Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-24 Thread Jason S

I wonder.. I know Dropbox files are constantly synchronized,
but if one person (an administrator) sets all files in read-only..
would that prevent any deleting/editing by anyone else?

And for versioning, as you suggested (if I got you right?),
until some form of package control system could be thought-up/setup
perhaps having entire workgroup versions (1.2, 1.4, ...) ?   (1 every 

With each new version essentially being almost an exact copy of the 
but with individual updates that happened since the last workgroup 
version, plus new items.

So if one were to connect to V1.3 at the start of a prod, (or download 
it to a local server)
he could either stick with that version, and/or test-out new ones as 
they come out,

and could always fall back to previous ones.

This while perhaps having a Nightly Build Workgroup, where all updates 
happen live.

(for daredevils or curious cats)

Also, I remember having used a free FTP drive mapping thingy a while back..
could that solve many (if not any?) permission issues?

For what would be on there,
I would think of perhaps putting up a list of good item candidates, (on 

were people could vote or post suggestions of what they would find useful..

And I think the result would feel ( be) like a live connection to
what everyone in the community finds useful :-),
while highly doubting that anything useless (or for too specific 

would find it's way in there.

Any suggestions?

On 23/01/2013 1:27 PM, Andy Jones wrote:
Fantastic thread.  I could actually see something like Dropbox working 
as an always up to date thing, but only if there's a way for each tool 
owner to provide read-only access into some sort of central hub.  So 
you'd see all the tools together, but each would be managed by one 
person.  And for stability, I'd assume people would make copies of 
that repo if they're worried about stuff changing.

It might be too complex for it to actually happen, but more along the 
lines of a package system, I would recommend that we first figure out 
how to put all these tools into a code repository, not unlike how most 
studios manage their tools.  Something like git would probably be 
ideal (though I know people sometimes get scared off by the 
complexity).  The great thing about working this way is that if people 
make improvements to the tools, there's a way to push the improvements 
back up to the main code repository in a controlled way.  It's really 
not any different from other open source software.

Something I do think is missing, though, is a way of managing plugins 
that fills the gap between workgroups and loose scripts.  I think 
Addons were really meant to be this, but apart from installing and 
uninstalling them, they can be somewhat difficult to manage.  It would 
be great if we had a really slick way to create a workgroup consisting 
of only our deployed addons, which would let us perform upgrades and 
such very easily.  For example, inside the workgroup, you could have 
some metadata that lists locations where addons can be pulled from 
(like how rpm databases work), and would let you search for things and 
install/uninstall/upgrade them.  So there would be two parts -- source 
checkin/checkout, and package installation/management.

Another thought is that it would be wise to separate tools that are 
instantaneous (like gui scripts, etc) and tools that create 
dependencies, and which need to be deployed elsewhere once the tool is 
used.  The former always has fewer strings attached, so it's easier to 
carry it around like a bag of tricks.

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 9:35 PM, Jason S wrote:

Jason S wrote:

I there are any conflicts, could it make any permanent changes to
which just disconnecting from the workgroup wouln't resolve? Or
can just connecting to a workgroup possibly execute code?

By the way, what happens when connecting to a workgoup with
things that are already locally installed?

In the same vein, what happens when installing an addon with
various extensions which includes things that are already installed?
are those things overwritten? or display popups?

So many questions sorry :)

Found some answers to my many question from the good ol' manual :)

*Resolving Plug-in Conflicts*

Plug-in conflicts occur when Softimage finds multiple versions of
the same self-installing plug-in.

Softimage can resolve a plug-in conflict in either of two ways:

• Versioning:
Softimage loads the most recent version of the plug-in.

• Origin Ordering:
Softimage loads the plug-in from the location with the highest

By default, Softimage tries to load the most recent version of a
self-installing plug-in.

For example, if your User location contains version 1.2 of a plug-in,
and a workgroup contains 1.3, then Softimage 

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-24 Thread Jason S

And I second that :)

On 24/01/2013 9:43 AM, Jason S wrote:
Another thought is that it would be wise to separate tools that are 
instantaneous (like gui scripts, etc) and tools that create 
dependencies, and which need to be deployed elsewhere once the tool is 
used.  The former always has fewer strings attached, so it's easier to 
carry it around like a bag of tricks.

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-18 Thread Eugen Sares

Am 18.01.2013 09:16, schrieb Thomas Volkmann:
I agree, a workgroup/Dropbox solution is really not an 
option...somehow I was
believing that mankind is good and no one would ever place malicious 
stuff or

break things, not even by accident. But reality is cruel of course.
@Gene: please go for it. Start a kickstarter project. I'll drop some 
bucks for

sure. inside netview, with one-click-install, update notifications, 
a rating

system, comment section, and Editors-choice collections . BM! inside Netview already works. Open local backup, dd an 
xsiaddon into a viewport. Nice!

Some problems, though:
- some addons are zipped or rared, so the poor site admin would have to 
go through the whole bunch and unzip them.

- the search field seems not to be working... not good.
- does anyone else get some strange script error popup opening the 
backup link in Netview? I have to click continue script execution, 
then it works nonetheless.
- when dd-ing an addon, it always gets installed into 
xx:\Users\xxx\Autodesk\Softimage_xxx\Addons. There ain't no way to 
re-route this to a workgroup, is there?

I'd say the last version of the xsiaddon could reside directly on the 
blog entry, for convenience.

So basically might be the place to go, since it's the most 
complete addon collection out there, right?
Maybe the usual suspect plugin writers can get access to the blog to 
post their stuff themselves, so the admin has less work?


 Jason S hat am 18. Januar 2013 um 06:47 

 yep :)

 On 18/01/2013 12:46 AM, Andy Moorer wrote:

  Why not keep things simple, we're all busy people, just share out
  whatever you want to share, however you want, as a workgroup, 
snippets of

  code, whatever.
  If you have a suggested combination of tools or addons, share what's
  yours and just list out the rest, or just ask the author if they 
mind you
  including their tool in your bundle. Over time the best few 
bundles will

  float to the popularity top naturally, internet style.
  (Shrug) We work hard enough supporting ourselves, sharing with the
  community will only work if its something we can fit into already 
  lives. If you have good stuff you think will help others, please 
share it
  out if you're comfortable doing so knowing that that effort will 
help this
  community grow. If you're busy, make cool stuff and try not to 
sleep in the

  studio. :)
  On Jan 18, 2013, at 12:08 AM, Xavier Lapointe  wrote:
 Eric is probably not in front of his computer
 because he would have answer right away :p
   Wasn't XSI database and all the other sites like
   meant to be something similar? Bunch of people do their stuff on 
   side, but nothing seems to be fitting everyone. Kinda like the 

   package control approach though to just have a github based system.
   Auto-updates, catalog, etc.


Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-18 Thread Nic Groot Bluemink
I like the idea, before I read your reply I was thinking something akin to
a for Softimage plugins/scripts? Checkbox select your desired
plugins from a list, hit go, and download a workgroup ready to connected,
with all the requested plugins/scripts in the right folders ready to be

It wouldn't need a single central repository for all tools, it could draw
them any reliable hosts, as long as the tools themselves are somehow
documented and categorized well enough to be auto-installed in the right
place in the workgroup

Ah, blue sky thinking :)

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 4:40 PM, Gene Crucean

 Yeah count me *out* of any dropbox solution. 3 main reasons...

 1: I would go freaking MAD if anyone could add, remove or change versions
 of addon's from my working setup. 2000% deal breaker.
 2: Space is limited with the free accounts and I don't want just anyone
 being able to use my space however they feel is necessary.
 3: A lot of studios don't allow you to install 3rd party software, but *
 especially* things like dropbox that tunnel through firewalls and
 generally disregard network safety.

 @Thomas: If descriptions are the main reason that you prefer rray, then
 why not make a small text file a requirement for submitting? Same level as
 addon/plugin/script that contains a short description.

 Also it does have advantages. First of all it's instant availability for
 everyone, don't forget, the second you upload something, it's available to
 all. Also don't forget that *you* have read/write access to it.

 Here's another idea which has been one that I've been tinkering around
 with the concept for a while now. I've had this idea to create a full blown
 package manager for Soft for a long time now. Think of a full GUI that lets
 you browse all available packages (addon's, plugins, scripts) and their
 versions and also prompts you to update your local copy when a new version
 gets published. It would be crowd sourced, meaning everyone would have
 read/write access. If I had extra time... hah, I could create a whole user
 account system where users create accounts to manager their own packages,
 but only have read access to everyone else's.

 Another advantage is that anything uploaded would also be available via

 I also have a small utility I built that lets me recursively create xml
 files that describe the folder contents and structure:
  this file could exist in every level of the directory. It's parseable

 Or if someone that knows PHP and has more time than I do wants to write a
 proper api endpoint, well then things get really cool. Until then, xml it

 Gene Crucean - Emmy winning - Oscar nominated VFX Supervisor / iOS-OSX
 Developer / Filmmaker / Photographer
 ** *Freelance for hire* **

 ~~ Please use my website's contact form on for any
 personal emails. Thanks. I may not get them at this address. ~~

Technical Pretty Picture Making Person

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-18 Thread Jason S

It would be handy if we could also be able to zoom-out,
Since it's IE based I would have thought that it could but it can't..  pity.

On 18/01/2013 3:48 AM, Eugen Sares wrote: inside Netview already works. Open local backup, dd an 
xsiaddon into a viewport. Nice!

Some problems, though:
- some addons are zipped or rared, so the poor site admin would have 
to go through the whole bunch and unzip them.

- the search field seems not to be working... not good.
- does anyone else get some strange script error popup opening the 
backup link in Netview? I have to click continue script execution, 
then it works nonetheless.
- when dd-ing an addon, it always gets installed into 
xx:\Users\xxx\Autodesk\Softimage_xxx\Addons. There ain't no way to 
re-route this to a workgroup, is there?

I'd say the last version of the xsiaddon could reside directly on the 
blog entry, for convenience.

So basically might be the place to go, since it's the most 
complete addon collection out there, right?
Maybe the usual suspect plugin writers can get access to the blog to 
post their stuff themselves, so the admin has less work?

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-18 Thread Alan Fregtman
In Linux, it's the Internet Explorer 5 engine. Making anything modern work
on that is borderline masochistic.

Any kind soul wanna build a Chromium netview? :p

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 10:00 AM, Jason S wrote:

 It would be handy if we could also be able to zoom-out,
 Since it's IE based I would have thought that it could but it can't..

 On 18/01/2013 3:48 AM, Eugen Sares wrote: inside Netview already works. Open local backup, dd an
 xsiaddon into a viewport. Nice!

 Some problems, though:
 - some addons are zipped or rared, so the poor site admin would have to
 go through the whole bunch and unzip them.
 - the search field seems not to be working... not good.
 - does anyone else get some strange script error popup opening the
 backup link in Netview? I have to click continue script execution, then
 it works nonetheless.
 - when dd-ing an addon, it always gets installed into
 xx:\Users\xxx\Autodesk\**Softimage_xxx\Addons. There ain't no way to
 re-route this to a workgroup, is there?

 I'd say the last version of the xsiaddon could reside directly on the
 blog entry, for convenience.

 So basically might be the place to go, since it's the most
 complete addon collection out there, right?
 Maybe the usual suspect plugin writers can get access to the blog to post
 their stuff themselves, so the admin has less work?

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-18 Thread Steven Caron
i am thinking more like a pyqt app which is a portal to (or any
other database of content) rather than a generic web browser. just dreaming

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 7:10 AM, Alan Fregtman alan.fregt...@gmail.comwrote:

 Any kind soul wanna build a Chromium netview? :p

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-17 Thread Alan Fregtman
And in the case of FTP, one cannot undelete. At least in Dropbox you have
30 days to restore deleted files. It's bad either way.

Also I think it's unwise to divulge ftp details on a public mailing list.
All it takes is 1 jerk to ruin it for everybody. (I don't think anyone on
the list would, but if it shows up in google searches, which it will
because this is public, any noob hacker could probably come and ruin the

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 7:34 AM, Gustavo Eggert Boehs

 One could also upload malicious files up to Dropbox and they would spread
 to all those who share the folder, right?
 Does not sound very safe.

 2013/1/17 Eugen Sares

  If we use dropbox we have to make damn sure nobody removes items others
 might be needing, which can happen by accident (I don't expect acts of

 Also, what if someone updates his own tools, with some changes in
 functionality that break downward compatibility?
 Oder versions must remain accessible. We can't afford f*ing up other
 people's production pipelines.
 We could create another workgroup folder for every version that gets
 uploaded, inside the uploader's personal folder.
 Use the newer version? Disconnect from the old, connect to the new folder.

 But maybe it would be better to copy the stuff we need to some local
 offline workgroup. Might be too risky otherwise.

 Btw., does dropbox have any options to set write permissions?

 Am 17.01.2013 10:22, schrieb Thomas Volkmann:

  A dropbox-workgroup (or a workgroup on a FTP) that you can just connect
 to (or make a local copy and get updates every now and then) would be
  I think just having tools on a FTP is not a real advantage over,
 because you don't have any previews or descriptions for the tools (other
 than just to connect to a workgroup, where you can just try stuff, because
 it's already installed).
  A community workgroup could add a community menu where you select users
 to see their tools... like this:

  - userFoo
 - exporters
 - rigging stuff
  - userBar
 - exporters
 - animation helpers
 - whatever
  - userFnord
 - curve tools
 - make-awesome tools
 - whatever

  And maybe a similar structure for ICE/Render compounds.
  That way a user can maintain his own section and will probably not break
 some other stuff. Since I never created any AddOns: is it enough to have a
 folder structure inside the addon-folder of the workgroup and place stuff
 there, or is a file in InstalledAddons where you register all that stuff
 necessary as well?
  Anyway, I think if we could get something like that going, it would be
 the shit!
  Personally I would probably connect to it every now and then, check some
 stuff and take the tools I like into my personal workgroup. And of course
 upload some of my new tools to the community workgroup.


 Gene Crucean emailgeneonthel...@gmail.comemailgeneonthel...@gmail.comhat 
 am 17. Januar 2013 um 09:07 geschrieben:

  Why not just a good ol fashioned FTP?

  I'll offer one up to *this* list and 3DPro (Be careful who you give it
 to. Adults get access):
  user: softimage
  pass: Add0n555

  I have lots of space and unlimited bandwidth... but if it gets abused,
 I'll just take it down.

  What do you guys think about this? It would need a decent
 naming/directory structure so it didn't become a huge mess.

  Maybe something like:

  - Task
  - Author
  - Addon/Plugin/Script
  - Versions

  On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 9:41 PM, Jason S wrote:

 Don't know why I often put extra buts in my sentances,
 in this case we were essentially saying the same thing :)

 On 16/01/2013 11:42 PM, Jason S wrote:

 Ya! but maybe like a common  XSI_SAMPLES_DUMP  Database,
  to which we could then make like a more refined/finished  DB out of

 Gene Crucean - Emmy winning - Oscar nominated VFX Supervisor / iOS-OSX
 Developer / Filmmaker / Photographer
  **  *Freelance for hire* **

 ~~ Please use my website's contact form on for any
 personal emails. Thanks. I may not get them at this address. ~~

 Gustavo E Boehs

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-17 Thread Alan Fregtman
Maybe if we could have something like apt-get or Sublime's Package
Control style tool to list, install and update addons?

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 10:38 AM, Alan Fregtman alan.fregt...@gmail.comwrote:

 And in the case of FTP, one cannot undelete. At least in Dropbox you have
 30 days to restore deleted files. It's bad either way.

 Also I think it's unwise to divulge ftp details on a public mailing list.
 All it takes is 1 jerk to ruin it for everybody. (I don't think anyone on
 the list would, but if it shows up in google searches, which it will
 because this is public, any noob hacker could probably come and ruin the

 On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 7:34 AM, Gustavo Eggert Boehs

 One could also upload malicious files up to Dropbox and they would spread
 to all those who share the folder, right?
 Does not sound very safe.

 2013/1/17 Eugen Sares

  If we use dropbox we have to make damn sure nobody removes items
 others might be needing, which can happen by accident (I don't expect acts
 of sabotage).

 Also, what if someone updates his own tools, with some changes in
 functionality that break downward compatibility?
 Oder versions must remain accessible. We can't afford f*ing up other
 people's production pipelines.
 We could create another workgroup folder for every version that gets
 uploaded, inside the uploader's personal folder.
 Use the newer version? Disconnect from the old, connect to the new

 But maybe it would be better to copy the stuff we need to some local
 offline workgroup. Might be too risky otherwise.

 Btw., does dropbox have any options to set write permissions?

 Am 17.01.2013 10:22, schrieb Thomas Volkmann:

  A dropbox-workgroup (or a workgroup on a FTP) that you can just connect
 to (or make a local copy and get updates every now and then) would be
  I think just having tools on a FTP is not a real advantage over,
 because you don't have any previews or descriptions for the tools (other
 than just to connect to a workgroup, where you can just try stuff, because
 it's already installed).
  A community workgroup could add a community menu where you select users
 to see their tools... like this:

  - userFoo
 - exporters
 - rigging stuff
  - userBar
 - exporters
 - animation helpers
 - whatever
  - userFnord
 - curve tools
 - make-awesome tools
 - whatever

  And maybe a similar structure for ICE/Render compounds.
  That way a user can maintain his own section and will probably not
 break some other stuff. Since I never created any AddOns: is it enough to
 have a folder structure inside the addon-folder of the workgroup and place
 stuff there, or is a file in InstalledAddons where you register all that
 stuff necessary as well?
  Anyway, I think if we could get something like that going, it would be
 the shit!
  Personally I would probably connect to it every now and then, check
 some stuff and take the tools I like into my personal workgroup. And of
 course upload some of my new tools to the community workgroup.


 Gene Crucean 
 emailgeneonthel...@gmail.comemailgeneonthel...@gmail.comhat am 17. 
 Januar 2013 um 09:07 geschrieben:

  Why not just a good ol fashioned FTP?

  I'll offer one up to *this* list and 3DPro (Be careful who you give it
 to. Adults get access):
  user: softimage
  pass: Add0n555

  I have lots of space and unlimited bandwidth... but if it gets abused,
 I'll just take it down.

  What do you guys think about this? It would need a decent
 naming/directory structure so it didn't become a huge mess.

  Maybe something like:

  - Task
  - Author
  - Addon/Plugin/Script
  - Versions

  On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 9:41 PM, Jason S jasonsta...@gmail.comwrote:

 Don't know why I often put extra buts in my sentances,
 in this case we were essentially saying the same thing :)

 On 16/01/2013 11:42 PM, Jason S wrote:

 Ya! but maybe like a common  XSI_SAMPLES_DUMP  Database,
  to which we could then make like a more refined/finished  DB out of

 Gene Crucean - Emmy winning - Oscar nominated VFX Supervisor / iOS-OSX
 Developer / Filmmaker / Photographer
  **  *Freelance for hire* **

 ~~ Please use my website's contact form on for any
 personal emails. Thanks. I may not get them at this address. ~~

 Gustavo E Boehs

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-17 Thread Stefan Kubicek

I like the initiative, but what would be the advantage over

One could also upload malicious files up to Dropbox and they would spread
to all those who share the folder, right?
Does not sound very safe.

2013/1/17 Eugen Sares

 If we use dropbox we have to make damn sure nobody removes items others
might be needing, which can happen by accident (I don't expect acts of

Also, what if someone updates his own tools, with some changes in
functionality that break downward compatibility?
Oder versions must remain accessible. We can't afford f*ing up other
people's production pipelines.
We could create another workgroup folder for every version that gets
uploaded, inside the uploader's personal folder.
Use the newer version? Disconnect from the old, connect to the new folder.

But maybe it would be better to copy the stuff we need to some local
offline workgroup. Might be too risky otherwise.

Btw., does dropbox have any options to set write permissions?

Am 17.01.2013 10:22, schrieb Thomas Volkmann:

 A dropbox-workgroup (or a workgroup on a FTP) that you can just connect
to (or make a local copy and get updates every now and then) would be
 I think just having tools on a FTP is not a real advantage over,
because you don't have any previews or descriptions for the tools (other
than just to connect to a workgroup, where you can just try stuff, because
it's already installed).
 A community workgroup could add a community menu where you select users
to see their tools... like this:

 - userFoo
- exporters
- rigging stuff
 - userBar
- exporters
- animation helpers
- whatever
 - userFnord
- curve tools
- make-awesome tools
- whatever

 And maybe a similar structure for ICE/Render compounds.
 That way a user can maintain his own section and will probably not break
some other stuff. Since I never created any AddOns: is it enough to have a
folder structure inside the addon-folder of the workgroup and place stuff
there, or is a file in InstalledAddons where you register all that stuff
necessary as well?
 Anyway, I think if we could get something like that going, it would be
the shit!
 Personally I would probably connect to it every now and then, check some
stuff and take the tools I like into my personal workgroup. And of course
upload some of my new tools to the community workgroup.


Gene Crucean emailgeneonthel...@gmail.comhat 
am 17. Januar 2013 um 09:07 geschrieben:

 Why not just a good ol fashioned FTP?

 I'll offer one up to *this* list and 3DPro (Be careful who you give it
to. Adults get access):
 user: softimage
 pass: Add0n555

 I have lots of space and unlimited bandwidth... but if it gets abused,
I'll just take it down.

 What do you guys think about this? It would need a decent
naming/directory structure so it didn't become a huge mess.

 Maybe something like:

 - Task
 - Author
 - Addon/Plugin/Script
 - Versions

 On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 9:41 PM, Jason S wrote:

Don't know why I often put extra buts in my sentances,
in this case we were essentially saying the same thing :)

On 16/01/2013 11:42 PM, Jason S wrote:

Ya! but maybe like a common  XSI_SAMPLES_DUMP  Database,
 to which we could then make like a more refined/finished  DB out of that,

Gene Crucean - Emmy winning - Oscar nominated VFX Supervisor / iOS-OSX
Developer / Filmmaker / Photographer
 **  *Freelance for hire* **

~~ Please use my website's contact form on for any
personal emails. Thanks. I may not get them at this address. ~~

Stefan Kubicek   Co-founder
  keyvis digital imagery
 Wehrgasse 9 - Grüner Hof
   1050 Vienna  Austria
--- ---
--  This email and its attachments are
--confidential and for the recipient only--

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-17 Thread Eric Thivierge
I'm with Alan on a package control type setup. But there would need to be a
central databaseto maintain the package list. Too bad Autodesk can't find
the time and money for something like this.

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-17 Thread olivier jeannel

A survival kit à sounds better imho. That's where we all go, no ?

Le 17/01/2013 16:45, Stefan Kubicek a écrit :

I like the initiative, but what would be the advantage over

One could also upload malicious files up to Dropbox and they would 

to all those who share the folder, right?
Does not sound very safe.

2013/1/17 Eugen Sares

 If we use dropbox we have to make damn sure nobody removes items 

might be needing, which can happen by accident (I don't expect acts of

Also, what if someone updates his own tools, with some changes in
functionality that break downward compatibility?
Oder versions must remain accessible. We can't afford f*ing up other
people's production pipelines.
We could create another workgroup folder for every version that gets
uploaded, inside the uploader's personal folder.
Use the newer version? Disconnect from the old, connect to the new 

But maybe it would be better to copy the stuff we need to some local
offline workgroup. Might be too risky otherwise.

Btw., does dropbox have any options to set write permissions?

Am 17.01.2013 10:22, schrieb Thomas Volkmann:

 A dropbox-workgroup (or a workgroup on a FTP) that you can just 

to (or make a local copy and get updates every now and then) would be
 I think just having tools on a FTP is not a real advantage over,
because you don't have any previews or descriptions for the tools 
than just to connect to a workgroup, where you can just try stuff, 

it's already installed).
 A community workgroup could add a community menu where you select 

to see their tools... like this:

 - userFoo
- exporters
- rigging stuff
 - userBar
- exporters
- animation helpers
- whatever
 - userFnord
- curve tools
- make-awesome tools
- whatever

 And maybe a similar structure for ICE/Render compounds.
 That way a user can maintain his own section and will probably not 
some other stuff. Since I never created any AddOns: is it enough to 
have a
folder structure inside the addon-folder of the workgroup and place 
there, or is a file in InstalledAddons where you register all that 

necessary as well?
 Anyway, I think if we could get something like that going, it would be
the shit!
 Personally I would probably connect to it every now and then, check 
stuff and take the tools I like into my personal workgroup. And of 

upload some of my new tools to the community workgroup.


Gene Crucean 
emailgeneonthel...@gmail.comhat am 17. Januar 2013 um 09:07 

 Why not just a good ol fashioned FTP?

 I'll offer one up to *this* list and 3DPro (Be careful who you give it
to. Adults get access):
 user: softimage
 pass: Add0n555

 I have lots of space and unlimited bandwidth... but if it gets abused,
I'll just take it down.

 What do you guys think about this? It would need a decent
naming/directory structure so it didn't become a huge mess.

 Maybe something like:

 - Task
 - Author
 - Addon/Plugin/Script
 - Versions

 On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 9:41 PM, Jason S 

Don't know why I often put extra buts in my sentances,
in this case we were essentially saying the same thing :)

On 16/01/2013 11:42 PM, Jason S wrote:

Ya! but maybe like a common  XSI_SAMPLES_DUMP  Database,
 to which we could then make like a more refined/finished  DB out of 

Gene Crucean - Emmy winning - Oscar nominated VFX Supervisor / iOS-OSX
Developer / Filmmaker / Photographer
 **  *Freelance for hire* **

~~ Please use my website's contact form on for any
personal emails. Thanks. I may not get them at this address. ~~

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-17 Thread Jason S

I think the dump would be mostly for collection convenience purposes,
or for browsing while knowing it's a raw dump
with some things unfinished yet potentially still useful.

But we could then go through all that
and pick-out / organize and make available in a neat way on
the specially selected potatoes :)

On 17/01/2013 11:22 AM, olivier jeannel wrote:

A survival kit à sounds better imho. That's where we all go, no ?

Le 17/01/2013 16:45, Stefan Kubicek a écrit :

I like the initiative, but what would be the advantage over

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-17 Thread Andy Moorer
The nice thing about a workgroup is you can connect to it whenever/wherever, 
without picking thru items and installing stuff. You just connect, see what's 
there, give it a try.

But such a thing would have to be moderated and maintained, plus secure. This 
kind of sharing is one of the untapped advantages of Softimage, it drives me 
crazy that netview is just sitting there unused... 

On Jan 17, 2013, at 11:22 AM, olivier jeannel wrote:

 A survival kit à sounds better imho. That's where we all go, no ?
 Le 17/01/2013 16:45, Stefan Kubicek a écrit :
 I like the initiative, but what would be the advantage over
 One could also upload malicious files up to Dropbox and they would spread
 to all those who share the folder, right?
 Does not sound very safe.
 2013/1/17 Eugen Sares
 If we use dropbox we have to make damn sure nobody removes items others
 might be needing, which can happen by accident (I don't expect acts of
 Also, what if someone updates his own tools, with some changes in
 functionality that break downward compatibility?
 Oder versions must remain accessible. We can't afford f*ing up other
 people's production pipelines.
 We could create another workgroup folder for every version that gets
 uploaded, inside the uploader's personal folder.
 Use the newer version? Disconnect from the old, connect to the new folder.
 But maybe it would be better to copy the stuff we need to some local
 offline workgroup. Might be too risky otherwise.
 Btw., does dropbox have any options to set write permissions?
 Am 17.01.2013 10:22, schrieb Thomas Volkmann:
 A dropbox-workgroup (or a workgroup on a FTP) that you can just connect
 to (or make a local copy and get updates every now and then) would be
 I think just having tools on a FTP is not a real advantage over,
 because you don't have any previews or descriptions for the tools (other
 than just to connect to a workgroup, where you can just try stuff, because
 it's already installed).
 A community workgroup could add a community menu where you select users
 to see their tools... like this:
 - userFoo
- exporters
- rigging stuff
 - userBar
- exporters
- animation helpers
- whatever
 - userFnord
- curve tools
- make-awesome tools
- whatever
 And maybe a similar structure for ICE/Render compounds.
 That way a user can maintain his own section and will probably not break
 some other stuff. Since I never created any AddOns: is it enough to have a
 folder structure inside the addon-folder of the workgroup and place stuff
 there, or is a file in InstalledAddons where you register all that stuff
 necessary as well?
 Anyway, I think if we could get something like that going, it would be
 the shit!
 Personally I would probably connect to it every now and then, check some
 stuff and take the tools I like into my personal workgroup. And of course
 upload some of my new tools to the community workgroup.
 Gene Crucean 
 emailgeneonthel...@gmail.comhat am 17. Januar 2013 um 09:07 geschrieben:
 Why not just a good ol fashioned FTP?
 I'll offer one up to *this* list and 3DPro (Be careful who you give it
 to. Adults get access):
 user: softimage
 pass: Add0n555
 I have lots of space and unlimited bandwidth... but if it gets abused,
 I'll just take it down.
 What do you guys think about this? It would need a decent
 naming/directory structure so it didn't become a huge mess.
 Maybe something like:
 - Task
 - Author
 - Addon/Plugin/Script
 - Versions
 On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 9:41 PM, Jason S wrote:
 Don't know why I often put extra buts in my sentances,
 in this case we were essentially saying the same thing :)
 On 16/01/2013 11:42 PM, Jason S wrote:
 Ya! but maybe like a common  XSI_SAMPLES_DUMP  Database,
 to which we could then make like a more refined/finished  DB out of that,
 Gene Crucean - Emmy winning - Oscar nominated VFX Supervisor / iOS-OSX
 Developer / Filmmaker / Photographer
 **  *Freelance for hire* **
 ~~ Please use my website's contact form on for any
 personal emails. Thanks. I may not get them at this address. ~~

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-17 Thread Gene Crucean
Wow major gmail fail. Lots of new replies and non of them showed up before
I replied. Sorry about that folks.

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 8:40 AM, Gene Crucean

 Yeah count me *out* of any dropbox solution. 3 main reasons...

 1: I would go freaking MAD if anyone could add, remove or change versions
 of addon's from my working setup. 2000% deal breaker.
 2: Space is limited with the free accounts and I don't want just anyone
 being able to use my space however they feel is necessary.
 3: A lot of studios don't allow you to install 3rd party software, but *
 especially* things like dropbox that tunnel through firewalls and
 generally disregard network safety.

 @Thomas: If descriptions are the main reason that you prefer rray, then
 why not make a small text file a requirement for submitting? Same level as
 addon/plugin/script that contains a short description.

 Also it does have advantages. First of all it's instant availability for
 everyone, don't forget, the second you upload something, it's available to
 all. Also don't forget that *you* have read/write access to it.

 Here's another idea which has been one that I've been tinkering around
 with the concept for a while now. I've had this idea to create a full blown
 package manager for Soft for a long time now. Think of a full GUI that lets
 you browse all available packages (addon's, plugins, scripts) and their
 versions and also prompts you to update your local copy when a new version
 gets published. It would be crowd sourced, meaning everyone would have
 read/write access. If I had extra time... hah, I could create a whole user
 account system where users create accounts to manager their own packages,
 but only have read access to everyone else's.

 Another advantage is that anything uploaded would also be available via

 I also have a small utility I built that lets me recursively create xml
 files that describe the folder contents and structure:
  this file could exist in every level of the directory. It's parseable

 Or if someone that knows PHP and has more time than I do wants to write a
 proper api endpoint, well then things get really cool. Until then, xml it

 Gene Crucean - Emmy winning - Oscar nominated VFX Supervisor / iOS-OSX
 Developer / Filmmaker / Photographer
 ** *Freelance for hire* **

 ~~ Please use my website's contact form on for any
 personal emails. Thanks. I may not get them at this address. ~~

Gene Crucean - Emmy winning - Oscar nominated VFX Supervisor / iOS-OSX
Developer / Filmmaker / Photographer
** *Freelance for hire* **

~~ Please use my website's contact form on for any
personal emails. Thanks. I may not get them at this address. ~~

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-17 Thread Alan Fregtman
I'm not sure that concept scales... I don't wanna load a crapton of addons
I don't know the purpose of. What if some of them conflict with each other?
What if someone poorly coded a few events? Hell naw!

Besides, with something like Package Control, you gotta be savvy enough to
put up a repo and that weeds out complete beginners from litterring the
package universe. A shared folder is too easy to litter.

Here's a nice overview of how Package Control does things:

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 11:43 AM, Andy Moorer wrote:

 The nice thing about a workgroup is you can connect to it
 whenever/wherever, without picking thru items and installing stuff. You
 just connect, see what's there, give it a try.

 But such a thing would have to be moderated and maintained, plus secure.
 This kind of sharing is one of the untapped advantages of Softimage, it
 drives me crazy that netview is just sitting there unused...

 On Jan 17, 2013, at 11:22 AM, olivier jeannel

  A survival kit à sounds better imho. That's where we all go, no ?
  Le 17/01/2013 16:45, Stefan Kubicek a écrit :
  I like the initiative, but what would be the advantage over
  One could also upload malicious files up to Dropbox and they would
  to all those who share the folder, right?
  Does not sound very safe.
  2013/1/17 Eugen Sares
  If we use dropbox we have to make damn sure nobody removes items
  might be needing, which can happen by accident (I don't expect acts of
  Also, what if someone updates his own tools, with some changes in
  functionality that break downward compatibility?
  Oder versions must remain accessible. We can't afford f*ing up other
  people's production pipelines.
  We could create another workgroup folder for every version that gets
  uploaded, inside the uploader's personal folder.
  Use the newer version? Disconnect from the old, connect to the new
  But maybe it would be better to copy the stuff we need to some local
  offline workgroup. Might be too risky otherwise.
  Btw., does dropbox have any options to set write permissions?
  Am 17.01.2013 10:22, schrieb Thomas Volkmann:
  A dropbox-workgroup (or a workgroup on a FTP) that you can just
  to (or make a local copy and get updates every now and then) would be
  I think just having tools on a FTP is not a real advantage over,
  because you don't have any previews or descriptions for the tools
  than just to connect to a workgroup, where you can just try stuff,
  it's already installed).
  A community workgroup could add a community menu where you select
  to see their tools... like this:
  - userFoo
 - exporters
 - rigging stuff
  - userBar
 - exporters
 - animation helpers
 - whatever
  - userFnord
 - curve tools
 - make-awesome tools
 - whatever
  And maybe a similar structure for ICE/Render compounds.
  That way a user can maintain his own section and will probably not
  some other stuff. Since I never created any AddOns: is it enough to
 have a
  folder structure inside the addon-folder of the workgroup and place
  there, or is a file in InstalledAddons where you register all that
  necessary as well?
  Anyway, I think if we could get something like that going, it would be
  the shit!
  Personally I would probably connect to it every now and then, check
  stuff and take the tools I like into my personal workgroup. And of
  upload some of my new tools to the community workgroup.
  Gene Crucean 
 emailgeneonthel...@gmail.comhat am 17. Januar 2013 um 09:07 geschrieben:
  Why not just a good ol fashioned FTP?
  I'll offer one up to *this* list and 3DPro (Be careful who you give it
  to. Adults get access):
  user: softimage
  pass: Add0n555
  I have lots of space and unlimited bandwidth... but if it gets abused,
  I'll just take it down.
  What do you guys think about this? It would need a decent
  naming/directory structure so it didn't become a huge mess.
  Maybe something like:
  - Task
  - Author
  - Addon/Plugin/Script
  - Versions
  On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 9:41 PM, Jason S
  Don't know why I often put extra buts in my sentances,
  in this case we were essentially saying the same thing :)
  On 16/01/2013 11:42 PM, Jason S wrote:
  Ya! but maybe like a common  XSI_SAMPLES_DUMP  Database,
  to which we could then make like a more refined/finished  DB out of
  Gene Crucean - Emmy winning - Oscar nominated VFX Supervisor / iOS-OSX

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-17 Thread César Sáez

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Alan Fregtman alan.fregt...@gmail.comwrote:

 I'm not sure that concept scales... I don't wanna load a crapton of addons
 I don't know the purpose of. What if some of them conflict with each other?
 What if someone poorly coded a few events? Hell naw!

 Besides, with something like Package Control, you gotta be savvy enough to
 put up a repo and that weeds out complete beginners from litterring the
 package universe. A shared folder is too easy to litter.

 Here's a nice overview of how Package Control does things:

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-17 Thread Simon Anderson
I have always thought there great assets/plugins/ code snippets. a
marketplace/databank could be a simple solution to easily find things on
the web for softimage.

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Simon Anderson wrote:

 I was thinking a while back, why not make like a market place, there so
 many hosting options for people to put there files where ever, then you
 have one database, that has the link to that file, a description and maybe
 a pic or link to a video. users could also easily edit the urls, in case a
 tool or site goes down, someone else can host the file. That way all you
 need is someone to host the SQL database or xml file, depending on what the
 market place will use to serialise information.

 thats my mind bubble thought

 could be a soft plugin or Qt plugin.

 On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Jason S wrote:

 and/or perhaps a JPG?

  Gene Crucean wrote:

 @Thomas: If descriptions are the main reason that you prefer rray, then
 why not make a small text file a requirement for submitting? Same level as
 addon/plugin/script that contains a short description.

 Simon Ben Anderson

Simon Ben Anderson

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-16 Thread Dan Yargici
There should have been more partition tools in Soft from day one IMO - most
obviously a tool to match partitions.

As with all these things, they're simple to script, but that's not the
point.  The glaringly obvious ones should be integrated eventually.

Another thing that's missing that I've had to make myself is a Render -
Current Frame (Selected Passes) command.  Why was that one missed out?!


On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 8:16 AM, Martin wrote:

 I guess It will depend on what you are doing.

 I usually carry always my own modeling tools to do simple things like
 merge and separate, separate clusters and preserve weights in one click
 symetrize polygon and weights
 clean Scene and objects according to the project
 Mirror and flip FCurves
 Copy Animation Branches
 Copy Weights (through Gator)
 Select mirror components
 Align center, objects and components
 change image clips and paths
 reload scene
 lock points
 round weights
 etc, etc.

 Very simple things that I do a lot when I'm modeling or animating and it
 really speeds up my workflow.

 Some other tools I use:
 Eric T.'s ET Naming , RCTools, MX_Roundish, Taut, blr vertex color, Gear,
 Ahmidou Lyazidi UVStamp, Incremental Save


 and a bunch of basic scripts I customize according to my current project.

 I also use a modified version of Gotetz's Non Registered Script to
 organize scripts that I don't use all the time.


Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-16 Thread Andy Moorer
That's an awesome idea. Maybe start by asking users to send in their most 
useful customizations or personal compounds etc to a public collection on 
si-community or rray?

Most of us tend to keep those kind of things privately, but we shouldn't... 
Anything which makes the Softimage community as a whole more productive will 
advance the interests of anyone who wants SI to thrive/grow/not be declared a 
damn particle system lol.

Our competition is the maya community who we want to win over to soft, not each 
other, after all.

I'll put my $ where my mouth is and start sharing personal good stuff that I 
find useful on my blog. :D

BTW that list is fantastic

On Jan 16, 2013, at 9:33 AM, Jason S wrote:

 In the same spirit of this thread,  
 would it be conceivable (with the accordance of the authors)
 or what would you guys think of some kind of a 
 SI Power Tool Master Addon Collection Essentials thing ?
 Would it slow down (X)SI or startup times?
 Would it be hard to maintain/update?
 Would XSI become too cluttered?
 Perhaps 1 per dicipline? (1 Modeling Pack, 1 Rendering Pack)
 What do you think?
 Cause I think it would be the next best thing 
 to actually having certain things factory.
 And the fact of having some things standard, 
 can also help alot in the usage of those things,
 not only by having them right there, 
 but by then being much more widely used and well known.
 Things which could be commonly considered useful/amazing
 which would otherwise not have been (very much) used or tried 
 unless people knew they existed, 
 or knew how it would have made their lives easier.

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-16 Thread Andy Moorer

 - dual monitor scripts: ctrl+ [shortcut] opens a window maximized on the 
 second monitor. ex: ctrl+alt+9 opens icetree, ctrl+alt+9 opens rendertree

Slaps forehead how totally useful, can't believe I never thought of that.

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-16 Thread Ben Houston
I wonder if it would be possible to share some Workgroups via Dropbox
or maybe just a set of installers grouped in various ways.  Might
allow for one person to damage the whole thing though. :-/

Best regards,
Ben Houston
Voice: 613-762-4113 Skype: ben.exocortex Twitter: @exocortexcom - Passionate CG Software Professionals.

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-16 Thread Eugen Sares

Let's share the good stuff, definitely!

Which reminds me: shouldn't ol' Netview be the easy-to-access repository 
we all would like to have?

What happened to it, and why?

Am 16.01.2013 18:07, schrieb Ben Houston:

I wonder if it would be possible to share some Workgroups via Dropbox
or maybe just a set of installers grouped in various ways.  Might
allow for one person to damage the whole thing though. :-/

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-16 Thread Simon Reeves
Nice stuff guys! I have plenty of little scripts here and there too,
probably similar to ones already mentioned, or ones i used at various
studios and had to rewrite for myself. Anyway I'm not sure the best way to
organise it all online, but fortunately with soft workgroups make life so
easy at work... Compared to wanting to be organised in max, I usually just
give up :)

On Wednesday, 16 January 2013, Andy Moorer wrote:

 Cool, thanks for sharing that Fabricio, it's brilliant.

 Here's one I have in my personal menu - creates an annotation log of
 distance measurements. Select two objects and run, places the distance
 between the two in an annotation, or adds to an existing annotation.

 I made it during a time when I was doing a lot of DoF work, and it's
 turned out handy ever since.

 Not packaged up in any particular way, pretty much ripped right out of my
 menu ;)

 On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Fabricio Chamon 
 xsiml...@gmail.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', '');

 For what's worth, here's my CVO (Custom view opener) dual monitor script
 for the icetree.
  Rename to CVO.js (can't attach js files!)  Copy to
 application\plugins  Map it to any key combination (mine is always
 ctrl+[original shortcut]).

 - Screen resolution must be set inside the file (currently is 1920x1080).
 - you may also adjust some pixel offsets to better accomodate for your OS
 - viewname has to match any file from the application\views folder

 You can register more commands to it, I always do:

 - icetree
 - rendertree
 - script editor
 - object view (ctrl+alt+1)
 - fx tree  (ctrl+alt+2): opens fxtree maximized at monitor 1 and fxviewer
 at monitor 2

 2013/1/16 Eugen Sares javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',

 Let's share the good stuff, definitely!

 Which reminds me: shouldn't ol' Netview be the easy-to-access repository
 we all would like to have?
 What happened to it, and why?

 Am 16.01.2013 18:07, schrieb Ben Houston:

  I wonder if it would be possible to share some Workgroups via Dropbox
 or maybe just a set of installers grouped in various ways.  Might
 allow for one person to damage the whole thing though. :-/


Simon Reeves
Freelance 3D VFX Artist

London, UK

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-16 Thread Andy Moorer
Yeah workgroups really help. I'm a hack when it comes to python scripting,
so most of the stuff I end up writing for myself I shoehorn into a few
custom menus that live in a workgroup, which also contains assets like
models and rigs. I've never even explored packaging stuff as addons (I
should). I just carry the workgroup around... :P

On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Simon Reeves wrote:

 Nice stuff guys! I have plenty of little scripts here and there too,
 probably similar to ones already mentioned, or ones i used at various
 studios and had to rewrite for myself. Anyway I'm not sure the best way to
 organise it all online, but fortunately with soft workgroups make life so
 easy at work... Compared to wanting to be organised in max, I usually
 just give up :)

 On Wednesday, 16 January 2013, Andy Moorer wrote:

 Cool, thanks for sharing that Fabricio, it's brilliant.

 Here's one I have in my personal menu - creates an annotation log of
 distance measurements. Select two objects and run, places the distance
 between the two in an annotation, or adds to an existing annotation.

 I made it during a time when I was doing a lot of DoF work, and it's
 turned out handy ever since.

 Not packaged up in any particular way, pretty much ripped right out of my
 menu ;)

 On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Fabricio Chamon xsiml...@gmail.comwrote:

 For what's worth, here's my CVO (Custom view opener) dual monitor script
 for the icetree.
  Rename to CVO.js (can't attach js files!)  Copy to
 application\plugins  Map it to any key combination (mine is always
 ctrl+[original shortcut]).

 - Screen resolution must be set inside the file (currently is
 - you may also adjust some pixel offsets to better accomodate for your
 OS layout.
 - viewname has to match any file from the application\views folder

 You can register more commands to it, I always do:

 - icetree
 - rendertree
 - script editor
 - object view (ctrl+alt+1)
 - fx tree  (ctrl+alt+2): opens fxtree maximized at monitor 1 and
 fxviewer at monitor 2

 2013/1/16 Eugen Sares

 Let's share the good stuff, definitely!

 Which reminds me: shouldn't ol' Netview be the easy-to-access
 repository we all would like to have?
 What happened to it, and why?

 Am 16.01.2013 18:07, schrieb Ben Houston:

  I wonder if it would be possible to share some Workgroups via Dropbox
 or maybe just a set of installers grouped in various ways.  Might
 allow for one person to damage the whole thing though. :-/


 Simon Reeves
 Freelance 3D VFX Artist

 London, UK

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-16 Thread Fabricio Chamon
...another one: Rename Chain

select any chain element (bone/root/effector)  run. Type chain preffix.
myChain will create: myChain_root, myChain_Bone1, myChain_Bone2,

2013/1/16 Andy Moorer

 Yeah workgroups really help. I'm a hack when it comes to python scripting,
 so most of the stuff I end up writing for myself I shoehorn into a few
 custom menus that live in a workgroup, which also contains assets like
 models and rigs. I've never even explored packaging stuff as addons (I
 should). I just carry the workgroup around... :P

 On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Simon Reeves si...@simonreeves.comwrote:

 Nice stuff guys! I have plenty of little scripts here and there too,
 probably similar to ones already mentioned, or ones i used at various
 studios and had to rewrite for myself. Anyway I'm not sure the best way to
 organise it all online, but fortunately with soft workgroups make life so
 easy at work... Compared to wanting to be organised in max, I usually
 just give up :)

 On Wednesday, 16 January 2013, Andy Moorer wrote:

 Cool, thanks for sharing that Fabricio, it's brilliant.

 Here's one I have in my personal menu - creates an annotation log of
 distance measurements. Select two objects and run, places the distance
 between the two in an annotation, or adds to an existing annotation.

 I made it during a time when I was doing a lot of DoF work, and it's
 turned out handy ever since.

 Not packaged up in any particular way, pretty much ripped right out of
 my menu ;)

 On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Fabricio Chamon xsiml...@gmail.comwrote:

 For what's worth, here's my CVO (Custom view opener) dual monitor
 script for the icetree.
  Rename to CVO.js (can't attach js files!)  Copy to
 application\plugins  Map it to any key combination (mine is always
 ctrl+[original shortcut]).

 - Screen resolution must be set inside the file (currently is
 - you may also adjust some pixel offsets to better accomodate for your
 OS layout.
 - viewname has to match any file from the application\views folder

 You can register more commands to it, I always do:

 - icetree
 - rendertree
 - script editor
 - object view (ctrl+alt+1)
 - fx tree  (ctrl+alt+2): opens fxtree maximized at monitor 1 and
 fxviewer at monitor 2

 2013/1/16 Eugen Sares

 Let's share the good stuff, definitely!

 Which reminds me: shouldn't ol' Netview be the easy-to-access
 repository we all would like to have?
 What happened to it, and why?

 Am 16.01.2013 18:07, schrieb Ben Houston:

  I wonder if it would be possible to share some Workgroups via Dropbox
 or maybe just a set of installers grouped in various ways.  Might
 allow for one person to damage the whole thing though. :-/


 Simon Reeves
 Freelance 3D VFX Artist

 London, UK

if (selection.count0){
var nome = XSIInputBox(Chain Prefix, Rename Chain, );
var temp = selection(0);
for (i=0;itemp.root.bones.count;i++){
temp.root.bones( i ).Parameters(name).value = nome+_bone1;
temp.root.Parameters(name).value = nome+_root;
temp.root.effector.Parameters(name).value = nome+_eff;

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-16 Thread Jason S

 Ben Houston wrote:

I wonder if it would be possible to share some Workgroups via Dropbox
or maybe just a set of installers grouped in various ways.  Might
allow for one person to damage the whole thing though. :-/

Ya! but maybe like a common  XSI_SAMPLES_DUMP  Database,
 to which we could then make like a more refined/finished  DB out of that,
like an updated XSI_SAMPLES_DB with a selection of peoples' tricks up 

 a few good textures and HDR Maps.
(while leaving the public dump public for references to pick out or 
start from)

Rray already started something like that over at SI-Community here 

(with a really great start by the way! )
for unfinished (and often almost finished or finished) scripts or tools.

(which included an actual renderer intergration (lol)
for LuxRender GPL Unbiased Render among other things)

But I think this could really include like scenes from our personal 
labs database
(made of spheres boxes and grids, with a few ICE or RT nodes strigned in 
a certain way,

showing tricks (or attempts) for acheiving certain looks/shortcuts/effects.

(and not just be like a passing thread)

So what would be Ideal?

If I setup a DropBox Folder, would a standard SI DB be sufficient?

With perhaps a few subfolders for scripts  scenes ?

Is dropbox Ideal? (going to everyones drives?)

Oh  that's what you meant by one person could damage..
.. if anyone deletes a file, everyone's file gets deleted.

And what size could this folder become for scripts  scenes?

But it would seem at first glance tho be the most convenient ..
no uploading, zipping..  we could give a guideline to avoid dropping 
huge textures,

but normally should not become so heavy..

Or I (or RRay?) could reretreive them (taking them out of the drop box)
I wouldnt mind making an organized folder out of that dump,
to then make that available online.
Any suggestions Ideas?

I'll have to ask RRay what he has in mind..

 Eugen Sares wrote:
shouldn't ol' Netview be the easy-to-access repository we all would 
like to have? 

I agree that the NetView could be harnessed for some of this, perhaps 
for the Cleaned DB?

But anyway ..  Got Junk ?   :)


I'm not sure about

Our competition is the maya community who we want to win over to soft

I dont think winning-over the Maya community would/should be the ideal 
(Maya community which I think has it's place, while not necessarily 
seeing it as competition)

But I most definitly agree with ..

Anything which makes the Softimage community as a whole more productive will 
advance the interests of anyone who wants SI to thrive/grow/not be declared a 
damn particle system lol.

..  thinking that the SI-Community absolutely *also* has it's place :)


Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-15 Thread olivier jeannel

What is Ciaran's distance field emitter ?
Sounds good...

Le 15/01/2013 04:38, Andy Moorer a écrit :

Hi all. I'm interested in what people consider as the essentials for a small 
studio Softimage pipeline, in terms of essential tools, scripts and 
customization. I have my own ideas and opinions but want to get a sanity check 
in case I'm missing some cool workflow or toolset, and just out of interest.

I'd also be interested in hearing what people have in their personal toolkits. 
For instance wherever I bring along a personal workgroup which contains a 
plethora of ICE nodes, a small script library of example code and esoteric 
tools, a set of useful addons by others, and a custom menu with a set of more 
personal tools, mostly little time savers, things like general purpose models 
and lighting rigs, etc.

A lot of these things are little but I'd hate to be without 'em. For instance a 
simple menu command which removes screen widgets and makes the BG dark grey is 
so trivial but I'd really miss it. Same goes for Ciaran's signed distance field 
emitter, I love that thing...

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-15 Thread Daniel Brassard

Here you go!

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 1:26 PM, olivier jeannel olivier.jean...@noos.frwrote:

 What is Ciaran's distance field emitter ?
 Sounds good...

 Le 15/01/2013 04:38, Andy Moorer a écrit :

  Hi all. I'm interested in what people consider as the essentials for a
 small studio Softimage pipeline, in terms of essential tools, scripts and
 customization. I have my own ideas and opinions but want to get a sanity
 check in case I'm missing some cool workflow or toolset, and just out of

 I'd also be interested in hearing what people have in their personal
 toolkits. For instance wherever I bring along a personal workgroup which
 contains a plethora of ICE nodes, a small script library of example code
 and esoteric tools, a set of useful addons by others, and a custom menu
 with a set of more personal tools, mostly little time savers, things like
 general purpose models and lighting rigs, etc.

 A lot of these things are little but I'd hate to be without 'em. For
 instance a simple menu command which removes screen widgets and makes the
 BG dark grey is so trivial but I'd really miss it. Same goes for Ciaran's
 signed distance field emitter, I love that thing...

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-15 Thread Peter Agg
Funnily enough the ones I'm most attached to aren't the big asset
management tools; it's my 'Select All Children/Immediate Children/Parents',
'Create Control Root  Target', 'Reset Control Root'  and 'Parent like
Maya' plugins which take the most use. I think the most complicated one
there is about 5 lines long...

On 15 January 2013 18:35, Daniel Brassard wrote:

 Here you go!

 On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 1:26 PM, olivier jeannel 

 What is Ciaran's distance field emitter ?
 Sounds good...

 Le 15/01/2013 04:38, Andy Moorer a écrit :

  Hi all. I'm interested in what people consider as the essentials for a
 small studio Softimage pipeline, in terms of essential tools, scripts and
 customization. I have my own ideas and opinions but want to get a sanity
 check in case I'm missing some cool workflow or toolset, and just out of

 I'd also be interested in hearing what people have in their personal
 toolkits. For instance wherever I bring along a personal workgroup which
 contains a plethora of ICE nodes, a small script library of example code
 and esoteric tools, a set of useful addons by others, and a custom menu
 with a set of more personal tools, mostly little time savers, things like
 general purpose models and lighting rigs, etc.

 A lot of these things are little but I'd hate to be without 'em. For
 instance a simple menu command which removes screen widgets and makes the
 BG dark grey is so trivial but I'd really miss it. Same goes for Ciaran's
 signed distance field emitter, I love that thing...

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-15 Thread Andy Moorer
I know, same here... The best scripts I use are tiny, like one that parents 
offset nulls on every object selected. And a 1-line script that cycles viewport 
background colors is great for making particles easier to see. Same goes for 
ice compounds, the simple ones are often the most useful, I have one which 
mimics Maya's sphRand function and I use it all the time.

On Jan 15, 2013, at 1:40 PM, Peter Agg wrote:

 Funnily enough the ones I'm most attached to aren't the big asset management 
 tools; it's my 'Select All Children/Immediate Children/Parents', 'Create 
 Control Root  Target', 'Reset Control Root'  and 'Parent like Maya' plugins 
 which take the most use. I think the most complicated one there is about 5 
 lines long...

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-15 Thread Simon Anderson
-Zip constrain tool, select 10 objects (A) then select 10 objects (B) and
every object gets constrained to there significant other, A1 const B1, A2
const B2. just speeds things up so much.
- create cluster with null on each point from a selection of points.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Andy Moorer wrote:

 I know, same here... The best scripts I use are tiny, like one that
 parents offset nulls on every object selected. And a 1-line script that
 cycles viewport background colors is great for making particles easier to
 see. Same goes for ice compounds, the simple ones are often the most
 useful, I have one which mimics Maya's sphRand function and I use it all
 the time.

 On Jan 15, 2013, at 1:40 PM, Peter Agg wrote:

  Funnily enough the ones I'm most attached to aren't the big asset
 management tools; it's my 'Select All Children/Immediate Children/Parents',
 'Create Control Root  Target', 'Reset Control Root'  and 'Parent like
 Maya' plugins which take the most use. I think the most complicated one
 there is about 5 lines long...

Simon Ben Anderson

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-15 Thread Sebastian Kowalski
jep, the small tools are essential for day to day work. like:
-creating a point cloud with an ice tree (!!!)
-selection sensitive parenting primitive creation.
-all kinds of transform tools. switch transforms, add object(s) under srt at 
transform or component selection …
-uncountable compounds. 
-pass/ partition helpers
-utility shader creation

I've wrote so many small tools, that i need a pipeline just for organizing them 

Am 16.01.2013 um 00:50 schrieb Simon Anderson

 -Zip constrain tool, select 10 objects (A) then select 10 objects (B) and 
 every object gets constrained to there significant other, A1 const B1, A2 
 const B2. just speeds things up so much.
 - create cluster with null on each point from a selection of points. 
 On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Andy Moorer wrote:
 I know, same here... The best scripts I use are tiny, like one that parents 
 offset nulls on every object selected. And a 1-line script that cycles 
 viewport background colors is great for making particles easier to see. Same 
 goes for ice compounds, the simple ones are often the most useful, I have one 
 which mimics Maya's sphRand function and I use it all the time.
 On Jan 15, 2013, at 1:40 PM, Peter Agg wrote:
  Funnily enough the ones I'm most attached to aren't the big asset 
  management tools; it's my 'Select All Children/Immediate Children/Parents', 
  'Create Control Root  Target', 'Reset Control Root'  and 'Parent like 
  Maya' plugins which take the most use. I think the most complicated one 
  there is about 5 lines long...
 Simon Ben Anderson

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-15 Thread César Sáez
That happens too!
A centralized launcher and some coding standards helps a lot, otherwise
everything will be a chaos sooner than later.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 1:25 AM, Sebastian Kowalski wrote:

 I've wrote so many small tools, that i need a pipeline just for organizing
 them ;)

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-15 Thread Alan Fregtman
For the quick everyday tools I make strictly for personal use by myself
they often end up in my personal toolbar and it's been growing, and
growing, and growing...

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 7:56 PM, César Sáez wrote:

 That happens too!
 A centralized launcher and some coding standards helps a lot, otherwise
 everything will be a chaos sooner than later.

 On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 1:25 AM, Sebastian Kowalski l...@sekow.comwrote:

 I've wrote so many small tools, that i need a pipeline just for
 organizing them ;)

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-15 Thread Martin
I guess It will depend on what you are doing.

I usually carry always my own modeling tools to do simple things like
merge and separate, separate clusters and preserve weights in one click
symetrize polygon and weights
clean Scene and objects according to the project
Mirror and flip FCurves
Copy Animation Branches
Copy Weights (through Gator)
Select mirror components
Align center, objects and components
change image clips and paths
reload scene
lock points
round weights
etc, etc.

Very simple things that I do a lot when I'm modeling or animating and it
really speeds up my workflow.

Some other tools I use:
Eric T.'s ET Naming , RCTools, MX_Roundish, Taut, blr vertex color, Gear,
Ahmidou Lyazidi UVStamp, Incremental Save


and a bunch of basic scripts I customize according to my current project.

I also use a modified version of Gotetz's Non Registered Script to organize
scripts that I don't use all the time.


Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-14 Thread Andy Moorer
Hi all. I'm interested in what people consider as the essentials for a small 
studio Softimage pipeline, in terms of essential tools, scripts and 
customization. I have my own ideas and opinions but want to get a sanity check 
in case I'm missing some cool workflow or toolset, and just out of interest.

I'd also be interested in hearing what people have in their personal toolkits. 
For instance wherever I bring along a personal workgroup which contains a 
plethora of ICE nodes, a small script library of example code and esoteric 
tools, a set of useful addons by others, and a custom menu with a set of more 
personal tools, mostly little time savers, things like general purpose models 
and lighting rigs, etc.

A lot of these things are little but I'd hate to be without 'em. For instance a 
simple menu command which removes screen widgets and makes the BG dark grey is 
so trivial but I'd really miss it. Same goes for Ciaran's signed distance field 
emitter, I love that thing...

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-14 Thread Simon Anderson
number one would be a decent Folder strucure, and naming conventions, and
some tools to help make this a little bit more automated, have seen and
heard of many small studios just passing folders and files around and then
you start losing track of which is the latest, or where was that file that
Jo was working on and hes now sick. I think If you have a solid folder
structure then you can work from there with plugins and things to help out.

incrememntal save tools, and simple compare size of the file tool
onSaveComplete to test if a file is dramatically a different size, was
caught out a few times on the last production from corrupt scene files.
I have always liked a simple ToDo tool, allowing you to quickly jot down
what you have done on a model or scene, still need to do and ideas for what
you are still thinking about, same goes for a save with memo script,
sometimes you want to remember a specific save as this save was the one
when you decided to change something drastic, its nice to have all your
files neatly versioned, and then have a simple xml of json file that can be
read to allow you to quickly remember where a file was that you
signifacantly changed.

Weight painter, and some shape scripts for quickly sorting out weight maps
and altering shapes( can save many a headache)
I have a few of those viewport setup scripts, and I used to have a isolate
object tool for whichly cycling between groups/models that I was working
with, to make viewport interaction as light as possible.

I can go on and on about tools and small pipeline things, have been
scribbling up ideas for last 3 years, about what cool pipeline tools and
things could be implemeneted to make the life of a studio run better and
faster. I was lucky enough to put a few of them into play at Triggerfish.
It worked really well for a team of about 100. Trying to find the time to
start making some more pipeline stuff's. but only time will tell ;)

Even if a studio had no tools at all, the project folder structure is
number one. a MUST! :D haha.. it will save lives and sanity, well
documented guide

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 2:38 PM, Andy Moorer wrote:

 Hi all. I'm interested in what people consider as the essentials for a
 small studio Softimage pipeline, in terms of essential tools, scripts and
 customization. I have my own ideas and opinions but want to get a sanity
 check in case I'm missing some cool workflow or toolset, and just out of

 I'd also be interested in hearing what people have in their personal
 toolkits. For instance wherever I bring along a personal workgroup which
 contains a plethora of ICE nodes, a small script library of example code
 and esoteric tools, a set of useful addons by others, and a custom menu
 with a set of more personal tools, mostly little time savers, things like
 general purpose models and lighting rigs, etc.

 A lot of these things are little but I'd hate to be without 'em. For
 instance a simple menu command which removes screen widgets and makes the
 BG dark grey is so trivial but I'd really miss it. Same goes for Ciaran's
 signed distance field emitter, I love that thing...

Simon Ben Anderson

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-14 Thread Andy Moorer
Thanks for the fast reply Simon, very interesting post. I totally agree about 
the importance of file structure and conventions, asset management is another 
big one.

What brings this up... Partly I've been thinking about this stuff for years, 
but recently I began sorting thru scenes to put examples up on my site for 
newer ICE artists and have been re-organizing a lot of my assets, compounds etc 
with an eye for isolating out the good stuff and sharing it. 

I also had an experience not too long ago with a smallish studio (30-40 people) 
which has bought a few seats of Softimage and is setting up a beginners 
Softimage pipeline alongside their regular Maya one (which is also getting an 
overhaul) with an eye towards bringing their artists up to speed with ICE etc. 
Part of that involved setting up Alembic for asset exchange, some scene saving 
automation (enforcing file names) and the like. 

So it got me thinking in terms of what small enhancements bring the most bang 
for the buck and what exactly constitutes pipeline... With big facilities its a 
bit easier, because at a certain scale it makes sense to build significant 
structure, and needs are usually readily apparent. But an idealized 
pipeline/toolset gets a little vague when you are talking smaller teams and 
facilities, or even the single artist. Yet when I look at my own setup at home, 
there's a fair bit of customization. It would be interesting to try to identify 
the things pretty much every user ends up making for themselves, like rename 
scripts and similar tools, or assets like light rigs, staging scenes, camera 
rigs and the like. 

Re: Pipes and tools u can't live without

2013-01-14 Thread Meng-Yang Lu
IF I were a freelancer, I'd sort out my I/O first and foremost.  Basically
have the ability to take in commonly exported formats like
.bgeo/partio/alembic/.skp plus the occasional 2D formats for camera and
pCloud stuff and have it so that these span a few versions back.  I feel
like once this is established, you're free to use the best tool for the job
or leverage the resources already in place at the facility.  The real value
of a freelancer comes from being able to integrate seamlessly into a
pipeline while providing value via your expertise.  The ability to break
off your work so others can pick it up as well as take on where others have
left off while still using the tools you're most adept with is incredibly


On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 7:38 PM, Andy Moorer wrote:

 Hi all. I'm interested in what people consider as the essentials for a
 small studio Softimage pipeline, in terms of essential tools, scripts and
 customization. I have my own ideas and opinions but want to get a sanity
 check in case I'm missing some cool workflow or toolset, and just out of

 I'd also be interested in hearing what people have in their personal
 toolkits. For instance wherever I bring along a personal workgroup which
 contains a plethora of ICE nodes, a small script library of example code
 and esoteric tools, a set of useful addons by others, and a custom menu
 with a set of more personal tools, mostly little time savers, things like
 general purpose models and lighting rigs, etc.

 A lot of these things are little but I'd hate to be without 'em. For
 instance a simple menu command which removes screen widgets and makes the
 BG dark grey is so trivial but I'd really miss it. Same goes for Ciaran's
 signed distance field emitter, I love that thing...