Re: welcome new lucene/solr committers

2010-03-15 Thread Chris Hostetter

: Development on branches/solr to get on lucene trunk is progressing at
: a furious (nay... ferocious) pace, pushed by the not new, but new to
: solr committers.  Feels great to have everyone on the same team!

I feel like i must have missed out on some sort of discussion -- what was 
the motivation behind creating a branch for this? (as opposed to just 
using solr/trunk, since it seemed like there was a clear concensus from 
all the solr devs (in the merge discussion) that the next major solr 
release should be in sync with Lucene 3.x)

Also: why such a horrible branch name?  ... seems more then a little 


Re: welcome new lucene/solr committers

2010-03-15 Thread Mark Miller

On 03/15/2010 07:14 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:

: Development on branches/solr to get on lucene trunk is progressing at
: a furious (nay... ferocious) pace, pushed by the not new, but new to
: solr committers.  Feels great to have everyone on the same team!

I feel like i must have missed out on some sort of discussion -- what was
the motivation behind creating a branch for this? (as opposed to just
using solr/trunk, since it seemed like there was a clear concensus from
all the solr devs (in the merge discussion) that the next major solr
release should be in sync with Lucene 3.x)

Because getting Solr on Lucene 3.x is a combination of a bunch of issues 
and patches - robert and I were trying to juggle them all and it was 
major annoying. So we made a branch that we could commit crappy stuff 
too fast and furious to get things up to speed and iterate. This branch 
is basically the culmination of all the patches, plus whatever else we 

Also: why such a horrible branch name?  ... seems more then a little

God don't ask. As Robert and I were looking for a place for a branch, it 
came up in #Lucene irc chat that we should put it in a certain place.
It turns out, that certain place caused a raucous. For one, Uwe popped 
up and said something like:


So while it made some sense to call it solr in the unspoken place that 
it was, I was in such a hurry to move it I just left the name. Now it 
would require everyone svn switching to change it, so we have just left 
it for now. Renames and moves are easy in svn though, so I'm sure we 
could organize something better - we just meant for this to be a very 
temporary scratch pad to play with what was need to get up to Lucene trunk.

We haven't meant to do anything official is why we havn't dropped onto 
the dev-list - we were just looking for a branch to hash out these 
patches. Now its up to everyone what we do with this branch.



- Mark

Re: welcome new lucene/solr committers

2010-03-15 Thread Mark Miller
Sorry - hit a bad keyboard short cut and sent this mid way through 
writing it - please disregard and read the followup.

On 03/15/2010 07:21 PM, Mark Miller wrote:

On 03/15/2010 07:14 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:

: Development on branches/solr to get on lucene trunk is progressing at
: a furious (nay... ferocious) pace, pushed by the not new, but new to
: solr committers.  Feels great to have everyone on the same team!

I feel like i must have missed out on some sort of discussion -- what 

the motivation behind creating a branch for this? (as opposed to just
using solr/trunk, since it seemed like there was a clear concensus from
all the solr devs (in the merge discussion) that the next major solr
release should be in sync with Lucene 3.x)

Because getting Solr on Lucene 3.x is a combination of a bunch of 
issues and patches - robert and I were trying to juggle them all and 
it was major annoying. So we made a branch that we could commit crappy 
stuff too fast and furious to get things up to speed and iterate. This 
branch is basically the culmination of all the patches, plus whatever 
else we needed.

Also: why such a horrible branch name?  ... seems more then a little

God don't ask. As Robert and I were looking for a place for a branch, 
it came up in #Lucene irc chat that we should put it in a certain place.
It turns out, that certain place caused a raucous. Uwe popped up and 
said something like:




- Mark

Re: welcome new lucene/solr committers

2010-03-15 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 07:25:00PM -0400, Mark Miller wrote:
 We haven't meant to do anything official is why we havn't dropped onto 
 the dev-list - we were just looking for a branch to hash out these 

Makes sense to me.  This is the kind of thing you'd do on a local checkout
with git-svn, but if you don't have expertise in that (: I don't either :)
then a throwaway svn branch is an alternative.

Marvin Humphrey

welcome new lucene/solr committers

2010-03-14 Thread Yonik Seeley
The lucene/solr merge* has started off with a bang!
Development on branches/solr to get on lucene trunk is progressing at
a furious (nay... ferocious) pace, pushed by the not new, but new to
solr committers.  Feels great to have everyone on the same team!

We've already merged committers of course (hence the flurry of commit
activity by new ids), and it looks like lucene and solr will be ready
to be on the same trunk much quicker than anticipated!  As always,
we'll be working out the little details as we go along, but it's been
a tremendous start and I'd just like to thank the new to solr, but
now all one big happy family lucene/solr committers!


* for those who don't follow *-dev or general regularly, yes lucene
and solr have merged.  This means development has merged - one set of
committers working to produce both lucene and solr.  There will always
be separate lucene and solr downloads, and for historical reasons as
well as user convenience, the user lists, websites, and JIRA databases
will remain separate.