[sqlalchemy] Re: r3507 breaks here

2007-09-24 Thread Michael Bayer

ive grepped all the code and cannot find a create_row_processor  
method that is returning a 2-tuple (which is what it used to be);  
theyre all returning 3-tuples..and of course all those methods have  
test coverage too.   have you tried deleting all the .pyc files to  
ensure all python modules have recompiled ?

On Sep 24, 2007, at 1:39 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 r3506 is still ok, while r3507 gives this:
 result: [] expected: [35]
 SAMPLE: 2006-09-11 00:00:00 2006-09-12 00:00:00 2006-09-14 00:00:00
 'trans exact, valids between _2' FROM test_range TimedRangeTestCase
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File test_timed_dbcook.py, line 142, in _get_range_val
 q = me.val.get_obj_history_in_range( me.val.OBJ_ID, timeFrom,
   File /home/az/src/hor-trunk/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py, line 571, in
 return list(self)
   File /home/az/src/hor-trunk/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py, line 619, in
 return self._execute_and_instances(statement)
   File /home/az/src/hor-trunk/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py, line 624, in
 return iter(self.instances(result))
   File /home/az/src/hor-trunk/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py, line 680, in
 self.select_mapper._instance(context, row, result)
   File /home/az/src/dbcook/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py, line 1436, in
 self.populate_instance(context, instance, row, **flags)
   File /home/az/src/dbcook/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py, line 1496, in
 (newpop, existingpop, post_proc) =
 prop.create_row_processor(selectcontext, self, row)
 ValueError: need more than 2 values to unpack

 the result query is somewhat awwful, but it works before that:

 -- TEST trans exact, valids between _2* SA: INFO
 SELECT PolymBase.disabled AS PolymBase_disabled, PolymBase.val
 AS PolymBase_val, PolymBase.time_valid
 AS PolymBase_time_valid, PolymBase.time_trans
 AS PolymBase_time_trans, PolymBase.obj_id
 AS PolymBase_obj_id, PolymBase.atype
 AS PolymBase_atype, PolymBase.db_id
 AS PolymBase_db_id, PolymLeaf.db_id AS PolymLeaf_db_id
 SELECT max(PolymBase.db_id) AS db_id, PolymBase.time_trans AS
 time_trans, PolymBase.time_valid AS time_valid
 FROM PolymBase JOIN (
 SELECT max(PolymBase.time_trans) AS
 time_trans, PolymBase.time_valid AS time_valid
 FROM PolymBase
 WHERE PolymBase.time_trans = ? AND PolymBase.time_valid
 = ? AND PolymBase.time_valid = ? AND PolymBase.obj_id = ?
 AND PolymBase.atype = ?
 GROUP BY PolymBase.time_valid
 ) AS t1 ON PolymBase.time_valid = t1.time_valid
 AND PolymBase.time_trans = t1.time_trans
 WHERE PolymBase.obj_id = ? AND PolymBase.atype = ?
 GROUP BY PolymBase.time_valid, PolymBase.time_trans
 ) AS timedr, PolymBase JOIN PolymLeaf ON PolymLeaf.db_id
 = PolymBase.db_id
 WHERE PolymBase.db_id = timedr.db_id AND NOT PolymBase.disabled
 ORDER BY PolymBase.time_valid
 * SA: INFO [11, 12, 14, 1, 'PolymLeaf', 1, 'PolymLeaf']

 any idea? i mau try prepare some stripped testcase but it'll take
 if u wanna try, svn co then run make in
 or do
 PYTHONPATH=..:../../../..:../../..:$(PYTHONPATH) python



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[sqlalchemy] Re: db independent way to get id from sequence

2007-09-24 Thread che

please help

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[sqlalchemy] detect if objects have been deleted from a session?

2007-09-24 Thread Kumar McMillan

I have a naive system that links dict-like objects to mapped classes
so that rows can be saved to the db.  It doesn't know anything about
mapped class instances, so many-to-many relationships are [currently]
saved by a class mapped to the swing table itself; for example, it's
the equivalent of  :

client_role = Role(role_name=client)
acme = Organization(
acme_is_a_client = OrganizationRoles(
organization_id = acme.id,
role_id = client_role.id)

The deletion process iters through from child to parent according to
foreign keys and performs :


However, if somewhere in the app
Organization.query().join('roles').select() was performed, then
deleting acme will fail because it would have been deleted
automatically by session.delete(acme_is_a_client).  Specifically, I
get a ConcurrentModificationError saying the deleted row count was 0.

Given the limitation of this approach and not trying to depend on the
configuration of ondelete/passive_deletes, is it possible to simply
detect whether or not acme or client_role has been deleted in the
session before deleting?  That is, something more like :

if not object_was_deleted(session, acme_is_a_client):
if not object_was_deleted(session, acme):
# this should not be executed
if not object_was_deleted(session, client_role):
# nor this

The implementation below seems to detect deletions of the same object
but *not* the above scenario where the objects deleted were children :

def object_was_deleted(session, obj):
from sqlalchemy.orm.mapper import object_mapper
for c in [obj] + list(object_mapper(obj).cascade_iterator(
'delete', obj)):
if c in session.uow.deleted:
return True
elif not session.uow._is_valid(c):
return True
return False

Is there a way to detect deleted children?  Thanks for reading and let
me know if you need a more concrete example


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[sqlalchemy] Re: db independent way to get id from sequence

2007-09-24 Thread Michael Bayer

On Sep 13, 2007, at 8:19 AM, che wrote:


 Are there any database independent way to get the id from some
 sequence - for databases that supports it? For postgres this can be
 done by issueing select nextval('name_of_the_sequence') statement,
 but for other databases like oracle, firebird it is maybe different.
 It seems that there is no such protocol in SA source, but maybe i am
 missing something obvious.

 I assume that to distinguish the databases that support sequences
 metadata.bind.dialect.preexecute_sequences boolean can be used. am i


 p.s. currently i use the following code in postgres, but plan to use
 something in other databases too:
 sql = select nextval('\%s\') % name_of_the_sequence
 oid =
 db.connect().execute( sql.encode( db.dialect.encoding)).scalar()
 print oid

id = connection.execute(Sequence('my_sequence'))

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[sqlalchemy] ClauseList as a column_property

2007-09-24 Thread Berik Visschers


Recently I started playing with SQLAlchemy. When implementing some
database, I ran into this problem: The very neat column_property feature of
SA accepts various constructs like comparisons, subselects and even other sql
operators such as addition and concatenation. But boolean comparisons
(represented by SA.sql.expression.ClauseList objects) cause the code to
break, whilst in SQL these constructions are valid.

The SQL query I'm trying to map is:
SELECT id, begin_date, end_date,
begin_date IS NOT NULL
OR  begin_date = NOW()
end_date IS NULL
OR  end_date  NOW() AS active
FROM package WHERE active = 't'

The SA version used is 0.4.0beta5
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)
meta = MetaData(bind=engine)
session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)()

package_table = Table('package', meta,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('begin_date', DateTime),
Column('end_date', DateTime),


class Package(object): pass

Here the column_property() is used in one of the documented ways.
This works, but doesn't contain all of the logic for active packages:

mapper(Package, package_table, properties={
(package_table.c.begin_date != None).label('active')

Here is the active column with all logic defined,
the code breaks as SA doesn't seem to allow logic
comparisons within column_property():

mapper(Package, package_table, properties={
(package_table.c.begin_date != None)
| (package_table.c.begin_date = func.current_timestamp())
)  (
(package_table.c.end_date == None)
| (package_table.c.end_date  func.current_timestamp())
except AttributeError, e:
 e contains:
'ClauseList' object has no attribute 'label'
Or if we don't label the column_property construct:
sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ClauseList object is not a valid 
candidate for ColumnProperty

print e

Playing around, I got to this solution. Which works like a charm. But
the mapper code is not that clean anymore.


b = (package_table.c.begin_date == None)
c = ((
(package_table.c.begin_date != None)
| (package_table.c.begin_date = func.current_timestamp())
)  (
(package_table.c.end_date == None)
| (package_table.c.end_date  func.current_timestamp())

### Force the type
c.type = b.type ### Which is a NoneType()
### Force the label
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import _Label
labeled_c = _Label('active', c, c.type)

s = select([package_table, labeled_c]).alias('package_select')
mapper(Package, s)

q = session.query(Package).filter_by(active=True)

Can this be done in a less ugly way? If not currently, can SA be fixed so 
ClauseLists can be used within column_property?
Aldough I tried,
I couldn't write the patch on SA to fix it myself.

Thanks a lot,


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[sqlalchemy] Re: ClauseList as a column_property

2007-09-24 Thread Michael Bayer

On Sep 24, 2007, at 11:15 AM, Berik Visschers wrote:

 The SQL query I'm trying to map is:
 SELECT id, begin_date, end_date,
 begin_date IS NOT NULL
 OR  begin_date = NOW()
 end_date IS NULL
 OR  end_date  NOW() AS active
 FROM package WHERE active = 't'

more specifically youre looking for:

SELECT id, begin_date, end_date,
 (begin_date IS NOT NULL
 OR  begin_date = NOW()
 end_date IS NULL
 OR  end_date  NOW()) AS active

FROM package WHERE active = 't'

right ?  I would think we can just add label() support to  
ClauseList for this.   you can open a trac ticket for this and  
someone will get around to it, or if you want to try a patch (its  
not  hard one).

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[sqlalchemy] Re: db independent way to get id from sequence

2007-09-24 Thread che

 id = connection.execute(Sequence('my_sequence'))

thanks, Michael

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[sqlalchemy] plain python objects from ORM

2007-09-24 Thread Huy Do


Is it possible to get SA ORM to return plain python objects (with 
eagerloaded relations and all) but without any attribute instrumentation 
(or anything else magically added by SA).



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[sqlalchemy] Re: r3507 breaks here

2007-09-24 Thread Michael Bayer

somethings weird.  if i take out your expects/me.query stuff (which  
remains impossible to read), and do this :

 for o in session.query(A):
 print str(o)

I get this:

C( db_id=1 linkA=None linkC=B( id=notset name=ben ) dataC=mc  
name=cc )
A( db_id=2 linkA=B( id=notset name=ben ) name=anna )
B( db_id=3 linkB=C( id=notset name=cc ) linkA=None name=ben  
dataB=gun )

which is correct.  im trying all sorts of things and I cant get the  
linkB=B condition the test case claims.

but this expects string:

dict( klas= A, table= table_A, oid= a.db_id, exp_single= str(a),
 exp_multi = [ str(a), str(b), str(c) ]),

returns the wrong result.  what am i doing wrong ?

On Sep 24, 2007, at 10:53 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 scratch that, i found one, try r3512.
 this one is ok now.

 Another one.
 - the A-B-C all-cases works 100% on 0.3.xx but some cases fail on
 Attached is one ~random case of about 168 similar ones - t1.py.



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[sqlalchemy] Re: plain python objects from ORM

2007-09-24 Thread Michael Bayer

On Sep 24, 2007, at 11:48 AM, Huy Do wrote:


 Is it possible to get SA ORM to return plain python objects (with
 eagerloaded relations and all) but without any attribute  
 (or anything else magically added by SA).

not really.   unless you remove the instrumentation from the classes  
themselves afterwards (a one way operation).

of course you could argue that theres no technical reason the ORM  
shouldnt be able to do this.  there could be some extremely  
specialized rewrite of attributes.py that could do it perhaps, but  
maintaining test coverage for that would be a whole project in itself.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: r3507 breaks here

2007-09-24 Thread sdobrev

it something to do with that expects thing...
just do a x = str(b) before session.clear(), breaks it all.

On Monday 24 September 2007 18:57:36 Michael Bayer wrote:
 somethings weird.  if i take out your expects/me.query stuff (which
 remains impossible to read), and do this :

  for o in session.query(A):
  print str(o)

 I get this:

 C( db_id=1 linkA=None linkC=B( id=notset name=ben ) dataC=mc
 name=cc )
 A( db_id=2 linkA=B( id=notset name=ben ) name=anna )
 B( db_id=3 linkB=C( id=notset name=cc ) linkA=None name=ben
 dataB=gun )

 which is correct.  im trying all sorts of things and I cant get the
 linkB=B condition the test case claims.

 but this expects string:

 dict( klas= A, table= table_A, oid= a.db_id, exp_single= str(a),
  exp_multi = [ str(a), str(b), str(c) ]),

 returns the wrong result.  what am i doing wrong ?

 On Sep 24, 2007, at 10:53 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  scratch that, i found one, try r3512.
  this one is ok now.
  Another one.
  - the A-B-C all-cases works 100% on 0.3.xx but some cases fail on
  Attached is one ~random case of about 168 similar ones - t1.py.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: r3507 breaks here

2007-09-24 Thread Michael Bayer

On Sep 24, 2007, at 12:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 it something to do with that expects thing...
 just do a x = str(b) before session.clear(), breaks it all.

OK...that was just a *great* way to spend all day tracking that one  
down.  its fixed in 3515.  I didn't bother to see why it doesn't  
exist in 0.3, but its confusing that it doesn't, since the basic  
mechanics of this one are present there as well, there must be some  
subtlety which conceals it.   I hope you can find more insanely  
obscure bugs like this for me tomorrow !

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[sqlalchemy] Re: r3507 breaks here

2007-09-24 Thread sdobrev

On Monday 24 September 2007 22:31:35 Michael Bayer wrote:
 On Sep 24, 2007, at 12:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  it something to do with that expects thing...
  just do a x = str(b) before session.clear(), breaks it all.

 OK...that was just a *great* way to spend all day tracking that one
 down.  its fixed in 3515.  I didn't bother to see why it doesn't
 exist in 0.3, but its confusing that it doesn't, since the basic
 mechanics of this one are present there as well, there must be some
 subtlety which conceals it.   I hope you can find more insanely
 obscure bugs like this for me tomorrow !
at your service, sir |-:

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[sqlalchemy] Re: 0.4.0beta5 breaks [Oracle] query, works on 0.3.7 and with cxOracle

2007-09-24 Thread m h

Here's another simple testcase that fails for Oracle beta5 but works
with 0.3.7.  It's about the simplest query I can come up with.  Have a
table with a date column in it and query against it using the
to_date function.

def test_to_date():
start_date = '10/05/04'
where = cal_dim.c.adwkenddt == func.to_date(start_date,'MM/DD/RR')

query = select([cal_dim.c.adwkenddt],

result = query.execute()
for r in result:
print r

This fails for beta5, works for .3.7.  The error is::
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File s4.py, line 88, in ?
  File s4.py, line 59, in test_to_date
result = query.execute()
line 973, in execute
return compiled.execute(*multiparams, **params)
line 488, in execute
return e._execute_compiled(self, multiparams, params)
line 1121, in _execute_compiled
return connection._execute_compiled(compiled, multiparams, params)
line 832, in _execute_compiled
line 850, in __execute_raw
self._cursor_execute(context.cursor, context.statement,
parameters, context=context)
line 867, in _cursor_execute
raise exceptions.DBAPIError.instance(statement, parameters, e)
sqlalchemy.exceptions.DatabaseError: (DatabaseError) ORA-00932:
inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got CLOB
to_date(:to_date, :to_date_1)' {'to_date_1': 'MM/DD/RR', 'to_date':

Am still confused as to the problem here  I run the same query
through text and it works::

def test_to_date_text():
s = text(SELECT AD_WEEK_CALENDAR_DIM.adwkenddt
WHERE AD_WEEK_CALENDAR_DIM.adwkenddt = to_date(:to_date, :to_date_1))
result = connection.execute(s,
to_date_1= 'MM/DD/RR',
to_date= '10/05/04')
for r in result:
print r

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[sqlalchemy] Re: 0.4.0beta5 breaks [Oracle] query, works on 0.3.7 and with cxOracle

2007-09-24 Thread Michael Bayer

sorry, i havent forgotten you.  just  have to get the time to power  
up my oracle box.  thanks for putting in the ticket.

On Sep 24, 2007, at 7:22 PM, m h wrote:

 Here's another simple testcase that fails for Oracle beta5 but works
 with 0.3.7.  It's about the simplest query I can come up with.  Have a
 table with a date column in it and query against it using the
 to_date function.

 def test_to_date():
 start_date = '10/05/04'
 where = cal_dim.c.adwkenddt == func.to_date(start_date,'MM/DD/RR')

 query = select([cal_dim.c.adwkenddt],

 result = query.execute()
 for r in result:
 print r

 This fails for beta5, works for .3.7.  The error is::
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File s4.py, line 88, in ?
   File s4.py, line 59, in test_to_date
 result = query.execute()
   File /home/matt/work/vpython/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ 
 line 973, in execute
 return compiled.execute(*multiparams, **params)
   File /home/matt/work/vpython/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ 
 line 488, in execute
 return e._execute_compiled(self, multiparams, params)
   File /home/matt/work/vpython/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ 
 line 1121, in _execute_compiled
 return connection._execute_compiled(compiled, multiparams, params)
   File /home/matt/work/vpython/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ 
 line 832, in _execute_compiled
   File /home/matt/work/vpython/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ 
 line 850, in __execute_raw
 self._cursor_execute(context.cursor, context.statement,
 parameters, context=context)
   File /home/matt/work/vpython/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ 
 line 867, in _cursor_execute
 raise exceptions.DBAPIError.instance(statement, parameters, e)
 sqlalchemy.exceptions.DatabaseError: (DatabaseError) ORA-00932:
 inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got CLOB
 to_date(:to_date, :to_date_1)' {'to_date_1': 'MM/DD/RR', 'to_date':

 Am still confused as to the problem here  I run the same query
 through text and it works::

 def test_to_date_text():
 s = text(SELECT AD_WEEK_CALENDAR_DIM.adwkenddt
 WHERE AD_WEEK_CALENDAR_DIM.adwkenddt = to_date 
 (:to_date, :to_date_1))
 result = connection.execute(s,
 to_date_1= 'MM/DD/RR',
 to_date= '10/05/04')
 for r in result:
 print r


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[sqlalchemy] best practices for catching sqlerrors

2007-09-24 Thread Ron

In my application I'd like db related errors that are encountered when
using mapped classes to have better exceptions that make more sense in
the context of my program.  Where is the best place to put this

For example, say I have a table with a single primary_key column and I
have a class MyData mapped to that table.  If someone were to try to
make and flush a MyData(someDuplicateEntry) instance they'd get an
ugly sqlalchemy exception.  I'd rather they get, say, an
AlreadyExistsException() or something to that effect.  Now, I can wrap
each flush with a try/except block, or have the __init__ method of the
class do a check during instantiation, but I'm wondering if there is
some better way to do it.

Perhaps a way to map SqlerrorA to throw ExceptionA and SqlerrorB to
throw ExceptionB.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: plain python objects from ORM

2007-09-24 Thread Huy Do

Michael Bayer wrote:
 On Sep 24, 2007, at 11:48 AM, Huy Do wrote:


 Is it possible to get SA ORM to return plain python objects (with
 eagerloaded relations and all) but without any attribute  
 (or anything else magically added by SA).


 not really.   unless you remove the instrumentation from the classes  
 themselves afterwards (a one way operation).
Any pointers on how to do this ? to the whole object hierachy.
 of course you could argue that theres no technical reason the ORM  
 shouldnt be able to do this.  there could be some extremely  
 specialized rewrite of attributes.py that could do it perhaps, but  
 maintaining test coverage for that would be a whole project in itself
Would a mapper extension allow me to do this ?

I think this would be a great feature to have because there are many use 
cases in my application (mainly displaying/processing tables) where I 
don't want/need the overhead of the instrumentation (and it really does 
add quite a bit), but would still love the excellent mapping abilities 
(i.e have fully hydrated domain objects rather then ResultProxy).



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[sqlalchemy] Re: 0.4.0beta5 breaks [Oracle] query, works on 0.3.7 and with cxOracle

2007-09-24 Thread m h

NP, I know Oracle is a drag but that's what the client has.
Perhaps if you could clarify why I'm confused I might be able to help
debug.  (I've stepped through expression.py all day long).  I feel
like I just need a little hint or push in the right direction.

Eventually you get to a cx cursor and call execute with the statement
on it.  How does the same statement/parameter combo fail with SQL
generate, yet succeed using `text` or plain cx?  If I can get over
that hump, I think I might be able to give you a patch.

On 9/24/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 sorry, i havent forgotten you.  just  have to get the time to power
 up my oracle box.  thanks for putting in the ticket.

 On Sep 24, 2007, at 7:22 PM, m h wrote:

  Here's another simple testcase that fails for Oracle beta5 but works
  with 0.3.7.  It's about the simplest query I can come up with.  Have a
  table with a date column in it and query against it using the
  to_date function.
  def test_to_date():
  start_date = '10/05/04'
  where = cal_dim.c.adwkenddt == func.to_date(start_date,'MM/DD/RR')
  query = select([cal_dim.c.adwkenddt],
  result = query.execute()
  for r in result:
  print r
  This fails for beta5, works for .3.7.  The error is::
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File s4.py, line 88, in ?
File s4.py, line 59, in test_to_date
  result = query.execute()
File /home/matt/work/vpython/lib/python2.4/site-packages/
  line 973, in execute
  return compiled.execute(*multiparams, **params)
File /home/matt/work/vpython/lib/python2.4/site-packages/
  line 488, in execute
  return e._execute_compiled(self, multiparams, params)
File /home/matt/work/vpython/lib/python2.4/site-packages/
  line 1121, in _execute_compiled
  return connection._execute_compiled(compiled, multiparams, params)
File /home/matt/work/vpython/lib/python2.4/site-packages/
  line 832, in _execute_compiled
File /home/matt/work/vpython/lib/python2.4/site-packages/
  line 850, in __execute_raw
  self._cursor_execute(context.cursor, context.statement,
  parameters, context=context)
File /home/matt/work/vpython/lib/python2.4/site-packages/
  line 867, in _cursor_execute
  raise exceptions.DBAPIError.instance(statement, parameters, e)
  sqlalchemy.exceptions.DatabaseError: (DatabaseError) ORA-00932:
  inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got CLOB
  to_date(:to_date, :to_date_1)' {'to_date_1': 'MM/DD/RR', 'to_date':
  Am still confused as to the problem here  I run the same query
  through text and it works::
  def test_to_date_text():
  s = text(SELECT AD_WEEK_CALENDAR_DIM.adwkenddt
  WHERE AD_WEEK_CALENDAR_DIM.adwkenddt = to_date
  (:to_date, :to_date_1))
  result = connection.execute(s,
  to_date_1= 'MM/DD/RR',
  to_date= '10/05/04')
  for r in result:
  print r


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[sqlalchemy] Re: plain python objects from ORM

2007-09-24 Thread sdobrev

On Tuesday 25 September 2007 05:43:40 Huy Do wrote:
 Michael Bayer wrote:
  On Sep 24, 2007, at 11:48 AM, Huy Do wrote:
  Is it possible to get SA ORM to return plain python objects
  (with eagerloaded relations and all) but without any attribute
  (or anything else magically added by SA).
  not really.   unless you remove the instrumentation from the
  classes themselves afterwards (a one way operation).

 Any pointers on how to do this ? to the whole object hierachy.
just grab the objects __dict__, and make any class out of it. u'll 
need 2 parralel class hierarchies, or maybe one parasit hierarhcy 
hanging on the other..
class Aplain:
 def undress(self): 
r = self.__class__(); r.__dict__.update( self.__dict__); return r
class Aplain4SA(Aplain): pass
m = mapper( Aplain4SA, ...)

def myquery( query):
 for q in query: yield q.undress()

and use myquery() as wrapper for all session.query(..)
the overhead would be one generator..

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[sqlalchemy] Re: r3507 breaks here

2007-09-24 Thread sdobrev
On Monday 24 September 2007 22:31:35 Michael Bayer wrote:
 On Sep 24, 2007, at 12:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  it something to do with that expects thing...
  just do a x = str(b) before session.clear(), breaks it all.

 OK...that was just a *great* way to spend all day tracking that one
 down.  its fixed in 3515.  I didn't bother to see why it doesn't
 exist in 0.3, but its confusing that it doesn't, since the basic
 mechanics of this one are present there as well, there must be some
 subtlety which conceals it.   I hope you can find more insanely
 obscure bugs like this for me tomorrow !

now that u mentioned it... r3515 introduces something:

  File /home/az/src/dbcook/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py, line 619, in 
return self._execute_and_instances(statement)
  File /home/az/src/dbcook/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py, line 624, in 
return iter(self.instances(result))
  File /home/az/src/dbcook/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py, line 680, in 
self.select_mapper._instance(context, row, result)
  File /home/az/src/dbcook/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py, line 1360, in 
discriminator = row[self.polymorphic_on]
  File /home/az/src/dbcook/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py, line 1590, in 
return self.__parent._get_col(self.__row, key)
  File /home/az/src/dbcook/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py, line 1394, in 
rec = self._key_cache[key]
  File /home/az/src/dbcook/sqlalchemy/util.py, line 72, in 
self[key] = val = self.creator(key)
  File /home/az/src/dbcook/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py, line 1304, in 
raise exceptions.NoSuchColumnError(Could not locate column in row 
for column '%s' % (str(key)))
NoSuchColumnError: Could not locate column in row for 
column 'pu_a.atype'
 ? failed A.query_SUB_instances: Could not locate column in row for 
column 'pu_a.atype'

pu_a is polymorphic union, and fails only if from_statement() is 

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