[sqlalchemy] Re: Dynamic or-Statement

2006-11-08 Thread Michael Bayer

build the OR clause separately:

list = []

statement = user.select(or_(*list))



alternate method:

critrerion = users.c.user_id==id
criterion = criterion.or(users.c.user_name==name)
crtierion = criterion.or(crit)

statement = user.select(criterion)

On Nov 8, 2006, at 3:33 AM, Dominik Neumann wrote:

 Hello list,

 i need to build a dynamic where-statement, linked by the
 In the docs there are only examples with AND.

 example (snippet from docs):
 statement = user.select()
 statement.append_whereclause(user.c.user_id == id)
 statement.append_whereclause(user.c.user_name == name)

 is it possible to get here the OR instead of the AND-operator?

 Best Regards,


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[sqlalchemy] Re: polymorphic_identity determination

2006-11-08 Thread Michael Bayer

On Nov 8, 2006, at 12:04 AM, Randall Smith wrote:

 That leads to the part I'm stuck on; mapper inheritance.  When  
 session.query(Employee).select() should list all employee as instances
 of their specific classes and session.query(Engineer).select() should
 list all engineers ...  So how do I set up the mappers to accomplish
 this?  The polymorphic_on/polymorphic_identity method seems to only
 accommodate 1 level of inheritance.  The Engineer mapper will inherit
 from the Employee mapper, but will have no polymorphic_identity.

beacuse the polymorphic union is manually constructed, if you want  
multi-level loading you have to construct individual polymorphic  
unions for each class from which you want to load polymorphically,  
and specify it as the select_table argument for each mapper that  
requires polymorphic loading.

when you say query(Employee).select(), it uses the mapper assigned to  
Employee and the select_table which you specified.

when you say query(Engineer).select(), the Employee mapper is not  
used; it uses the Engineer mapper and the select_table specified on  
*that* mapper.

it *is* in the cards that the polymorphic_union query will probably  
become more automated in a future release.  the polymorphic_union  
function itself is the first version of this automation and im sort  
of road testing just that level of automation to start with.

for your other questions:

1. a mapper inheriting from another mapper is mostly significant with  
regards to the persistence of object instances, i.e. during flush(),  
since there is an entire set of dependencies between inheriting  
classes.  with regards to selecting and populating, an inherited  
mapper inherits the properties of the parent mapper, i.e. the column- 
mapped attributes as well as the relation()'s which you have attached  
to the parent mapper.  when you add the polymorphic_identity into  
the mix, an additional set of logic occurs during the _instance()  
method on mapper, which is the method that receives a row and  
produces an object instance.  it just looks at the polymorphic_on  
column in each incoming row and delegates the instance construction  
to the appropriate mapper.

so the loading of polymorphic entities can be totally understood by  
just looking at the queries issued, and then looking at the rows that  
come back.  each row needs some kind of identifying type in order to  
determine the class to be instantiated.

2. the concrete flag refers to an inheriting mapper that stores its  
entire set of data in its own table, and does not need any columns  
from the parent mapper's table in order to map an instance.  so to  
load a particular class of entity involves querying only one table,  
and no join is required.  this flag is only meaningful in inheritance  
relationships.  I just noticed that one of my docstrings in the  
constructor of the Mapper class is incorrect regarding local_table  
and concrete as well, in case that was confusing you. it should refer  
to single table inheritance.

3. select_table should be used when you want polymorphic loading from  
a particular mapper, and the inheritance relationship spans over more  
tables than just what is defined in that mapper.  this means you use  
it for joined table and concrete inheritance, but not single table.   
if a set of mappers mixes the approaches, then youd probably want to  
use select_table.

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[sqlalchemy] Clases with __slots__ attribute

2006-11-08 Thread juanvalino


I've detected that when a class has __slots__ attribute, a mapper
cannot be build because the sqlalchemy tries to create a magic
attribute and fails:

File build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/sqlalchemy/orm/attributes.py, line
672, in init_attr
AttributeError: 'MyClass' object has no attribute

Can anybody help me?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Column __repr__ with sqlalchemy types instead of db-specific object instances?

2006-11-08 Thread jeffk

Michael Bayer wrote:
 __repr__() really annoys me because no matter what i do with it, people
 tell me im using it incorrectly.  technically, __repr__() is supposed
 to return a string that when eval'ed would return the object instance.
 which is not realistic for an object like Table since its an enormous

 if you want to take Tables and produce some kind of string
 representation, I recommend you create yourself a SchemaVisitor...since
 __repr__() is not something id write code against in this case.

Thanks. In my limited case the __repr__ is close enough to treat it as
a string for post-processing. All I need is to replace the field type
instance with the proper constructor. These are one-off operations in
order to commit a matching sqlalchemy model for existing versioned DDL
to the repository.

Would it be useful to add __repr__() roundtripping as long-term trac

Acknowledging that full general-case __repr__ may be impractical, if
anyone saw the ticket and had ideas for incremental improvements,
__repr__ would seem to be amenable to test cases, documented
limitations, etc.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Constructing where-clauses dynamically

2006-11-08 Thread Daniel Miller

Michael Bayer wrote:
 ok let me rephrase that... i have concerns.  i think the concerns could
 be addressed, and we might be able to add this kind of feature...but i
 dont want to rush into it singlehandedly. 

I won't blame you for that. I'll help out as much as possible given my busy 

 heres the things that should
 be resolved:
 - we add non-column properties to SomeClass.c.  people will get
 confused that SomeClass.c has a bunch of stuff on it that mytable.c
 does not.  do we change the name of 'c' ?

Part of me say adding extra columns to SomeClass.c wouldn't be so confusing, 
and would actually be intuitive. For example in the original question that 
started this thread it seemed logical to me that 'order' should have been in 
there since it was a mapper property. Sure maybe it's a bit more than meets the 
eye at first, but I think it's very logical to have mapper properties in 
SomeClass.c but not have them in table.c. As long as it's well documented I 
don't think it would be a problem.

The only other thing I can think of is to create a function that would return a 
cols object. In the spirit of python's getattr() function:

from sqlalchemy.orm import getcols

c = getcols(SomeClass)
session.query(SomeClass).select(c.order == order)

I often find myself assigning SomeClass.c to a local variable when I'm building 
a query anyway. It prevents excess verbosity.

 - people will say things like, SomeClass.c.order  order.  how do we
 interpret that ?  esp. for composite foreign keys.

I assume you're implicitly asking about the choice to use AND or OR to combine 
multiple comparisons of a composite key. For example (assume Order and 
SomeClass are related by user_id and quote_id):

# given this
order = Order(user_id=4, quote_id=5)
session.query(SomeClass).select(SomeClass.c.order  order)

-- Do we generate this?
WHERE some_class.user_id  4 AND some_class.quote_id  5

-- or this?
WHERE some_class.user_id  4 OR some_class.quote_id  5

I don't think the , =, , and = operators would be very useful on most 
relationship comparisons; especially those with composite keys. However, the == 
and != operators are obviously useful in many cases. It's like comparing 
user-defined Python objects without explicit __gt__ and __lt__ implementations. 
Python 2.x compares the id() of the objects, while Python 3000 will raise a 
TypeError (I think that's the right error). The reasoning behind this 
decision[0] is that unless there is an explicit ordering for a given pair of 
objects, it doesn't make sense to compare them using the inequality operators.

At any rate, I would recommend not implementing those comparison operations for 
relationships by default (at least not for multi-column relationships). If 
someone really needed them maybe they could create their own custom 
relationship subclass?

[0] http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-November/057925.html

 - is it really as simple as just producing the primary/foreign key
 columns of both sides ?  i fear that a whole class of patterns are
 going to become apparent after adding that feature, and then people are
 going to complain about SA being broken until an entire HQL-like
 layer is added to implement all those features.  maybe theyre going to
 stick SomeClass.c.order into the order_by clause, theyre going to stick
 it in func() calls, CAST calls, etc. and expecting all this magical
 behavior.  pretty much every other feature of SA proved to be a
 gargantuan undertaking compared to how easy i thought it would be when
 i first wrote it :)how would this feature be presented ?

Could we implement it as simply as possible for now and see how it's used? As 
new use cases come up we can either extend the implementation or explain why 
they are not supported (i.e. too complicated, inconsistent with other parts of 
SA, etc.).

 - is this feature also going to figure out all the joins from class A
 to B, if my query is based on class A and the criterion object is all
 the way on B?  the way select_by, join_to works ?  that seems trickier
 and i can see people expecting that behaivor as well. 

This is something I thought about immediately when I first imagined the idea. 
Personally, I don't really like the automagical join behavior because it's not 
explicit and can lead to obscure bugs that are hard to track down (why is this 
join suddenly returning the wrong results? ...hours later we discover that a 
new relationship was added that caused SA to pick a different relationship path 
for the join). The problem is that a seemingly unrelated (no pun intended) 
change can cause these magic joins to be interpreted differently. I tried to 
use that behavior once myself but quickly discarded it when SA used some other 
relationship path than the one I intended to use. In general I think it's best 
to require explicit relationship paths at all times and give useful errors when 
the given path can't be determined using those strict rules.

 if we 

[sqlalchemy] Re: Constructing where-clauses dynamically

2006-11-08 Thread Michael Bayer

On Nov 8, 2006, at 10:00 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:
 q = session.query(User)
 c = getcols(User)

 (c.addresses.street == 'some address') 
 (c.orders.items.item_name == 'item #4')

ohh, wow.  heh.   i had this discomfort with adding relationships  
to c, but then you just wrapped up the whole mess of join_to/ 
join_via into one consistent syntax there, didnt you.  youll notice  
in the docs for join_to/join_via theyre marked with alpha  
API (meaning I have been antsy with them anyway)so this syntax  
is compelling.

you have to pipe in more often Dan !

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Column __repr__ with sqlalchemy types instead of db-specific object instances?

2006-11-08 Thread Michael Bayer

when you reflect a table from the DB, and you get back PGString, that  
is the actual type instance.  In some cases, table reflection could  
be mapped to a type instance that is specific to that DB (such as  
MySQL's enum).  i dont think changing the __repr__ of all the db- 
specific types to return a fake constructor is such a great idea.   
you can use the database-specific constructors, such as PGString or  
whatever, when constructing a Table.  its just usually not so  

On Nov 8, 2006, at 5:35 PM, jeffk wrote:

 Michael Bayer wrote:
 __repr__() really annoys me because no matter what i do with it,  
 tell me im using it incorrectly.  technically, __repr__() is supposed
 to return a string that when eval'ed would return the object  
 which is not realistic for an object like Table since its an enormous

 if you want to take Tables and produce some kind of string
 representation, I recommend you create yourself a  
 __repr__() is not something id write code against in this case.

 Thanks. In my limited case the __repr__ is close enough to treat it as
 a string for post-processing. All I need is to replace the field type
 instance with the proper constructor. These are one-off operations in
 order to commit a matching sqlalchemy model for existing versioned DDL
 to the repository.

 Would it be useful to add __repr__() roundtripping as long-term trac

 Acknowledging that full general-case __repr__ may be impractical, if
 anyone saw the ticket and had ideas for incremental improvements,
 __repr__ would seem to be amenable to test cases, documented
 limitations, etc.


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