[sqlalchemy] Hey, try out Flock

2008-04-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello,I'm emailing you about Flock.  I'm now using Flock as my default browser, 
and I love what it's done for my whole Web experience.  Flock is a social web 
browser that uniquely pulls together the people, photos, videos and websites I 
care about.  Check it out, I think you're really going to like it.You can 
download it for free at  http://www.flock.com/invited/1209451183 Enjoy it!

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Concrete inheritance woes

2008-04-29 Thread Gaetan de Menten

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 10:33 PM, Michael Bayer

  pjoin = polymorphic_union(...)
  pjoin2 = polymorphic_union(...)

  employee_mapper = mapper(Employee, pjoin, polymorphic_on=pjoin.c.type)
  manager_mapper = mapper(Manager, managers_table,
  inherits=employee_mapper, concrete=True, polymorphic_identity='manager')
  engineer_mapper = mapper(Engineer, engineers_table,
  with_polymorphic=('*', pjoin2),
  inherits=employee_mapper, concrete=True,
  hacker_mapper = mapper(Hacker, hackers_table, inherits=engineer_mapper,
 concrete=True, polymorphic_identity='hacker')

This solves nicely my multi-level problem, thanks !

  this should in theory also fix the engineers relation on Company.

Doesn't seem to. Since I guess it's a bug, I've filed ticket 1018 for this.


  But as I've said many times (to svil, at least) concrete inheritance
  is something i havent gotten into much as of yet, largely due to the
  many inherent issues with it as well as its being a generally
  unpopular pattern, so there may still be issues with this setup (but
  let me know, since thats how it should work).

Ok, no worries.

  In any case the unit tests which you were working from (im guessing
  test/orm/inheritance/concrete.py) should be patched to include this
  test (i.e. including Hacker, the polymorphic load, as well as the

I'll add the working multi-level test this afternoon. I guess you
don't want the relation part yet.

 Assuming it works we should also make sure the 0.5 branch
 (which isnt called that yet) can handle it too.

Gaëtan de Menten

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Concrete inheritance woes

2008-04-29 Thread Gaetan de Menten

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Gaetan de Menten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 10:33 PM, Michael Bayer

In any case the unit tests which you were working from (im guessing
test/orm/inheritance/concrete.py) should be patched to include this
test (i.e. including Hacker, the polymorphic load, as well as the

  I'll add the working multi-level test this afternoon.

Gaëtan de Menten

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[sqlalchemy] association proxy error: stale association proxy

2008-04-29 Thread Paul K

The following code duplicates a situation I'm seeing with the
association proxy.  There are at least two ways I can avoid having the
error happen.  But since I wasn't sure if the error is a usage error,
I wanted to post here first before implementing my work around.  One
work around for the test code is to delete/comment out line 77
(commented as such).

Here is the traceback of the error (run against r4588):

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File atest.py, line 82, in module
have_a_kid('A', 'b') # fails with 'stale association proxy...'
  File atest.py, line 34, in have_a_kid
if k.kid_name not in [kk.kid_name for kk in p.kids]:
  File /home/sim/en36219/.python/sqlalchemy/ext/associationproxy.py,
line 353, in __iter__
for member in self.col:
  File /home/sim/en36219/.python/sqlalchemy/ext/associationproxy.py,
line 271, in lambda
col = property(lambda self: self.lazy_collection())
  File /home/sim/en36219/.python/sqlalchemy/ext/associationproxy.py,
line 140, in lazy_collection
stale association proxy, parent object has gone out of 
sqlalchemy.exceptions.InvalidRequestError: stale association proxy,
parent object has gone out of scope

Here is the code:

from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
from sqlalchemy import (
create_engine, MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, String,
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation, create_session

class Parent(object):
kids = association_proxy('kid_associations', 'kid',
creator=lambda x,**kw: Parent_x_Kid(x, **kw))

def __init__(self, name):
self.parent_name = name
def __repr__(self):
return 'Parent(%s)' % self.parent_name

class Kid(object):
parents = association_proxy('parent_associations', 'parent',
creator=lambda x,**kw: Parent_x_Kid(x, **kw))

def __init__(self, name):
self.kid_name = name
def __repr__(self):
return 'Kid(%s)' % self.kid_name

class Parent_x_Kid(object):
def __init__(self, kid):
self.kid = kid
def __repr__(self):
return 'PK(%s,%s)' % (self.parent.parent_name,

def have_a_kid(p_name, k_name):
p = session.query(Parent).filter_by(parent_name = p_name).one()
k = session.query(Kid).filter_by(kid_name = k_name).one()

if k.kid_name not in [kk.kid_name for kk in p.kids]:
print %s already has a %s % (p, k)

db_con = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:')
metadata = MetaData(db_con)
parents = Table('parents', metadata,
Column('parent_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('parent_name', String(30), nullable=False)
kids = Table('kids', metadata,
Column('kid_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('kid_name', String(30), nullable=False)
parent_x_kid = Table('parent_x_kid', metadata,
Column('parent_id', Integer, ForeignKey('parents.parent_id'),
Column('kid_id', Integer, ForeignKey('kids.kid_id'),
mapper(Parent_x_Kid, parent_x_kid, properties={
'parent':relation(Parent, lazy=False),
'kid':relation(Kid, lazy=False)
mapper(Parent, parents, properties={
Parent_x_Kid, cascade='all, delete-orphan', lazy=True)
mapper(Kid, kids, properties={
Parent_x_Kid, cascade='all, delete-orphan', lazy=True)
session = create_session()
p_s = [Parent('A'), Parent('B'), Parent('C'), Parent('D')]
k_s = [Kid('a'), Kid('b'), Kid('c'), Kid('d'), Kid('e')]
[session.save(x) for x in p_s]
[session.save(x) for x in k_s]
session.clear() # LINE 77, delete to make this code work
have_a_kid('A', 'a')
have_a_kid('B', 'b')
have_a_kid('C', 'b')
have_a_kid('D', 'c')
have_a_kid('A', 'b') # fails with 'stale association proxy...'
have_a_kid('A', 'c')
have_a_kid('B', 'c')
have_a_kid('A', 'e')
pA = session.query(Parent).filter_by(parent_name = 'A').one()
print pA
print   , pA.kids
pB = session.query(Parent).filter_by(parent_name = 'B').one()
print pB
print   , pB.kids
ka = session.query(Kid).filter_by(kid_name = 'a').one()
print ka
print   , ka.parents
kb = session.query(Kid).filter_by(kid_name = 'b').one()
print kb
print   , kb.parents

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[sqlalchemy] Re: association proxy error: stale association proxy

2008-04-29 Thread Paul K

I understand why I'm seeing the error.  But should the user really be
required to keep the parent around in a variable?  I would have
thought that the session would be tracking each successive changes.
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[sqlalchemy] Re: association proxy error: stale association proxy

2008-04-29 Thread jason kirtland

Paul K wrote:
 The following code duplicates a situation I'm seeing with the
 association proxy.  There are at least two ways I can avoid having the
 error happen.  But since I wasn't sure if the error is a usage error,
 I wanted to post here first before implementing my work around.  One
 work around for the test code is to delete/comment out line 77
 (commented as such).

 I understand why I'm seeing the error.  But should the user really be
 required to keep the parent around in a variable?  I would have
 thought that the session would be tracking each successive changes.

This is fixed in the trunk @ r4593.  The issue was in association 
proxy's handling of a stale cache attribute it stashes on instances and 
was fundamentally:

   p_copy = copy.copy(parent)
   del parent
   p_copy.kids.append(a_kid)  # previously, boom

That's similar to what was going under the orm hood with the modified 
instances coming in and out of scope in have_a_kid.

The patch in the trunk is pretty small, but if that's not an option you 
can work around the issue somewhat painfully by removing the cache 
attribute from instances:

   for attr in dir(p_copy):
   if attr.startswith('_AssociationProxy_kid_associations_'):
   delattr(p_copy, attr)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Concrete inheritance woes

2008-04-29 Thread az

g'day Gaetan
u could try my tests and play with DB_inheritance=concrete to see my 
experience so far with dbcook (not documented i know but works4me) 
and its tests. also u can look up the mailgroup history for my own 
concrete-related complaints... most of them have hit unimplemented 
parts of SA so they stopped there. 
codewise, see mapcontext.py and mapper-stuff in builder.py. Most of 
logic is about whether an object is being split into tables 
(joined) or not (concrete). 

i also have mixed inheritance (parts of the hierarchy this way, part 
another, then again), but thats even further the track. IMO should 
work once the pure concrete is ok. 
btw did u get single inh to work 100%? i didnt bother to finish it... 
no time/usecase.

i guess some of the things might have cleared since recent 
introduction of with_polymorphic, but i havent tried really...
dbcook is still using select_table so needs some rework.

hmm as i see current SA trunk does not work now with exactly some 
concrete tests, and some other issues of me using under-cover things. 
as a rough guess, v4300 seems to work.

./dbcook/tests$ make abc
will do all inheritances, AB only, ~200 cases, no C-level. 
ok on v4300; 3 fails (inh=c) on recent trunk

./dbcook/tests$ make abcj
will do joined inh, A+B+C, ~6000 cases. 
ok on v4300; ok on trunk

./dbcook/tests$ make abc ARGS=doC inhs=c
will run concrete inh, ~6000 cases... 
as i see 24% fail at v4300. 
IMO most of these are the below adressing-related

./dbcook/tests$ make abc ARGS=doC
will run everything, ~14000 cases, ~1/2 hour

things i remember right now (long time havent looked into that)
 - for proper addresing, primary key has to be somehow id+type; 
otherwise there is A with id=1 and also B with id=1 and C and... so 
cannot singly-reference an object.
 - all relations and some others (e.g. post_update in my case) has to 
be manualy inherited (=copied) - since day 1 i tried it. 
at certain time there were more issues around it.
 - *-to-many relations are terra-incognita, as they combine 
polymorphism with addressing...
 - once A,B,C works, try A,B,C,D in a case or two, all levels should 
have instances (A too!). only that covers it all (base + 2 levels + 
leaf, thats two overlapping 3-levels. uncovers SA logic at different 

btw, if Mike is about delving into all this now, i think i have some 
time to look around it, at least move onto with_polymorphic.


On Monday 28 April 2008 19:07:51 Gaetan de Menten wrote:
 Hi there,

 I've been playing with concrete inheritance a bit these days
 (trying to implement it into Elixir). I've run into several
 problems, which might be known limitations, but I'd like to know
 for sure or be shown what I've done wrong...

 The two problems I get involve a chain of classes inheriting from
 one another: class C inherits from class B which inherits from
 class A. The first problem is that I can get a polymorphic load
 starting from class B. I'd like it to return instances of class C,
 along with the instances from class B. Querying class A works as
 expected though (return instances of A, B and C).
 See multi_level_concrete.py for what I tried. (It's a
 hacked/standalone version of the unit tests found in SA itself).
 FWIW, I run them with nosetest.

 The second (probably related) problem is that I can't get
 relationships to work polymorphically. I'd like to have a
 relationship to the B class. Since I've read in the doc that the
 relation is not inherited automatically, I tried duplicating
 manually, but then it doesn't work polymorphically... Anyway, see
 concrete_with_relations.py for my experimentations.

 Thanks in advance for any pointer on this,

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Concrete inheritance woes

2008-04-29 Thread Michael Bayer

On Apr 29, 2008, at 2:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 btw, if Mike is about delving into all this now, i think i have some
 time to look around it, at least move onto with_polymorphic.

if you're going to deal with future functionality, go work with the  
user_defined_state branch for now, which will soon be merged to trunk  
as 0.5. The internals of with_polymorphic are again highly modified  

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[sqlalchemy] Re: association proxy error: stale association proxy

2008-04-29 Thread Paul K

Thanks.  That fixed what I was seeing.

Paul Kippes

On Apr 29, 1:49 pm, jason kirtland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Paul K wrote:
  The following code duplicates a situation I'm seeing with the
  association proxy.  There are at least two ways I can avoid having the
  error happen.  But since I wasn't sure if the error is a usage error,
  I wanted to post here first before implementing my work around.  One
  work around for the test code is to delete/comment out line 77
  (commented as such).
  I understand why I'm seeing the error.  But should the user really be
  required to keep the parent around in a variable?  I would have
  thought that the session would be tracking each successive changes.

 This is fixed in the trunk @ r4593.  The issue was in association
 proxy's handling of a stale cache attribute it stashes on instances and
 was fundamentally:

p_copy = copy.copy(parent)
del parent
p_copy.kids.append(a_kid)  # previously, boom

 That's similar to what was going under the orm hood with the modified
 instances coming in and out of scope in have_a_kid.

 The patch in the trunk is pretty small, but if that's not an option you
 can work around the issue somewhat painfully by removing the cache
 attribute from instances:

for attr in dir(p_copy):
if attr.startswith('_AssociationProxy_kid_associations_'):
delattr(p_copy, attr)
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[sqlalchemy] is MapperExtension.after_update() called before the UPDATE is issued to the DB?

2008-04-29 Thread David Bonner

Hi, I'm trying to write a mapper extension that notifies a daemon
about changes made to the DB that it needs to care about.  But it
looks like after_update() is actually getting called before the UPDATE
is sent to the db.

Not knowing a better way to debug it, I just threw a pdb.set_trace()
into my after_update method to pause the process making the change,
then queried the db directly using sql.  It looks like the change
hasn't made it to the DB yet, even though pdb.set_trace() is being

I'm using 0.4.3, with psycopg2.

Is this a known bug?  Or am I just using the MapperExtension

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

david bonner
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[sqlalchemy] Re: subquery and inheritance

2008-04-29 Thread kris

If I add a simple correlate feature to Query in 0.5, you can use the
raw Table object to bypass the ORM meaning of Dataset and Base.
the query above is not quite complete but I can get an approximation
like this:

Is this functionality available currently or am I waiting for
sqlalchemy 0.5?

If I try the above constructs I am getting
AttributeError: 'PGCompiler' object has no attribute 'mapped_table'

 So I think going forward, the concept of use the Table objects
 directly when you want to bypass the higher level meaning of
 Dataset.id, i.e. that its selecting from a join of Dataset and Base,
 might be a good way to go with this.

Is there a branch (or trunk) that I should be using


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