Re: [sqlalchemy] (OperationalError) no such column when child class uses different name for primary key in polymorphic relationship and a subselect issued

2015-11-23 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips
Thanks Michael.

On Saturday, 21 November 2015 22:35:14 UTC, Michael Bayer wrote:
> On 11/20/2015 12:20 PM, Martin Pengelly-Phillips wrote: 
> > Hi there, 
> > 
> > Using SQLAlchemy 1.0.9 
> > 
> > I am dealing with some legacy code and came across the following issue. 
> > It appears that in a polymorphic relationship SQLAlchemy is not able to 
> > correctly determine what to load for a relationship when using a 
> > subselect (due to limit on query) and child class has a different field 
> > name for the primary key. 
> > 
> > Here is a reproducible test case to show the issue better: 
> > 
> > | 
> > fromuuid importuuid1 asuuid 
> > 
> > importsqlalchemy 
> > importsqlalchemy.orm 
> > fromsqlalchemy import( 
> > Column,Unicode,ForeignKey,CHAR,Boolean,UniqueConstraint 
> > ) 
> > fromsqlalchemy.orm importrelationship,backref,synonym 
> > fromsqlalchemy.ext.declarative importdeclarative_base,declared_attr 
> > 
> > 
> > Base=declarative_base() 
> > 
> > 
> > classContext(Base): 
> > '''Represent a context.''' 
> > 
> > __tablename__ ='context' 
> > 
> > context_type =Column(Unicode(32),nullable=False) 
> > 
> > __mapper_args__ ={ 
> > 'polymorphic_on':context_type, 
> > 'polymorphic_identity':'context' 
> > } 
> > 
> > id =Column(CHAR(36),primary_key=True,default=lambda:str(uuid())) 
> > 
> > 
> > classTask(Context): 
> > '''Represent a task.''' 
> > 
> > __tablename__ ='task' 
> > 
> > __mapper_args__ ={ 
> > 'polymorphic_identity':'task' 
> > } 
> > 
> > # Change this and references to it to 'id' to fix issue. 
> > task_id =Column( 
> > CHAR(36), 
> > ForeignKey(''), 
> > primary_key=True 
> > ) 
> > 
> > scopes =relationship('Scope',secondary='task_scope') 
> > 
> > 
> > classScope(Base): 
> > '''Represent a Scope.''' 
> > 
> > __tablename__ ='scope' 
> > 
> > id =Column(CHAR(36),primary_key=True,default=lambda:str(uuid())) 
> > 
> > 
> > classTaskScope(Base): 
> > '''Represent a relation between a scope and a task.''' 
> > 
> > __tablename__ ='task_scope' 
> > 
> > id =Column(CHAR(36),primary_key=True,default=lambda:str(uuid())) 
> > 
> > scope_id =Column(CHAR(36),ForeignKey(,nullable=False) 
> > 
> > task_id =Column(CHAR(36),ForeignKey(Task.task_id),nullable=False) 
> > 
> > 
> > defmain(): 
> > '''Execute test.''' 
> > engine =sqlalchemy.create_engine('sqlite://') 
> > Base.metadata.create_all(engine) 
> > Session=sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine) 
> > 
> > session =Session() 
> > 
> > task =Task() 
> > scope =Scope() 
> > 
> > session.add(task) 
> > session.add(scope) 
> > session.commit() 
> > 
> > link =TaskScope(,task_id=task.task_id) 
> > session.add(link) 
> > session.commit() 
> > 
> > query =session.query(Task).options( 
> > sqlalchemy.orm.load_only('context_type'), 
> > sqlalchemy.orm.joinedload('scopes').load_only() 
> > ).limit(10) 
> > printquery 
> > 
> > results =query.all() 
> > printresults 
> > 
> > 
> > if__name__ =='__main__': 
> > main() 
> > | 
> > 
> > Running the above gives: 
> > 
> > | 
> > sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError:(sqlite3.OperationalError)nosuch 
> > column:task.task_id [SQL:u'SELECT anon_1.context_context_type AS 
> > anon_1_context_context_type, anon_1.context_id AS anon_1_context_id, 
> > anon_2.scope_1_id AS scope_1_id \nFROM (SELECT context.context_type AS 
> > context_context_type, AS context_id \nFROM context JOIN task 
> > ON = task.task_id\n LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) AS anon_1 LEFT OUTER 
> > JOIN (SELECT AS task_scope_1_id, task_scope_1.scope_id 
> > AS task_scope_1_scope_id, task_scope_1.task_id AS task_scope_1_task_id, 
> > AS scope_1_id \nFROM task_scope AS task_scope_1 JOIN scope 
> AS 
> > scope_1 ON = task_scope_1.scope_id) AS anon_2 ON 
> task.task_id 
> > = anon_2.task_scope_1_task_id'][parameters:(10,0)] 
> > | 
> > 
> > 
> > If you change 'task_id' to 'id' (and references to it) then the query 
> > will now work c

[sqlalchemy] (OperationalError) no such column when child class uses different name for primary key in polymorphic relationship and a subselect issued

2015-11-20 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips
Hi there,

Using SQLAlchemy 1.0.9

I am dealing with some legacy code and came across the following issue. It 
appears that in a polymorphic relationship SQLAlchemy is not able to 
correctly determine what to load for a relationship when using a subselect 
(due to limit on query) and child class has a different field name for the 
primary key.

Here is a reproducible test case to show the issue better:

from uuid import uuid1 as uuid

import sqlalchemy
import sqlalchemy.orm
from sqlalchemy import (
Column, Unicode, ForeignKey, CHAR, Boolean, UniqueConstraint
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref, synonym
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base, declared_attr

Base = declarative_base()

class Context(Base):
'''Represent a context.'''

__tablename__ = 'context'

context_type = Column(Unicode(32), nullable=False)

__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_on': context_type,
'polymorphic_identity': 'context'

id = Column(CHAR(36), primary_key=True, default=lambda: str(uuid()))

class Task(Context):
'''Represent a task.'''

__tablename__ = 'task'

__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'task'

# Change this and references to it to 'id' to fix issue.
task_id = Column(

scopes = relationship('Scope', secondary='task_scope')

class Scope(Base):
'''Represent a Scope.'''

__tablename__ = 'scope'

id = Column(CHAR(36), primary_key=True, default=lambda: str(uuid()))

class TaskScope(Base):
'''Represent a relation between a scope and a task.'''

__tablename__ = 'task_scope'

id = Column(CHAR(36), primary_key=True, default=lambda: str(uuid()))

scope_id = Column(CHAR(36), ForeignKey(, nullable=False)

task_id = Column(CHAR(36), ForeignKey(Task.task_id), nullable=False)

def main():
'''Execute test.'''
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('sqlite://')
Session = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine)

session = Session()

task = Task()
scope = Scope()


link = TaskScope(, task_id=task.task_id)

query = session.query(Task).options(
print query

results = query.all()
print results

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running the above gives:

sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) no such column: 
task.task_id [SQL: u'SELECT anon_1.context_context_type AS 
anon_1_context_context_type, anon_1.context_id AS anon_1_context_id, 
anon_2.scope_1_id AS scope_1_id \nFROM (SELECT context.context_type AS 
context_context_type, AS context_id \nFROM context JOIN task ON = task.task_id\n LIMIT ? OFFSET ?) AS anon_1 LEFT OUTER JOIN 
(SELECT AS task_scope_1_id, task_scope_1.scope_id AS 
task_scope_1_scope_id, task_scope_1.task_id AS task_scope_1_task_id, AS scope_1_id \nFROM task_scope AS task_scope_1 JOIN scope AS 
scope_1 ON = task_scope_1.scope_id) AS anon_2 ON task.task_id = 
anon_2.task_scope_1_task_id'] [parameters: (10, 0)]

If you change 'task_id' to 'id' (and references to it) then the query will 
now work correctly.

As I mentioned this is legacy code so there are many references to task_id 
throughout the code base unfortunately. I have found a workaround by using 
a synonym, but wanted to report the issue to see if the failure is expected 
and there is a requirement for the primary key field names to match or not.



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[sqlalchemy] Access foreign key value after collection modification before flush

2015-07-18 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

I'm curious about the behaviour of foreign keys when modifying collections 
as I want to be able to get the value before flush for some business logic 

The following is a cut down version of the association list example:

import uuid

from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Integer, String, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, relationship, backref
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()

class TreeNode(Base):
__tablename__ = 'tree'

id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True)

parent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(id))

children = relationship(
'TreeNode', backref=backref('parent', remote_side=id)

def __init__(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs):
if id is None:
id = str(uuid.uuid4()) = id
super(TreeNode, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

if __name__ == '__main__':
engine = create_engine('sqlite://')

session = Session(engine)

node = TreeNode()
print  # some uuid

child_node = TreeNode()

# Question: Why is parent_id not set to even though it was 
print child_node.parent_id

Note that the child_node.parent_id is None even though the referenced value 
was present in the session. I know a flush will fix this, but I want to 
check this value is not None for certain 'types' of node before flush if 

Is there a way to configure that behaviour or should I be creating my own 
collection listeners to handle this?



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[sqlalchemy] Custom Comparator with order_by

2008-06-06 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

Hi there,

Quick question - is it possible to get a custom comparator to work
with order_by?
At present my code based on SA/examples/vertical/dictlike- raises a NotImplementedError when attempting to use the
value in an order_by statement.



q = (session.query(Animal).
 filter(Animal.facts.any(AnimalFact.value ==
print 'any animal with a .value of 5', q.all()
 raise NotImplementedError(%r % self)
 NotImplementedError: __main__.Comparator object at 0x12710b0

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Merge fails with ComparableProperty

2008-06-03 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

Thanks as always for the quick response and fix.

As a slight aside; I am using a MapperExtension to create an attribute
on an object. When the object is stored, reloaded and then merged back
into a session this attribute is no longer available.

Any thoughts on why this might be?



Pseudo code:
class EntityMapperExtension(MapperExtension):
def populate_instance(self, mapper, selectcontext, row, instance,
if not hasattr(instance, 'property'): = PropertyDict(instance)

obj = Entity()['group']  [prop1, prop2]
store[id] = obj
session = Session()
obj = session.merge(store[id])['group']  AttributeError: 'Entity' object has no
attribute 'property'

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[sqlalchemy] Merge fails with ComparableProperty

2008-06-03 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

Hi there,

In SA 0.4.6 I get the following failure when attempting to merge an
object that contains a ComparableProperty:
   prop.merge(self, instance, merged, dont_load, _recursive)
 TypeError: merge() takes exactly 4 arguments (6 given)

Is this something I am doing wrong or a bug?




import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import Column, Table, types
from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, comparable_property
from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import PropComparator

engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('sqlite:///', echo=False)
metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData()
metadata.bind = engine
Session =
transactional=True, bind=engine))
mapper = Session.mapper

class PolymorphicProperty(object):

class Comparator(PropComparator):
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._value == other._value

def __init__(self, key=None, value=None):
self.key = key
self.value = value

def _getValue(self):
return self._value

def _setValue(self, value):
setattr(self, '_value', value)

value = property(_getValue, _setValue)

def __str__(self):
return '%s:%s %s=%s' % (self.__class__.__name__,,
self.key, self.value)

table = Table('polymorphicProperties', metadata,
Column('id', types.Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('key', types.String(20), nullable=False,
Column('_value', types.Text, default=None),



sess = Session()
prop = PolymorphicProperty(key='name', value='Bob')
print prop

sess = Session()
# This Fails

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Merge fails with ComparableProperty

2008-06-03 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

Upgraded to 0.5 trunk and all works fine now.
Thank you again for your help.


On Jun 3, 5:23 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 merge() makes a copy of the object in a similar manner as which it
 would be loaded from the DB for the first time, using __new__ instead
 of __init__ and assigning state according to the available
 MapperPropertys.  Since your state relies upon extra steps in
 populate_instance, theres no corresponding hook within merge().

 0.5 has a better hook than populate_instance for post-load activities
 which is consistently called whenever an instance is reconsituted.

 On Jun 3, 2008, at 11:08 AM, Martin Pengelly-Phillips wrote:

  Thanks as always for the quick response and fix.

  As a slight aside; I am using a MapperExtension to create an attribute
  on an object. When the object is stored, reloaded and then merged back
  into a session this attribute is no longer available.

  Any thoughts on why this might be?



  Pseudo code:
  class EntityMapperExtension(MapperExtension):
 def populate_instance(self, mapper, selectcontext, row, instance,
 if not hasattr(instance, 'property'): = PropertyDict(instance)

  obj = Entity()['group']  [prop1, prop2]
  store[id] = obj
  session = Session()
  obj = session.merge(store[id])['group']  AttributeError: 'Entity' object has no
  attribute 'property'
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[sqlalchemy] Re: Merge fails with ComparableProperty

2008-06-03 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

Hmmm...I read your last mail as populate_instance works better in
0.5, but looking again I see that wasn't what you meant.
As it is I just left my code as is and after upgrading to 0.5 it just

On Jun 3, 7:51 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 er, what's the reconsistute hook you're using ?   we havent made a
 public API for it yet.  we're discussing it on ticket #1070 since I'd
 like to get one in there for you.
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[sqlalchemy] Re: Custom comparator with in_ (and subqueries)

2008-05-28 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

Hello again,

I have implemented the in_() method which works great for all the
'normal' fields, but throws recursion errors when trying to deal with
the relation to another entity.

Cutting it down to one line:

# print
  File sqlalchemy/orm/, line 311, in operate
return op(self, *other, **kwargs)
  File sqlalchemy/sql/, line 47, in in_op
return a.in_(b)
  File sqlalchemy/sql/, line 1242, in in_
return self.operate(operators.in_op, other)
  File sqlalchemy/orm/, line 311, in operate
return op(self, *other, **kwargs)
  RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

Obviously I could use
# print

but I thought it worth checking if the first case should work.



On May 27, 9:09 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On May 27, 2008, at 3:11 PM, Martin Pengelly-Phillips wrote:

  Hi Michael,

  Thank you for the quick response. I had thought about using a
  straightforward OR statement - are you suggesting that this would form
  the body of the in_() method on the Comparator or were you referring
  more to just compiling the OR statements in the base query?

 i was saying the result of in_() would be a construct like:

 or_(*[col1.in_([x,y,z]), col2.in_([d, e, f]), ...])

  Also, what is the correct expression for defining a subquery with the
  ORM interface (I gather my embedded session.query statement currently
  evaluates as a separate statement to return the list of candidates).

 any select() constituites a subquery when placed wihtin an enclosing
 select().   Often its a good idea to further enclose it in an Alias
 construct by saying select().alias().  Read through the SQL expression
 tutorial for examples.

 the subquery() method on Query wouldn't be used inside of a Comparator
 since theres no Query object available in those methods and its an
 overly heavy-handed approach at that level.
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[sqlalchemy] Re: Custom comparator with in_ (and subqueries)

2008-05-28 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

Ah, apologies Michael - I should have mentioned that I am using the
svn 0.5 checkout.
In 0.4 it does raise NotImplementedError.
In 0.5 it causes a recursion error.

I understand that the working copy will be more susceptible to bugs
etc so please take this as a note rather than a major issue.
In the meantime I am just checking against the id field instead.

On May 28, 3:33 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 in_() is not normally implemented for relation()s.  I think the
 recursion overflow on in_() was a bug at some point which has since
 been fixed (and it raises NotImplementedError instead), but I'm not
 able to isolate at the moment if it was fixed for the 0.4 series or not.
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[sqlalchemy] Re: Custom comparator with in_ (and subqueries)

2008-05-27 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

Hi Michael,

Thank you for the quick response. I had thought about using a
straightforward OR statement - are you suggesting that this would form
the body of the in_() method on the Comparator or were you referring
more to just compiling the OR statements in the base query?

Also, what is the correct expression for defining a subquery with the
ORM interface (I gather my embedded session.query statement currently
evaluates as a separate statement to return the list of candidates).



On May 27, 7:33 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 at its most simplistic level, IN is just a bunch of X=Y joined
 together via OR.  Can that approach work here ?  (seems like it would
 be the best way considering its polymorphic scalar elements being
 compared).  At a higher level, seems like you'd want to group elements
 of common types together, and produce a list of the form (type1 IN
 (list of type 1s) OR type2 IN (list of type 2s) ).

 On May 27, 2008, at 2:25 PM, Martin Pengelly-Phillips wrote:

  Hi there,

  Just came back to some code after a bit of a break and can't seem to
  get my head around how to correctly use the in_ method with a custom
  comparator and also the orm subquery functionality.

  See attached file for an outline of my approach.

  You will see that I am stuck on how to correctly form the last query:
  Roughly: select all entities with property (key='association' and
  value IN (subquery))

  It looks like I need to define an in_() method on my custom
  comparator and then possibly use the orm subquery() method for the

  It all feels like it should be straight forward, but the gears just
  aren't turning at the moment so any pointers would be greatly



  import sys
  from datetime import datetime
  from sqlalchemy import *
  from sqlalchemy.orm import *
  from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import *

  # Database
  engine = create_engine('sqlite:///')
  metadata = MetaData()
  Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=True,
  transactional=False, bind=engine))
  mapper = Session.mapper

  # Class: Entity
  class Entity(object):

 def __init__(self, properties=None): = []
 if properties is not None:

  # Table: entities
  entityTable = Table('entities', metadata,
 Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
 Column('_entityType', String(30), nullable=False),

  # Table: entitiesPolymorphicProperties
  entityPolymorphicPropertyTable =
  Table('entitiesPolymorphicProperties', metadata,
 Column('entity_id', Integer,
 Column('polymorphicProperty_id', Integer,

  # Class: PolymorphicProperty
  class PolymorphicProperty(object):

 typeMap = {
str:  ('text','text'),
int: ('integer','integer'),
float: ('float','float'),
datetime: ('datetime','datetime'),
Entity: ('entity','entity'),
type(None): (None, None)

 def __init__(self, key=None, value=None):
 self.key = key
 self.value = value

 def _getValue(self):
 for discriminator, field in self.typeMap.values():
 if self.type == discriminator:
 return getattr(self, field)
 return None

 def _setValue(self, value):
 # Check type of value can be handled
 pyType = type(value)
 if pyType not in self.typeMap:
 if isinstance(value, Entity):
 pyType = Entity
 raise TypeError(pyType)

 # Set real values and current type of property
 # Resets all real values no longer matching type to None
 for fieldType in self.typeMap:
 discriminator, field = self.typeMap[fieldType]
 fieldValue = None
 if pyType == fieldType:
 self.type = discriminator
 fieldValue = value
 if field is not None:
 setattr(self, field, fieldValue)

 def _delValue(self, value):

 value = property(_getValue, _setValue, _delValue, doc='''Logical
  value of this property''')

 # Class: Comparator
 class Comparator(PropComparator):

 castableMap = {
int: (Integer, Text, Float),
str: (Text,),
float: (Float, Text),
datetime: (DateTime, Text),

[sqlalchemy] Re: Custom comparator with in_ (and subqueries)

2008-05-27 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

That makes sense - thanks again.


On May 27, 9:09 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On May 27, 2008, at 3:11 PM, Martin Pengelly-Phillips wrote:

  Hi Michael,

  Thank you for the quick response. I had thought about using a
  straightforward OR statement - are you suggesting that this would form
  the body of the in_() method on the Comparator or were you referring
  more to just compiling the OR statements in the base query?

 i was saying the result of in_() would be a construct like:

 or_(*[col1.in_([x,y,z]), col2.in_([d, e, f]), ...])

  Also, what is the correct expression for defining a subquery with the
  ORM interface (I gather my embedded session.query statement currently
  evaluates as a separate statement to return the list of candidates).

 any select() constituites a subquery when placed wihtin an enclosing
 select().   Often its a good idea to further enclose it in an Alias
 construct by saying select().alias().  Read through the SQL expression
 tutorial for examples.

 the subquery() method on Query wouldn't be used inside of a Comparator
 since theres no Query object available in those methods and its an
 overly heavy-handed approach at that level.
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[sqlalchemy] Re: Many to many self referential relationship.

2008-02-21 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

Hi Michael,

As expected the trunk works perfectly.
I am also looking into the comparator example you pointed to as this
looks like it will help with a couple of other implementation details
as well.

Thanks again,


On Feb 20, 10:25 pm, Martin Pengelly-Phillips
 Thank you Michael - it's always good to get some validation when
 pushing your own knowledge of a system.
 I'll check out the trunk tomorrow, give it a whirl and report any
 findings then.

 Thanks again for the quick response,


 On Feb 20, 6:31 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Feb 20, 2008, at 1:01 PM, Martin Pengelly-Phillips wrote:

   I have attempted to solve this by using the concept of
   'forwardAssociations' with a backref of 'backwardAssociations' and
   then a custom property 'associations' that retrieves and sets the real
   attributes accordingly (let me know if you would like to see this code
   as well). However, even with this set up I find it hard to figure out
   how to then perform a query such as:

   # Get all entities that are in some way associated with entity 2
   (without using entity2.associations property)

   The query this generates though uses the same id for both sides of the
   association table which cannot therefore result in a match: = entitiesEntities.entity1_id AND
   entitiesEntities.entity2_id = AND = ?

  well i think everything you're doing is on the right track.  The any()
  operator and its friends have just been repaired in the latest trunk
  to recognize a self-referential relation and apply the appropriate
  aliasing to half of the join condition.  I haven't tested it with a
  many-to-many self referential yet but I think it should work.  give it
  a try and let me know what you get; I can add some m2m tests for it
  and ensure that its working if its not already.

  we also are working on getting better support for user-defined custom
  properties going such that they can be seamlessly used within Queries,
  so that you could also construct your query using your associations
  property, if you can define how comparison operations should be done.
  There is a way to do this right now using a slight bit of non-public
  API, where you can see an example of such 
; the comparable_property allows the injection of a Comparator
  object from where you can define things like __eq__(), any(), etc.
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[sqlalchemy] Re: Many to many self referential relationship.

2008-02-20 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

Thank you Michael - it's always good to get some validation when
pushing your own knowledge of a system.
I'll check out the trunk tomorrow, give it a whirl and report any
findings then.

Thanks again for the quick response,


On Feb 20, 6:31 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 20, 2008, at 1:01 PM, Martin Pengelly-Phillips wrote:

  I have attempted to solve this by using the concept of
  'forwardAssociations' with a backref of 'backwardAssociations' and
  then a custom property 'associations' that retrieves and sets the real
  attributes accordingly (let me know if you would like to see this code
  as well). However, even with this set up I find it hard to figure out
  how to then perform a query such as:

  # Get all entities that are in some way associated with entity 2
  (without using entity2.associations property)

  The query this generates though uses the same id for both sides of the
  association table which cannot therefore result in a match: = entitiesEntities.entity1_id AND
  entitiesEntities.entity2_id = AND = ?

 well i think everything you're doing is on the right track.  The any()
 operator and its friends have just been repaired in the latest trunk
 to recognize a self-referential relation and apply the appropriate
 aliasing to half of the join condition.  I haven't tested it with a
 many-to-many self referential yet but I think it should work.  give it
 a try and let me know what you get; I can add some m2m tests for it
 and ensure that its working if its not already.

 we also are working on getting better support for user-defined custom
 properties going such that they can be seamlessly used within Queries,
 so that you could also construct your query using your associations
 property, if you can define how comparison operations should be done.
 There is a way to do this right now using a slight bit of non-public
 API, where you can see an example of such 
   ; the comparable_property allows the injection of a Comparator
 object from where you can define things like __eq__(), any(), etc.
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[sqlalchemy] Re: Slow relation based assignment.

2007-12-10 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

hey mike,

Just to confirm - trunk fixes problem with deletion.
Additionally, I have removed the lazy loading condition and it
maintains the speed of the query.

Thanks again to the team,


On Dec 7, 4:14 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hey martin -

 this bug is fixed in trunk r3868, so if you use the svn trunk you can
 either keep using the dynamic or go back to the regular relation, you
 should be good in both cases.

 - mike

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Slow relation based assignment.

2007-12-07 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

Hello again Michael,

Have read the documentation you referenced, but am still unsure how to
now delete a Tag without generating the following error: (Note - using
Postgres in production)

(IntegrityError) update or delete on tags violates foreign key
constraint employeesTags_tag_id_fkey on employeesTags
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(3) is still referenced from table employeesTags.
 'DELETE FROM tags WHERE = %(id)s' {'id': 3}

Without the lazy='dynamic' it works fine (correctly deletes entries
from employeesTags first).

The delete operation I am performing is:

entry = session.query(Tag).filter_by(id=3).first()
except Exception, error:
print error
print 'Deleted successfully'

Thanks again for all your help so far,


On Dec 5, 5:27 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi martin -

 the issue is that each Tag object contains a collection of 1000
 employees on it, and when you make an assignment in the forwards
 direction (i.e. employee.tag.append(sometag)), the corresponding
 reverse relation needs to be fully loaded and then updated according
 to backref semantics.  since you're using eager loading by default
 between employees and tags, there is a load of 20,000 rows each time
 an uninitialized tags.employees collection is touched.

 To prevent the backref from being unnecessarily loaded, and since it
 is a large collection, you should use a dynamic collection for the

 mapper(Employee, employees, properties={
 'tags': relation(Tag,
 secondary=employeesTags,backref=backref('employees', lazy='dynamic'),


 mapper(Tag, tags)

 the employees collection on Tag is now a filterable Query object
 which only queries when read from, and you'll see that the time goes
 down to nothing.  you can also append and delete from a dynamic
 collection like a regular list.

 large collection techniques are discussed 

 we do have a ticket in trac to try improving upon backrefs to not load
 unloaded collections in any case, this is ticket #871.

 On Dec 5, 12:07 pm, Martin Pengelly-Phillips

  Hello again,

  I have recently noticed that a particular assignment seems to be
  taking a relatively long time.
  Not being a database expert I am confused as to whether the last
  assignment 'person.tags = tags' should be so slow when referencing
  existing tags that are used by other entities - it seems to try and
  get a list of all employees that use the given tag and then spends the
  time doing something with the resulting set, but why?

  Test case below.

  If the slow assignment is expected do you have any advice on how to
  speed up such a statement?

  Thank you in advance,



  import os, datetime, time
  from sqlalchemy import *
  from sqlalchemy.orm import *

  file = '/tmp/test.db'
  if os.path.isfile(file): os.remove(file)
  engine = create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % file, echo=True)
  metadata = MetaData()
  Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=True,
  transactional=False, bind=engine))
  mapper = Session.mapper

  # Classes
  class Employee(object):
  def __init__(self, name=None): = name

  def __repr__(self):
  return '%s:%s' % (,

  class Tag(object):
  def __init__(self, label):
  self.label = label

  # Setup tables
  employees = Table('employees', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String, nullable=False,
Column('dob', DateTime, nullable=False,,

  tags = Table('tags', metadata,
  Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
  Column('label', String, nullable=False),

  employeesTags = Table('employeesTags', metadata,
  Column('employee_id', Integer,
  Column('tag_id', Integer,

  # Mappers
  mapper(Employee, employees, properties={
  'tags': relation(Tag, secondary=employeesTags,
  backref='employees', lazy=False)})

  mapper(Tag, tags)

  # Test
  session = Session()

  tags = []
  for i in xrange(20):
  tag = Tag(str(

  for i in xrange(1000):
  p = Employee('john%d' % i)
  p.tags = tags



[sqlalchemy] Re: Slow relation based assignment.

2007-12-07 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

hey Mike,

Thanks for the update - I'll try it out tomorrow.


p.s. Have I mentioned you guys provide the best support I have
encountered in a long time (including commercial products).

On Dec 7, 4:14 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hey martin -

 this bug is fixed in trunk r3868, so if you use the svn trunk you can
 either keep using the dynamic or go back to the regular relation, you
 should be good in both cases.

 - mike

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Slow relation based assignment.

2007-12-05 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

Thank you Michael - I had completely missed the backref full load.

On Dec 5, 5:27 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi martin -

 the issue is that each Tag object contains a collection of 1000
 employees on it, and when you make an assignment in the forwards
 direction (i.e. employee.tag.append(sometag)), the corresponding
 reverse relation needs to be fully loaded and then updated according
 to backref semantics.  since you're using eager loading by default
 between employees and tags, there is a load of 20,000 rows each time
 an uninitialized tags.employees collection is touched.

 To prevent the backref from being unnecessarily loaded, and since it
 is a large collection, you should use a dynamic collection for the

 mapper(Employee, employees, properties={
 'tags': relation(Tag,
 secondary=employeesTags,backref=backref('employees', lazy='dynamic'),


 mapper(Tag, tags)

 the employees collection on Tag is now a filterable Query object
 which only queries when read from, and you'll see that the time goes
 down to nothing.  you can also append and delete from a dynamic
 collection like a regular list.

 large collection techniques are discussed 

 we do have a ticket in trac to try improving upon backrefs to not load
 unloaded collections in any case, this is ticket #871.

 On Dec 5, 12:07 pm, Martin Pengelly-Phillips

  Hello again,

  I have recently noticed that a particular assignment seems to be
  taking a relatively long time.
  Not being a database expert I am confused as to whether the last
  assignment 'person.tags = tags' should be so slow when referencing
  existing tags that are used by other entities - it seems to try and
  get a list of all employees that use the given tag and then spends the
  time doing something with the resulting set, but why?

  Test case below.

  If the slow assignment is expected do you have any advice on how to
  speed up such a statement?

  Thank you in advance,



  import os, datetime, time
  from sqlalchemy import *
  from sqlalchemy.orm import *

  file = '/tmp/test.db'
  if os.path.isfile(file): os.remove(file)
  engine = create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % file, echo=True)
  metadata = MetaData()
  Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=True,
  transactional=False, bind=engine))
  mapper = Session.mapper

  # Classes
  class Employee(object):
  def __init__(self, name=None): = name

  def __repr__(self):
  return '%s:%s' % (,

  class Tag(object):
  def __init__(self, label):
  self.label = label

  # Setup tables
  employees = Table('employees', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String, nullable=False,
Column('dob', DateTime, nullable=False,,

  tags = Table('tags', metadata,
  Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
  Column('label', String, nullable=False),

  employeesTags = Table('employeesTags', metadata,
  Column('employee_id', Integer,
  Column('tag_id', Integer,

  # Mappers
  mapper(Employee, employees, properties={
  'tags': relation(Tag, secondary=employeesTags,
  backref='employees', lazy=False)})

  mapper(Tag, tags)

  # Test
  session = Session()

  tags = []
  for i in xrange(20):
  tag = Tag(str(

  for i in xrange(1000):
  p = Employee('john%d' % i)
  p.tags = tags


  tags = session.query(Tag).all()[:2]
  person = Employee('bob')

  started = time.time()
  person.tags = tags
  print 'Took:', time.time()-started


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[sqlalchemy] Slow relation based assignment.

2007-12-05 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

Hello again,

I have recently noticed that a particular assignment seems to be
taking a relatively long time.
Not being a database expert I am confused as to whether the last
assignment 'person.tags = tags' should be so slow when referencing
existing tags that are used by other entities - it seems to try and
get a list of all employees that use the given tag and then spends the
time doing something with the resulting set, but why?

Test case below.

If the slow assignment is expected do you have any advice on how to
speed up such a statement?

Thank you in advance,



import os, datetime, time
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

file = '/tmp/test.db'
if os.path.isfile(file): os.remove(file)
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % file, echo=True)
metadata = MetaData()
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=True,
transactional=False, bind=engine))
mapper = Session.mapper

# Classes
class Employee(object):
def __init__(self, name=None): = name

def __repr__(self):
return '%s:%s' % (,

class Tag(object):
def __init__(self, label):
self.label = label

# Setup tables
employees = Table('employees', metadata,
  Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
  Column('name', String, nullable=False,
  Column('dob', DateTime, nullable=False,,

tags = Table('tags', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('label', String, nullable=False),

employeesTags = Table('employeesTags', metadata,
Column('employee_id', Integer,
Column('tag_id', Integer,

# Mappers
mapper(Employee, employees, properties={
'tags': relation(Tag, secondary=employeesTags,
backref='employees', lazy=False)
mapper(Tag, tags)

# Test
session = Session()

tags = []
for i in xrange(20):
tag = Tag(str(

for i in xrange(1000):
p = Employee('john%d' % i)
p.tags = tags


tags = session.query(Tag).all()[:2]
person = Employee('bob')

started = time.time()
person.tags = tags
print 'Took:', time.time()-started


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[sqlalchemy] Inheritance and eager loading - is contains_eager the answer?

2007-11-29 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

Hi there,

I have been using sqlalchemy for the past month with great success.
However, recently I came across an unexpected situation. Essentially
the results I was retrieving from the database via an ORM query were
not including all the related attributes despite indicating eager
loading on the mapper using lazy=False.

I have created an example script (below) to highlight the results I
was getting. Note that after a bit of reading I discovered I could use
contains_eager() on the query to obtain the correct result, but I am
not sure if indeed this is the correct solution or if there is a flaw
in my setup/understanding of the system.

As I see it from the SQL the first query is placing a limit 1 at the
end of the full statement rather than as part of a subselect causing
only 1 Tag to be retrieved with the Employee rather than the expected



p.s. Apologies if the code displays badly - is there a format


from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

engine = create_engine('sqlite:tmp/example.db', echo=True)
metadata = MetaData()
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=True,
transactional=True, bind=engine))
mapper = Session.mapper

# Person
class Person(object):
def __init__(self): = None

class Employee(Person):
def __init__(self, name='bob'): = name

class Tag(object):
def __init__(self, label): = None
self.label = label

# Setup tables
people = Table('people', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('_type', String(30), nullable=False),

employees = Table('employees', metadata,
  Column('id', Integer, ForeignKey(''),

tags = Table('tags', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('label', String, nullable=False),

peopleTags = Table('peopleTags', metadata,
Column('person_id', Integer,
Column('tag_id', Integer,

# Mappers
mapper(Person, people, polymorphic_on=people.c._type,
mapper(Employee, employees, inherits=Person,
mapper(Tag, tags)

_mapper = class_mapper(Person)
_table = _mapper.local_table
_mapper.add_property('tags', relation(Tag, secondary=peopleTags,
backref='people', lazy=False))


# Test

session = Session()

bob = Employee()
tag = Tag('crazy')

tag = Tag('funny')

instance = session.query(Employee).filter_by(id=1).first()
print instance, instance.tags

instance =
print instance, instance.tags


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Inheritance and eager loading - is contains_eager the answer?

2007-11-29 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

Ah, thanks for the quick response Mike - I'll keep an eye out for the


On Nov 29, 3:05 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 29, 2007, at 7:54 AM, Martin Pengelly-Phillips wrote:

  Hi there,

  I have been using sqlalchemy for the past month with great success.
  However, recently I came across an unexpected situation. Essentially
  the results I was retrieving from the database via an ORM query were
  not including all the related attributes despite indicating eager
  loading on the mapper using lazy=False.

  I have created an example script (below) to highlight the results I
  was getting. Note that after a bit of reading I discovered I could use
  contains_eager() on the query to obtain the correct result, but I am
  not sure if indeed this is the correct solution or if there is a flaw
  in my setup/understanding of the system.

  As I see it from the SQL the first query is placing a limit 1 at the
  end of the full statement rather than as part of a subselect causing
  only 1 Tag to be retrieved with the Employee rather than the expected

 hey Martin -

 that is completely a bug in SA.  the query in the first test is not
 detecting that it needs to apply eager compilation rules when clearly
 it should.  Ill have it analyzed and fixed today.

 - mike

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