practicable to have 
 special winches for one class.  I do object to
 restricting it to one day 
 combined with RES while wasting two days on 2-meter,
 a class very few would 
 be flying if it wasn't  sandwiched between hand
 launch and unlimited.  I 
 also object to flying modern man on man tasks and
 landings instead of the 
 tasks and landings as flown at the SOAR Nats.  The
 old events are much more 
 suited to the old models.  I have entered Nostalgia
 every year since it was 
 first proposed at the LSF tournament in 1994 and
 flown in all but 
 four.  The first two years were rained out and I
 didn't stay for the last 
 two because of the weather forecast.  (My wife was
 with me and getting 
 tired.)   I will not be entering Nostalgia this
 year.  It is not worth 
 spending another night and paying the high entry
 fees for three 
 flights.  Another day will cost at least $100 or $33
 per flight.  Maybe I 
 will go back to flying my Sailaire in Unlimited. 
 After all, my best place 
 at the Nats in the last 20 years was with the
 Sailaire in 1996.  That year 
 I placed 17th and beat a lot of high tech
 sailplanes.  Almost as good as a 
 win.  :-)
 Chuck Anderson
 At 06:07 AM 5/21/2005, you wrote:
 It is very early am, I can't go to the OVSS in
 Cinci, so I'll take my
 frustration out by beating the dead Nostalgia
 horse.   My apologies to
 Having an AMA Nostalgia class is good, accept it or
 not, most entry level
 into RC Soaring ( non electric) is with a woody,
 ARF or home built.  I don't
 classify an AVA, etc. as a woody ( beat on that one
 for a while) because it
 has a molded wing section.
 The current NOS rules need to be amended through
 the AMA process of rules
 changing ( won't this bring out the know it alls),
 but NOS will be in
 trouble because there will be some really goofy
 rules changes proposed,
 mostly  by people that have no experience of
 building and flying back in the
 days of nostalgia and likely no experience flying
 in a current NOS contest.
 I truly hope the AMA Nos  Nats will 

Re: [RCSE] The NOS dead horse beating.......again

2005-05-21 Thread TGRESSMAN


Your comments were logical and to the point. I hope to compete in NOS at the Nats in 2005 or 2006.

Btw the Challenger was test flown last weekend and it is simply awesome! If I had had one in the 70's and 80's I could been very competitive. Thanks again for kitting this excellent model!

Tom Gressman

Re: [RCSE] The NOS dead horse beating.......again

2005-05-21 Thread Ray Hayes

I'll never forget the first time I flew a Challenger, Barney's, that's when
I decided to kit the design and also realized how far ahead Otto's design
was back in those days.  Enjoy and I'll see you in Muncie

Ray Hayes
Home of Wood Crafters
- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2005 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] The NOS dead horse beating...again


 Your comments were logical and to the point.  I hope to compete in NOS at
 Nats in 2005 or 2006.

 Btw the Challenger was test flown last weekend and it is simply awesome!
 I had had one in the 70's and 80's I could been very competitive.  Thanks
 again for kitting this excellent model!

 Tom Gressman

RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe and 
unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please note that subscribe and 
unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format with MIME turned off.  
Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL are generally NOT in 
text format

[RCSE] The NOS dead horse beating.......again

2005-05-20 Thread CapnCrunchie
My guess is you have not read the rules because it clearly states thepilot is to provide documentation, no where does it referance a list.

C'mon lets face it, if one goes to a contest and his plane is on "the List", he wouldn't have to provide documentation, right? BTW, where is the Legionaire 132 on 'the list'? DUUUH!

I have been digging and asking for ANY type of "documentation" so I wouldn't have to be concerned about being disqualifiedby the CD after driving 200+ miles to attend a NOS event with my MalCo Eagle. Thanks bunches for the info, Chuck Anderson. I see light in the tunnel.

Many of us are flying Vintage ships that have been bought at swap meets or from widows and have no source for the plans. Or the plans got wasted during construction! I am trying to find plans or a picture of the box for an Original(first edition)Windrifter 100 that shows the stab mounted on the fuse. I saw one once on eBay but didn't win the bid.Until then, I can't compete at an AMA NOS event with mine 

THAT, is why I like the way Ray Hayes and Jack Womack think.I also have a set of plans for a Legionaire provided to me by Jack Hamilton that shows how to use a fiberglass boom like the one on his '76 FAI ship. But according to AMA rules -'taint legal! I understand the original intent of the rules, but they are too restrictive and more dificult to document than a Scale ship!!

Blue skies,
Capn Crunchie
		Yahoo! Mail Mobile 
Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

Re: [RCSE] The NOS dead horse beating.......again

2005-05-20 Thread Chuck Anderson
You think you got it bad.  I am unable to fly my original design that I 
used to win a first place trophy at the 1974 SOAR Nats because it was never 
published other than in our club newsletter.   The original model still 
exists but is not flyable on modern high power winches.  I did build a 
replica with a beefed up wing a few years ago to see if if really flew as 
well as I remembered.  It didn't!  I did take both the original and the 
replica to the Nats one year and displayed both along with the 74 SOAR Nats 
trophy and a sign reading ILLEGAL NOSTALGIA MODEL

Chuck Anderson
At 09:24 PM 5/20/2005, you wrote:
My guess is you have not read the rules because it clearly
states the
pilot is to provide documentation, no where does it referance a
C'mon lets face it, if one goes to a contest and his plane is on the 
List, he wouldn't have to provide documentation, right? BTW, where is the 
Legionaire 132 on 'the list'? DUUUH!

I have been digging and asking for ANY type of documentation so I 
wouldn't have to be concerned about being disqualified by the CD after 
driving 200+ miles to attend a NOS event with my MalCo Eagle. Thanks 
bunches for the info, Chuck Anderson. I see light in the tunnel.

Many of us are flying Vintage ships that have been bought at swap meets or 
from widows and have no source for the plans. Or the plans got wasted 
during construction! I am trying to find plans or a picture of the box for 
an Original(first edition) Windrifter 100 that shows the stab mounted on 
the fuse. I saw one once on eBay but didn't win the bid. Until then, I 
can't compete at an AMA NOS event with mine

THAT, is why I like the way Ray Hayes and Jack Womack think. I also have a 
set of plans for a Legionaire provided to me by Jack Hamilton that shows 
how to use a fiberglass boom like the one on his '76 FAI ship. But 
according to AMA rules - 'taint legal! I understand the original intent of 
the rules, but they are too restrictive and more dificult to document than 
a Scale ship!!

Blue skies,
Capn Crunchie
Yahoo! Mail Mobile* 
Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe and unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format with MIME turned off.  Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL are generally NOT in text format