Re: Solr4.0 / SolrCloud queries

2012-11-19 Thread shreejay
Hi all , 

I have managed to successfully index around 6 million documents, but while
indexing (and even now after the indexing has stopped), I am running into a
bunch of errors. 

The most common error I see is 
/ null:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:
org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException: Server refused connection
at: http://ABC:8983/solr/xyzabc/

I have made sure that the servers are able to communicate with each other
using the same names. 

Another error I keep getting is that the leader stops recovering and goes
red / recovery failed.
/Error while trying to recover.
core=ABC123:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: We are not the leader/

The servers intermittently go offline taking down one of the shards and in
turn stopping all search queries. 

The configuration I have 

Server1 -  Memory - 22GB , JVM - 8gb 
Server2 - Memory - 22GB , JVM - 10gb  (This one is on recovery failed
status, but still acting as a leader). 

Server1 -  Memory - 22GB , JVM - 8 GB (This one is on recovery failed
status, but still acting as a leader). 
Server2 - Memory -  22 GB, JVM - 8 GB

Server1 - Memory -  22 GB, JVM - 10 GB
Server2 - Memory -  22 GB, JVM - 8 GB

While typing his post I did a Reload from the Core Admin page, and both
servers (Shard1-Server2 and Shard2-Server1)came back up again. 

Has anyone else encountered these issues? Any steps to prevent these? 



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Re: Solr4.0 / SolrCloud queries

2012-11-13 Thread shreejay
Thanks Mark. I meant ConcurrentMergeScheduler and ramBufferSizeMB (not
maxBuffer). These are my settings for Merge. 




Mark Miller-3 wrote
 On Nov 9, 2012, at 1:20 PM, shreejay lt;


 gt; wrote:
 Instead of doing an optimize, I have now changed the Merge settings by
 keeping a maxBuffer = 960, a merge Factor = 40 and ConcurrentMergePolicy. 
 Don't you mean ConcurrentMergeScheduler?
 Keep in mind that if you use the default TieredMergePolicy, mergeFactor
 will have no affect. You need to use  maxMergeAtOnce and segmentsPerTier
 as sub args to the merge policy config (see the commented out example in
 Also, it's probably best to avoid using maxBufferedDocs at all.
 - Mark

Mark Miller-3 wrote
 On Nov 9, 2012, at 1:20 PM, shreejay lt;


 gt; wrote:
 Instead of doing an optimize, I have now changed the Merge settings by
 keeping a maxBuffer = 960, a merge Factor = 40 and ConcurrentMergePolicy. 
 Don't you mean ConcurrentMergeScheduler?
 Keep in mind that if you use the default TieredMergePolicy, mergeFactor
 will have no affect. You need to use  maxMergeAtOnce and segmentsPerTier
 as sub args to the merge policy config (see the commented out example in
 Also, it's probably best to avoid using maxBufferedDocs at all.
 - Mark

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Re: Solr4.0 / SolrCloud queries

2012-11-09 Thread Erick Erickson
You really should be careful about optimizes, they're generally not needed.
And optimizing is almost always wrong when done after every N documents in
a batch process. Do it at the very end or not at all. optimize essentially
re-writes the entire index into a single segment, so you're copying around
a lot of data.

And the operations that get done during optimize, which are mainly purging
information associated with deleted documents, gets done anyway upon
segment merging. Despite it's name, optimize usually has marginal effect,
if any, on search speed.

Or did you mean commit?


On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 4:05 PM, shreejay wrote:

 I managed to re-index my data without issues. I indexed around 2 million
 documents in one of the clouds. I did an optimize after every 500k

 I also changed the Memory settings and assigned only 6gb for Java , and
 10Gb for OS.

 This seems to be working fine as of now. I am not seeing random leader
 selections and servers drops.

 Thanks everyone for your inputs.


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Re: Solr4.0 / SolrCloud queries

2012-11-09 Thread shreejay
Thanks Erick. I will try optimizing after indexing everything. I was doing it
after every batch since it was taking way too long to Optimize (which was
expected), but it was not finishing merging it into lesser number of
segments (1 segment). 

Instead of doing an optimize, I have now changed the Merge settings by
keeping a maxBuffer = 960, a merge Factor = 40 and ConcurrentMergePolicy. 

I am also going to check the infoStream option so I can see how the
indexing is going on. 

Thanks for your inputs. 


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Re: Solr4.0 / SolrCloud queries

2012-11-09 Thread Mark Miller

On Nov 9, 2012, at 1:20 PM, shreejay wrote:

 Instead of doing an optimize, I have now changed the Merge settings by
 keeping a maxBuffer = 960, a merge Factor = 40 and ConcurrentMergePolicy. 

Don't you mean ConcurrentMergeScheduler?

Keep in mind that if you use the default TieredMergePolicy, mergeFactor will 
have no affect. You need to use  maxMergeAtOnce and segmentsPerTier as sub args 
to the merge policy config (see the commented out example in solrconfig.xml). 

Also, it's probably best to avoid using maxBufferedDocs at all.

- Mark

Re: Solr4.0 / SolrCloud queries

2012-11-04 Thread shreejay
Thanks Everyone. 

As Shawn mentioned, it was a memory issue. I reduced the amount allocated to
Java to 6 GB. And its been working pretty good. 

I am re-indexing one of the SolrCloud. I was having trouble with optimizing
the data when I indexed last time 

I am hoping optimizing will not be an issue this time due to the memory
changes. I will post more info once I am done. 

Thanks once again. 


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Re: Solr4.0 / SolrCloud queries

2012-10-31 Thread Mark Miller
If you can share any logs, that would help as well.

- Mark

Re: Solr4.0 / SolrCloud queries

2012-10-30 Thread Erick Erickson
In addition to Shawn's comments, you might want to see:

Lucene's use of MMapDirectory can mislead you when looking at
memory usage


On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 5:59 PM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
 On 10/29/2012 3:26 PM, shreejay wrote:

 I am trying to run two SolrCloud with 3 and 2 shards respectively (lets
 Cloud3shards and Clouds2Shards). All servers are identical with 18GB Ram
 (16GB assigned for Java).

 This bit right here sets off warning bells right away.  You're only leaving
 2GB of RAM for the OS to cache your index, which you later say is 50GB.
 It's impossible for me to give you a precise figure, but I would expect that
 with an index that size, you'd want to have at least 20GB of free memory,
 and if you can have 50GB or more of free memory after the OS and Java take
 their chunk, Solr would have truly excellent performance.  As it is now,
 your performance will be terrible, which probably explains all your issues.

 It seems highly unlikely that you would have queries complex enough that you
 actually do need to allocate 16GB of RAM to Java.  Also, requesting large
 numbers of documents (the 5000 and 2 numbers you mentioned) is slow, and
 compounded in a cloud (distributed) index.  Solr is optimized for a small
 number of results.

 First recommendation for fixing things: get more memory.  32GB would be a
 good starting point, 64GB would be better, so that the entire index will be
 able to fit in OS cache memory.  If you expect your index to grow at all,
 plan accordingly.

 Second recommendation, whether or not you get more actual memory: Lower the
 memory that Java is using, and configure some alternate memory management
 options for Java.  Solr does have caching capability, but it is highly
 specialized.  For general index caching, the OS does a far better job, and
 it needs free memory in order to accomplish it.  Here's some commandline
 options for Java that I passed along to someone else on this list:

 -Xmx4096M -Xms4096M -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC

Solr4.0 / SolrCloud queries

2012-10-29 Thread shreejay
Hi All, 

I am trying to run two SolrCloud with 3 and 2 shards respectively (lets say
Cloud3shards and Clouds2Shards). All servers are identical with 18GB Ram
(16GB assigned for Java). 

I am facing a few issues on both clouds and would be grateful if any one
else has seen / solved these.

1) Every now and then, Solr would take off one of the servers (It either
shows as recovering (orange) or its taken offline completely). The Logging
tab on Admin page shows these errors for Cloud3shards

/Error while trying to
recover:org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException: Timeout occured
while waiting response from server at: http://xxx:8983/solr/xxx  /

/Error while trying to recover.
core=xxx:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: I was asked to wait on state
recovering for xxx:8983_solr but I still do not see the request state. I see
state: recovering live:false/

On the Cloud2shards also I see similar messages

I have noticed it does happen more while indexing documents, but I have also
seen this happening while only querying Solr. 

Both SolrClouds are managed by the same Zookeeper ensemble (set of 3 ZK

2) I am able to Commit but Optimize never seems to work. Right now I have an
average of 30 segments on every Solr Server. Has any one else faced this
issue? I have tried Optimize from the admin page and as a Http post request.
Both of them fail. Its not because of the hard disk space since my index
size is less than 50Gb and I have 500GB space on each server. 

3) If I try to query solr with rows = 5000 or more (for Cloud2) . for cloud1
its around 20,000 documents. 
org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException: No live SolrServers
available to handle this request:[http://ABC1:8983/solr/aaa,

4) I have also noticed that ZK would switch leaders every now and then. I am
attributing it to point 1 above, where as soon as the leader is down,
another server takes its place. My concern is the frequency with which this
switch happens. I guess this is completely related to point 1 , and if that
is solved, I will not be having this issue either. 


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Re: Solr4.0 / SolrCloud queries

2012-10-29 Thread Shawn Heisey

On 10/29/2012 3:26 PM, shreejay wrote:

I am trying to run two SolrCloud with 3 and 2 shards respectively (lets say
Cloud3shards and Clouds2Shards). All servers are identical with 18GB Ram
(16GB assigned for Java).

This bit right here sets off warning bells right away.  You're only 
leaving 2GB of RAM for the OS to cache your index, which you later say 
is 50GB.  It's impossible for me to give you a precise figure, but I 
would expect that with an index that size, you'd want to have at least 
20GB of free memory, and if you can have 50GB or more of free memory 
after the OS and Java take their chunk, Solr would have truly excellent 
performance.  As it is now, your performance will be terrible, which 
probably explains all your issues.

It seems highly unlikely that you would have queries complex enough that 
you actually do need to allocate 16GB of RAM to Java.  Also, requesting 
large numbers of documents (the 5000 and 2 numbers you mentioned) is 
slow, and compounded in a cloud (distributed) index.  Solr is optimized 
for a small number of results.

First recommendation for fixing things: get more memory.  32GB would be 
a good starting point, 64GB would be better, so that the entire index 
will be able to fit in OS cache memory.  If you expect your index to 
grow at all, plan accordingly.

Second recommendation, whether or not you get more actual memory: Lower 
the memory that Java is using, and configure some alternate memory 
management options for Java.  Solr does have caching capability, but it 
is highly specialized.  For general index caching, the OS does a far 
better job, and it needs free memory in order to accomplish it.  Here's 
some commandline options for Java that I passed along to someone else on 
this list:

-Xmx4096M -Xms4096M -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:+UseParNewGC 
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled