On Tuesday 25 September 2007 05:43:40 Huy Do wrote:
> Michael Bayer wrote:
> > On Sep 24, 2007, at 11:48 AM, Huy Do wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Is it possible to get SA ORM to return plain python objects
> >> (with eagerloaded relations and all) but without any attribute
> >> instrumentation
> >> (or anything else magically added by SA).
> >
> > not really.   unless you remove the instrumentation from the
> > classes themselves afterwards (a one way operation).
> Any pointers on how to do this ? to the whole object hierachy.
just grab the objects __dict__, and make any class out of it. u'll 
need 2 parralel class hierarchies, or maybe one parasit hierarhcy 
hanging on the other..
class Aplain:
 def undress(self): 
        r = self.__class__(); r.__dict__.update( self.__dict__); return r
class Aplain4SA(Aplain): pass
m = mapper( Aplain4SA, ...)

def myquery( query):
 for q in query: yield q.undress()

and use myquery() as wrapper for all session.query(..)
the overhead would be one generator..

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