Re: Connection Pool

2010-05-14 Thread gabriele renzi
On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 3:35 PM, Anderson vasconcelos wrote:
 I wanna to know if has any connection pool client to manage the connections
 with solr. In my system, we have a lot of concurrency index request. I cant
 shared my  connection, i need to create one per transaction. But if i create
 one per transaction, i think the performance will down.

 How you resolve this problem?

The commonsHttpSolrServer class does connection pooling, and IIRC also
the StreamingUpdateSolrServer.

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Query or FilterQuery for exact field match

2010-02-16 Thread gabriele renzi
Hi everyone,

in our app we sometimes use solr programmatically to retrieve all the
elements that have a certain value in a single-valued single-token
field ( brand:xxx).
Since we are not interested in scoring this results, I was thinking
that maybe this should be performed as a filterQuery (fq=brand:xxx),
and in that case I guess I shall be using a wildcard for the  query
(q=*:*), as I'd get an NPE on the missing parameter otherwise.

Does something like this even make sense? Is there a proper way to do
a query like this, or is the normal route of using q=brand:xxx already
the best way?

Thanks in advance for any answer.

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Re: Query or FilterQuery for exact field match

2010-02-16 Thread gabriele renzi
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 2:04 PM, NarasimhaRaju wrote:

 using filterQuery(fq) is more efficient because SolrIndexSearcher will make 
 use of filterCache
 and in your case it returns entire set from the cache instead of searching 
 from the entire index.
 more info about solrCaches at

I read that, but I'm outside of the typical usage I believe (as I have
no additional parameters so I'm not getting a subset): in my case it
seems the result would be in the queryResultCache anyway if I do a
normal search , or am I missing something?

Anyway, thanks for your answer.

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slave java replication connection issue in nightly (wrong url?)

2009-10-30 Thread gabriele renzi
hi everyone and sorry if this question is dumb, but I seem to be
unable to connect from a slave, with both are in a multicore setup

I configured the replication like

requestHandler name=/replication class=solr.ReplicationHandler 
lst name=master
  str name=enable${enable.master:false}/str
  str name=replicateAftercommit/str
  str name=replicateAfterstartup/str
  str name=backupAfteroptimize/str
  str name=confFilesschema.xml/str
lst name=slave
  str name=enable${enable.slave:false}/str
  str name=pollInterval00:00:60/str

And it seems that both master and slave loaded the configuration
correctly e.g. in the admin interface I see
* /replication added
* my config values correctly loaded
* replicationEnabled = true in master
* isSlave and isMaster correctly set on both
* the http://master.solr.lan:8080/solr/core/replication gives me
status ok when accessed as a GET (curl) from  the slave machine

yet, when I check from the slave's admin interface it says that
http://master.solr.lan:8080/solr/core/replication is unreachable, and
from the statistics I see
isReplicating : false

and in the logs
SEVERE: Master at: http://master.solr.lan:8080/solr/core/replication
is not available. Index fetch failed. Exception: Request failed
 for the url org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.postmet...@48f3d27

I'm thinking maybe I should have configured the url differently, but
frankly I don't have a clue.

Could someone point out what is the obvious error I'm doing ? :)

Additional informations:
* slave nightly is from today, master from a few days ago
* both machines are 64 bit and running on linux
* java -version is
Java version 1.6.0_16
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_16-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.2-b01, mixed mode)
* solr is deployed in a tomcat6 container

Re: slave java replication connection issue in nightly (wrong url?)

2009-10-30 Thread gabriele renzi
ah, problem solved, it was due (apparently) caching an old dns entry
sorry for the noise :)

Re: Solr 1.4 (RC) performance on multi-CPU system

2009-10-28 Thread gabriele renzi
On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Yonik Seeley wrote:

 is there a reason why StreamingUpdateSolrServer does not accept a
 connection manager argument as CommonsHttpSolrServer does?

 I don't see any reason why it shouldn't... can you open a JIRA issue
 and optionally provide a patch?

great, will do both later today (GMT+1 lunch time :) )

 Its buffering feature seems kind of disjoint from the self-management
 of a connection pool

 Does this just refer to the missing constructor allowing for
 HttpClient to be passed, or is there another potential improvement you

the former, I just meant I did not see any dependency between the two
that forbid allowing custom managers.

Re: Solr 1.4 (RC) performance on multi-CPU system

2009-10-28 Thread gabriele renzi
2009/10/28 gabriele renzi
 On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Yonik Seeley wrote:

 is there a reason why StreamingUpdateSolrServer does not accept a
 connection manager argument as CommonsHttpSolrServer does?

 I don't see any reason why it shouldn't... can you open a JIRA issue
 and optionally provide a patch?

 great, will do both later today (GMT+1 lunch time :) )

done, I hope I have not done anything stupid. No new tests attached
but old ones still pass and testing an inherited ctor seems moot.

While I'm at it, FindBugs has a few issues with the solr code base (a
few hundreds, but most seem false positives) but it does have a few
concurrency related issues that appear reasonable to me, is it of any
use if I submit patches for those too?

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Re: Solr 1.4 (RC) performance on multi-CPU system

2009-10-27 Thread gabriele renzi
On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 10:43 PM, Yonik Seeley wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Teruhiko Kurosaka wrote:
 Are multiple CPUs utilized at indexing time as well, or just by searcher?

 Yes, multiple CPUs are utilized for indexing.

 If you're using SolrJ, and easy way to exploit this parallelism is to use

is there a reason why StreamingUpdateSolrServer does not accept a
connection manager argument as CommonsHttpSolrServer does?
Its buffering feature seems kind of disjoint from the self-management
of a connection pool, and source-wise it seems to me that it relies on
the superclass' getHttpClient() but I'm probably missing something :).