High system cpu usage while starting solr

2014-11-07 Thread mizayah

Im running few solr cores on one pretty good server. After some time i
discover that restarting solr makes   queries last longer.

What i see is that after restart jvm usage is realy low and raise slowly
while system cpu ussage is high.
My select queries are realy slow during that time. 
After few days when jvm grab some MORE memory system drops down.

java settings
-Xmx6144m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCDetails

I have 8GB ram


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Fast question about replication between solr version

2014-09-18 Thread mizayah
I cant't find anywhere inofrmation about replication between solr version. 
Is it possible replicate between example solr 4.2 and 4.10 without any

What i need is to upgrade version and don't wona re-index all from

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Re: slow performance on simple filter

2014-06-09 Thread mizayah
I'm really at dead point. 

Mine indeks is 5,6GM and about 8mln documments.
Field i'm using for filter is simple as  hell. 


Can it be that other fields affect my search if i only do filter query?

mine results:


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Re: slow performance on simple filter

2014-05-31 Thread mizayah
i show you my full query

it's rly simple one 
q=*:* and fq=class_name:CdnFile

debug q shows that process of q takes so long.
single filter is critical here.

And cache is ot an option here. It work well but i need to know why such
sipmple filter can takes so long.












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slow performance on simple filter

2014-05-14 Thread mizayah

I got pretty big index with about 7 mln doccuments.

I got pretty slow query when i ask about common word. Nothing changes when i
ask by q or fq.

hits=5594978 status=0 QTime=408

It't not about my hardware tho. I was sure solr is blazing fast if i do such
simple queries.
Why my query is so slow? Its because of to frequent worl "CdnFile"?

I index only this field into elasticsearch and im getting same responses
like in 0,08s

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solr 3.6 hang for few seconds, need help

2013-04-29 Thread mizayah

Im running solr 3.6 on tomcat, under some traffic about 20r/s
I got 6 different cores on it.

I was testing one by quering every 1 second with simple request and time

INFO: [core1] webapp=/solr3.4-tomcat path=/select params= ... 1:55:05 ...
Apr 29, 2013 1:55:06 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrDeletionPolicy onInit
INFO: SolrDeletionPolicy.onInit: commits:num=2
_4herl.nrm, _2inup_17f5.del, _1yxp2.fd
_4herl.nrm, _2inup_17f5.del, _1yxp2.fd
Apr 29, 2013 1:55:06 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrDeletionPolicy
INFO: newest commit = 1331656373568
Apr 29, 2013 1:55:06 PM org.apache.solr.update.DirectUpdateHandler2 commit
INFO: start
Apr 29, 2013 1:55:06 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
INFO: [core1] webapp=/solr3.4-tomcat path=/select params=... 1:55:06 ...
Apr 29, 2013 1:55:14 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
INFO: [core1] webapp=/solr3.4-tomcat path=/select params=... 1:55:07 ...
Apr 29, 2013 1:55:15 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
INFO: [core1] webapp=/solr3.4-tomcat path=/select params=... 1:55:15 ...

query from 1:55:15 was executed  at 1:15:14.
Between 1:55:06 - 1:55:17 there is nothing in solr and tomcat logs.

What could hapen here? I'm getting that hang every some time.
Does commiting, or something could stop me from searching?

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Re: SolrCloud new zookeper node on different ip/ replicate between two clasters

2013-02-11 Thread mizayah
Thx Mark

"The replication handler can be setup to replicate to another dc. "
Erm, i dont get it. I can setup replication between two solr cloud this way
or just solrcloud->solr?

"You can also put nodes in both dcs"
Indexing will slow rly much if I understad well solrcluoud replica and
leader (replication is real-time ). 
Worst is when by accident Zoo will elect leader in other dc. Zoo could use
"obserwers" here bit it will only makes things more comlicated too.

"I have not yet found the multi dc zk solution."
Only smth called "obserwers" help a bit in my case. Zoo called obserwers
dont vote thay are jusr like points of read. It would be good here, but
after one dc down i need fully working zoo and obserwers doesnt support to
change to "follower".
About zoo conf is ofc big problem, but configuration doesnt change much so
two zoo quorum in bots dc are ok imo.

"I know other systems use something like having a tie breaker node in
Yeah, i want run my own cloud and want to have failover in amazon. I'm from
europe :)

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Re: SolrCloud new zookeper node on different ip/ replicate between two clasters

2013-02-11 Thread mizayah
This is good sollution.

One thing here is rly unyoing. The double indexing.
Is there a way to replicate to another dc? Seams solrcloud cant use his
ealier replication.

Would be nice if i can replicate somehow between two soulrcloud.

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Re: SolrCloud new zookeper node on different ip/ replicate between two clasters

2013-02-08 Thread mizayah
I dont think its so simple.

First I need to have at last 3 zoo to keep failver for one server.
Second after one zoo die, i need restart of all solrs.

Maybe i define simply question.
Two data centers.
How to replicate two solr claster between two datacenters?
In no SolrClaud there is repeater, if i connect all SolrCloud nodes in one
claster between dc i will make lots of trafiick between them.
I dont mention about that i will get leader elected in wrong datacanter

How can i have two claster of solr and replicate them between two

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Way to lock solr for incoming writes

2013-01-16 Thread mizayah
Is there a way to lock solr for writes?
I don't wona use solr integrated backup because i'm using ceph claster.

What I need is to have consistent data for few seconds to make backup.

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Re: SolrCloud removing shard (how to not loose data)

2013-01-11 Thread mizayah
Seams I'm to lazy.
I found this http://wiki.apache.org/solr/MergingSolrIndexes, and it works

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Re: SolrCloud removing shard (how to not loose data)

2013-01-11 Thread mizayah
Mark, I know i still have access to data and i can woke ap shard again.

What i want to do is.

I have 3 shards on 3 nodes, one on each. Now i discower that i dont need 3
nodes and i want only 2.
So i want to remove shard and put data from it to these who left.

Is there way to index that data without force index it again?

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SolrCloud removing shard (how to not loose data)

2013-01-10 Thread mizayah
Lets say i got one collection with 3 shards. Every shard contains indexed

I want to unload one shard. Is there any way for data from unloaded shard to
be not lost?
How to remove shard with data withoud loosing them?

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auto warm up cache and new data

2012-04-26 Thread mizayah
Please help me understand that.
What wil happen if if have cached data and thay change after comit and i
have autowarm set up.
Old cached data will be still accesible in cache so i will get old data?

That means if autowarm copy all needed data to new cache probably i will
never see new data?
Cache in solr expire only with searcher going down right?

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Different solr config under tomcat.

2012-04-17 Thread mizayah
Is there a way to use different path for solrconfig.xml, like
solrconfig_slave.xml for instance under tomcat?

I dont want run cores. I know how to do it with cores, but i want to have
single instance.
Is there any parameter which i can use to say tomcat to use

Pls help

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Re: solr 3.5 and indexing performance

2012-02-23 Thread mizayah
Ok i found it.

Its becouse of Hunspell which now is in solr. Somehow when im using it by
myself in 3.4 it is a lot of faster then one from 3.5.

Dont know about differences, but is there any way i use my old Google
Hunspell jar?

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Re: solr 3.5 and indexing performance

2012-02-22 Thread mizayah
i got it all commnented in updateHandler, im prety sure there is no default

iorixxx wrote
>> I wanted to switch to new version of solr, exactelly to 3.5
>> but im getting
>> big drop of indexing speed.
> Could it be   configuration in solrconfig.xml?

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solr 3.5 and indexing performance

2012-02-22 Thread mizayah

I wanted to switch to new version of solr, exactelly to 3.5 but im getting
big drop of indexing speed.

I'm using 3.1 and after few tests i discower that 3.4 do it a lot of better
then 3.5

My schema is really simple few field using "text" type field





All data and configuration are the same, same schema, solrconfig, same

*SOLR 3.5*
/Feb 22, 2012 3:40:33 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrDeletionPolicy onInit
INFO: SolrDeletionPolicy.onInit: commits:num=1
_52.fdx, _aq.frq,
_a5.fdt, _cr.nrm, _52.fnm, _a5.prx, segments_bl, _52.fdt, _7k.tii, _cr.frq,
_a5.tis, _cr.fdt, _a5.nrm, _cr.prx, _cp.prx, _cr.fdx, _cn.nrm, _52.tvf,
_cp.fnm, _co.tii, _52.tvd, _8
o.tvx, _co.tis, _8o.tii, _a5.fnm, _8o.tvd, _7k.tis, _8o.tvf, _bb.tis,
_7k.fdx, _7k.fdt, _7k.frq, _bb.tii, _cn.frq, _co.prx, _aq.tii, _cq.fdx,
_52.tii, _cm.tis, _cq.fdt, _aq.tis,
 _52.tis, _aq.tvx, _co.nrm, _bb.prx, _cm.tii, _cr.fnm, _aq.tvf, _bb_3.del,
_aq.tvd, _cm.frq, _cp.nrm, _cq.tis, _52.prx, _cn.tis, _8o.fnm, _cl.nrm,
_cl.fnm, _a5.tii, _cn.tii, _cq
.tii, _cp.tis, _cp.fdt, _cl.fdt, _cl.prx, _aq.fdt, _cl.fdx, _cr.tis,
_co.frq, _7k.fnm, _cq.frq, _bb.fnm, _cr.tii, _cp.fdx, _cp.tii, _aq.fdx,
_cq.tvd, _8o.fdt, _cq.tvf, _52.nrm,
_8o.nrm, _aq.fnm, _8o.prx, _co.tvd, _cq.tvx, _52.frq, _bb.nrm, _bb.fdt,
_cp.tvf, _a5.tvx, _cp.tvd, _cn.tvx, _7k.nrm, _bb.fdx, _cm.tvx, _cm.fdx,
_cl.tvf, _cp.tvx, _co.fdx, _cl.tv
d, _cn.tvf, _a5.frq, _cm.fdt, _a5.tvf, _co.fdt, _a5.tvd, _cp.frq, _cn.fdt,
_cm.nrm, _7k_d.del, _cn.fdx, _52_1e.del, _7k.prx, _8o.fdx, _cn.prx, _cl.tis,
_cq.nrm, _7k.tvx, _cq.prx
, _cn.tvd, _cl.tii, _cm.fnm, _7k.tvd, _cm.prx, _8o.tis, _cm.tvf, _52.tvx,
_7k.tvf, _cl.tvx, _cm.tvd, _a5_9.del, _bb.tvf, _bb.tvd, _cr.tvd, _co.tvf,
_bb.tvx, _cr.tvf, _co.fnm, _a
q.prx, _cl.frq, _cq.fnm, _aq_9.del, _bb.frq, _8o.frq, _aq.nrm, _co.tvx,
_8o_t.del, _cr.tvx, _cn.fnm, _cl_6.del]
Feb 22, 2012 3:40:33 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrDeletionPolicy
INFO: newest commit = 1329831219365
Feb 22, 2012 3:40:47 PM org.apache.solr.update.processor.LogUpdateProcessor
*INFO: {add=[2271874, 2271875, 2271876, 2271877, 2271878, 2271879, 2271880,
2271881, ... (100 adds)]} 0 14213*
Feb 22, 2012 3:40:47 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/update params={} status=0 QTime=14213
when on solr 3.4
/Feb 22, 2012 3:42:56 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrDeletionPolicy onInit
INFO: SolrDeletionPolicy.onInit: commits:num=1
_2c.tvx, _2d.tvf, _2f.tvx, _2d.tvd, _15.prx, _15.frq, _2b.tvd, _2c.nrm,
_20.fnm, _2b.tvx, _2c.fdx, _2c.prx, _2f.tii, _2f.tvf, _20.tvx, _2b.fnm,
_2c.fdt, _2d.tis, _15.fdt, _20.frq, _2d.tvx, _2f.tvd, _15.fdx, _15.fnm,
_2c.tvf, _2e.frq, _2e.prx, _2c.tvd, _2b.frq, _20.tvd, _2c.fnm, _20.tvf,
_2e.tvf, _2e.nrm, _20.tis, _2b.prx, _20.tii, _2e.tvd, _15.tis, _2f.frq,
_15.tii, _2e.tvx, _2e.tii, _2c.tis, _2c.frq, _2e.fdx, _2f.prx, _2f.fnm,
_15.tvx, _2e.fdt, _15.tvf, _2b.tis, _2c.tii, _2d.prx, _2d.fnm, _20.fdx,
_2b.tii, _2e.tis, _20.fdt, _2d.frq, _2b.nrm, _15.tvd, _15_b.del, _2b.fdt,
_2f.nrm, _2d.fdx, segments_29, _2d.fdt, _2b.fdx, _20_2.del, _15.nrm,
_2f.tis, _2d.tii, _2d.nrm, _20.prx, _20.nrm, _2e.fnm, _2f.fdt, _2f.fdx] Feb
22, 2012 3:42:56 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrDeletionPolicy updateCommits
INFO: newest commit = 1329918470592 
Feb 22, 2012 3:42:56 PM org.apache.solr.update.processor.LogUpdateProcessor
*INFO: {add=[2269393, 2269394, 2269395, 2269396, 2269397, 2269398, 2269399,
2269400, ... (100 adds)]} 0 145 
*Feb 22, 2012 3:42:56 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute INFO: []
webapp=/solr path=/update params={} status=0 QTime=145/

*Any idea what is going on?*

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2012-02-10 Thread mizayah
Is there any way to score not being affected by duplicated input in query?

When i have record with field

title: "The GIRL with the dragon tattoo"

If query is: "girl" it get less score then "girl girl girl". It find word in
the same position, why score is growing?

I need it to know if record i found is close to user query.
Best would be for me to know how much % match with that "title" field.

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