[spectre] Vector Synthesis: a Media Archaeological Investigation into Sound-Modulated Light

2019-06-17 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Dear Spectres,

I am currently running a publication fundraiser on Kickstarter for my 
book VECTOR SYNTHESIS: a Media Archaeological Investigation into 
Sound-Modulated Light.

The book describes my research into the military and techno-scientific 
legacies at the birth of modern computing, and how early computer, 
electronic media, and video artists of the 1950’s, 60’s, and 70’s 
attempted to decouple these tools from their destructive origins.

It also presents my Pure Data software library and live performance 
project which employs audio synthesis and vector graphics techniques to 
investigate direct relationships between sound and image using analog 
CRT displays.

The conclusion of the book reflects on how the project and the research 
surrounding it has contributed to the larger experimental audiovisual 
arts community through events such as the Vector Hack Festival.

Artists discussed include Mary Ellen Bute, Ben Laposky, Len Lye, Norman 
McLaren, Desmond Paul Henry, James Whitney, John Whitney Sr., Dan 
Sandin, Steina Vasulka, Woody Vasulka, Larry Cuba, Bill Etra, Mitchell 
Waite, Rosa Menkman, Cracked Ray Tube, Andrew Duff, Benton C. 
Bainbridge, Philip Baljeu, Jonas Bers, Robin Fox, Robert Henke, Ivan 
Marušić Klif, Jerobeam Fenderson, Hansi Raber, Ted Davis, Roland 
Lioni, Bernhard Rasinger, and the Kikimore group.

The book is 122 pages long, has 21 illustrations, links to several video 
examples online, and was fabulously designed by Claire Matthews.

I’ve launched this Kickstarter to print and distribute the book to 
people who have expressed interest, to get them to people who have 
assisted in its creation, and just as importantly to send them to 
organizations and schools who deserve one. Your support of this 
publishing project will help make that possible.

Details can be found here:


Thank you for your kind attention!
Derek Holzer

derek holzer
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Vector Synthesis Pure Data Workshop Berlin

2019-05-26 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer


The Vector Synthesis workshop investigates the direct relationship 
between sound+image. It draws inspiration from media archaeology and 
obsolete technologies such as the Cathode Ray Tube monitor, combined 
with contemporary laser display techniques. Participants will learn how 
to draw Lissajous figures, render simple two- and three-dimensional 
shapes, and process photographs and video into vector artwork which can 
be displayed on oscilloscopes, Vectrex consoles, and ILDA laser displays 
using audio signals which can also be heard. These vector shapes can 
also be further modified in real time using external audio sources such 
as voice, amplified instruments, or electronic synthesizers provided by 
the participants.

You can see examples of what you might do here:

The core of the workshop will be examples written in the Pure Data 
programming language. Detailed instructions on how to install and set up 
Pure Data, as well as a software oscilloscope emulator so you can see 
your work without special hardware, will be sent to registered participants.

You can view the Vector Synthesis code here:

The language of this workshop is English. Participants are required to 
bring their own laptops with software installed according to pre-event 
instructions sent by email.


This is one continuous workshop of three days, 5 hours per day. 
Participation on individual days is not possible.

---FRI 05 JULY 12-17:00

---SAT 06 JULY 12-17:00

---SUN 07 JULY 12-17:00

---Max participants: 14 (50% will be students from Humboldt University, 
so 7 tickets are available for outside participants)


Signallabor, Humboldt University of Berlin, Georgenstraße 47, Raum 2.26 
(2nd floor), Berlin Germany

With kind thanks to Dr. Stefan Höltgen, the Signallabor, and Humboldt 
University for their generous sponsorship of the event location.



derek holzer
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Vector Hack 2018 in review

2018-12-26 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Dear Spectres,

I wanted to share a short review of an event I co-organized in Zagreb 
and Ljubljana last October in coordination with Croatian media artist 
Ivan Marušić Klif, the Radiona.org Zagreb Makerspace, the Ljudmila Art 
and Science Laboratory, and Zavod Projekt Atol. This event, called 
Vector Hack, focused on the media archaeology and practice of analog, 
audiovisual vector graphics, as seen on oscilloscopes, vector monitors, 
hacked game consoles, and laser displays.

You can read more here: http://macumbista.net/?p=5300

I hope some of you may find this interesting and relevant to your own 
pursuits, and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have 
about the event.

My best holiday wishes!
Derek Holzer
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[spectre] VectorHack Festival 2018 ::: Zagreb & Ljubljana 1-7 OCT

2018-09-19 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Dear Spectres,

We are very excited to publish the VectorHack Festival 2018 lineup 
today. I really feel like we have invited some of the most brilliant 
minds in the field of experimental, audiovisual vector graphics to 
Zagreb and Ljubljana for one week (01-07 OCT 2018) of hacking, 
presentations, keynote talks, workshops, and live performances. I do 
hope some of you will join us, all talks, keynotes, and performances are 
free to enter.

The participants:

Philip Baljeu / Jonas Bers / Stefanie Bräuer / Hrvoslava Brkušić / Ted 
Davis / Andrew Duff / Jerobeam Fenderson / Darko Fritz / Robert Henke / 
Ida Hiršenfelder / Derek Holzer / members of Kikimore (Staša Guček / 
Sara Mlakar / Nina Orlić / Barbara Poček) / Chris King / Vanda Kreutz / 
Roland Lioni / Ivan Marušić Klif / Alberto Novell / Douglas Nunn / Hansi 
Raber / Bernhard Rasinger / Joost Rekveld

The website:


My best wishes!
derek holzer
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2018-05-21 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer


16 & 17 Jun 2018, 11:00 — 17:00
Location: Kuusi Palaa, Kolmas linja 7, 00530 Helsinki, Finland




During this two-day workshop, you will explore the direct relationship 
between sound and image.

Using the Pure Data programming environment, you can directly control 
the vertical and horizontal movements, as well as the brightness, of a 
beam of light. You will then explore Lissajous figures, 3D models, 
Rutt-Etra video scan processing, and other audio-driven visual shapes 
and forms which can be displayed and manipulated in real time on an XY 
oscilloscope, or with oscilloscope emulating software directly on your 

VECTOR SYNTHESIS is an audiovisual, computational art project using 
sound synthesis and vector graphics display techniques to investigate 
the direct relationship between sound+image. It draws on the historical 
work of artists such as Mary Ellen Bute, John Whitney, Nam June Paik, 
Ben Laposky, and Steina & Woody Vasulka among many others, as well as on 
ideas of media archaeology and the creative re-use of obsolete 


The participation fee for this workshop is EUR 50, with a 10% discount 
for Kuusi Palaa members. The workshop runs from 11:00 to 17:00 each day.


If you are not a member of Kuusi Palaa, please register directly with me 
by email: macumbi...@gmail.com

If there are fewer than four participants I will probably not host the 
workshop, so please do confirm in advance.


You can see several demo videos here:


And you can download the software here:


And there is a longer description of the work here:


derek holzer
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:


2018-05-19 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer


16 & 17 Jun 2018, 11:00 — 17:00
Location: Kuusi Palaa, Kolmas linja 7, 00530 Helsinki, Finland




During this two-day workshop, you will explore the direct relationship 
between sound and image.

Using the Pure Data programming environment, you can directly control 
the vertical and horizontal movements, as well as the brightness, of a 
beam of light. You will then explore Lissajous figures, 3D models, 
Rutt-Etra video scan processing, and other audio-driven visual shapes 
and forms which can be displayed and manipulated in real time on an XY 
oscilloscope, or with oscilloscope emulating software directly on your 

VECTOR SYNTHESIS is an audiovisual, computational art project using 
sound synthesis and vector graphics display techniques to investigate 
the direct relationship between sound+image. It draws on the historical 
work of artists such as Mary Ellen Bute, John Whitney, Nam June Paik, 
Ben Laposky, and Steina & Woody Vasulka among many others, as well as on 
ideas of media archaeology and the creative re-use of obsolete technologies.


The participation fee for this workshop is EUR 50, with a 10% discount 
for Kuusi Palaa members. The workshop runs from 11:00 to 17:00 each day.


If you are not a member of Kuusi Palaa, please register directly with me 
by email: macumbi...@gmail.com

If there are fewer than four participants I will probably not host the 
workshop, so please do confirm in advance.


You can see several demo videos here:


And you can download the software here:


And there is a longer description of the work here:


derek holzer
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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2017-01-11 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer
The RAINFOREST Workshop [1], by Derek Holzer and Mads Bech 
Paluszewski-Hau, is a contemporary re-interpretation of David Tudor’s 
series of compositions from the 1970′s entitled “Rainforest”. It uses 
special types of sonic transducers to play live sounds through various 
found metallic objects, making the whole performance space an orchestra 
of resonant voices to be played.

In the context of the Artefact Festival 2017 [2], STUK [3] in Leuven, 
Belgium will host the Rainforest workshop from 25.02.17 to 01.03.17 with 
support from the Danish Arts Foundation [4].

Together with Holzer and Paluszewski-Hau, 8 participants will work 
collaboratively to build the installation and rehearse for an 
evening-long performance which demonstrates the sonic worlds to be found 
within common objects.


We are seeking a maximum of 8 participants to join us. You should be:

* A sound artist, experimental musician, or student in either of these 
* Able to bring your own electronic performance instrument (w/ 1 mono 
output + 1 mono input)
* Able to play in a free, expressive and improvisational manner (i.e. no 
repetitive dance music)

We would prefer a gender-balanced team, and highly encourage female 

The is no fee for participating in this workshop, but we expect that 
participants will be able to join us for working sessions on all five 
days of the workshop, all the way from the start on 25.02.17 through to 
the performance on the evening of 01.03.17. We hope that you will also 
be able to stay for the tearing-down of the installation the morning of 
02.03.17 as well.


Please send an email to <rainforestworkshop2...@gmail.com> with the 
subject line "RAINFOREST 2017" before JAN 28 2017 at the latest, 
containing the following information:

* Your name and short biography
* What can offer to a collaborative workshop/installation/performance
* Your artistic homepage
* A link to *ONE* audio or video clip which you think represents your 
sonic approach

* Your confirmation that you can participate in every day of the workshop

We will accept participants on a rolling basis, so you are encouraged to 
send your information as early as possible.


The resulting RAINFOREST "performative installation" should shift 
between relatively static installation-like moments and performative 
sections where the artists seek new relationships with the objects and 
each other. The audience will be free to move around the performance 
space, engage in conversations and explore the resonant objects, thus 
adding new life to the rainforest.

Additionally, there will be evening lectures by specialists from a local 
university on topics related to the RAINFOREST concept, such as 
structural acoustics, bioacoustics or acoustic anthropology [to be 


[1] http://macumbista.net/?page_id=2447
[2] http://www.artefact-festival.be
[3] http://www.stuk.be
[4] http://www.kunst.dk
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2016-03-13 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

2-3 APRIL 2016

Explore DIY electronics and sound art performance with your own SoundBox 
during this two-day workshop in Berlin-Kreuzberg.

SoundBoxes are small, primitive electro-acoustic instruments built from 
a wooden box, a speaker, a small audio amplifier and a contact 
microphone. They can create a variety of drone and reverb-type sounds 
through feedback between the speaker and microphone, or they can bring 
out the hidden sounds found within everyday objects. They also have 
small touchpoints which can be used to produce a variety of “circuit 
bending” sounds.

During the first day, we will learn about electricity, how it becomes 
sound and then how to build the SoundBoxes themselves. On the second 
day, we will explore the possibilities of the SoundBoxes, with the goal 
of collaboratively creating a score for a sound performance of 
approximately 10-15 minutes in length.

This workshop does not require any previous knowledge of electronics, 
only an interest and a curiosity in both sound and instrument-building.

Details and registration can be found here:


Videos of SoundBoxes in action can be seen and heard here:


Thank you for your kind attention.

derek holzer

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Berlin SoundBoxes Workshop 18-19 July 2015

2015-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer


Discover the hidden sonic qualities of objects from our everyday world 
in this hands-on workshop, combining the arts of electronics, sound and 

SoundBoxes are small, primitive electro-acoustic instruments built from 
a wooden box, a speaker, a small audio amplifier and a contact 
microphone. They can create a variety of drone and reverb-type sounds 
through feedback between the speaker and microphone, as seen in this 
video. Or they can bring out the hidden sounds found within everyday 
objects as seen in this video. They also have small touchpoints which 
can be used to produce a variety of “crackle box” and “circuit bending” 

This workshop has two parts. During the first day, we will learn about 
electricity, how it becomes sound and then how to build the SoundBoxes 
themselves. On the second day, we will explore the possibilities of the 
SoundBoxes through a series of listening and improv exercises, with the 
goal of collaboratively creating a score for a sound performance of 
approximately 15-20 minutes in length. This piece will be presented at 
the end of the second day.

This workshop does not require any previous knowledge of electronics, 
only an interest and a curiosity in both sound and instrument-building.

Further information and images can be found here: 


* One loudspeaker (new, second-hand or salvaged), or one old electronic 
device containing a functioning loudspeaker of decent size (approx 90mm 
or larger) which we can remove. The size of this loudspeaker will 
determine the tone and loudness of your instrument – bigger is usually 
better. Look in old radios, electronic clocks, hi-fi systems, boomboxes 
or car audio systems for your own unique speaker!

* A cigar box or similar wooden box to create the instrument. The box 
should be big enough to hold your speaker, and the lid must not be 
thicker than 5mm.

Alternately, I will have cigar boxes and loudspeakers for sale if you 
cannot locate your own.

Participants may also wish to bring their own found objects and images 
to create a unique audiovisual cabinet of curiosities. Some guitar 
effect pedals can also make the box more interesting.

All other materials and tools will be provided.


* Basic SoundBox + two workshop days: EUR 40 You can see examples of 
this SoundBox here: http://macumbista.net/?p=3457

* FuzzTone SoundBox (with integrated distortion effect, for advanced 
builders) + two workshop days: EUR 55. There are limited materials for 
this type of box! You can see examples of this SoundBox here: 

* Vintage wooden cigar box (if needed): EUR 5

* 92mm loudspeaker (if needed): EUR 3.


SAT 18 JULY 13:00-18:00: introduction and box-building
SUN 19 JULY 14:00-18:00: improvisation, score-creation and rehearsal
SUN 19 JULY 18:00-19:00: performance (invite your friends!)


Atelier Macumba, Herzbergstr 55 (Eingang B), Berlin-Lichtenberg


Pre-register for this workshop by sending an email with the subject 
Please indicate whether you would like to build the Basic SoundBox or 
the FuzzTone SoundBox.

derek holzer

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Re: [spectre] post-doc grant programme (blocked postings)

2014-09-04 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

On 04/09/14 00:16 AM, Alan J Munro wrote:

My general suppositions are you a:
1. Spammer
2. Troll
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathan_Barley

4. NN 2.0

derek holzer

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Fifth Wall Sound Art Workshops @ LAK Festival Copenhagen

2013-09-17 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer
Feel like listening closer to the sounds of your surroundings or making 
audio interventions and sound art installations in the city? Do you want 
to build your own sound box, an acoustic computer or sew your own 
synthesizer? Or feel like loosing yourself in audio improvisation and 
intuitive composition or transforming old toys into unique instruments 
with a soldering iron? Then read on!

LAK Festival for Nordic Sound Art 2013 proudly presents 8 different 
workshops directed by acknowledged Nordic sound artists. Internationally 
acknowledged sound artist Derek Holzer (US/DE) has curated the workshop 
series The Fifth Wall, which are workshops inspired by the concept of 
“the fourth wall”. The so-called fourth wall signifies the imaginary 
wall between a stage and the spectators: the expression derives from the 
idea that action on stage takes place in a room with four walls, where 
the wall turned towards the spectators is invisible. Artists today often 
try to break the fourth wall, for instance by involving the spectators 
in the action on stage to play an active part in the performance.

Curator Derek Holzer uses the expression the fifth wall to describe the 
boundary between members of the audience, when they share an artistic 
experience at a festival. The workshops in The Fifth Wall-series focus 
on the possibility of breaking the fifth wall through creative 
co-operation between festival participants at LAK. His workshops give 
you food for thought about the role the fifth wall between us plays in a 
world, where practically everybody has the chance of becoming 
independent and individual digital art producers.

The workshops emphasize participatory situations, which transform the 
festival participants from passive recipients into active creators of 
sound art. The concepts “artist” and “wall” will be dissolved and the 
responsibility of presenting the results of the workshop will be given 
to the participants themselves.



Sensing Sonospace/John Grzinich (EE)
Circuit Bending Pavilion/CEO Bendorama (DK)
Acoustic Laptops/Tore Honoré Bøe (NO/ES)
Creative Improvisation for Untraditional Instruments/Christian Skjødt (DK)
Sonic Interventionism/Mads Bech Paluszewski-Hau (DK)
Electro Squeak Club/Kristina Andersen (DK/NL)
SoundBoxes/Derek Holzer (US/DE)
Syntjuntan/Ann Rosén  Lise-Lotte Norelius (SE)

Workshop registration is now open via the LAK Festival page!
derek holzer

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] South American media- and sound-art?

2013-03-20 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Dear South American Spectres,

I just confirmed participation at the Tsonami Festival in Chile, 3-8 
December 2013.


If you are interested in booking me for a performance, workshop or 
lecture around those dates in the region, or can suggest someone to 
speak with about it, please contact me ASAP.





*Two possible lectures*


Gracias  obrigado!

derek holzer

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[spectre] MusicMakers Hacklab at CTM.13 – “Indeterminism Machines”

2012-12-22 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Dear spectres,

I will be the general assistant for this upcoming hacklab/workshop 
scenario at CTM.13. It’s a very interesting bunch of characters 
involved, and the application process just started. So send some shit in!

Best wishes!

---MusicMakers Hacklab @ CTM.13 – “Indeterminism Machines”
---Submission Deadline: 11.1.2013
---Hacklab Runs: 29.1 – 1.2.2013

We don’t want to just talk about the future: we want to invent our own 
Golden Age. The MusicMakers Hacklab at CTM.13 will be an open, 
collaborative environment in which participants can learn about new 
technologies and get their hands on making their own musical inventions. 
It’s a space in which people can build a rapid prototype of anything 
they imagine, creating new ideas around music making and creation, from 
composition to performance and DJing.

We’re inviting people across media to encourage collaboration: 
musicians, developers, artists, designers, people working in skills like 
sound and music, but also code, fashion, visuals, and industrial design 
and craft.

Throughout the week, we’ll welcome artist and developer presentations 
from Keith Fullerton Whitman, Imogen Heap, Lucas Abela, Tim Exile, Ali 
Demirel, Native Instruments, Ableton, and others to be announced. 
Participants will share hands-on skill sessions on topics like physical 
computing and custom controllers, wearable technology and fashion, live 
visuals, Pure Data/libpd, Max for Live, Reaktor, OpenSoundControl, 
Quartz Composer, Processing, and more.


Selected participants who have proposed a project idea will be named 
official Hacklab Fellows and be provided with:

* A free CTM Festival Pass;
* Highlighted profile on CTM and createdigitalmusic.com websites;
* The chance to show your finished work at the live showcase at Berghain 
Kantine on 1 Feb, as part of the CTM.13 program.

In that spirit of sharing and community, the Hacklab will be open to 
walk-ins from both hackers and the general public.


To be part of the Hacklab Fellows program, please submit:

* A 150-word description of the project you’d like to execute;
* A 100-word bio;
* If you’d like, send us any images, sketches, videos, or websites you’d 
like to help us promote your participation and see what’s inside your 
head. (optional)

Remember that you can include an idea about collaboration in your 
proposal – some Hacklab participants might want to join in your project.

Send your submission (and any questions/comments) to: 
musicmakers(at)ctm-festival.de by 11.1.2013.

Presented with createdigitalmusic.com in collaboration with 
SemiDomesticated and CTM

Curated by Peter Kirn
General Assistant: Derek Holzer

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[spectre] Rainforest/Regsnkov 2012 @ LAK Festival Opening, Copenhagen 06 Sept Thursday

2012-09-05 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Dear friends,

Mads Bech Paluszewski-Hau and I, along with several workshop 
participants, will play the opening concert of the LAK Festival of 
Nordic Sound Art in Copenhagen tomorrow evening at 18:00. The project 
will continue as an installation until Sunday evening.

Regsnkov 2012 is a contemporary re-interpretation of David Tudor’s 
series of compositions from the 1970′s entitled Rainforest. It uses 
various types of sonic transducers to play live sounds through a 
selection of resonant, found-metal objects in the performance space. A 
matrix mixer allows the sound from any of the performers to be sent to 
any of the objects, creating an immersive, tactile and spatial sonic 

The project is developed in a workshop format with up to 8 participants 
over a period of several days. The participants will work from the 
bio-acoustic model of an actual rainforest, where it is necessary for 
each species’ survival that they can both hear and be heard within their 
own niche of the busy forest soundscape.

You can download a PDF of information about the project here:


LAK Festival
Prags Boulevard 43, Amager
2300 Copenhagen S.
Bus 5A, 2A or Metro: Amagerbro st

Info: http://www.lakfestival.dk/

LAK Festival Opening: Thursday 06 September 17:00
Regsnkov 2012 concert: Thursday 06 September 18:00
Regsnkov 2012 installation: Thursday 06 September - Sunday 09 September
--THURS: 19:00-21:00
--FRI: 17:00-21:00
--SAT: 14:00-21:000
--SUN 14:00-18:00

Workshop Participants:
--Anders Børup
--James Brewster
--Ejvind Juul Chang
--Kristian Hverring

Best wishes!

derek holzer

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[spectre] UPDATE: SoundBoxes Workshop Berlin

2012-05-18 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Hi folks,

I wanted to inform you that there are still places in the Soundboxes 
workshop available, and that the public presentation will be held at 
O'Tannenbaum, near Hermannplatz in Berlin-Neukoelln on Sunday 27 May at 
20:00. I will also play a short live set for DIY electronics, found 
objects and speakerbox. Hope to see you there!




Workshop: May 26  27, 2012, Time 11-19
Workshop Venue: NK Projekt, Elsenstr. 52 2HH 2Etage, Berlin Neukoelln

Presentation + live Macumbista set: Sunday May 27 2012, Time 20.00
Presentation Venue: O’Tannenbaum, Sonnenallee 27, Berlin Neukoelln

Discover the hidden sonic qualities of objects from our everyday world 
in this workshop, combining the arts of electronics, noise, sculpture 
and collage. The basic elements we will employ are a wooden box, a 
speaker, a small audio amplifier, and a contact microphone. To this, 
brave box-builders will add their own found objects, graphics, images, 
memories and ideas to create a unique electroacoustic cabinet of 

No previous electronics experience is necessary for this workshop. Each 
participant is required to bring several items to the workshop, please 
see below.


Day One: Introduction to simple noise/electroacoustic electronics, 
circuit soldering.

Day Two: Box-building, decoration and collage, experimentation with 
found objects as sound sources.

Final Presentation: All participants will present their finished 
soundboxes to the public at the end of the second day!


I will provide most of the tools and materials necessary for 
constructing the box, however there are a few things you should bring 

1) A BOX: This should be made of thin wood or very strong cardboard. 
Plastic can be also used, but it doesn’t sound very good. And please, no 
metal! It is too difficult to cut and drill with the tools we will have. 
This box should be a minimum of 10x10x4cm, or bigger if you want to use 
a larger speaker or have more room to decorate and add objects. Cigar 
boxes, small suitcases, instrument cases or jewelry/silverware boxes are 
all good things to look for. At least one side of the box should be no 
more than 5mm thick, to allow the hardware to be mounted.

2) A SPEAKER (OPTIONAL): I will have a selection of speakers for 
participants to use. However, if you have something special please bring 
it along, but please make sure it fits in the box you have chosen!

3) FOUND OBJECTS: Please bring as many found objects as you can to 
decorate your soundbox or use as a sound source via the contact 
microphone. Bones, shells, small sticks, bells, strings, wires, springs 
(especially!) or anything else made out of solid yet resonant material 
make great sound sources. Photographs, cloth, leather, paper or any 
other kind of material can be useful for covering the box and making 
collages. Paint, markers and pens may also be useful.

4) EFFECTS PEDALS (OPTIONAL): Any kind of battery-powered effects 
pedals, such as distortions, filters or delays, can be very useful in 
creating more nonlinearities in the feedback loop.


The NK Projekt’s page for this workshop:


You can see videos and photos from previous SoundBoxes workshops here:


Or use the “soundboxes” tag to see all posts related to SoundBoxes:



Derek Holzer (1972) is an American sound artist based in Berlin, whose 
current interests include DIY analog electronics, sound art, field 
recording and the meeting points of electroacoustic, noise, improv and 
extreme music. He has played live experimental sound, as well as taught 
workshops in noise art technology, across Europe, North America, Brazil 
and New Zealand.



Fee: EUR 35 (participation) + EUR 10 (materials) Registration is 
required and can be done by sending an email to i...@nkprojekt.de with 
the subject line “SoundBoxes”

Number of Participants: Minimum 6/Maximum 14

Location: NK Projekt
Elsenstr. 52 2HH 2Etage
12059 Berlin
derek holzer

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] SoundBoxes Workshop Berlin

2012-05-05 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer


May 26  27, 2012, Time 11-19
Presentation Sunday May 27 2012, Time 20.00 (venue TBA)

Discover the hidden sonic qualities of objects from our everyday world 
in this workshop, combining the arts of electronics, noise, sculpture 
and collage. The basic elements of this workshop are a wooden box, a 
speaker, a small audio amplifier, and a contact microphone. To this, 
brave box-builders will add their own found objects, graphics, images, 
memories and ideas to create a unique electroacoustic cabinet of 

No previous electronics experience is necessary for this workshop. Each 
participant is required to bring several items to the workshop, please 
see below.


Day One: Introduction to simple noise/electroacoustic electronics, 
circuit soldering.

Day Two: Box-building, decoration and collage, experimentation with 
found objects as sound sources.

Final Presentation: All participants will present their finished 
soundboxes to the public at the end of the second day!


I will provide most of the tools and materials necessary for 
constructing the box, however there are a few things you should bring 

1) A BOX: This should be made of thin wood or very strong cardboard. 
Plastic can be also used, but it doesn’t sound very good. And please, no 
metal! It is too difficult to cut and drill with the tools we will have. 
This box should be a minimum of 10x10x4cm, or bigger if you want to use 
a larger speaker or have more room to decorate and add objects. Cigar 
boxes, small suitcases, instrument cases or jewelry/silverware boxes are 
all good things to look for. At least one side of the box should be no 
more than 5mm thick, to allow the hardware to be mounted.

2) A SPEAKER (OPTIONAL): I will have a selection of speakers for 
participants to use. However, if you have something special please bring 
it along, but please make sure it fits in the box you have chosen!

3) FOUND OBJECTS: Please bring as many found objects as you can to 
decorate your soundbox or use as a sound source via the contact 
microphone. Bones, shells, small sticks, bells, strings, wires, springs 
(especially!) or anything else made out of solid yet resonant material 
make great sound sources. Photographs, cloth, leather, paper or any 
other kind of material can be useful for covering the box and making 
collages. Paint, markers and pens may also be useful.

4) EFFECTS PEDALS (OPTIONAL): Any kind of battery-powered effects 
pedals, such as distortions, filters or delays, can be very useful in 
creating more nonlinearities in the feedback loop.


You can see videos and photos from previous SoundBoxes workshops here:


Or use the “soundboxes” tag to see all posts related to SoundBoxes:



Derek Holzer (1972) is an American sound artist based in Berlin, whose 
current interests include DIY analog electronics, sound art, field 
recording and the meeting points of electroacoustic, noise, improv and 
extreme music. He has played live experimental sound, as well as taught 
workshops in noise art technology, across Europe, North America, Brazil 
and New Zealand.



Fee: EUR 35 (participation) + EUR 10 (materials) Registration is 
required and can be done by sending an email to i...@nkprojekt.de with 
the subject line “SoundBoxes”

Number of Participants: Minimum 6/Maximum 14

Location: NK Projekt
Elsenstr. 52 2HH 2Etage
12059 Berlin
derek holzer

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

Re: [spectre] Reflections on the _New Aesthetic_

2012-04-20 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer
From what I can gather from the official New Aesthetic Tumblr page, 
the whole thing is about seeing your physical environment as an 
extension of some software environment. Sounds suspiciously like a 
movement built by internet addicts to me. The end of this kind of 
thinking are monsters like Breivik, who desensitized and trained himself 
to commit massacre by playing World of Warcraft 16 hours a day. Who 
wants to click the like button on that one?


On 4/19/12 1:28 AM, mez breeze wrote:

Find below a modded version of part of the discussion raging on an
alternate list regarding the New Aesthetic. Enjoy [or don't].

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] SoundTransit Project Relaunched by Turbulence.org

2011-12-03 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer
After a 10 month hiatus, the Soundtransit project is back thanks to the 
generous hosting support of Turbulence.org.

SoundTransit is a collaborative, online community dedicated to field 
recording and phonography. Phonography is the art of recording sounds 
from the environment around us, with an emphasis on the unintentional 
sounds which often go unnoticed in our daily lives. An international 
community of phonographers collect and share their recordings, with 
interests ranging from recordings of natural or urban environments to 
improvised situations or soundwalks to the resonance of solid objects or 
the Earth's atmosphere

In the BOOK section of this site, you can plan a sonic journey through 
various locations recorded around the world. In the SEARCH section, you 
can search the database for specific sounds by member artists from many 
different places. If you are a member of SoundTransit, you can also 
CONTRIBUTE your recordings for others to enjoy. The Creative Commons 
Attribution license encourages the sharing and reuse of all sounds on 
this website.

During 2010, our previous host in the Netherlands quadrupled the rent 
for our server, forcing us to move or consider closing. Turbulence.org 
graciously offered their support, and during 2011 we've been working 
together with them, getting everything up and running again.

Please visit us at


to hear our collection of over 2000 recordings from 471 artists around 
the world, experience our unique way of traveling via sound and find out 
how you can help the SoundTransit project.

Huge thanks go out to Helen Thorington, Jo-Anne Green and Jesse Gilbert 
of Turbulence for their kindness and patience!

Derek Holzer
Marc Boon

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

Re: [spectre] // The State of Art //

2011-08-04 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer
Hey amigo, thanks for sharing this. I have a few ideas of my own about 
these developments... namely that less/no funding may actually force 
artists to make their own work again instead of subcontracting it out to 
hired labor while bringing about the death of the artist as hands-clean 
conceptual engineer and cultural manager, the end of Damien Hirst-esque 
big-budget hi-tech spectacle, and maybe even the return of craft over 
concept... But I haven't given nearly enough shape to these thoughts 
yet. Your assessment is a good starting point for these meditations, 


On 8/4/11 6:14 PM, Julian Oliver wrote:

Hi list,

I've written a short article on state-support of the arts. It seeks to draw
attention to the problem of cultural dependence on arts funding while
questioning the state as an artistic collaborator or producer more generally.

It follows in the wake of severe cuts to the arts across several European

The full article can be found online here, including emphases, references and


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] TUNED CITY NEWSLETTER 02/2011

2011-05-05 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

((German version below - fuer deutsche Version nach unten scrollen))

Hello !

Here comes the second Tuned City newsletter for 2011:




+ public workshops - registration open now!

As part of an interdisciplinary artist competition initiated by the city 
of Nuernberg/Germany Tuned City is going to realize a 'mini-event' in a 
very interesting part of the city called Muggenhof/Eberhardshof. The 
area is a mix of havitation and industrial architecture inbetween a 
green belt with a little river on one side and the main connection 
highway to Fuerth (and the parallel train track) on the other side. The 
industrial architecture is dominated by the former production facilities 
of AEG and the Quelle (mailorder) headquarter build by Ernst Neufert.

With workshops and public interventions we are going to explore that 
neighborhood for one week. The results are going to be shown on the 16th 
of april with presentations, performances and lectures. With John 
Grzinich (US/EST), Derek Holzer (US/D), Eyland 07 - René Rissland + 
Juergen Lehmeier (D), Florian Tuerke (D), Sam Auinger (A/D), Raviv 
Ganchrow (IL/NL) ...

Details and workshop registration here: 



Tuned City will start in 2011 in Talinn with a series of workshops 
leading to the actual event in July (04-10). Some workshops are more 
basic research on the topic of sound and architecture and listening in 
general, some are part or preparation of bigger projects taking place in 
summer. A first overview can be found here: 

These two workshops are open for registration right now:

Radio Miniatures – Radio Aporee / April 18-22 2011
with Udo Noll (Berlin, D)
Details: http://www.tunedcity.net/?lp_lang_pref=enpage_id=954

Sonic Map Visualisation (at MoKS) / April 28 – may 2 2011
with Andreas Toepfer, Carsten Stabenow (Berlin, D)
Details: http://www.tunedcity.net/?lp_lang_pref=enpage_id=967


We are offering right now one internship for 
sound/art/architecture/communication enthusiasts to work with us on the 
final preparations for Tuned City Tallinn in summer 2011. The (payed) 
internship begins mid April 2011 and lasts till the end of July 2011 and 
we would need you here in Berlin as well as we would like to take you 
with the team to Tallinn in July. If you are interested or know people 
who might be interested please contact us for details.


((German version))




+ Workshops offen zur Anmeldung jetzt!

Das Kulturreferat der Stadt Nuernberg in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Amt fuer 
Kultur und Freizeit/ Kulturbuero Muggenhof richtete im Rahmen des 
naechsten staedteuebergreifenden Kulturfestivals der Arbeitsgemeinschaft 
Kultur im Grossraum, dem die Staedte Nuernberg, Fuerth, Erlangen und 
Schwabach angehoeren, den Kunstwettbewerb Give me five! Im Westen was 
Neues aus.
In diesen Kunstprojekten soll Kultur in ihrer veraendernden Kraft und 
als Motor gesellschaftlichen, politischen und stadtplanerischen Wandels 
thematisiert und sichtbar gemacht werden.
Wettbewerbsgebiet ist der Nuernberger Westen mit dem Stadtteil 
Muggenhof/Eberhardshof, der durch weggebrochene (Gross-)Industrie einem 
rasanten Strukturwandel unterworfen worden ist. Der Stadtteil mit 
riesigen Brachflaechen, leer stehenden Industriebauten (AEG und 
Quelle-Hauptquartier von Ernst Neufert!), hoher Arbeitslosigkeit und 
vielen sozialen und bildungspolitischen Problemen bedarf dringend einer 
Neuorientierung und Neuausrichtung, gleichzeitig bietet er ungeahnte 
Spielraeume und Potentiale.
Durch kuenstlerische

[spectre] Vague Terrain 19: Schematic as Score

2011-05-01 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Vague Terrain 19: Schematic as Score
Online 02 May 2011

Over the past few years, a strong reaction against the sterile world of 
laptop sound and video has inspired a new interest in analog processes, 
and a fresh exploration of the pioneers of the electronic arts during 
the pre-digital era of the 1960s and 1970s. Artists and inventors such 
as Nam June Paik, Steina  Woody Vasulka, Don Buchla, Serge Tcherepnin, 
Dan Sandin and David Tudor all constructed their own unique instruments 
long before similar tools became commercially available or freely 
downloadable--often through a long, rigorous process of self-education 
in electronics.

John Cage once quipped that Serge Tcherepnin's synthesizer system was 
the best musical composition that Serge had ever made, and it is 
precisely Cage's reformulation of the concert score from a list of 
deterministic note values to a set of indeterministic possibilities that 
allowed the blurring of lines between instrument-builder and music 
composer that followed.

The current issue of Vague Terrain, curated and edited by Derek Holzer, 
features an eclectic range of young, contemporary artists who have 
revisited and expanded upon the philosophies and works of this earlier 
generation. Operating at the extreme edges of the DIY electronics scene, 
builder-composers such as Peter Blasser, Jason R. Butcher, Moritz 
Ellerich, Lesley Flanigan, Martin Howse, the Loud Objects (Kunal Gupta, 
Tristan Perich and Katie Shima), Jessica Rylan and Synchronator (Bas van 
Koolwijk  Geert-Jan Prins) all represent some of the most radical and 
idiosyncratic artistic approaches to creative circuitry of the moment. 
Their compositions take the form of systems which provide a map of what 
is possible, but lack a prescribed route on how to get there. The 
discovery—-and the risk—-is left to the moment of the performance.

Derek Holzer

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] TUNED CITY NEWSLETTER 02/2011

2011-04-01 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

((German version below - fuer deutsche Version nach unten scrollen))

Hello !

Here comes the second Tuned City newsletter for 2011:




+ public workshops - registration open now!

As part of an interdisciplinary artist competition initiated by the city 
of Nuernberg/Germany Tuned City is going to realize a 'mini-event' in a 
very interesting part of the city called Muggenhof/Eberhardshof. The 
area is a mix of havitation and industrial architecture inbetween a 
green belt with a little river on one side and the main connection 
highway to Fuerth (and the parallel train track) on the other side. The 
industrial architecture is dominated by the former production facilities 
of AEG and the Quelle (mailorder) headquarter build by Ernst Neufert.

With workshops and public interventions we are going to explore that 
neighborhood for one week. The results are going to be shown on the 16th 
of april with presentations, performances and lectures. With John 
Grzinich (US/EST), Derek Holzer (US/D), Eyland 07 - René Rissland + 
Juergen Lehmeier (D), Florian Tuerke (D), Sam Auinger (A/D), Raviv 
Ganchrow (IL/NL) ...

Details and workshop registration here: 



Tuned City will start in 2011 in Talinn with a series of workshops 
leading to the actual event in July (04-10). Some workshops are more 
basic research on the topic of sound and architecture and listening in 
general, some are part or preparation of bigger projects taking place in 
summer. A first overview can be found here: 

These two workshops are open for registration right now:

Radio Miniatures – Radio Aporee / April 18-22 2011
with Udo Noll (Berlin, D)
Details: http://www.tunedcity.net/?lp_lang_pref=enpage_id=954

Sonic Map Visualisation (at MoKS) / April 28 – may 2 2011
with Andreas Toepfer, Carsten Stabenow (Berlin, D)
Details: http://www.tunedcity.net/?lp_lang_pref=enpage_id=967


We are offering right now one internship for 
sound/art/architecture/communication enthusiasts to work with us on the 
final preparations for Tuned City Tallinn in summer 2011. The (payed) 
internship begins mid April 2011 and lasts till the end of July 2011 and 
we would need you here in Berlin as well as we would like to take you 
with the team to Tallinn in July. If you are interested or know people 
who might be interested please contact us for details.


((German version))




+ Workshops offen zur Anmeldung jetzt!

Das Kulturreferat der Stadt Nuernberg in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Amt fuer 
Kultur und Freizeit/ Kulturbuero Muggenhof richtete im Rahmen des 
naechsten staedteuebergreifenden Kulturfestivals der Arbeitsgemeinschaft 
Kultur im Grossraum, dem die Staedte Nuernberg, Fuerth, Erlangen und 
Schwabach angehoeren, den Kunstwettbewerb Give me five! Im Westen was 
Neues aus.
In diesen Kunstprojekten soll Kultur in ihrer veraendernden Kraft und 
als Motor gesellschaftlichen, politischen und stadtplanerischen Wandels 
thematisiert und sichtbar gemacht werden.
Wettbewerbsgebiet ist der Nuernberger Westen mit dem Stadtteil 
Muggenhof/Eberhardshof, der durch weggebrochene (Gross-)Industrie einem 
rasanten Strukturwandel unterworfen worden ist. Der Stadtteil mit 
riesigen Brachflaechen, leer stehenden Industriebauten (AEG und 
Quelle-Hauptquartier von Ernst Neufert!), hoher Arbeitslosigkeit und 
vielen sozialen und bildungspolitischen Problemen bedarf dringend einer 
Neuorientierung und Neuausrichtung, gleichzeitig bietet er ungeahnte 
Spielraeume und Potentiale.
Durch kuenstlerische

[spectre] Berlin Workshops Nov+Dec at NK

2010-10-08 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

?Ich bin ein Objekt?: Learning Pure Data as a Language
DATES: 13-14 November 2010 12:00-17:00
LOCATION: NK, Elsenstr. 52/2.Hinterhaus Etage 2
12059 Berlin Neukölln

Pure Data (or Pd) is a real-time graphical programming environment for  
audio, video, and graphical processing. This introductory workshop is  
ideal for new users of Pure Data who are finding the ?vocabulary? and  
?grammar? difficult to grasp. We will learn Pure Data as one would  
learn any other language, taking a series of very basic examples from  
the Pure Data FLOSS Manual. This workshop gives a good starting point  
for more advanced Pd workshops, or participation in the Berlin Pure  
Data users? group. The workshop will be taught in English ;-)

Participation is limited to 12 participants.

Registration: Pre-registration is required and can be done by sending  
an email to i...@nkprojekt.de



Neanderthal Electronics at your Fingertips
DATES: 27-28 November 12:00-17:00 / Presentation 28 November 18:00
COST: EUR 35 + EUR 10 materials fee
LOCATION: NK, Elsenstr. 52/2.Hinterhaus Etage 2
12059 Berlin Neukölln

Learn how to use simple objects from our modern environment  
(resistors, capacitors, transistors, LEDs, integrated circuit chips?)  
to design and build your own personal, touch-activated primitive noise  
synthesizer. Each is a tiny world of its own, using primitive analog  
computers in combination with feedback, sensors and audio inputs to  
create a unique sound. Even from the same plan, no two are alike!  
Participants should bring some sort of box, container or other  
creative enclosure to put their circuit inside of?past workshops have  
seen synthesizers made in suitcases, flashlights, film cans, coconuts,  
children?s toys, super 8 cameras, cigar boxes, knaackebrod, books and  
hand-sewn masks. Check the videos on the Macumbista website for some  
ideas and inspiration. This workshop will end in a free public  
presentation of the instruments you have created, invite your friends!

Participation is limited to 12 participants.

Registration: Pre-registration is required and can be done by sending  
an email to i...@nkprojekt.de



Now Splice the Tape: Working with Soundfiles in Pure Data
DATES: 04-05 December 12:00-17:00 / Presentation 05 December 18:00
LOCATION: NK, Elsenstr. 52/2.Hinterhaus Etage 2
12059 Berlin Neukölln

Manipulating recorded soundfiles is one of Pure Data?s most powerful  
features. However, the process of doing this remains one of the most  
confusing tasks for newcomers. During this two day workshop, we will  
cover the basics of loading soundfiles to tables, live capturing and  
looping, adjusting tempo and pitch, changing the looping, starting and  
stopping points of your playback and an introduction to granular  
synthesis. We will also examine ParticleChamber as an example of a  
full-fledged soundfile manipulation application built entirely with  
Pd. Some previous experience with Pd and/or participation in the ?Ich  
bin ein Objekt? workshop is recommended. This workshop will end in a  
free public presentation of the instruments you have created, invite  
your friends!

Participation is limited to 12 participants.

Registration: Pre-registration is required and can be done by sending  
an email to i...@nkprojekt.de

http://macumbista.net/?page_id=514 (ParticleChamber)


About the Instructor:

Derek Holzer (1972) is an American sound artist living in Berlin,  
whose current interests include DIY analog electronics, sound art,  
field recording and the meeting points of electroacoustic, noise,  
improv and extreme music. He has played live experimental sound, as  
well as taught workshops in noise art technology, across Europe, North  
America, Brazil and New Zealand.

::: derek holzer ::: http://macumbista.net :::
---Oblique Strategy # 125:
Only a part, not the whole

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Berlin workshop! Neanderthal Vocal Computer 18 July 2009

2009-07-12 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Neanderthal Vocal Computer workshop with Derek Holzer

Saturday 18 July 2009 2PM
_-micro_research, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119
U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl.
U8, Rosenthaler Pl.
Telephone: 3050187482.

Cost: EUR 10
Please email m...@1010.co.uk to reserve a place (strictly limited)

This workshop combines three of the basic building blocks of the longer 
Neanderthal Electronics workshop (TL072 op-amp comparator, 4093 gated 
oscillator  LM386 audio amplifier) to create a very crude, 
caveman-style analog computer for the processing of vocal input through 
a microphone. Participants will learn some analog and digital 
electronics basics to create an experimental prototype on the solderless 
breadboard, then recreate the circuit with permanent connections. They 
are also expected to bring their own box, case or other object in which 
to construct the final circuit. The last part of the workshop will touch 
on how this circuit can be expanded later on to include all kinds of 
mixers, modulators, distortions and filters through the use of other 
cheap, easily obtained parts.

For more information and videos from the Neanderthal Electronics 
workshops, see:


IMAGE: http://electro-music.com/forum/phpbb-files/img_4225_177.jpg



02-06 Feb: Royal Art Academy, Copenhagen DK
10-14 Feb: Tartu Art Week, Tartu EE
20-24 Apr: Queen St. Studios, Belfast UK
04-09 May: eNKa, Berlin DE
25-29 May: Piksel/Ny Musikk/Lydgalleriet, Bergen NO
01-05 Jun: WORM, Rotterdam NL
18 July: Pickled Feet, Berlin DE
10-16 Aug: Tesla/Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin DE
17-22 Aug: AVAMAA, Moks, Mooste EE

::: derek holzer ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista ::: 
http://www.vimeo.com/macumbista :::

---Oblique Strategy # 132:
'Remember .those quiet evenings'

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] sommercampworkstation 2009 berlin

2009-06-19 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Dear Spectres,

I am involved in a workshop series to take place during the upcoming 
Sommercampworkstation event at Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin from 
10-16 August. Registration is open for the workshops, including the node 
on experimental instrument building which I will lead, so please have a 

best wishes!


((German version below - fuer deutsche Version nach unten scrollen))

Hello !

Here comes the first edition of the Sommercampworkstation newsletter.
Below you find some information about the basic idea and some first
program details.

Looking forward to seeing you in Berlin,
Carsten Seiffarth (former TESLA) and Carsten Stabenow (garage)


[1] SOMMERCAMPWORKSTATION 2009 - laboratory for art and media Berlin

[2] SOMMERCAMP - workshop series


[1] SOMMERCAMPWORKSTATION 2009 - laboratory for art and media Berlin

sommercamp+workstation=2009 is meant as a practical example of the
feasibility of a laboratory for art and media in Berlin carrying on
the idea of TESLA - medialab. The starting point of the four-month
project is the sommercamp from 10 to 16 August - a module to work and
generate ideas, with ten open workshops and two days of final
presentations on 15/16 August 2009 at the House of World Culture and a
kick-off on 14 August 2009 at the radialsystem. The second part of the
project is the workstation - intended as project production support -
with four three-month project residencies and a curatorial grant that
are produced in close collaboration with local and international
partners. A discursive weekend will take place from 13 to 15 November
2009 with the invited artists/projects and experts from science and
technology at Berlin based general public, in collaboration with DISK/
Please have a look at our website :


Sommercampworkstation is funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds.


[2] SOMMERCAMP - workshop series - now open for registration

The project will kick off with the sommercamp from 10 to 16 August
2009 in the foyer and the studios at House of World Culture with a
number of different open workshops. Workshops are an ideal form to
sketch new approaches, to build interdisciplinary bridges and above
all to soften the borders between artist, thinker and practitioner on
the one side and a passive audience on the other side. Workshops are
detectors to test new working and communication models, catalysts of
ideas and indicators for their relevance and acceptance. The invited
workshops/artists/thinkers are exemplary for very different approaches
to art and technology, for individual working methods, communication
models and organisation structures.

sommercamp is devided in 3 workshop clusters:

A] World as Representation: systems and simulation.
with Jessica Rylan (US), FOaM (B), Martin Howse/x (UK/D) and
Julian Oliver (E)

B] Re:Discovering Sound an Instrument-building Workshop
with Peter Blasser (US), Halldor Ulfarsson (F), Tore Honoré Bøe (N/E)
and Derek Holzer (US/D)

C] Ways of Doing. Approaches, Manuals, Tactics, Strategies and the
Operational Art
with James Wallbank (UK), Jordi Claramonte (E) and Adam Hyde (NZ)

more infos on the workshops and registration form here:

The single workshops will be open for public (with registration).
After the one-week-workshop phase two days of final presentations will
take place on 15 and 16 August 2009 at the House of World Culture.


((German version))

Hallo !

Hier kommt die erste Ausgabe des sommercampworkstation Newsletters.
Anbei folgen ein paar Informationen zur Idee und Struktur des
Projektes sowie erste Programminformationen.

Wir hoffen, euch in Berlin zu sehen!
Carsten Seiffarth (ehemals TESLA) und Carsten Stabenow (garage)


[1] SOMMERCAMPWORKSTATION 2009 - Labor fuer Kunst und Medien Berlin

[2] SOMMERCAMP - Workshop-Programm


[1] SOMMERCAMPWORKSTATION 2009 - Labor fuer Kunst und Medien Berlin

sommercamp+workstation=2009 soll ein praktisches Beispiel fuer die
Realisierbarkeit eines Labor fuer Kunst und Medien in Berlin geben und
schliesst an die Aktivitaeten des 2007 geschlossenen TESLA an. Auftakt
des viermonatigen Projekts ist das sommercamp vom 10. bis 16. August -
ein Arbeits

[spectre] Neanderthal Electronics workshops // Apr-June // UK, DE, NO, NL

2009-04-02 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Neanderthals Electronics workshops on tour April-June 2009!

.:::DATES + CITIES:::.

20-24 Apr: Queen St. Studios, Belfast UK
04-09 May: eNKa, Berlin DE
25-29 May: Lydgalleriet, Bergen NO
01-05 Jun: WORM, Rotterdam NL


More than 40,000 years ago, our Neanderthal predecessors invented the 
first music instruments from simple objects around them (bones and 
stones, sticks and skins...), without reference to any existing music 
history, and primarily for their own pleasure rather than that of others.

Nowadays, we use complex audio hardware and software which make it 
easier to make music, so long as we channel our creativity into such 
socially acceptable avenues as Western Classical or Minimal Techno. As 
with any established genre, the results are often completely 
predictable, and therefore quite boring.

But some of us, deep in our wild hearts, still long for the Stone Age 
simplicity of pure noise!

This 5 day workshop is designed for 8-10 people, possibly with a 
background in sound, but with no previous electronics experience. They 
are shown how to use simple objects from our modern environment 
(resistors, capacitors, transistors, LEDs, integrated circuit chips...) 
to design and build their own personal, customized primitive noise 
synthesizers. Each is a tiny world of its own, using primitive analog 
computers in combination with feedback, sensors and audio inputs to 
create a unique sound. Even from the same plan, no two are alike!

Participants are encouraged to use found materials for the construction 
of their personal instrument. The workshop concludes with a group 
performance and an invitation to the audience to experiment with each of 
the instruments which have been created.




Derek Holzer (1972) is an American sound artist living in Berlin, whose 
current interests include DIY analog electronics, sound art, field 
recording and the meeting points of electroacoustic, noise, improv and 
heavy metal music. He has played live experimental sound as Macumbista 
or Derek Holzer--as well as taught workshops in Pure Data and 
electronics--across Europe, North America, Brazil and New Zealand.



Please register early for all workshops, as they are limited to 10 
places each! All workshop fees include electronic components + use of 


***DATES: Monday 20 April - Friday 24 April 2009 10.00-16.00 daily
***LOCATION: Digital Arts Studios, 37-39 Queen Street Belfast BT1 6EA
***COST: This workshop is FREE!
***FINAL PRESENTATION: Saturday, 25 April 2009 9pm til late. Catalyst 
Arts, 5 College Court Belfast BT1 6BX. £5 donation welcome.

***REGISTRATION: eve...@digitalartsstudios.com or phone 02890312900


***DATES: Monday 4 May - Saturday 9 May 2009 12.00-18.00 daily
***LOCATION: eNKa / ElsenStr. 52 (2.Hof) Berlin, Germany
***COST: 120 EUR
***FINAL PRESENTATION: Saturday 9 May, 19.00, eNKa
***REGISTRATION: enka...@gmx.de www.myspace.com/enka52 +49 (0)176 20626386


***DATES: Monday 25 May - Friday 29 May 2009 10.00-16.00 daily
***LOCATION: Lydgalleriet, Østre Skostredet 3, Bergen, Norway
***COST: 500 NOK (approx 56 EUR)
***FINAL PRESENTATION: Friday 29 May, 19.00, Lydgallerie
***REGISTRATION: p...@lydgalleriet.no +47 48 23 78 88


***DATES: Monday 1 June - Friday 5 June 2009 11.00-18.00 daily
***LOCATION: WORM, Achterhaven 148, Rotterdam
***COST: 50 EUR
***FINAL PRESENTATION: Friday 5 June, 21.00, WORM, 5 EUR entry
***REGISTRATION: works...@moddr.net

::: derek holzer ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista ::: 
http://www.vimeo.com/macumbista :::

---Oblique Strategy # 97:
Is the style right?

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] TONEWHEELS events London UK, 18-24 March 2009

2009-03-09 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Dear Spectres,

I will be in London soon to present my optoelectronic audiovisual 
performance TONEWHEELS. Hope to see some of you there!



London UK, 18-24 March 2009

***18 MAR: NOISE=NOISE, Goldsmiths, London UK
6pm-9pm Wednesday 18 March 2009 FREE
Small Cinema, Goldsmiths University

John Bowers
Mick Grierson
Derek Holzer
Ryan Jordan
Martin L
Julien Ottavi
John Richards

***19 MAR: TONEWHEELS lecture+performance, Thursday Club @ Goldsmiths, 
London UK

6pm Thursday 19 March 2009
Seminar Roooms, Ben Pimlott Building, Goldsmiths University

***20 MAR: Blinking Ears presents Electroacoustic Performances, E:Vent 
Gallery, London UK

8:30pm-1am Friday 20 March 2009
E:vent, 96 Teesdale Street

Derek Holzer
Joel Cahen
Leafcutter John
Lina Lapelyte
Peter Cusak
+ DJ Alex Czinczel

***24 MAR: Future of Sound/Future of Light, Goldsmiths, London UK
Symposium: Media Resources Building, Screen 1, 2pm-6pm, Free

Andrey Smirnov  (keynote speaker) http://asmir.theremin.ru/
Jo Hutton myspace.com/johuttonmusic
Derek Holzer www.umatic.nl/tonewheels_historical.html
Rob Mullender  http://silentlight.blogspot.com/
Dr. Mick Grierson mickgrierson.co.uk/

Show: The Great Hall, 7pm-10pm, Free

The Sancho Plan thesanchoplan.com
United Visual Artists  uva.co.uk
Scanner scannerdot.com

derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista
---Oblique Strategy # 37:
Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Neanderthal Electronics

2009-02-18 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Dear Spectres,

I recently completed the first two editions of a series of workshops I
am looking forward to continuing in 2009. Info + video samples follow.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or proposals!



Neanderthal Electronics: an instrument-building workshop by Derek Holzer

More than 40,000 years ago, our Neanderthal ancestors invented the first
music instruments from simple objects around them (bones and stones,
sticks and skins...), without reference to any existing music history,
and primarily for their own pleasure rather than that of others.

Nowadays, we use complex audio hardware and software which make it
easier to create music, so long as we channel our creativity into such
socially acceptable avenues as Western Classical or Minimal Techno. As
with any established genre, the results are often completely
predictable, and therefore quite boring.

But some of us, deep in our wild hearts, still long for the Stone Age
simplicity of pure noise!

The Neanderthal Electronics workshops are designed for approximately
8-10 people, possibly with a background in sound, but with no previous
electronics experience. Over 5 days, they are shown how to use simple
objects from our modern environment (resistors, capacitors, transistors,
LEDs, integrated circuit chips...) to design and build their own
personal, customized primitive noise synthesizers.

A final presentation allows the participants to demonstrate and play
their creations, as well as allows the audience to make their own
experiments with the newly built instruments.

This workshop has been realized so far at:

Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Denmark (Feb 2009)
Tartu Art Month, Tartu, Estonia (Feb 2009)

with future workshops under discussion to to take place in Germany,
Estonia and the UK. The workshop is currently available for booking in
Europe during Spring and Summer 2009.

Video documentation from both previous workshops can be seen at:


derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista
---Oblique Strategy # 28:
Change nothing and continue consistently

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] CORRECTION: Pure Data Basics: a Project-Oriented Workshop with Derek Holzer

2009-02-12 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer
CORRECTION: registration address in previous email was incorrect. 
Correct address below!

Pure Data Basics: a Project-Oriented Workshop with Derek Holzer

Wednesday 11 March - Sunday 15 March 2009
11.00-19.00 daily with one hour lunch break
Final presentation Sunday 15 March, 19.00

Location: eNKa /  ElsenStr. 52 (2.Hof) Berlin, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0)176 20626386

Course Participation fee: 100 euros
Registration is required for this workshop and can only be done via
email to: enka...@gmx.de
Please register early to ensure a place. Places are limited to 12.
Participants should indicate ahead of time what their background and
areas of interest are (sound, video, sensors, etc) as well as give a
short description of any project they might want to develop during the

Pure Data is a powerful, free and open-source software environment for
producing and manipulating sound, image, data and connections to
sensors, motors and other physical computing functions, all in real
time. Because the programming is done visually, many artists find it a
more intuitive tool than traditional text-oriented programming
languages. This 5 day workshop will cover the basic grammar and
vocabulary of the Pure Data language through a mix of lecture and
demonstration in the mornings and project-based mentoring in the
afternoons. This workshop is open to those with no previous computer
programming experience, however basic computer literacy is assumed as
well as a working familiarity with either digital audio or video. A
manual-in-progress for Pure Data by Derek Holzer can be found here:



1) Meeting PD: the interface and how to play with it
2) Basic PD: participants learn to make a simple synthesizer, and
learn basic PD grammar in the process
3) Workshop: discussions of examples and work on student projects

1) PD audio: more on oscillators, noise, delays, feedback, filters and
signal analysis for all your sonic needs
2) Events in PD: participants explore the timing of events with
sequencers, delays, messages
3) Workshop: discussions of examples and work on student projects

1) Working with soundfiles: loading audio for use in samplers,
granulators and other file-based sound manipulation systems
2) Basic GEM: how to create simple 3D objects, play videos and get
camera input
3) Workshop: discussions of examples and work on student projects

1) Physical PD: an introduction to physical computing using Pure Data
alongside a microcontroller-based board such as the Arduino or
xAVR/HID--or even a hacked USB gamepad--to work with sensors,
motors, lights, etc.
2) Workshop: discussions of examples and work on student projects

1) Workshop: discussions of examples and work on student projects
2) The Wrap Up: public presentation of student works + closing party.



1) Laptop running Linux, OS X or Windows
2) Pure Data Extended installed from: http://puredata.info/downloads
(please make sure it is Extended package!)
3) Soundcard
4) Headphones


1) MIDI controller/keyboard
2) Microphone/piezoelectric contact microphone
3) USB Joystick/Gamepad
4) Sensors or other input devices (please bring your own sensors if
you are interested in working with them, as only a few light sensors
will be provided at the workshop)
5) Small motors or motor-driven objects
6) USB webcam/Firewire camera
7) Arduino boards (Available from Segor in Berlin: www.segor.de)
and/or the xAVR/HID board (http://www.1010.co.uk/avrhid.html,
please inquire via the x webpage about preordering!)
8) Your own projects and ideas to realize!


Derek Holzer [USA 1972] is a sound artist with a background in radio,
webstreaming and environmental recording. His work focuses on
capturing and transforming small, unnoticed sounds from various
natural and urban locations, networked collaboration strategies,
experiments in improvisational sound and the use of free software such
as Pure-Data. He has released tracks under the Nexsound, Sirr,
and/OAR, Frozen Elephants Music, Mandorla and Gruenrekorder labels,
and has co-initiated several internet projects for field recording and
collaborative soundscapes including Soundtransit.nl. His recent
projects include the opto-electronic audiovisual performance
TONEWHEELS, solo performances for analog synthesizer and a manual for
Pure Data. He was also co-curator of the Tuned City event for sound
and architecture, which took place in Berlin during July 2008.


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[spectre] Pure Data Basics: a Project-Oriented Workshop with Derek Holzer

2009-02-11 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Pure Data Basics: a Project-Oriented Workshop with Derek Holzer

Wednesday 11 March - Sunday 15 March 2009
11.00-19.00 daily with one hour lunch break
Final presentation Sunday 15 March, 19.00

Location: eNKa /  ElsenStr. 52 (2.Hof) Berlin, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0)176 20626386

Course Participation fee: 100 euros
Registration is required for this workshop and can only be done via
email to: e...@gmx.de
Please register early to ensure a place. Places are limited to 12.
Participants should indicate ahead of time what their background and
areas of interest are (sound, video, sensors, etc) as well as give a
short description of any project they might want to develop during the

Pure Data is a powerful, free and open-source software environment for
producing and manipulating sound, image, data and connections to
sensors, motors and other physical computing functions, all in real
time. Because the programming is done visually, many artists find it a
more intuitive tool than traditional text-oriented programming
languages. This 5 day workshop will cover the basic grammar and
vocabulary of the Pure Data language through a mix of lecture and
demonstration in the mornings and project-based mentoring in the
afternoons. This workshop is open to those with no previous computer
programming experience, however basic computer literacy is assumed as
well as a working familiarity with either digital audio or video. A
manual-in-progress for Pure Data by Derek Holzer can be found here:



1) Meeting PD: the interface and how to play with it
2) Basic PD: participants learn to make a simple synthesizer, and
learn basic PD grammar in the process
3) Workshop: discussions of examples and work on student projects

1) PD audio: more on oscillators, noise, delays, feedback, filters and
signal analysis for all your sonic needs
2) Events in PD: participants explore the timing of events with
sequencers, delays, messages
3) Workshop: discussions of examples and work on student projects

1) Working with soundfiles: loading audio for use in samplers,
granulators and other file-based sound manipulation systems
2) Basic GEM: how to create simple 3D objects, play videos and get
camera input
3) Workshop: discussions of examples and work on student projects

1) Physical PD: an introduction to physical computing using Pure Data
alongside a microcontroller-based board such as the Arduino or
xAVR/HID--or even a hacked USB gamepad--to work with sensors,
motors, lights, etc.
2) Workshop: discussions of examples and work on student projects

1) Workshop: discussions of examples and work on student projects
2) The Wrap Up: public presentation of student works + closing party.



1) Laptop running Linux, OS X or Windows
2) Pure Data Extended installed from: http://puredata.info/downloads
(please make sure it is Extended package!)
3) Soundcard
4) Headphones


1) MIDI controller/keyboard
2) Microphone/piezoelectric contact microphone
3) USB Joystick/Gamepad
4) Sensors or other input devices (please bring your own sensors if
you are interested in working with them, as only a few light sensors
will be provided at the workshop)
5) Small motors or motor-driven objects
6) USB webcam/Firewire camera
7) Arduino boards (Available from Segor in Berlin: www.segor.de)
and/or the xAVR/HID board (http://www.1010.co.uk/avrhid.html,
please inquire via the x webpage about preordering!)
8) Your own projects and ideas to realize!


Derek Holzer [USA 1972] is a sound artist with a background in radio,
webstreaming and environmental recording. His work focuses on
capturing and transforming small, unnoticed sounds from various
natural and urban locations, networked collaboration strategies,
experiments in improvisational sound and the use of free software such
as Pure-Data. He has released tracks under the Nexsound, Sirr,
and/OAR, Frozen Elephants Music, Mandorla and Gruenrekorder labels,
and has co-initiated several internet projects for field recording and
collaborative soundscapes including Soundtransit.nl. His recent
projects include the opto-electronic audiovisual performance
TONEWHEELS, solo performances for analog synthesizer and a manual for
Pure Data. He was also co-curator of the Tuned City event for sound
and architecture, which took place in Berlin during July 2008.


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Pure Data Basics: a Project-Oriented Workshop with Derek Holzer

2009-02-10 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Pure Data Basics: a Project-Oriented Workshop with Derek Holzer

Wednesday 11 March - Sunday 15 March 2009
11.00-19.00 daily with one hour lunch break
Final presentation Sunday 15 March, 19.00

Location: eNKa /  ElsenStr. 52 (2.Hof) Berlin, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0)176 20626386

Course Participation fee: 100 euros
Registration is required for this workshop and can only be done via  
email to: e...@gmx.de
Please register early to ensure a place. Places are limited to 12.  
Participants should indicate ahead of time what their background and  
areas of interest are (sound, video, sensors, etc) as well as give a  
short description of any project they might want to develop during the  

Pure Data is a powerful, free and open-source software environment for  
producing and manipulating sound, image, data and connections to  
sensors, motors and other physical computing functions, all in real  
time. Because the programming is done visually, many artists find it a  
more intuitive tool than traditional text-oriented programming  
languages. This 5 day workshop will cover the basic grammar and  
vocabulary of the Pure Data language through a mix of lecture and  
demonstration in the mornings and project-based mentoring in the  
afternoons. This workshop is open to those with no previous computer  
programming experience, however basic computer literacy is assumed as  
well as a working familiarity with either digital audio or video. A  
manual-in-progress for Pure Data by Derek Holzer can be found here:



1) Meeting PD: the interface and how to play with it
2) Basic PD: participants learn to make a simple synthesizer, and  
learn basic PD grammar in the process

3) Workshop: discussions of examples and work on student projects

1) PD audio: more on oscillators, noise, delays, feedback, filters and  
signal analysis for all your sonic needs
2) Events in PD: participants explore the timing of events with  
sequencers, delays, messages

3) Workshop: discussions of examples and work on student projects

1) Working with soundfiles: loading audio for use in samplers,  
granulators and other file-based sound manipulation systems
2) Basic GEM: how to create simple 3D objects, play videos and get  
camera input

3) Workshop: discussions of examples and work on student projects

1) Physical PD: an introduction to physical computing using Pure Data  
alongside a microcontroller-based board such as the Arduino or  
xAVR/HID--or even a hacked USB gamepad--to work with sensors,  
motors, lights, etc.

2) Workshop: discussions of examples and work on student projects

1) Workshop: discussions of examples and work on student projects
2) The Wrap Up: public presentation of student works + closing party.



1) Laptop running Linux, OS X or Windows
2) Pure Data Extended installed from: http://puredata.info/downloads  
(please make sure it is Extended package!)

3) Soundcard
4) Headphones


1) MIDI controller/keyboard
2) Microphone/piezoelectric contact microphone
3) USB Joystick/Gamepad
4) Sensors or other input devices (please bring your own sensors if  
you are interested in working with them, as only a few light sensors  
will be provided at the workshop)

5) Small motors or motor-driven objects
6) USB webcam/Firewire camera
7) Arduino boards (Available from Segor in Berlin: www.segor.de)  
and/or the xAVR/HID board (http://www.1010.co.uk/avrhid.html,  
please inquire via the x webpage about preordering!)

8) Your own projects and ideas to realize!


Derek Holzer [USA 1972] is a sound artist with a background in radio,  
webstreaming and environmental recording. His work focuses on  
capturing and transforming small, unnoticed sounds from various  
natural and urban locations, networked collaboration strategies,  
experiments in improvisational sound and the use of free software such  
as Pure-Data. He has released tracks under the Nexsound, Sirr,  
and/OAR, Frozen Elephants Music, Mandorla and Gruenrekorder labels,  
and has co-initiated several internet projects for field recording and  
collaborative soundscapes including Soundtransit.nl. His recent  
projects include the opto-electronic audiovisual performance  
TONEWHEELS, solo performances for analog synthesizer and a manual for  
Pure Data. He was also co-curator of the Tuned City event for sound  
and architecture, which took place in Berlin during July 2008.


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] xxxxx_temporary_structure CTM 2009 friday 23 january

2009-01-22 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

x_temporary_structure CTM 2009 opens tomorrow, Friday 23 January,
with an open lab and actions/performances from several of the
participants beginning at 19:30 and running until 22:00. The laboratory
will continue to be public every day until 31 January from 12:00-22:00
daily. There will be similar actions completing the lab cycle on the
final day, Saturday 31 January, at 19:00.



Mariannenplatz 2
10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg

Public transport:
U8  Kottbusser Tor
S3, S4, S8, S9  S-BHF Ostbahnhof
10 minutes walking distance from MAO.



x_temporary_structure CTM 2009

Tracing a clear line of development from both x_workshops:
[in]tolerance during CTM 2008 examining the material basis of
technology and a series of life coding events in Norway and Germany,
x hosts an experimental nine day structure widening the scope of
construction and constructivism to embrace the social and economic
structures of production and performance. Public interface is to be
made explicit, inviting participation, visit and conversation.

x temporary structure presents the expansion of both known and
less familiar constructive procedures and apparatus, for example
software (Pure Data, Python) and hardware (waves, circuits,
simulation) into novel territory. Software becomes script and social
pragmatics, hardware expands into optics, architecture, graffiti,
elaborate kinetics and novel interfaces to the world addressing
biologic and physical processes; a play of light, resonance and

The relationship between structure and system is playfully opened,
with the modelling of systems as core activity within the temporary
lab space; simulation within both code and analogue electronics, the
embedding of an internal observer allowing for a play with agents and

A concern with materiality and construction forms the base for an
energetic examination of all manner of diagrams, public interface
(reading space, discussion), bio-computing (plant life, EEG), world
interface (practical endophysics), everyday technologies (light,
food), code, transitions and translations. Such disciplines branch out
mushroom like, revealing instabilities and new structures across nine
days, in one space, publicly accessible throughout.

x temporary structure is inherently experimental and
interdisciplinary, inviting practitioners and artists who are well
able to prise open the gaps between reified disciplines to actively
create new social and constructive apparatus within the x space.

A playful laboratory is proposed which does not mark boundaries
between forms and between disciplines - which rather exposes and opens
up social and artistic structures for sublime experience.


Alexei Blinov
Danja Vassiliev
Derek Holzer
Dorotha Walentynowicz
Georg Holzmann
Jonathan Kemp
Julian Oliver
Lars Lundehave Hansen
Lindsay Brown
Martin Howse
Martin Kuentz
Oswald Berthold
Otto Roessler
Rob Mullender
Shintaro Miyazaki
Valentina Vuksic
Verena Friedrich
Walter Langelaar
Will Scrimshaw
Yunchul Kim



derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista
---Oblique Strategy # 87:
Imagine the music as a moving chain or caterpillar

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Tuned City - Between Sound and Space Speculation Reader

2008-10-19 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer
 at. At a time when sound is becoming increasingly
controllable, directional and 'material', these ideas open up new
perspectives for architecture that are not as utopian as they may appear.

Sound engineer Barry Blesser's essay on aural spatiality comes across as
simplistic and self-evident alongside the exhaustive typology developed
by the Cresson team, while an article or two charting the theoretical
underpinnings and historical background of the arguments put forward in
these contributions would not have gone amiss. These are minor quibbles,
however; as an indicator of sound's undeniable capacity to influence
architectural practice and a plea for greater openmindedness on the part
of architects, Tuned City makes for essential reading.

derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista
---Oblique Strategy # 140:

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] TONEWHEELS Installation, Access Space Sheffield

2008-07-23 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

TONEWHEELS Installation
Derek Holzer
Access Space Artist-in-Residence
19 July - 1 August, 2008
Access Space, 1 Sidney Street, Sheffield UK


TONEWHEELS is an experiment in converting graphical imagery to sound,
inspired by some of the pioneering 20th Century electronic music
inventions. Transparent tonewheels with repeating patterns are spun over
light-sensitive electronic circuitry to produce sound. This all-analog
set is performed entirely live without the use of computers, using only
overhead projectors as light source, performance interface and audience
display. In this way, TONEWHEELS aims to open up the black box of
electronic music and video by exposing the working processes of the
performance for the audience to see.

Up until now, TONEWHEELS has been realized as a live performance or a
workshop (at WAVES, Dortmund, May 2008). However, for Access Space,
Holzer has decided to create a playable installation based on these
simple optoelectronic principles. Users of Access Space will be invited
to produce patterns for the spinning tonewheels as well as graphical
scores to be projected on the instrument in order to play it.

The inspiration for this installation comes from the ANS synthesizer.
The ANS is a pioneering electronic music instrument conceived and built
by Evgeny Murzin in the Soviet Union during the late 1950's. It is also
one of the first experiments in direct graphical composition. To compose
with the ANS, the user scratches lines through the opaque black covering
on a glass plate. Light shines through these lines as the plate passes
through the machine, and activates photocells inside it. Lines at the
bottom of the plate produce low tones, while lines at the top of the
plate produce high tones.

The only existing ANS is installed in the Theremin Center in Moscow.
Soviet composers such as Edward Artemyev used the ANS to record the
soundtracks for Tarkovsky's Stalker and Solaris, and more recently
the English group Coil released a triple CD realized on the instrument.
Outside Moscow, the legacy of the ANS lives on largely in the software
world. Any kind of software which allows the user to draw or paint
with sound, such as the UPIC softwares developed by Iannis Xenakis at
IRCAM, IanniX, HighC or the MetaSynth software, owes a great deal to the

The completed TONEWHEELS instrument (housed in a beautiful old wooden
Grandfather Clock cabinet) as well as the user-designed wheels and
scores will be presented on Friday, 1 August 2008 at Access Space, 1
Sidney Street, Sheffield UK. Many thanks to Jake Harries, Access Space
and Andrei Smirnov for their support and assistance with this project.

derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista
---Oblique Strategy # 47:
Discover the recipes you are using and abandon them

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Tuned City, Berlin 1-5 July 2008

2008-06-22 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer
* Sinclair, Peter + Duque, Alejandoro + Clauss, Julien / locus sonus
* Sonntag, Jan-Peter / Arbeiten im raum
* Steinke, Gerhard / the room is the robe of the musics
* tx - büro für temporäre architektur / wriezener freiraumlabor
* van der Heide, Edwin / field of overtones
* Voogelar, Frans / beyond you-topia
* Watson, Chris / listenining to the city
* Willecke, Barbara / Nauener Platz

derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista
---Oblique Strategy # 27:
Change instrument roles

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Tuned City Workshops 1-5 July Berlin

2008-06-11 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer
. Juli 2008 in Berlin

T +49 030 44052612
F +49 030 44357415
M +49 0179 9198700

derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista
---Oblique Strategy # 128:
Overtly resist change

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] xxxxx_workshop_44 Berlin: PD sensor input part II

2008-04-22 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

April 26th 2PM: AVR/HID Sensor Input into Pure Data with Derek Holzer 
Martin Howse

We will continue last month's investigation of quick and cheap ways of
getting sensor input into the Pure Data programming environment, using
either USB game controllers or ATmega8 microcontrollers and the HID
(Human Interface Device) protocol. Participants should bring the
AVR/HID boards and/or hacked joysticks from the previous
workshop. Those who did not attend the previous workshop are welcome,
and ready made sensor boards can be purchased as part of the
participation fee. Please RSVP to [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you plan to
attend, and indicate whether you will need a sensor input board for

A few (!) sample sensors will be provided, but participants are
encouraged to bring their own sensors (light, pressure, motion,
etc...) for experimentation. The Pure Data programming environment
will be used to get the sensor information into the computer and map
it to different parameters, ranging from MIDI to direct control of
audio or video.

Windows users should be aware that the possibilities for input on
their systems may be more restricted. GNU/Linux and Mac OS X users
should not expect any problems.

Some links for those interested:

http://1010.co.uk/avrhid.html (AVR/HID board documentation)
http://puredata.info/downloads (install PD-Extended 0.39 from here!)
http://www.sensorwiki.org/index.php/Main_Page (comprehensive list of
sensors for musical use)

---What to bring:


1) Laptop running Linux, OS X or Windows (be advised that Windows
users may have fewer possibilities)
2) Pure Data Extended 0.39 installed from:
http://puredata.info/downloads (please mind that it is Extended and
3) Soundcard (internal or external, quality a non-issue)
4) Headphones
5) EUR 10 participation fee (+ 8 euros if you need a sensor board)


1) Sensors of any kind
2) USB game controller of any kind
3) Microphones or other sound inputs
4) Your own project ideas for discussion

---About the Teachers

Derek Holzer [USA 1972] began working with Pure Data in 2001. Since
then, he has taught and performed with the program across Europe,
North America, Brazil and New Zealand. His work focuses on field
recording, networked collaboration strategies, experiments in
improvisational sound and the use of free software such as
Pure-Data. He is currently writing a beginner's manual for Pure
Data. http://www.umatic.nl/info_derek.html
http://www.umatic.nl/workshops.html http://flossmanuals.net/puredata

Martin Howse operates within the fields of discourse, speculative
hardware (environmental data in open physical systems), code (an
examination of layers of abstraction), free software and the
situational (performances and interventions). http://1010.co.uk



A (more-or-less) weekly series of constructivist workshops
emphasising making and connection within the field of the existent.

Forthcoming matter:

May 3rd: Ephemeral Exposures//Instant Imagery with Alice Miceli And
Kathrin Guenter

Kirlian photography, radio telescopy, data forensics, EVP/ITC, scrying
boards, KiCad PCB design, CMOS audio synthesis, GStreamer framework

... contact if you're interested in leading a related workshop.



Workshops led by field-expert practitioners extend over realms of code
and embedded code, environmental code, noise, transmission and
reception, and electromysticism. Workshops solely utilise free
software and GNU toolbase.

Practitioners have included Martin Kuentz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Julian
Oliver (http://selectparks.net/), Derek Holzer
(http://soundtransit.nl), Jeff Mann (http://jeffmann.com), Martin
Howse (http://1010.co.uk), Fredrik Olofsson
(http://www.fredrikolofsson.com/), Florian Cramer
(http://cramer.plaintext.cc:70/), Brendan Howell, , jo FRGMNT
grys(http://tob.de.vu/), mikomikona

x, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119

U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl.
U8, Rosenthaler Pl.

Telephone: 3050187482.




SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Call for Performance Proposals: Tuned City - Between sound and space speculation

2008-03-20 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Call for Performance Proposals: Tuned City - Between sound and space

Tuned City is seeking proposals for short performances and artist
presentations addressing issues of sound and architecture. These
proposals should relate to one or more of the topics listed below, and
should include links to online documentation of the proposed
performance/presentation, or to similar work by the same artist/author.
The deadline for proposals is April 30 2008, but proposals will be
considered as they are received. Please submit proposals in English.



Tuned City - Between sound and space speculation is an exhibition and
conference project planned for 1-6 July 2008 in Berlin which proposes a
new evaluation of architectural spaces from the perspective of the
acoustic. The project draws the traditions of critical discussion about
urban space within the architecture and urban planning discourse–as well
as its strategies and working methods–into the context of sound art.
This expanded discussion reinforces the potential of the spatial and
communicative properties of sound as a tool and means of urban practice.

At the foundations of this event are artists’ works and theoretical
approaches which examine in a critical and sensitive way the given urban
and architectural situations alongside their resulting socio-political
implications, that re-use existing spaces or that conceive and open new

A dialog will be built at the intersection of both disciplines which
traces out the complex relations and interactions of space-sound, both
presenting and testing new strategies, methods, possibilities and
potentials of sound work within the artistic and applied context.


The Built Space:
- examples that illustrate phenomena, problems or possibilities in the
relation of sound and architecture
- usage of architecture as a space for sound and as an instrument

The Public Space:
- relation of sound and city
- situated sonic practices, site-specific sound awareness
- sound as a system of social communication, division and defense
- mobile sound

The Imaginary / Speculative Space:
- hearing-space - virtual acoustic spaces
- sound space in relation to human anatomy, memory and psyche
- mechanics and principles of translating sound into architecture and
vice versa


Carsten Stabenow
Gesine Pagels
Carsten Seiffarth
Derek Holzer
Anke Eckardt
Anne Kockelkorn


Kastanienallee 73
10435 Berlin
Tel.: 0049 / 30 / 44052612
Fax: 0049 / 30 / 44357415

derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista
---Oblique Strategy # 13:
Are there sections?  Consider transitions

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] xxxxx_workshop_39_40 Berlin: Using Cheap Game Controllers and DIY Interface for Sensor Input into Pure Data

2008-03-11 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

x_workshop_39_40 Berlin: Using Cheap Game Controllers and DIY
Interface for Sensor Input into Pure Data with Derek Holzer  Martin

A (more-or-less) weekly series of constructivist workshops emphasising
making and connection within the field of the existent.


March 15th 2PM: Using Cheap Game Controllers and DIY Interface for
Sensor Input into Pure Data with Derek Holzer  Martin Howse

March 29th 2PM: Hands on Theremin Workshop with Ralph Schreiber

Forthcoming matter:

Pinhole and Kirlian photography, radio telescopy, data forensics,
scientific visualisation toolkits, hardware RNG, EVP, scrying boards
and KiCad design

... contact if you're interested in leading a related workshop.


March 15th 2PM: Using Cheap Game Controllers and DIY Interface for
Sensor Input into Pure Data with Derek Holzer  Martin Howse

The workshop will focus on the quickest, cheapest way possible to get
sensor input into the Pure Data programming environment - hacking USB
game controllers and the HID (Human Interface Device) protocol. For
often less than EUR 5 and a few minutes with the soldering iron, a
clever artist can start plugging sensors which measure light,
temperature, pressure, movement and many other things right into their
laptop. We will also examine building our own USB input device using
the ATmega8 microcontroller.

Parts and tools for these projects as well as some sample sensors will
be provided. Participants are encouraged to bring their own sensors
and USB game controllers (joysticks, steering wheels, dancemats, toy
guitars, fishing rods, etc etc) for experimentation. The Pure Data
programming environment will be used to get the sensor information
into the computer and map it to different parameters, ranging from
MIDI to direct control of audio or video.

Windows users should be aware that the possibilities for input on
their systems may be more restricted. GNU/Linux and Mac OS X users
should not expect any problems.

Some links for those interested:

http://puredata.info/ (Pure Data)
http://puredata.info/downloads (install PD-Extended 0.39 from here!)
http://at.or.at/hans/research/nime/ (HC Steiner's page on sensor interfaces)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sensors (every imaginable kind of
sensor listed)

---What to bring:


1) Laptop running Linux, OS X or Windows (be advised that Windows
users may have fewer possibilities)
2) Pure Data Extended 0.39 installed from:
http://puredata.info/downloads (please mind that it is Extended and
3) Soundcard (internal or external, quality a non-issue)
4) Headphones
5) EUR 15 participation fee


1) Sensors of any kind
2) USB game controller of any kind
3) Microphones or other sound inputs
4) Your own project ideas for discussion

---About the Teachers

Derek Holzer [USA 1972] began working with Pure Data in 2001. Since
then, he has taught and performed with the program across Europe,
North America, Brazil and New Zealand. His work focuses on field
recording, networked collaboration strategies, experiments in
improvisational sound and the use of free software such as
Pure-Data. He is currently writing a beginner's manual for Pure Data.
http://www.umatic.nl/workshops.html http://flossmanuals.net/puredata

Martin Howse operates within the fields of discourse, speculative
hardware (environmental data in open physical systems), code (an
examination of layers of abstraction), free software and the
situational (performances and interventions).



Workshops led by field-expert practitioners extend over realms of code
and embedded code, environmental code, noise, transmission and
reception, and electromysticism. Workshops solely utilise free
software and GNU toolbase.

Practitioners have included Martin Kuentz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Julian Oliver
(http://selectparks.net/), Derek Holzer (http://soundtransit.nl), Jeff
Mann (http://jeffmann.com), Martin Howse (http://1010.co.uk), Fredrik
Olofsson (http://www.fredrikolofsson.com/), Florian Cramer
(http://cramer.plaintext.cc:70/), Brendan Howell, , jo FRGMNT 

x, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119

U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl.
U8, Rosenthaler Pl.

Telephone: 3050187482.




derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista
---Oblique Strategy # 94:
Is it finished?

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Tuned City - Architecture and Sound

2008-01-21 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer
Vibrasonics system, a set of subsonic devices designed to inject sound 
waves into the foundations of a building, challenging our notions of 
architectural stability and perhaps even bringing the walls crashing 
down upon us.

sound performances by:
Dallas Simpson (UK)
BJNilsen  Hildur Gudnadottir (SE/IS)
Mattin (Basque Country)
Daniel Menche (US)
Mark Bain (US/NL)


Tuned City was conceived and produced by garage g e.V. (Carsten Stabenow 
and Gesine Pagels) in cooperation with Carsten Seiffarth (singuhr 
hoergalerie), Derek Holzer, Anke Eckardt and Anne Kockelkorn. The 
preview weekend was produced in cooperation with CTM.08.

Tuned City received generous funding from the Hauptstadtkulturfonds and 
Bundeszentrale fuer politische Bildung.

more information:


deutsche Version


Tuned City - Zwischen Klang- und Raumspekulation ist ein im Juli 2008 
stattfindendes Ausstellungs- und Konferenzprojekt, das nach einer 
Neubewertung architektonischer Raeume aus der Perspektive des 
Akustischen fragt. Es soll ein Dialog zwischen den Klangkunst- und 
Architekturdiskursen angeregt und k�nstlerische Neuproduktionen an 
verschiedenen Orten und R�umen in Berlin realisiert werden.

Es werden kuenstlerische Arbeiten und theoretische Ansaetze 
praesentiert, die sich kritisch mit der gegebenen urbanen und 
architektonischen Situation und den resultierenden sozio-politischen 
Implikationen auseinandersetzen, fuer diese sensibilisieren, vorhandene 
Raeume neu nutzen oder neue Raeume denken und oeffnen.
Das Projekt zieht die Tradition der kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit 
Stadtraum im Architektur- und Planungsdiskurs sowie ihre Strategien und 
Arbeitsmethodiken in einen klangkuenstlerischen Zusammenhang.

Am Wochenende des 26./27.1.2008 wird das Projekt im Rahmen des CTM.08 in 
einer zweiteiligen Initialveranstaltung vorgestellt. Am 26.1. werden im 
Ballhaus Naunynstrasse Vortraege internationaler Architektur- und 
Musiktheoretiker in die unterschiedlichen Aspekte des Themas einfuehren 
und die Eckpunkte der geplanten Konferenz umreissen. Am darauf folgenden 
Tag werden unter dem Titel Tuned Space im Maria am Ostbahnhof 
Klangperformances aufgefuehrt, die sich in besonderer Weise mit dem 
Verhaeltnis von Architektur, Raum und Klang beschaeftigen.



Datum: 26.1.2008
Zeit: 12 - 19h
Ort: Ballhaus Naunynstrasse
Tickets: 5.- EUR

Der Soziologe Detlev Ipsen eroeffnet das Symposium mit grundlegenden 
Fragen zu den Problematiken urbaner Entwicklungen, gefolgt von einem 
Vorschlag zur Raumdefinition ueber eine Aesthetik der Atmosphaeren des 
Philosophen Gernot Boehme. Der Architekturhistoriker und -theoretiker 
Ulrich Winko fuehrt ein in die Geschichte des Zusammenspiels von Musik 
und Architektur und uebergibt das Thema Klangkunst an den Kuenstler und 
Autor Brandon LaBelle. Aus der kritischen Praxis im Umgang mit Klang und 
Raum kommend, wird LaBelle einen der Pioniere und Schluesselfiguren der 
Klangkunst, Max Neuhaus, befragen. Zwischen den einzelnen Vortraegen 
werden Kuenstler, die im Sommer 2008 am Projekt Tuned City teilnehmen 
werden, ihre Arbeit vorstellen.

Prof. Dr. Detlev Ipsen (D)
Stadt - Megacity - Urbane Landschaften: Verfluechtigung der Klaenge?

Prof. Dr. Gernot Boehme (D)
Architektur und Standplanung - und die akustischen Atmosphaeren

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Winko (D)
Vom Klang der Raeume - Architektur, Musik und Klangkunst im 20. 

Brandon LaBelle (US)
Sounding Spaces

Max Neuhaus (US)
Site-specific Sound Work - Max Neuhaus in Diskussion mit Brandon LaBelle

Nik Hummer (A)
Social Sound Systems

Mark Bain (US/NL)
Sonic Architecture

Zimoun  Pe Lang (CH)
Untitled Sound Objects

Lola Landscape Architects  Geert-Jan Hobijn (NL/D)
Composed City




Datum: 27.1.2008
Zeit: 21h
Ort: Maria am Ostbahnhof
Tickets: 12.- EUR

Fuer Tuned Space wurden Kuenstler quer aus dem Klangkunst-Spektrum 
eingeladen, ihre Klangforschungen, Dekonstruktionen und Provokationen 
innerhalb des architektonischen Raums des Maria am Ostbahnhof 
vorzunehmen. Dabei entfuehren sie das Publikum auf eine Reise von 
konzentriertem Hineinhoeren in unsichtbare Mikrowelten der Klaenge 
gefundener Objekte bis hin zur Koerper und Gebaeude erschuetternden 
Kraft subsonischen Grollens.

Der Brite Dallas Simpson plant eine detaillierte, intime binaurale 
Untersuchung des staedtischen Brachlands im Umfeld des Club Maria und 
platziert dabei das Publikum akustisch ueber drahtlose Mikrofone und 

[spectre] TONEWHEELS @ NETMAGE + Digicult interview

2008-01-19 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Hi all,

I'll be playing at the NETMAGE Festival in Bologna next Thursday (24 Jan
2008) with Sara Kolster, presenting our audiovisual project TONEWHEELS.

TONEWHEELS is an experiment in converting graphical imagery to sound,
inspired by some of the pioneering 20th Century electronic music
inventions. Transparent tonewheels with repeating patterns are spun over
light-sensitive electronic circuitry to produce sound and light
pulsations and textures, while projected graphical loops and textures
add richness to the visual environment. This all-analog set is performed
entirely live without the use of computers, using only overhead
projectors as light source, performance interface and audience display.
In this way, TONEWHEELS aims to open up the black box of electronic
music and video by exposing the working processes of the performance for
the audience to see.

Digicult.it magazine did an interview for the occasion, which should
turn up in Italian and English on their site this week. You can read the
interview on my blog as well. Enjoy!


TONEWHEELS: http://www.umatic.nl/tonewheels.html
NETMAGE: http://www.netmage.it/
Digicult: http://www.digicult.it/
Interview/Blog: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista

best from Berlin!

derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista
---Oblique Strategy # 180:
What to increase? What to reduce? What to maintain?

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Radio Territories this Friday in Berlin

2007-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Radio Territories

Derek Holzer (US/NL)
Jason Kahn (US/CH)
Brandon LaBelle (US/DK)

Friday, June 1st, 18:00 to 23:00 (works performed simultaneously 
throughout the building)

Ballhaus Naunynstrasse
Naunynstrasse 27

While changes in live streaming and digital networks have transformed 
the use and understanding of radio, the notion and act of live 
transmission through the air continues to inspire and haunt the auditory 
imagination. From the potential of spreading information undercover of 
legal borders to filling the airwaves with fugitive sound, radio may 
remain at the core of what it means to communicate through circuits.

Inspired by the radiophonic excesses and marginal acts, an evening of 
performative installations by sound artists working with and around 
radio and its medial aesthetics will be staged. Using the building of 
Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, the works will aim for the intimate, tactile, 
and personal, bending radio toward the micro-narratives of place. The 
event is also organized in celebration of the release of the new 
publication, Radio Territories (Errant Bodies Press), containing essays, 
articles, documents and audio works by authors and artists on the 
subject of radio culture.


Derek Holzer is a sound artist with a background in radio, webstreaming 
and environmental recording. His work focuses on capturing and 
transforming small, unnoticed sounds from various natural and urban 
locations, networked collaboration strategies, experiments in 
improvisational sound and the use of free software such as Pure-Data. He 
has released tracks under the Nexsound, Sirr, and/OAR and Gruenrekorder 
labels, and has co-initiated several internet projects for field 
recording and collaborative soundscapes including Soundtransit.nl.

Brandon LaBelle is an artist and writer working with sounds, places, 
bodies, and cultural frictions. He presented a solo exhibition at 
Singuhr galerie in Berlin (2004), and an experimental composition for 
pirate drummers as part of Virtual Territories, Nantes (2005). His 
ongoing project to build a library of radio memories, Phantom Radio, 
was presented fall 2006 as part of Radio Revolten, Halle Germany. He is 
the author of Background Noise: Perspectives on Sound Art and editor 
of Errant Bodies Press.

Jason Kahn is a sound and visual artist based in Zurich. His work 
includes drawing, sound installation, performance and composition. As a 
composer, his work draws on electronic and acoustic sources to create 
slowly developing compositions imbued with a sense of timelessness, 
underlining the entity of sound as both physical and psychological. Kahn 
has been exhibiting his works since the late 1990s, and has had solo and 
group exhibitions internationally, including the USA, Canada, France, 
Croatia, Germany, Argentina, Egypt, Poland, Switzerland, Denmark, 
Austria and Spain.


derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista
---Oblique Strategy # 36:
Consult other sources

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:


2007-03-25 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer
Is that with or without attribution? Seems like a lot of people got 
pretty upset at MySpace for having a license agreement like this a while 
back. What's the difference here?


Leigh-Anne Galloway wrote:

By submitting to this project, you grant Formation Recall a perpetual, 
royalty-free license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute, and 
otherwise exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to 
the information provided, at its sole discretion, including storing it 
on servers and incorporating it in other works in any media now known or 
later developed including without limitation published books.

derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
---Oblique Strategy # 183:
When is it for?

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] xxxxx workshops @ Pickled Feet, Berlin

2007-02-13 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer
This workshop series keeps heating up, and promises to be an interesting 
zone of convergence for analog and electronics noise-makers alike in 



* 17th February 2pm: noise_produce workshop with Martin Howse

The noise_produce workshop is concerned with techniques for the 
elaboration of experimental noise electronics (mis-use of functional 
digital electronics) and a generic means of production traced from 
defined circuit diagram to copper-etched board. Please bring a soldering 
iron and any spare/salvaged electronic parts of interest. All other 
materials will be supplied.

Course fee 15 euros includes materials.

* 24th February 2pm: FM-transmitter-workshop with piradio/superfactory[TM].

How to build your own radio-transmitter, booster, antenna and if 
required receiver. Audio broadcast. Soldering permitted.

All materials and some tools supplied. Please bring individual 
audio/noise, your own soldering iron if possible or inform if needed.




* 10th March 2pm: SuperCollider with Fredrik Olofsson


Further planned workshops will cover Pure Data connectivity, the Arduino 
platform, ATmega8 microcontrollers, UNIX process,
documentation, GNU Emacs, VLF reception, analogue TV transmission, FPGA 
design... full details tbc.

x, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119
U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl. U8, Rosenthaler Pl.
telephone: 3050187482.

Please RSVP m_at_1010.co.uk to reserve
More info: http://pickledfeet.com/workshops.php

derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
---Oblique Strategy # 109:
Lost in useless territory

derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
---Oblique Strategy # 164:
Twist the spine

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] xxxxx workshops at pickledfeet, Berlin

2007-01-19 Diskussionsfäden derek holzer

x workshops at pickledfeet, Berlin


A weekly series of constructivist workshops emphasising making within
the field of the existent.

Workshops led by field-expert practitioners extend over realms of code
and embedded code, environmental code, noise, transmission and
reception, and electromysticism. workshops solely utilise free software
and GNU toolbase.

Practitioners include Julian Oliver (http://selectparks.net/), Derek
Holzer (http://www.umatic.nl/info_derek.html), Jeff Mann, Martin Howse
(http://1010.co.uk) and many more tbc.

The first workshop will commence 2pm saturday 27th January led by Julian


Object Oriented Programming with Python.

Object Oriented Programming refers to the technique of designing and
authoring powerful, task-oriented code 'objects' that work together to
do things for you.

This introduction to OOP uses the dynamic language Python and is
intended for those with little or no programming experience; the day
long class starts with the basics of programming and moves through to
writing whole modular programs.


Please bring a laptop!

Further planned workshops will cover Pd - Pure Data, the Arduino
platform, ATmega8 microcontrollers, PCB etching, base electronics,
schmitt trigger noise generation, UNIX process, documentation, VLF
reception, analogue TV transmission, FPGA design... full details tbc.

Nominal fee for the 27th, 10 Euros. Please RSVP m_at_1010.co.uk to
reserve places

x, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119

U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl. U8, Rosenthaler Pl.

telephone: 3050187482.

derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
---Oblique Strategy # 92:
-credibility of
-nobility of
-humility of

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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Re: [spectre] Re: Thank You for your help with my multimedia presentation!

2006-05-10 Diskussionsfäden derek holzer

File under: p3n!s loss/we1gh+ enlargement


North Atlantic Treaty Organization wrote:


Sorry, i meant for that to go to the Kosovo Force (aka KFOR) and not
to this whole list.

derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
---Oblique Strategy # 202:
Back up a few steps.
What else could you have done?

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help: