[sqlalchemy] Re: Does SQLAlchemy ORM use column indexes to optimize queries?

2008-04-07 Thread GK


Thanks for your examples - there are lots of useful SQLAlchemy coding
hints in there for me...

On Apr 5, 5:30 pm, jason kirtland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 GK wrote:

  Thank you for your response - it was very helpful for me.

  It turns out my main problem was that I was importing an order of
  magnitude or so more data than I realized, but you were also right
  about using flush().

  You were also right about the overhead of creating extra indexes.  In
  the spirit of putting some data in a public space...

  Starting with en empty database, with a test dataset of 1200 values
  (about 1150 unique insertions) and flushing after every insertion I
  have the following timings:

  No extra indexes: 2:00
  Three extra indexes: 2:15

  This is using SQLite with a flat file on a 1.8GHz laptop.  The records
  are each nearly 1Kb.  There's an overhead of about 5 seconds for
  reading the data, so most of the above time is loading the database.

  I haven't yet had time to judge how the performance varies with larger

 2:00 seems very high- is that 2 minutes?  Below are two similar bulk
 table loads.  The first uses the same insert-or-update methodology and
 only the relational layer (no ORM)- that clocks in at 1.25 seconds on my
 laptop.  The second is an ORM implementation with a different duplicate
 detection methodology- that clocks in at 2.0 seconds.


 ## Relational version

 import os
 import time
 import random
 from sqlalchemy import *
 from sqlalchemy.exceptions import IntegrityError

 data_cols = (
  'sendadr', 'fromadr', 'toadr', 'sendnam', 'fromnam',
  'tonam', 'subject', 'received', 'spam', 'folderid' )
 chunk = lambda: '%x' % random.getrandbits(400)
 dataset = [dict((col, chunk()) for col in data_cols)
 for _ in xrange(1200)]
 dupes = random.sample(dataset, 50)

 db = '1krows.db'
 if os.path.exists(db):

 engine = create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % db)
 metadata = MetaData(engine)
 table = Table('t', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('occurs', Integer, default=1),
*(Column(col, Text) for col in data_cols))

 assert table.select().count().scalar() == 50

 start = time.time()

 insert = table.insert()
 update = (table.update().
where(and_(*((table.c[col] == bindparam(col))
 for col in data_cols))).
values({'occurs': table.c.occurs+1}))
 conn = engine.connect()
 tx = conn.begin()
 for row in dataset:
  conn.execute(insert, row)
  except IntegrityError:
  conn.execute(update, row)

 end = time.time()

 assert table.select().count().scalar() == 1200
 assert select([func.count(table.c.id)],
table.c.occurs==2).scalar() == 50
 print elapsed: %04f % (end - start)

 ## ORM version

 import hashlib
 import os
 import time
 import random
 from sqlalchemy import *
 from sqlalchemy.orm import *

 data_cols = (
  'sendadr', 'fromadr', 'toadr', 'sendnam', 'fromnam',
  'tonam', 'subject', 'received', 'spam', 'folderid' )
 chunk = lambda: '%x' % random.getrandbits(400)
 dataset = [dict((col, chunk()) for col in data_cols)
 for _ in xrange(1200)]

 def hashrow(row):
  return hashlib.sha1(
  ','.join(row[c] for c in data_cols)).hexdigest()

 dupes = []
 for row in random.sample(dataset, 50):
  dupe = row.copy()
  dupe['hash'] = hashrow(dupe)

 db = '1krows.db'
 if os.path.exists(db):

 engine = create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % db)
 metadata = MetaData(engine)
 table = Table('t', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('occurs', Integer, default=1),
Column('hash', String(40), unique=True),
*(Column(col, Text) for col in data_cols))

 assert table.select().count().scalar() == 50

 class Email(object):
  def __init__(self, **kw):
  for key, value in kw.items():
  setattr(self, key, value)

  def hashval(self):
  return hashrow(dict((col, getattr(self, col))
  for col in data_cols))

 mapper(Email, table)

 start = time.time()
 session = create_session()

 data = [Email(**row) for row in dataset]

 chunk, remaining = [], [(e.hashval(), e) for e in data]
 while remaining:
  chunk, remaining = remaining[:100], remaining[100:]
  by_hash = dict(chunk)
  dupes = (session.query(Email).
  for dupe in dupes:
  dupe.occurs += 1
  for hashval, email in by_hash.items():
  email.hash = hashval

[sqlalchemy] Insert Expressions - Executing Multiple Statements

2008-04-07 Thread Carla

Hello all

I'd like to insert more than one expression in a table. Some
expressions don't have an entry in every column:

 conn = engine.connect()
 conn.execute(addresses.insert(), [
...{'name': 'mike',  'email_address' : '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'},
...{'name': 'wendy', 'fullname': 'Wendy Williams',
'email_address' : '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'},
...{'name': 'jack',  'fullname': 'Jack Jones',
'email_address' : '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'},
...{'name': 'julia', 'email_address' : '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'},
... ])

SQLAlchemy generates:
INSERT INTO addresses (name, email_address) VALUES (%s, %s)
[['mike', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'], ['wendy', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'], ['jack',

The expressions to insert aren't complete, because the first
expression doesn't have an entry 'fullname'. Why? Is it not possible
to start with an 'incomplete' expression? What can I do with big
tables (more columns) and only few entries?

Thanks a lot

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[sqlalchemy] Creating multiple tables based on the same class

2008-04-07 Thread GK

This is another I'm new to SQLAlchemy kind of question...

I have two datasets that have exactly the same structure, and I wish
to create separate database tables for these that are mapped to/from
the structure of same underlying Python class.  I looked for
discussion of this in the SQLAlchemy manual, but the references I
found (e.g. [1]) seem to discuss spreading a class over several tables
rather than multiple instances/datasets.

It appears that the mapper structure always associates a given python
class with a single table.  Is this correct?

The pattern I'm contemplating to support multiple datasets is to
define a subclass of the main class for each one, then map each
subclass to its own table.  Is there a better way?


[1] http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/04/mappers.html#advdatamapping_mapper_joins

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Insert Expressions - Executing Multiple Statements

2008-04-07 Thread Rick Morrison

 You could specify that fullname is null (None) for the columns that
 don't have a full name value.

In fact you *need* to do that. The insert statement is compiled based on the
first set of values given, so that will drive the remainder of the

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Creating multiple tables based on the same class

2008-04-07 Thread Bobby Impollonia

Yes, you can have the same class be associated with different tables
at different times.

Sqlalchemy uses a 'maper' to associate a class with a table. You can
define multiple mappers for the same class that map it to different
tables. One of these will be the primary mapper and will be used by
default when you don't specify which mapper to use. To use the other
mapper, you use the keyword argument entity_name and specify the
mapper by name. Most session functions support that keyword arg.

Here is the documentation:

On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 9:37 AM, GK [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This is another I'm new to SQLAlchemy kind of question...

  I have two datasets that have exactly the same structure, and I wish
  to create separate database tables for these that are mapped to/from
  the structure of same underlying Python class.  I looked for
  discussion of this in the SQLAlchemy manual, but the references I
  found (e.g. [1]) seem to discuss spreading a class over several tables
  rather than multiple instances/datasets.

  It appears that the mapper structure always associates a given python
  class with a single table.  Is this correct?

  The pattern I'm contemplating to support multiple datasets is to
  define a subclass of the main class for each one, then map each
  subclass to its own table.  Is there a better way?




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[sqlalchemy] Re: web application too slow

2008-04-07 Thread Ross Vandegrift

On Sun, Apr 06, 2008 at 05:26:31PM -0700, tux21b wrote:
 It's an Apache 2 with mod_wsgi. The server setup isn't configured for
 performance yet, and we can probably tune it a bit. But even when I
 test with the wsgi-ref server (without parallel requests) the
 application is slow. Beside sqlalchemy and memcached, we are using
 django (there are still some dependencies left, since it started as a
 django-app, but we are working on that *g*), werkzeug (a wsgi toolkit)
 and jinja (template engine).

Are you testing on X11 with Mozilla, and if so, do you have
transparent backgrounds?

There's a pretty major performance problem with Mozilla and X11 where
render operations on pages with transparent divs are excruciatingly
slow on many video cards.  The problem is compounded by multiple
layers of transparency.

In other words - make sure the slowness isn't the client :)

Ross Vandegrift

The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who
make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians
have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine
man in the bonds of Hell.
--St. Augustine, De Genesi ad Litteram, Book II, xviii, 37

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[sqlalchemy] Re: web application too slow

2008-04-07 Thread tux21b

On Apr 7, 4:48 pm, Ross Vandegrift [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In other words - make sure the slowness isn't the client :)

I hope this post wasn't serious. Mozilla's CSS rendering engine,
doesn't write in our python profile on the server and no, we don't use
Mozilla for benchmarking (we are currently using ab and siege).

But to ask otherwise, is there anybody else who has experienced
similar performance problems when accessing lots of heavy eagerloaded
sqlalchemy models wich are all already in the memory?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: web application too slow

2008-04-07 Thread Rick Morrison
 But to ask otherwise, is there anybody else who has experienced
 similar performance problems when accessing lots of heavy eagerloaded
 sqlalchemy models wich are all already in the memory?

My app does quite a bit of heavy eagerloading in a lazy as-needed fashion,
and then clears the session used to load the data and leaves the
now-unpersisted data in cache. Works fine and runs quite quickly. For even
faster loads, you can bypass the ORM and use the relational layer directly.
The relational layer can in some instances perform much faster than ORM
access, albeit with less convenience. Using sqla's relational layer doesn't
have much of a performance hit than using the DB-API directly.

If in your app you are accessing the cached data without a follow-on query
on each web hit, it may be that you never cleared the instances from the
session, and so they are thus still persistent and will reload from the DB
in certain instances.

If on the other hand your design is to incur a DB hit on each and every web
hit, then you will probably have better luck tuning the query itself and
using the relational layer than looking for the answer in tuning or tweaking
the ORM. Your profile looks as though it's spending most of its time with
processing attributes. Using the relational layer and working directly with
native Python types would eliminate that.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Save instead of update

2008-04-07 Thread Michael Bayer

On Apr 6, 2008, at 11:19 PM, Michael Robellard wrote:


 Thanks for your reply. I have been trying what you suggested as well
 as several variants
 and I keep getting stuck with something along the lines of:

 FlushError: New instance [EMAIL PROTECTED] with identity key
 (class 'models.
 dbmodel.Node', (2L,), None) conflicts with persistent instance

 when I try to commit the new object.

OK well the pattern you're attempting to do here is that you'd have a  
Node with ID #1, and then multiple VersionNodes with ID (1, 1), (1,  
2).But the way joined table inheritance works is, a row from the  
base table corresponds to exactly one instance.  In joined table  
inhertiance, the relation from parent to child table is necessarily  
one-to-one.  So using joined inheritance in this manner for this  
particular schema is not appropriate.

Since you want to have multiple VersionNode objects which all  
reference the same row in the nodes table, that is a many-to-one  
relation.  So on the mapping side, you want to use composition to  
create this setup instead of inheritance.But through the usage of  
various tricks we can make it look very similar to the single  
VersionNode/Individual interface you're looking for.   I'm not sure if  
the datamodel you've proposed is actually what you want (such as, what  
is an Individual?  is it by design that a single Node can change its  
sex by having multiple Individual records of different sexes ?), but  
anyway below is a version that composes VersionNode and Node together,  
and uses a with_polymorphic selectable so that the nodes_table can  
provide the discriminator field to the VersionNode/Individual  
hierarchy (though im suspecting that you might want Individual to  
subclass Node, and have VersionNode be on its own...that would be much  
easier to set up than what I have below):

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

db = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)

metadata = MetaData()

Session = sessionmaker(bind=db, autoflush=True, transactional=True)

nodes_table = Table('nodes', metadata,
   Column('id', Integer,  
   Column('type', String(50), nullable=False),

versionnodes_table = Table('versionnodes', metadata,
Integer,ForeignKey('nodes.id'), primary_key=True),
   Column('vernum', Integer,  

individual_table = Table('individual', metadata,
 Column('id', Integer(), primary_key=True),
 Column('vernum', Integer, primary_key=True),
 Column('sex', String(1)),
['versionnodes.id','versionnodes.vernum'], ondelete=CASCADE)

node_relation_table = Table('noderelations', metadata,
Integer,ForeignKey('nodes.id'), primary_key=True),
Integer,ForeignKey('nodes.id'), primary_key=True)

class Node(object):

class VersionNode(object):
 def __init__(self, node=None):
 self.node = node or Node()
 self.node.type = versionnode

 def childnodes(self):
 return self.node.childnodes
 childnodes = property(childnodes)

 def IncrementVersion(self):
 session = Session()
 maxversion =  
 self.vernum = maxversion + 1

 def __repr__(self):
 return %s(id=%r, version=%r) % (self.__class__.__name__,  
self.id, self.vernum)

class Individual(VersionNode):
 def __init__(self, node=None):
 self.node = node or Node()
 self.node.type = individual

 def create_new_version(self):
 v = Individual(self.node)
 v.sex = self.sex
 v.id = self.id
 return v

 def __repr__(self):
 return %s(id=%r, version=%r, sex=%r) %  
(self.__class__.__name__, self.id, self.vernum, self.sex)

mapper(Node, nodes_table, properties={'childnodes':relation(Node,



vn_select = select([versionnodes_table,  
ind_select = select([versionnodes_table, individual_table,  


[sqlalchemy] has() and multiple tables

2008-04-07 Thread Tim Lesher

I'm having some trouble using the has() operator to avoid a long chain
of joins in a select.

A stripped-down version of my schema looks like this:  a Caller has a
(phone) number.  A Caller can create Connections (each to a phone
number).  A Connection can involve one or more Tasks, each of which
involves zero or more Actions.  Each one-to-many is represented by a
bog-standard mapper on an ORM object:

callers = Table('callers', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('number', String(20)))
connections = Table('connections', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('phone_number', String(10)),
Column('caller_id', Integer, ForeignKey('callers.id')))
tasks = Table('tasks', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('connection_id', Integer, ForeignKey('connections.id')))
actions = Table('actions', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('task_id', Integer, ForeignKey('tasks.id')),
Column('description', String(100)))

class Caller(object):
class Connection(object):
class Task(object):
class Action(object):

mapper(Action, actions)
mapper(Task, tasks, properties={
'actions':relation(Action, backref='task')})
mapper(Connection, connections, properties={
'tasks':relation(Task, backref='connection')})
mapper(Caller, callers, properties={
'connections':relation(Connection, backref='caller')})

So, to find out what actions have been initiated by a given caller,
I'm doing:


However, this appears to generate a cartesian join on the 'tasks' and
'connections' in the EXISTS() subselect, which leads to extra actions
being returned.

Am I misusing has() here?  The obvious workaround is explicitly
joining or explicitly sub-selecting, both of which appear to work, but
I was hoping that using has() would produce cleaner code. :-)

A runnable, commented version of the example is at 

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[sqlalchemy] Re: mssql, Linux, unixODBC - Could not locate column in row for column

2008-04-07 Thread Rick Morrison
 The limitation here I guess is 30 char identifier limit but I will
 need to test it.

Ah yeah, you're going to have bigger problems than 30 char identifiers with
the Sybase TDS settings. MSSQL uses a different set of wire-protocol
representations of datetime types, and your dates are going to be off.

 In order to use more characters the FreeTDS should be configured to
 use TDS protocol 7.0 which:

Even that one is old: MSSQL switched to TDSv7 back in MSSQL 7.0 (circa 1997)
They're now on TDSv8 as of MSSQL-2000

Here's a chart:


It beats me why FreeTDS still defaults to Sybase instead of MSSQL, the
installed base has to run at least 100 to 1 in favor of MSSQL. Oh well.

When you get all this set up correctly, you may want to update the
sqlalchemy wiki with all this stuff.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: has() and multiple tables

2008-04-07 Thread Michael Bayer

On Apr 7, 2008, at 4:54 PM, Tim Lesher wrote:

 I'm having some trouble using the has() operator to avoid a long chain
 of joins in a select.


 However, this appears to generate a cartesian join on the 'tasks' and
 'connections' in the EXISTS() subselect, which leads to extra actions
 being returned.

for this kind of thing, you're joining across three tables, so you can  
put an extra join condition in the has():


or do it with join():


I have an intuitive sense that there should be some nice syntax to get  
has() and any() to join across more tables but its not occuring to me  
at the moment.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy 0.4.5 released

2008-04-07 Thread Empty


I actually thought of this mapping as well.  Only because it seemed
consistent with select.  Granted I don't understand all the reasons
why it could / could not work.  That said I'm happy with values as it
is, with just a couple of suggestions which I posted on the dev list.

   instead of

  I actually like _values (and _select_from) because it gives you the
  option to modify *existing* query. This is useful because you don't
  have know everything at the time of query creation (you can write
  library functions that operate on user-created queries). It is also
  consistent with generative nature of query/select.

Except it's not generative itself. :)

Michael Trier

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[sqlalchemy] Re: has() and multiple tables

2008-04-07 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 4/7/08, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Apr 7, 2008, at 4:54 PM, Tim Lesher wrote:

 for this kind of thing, you're joining across three tables, so you can
  put an extra join condition in the has():


  or do it with join():


  I have an intuitive sense that there should be some nice syntax to get
  has() and any() to join across more tables but its not occuring to me
  at the moment.

I'm confused -- this sample does correlate actions with tasks, but not
tasks with connections.  Intuitively it seems that X.has(Y) should
always add a clause to the the exists for y.y_id = x.y_id.  No?


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[sqlalchemy] Sqlalchemy Stored Procedures

2008-04-07 Thread Madhu Alagu


I would like to use advantage of the Sqlalchemy   Stored Procedures.

engine = create_engine('postgres://postgres:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:5432/
neithal', echo=True)
session =
sql = select([func.add_user_f(108,'kk','kk')])
result = session.execute(sql)


Madhu Alagu
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