[sqlalchemy] Designing a permission system

2007-04-10 Thread Kaali


I'm designing a permission system to our messaging platform. The
platform has different channels which contains messages. Every
different user can have different permissions on a channel. The
permissions are create, modify, delete.

With these permissions, we can define that some users can create
messages in a specific channel, and others can create, modify and
delete them, etc.

How would you design a database for this, and how would you implement
it with SA?

I'm thinking about making a many-to-many table which includes the
permissions, but i have no idea on how to implement this in SA.

Database schema:
Channel =
- Id (integer)
- Title (unicode)
- Messages (many-to-many)

Channel_Permissions =
- User Id (integer foreignkey)
- Channel Id (integer foreignkey)
- create (boolean)
- modify (boolean)
- delete (boolean)

With simple many-to-many table, SA makes a Python list of the links.
Is there a way to get these extra boolean variables somehow and still
use the automatic list?

Thanks and regards,

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Designing a permission system

2007-04-10 Thread Andrew Stromnov

look at http://code.google.com/p/spiff/ - SpiffGuard

On Apr 10, 11:36 am, Kaali [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm designing a permission system to our messaging platform. The
 platform has different channels which contains messages. Every
 different user can have different permissions on a channel. The
 permissions are create, modify, delete.

 With these permissions, we can define that some users can create
 messages in a specific channel, and others can create, modify and
 delete them, etc.

 How would you design a database for this, and how would you implement
 it with SA?

 I'm thinking about making a many-to-many table which includes the
 permissions, but i have no idea on how to implement this in SA.

 Database schema:
 Channel =
 - Id (integer)
 - Title (unicode)
 - Messages (many-to-many)

 Channel_Permissions =
 - User Id (integer foreignkey)
 - Channel Id (integer foreignkey)
 - create (boolean)
 - modify (boolean)
 - delete (boolean)

 With simple many-to-many table, SA makes a Python list of the links.
 Is there a way to get these extra boolean variables somehow and still
 use the automatic list?

 Thanks and regards,

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Putting Session.flush in a seperate thread

2007-04-10 Thread Koen Bok

  the elegant way would be to not worry about the thread scope of a  
 connection and just use connection pooling normally.  pull out a  
 connection when needed, close it when complete (which is really just  
 a return to the connection pool).  keep the scope of those two  
 operations local to a single thread.

This is exactly what I'd like to do. But I have no clue to assign a
new connection to a session in a new thread. This is what I'm doing.

class FlushThread(Thread):

def __init__(self, session):
super(FlushThread, self).__init__()
self.session = session

def run(self):
print self.session

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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLite and decimal.Decimal

2007-04-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It would be great. Thank you.


On 7 abr, 12:57, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 the thing is, we have support for 6 different databases and postgres
 is the *only* one where its DBAPI implementation decides to use
 Decimal for numeric types.  the rest return just floats.  that
 means, people who have worked with databases other than postgres will
 be totally surprised to plug in SQLAlchemy one day and all the sudden
 they arent getting their expected float types back.  So i dont think
 one DBAPI should dictate the behavior for all DBAPIs, and its
 definitely not a bug.  its a feature request, asking for a generic
 numeric type that is guaranteed to return decimal.Decimal objects
 regardless of underlying DBAPI.

 So, I would rather add a new type called DecimalType that creates
 columns using NUMERIC semantics but explicitly returns
 decimal.Decimal objects.

 On Apr 7, 2007, at 9:16 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I'm using SQLite in tests and there is a problem when using
  decimal.Decimal with sqlalchemy's Numeric type:

  SQLError: (InterfaceError) Error binding parameter 5 - probably
  unsupported type.

  This is not a new issue, a similar one was posted in

  It looks like a bug in sqlalchemy, but I'd rather discuss it here
  before creating a ticket. What I'd really like is that the Numeric
  field could work with decimal.Decimal in SQLite as it does with
  postgres, without any other external hack.



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[sqlalchemy] Re: (solved) Automatic generation of changelog

2007-04-10 Thread Arnar Birgisson

Hi all,

I have this working to my liking and as promised, here's the code:

It's not complete since I'm omitting some of my model and just showing
you the relevant parts.

This is my model:

verkefni = Table(verkefni, metadata,
Column(verkefni, Integer, primary_key=True),
Column(skrad, DateTime, nullable=False, default=func.now()),
Column(sidast_breytt, DateTime, nullable=False,
default=func.current_timestamp(), onupdate=func.current_timestamp()),
Column(skrad_af, Unicode(20), ForeignKey(notendur.notandi),
Column(deadline, Date),
Column(titill, Unicode, nullable=False),
Column(lysing, Unicode, nullable=False),
Column(mikilvaegi, Integer, ForeignKey(mikilvaegi.mikilvaegi),
nullable=False, default=40),
Column(forgangur, Integer, nullable=False, default=0),
Column(framvinda, Integer, nullable=False, default=0),
Column(fasi, Integer, ForeignKey(fasar.fasi), nullable=False,
Column(abyrgdarmadur, Unicode(20),
ForeignKey(notendur.notandi), nullable=False),
Column(cc, Unicode),
Column(verknumer, Unicode(20)),
Column(tengilidur, Unicode(60)),
Column(bidur_eftir, Unicode)

class Verkefni(base_model):

def changelog_entry(self, notandi, skyring):
entry = Atburdur(self, notandi, skyring)

def changelog(fld, old, new):
entry.create_item(fld, old, new)

instance = self

# Scalar fields
for fld in ('deadline', 'titill', 'lysing', 'forgangur',
'framvinda', 'mikilvaegi',
'fasi', 'abyrgdarmadur', 'cc', 'verknumer',
'tengilidur', 'bidur_eftir'):
history = getattr(Verkefni, fld).get_history(instance, passive=True)
if history.is_modified():
old, new = history.deleted_items()[0], history.added_items()[0]
# Need to check this cause SA considers 10 (int) -
10L (long) a change, we don't
if old != new:
changelog(fld, old, new)

# Fyrirtaeki
history = Verkefni.fyrirtaeki_tengsl.get_history(instance, passive=True)
for i in history.added_items():
changelog('fyrirtaeki_add', None, i.fyrirtaeki.fyrirtaeki)
for i in history.deleted_items():
changelog('fyrirtaeki_remove', i.fyrirtaeki.fyrirtaeki, None)

# Flokkar
history = Verkefni.flokkar.get_history(instance, passive=True)
for i in history.added_items():
changelog('flokkur_add', None, i.flokkur)
for i in history.deleted_items():
changelog('flokkur_remove', i.flokkur, None)

# Framkvaemd
history = Verkefni.framkvaemd.get_history(instance, passive=True)
for i in history.added_items():
changelog('framkvaemd_add', None, i.notandi.notandi)
for i in history.deleted_items():
changelog('framkvaemd_remove', i.notandi.notandi, None)

# Dependencies
history = Verkefni.depends_on.get_history(instance, passive=True)
for i in history.added_items():
changelog('dep_first_add', None, i.verkefni)
for i in history.deleted_items():
changelog('dep_first_remove', i.verkefni, None)

history = Verkefni.depend_on_me.get_history(instance, passive=True)
for i in history.added_items():
changelog('dep_then_add', None, i.verkefni)
for i in history.deleted_items():
changelog('dep_then_remove', i.verkefni, None)

# Related
history = Verkefni._relatives_a.get_history(instance, passive=False)
for i in history.added_items():
changelog('rel_add', None, i.verkefni)
for i in history.deleted_items():
changelog('rel_remove', i.verkefni, None)

history = Verkefni._relatives_b.get_history(instance, passive=False)
for i in history.added_items():
changelog('rel_add', None, i.verkefni)
for i in history.deleted_items():
changelog('rel_remove', i.verkefni, None)

atburdaskra = Table(atburdaskra, metadata,
Column(atburdur, Integer, primary_key=True),
Column(verkefni, Integer, ForeignKey(verkefni.verkefni),
Column(notandi, Unicode(20), ForeignKey(notendur.notandi),
Column(dags, DateTime, nullable=False, default=func.now()),
Column(skyring, Unicode)

class Atburdur(base_model):

def __init__(self, verkefni, notandi, skyring=None):
self.verkefni = verkefni
self.notandi = notandi
self.skyring = skyring

def create_item(self, svid, gamalt=None, nytt=None, texti=None):
nextid = max([0] + [item.item for item in self.items])+1
return AtburdurItem(self, nextid, svid, gamalt, nytt, texti)

assign_mapper(ctx, Atburdur, atburdaskra, properties={
'_verkefni': atburdaskra.c.verkefni,
'verkefni': relation(Verkefni, backref=backref(atburdir,
cascade=all, delete-orphan, order_by=atburdaskra.c.dags)),

[sqlalchemy] Re: Opinion on correct use of Sqlalchemy

2007-04-10 Thread HD Mail

Michael Bayer wrote:
 On Apr 9, 2007, at 10:06 PM, Huy Do wrote:

 Michael Bayer wrote:
 Particularly for your query you are doing an eager load between
 asset and location yet a lot of your query criterion depends upon
 location, so in that sense yes you have to use custom SQL, since
 query() will never involve eager loaded joins in the query criterion.
 Hi Michael,

 Everything you say makes perfect sense for 1:N relationships, but  
 in my
 case, and with alot of other cases where I need the order by or the
 criteria/filter on the joined table, it's a 1:1. In these cases I'm  
 sure why SA can't generate the same type of SQL statement that I am
 above. It would make perfect sense for it to.

 I understand the eagerload problem with a list of child objects but  
 1:1 relations I think the query interface should be querying in the  
 way that my manual SQL is.

 sorry, i just dont think that the loader strategy should *ever* have  
 any effect on the primary results...otherwise loader strategies  
 become intertwined with querying, and mappers become brittle since  
 you can no longer change eager/lazy loads without breaking the  
 results of your query.  additionally for the eager loaders to guess  
 when they should create non-aliased criterion and when they should  
 create aliased criterion would be magical and complicated, and render  
 improvements to eager loading impossible since people would be  
 structutring their queries off of a now expected behavior which could  
 then never change.   it also implies that a lazy-loading mapper setup  
 would break when eager loading is enabled via options, since the  
 eager loader expects that its going to be used in query criterion,  
 doesnt apply its aliases, and then changes the results of the query.   
 so it definitely breaks a lot of widely accepted behavior.
I don't think I understand the internals of SA enough to appreciate this 
response; i.e it went way over my head :-)

I'm going to stick to the select-instances way for all my query ORM 
needs. I like it. (I guess I was after some DRY with contains_eager() 
and relation() having to be specified twice).
I'll use the mapper/relation for CRUD stuff only.

Thanks for your responses Michael, its very much appreciated.

It's getting harder to keep up with SA these days. It's moving forward 
so quickly.


 there are tools to join eager loads with query criterion which are  
 contains_eager() and instances() or explcit select() objects passed  
 to query.select().  id favor adding new mapper options to generate  
 criterion that is simlar to that of the eager loader (such as, using  
 contains_eager() with a Query-compiled query will add the columns in  
 and the join for you) but loader strategies by default will never  
 purposefully inject themselves into application query criterion.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: About threadlocal strategy

2007-04-10 Thread HD Mail

Koen Bok wrote:
 I'm trying to wrap my head around the threadlocal plugin to decide if
 we need it for our app. We are building a GUI point of sale system.
 Until now I have done everything in sessions, basically in one global
 shared session. I have read all of the documentation about the
 threadlocal strategy but I still cannot decide if we should use it.
 Basically we hoped that someone could compare the threadlocal strategy
 to the default strategy and some examples in what kind of apps you
 would use it.
Hi Koen,

I was in your position with the global shared session thing. Then I 
realised that's what threadlocal is, so I switched and just used the 
threadlocal plugin. Its all behind a facade module, so it's transparent 
to my application whether or not I'm using threadlocal or specific sessions.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Putting Session.flush in a seperate thread

2007-04-10 Thread Michael Bayer

just deal with the session, and bind it to an engine.  saying  
engine.connect() does nothing down there since you arent holding  
onto anything.  the engine itself is stateless with regards to  
connections (unless you use the threadlocal strategywhich you  

On Apr 10, 2007, at 5:16 AM, Koen Bok wrote:

 the elegant way would be to not worry about the thread scope of a
 connection and just use connection pooling normally.  pull out a
 connection when needed, close it when complete (which is really just
 a return to the connection pool).  keep the scope of those two
 operations local to a single thread.

 This is exactly what I'd like to do. But I have no clue to assign a
 new connection to a session in a new thread. This is what I'm doing.

 class FlushThread(Thread):

   def __init__(self, session):
   super(FlushThread, self).__init__()
   self.session = session

   def run(self):
   print self.session


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[sqlalchemy] Re: About threadlocal strategy

2007-04-10 Thread Michael Bayer

On Apr 10, 2007, at 5:33 AM, Koen Bok wrote:

 I'm trying to wrap my head around the threadlocal plugin to decide if
 we need it for our app.

you dont.  dont use it.   if it requires any kind of head wrapping,  
then thats why i ripped it out of the core...youre better off  
designing your own system, which then youll understand perfectly.

 We are building a GUI point of sale system.
 Until now I have done everything in sessions, basically in one global
 shared session.

use one session per thread.

 Basically we hoped that someone could compare the threadlocal strategy
 to the default strategy and some examples in what kind of apps you
 would use it.

the threadlocal strategy is only remotely useful if you are working  
with explicit Connection and possibly Transaction objects, and its to  
support replacing this pattern:

def do_function(conn):
def do_another_function(conn):

conn = engine.connect()

with this:

def do_function():
def do_another_function():

conn = engine.contextual_connect()

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[sqlalchemy] Re: problems with threadlocal strategy and ResultProxy

2007-04-10 Thread Michael Bayer

On Apr 10, 2007, at 7:44 AM, Manlio Perillo wrote:

  From the documentation it is not clear if this is allowed.

the word threadlocal means that a resource is tied to the current  
thread.  therefore, if you take resources which expect this behavior  
and then send them off to three different threads during their  
lifecycle, they will not have consistent access to the resources they  
require.  threadlocal strategies are not compatible with sharing  
those objects between threads - they are designed to allow global  
resources that are automatically held within the scope of a thread.   
with twisted, nothing except your initial engine (and metadata,  
Tables) should be held in a global scope, everything else (sessions,  
connections, transactions) should be declared and torn down within a  
local scope.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: [PATCH] Filtered one_to_many relationships (Experimental)

2007-04-10 Thread Gaetan de Menten
On 3/31/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mar 31, 2007, at 1:17 PM, Gaetan de Menten wrote:

  That's approximately what I did in my patch with the new params
  keyword argument, except I only implemented the set operation, not
  the add operation on the params. Anyway, what can/should I do to get
  this included? Do you have any advice/pointers on how to do the same
  for eager attributes? (or will you implement it yourself?)

 im totally into a series of engine/execution patches/refactorings
 right now, so for properties that have lazy=False, there is still a
 LazyLoader strategy there...you should just call
 property._get_strategy(LazyLoader) in all cases to get at it.

In case anybody is interested, here is my patch slightly modified with
what you suggest above. Now it works wonders for both lazy and eager
relationships. There is something ugly about it though: imports. I
have to import the LazyLoader class from the orm.strategies module,
but that module imports query, so what I did is import the LazyLoader
class inside the from_attr method to avoid a circular import

By the way, should I create a ticket for this?
Gaëtan de Menten

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Index: orm/query.py
--- orm/query.py(revision 2493)
+++ orm/query.py(working copy)
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, class_mapper
 from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import OperationContext, SynonymProperty
 __all__ = ['Query', 'QueryContext', 'SelectionContext']
 class Query(object):
@@ -42,12 +43,36 @@
 self._distinct = kwargs.pop('distinct', False)
 self._offset = kwargs.pop('offset', None)
 self._limit = kwargs.pop('limit', None)
-self._criterion = None
+self._criterion = kwargs.pop('criterion', None)
+self._params = kwargs.pop('params', {})
 self._joinpoint = self.mapper
 self._from_obj = [self.table]
 for opt in util.flatten_iterator(self.with_options):
+def from_attr(cls, instance, attr_name):
+from sqlalchemy.orm.strategies import LazyLoader
+prop = instance.mapper.props[attr_name]
+loader = prop._get_strategy(LazyLoader)
+# the following code is taken from strategies.py
+# this gets the values of the columns referenced by the property
+# for this specific instance
+params = {}
+allparams = True
+for col, bind in loader.lazybinds.iteritems():
+params[bind.key] = loader.parent.get_attr_by_column(instance, col)
+if params[bind.key] is None:
+allparams = False
+if not allparams:
+return None
+return Query(prop.mapper, criterion=loader.lazywhere, params=params)
+from_attr = classmethod(from_attr)
 def _clone(self):
 q = Query.__new__(Query)
@@ -71,6 +96,7 @@
 q._from_obj = list(self._from_obj)
 q._joinpoint = self._joinpoint
 q._criterion = self._criterion
+q._params = self._params
 return q
 def _get_session(self):
@@ -694,8 +720,10 @@
 method, which takes the executed statement's ResultProxy
-result = self.session.execute(self.mapper, clauseelement, 
+final_params = self._params.copy()
+if params is not None:
+result = self.session.execute(self.mapper, clauseelement, 
 return self.instances(result, **kwargs)

[sqlalchemy] Aliasing within functions for eager loads

2007-04-10 Thread Rick Morrison
I've noticed that if you specify a primaryjoin criteria for a mapper
relationship, SA automatically aliases the table/column names when doing an
eager load of that relationship.

But this doesn't seem to work if within that primary join, a column is
referenced inside of a .func; SA leaves the naked
name during the eager load, which then of course errors. Is this supposed to


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[sqlalchemy] Re: [PATCH] Filtered one_to_many relationships (Experimental)

2007-04-10 Thread svilen

can u give some exampe, how this is supposed to be used (finaly)?
as relation and/or directly as Query()

On Tuesday 10 April 2007 17:22:45 Gaetan de Menten wrote:
 On 3/31/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mar 31, 2007, at 1:17 PM, Gaetan de Menten wrote:
   That's approximately what I did in my patch with the new
   params keyword argument, except I only implemented the set
   operation, not the add operation on the params. Anyway, what
   can/should I do to get this included? Do you have any
   advice/pointers on how to do the same for eager attributes? (or
   will you implement it yourself?)
  im totally into a series of engine/execution patches/refactorings
  right now, so for properties that have lazy=False, there is
  still a LazyLoader strategy there...you should just call
  property._get_strategy(LazyLoader) in all cases to get at it.

 In case anybody is interested, here is my patch slightly modified
 with what you suggest above. Now it works wonders for both lazy and
 eager relationships. There is something ugly about it though:
 imports. I have to import the LazyLoader class from the
 orm.strategies module, but that module imports query, so what I did
 is import the LazyLoader class inside the from_attr method to avoid
 a circular import problem.

 By the way, should I create a ticket for this?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: [PATCH] Filtered one_to_many relationships (Experimental)

2007-04-10 Thread Gaetan de Menten
On 4/10/07, svilen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 can u give some exampe, how this is supposed to be used (finaly)?
 as relation and/or directly as Query()

Attached is a simple example. The setup is done using Elixir but the
actual Query.from_attr usage would be the same with plain SA. If you
really need a plain SA example, just ask.

 On Tuesday 10 April 2007 17:22:45 Gaetan de Menten wrote:
  On 3/31/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Mar 31, 2007, at 1:17 PM, Gaetan de Menten wrote:
That's approximately what I did in my patch with the new
params keyword argument, except I only implemented the set
operation, not the add operation on the params. Anyway, what
can/should I do to get this included? Do you have any
advice/pointers on how to do the same for eager attributes? (or
will you implement it yourself?)
   im totally into a series of engine/execution patches/refactorings
   right now, so for properties that have lazy=False, there is
   still a LazyLoader strategy there...you should just call
   property._get_strategy(LazyLoader) in all cases to get at it.
  In case anybody is interested, here is my patch slightly modified
  with what you suggest above. Now it works wonders for both lazy and
  eager relationships. There is something ugly about it though:
  imports. I have to import the LazyLoader class from the
  orm.strategies module, but that module imports query, so what I did
  is import the LazyLoader class inside the from_attr method to avoid
  a circular import problem.
  By the way, should I create a ticket for this?

Gaëtan de Menten

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from sqlalchemy import *
from elixir import * 

class A(Entity):
has_field('name', String(30))

has_many('b', of_kind='B', lazy=False)

class B(Entity):
has_field('name', String(30))
has_field('extra', Integer)

belongs_to('a', of_kind='A')


a1 = A(name='a1')
b1 = B(name='b1', a=a1, extra=10)
b2 = B(name='b2', a=a1)
b3 = B(name='b3', a=a1, extra=5)
b4 = B(name='b4', a=a1, extra=4)
b5 = B(name='b5', a=a1, extra=7)


#metadata.engine.echo = True
a = A.get_by(name='a1')

print normal
q = Query.from_attr(a, 'b')
for b in q:
print b.name, b.extra

print filtered extra  8
for b in q.filter(B.c.extra  8):
print b.name, b.extra

print ordered by extra
for b in q.order_by(B.c.extra):
print b.name, b.extra

[sqlalchemy] just what does 'delete-orphan' bring us ?

2007-04-10 Thread Frederic Vander Elst

Hello List,

I have two (related) questions hiding below:

The enclosed code makes mappers with (edit + re-run please)

 . default cascade rules
 . cascade='all'
 . cascade='all, delete-orphan'

It tries to test

u = User(); e = Email(); u.append(e) ; sess.fluhs() # works always
session.delete(u)   #
works if any cascade specified
# and *always* deletes Emails
# even *without* delete-orphan

Q1: delete-orphan doesn't change the behaviour here.


 u = User() ; u.name = 'giorgos' ; sess.save(u) ; session.flush() # ok
 e = Email()
 e.user_id = u.user_id   # uid = 1

 sess.save(e) ; sess.flush()# fails with cascade=all, delete-
 sess.delete(u) # deletes orphans even with only
   # tries (and fails, which
is ok) with no cascade rules (because
   # nullalble = False)

Q2: only cascade = 'all' works.  if we have delete-orphan, we cannot
create an object
and forcibly stuff the parent's ID in the relevant column.
if we have no cascade, it tries to set email.user_id = Null, which

The Code...
from sqlalchemy import *

db = create_engine('sqlite:///temp.db')
meta = BoundMetaData(db)
meta.engine.echo = True

user_table = Table('users', meta,
Column('user_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String, nullable=False)

email_table = Table('emails', meta,
Column('email_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey('users.user_id'),


class User(object):

class Email(object):

mapper(User, user_table
'emails' : relation(Email
#,cascade='all'# WORKS
,cascade='all, delete-orphan'  # FAILS
mapper(Email, email_table)

session = create_session()

if 0:
# works always

u = User() ;u.name = 'giorgos'
e = Email()

# note: no need to save e !

# let's check deletions get cascaded
# deletes email

if 1:
# works with cascade = 'all', fails with cascade = 'all, delete-
u = User() ; u.name = 'giorgos'

print 'uid:',u.user_id

e = Email()
e.user_id = u.user_id

session.flush()   # fails if cascade='all, delete-orphan'

# let's check deletions get cascaded
# deletes email
session.flush()   # fails if no cascade options set.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: [PATCH] Filtered one_to_many relationships (Experimental)

2007-04-10 Thread Michael Bayer

On Apr 10, 2007, at 10:22 AM, Gaetan de Menten wrote:

 In case anybody is interested, here is my patch slightly modified with
 what you suggest above. Now it works wonders for both lazy and eager
 relationships. There is something ugly about it though: imports. I
 have to import the LazyLoader class from the orm.strategies module,
 but that module imports query, so what I did is import the LazyLoader
 class inside the from_attr method to avoid a circular import

importing inside a method is perfectly fine, ill try to see if theres  
a workaround but sometimes there really isnt...

 By the way, should I create a ticket for this?

yes.  otherwise ill completely forget about it.

i might have to rush out some extra features this weekend to get  
0.3.7 out, so this one might not be in until 0.3.8.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Aliasing within functions for eager loads

2007-04-10 Thread Michael Bayer

On Apr 10, 2007, at 11:36 AM, Rick Morrison wrote:

 I've noticed that if you specify a primaryjoin criteria for a  
 mapper relationship, SA automatically aliases the table/column  
 names when doing an eager load of that relationship.

 But this doesn't seem to work if within that primary join, a column  
 is referenced inside of a .func; SA leaves the naked name during  
 the eager load, which then of course errors. Is this supposed to work?

funcs in primary joins eh ?  nasty.  ive no idea what would occur  
there or even how that would work, somake up a little test script  
for me and we'll see.  if you want to try looking into the aliasing  
methodology, its probably looking hard for real columns to alias but  
nothing else.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: [PATCH] Filtered one_to_many relationships (Experimental)

2007-04-10 Thread Michael Bayer

hm, why is from_attr a classmethod ?  not very consistent with all  
the other generative methods ?   can we have a regular generative  
method as well ?

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[sqlalchemy] pymssql and encoding - I can not get \x92 to be an '

2007-04-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello all -
Unfortunately, we have a ms sql server at work.  When I get tuples
from the server they look like this:

.. (55, 26, 'Small Business and Individual Chapter 11s - The NewCode
\x92s Effect on Strategies', 'AUDIO'...

with \x92 for apostrophe etc.  I've tried putting every encoding in
the create_engine statement, including  ISO-8859-1 used by MS SQL, but
the print statements always come out like:

.. The NewCode?s Effect on ..

I also tried passing the string to unicode(string, 'ISO-8859-1'), but
this gives me:

.. UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\x96' in
position 48: ordinal not in range(128) ..

Does anyone know about MSSQL or this encoding, or how to get
apostrophes where \x92 is?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: pymssql and encoding - I can not get \x92 to be an '

2007-04-10 Thread Rick Morrison
You've got hi-bit characters in your data. MSSQL with pymssql will store
this, but not understand it.

You most likely are looking for a normal ASCII apostrophe (i.e. ord(39))
instead of the hi-bit version you've got.

to get it, try ${str}.replace(ord(146), ')-- that last bit is a
single quote (apostrophe) surrounded by double-quotes



 Hello all -
 Unfortunately, we have a ms sql server at work.  When I get tuples
 from the server they look like this:

 .. (55, 26, 'Small Business and Individual Chapter 11s - The NewCode
 \x92s Effect on Strategies', 'AUDIO'...

 with \x92 for apostrophe etc.  I've tried putting every encoding in
 the create_engine statement, including  ISO-8859-1 used by MS SQL, but
 the print statements always come out like:

 .. The NewCode?s Effect on ..

 I also tried passing the string to unicode(string, 'ISO-8859-1'), but
 this gives me:

 .. UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\x96' in
 position 48: ordinal not in range(128) ..

 Does anyone know about MSSQL or this encoding, or how to get
 apostrophes where \x92 is?
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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[sqlalchemy] Re: pymssql and encoding - I can not get \x92 to be an '

2007-04-10 Thread Rick Morrison
Arghh, that last bit should be chr(146), not ord(146)

On 4/10/07, Rick Morrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You've got hi-bit characters in your data. MSSQL with pymssql will store
 this, but not understand it.

 You most likely are looking for a normal ASCII apostrophe (i.e. ord(39))
 instead of the hi-bit version you've got.

 to get it, try ${str}.replace(ord(146), ')-- that last bit is a
 single quote (apostrophe) surrounded by double-quotes


  Hello all -
  Unfortunately, we have a ms sql server at work.  When I get tuples
  from the server they look like this:
  .. (55, 26, 'Small Business and Individual Chapter 11s - The NewCode
  \x92s Effect on Strategies', 'AUDIO'...
  with \x92 for apostrophe etc.  I've tried putting every encoding in
  the create_engine statement, including  ISO-8859-1 used by MS SQL, but
  the print statements always come out like:
  .. The NewCode?s Effect on ..
  I also tried passing the string to unicode(string, 'ISO-8859-1'), but
  this gives me:
  .. UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\x96' in
  position 48: ordinal not in range(128) ..
  Does anyone know about MSSQL or this encoding, or how to get
  apostrophes where \x92 is?
  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: 'PropertyLoader' object has no attribute 'strategy'

2007-04-10 Thread Roger Demetrescu

Some details I forgot to mention:

I'm using:

 * SQLAlchemy 0.3.6
 * Postgresql 7.3.4
 * Linux RedHat   kernel 2.4.20-8

Other important detail: looking at my log files, I noticed that the message:
global name 'anxnews_urllocal' is not defined

appears several hours after the message:
'PropertyLoader' object has no attribute 'strategy'



On 4/11/07, Roger Demetrescu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have a daemon with 2 threads to control upload / download of some
 files (they use SQLAlchemy to find out which files must be worked).

 Once a week, my daemon's logging system sends me an email with this message:

 'PropertyLoader' object has no attribute 'strategy'

 After that, I receive another email with this message:

 global name 'anxnews_urllocal' is not defined

 where 'anxnews_urllocal' is a field from a table.

 I usually don't need to touch this daemon... it still works fine even
 after this alert.

 Any hints about what could be causing this exception ?

 Please feel free to ask for more details...



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