Re: [sqlalchemy] Parent child relationships

2014-02-14 Thread Michael Hipp

On 2/13/2014 11:45 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:
So for children above you need to spell out primaryjoin completely which is 
primaryjoin=and_(Animal.sire_id == Animal.id_, Animal.dam_id == 

Thought I was on the right track but now getting the exception below. Here's 
the model:

class Animal(Base):
__tablename__ = 'animals'
id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

sire_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('animals.id_'))
dam_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('animals.id_'))

sire = relationship('Animal', foreign_keys=[sire_id])
dam = relationship('Animal', foreign_keys=[dam_id])
pjoin = 'and_(Animal.sire_id == Animal.id_, Animal.dam_id == Animal.id_)'
children = relationship('Animal', foreign_keys=[sire_id, dam_id],

So I attempt to put in the first object, which is to be a bit special:

unknown = Animal(id_=0)
unknown.sire = unknown   # - get exception here
unknown.dam = unknown

TypeError: Incompatible collection type: Animal is not list-like

unknown.sire shows to contain [] so it evidently wants a list of sires? That's 
not what I had in mind for the above model.  Any help?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Parent child relationships

2014-02-14 Thread Michael Hipp

On 2/14/2014 11:50 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Feb 14, 2014, at 12:46 PM, Michael Hipp wrote:

On 2/13/2014 11:45 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

So for children above you need to spell out primaryjoin completely which is 
primaryjoin=and_(Animal.sire_id == Animal.id_, Animal.dam_id ==

Thought I was on the right track but now getting the exception below. Here's 
the model:

class Animal(Base):
__tablename__ = 'animals'
id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

sire_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('animals.id_'))
dam_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('animals.id_'))

sire = relationship('Animal', foreign_keys=[sire_id])
dam = relationship('Animal', foreign_keys=[dam_id])
pjoin = 'and_(Animal.sire_id == Animal.id_, Animal.dam_id == Animal.id_)'
children = relationship('Animal', foreign_keys=[sire_id, dam_id],

So I attempt to put in the first object, which is to be a bit special:

unknown = Animal(id_=0)
unknown.sire = unknown   # - get exception here
unknown.dam = unknown

TypeError: Incompatible collection type: Animal is not list-like

unknown.sire shows to contain [] so it evidently wants a list of sires? That's 
not what I had in mind for the above model.  Any help?

well here we're doing a self-referential relationship so in order to make a 
many-to-one self ref, as someone else mentioned you need remote_side=sire_id


Changed model to read:
sire = relationship('Animal', foreign_keys=[sire_id], remote_side=sire_id)

Same exception: TypeError: Incompatible collection type: Animal is not list-like

Also tried it with remote_side=[sire_id], same exception

Also tried putting it on the 'children' relationship, same exception:
children = relationship('Animal', foreign_keys=[sire_id, dam_id],
primaryjoin=pjoin, remote_side=[sire_id, dam_id])


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Parent child relationships

2014-02-14 Thread Michael Hipp

On 2/14/2014 1:51 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

right this is why reading the docs is better, those have been checked...  
remote side for m2o refers to the primary key, so:

The docs says: '...directive is added known as remote_side, which is a Column 
or collection of Column objects that indicate those which should be considered 
to be remote:'

Nothing there particularly hints that it must be the primary key.

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()

class Animal(Base):
 __tablename__ = 'animals'
 id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

 sire_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('animals.id_'))
 dam_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('animals.id_'))

 sire = relationship('Animal', foreign_keys=[sire_id], remote_side=id_)
 dam = relationship('Animal', foreign_keys=[dam_id], remote_side=id_)
 pjoin = 'and_(Animal.sire_id == Animal.id_, Animal.dam_id == Animal.id_)'
 children = relationship('Animal', primaryjoin=pjoin)

e = create_engine(sqlite://, echo=True)

s = Session(e)

a1, a2, a3, a4 = Animal(), Animal(), Animal(), Animal()

a1.sire = a3

This is working great until I add in this line:
  a1.sire = a1
Gives exception:

sqlalchemy.exc.CircularDependencyError: Circular dependency detected. Cycles: 
set([ProcessState(ManyToOneDP(Animal.sire), Animal at 0x33f13b0, 
delete=False), SaveUpdateState(Animal at 0x33f13b0)]) all edges: 
set([(SaveUpdateState(Animal at 0x348b970), 
ProcessState(ManyToOneDP(Animal.dam), Animal at 0x33fa430, delete=False)), 
(SaveUpdateState(Animal at 0x33f13b0), ProcessState(ManyToOneDP(Animal.sire), 
Animal at 0x33f13b0, delete=False))


No bull ever sired himself. But the first object I intended to populate in the 
db would be the unknown sire who would just have unknown (himself) as a sire. 
The 'sire' column needs to be not nullable or I'd just leave it blank.

Any suggestions?

also reading the terms here, what's children supposed to be?   wouldn't that AND be 
an OR here if I understand correctly?

Yes, quite right.

Thanks for your kind help,

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Parent child relationships

2014-02-14 Thread Michael Hipp

On 2/14/2014 2:34 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

A basic fact of a self referential relationship is that you're building a tree. 
 The root of the tree has to be NULL and I'd advise against trying to work 
around that.

Now if you wanted to in fact assign the object's own primary key to the foreign 
key column, you can (manually), but even then, you'd need to know the primary 
key up front.  If you're relying on the database to generate a primary key 
value, you still won't have that value in time, and the column would still be 

It seems to work ok if I just fake the id=0 and a1.sire_id=0, we'll see what 
happens when I move

to PostgreSQL. So for the moment I can move on to other fires.

I think where you're at with this you might want to keep it simple to start.

Yes. But I've had this working for quite a while now on the Django ORM, never 
considered that it was something particularly unusual.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Parent child relationships

2014-02-14 Thread Michael Hipp

On 2/14/2014 3:36 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
the django ORM would write an autogenerated primary key value to a foreign 
key column at the same time in a single INSERT? What magic might they have 
discovered there? (hint: i am sure they don't do that) 

Naw. If you recall I was supplying the pkey Animal(id_=0) from the get-go. 
That's prolly what allowed it to work. And it's the same for SQlAlchemy now 
that I know to stuff the sire_id rather than feed an object to sire.

We'll see if my hack holds up when I try this on a real database :-)


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[sqlalchemy] Parent child relationships

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Hipp

I'm trying to do something like this:

class Animal(Base):
__tablename__ = 'animals'
id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

sire_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('animals.id_'))
dam_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('animals.id_'))

sire = relationship('Animal', foreign_keys=[sire_id])
dam = relationship('Animal', foreign_keys=[dam_id])
children = relationship('Animal', foreign_keys=[sire_id, dam_id])

It gives:

sqlalchemy.exc.AmbiguousForeignKeysError: Could not determine join condition 
between parent/child tables on relationship Animal.first_owner - there are 
multiple foreign key paths linking the tables. Specify the 'foreign_keys' 
argument, providing a list of those columns which should be counted as 
containing a foreign key reference to the parent table.

I've spent lots of time here, but I'm just not seeing the answer for this 
father-mother-children relationship.

Any help?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Parent child relationships

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Hipp

On 2/13/2014 11:06 AM, Josh Kuhn wrote:
I think you need to use the remote_side argument for the children 
relationship, since it's the same table

Thanks. I'm just not sure how to specify it when there are two parents.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Parent child relationships

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Hipp

On 2/13/2014 11:04 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Feb 13, 2014, at 11:53 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

I don't see a first_owner relationship defined above, so the above example 
is not complete. The approach using foreign_keys is the correct approach to 
resolving ambiguity in join conditions, however. If the documented approach 
is not working you'd need to provide a succinct self-contained example I can 

Sorry, it was tripping over a different error, here's the code with extras 
removed (I think!):

class Animal(Base):
__tablename__ = 'animals'
id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

sire_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('animals.id_'))
dam_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('animals.id_'))

sire = relationship('Animal', foreign_keys=[sire_id])
dam = relationship('Animal', foreign_keys=[dam_id])
children = relationship('Animal', foreign_keys=[sire_id, dam_id])

sqlalchemy.exc.AmbiguousForeignKeysError: Could not determine join condition 
between parent/child tables on relationship Animal.children - there are 
multiple foreign key paths linking the tables. Specify the 'foreign_keys' 
argument, providing a list of those columns which should be counted as 
containing a foreign key reference to the parent table.

Thanks for any help,

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Parent child relationships

2014-02-13 Thread Michael Hipp

On 2/13/2014 11:45 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

primaryjoin=and_(Animal.sire_id == Animal.id_, Animal.dam_id ==

Thank you. That works great. And thanks for the explanation.


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[sqlalchemy] Using SQ with Django models

2014-02-01 Thread Michael Hipp


I have a database in PostgreSQL that is built and updated using Django 1.2 and 
I'd like to access it with SA. Are there any quick pointers you could offer to 
get me started on the best way to do that (e.g. duplicate Django's in 
SA, use reflection, etc.)? The tables have a *lot* of fields.


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[sqlalchemy] Returning a simple list?

2012-03-12 Thread Michael Hipp
Doing a simple query like this, I just want to get a list of the pkeys in the 

  q = select([,])
  pkey_list = engine.execute(q).fetchall()

What I get back looks like:
   [(1,), (2,)]

But what I need is just:
   [1, 2]

It's easy enough to make that happen in Python, but was wondering if SQLA could 
return it directly?


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[sqlalchemy] engine.close() ?

2012-03-02 Thread Michael Hipp
Is there anything that should be done to close an engine just before 
application termination?

I don't see a .close() method but there is a .dispose() method.


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[sqlalchemy] ORM __eq__

2012-02-15 Thread Michael Hipp

Doing this to test equality between ORM objects:

  a = sess1.query(Thing).get(1)
  b = sess2.query(Thing).get(1)  # different session

Was somewhat surprised to find that:
  a == bgives False

Is this by design? Do I need to add a custom __eq__ method to my declarative 
Base classes to make a==b come out True?

Michael Hipp

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[sqlalchemy] A long-lived ORM object

2012-02-08 Thread Michael Hipp

I have an ORM object that gets loaded once during program run and never changes.

  sess = Session()
  unchanging = sess.query(Unchanging).get(1)
  sess.close()  # it is now detached

I then need to tell other objects about about it, having a many-to-one 
relationship to 'unchanging':

  sess1 = Session()
  thing1 = Thing()
  thing1.unchanging = unchanging

  sess2 = Session()
  thing2 = Thing()
  thing2.unchanging = unchanging
  sess2.add(thing2)  # fails InvalidRequestError

This doesn't work, of course, because 'unchanging' becomes attached to sess1.

Is there some way I can keep 'unchanging' detached and use it over and over 
again? Or make a copy of it before attaching it to 'thing'? Or must I load a 
fresh copy every time I need to use it somewhere?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] A long-lived ORM object

2012-02-08 Thread Michael Hipp

On 2012-02-08 9:50 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

unchanging = sess1.merge(unchanging, dont_load=True)

Thanks, Michael this seems to do what I need.

But I notice in the docs the kwarg appears to be 'load=False'. Am I looking at 
the wrong thing?


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[sqlalchemy] Using a standalone SEQUENCE

2012-02-03 Thread Michael Hipp
Is there an example or other explanation of how to use a SEQUENCE that is not a 
primary key on a table, particularly how to create the sequence, get next 
value, reset seq, etc. I see the base docs here, but it's not obvious to me how 
exactly to use this class.

Michael Hipp

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Re: [sqlalchemy] empty a many-many table

2012-01-06 Thread Michael Hipp

On 2012-01-05 1:24 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Jan 5, 2012, at 9:57 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

Working from the many-many example in the tutorial [1], it has an association 
table like this:

post_keywords = Table('post_keywords', Base.metadata,
Column('post_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')),
Column('keyword_id', Integer, ForeignKey(''))


if you use ON DELETE CASCADE on the foreign keys referred to by post_keywords, 
then those rows will delete automatically when saying query(BlogPost).delete().

Thanks, Michael. Setting ondelete='cascade' works well.

Is there a call for Table() objects that is equivalent to the 
sess.query(Base).delete() way of deleting everything?

I have some possible occasions to do a brute force cleanup (e.g. unit 
testing) but I'd prefer not having to revert to SQL.


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[sqlalchemy] empty a many-many table

2012-01-05 Thread Michael Hipp
Working from the many-many example in the tutorial [1], it has an association 
table like this:

post_keywords = Table('post_keywords', Base.metadata,
Column('post_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')),
Column('keyword_id', Integer, ForeignKey(''))

Normally to just empty everything from a table I'd do this:


But that doesn't work when there's an association table pointing to it. What's 
the correct way to delete everything from an association table. Tried these:




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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: 0.7 event migration

2011-12-28 Thread Michael Hipp

On 2011-12-28 10:58 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

detach(), also nice.

This seems most descriptive of what is actually taking place. I poured over the 
docs for some time looking for the detach() method.


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[sqlalchemy] Necessary to call session.close()?

2011-12-17 Thread Michael Hipp
How important is it to call session.close() when done with a session? 
Will things be automatically cleaned-up if all references to a session 
go out of scope?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Dirty columns?

2011-12-08 Thread Michael Hipp

On 2011-12-08 4:11 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Dec 8, 2011, at 4:55 PM, Michael Hipp wrote:

I'm getting a dirty indication on a particular ORM object from 
session.is_modified(rec, passive=True) and also that same rec shows up in 
session.dirty. But I can't figure out where/how it's been modified. Is there 
some way to determine up which columns are dirty?

assuming you're not using any old style mutable attributes, a debugging 
technique you can use immediately is to look in committed_state:

from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import instance_state


this dictionary shows you what was loaded from the database that's been 
replaced with something new.   This isn't totally public API right now but it 
is expedient.

That works swimmingly. And turns out it was telling the truth that 
something had been modified :-)


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[sqlalchemy] Enforce range on Column(Numeric)

2011-10-28 Thread Michael Hipp

Could someone point me to a doc page that explains how to enforce a
range limit on a Numeric type. I have some monetary values that I want
to force to always be = Decimal('0.00').


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[sqlalchemy] Troubles with LEFT OUTER JOIN

2011-02-15 Thread Michael Hipp
Can someone help me understand why I can't seem to do a simple left outer join 
between these two tables:

q = self.session.query(Car, Invoice.id_)
q = q.outerjoin(Car, Invoice)

sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Can't find any foreign key relationships between 
'cars' and 'cars'.

class Car(Base):
__tablename__ = 'cars'
id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

class Invoice(Base):
__tablename__ = 'invoices'
id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
car_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('cars.id_'))
car = relationship(Car, backref=backref('invoices', order_by=id_),

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[sqlalchemy] Is outerjoin() not generative?

2011-02-15 Thread Michael Hipp

This works:
Seller = aliased(Dealer)
Buyer = aliased(Dealer)
q = self.session.query(Car,,
q = q.outerjoin((Car.seller, Seller), (Car.buyer, Buyer))

This doesn't:
Seller = aliased(Dealer)
Buyer = aliased(Dealer)
q = self.session.query(Car,,
q = q.outerjoin(Car.seller, Seller)
q = q.outerjoin(Car.buyer, Buyer)

sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Can't determine join between 'Join object on 
cars(71352432) and dealers(71704656)' and '%(78454064 dealers)s'; tables have 
more than one foreign key constraint relationship between them. Please specify 
the 'onclause' of this join explicitly.

Is this by design?


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[sqlalchemy] SELECT ARRAY(SELECT ...

2010-11-09 Thread Michael Hipp
Can someone show me the gist of how to construct an SA query that 
produces SQL* of the form

SELECT ARRAY(SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ...) as array_col



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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: SELECT ARRAY(SELECT ...

2010-11-09 Thread Michael Hipp

On 11/9/2010 3:55 PM, Gunnlaugur Briem wrote:


Thank you! That works swimmingly.

I now know why my search didn't turn up anything as it is evidently one of 
those If the function name is unknown to SQLAlchemy, it will be rendered 
exactly as is.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: InternalError

2010-11-06 Thread Michael Hipp

On 11/6/2010 12:15 AM, Christopher Grebs wrote:

this is just some specific PostgreSQL behaviour.  If there's an error
in a transaction it closes the transaction and nothing can be done
with it anymore.  You need to catch such errors and close the session
or at least commit to close the transaction.

Ok, I was working from the debugger trying to get a broken query fixed and I 
probably hit it with all sorts of weird things. Good to know.


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[sqlalchemy] InternalError

2010-11-05 Thread Michael Hipp

I'm doing a simple query like this, to get a list of dealers with open invoices:


Which produces this SQL:

  SELECT invoices.dealer_id AS invoices_dealer_id, AS dealers_name
FROM invoices
LEFT OUTER JOIN dealers ON dealers.id_ = invoices.dealer_id
GROUP BY invoices.dealer_id,

That SQL runs perfectly when given directly to PostgreSQL, but SQLAlchemy is 
reporting a DB-API error:

  sqlalchemy.exc.InternalError: (InternalError) current transaction is
  aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block

The models look like this:

class Dealer(Base):
__tablename__ = 'dealers'
id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String, nullable=False)

class Invoice(Base):
__tablename__ = 'invoices'
id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
dealer_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('dealers.id_'), nullable=False)
dealer = relationship(Dealer, backref=backref('invoices', order_by=id_))

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] InternalError

2010-11-05 Thread Michael Hipp

On 11/5/2010 2:50 PM, Michael Hipp wrote:

That SQL runs perfectly when given directly to PostgreSQL, but SQLAlchemy is
reporting a DB-API error:

sqlalchemy.exc.InternalError: (InternalError) current transaction is
aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block

Nevermind. I noticed lots of other simple queries were dying with the same 
error. When I restarted the program everything cleared up. Something was just 
hosed-up I guess.

Sorry for the noise.


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[sqlalchemy] Subtransactions

2010-11-01 Thread Michael Hipp

If I do this:

item1 = Item()  # a new item
self.sess.begin(subtransactions=True)  # sub transaction
item2 = Item()  # another
self.sess.rollback()  # rollback sub trans
cnt = self.sess.query(Item).count()  # how many?

That last line produces an exception:
InvalidRequestError: This Session's transaction has been rolled back by a 
nested rollback() call.  To begin a new transaction, issue Session.rollback() 

This is not what I expected based on this explanation:

I'm guessing this means that once a rollback is issued on a subtransaction, it 
is expected that you would immediately travel up the call stack and rollback 
everything else without touching the db until this is done. Is that correct?

If so, the documentation linked above could probably be more explicit. In 
particular, the necessity that the rollback is an all-or-nothing affair.

I would also enjoy reading some additional explanation of the difference 
between nested vs. subtransactions and some appropriate use case for each. The 
docs make it seem as if they are essentially equivalent, but I'm learning this 
is not the case.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Subtransactions

2010-11-01 Thread Michael Hipp

On 11/1/2010 10:19 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

SAVEPOINT. This is the technique the average user wants to use.

Thanks for that.

Pertinent documentation: begin(): When a rollback is issued, the
subtransaction will directly roll back the innermost *real* transaction.
rollback(): This method rolls back the current transaction or nested
transaction regardless of subtransactions being in effect.

I think the main thing that seems missing is that once an inner rollback is 
issued, then the outer ones must immediately follow; no other db action 
allowed until this is done.  (Which isn't the case with nested).


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Subtransactions

2010-11-01 Thread Michael Hipp

On 11/1/2010 11:33 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

OK I think in this case, as in many others, is that subtransactions are not 
an easy to learn feature, hence it is controlled by a flag that is off by default.  ...

 ...  for features that aren't intended for typical use

Then perhaps say that. This is an advanced feature that will be of no interest 
to most users - begin_nested() is a much better choice for nesting of 

In this case, the full phrase When a rollback is issued, the subtransaction will 
directly roll back the innermost real transaction, however each subtransaction still must 
be explicitly rolled back to maintain proper stacking of subtransactions.,  states 
the full reality of the behavior.

This may describe the full reality of the behavior, but IMHO it is a useful 
description only to someone who already understands it.

There is no requirement that the subsequent rollbacks must immediately 
follow, you can do any number of things including just discarding the whole session if you wanted.

If you say so ... but when I can't even do 'session.query().count()' without 
getting an exception, it appears to me I'm thoroughly dead-in-the-water until I 
do all those rollbacks. How is any other conclusion possible?

This is where we get into the fact that SQLAlchemy's error messages, which you 
may have observed are mostly very verbose, are themselves part of the 

Yes, in fact I'd say they're considerably better than the majority of things I 
deal with. My compliments.

 If we tried to document the specific conditions leading to every ORM error 
message in the docs, the verbosity of the documentation would grow by a 
significant margin, the tone would become one of careful not to do this! 
careful not to do that! which would definitely scare away users in a big way.

That's not what I was suggesting. What I always find most helpful is a here is 
the canonical way to use this feature ..., see example at 

Is there an example somewhere that shows how to use subtransactions, if so why 
not link to it and let that be the documentation for this advanced feature that 
most people won't need anyway. (You can be as verbose and long-winded in the 
comments of that example as needed, and there such verbosity is considered a 
good thing rather than a distraction.)

In reality, getting an error message is not a bad thing and there's no reason the 
documentation needs expanded in such a way as to protect its users from ever getting an 

Again, that's not even close to what I was suggesting.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Subtransactions

2010-11-01 Thread Michael Hipp

On 11/1/2010 3:12 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

new section:

This section now attempts to explain the full purpose and rationale of the 
subtransactions feature including an example.   Hope it's clear.

Thank you, looks excellent.


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[sqlalchemy] DataError: invalid input value for enum

2010-10-31 Thread Michael Hipp

I have a model that looks something like this:

TRANS_CODES = ( 'SellCar', 'BuyCar', 'BuyFee', 'SellFee',
   'Gas/Fuel', 'Detail', 'Wash/Vac', 'Trans/Hauling',
   'Service/Repair', 'DraftFee', 'Misc', 'Cash',
   'CheckPaid', 'CheckRcvd', 'FloorPlan', 'Draft')

class Trans(Base):
__tablename__ = 'trans'

code = Column(Enum(*TRANS_CODES, name='trans_codes'),

When I attempt to save a 'Cash' transaction I get the error below on the 
enum value. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this?

sqlalchemy.exc.DataError: (DataError) invalid input value for enum 
trans_codes: Cash

LINE 1: ...1T15:55:32.943000'::timestamp, false, false, E'', E'Cash', E...
'INSERT INTO trans (date, void, printed, agent, code, ch_num, memo, 
payee, exp_id, qty, each, payment, deposit, invoice_id, account_id) 
VALUES (%(date)s, %(void)s, %(printed)s, %(agent)s, %(code)s, 
%(ch_num)s, %(memo)s, %(payee)s, %(exp_id)s, %(qty)s, %(each)s, 
%(payment)s, %(deposit)s, %(invoice_id)s, %(account_id)s) RETURNING 
trans.id_' {'code': 'Cash', 'account_id': None, 'invoice_id': 2, 'void': 
False, 'agent': '', 'qty': Decimal('1'), 'payee': '', 'deposit': False, 
'payment': True, 'each': Decimal('1000.00'), 'date': 
datetime.datetime(2010, 10, 31, 15, 55, 32, 943000), 'exp_id': '', 
'ch_num': '', 'memo': 'TEST AUTOMATIC PAYMENT', 'printed': False}

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Re: [sqlalchemy] orm object, before after

2010-10-16 Thread Michael Hipp

On 8/24/2010 9:47 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

Michael Hipp wrote:

How do I make a copy of an orm object such that modifications to the
copy do not affect the original?

The mapped object has a member _sa_instance_state that you basically
don't want to transfer to your new object.You want it to have its own
_sa_instance_state and this comes from calling the plain constructor,
which the copy module, if that's what you're using, does not use.   You
also want to set attributes normally, not populating __dict__ directly.
So just basically don't use the copy module.

 x = MyObject()
 for a in dir(myoldobject):
 if not a.startswith('_'):
 setattr(x, a, getattr(myoldobject, a))

Resurrecting an old thread ...

I'm just now getting around to try this but I'm finding out it doesn't really 
work like I'd hoped.

As soon as 'getattr' hits a column with a ForeignKey it immediately tries to 
autoflush INSERT 'x'. But 'x' is only half-baked and not ready to be saved.

In fact, I don't ever want to save 'x', and I especially don't want to INSERT 
it. It would be a duplicate of 'myoldobject'.

Is there a way to copy an orm object and tell it don't ever save this I just 
want to keep it around to look at?

Alternatively I can just copy all the attributes to a dict(), but that's a bit 

Thanks for all your help,

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Re: [sqlalchemy] orm object, before after

2010-10-16 Thread Michael Hipp

On 10/16/2010 12:52 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Oct 16, 2010, at 1:02 PM, Michael Hipp wrote:

On 8/24/2010 9:47 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

Michael Hipp wrote:

How do I make a copy of an orm object such that modifications to the
copy do not affect the original?

The mapped object has a member _sa_instance_state that you basically
don't want to transfer to your new object.You want it to have its own
_sa_instance_state and this comes from calling the plain constructor,
which the copy module, if that's what you're using, does not use.   You
also want to set attributes normally, not populating __dict__ directly.
So just basically don't use the copy module.

 x = MyObject()
 for a in dir(myoldobject):
 if not a.startswith('_'):
 setattr(x, a, getattr(myoldobject, a))

Resurrecting an old thread ...

I'm just now getting around to try this but I'm finding out it doesn't really 
work like I'd hoped.

As soon as 'getattr' hits a column with a ForeignKey it immediately tries to 
autoflush INSERT 'x'. But 'x' is only half-baked and not ready to be saved.

In fact, I don't ever want to save 'x', and I especially don't want to INSERT 
it. It would be a duplicate of 'myoldobject'.

Is there a way to copy an orm object and tell it don't ever save this I just want 
to keep it around to look at?

Alternatively I can just copy all the attributes to a dict(), but that's a bit 

dont put it in the Session.

That makes sense. But how do I not do that? As in your example code above I'm 
not adding it to a session, at least not intentionally.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] orm object, before after

2010-10-16 Thread Michael Hipp

On 10/16/2010 1:55 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Oct 16, 2010, at 2:03 PM, Michael Hipp wrote:

On 10/16/2010 12:52 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Oct 16, 2010, at 1:02 PM, Michael Hipp wrote:

On 8/24/2010 9:47 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

Michael Hipp wrote:

How do I make a copy of an orm object such that modifications to the
copy do not affect the original?

The mapped object has a member _sa_instance_state that you basically
don't want to transfer to your new object.You want it to have its own
_sa_instance_state and this comes from calling the plain constructor,
which the copy module, if that's what you're using, does not use.   You
also want to set attributes normally, not populating __dict__ directly.
So just basically don't use the copy module.

 x = MyObject()
 for a in dir(myoldobject):
 if not a.startswith('_'):
 setattr(x, a, getattr(myoldobject, a))

Resurrecting an old thread ...

I'm just now getting around to try this but I'm finding out it doesn't really 
work like I'd hoped.

As soon as 'getattr' hits a column with a ForeignKey it immediately tries to 
autoflush INSERT 'x'. But 'x' is only half-baked and not ready to be saved.

In fact, I don't ever want to save 'x', and I especially don't want to INSERT 
it. It would be a duplicate of 'myoldobject'.

Is there a way to copy an orm object and tell it don't ever save this I just want 
to keep it around to look at?

Alternatively I can just copy all the attributes to a dict(), but that's a bit 

dont put it in the Session.

That makes sense. But how do I not do that? As in your example code above I'm 
not adding it to a session, at least not intentionally.

don't call Session.add().  the code above doesn't add to a session unless 
you're using some special extensions like Session.mapper.

As shown exactly in the code above, I do *not* call Session.add().

It appears to be doing the add when it hits the ForeignKey field. Then it not 
only does an add it also attempts an INSERT (which thankfully fails since the 
object is not ready to be saved).


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[sqlalchemy] When is 'default' applied?

2010-10-15 Thread Michael Hipp

If I have a column defined like this:

qty = Column(Numeric, nullable=False, default=Decimal('1'))

When is the default applied? At commit()?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] When is 'default' applied?

2010-10-15 Thread Michael Hipp

On 10/15/2010 5:30 PM, Michael Hipp wrote:

If I have a column defined like this:

qty = Column(Numeric, nullable=False, default=Decimal('1'))

When is the default applied? At commit()?

Nevermind. Finally found it in the docs, appears it happens at INSERT time.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Empty a record

2010-09-22 Thread Michael Hipp

On 9/22/2010 10:27 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

Michael, thanks so much for taking the time to compose a very thorough answer. 
If you could indulge a few clarifications/suggestions ...

So here, the value of None for, merges into the session which 
becomes a pending change.   The flush overwrites car.auct_id with None because has been set to None.

The merge() process takes everything that is present on the incoming object and 
assigns it to the object that's in the session.  So here when merge sets = None, this is the effect.

So you want to merge an object where every attribute is either exactly the value that you want it to be, or 
it is not loaded or assigned to in any way (i.e. not present in __dict__).   If you pop auction 
from __dict__ before the merge, or just don't assign to auction in the contructor of Car and also 
dont issue a print later on, the program succeeds.

I have been putting more and more things in the constructors for 2 reasons:

  1) It's really convenient esp in unit tests to be able to spec everything
 on 1 line when creating a lot of objects at once.

  2) It has always been good business in Python to make sure all
 instance vars are given a default value as early as possible.

But here, that harmless act of setting auction=None actually triggers things 
to happen that go considerably beyond my simplistic notion of just making sure 
things have a default value.

This is the 2nd time in as many days that I've been tripped-up by having things 
in the constructor that didn't *have* to be there. But only now am I coming to 
realize why.

Some explanation of or warning about this in the docs would seem appropriate. 
As I look over the declarative tutorial, it is somewhat implied that every 
column should be set in the constructor:

Here, the issue is that you're mixing the usage of merge() with the usage of objects that 
are already in the session.   new is added to the session via cascade:

new = Car()
new.id_ = old.id_
new.lane = old.lane
new.auct_id = old.auct_id =
assert new in sess   # passes

The ways to get around that effect are:

- pass cascade=None to your 'cars' backref - this means, when you set = someauction, someauction is already in the session, 'somecar' doesn't 
get added automatically.   cascade also affects what merge() does along relationships so 
when changing this make sure it has the cascades that you still want.
- expunge new before you merge() it, but that's kind of messy.
- don't set any relationships that are going to cascade it into the session

On that last note I found that if I do:
  new = Car()
  new.id_ = old.id_
  new = sess.merge(new) =  # do this *after* merge

This seems to work and avoids me having to deal with the cascade stuff (which I 
don't understand) just yet. Any worries with this approach?

I definitely want to add a note about what the state of the given instance is 
copied means, regarding things in __dict__.

Some explanation of how things get in __dict__ and what their presence there 
means would help us noobs.

Also, is it really a good idea to go hacking on __dict__ (e.g. popping things 
out as mentioned above)?

Again, thanks,

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Change echo at will

2010-09-22 Thread Michael Hipp

On 8/26/2010 8:55 PM, Mike Conley wrote:

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 4:21 PM, Michael Hipp wrote:

Is there a way to set 'echo' at any time? Everything I can find sets it
when the engine is created and doesn't seem to change it afterward.

You can assign the engine.echo property to True or False any time after
creating the engine.

Is there something that would trigger this to be recognized?

In trying to use this to see the sql from a key piece of code it seems if I 
have to do the engine.echo=True well in advance of when I want it to start; and 
similarly I need to wait well after I want it to stop before I set it to False. 
Otherwise I miss stuff.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Empty a record

2010-09-22 Thread Michael Hipp

On 9/22/2010 11:21 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

  new = Car()
  new.id_ = old.id_
  new = sess.merge(new) = # do this *after* merge

This seems to work and  ...

Bah. I spoke too soon - it just doesn't throw an exception. But without 
explicitly setting every field to its default value, the session thinks nothing 
has changed and the UPDATE leaves most of the fields untouched.

Anyway, it appears I need a new approach to empty/blank a record. Options I can 
think of are:

1) Find a dict of all the default values for every field and set them
   explicitly. Does SQLAlchemy have that somewhere?

2) What about an approach of forcing a DELETE, INSERT, COMMIT on the
   old/new objects. Like this:

id_ = old.id_ # grab important stuff from 'old'
auct =
session.delete(old)  # kill old

new = Car()
new.id_ = id_ = auct
new = session.merge(new)

But I'm worried about side effects and issues with the version_id_col.

Any thoughts appreciated...


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Empty a record

2010-09-22 Thread Michael Hipp

On 9/22/2010 5:24 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

Here's the problem.  The term a blank record is meaningless.

Well, no, it's not. It's exactly what I get when I do new=Item() and commit(). 
It's very well defined, precise, and repeatable.

Trying to make other tools guess this for you seems to be taking up days of 
your time - whereas a simple def set_myself_blank(self) method OTOH would take 
30 seconds.

I've been writing that 30 second method for 2 days now. So evidently it takes 
longer than that :-)

Problem is that model has about 75 columns in it. Each Column() has a 
default='foo' parameter. And they are all unique to some extent.

So I can *replicate* that information that is already there in a dict somewhere 
that will have 75 lines in it and then maintain it in sync with the official 
version. That is a severe violation of DRY and it will inevitably lead to bugs 
and possibly data corruption.

Avoiding such seems a worthy goal.

I apologize, truly, that I have greatly overused your assistance on this. Thank 

I have formulated a couple of hackish approaches that will probably work. Guess 
I'm stuck with them. :-)


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Use regexp in like

2010-09-21 Thread Michael Hipp

On 9/20/2010 10:54 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

On 9/20/2010 10:09 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

On 9/20/2010 9:38 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

Scratch that ... found this message:
which says I should be able to do a 'SIMILAR TO' construct which is perhaps
somewhat more lightweight than a full regexp.

Can someone show me what I'm doing wrong here.

letter = 'A[0-9]+'
q = self.session.query(Car).filter_by(hist=False) \
.filter(Car.lane.op('SIMILAR TO') (letter)) \

I'm trying to match something that looks like 'A100'. But it produces a syntax

OperationalError: (OperationalError) near SIMILAR: syntax error
WHERE cars.hist = ? AND (cars.lane SIMILAR TO ?) ORDER BY cars.lane' (False,

Strange. I couldn't see what was actually wrong with that SQL, so I ran it
directly against pg and it works fine. Is it possibly a quoting problem?

Can anyone offer me some suggestions here? Is this a bug?


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[sqlalchemy] Empty a record

2010-09-21 Thread Michael Hipp

I need to empty an item (row). I thought to do this:

new = Item()  # create a new empty object
new.id_ = old.id_  # copy certain other fields also

But it seems SA still tries to save it with an INSERT. (I thought the presence 
of the PK was what determined that.)

Is there some way to blank a record and save it back with the same PK and a 
few other select fields that need to be kept?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Use regexp in like

2010-09-21 Thread Michael Hipp

On 9/21/2010 7:23 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Sep 21, 2010, at 8:12 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

On 9/20/2010 10:54 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

On 9/20/2010 10:09 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

On 9/20/2010 9:38 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

Scratch that ... found this message:
which says I should be able to do a 'SIMILAR TO' construct which is perhaps
somewhat more lightweight than a full regexp.

Can someone show me what I'm doing wrong here.

letter = 'A[0-9]+'
q = self.session.query(Car).filter_by(hist=False) \
.filter(Car.lane.op('SIMILAR TO') (letter)) \

I'm trying to match something that looks like 'A100'. But it produces a syntax

OperationalError: (OperationalError) near SIMILAR: syntax error
WHERE cars.hist = ? AND (cars.lane SIMILAR TO ?) ORDER BY cars.lane' (False,

Strange. I couldn't see what was actually wrong with that SQL, so I ran it
directly against pg and it works fine. Is it possibly a quoting problem?

Can anyone offer me some suggestions here? Is this a bug?

I'm not sure how the ? is being used for a bind param.  the psycopg2 dialect 
uses %(name)s format.   SIMILAR TO works fine and you can see %(name)s format 
is used:

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.sql import column

e = create_engine('postgresql://scott:ti...@localhost/test', echo=True)

e.execute(select([literal_column('lane').op('SIMILAR TO')('car')]))

2010-09-21 08:19:49,339 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...1570 select 
2010-09-21 08:19:49,339 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...1570 {}
2010-09-21 08:19:49,341 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...1570 select 
2010-09-21 08:19:49,341 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...1570 {}
2010-09-21 08:19:49,343 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...1570 SELECT 
'lane' SIMILAR TO %('lane'_1)s AS anon_1
2010-09-21 08:19:49,343 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...1570 
{'lane'_1: 'car'}

I get the same result with psycopg2 2.0.12 and 2.2.2 .

Sigh. I'm a moron.

I'm getting this problem when running unit tests. And it took me a day and a 
half to remember that I'm doing that against an SQLite in-memory database, not 
pg. Which means the SIMILAR TO op is never going to work, I suppose.

So now I have to figure out how to run unit tests against postgresql or else 
live with code having no test coverage. Neither are very attractive.

I apologize for taking your time. Thanks for trying to help.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Empty a record

2010-09-21 Thread Michael Hipp

On 9/21/2010 7:31 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

I need to empty an item (row). I thought to do this:

new = Item() # create a new empty object
new.id_ = old.id_ # copy certain other fields also

But it seems SA still tries to save it with an INSERT. (I thought the presence
of the PK was what determined that.)

Is there some way to blank a record and save it back with the same PK and a
few other select fields that need to be kept?

I continue to play with this. It reads like 'merge' would do exactly what I 
want, but I must be misunderstanding it.

Changing the 'session.add' line to 'session.merge' still produces
  IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint

Trying it with and without the 'expunge' line just changes the error to
  New instance ... conflicts with persistent instance

Can anyone suggest an approach to empty a record?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Empty a record

2010-09-21 Thread Michael Hipp

On 9/21/2010 8:17 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

It definitely does not attempt an INSERT if id_ is set to a non-None value, 
assuming that row already exists in the DB, without something else in your 
model/usage causing that to happen.If id_ is None or the given id_ doesn't 
exist in the DB, you get an INSERT.   auct_id has no direct effect here.

that also makes no sense since if you set auct_id manually, assuming 
old.auct_id is not None, it wouldn't be None in the UPDATE statement.

These behaviors (opposite what we expect) are what I'm indeed seeing.

As usual, distilling down the behavior that appears wrong into a single file


I'll be thrilled if you can figure out what really stupid thing I'm doing to 
cause this.

As always, many thanks for your help.


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from datetime import datetime, date

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import (Column, Integer, String, Date, Boolean, Numeric, Enum,
DateTime, ForeignKey)
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref

Base = declarative_base()
Session = sessionmaker()

class Car(Base):
__tablename__ = 'cars'
id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
lane = Column(String, nullable=False)
make = Column(String, nullable=False, default='')
auct_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('auctions.id_'), nullable=False)
auction = relationship('Auction', backref=backref('cars', order_by=lane))

def __init__(self, lane=None, make='', auction=None):
self.lane = lane
self.make = make = auction

def __repr__(self):
return 'Car %d: %s %s' % (self.id_, self.lane, self.make)

class Auction(Base):
__tablename__ = 'auctions'
id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
date = Column(Date, nullable=False, index=True)

def __init__(self, date=None): = date

def __repr__(self):
date ='%Y-%m-%d')
return 'Auction  %d: %s' % (self.id_, date)

def main():
url = 'sqlite:///:memory:'
engine = create_engine(url, echo=True)
metadata = Base.metadata
sess = Session()

# create a minimal car to test against
auct = Auction(  # simulated current auction
old = Car(lane='A100', make='NISSAN', auction=auct)

# Now try to blank that car record
new = Car()  # create a new empty car object
new.id_ = old.id_  # save the pkey
new.lane = old.lane# can't be null
new.auct_id = old.auct_id  # can't be null
# Uncomment these 2 lines to see it try to do INSERT instead of UPDATE =
print new.id_, old.id_, new.auct_id, old.auct_id,, new, old
new = sess.merge(new)
print new.id_, old.id_, new.auct_id, old.auct_id,, new, old

if __name__ == __main__:

Re: [sqlalchemy] Use regexp in like

2010-09-20 Thread Michael Hipp

On 9/20/2010 9:38 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

Scratch that ... found this message:
which says I should be able to do a 'SIMILAR TO' construct which is perhaps
somewhat more lightweight than a full regexp.

Can someone show me what I'm doing wrong here.

letter = 'A[0-9]+'
q = self.session.query(Car).filter_by(hist=False) \
  .filter(Car.lane.op('SIMILAR TO') (letter)) \

I'm trying to match something that looks like 'A100'. But it produces a syntax 

OperationalError: (OperationalError) near SIMILAR: syntax error
WHERE cars.hist = ? AND (cars.lane SIMILAR TO ?) ORDER BY cars.lane' (False, 


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Use regexp in like

2010-09-20 Thread Michael Hipp

On 9/20/2010 10:09 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

On 9/20/2010 9:38 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

Scratch that ... found this message:
which says I should be able to do a 'SIMILAR TO' construct which is perhaps
somewhat more lightweight than a full regexp.

Can someone show me what I'm doing wrong here.

letter = 'A[0-9]+'
q = self.session.query(Car).filter_by(hist=False) \
.filter(Car.lane.op('SIMILAR TO') (letter)) \

I'm trying to match something that looks like 'A100'. But it produces a syntax

OperationalError: (OperationalError) near SIMILAR: syntax error
WHERE cars.hist = ? AND (cars.lane SIMILAR TO ?) ORDER BY cars.lane' (False,

Strange. I couldn't see what was actually wrong with that SQL, so I ran it 
directly against pg and it works fine. Is it possibly a quoting problem?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Use regexp in like

2010-09-20 Thread Michael Hipp

On 9/20/2010 10:57 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Sep 20, 2010, at 11:54 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

On 9/20/2010 10:09 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

On 9/20/2010 9:38 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

Scratch that ... found this message:
which says I should be able to do a 'SIMILAR TO' construct which is perhaps
somewhat more lightweight than a full regexp.

Can someone show me what I'm doing wrong here.

letter = 'A[0-9]+'
q = self.session.query(Car).filter_by(hist=False) \
.filter(Car.lane.op('SIMILAR TO') (letter)) \

I'm trying to match something that looks like 'A100'. But it produces a syntax

OperationalError: (OperationalError) near SIMILAR: syntax error
WHERE cars.hist = ? AND (cars.lane SIMILAR TO ?) ORDER BY cars.lane' (False,

Strange. I couldn't see what was actually wrong with that SQL, so I ran it 
directly against pg and it works fine. Is it possibly a quoting problem?

is this pg8000 ?  the ? as binds are suspect.  that would be my guess.

I've never used pg8000; this is psycopg2:

 import psycopg2
'2.2.1 (dt dec ext pq3)'

Any help?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Use regexp in like

2010-09-17 Thread Michael Hipp

On 9/14/2010 2:23 PM, Michael Hipp wrote:

Is it possible to use a regexp in a like() clause? Or some other way to achieve
something similar?

Can anyone suggest an approach to search a field with a regexp?


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[sqlalchemy] Use regexp in like

2010-09-14 Thread Michael Hipp
Is it possible to use a regexp in a like() clause? Or some other way to achieve 
something similar?


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[sqlalchemy] Change echo at will

2010-08-26 Thread Michael Hipp
Is there a way to set 'echo' at any time? Everything I can find sets it when 
the engine is created and doesn't seem to change it afterward.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] orm object, before after

2010-08-25 Thread Michael Hipp

On 8/24/2010 9:47 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

Michael Hipp wrote:

How do I make a copy of an orm object such that modifications to the
copy do not affect the original?

 x = MyObject()
 for a in dir(myoldobject):
 if not a.startswith('_'):
 setattr(x, a, getattr(myoldobject, a))

Thank you. That's perfect - and worthy of being captured somewhere it 
can be reused.

I apologize for wasting your time with a poorly worded question.


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[sqlalchemy] orm object, before after

2010-08-24 Thread Michael Hipp
I'm holding an orm object that will have changes made to it. Once done it will 
be passed to the business logic layer that will have to make decisions from the 
before and after state of the object...

What's the best way to get an object, save its state ('before'), modify it 
('after) without any chance of the modifications creeping into the before? 
Assume both copies are from the same session.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] orm object, before after

2010-08-24 Thread Michael Hipp

On 8/24/2010 1:51 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Aug 24, 2010, at 2:08 PM, Michael Hipp wrote:

I'm holding an orm object that will have changes made to it. Once done it will 
be passed to the business logic layer that will have to make decisions from the 
before and after state of the object...

What's the best way to get an object, save its state ('before'), modify it 
('after) without any chance of the modifications creeping into the before? 
Assume both copies are from the same session.

You'd probably call session.flush() (or commit(), depending on how you are 
scoping your transaction around this operation) before you do anything to it.   
Then, if you'd like the subsequent modifications to not go to the database at 
all until some later point, you'd proceed with your subsequent operations with 
autoflush turned off - recipes for that are at .

Thank you. But I didn't understand any of that ... at least as it 
relates to my question.

How do I make a copy of an orm object such that modifications to the 
copy do not affect the original?

(Obviously I could detach one of them, but then it becomes useless as 
none of the attributes can be accessed.)

Could you perhaps repeat the answer in baby-talk language?


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[sqlalchemy] Adjacency List Relationships using declarative

2010-08-21 Thread Michael Hipp

I'm trying to do exactly what is described here:

But I'm using declarative. Here's what I have but it fails with the exception 

class Option(Base):
__tablename__ = 'options'
id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
parent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('options.id_'))
parent = relationship('Option',
backref=backref('children', order_by=name,

sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Relationship Option.children could not determine 
any local/remote column pairs from remote side argument set

How do I make this work with declarative?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Adjacency List Relationships using declarative

2010-08-21 Thread Michael Hipp

On 8/21/2010 6:00 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Aug 21, 2010, at 5:16 PM, Michael Hipp wrote:

How do I make this work with declarative?

If you were to use string literals with remote_side here, its the full expression would 
be a string, i.e. remote_side=Option.id_.   But that's not needed here since 
id_ as a Column is right there, so remote_side=id_ .

I made that one change:

class Option(Base):
__tablename__ = 'options'

id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
parent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('options.id_'))
parent = relationship('Option', backref=backref('children', order_by=name,

Now I get:
TypeError: Incompatible collection type: None is not list-like
File C:\dropbox\dev\auction\, line 286, in module
File C:\dropbox\dev\auction\, line 257, in opts2
File C:\dropbox\dev\auction\options\, line 40, in start
  rec = Option(name='__top__')
File C:\dropbox\dev\auction\string, line 4, in __init__
File C:\dev\virtenvs\auction\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\, line 
104, in initialize_instance

  return*mixed[1:], **kwargs)
File C:\dropbox\dev\auction\options\, line 47, in __init__
  self.parent = parent
File C:\dev\virtenvs\auction\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\, 
line 154, in __set__

  instance_dict(instance), value, None)
File C:\dev\virtenvs\auction\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\, 
line 755, in set

  lambda adapter, i: adapter.adapt_like_to_iterable(i))
File C:\dev\virtenvs\auction\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\, 
line 771, in _set_iterable

  new_values = list(adapter(new_collection, iterable))
File C:\dev\virtenvs\auction\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\, 
line 755, in lambda

  lambda adapter, i: adapter.adapt_like_to_iterable(i))
File C:\dev\virtenvs\auction\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\, 
line 530, in adapt_like_to_iterable

  given, wanted))

Any help?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Which columns changing during orm commit?

2010-08-19 Thread Michael Hipp

On 8/19/2010 5:24 AM, Chris Withers wrote:

Michael Hipp wrote:

SQLAlchemy seems pretty smart about updating only the changed columns
in an orm object...

If I have an orm object. Something changes one of the columns. Just
before I commit() the session, is there a way to tell which columns
will be updated vs those that are unchanged?

Any way to ascertain the before/after values on those changed columns?

Here's the basics:

These examples should fill in the rest:

Thanks. But I believe all those items deal with which orm objects (rows) are 
changed. I'm asking about columns within an orm object that might be changed.

Did I miss something?


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[sqlalchemy] Which columns changing during orm commit?

2010-08-18 Thread Michael Hipp
SQLAlchemy seems pretty smart about updating only the changed columns in an orm 

If I have an orm object. Something changes one of the columns. Just before I 
commit() the session, is there a way to tell which columns will be updated vs 
those that are unchanged?

Any way to ascertain the before/after values on those changed columns?


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[sqlalchemy] Performance: orm vs sql

2010-08-18 Thread Michael Hipp
The little diddly below is comparing performance of orm access vs sql 
expression language.

When I run it with number=1 I get a 5.8x advantage for sql. When I run it 10 
times I get a 2.7x advantage. The actual numbers are, respectively:



Is this a typical/expected difference in performance between the two query 


def timing1():
orm method
recs = sess.query(dm.Dealer).order_by('name').all()

def timing2():
sql method
dealers = dm.Dealer.__table__
recs = engine.execute(select([dealers], order_by='name')).fetchall()

def timing():
t = timeit.Timer(timing1)
print t.timeit(number=1)
t = timeit.Timer(timing2)
print t.timeit(number=1)

if __name__ == __main__:
from common.database import engine
sess = db.Session()

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[sqlalchemy] Alias for a joined column name

2010-08-16 Thread Michael Hipp
I'm doing something like this where each Item has 2 ForeignKeys to Dealer for 
buyer and seller:

  seller = dealers.alias('seller')
  buyer = dealers.alias('buyer')

When I do this the seller and buyer name end up in the results and are both 
called 'name' which isn't very useful. If I add 'use_labels=True' it messes up 
all the column names from items.

Is there some way to just have it alias them to seller_name and buyer_name? 
It's easy to do in pure sql.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Alias for a joined column name

2010-08-16 Thread Michael Hipp

On 8/16/2010 5:12 PM, Conor wrote:

On 08/16/2010 04:47 PM, Michael Hipp wrote:

I'm doing something like this where each Item has 2 ForeignKeys to
Dealer for buyer and seller:

seller = dealers.alias('seller')
buyer = dealers.alias('buyer')

When I do this the seller and buyer name end up in the results and are
both called 'name' which isn't very useful. If I add 'use_labels=True'
it messes up all the column names from items.

Is there some way to just have it alias them to seller_name and
buyer_name? It's easy to do in pure sql.


Try this:


Thank you. That works!


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[sqlalchemy] DetachedInstanceError

2010-08-14 Thread Michael Hipp
I'm obviously missing some key concept as regards the management of sessions. 
This seemingly simple usage fails:

  def get_new():
sess = Session()
new = Something()  # new orm object
return new

  new = get_new()  # request a new Something
  print new

Those last 2 print lines throw:

  DetachedInstanceError: Instance Something at 0x2873ed0 is not bound to
  a Session; attribute refresh operation cannot proceed

I seem to keep butting heads with the session needing to be a global eternal 
thing (opposite what the docs recommend). I could create another session and 
add 'new' to it, but that seems like a lot of boilerplate when all I wanted to 
do was get a bit of info from the returned object.

Can someone explain how this is supposed to be done?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] DetachedInstanceError

2010-08-14 Thread Michael Hipp


Thanks for taking the time to formulate a very thorough answer. (Now if I can 
make my understanding be as thorough.)

If you could suffer me one more question ... it appears there are two* ways to 
handle this inside a method that may not know where it's called from.

  def alternative1(thing):
sess = Session()
sess.merge(thing) = Foo

  def alternative2(thing, sess=None):
if sess is None:
  sess = Session()
  sess.merge(thing) = Foo
sess.commit()  # incomplete, must do sess.close()

Am I getting anywhere close? Can either one be said to be better?

Again, thanks.

* For now, I'm taking it as an article of faith that I should stay away from 
expire_on_commit at least until I better understand the implications.

On 8/14/2010 12:38 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Aug 14, 2010, at 12:53 PM, Michael Hipp wrote:

I'm obviously missing some key concept as regards the management of
sessions. This seemingly simple usage fails:

def get_new():
sess = Session()
new = Something() # new orm object
return new

new = get_new() # request a new Something
print new

Those last 2 print lines throw:

DetachedInstanceError: Instance Something at 0x2873ed0 is not bound to
a Session; attribute refresh operation cannot proceed

I seem to keep butting heads with the session needing to be a global
eternal thing (opposite what the docs recommend).

hehno, the session is completely ad hoc. What you're missing is that
the objects associated with the session should also in most situations
be treated as ad-hoc - they represent the state of data within a
particular transaction.

If you use them outside of a transaction, and not associated with a
session that would otherwise have the ability to associate them with a
transaction, they are considered to be detached. detached is
described at:

Where you'll note that expired attributes cannot be loaded back from
the database.

Why are they expired ? Let's look at commit():

Second paragraph. Another behavior of commit()
is that by default it expires the state of all instances present after
the commit is complete.

Why does it do this ? Well, when we have a detached object, and there's
no transaction going on (i.e. no connection that can query the DB), we
know nothing about what is in the database at that point, so all state
on the object is expired. After all, if it had id =12, but some other
transaction has deleted row 12, that object is invalid. Without a
transaction associated, it would be wrong for us to tell you otherwise.
Because we don't know.

Now lets assume you don't like this behavior, and your application is
just set of operations at a time and nobody else is updating your row
(assumptions SQLAlchemy has chosen not to make). Fine. Turn off
expire_on_commit. Then when you detach your objects, all their
attributes are still present, and you can access them freely.

So what if we made this the default. What kinds of complaints, which btw
we never get anymore, would we have then ? Well, we'd have (and we had,
all the time) this complaint:

sess1 = Session()
x1 = sess1.query(X).first() = 'bar'

sess2 = Session()
x2 = sess2.query(X).first() = 'bat'

# x1 is still present in the Session's identity map
x1 = sess1.query(X).first()
assert == 'bat' # ugh SQLALCHEMY IS BROKEN !

so we default to the more transaction hugging behavior by default -
where the error message you get is at least very straightforward,
instead of a subtle effect like this one.

Can someone explain how this is supposed to be done?

When you work with mapped objects, you're working with your database. A
Session() should be in place and a transaction is in progress. Its only
if you want to store mapped objects in some kind of offline cache, or
pass them to other usage contexts, that you'd want to keep detached
objects around. And when you go to use a detached object, you put it
back into a context where it again is a proxy to some ongoing database
operation, i.e. put it in the session for the current operation - often
this transfer of state is done via merge(), so that if the destination
session already has the object in question present, it will reconcile
the incoming state with what it already has. The load=False setting of
merge() prevents the usage of a SELECT from loading existing state, if
you are working with long term immutable data and don't want the extra
SELECT emitted.

Alternatively, if you really want to pass around detached objects and
make use of their detached state, even though that state may be stale or
even deleted vs. what's in the database, you can

Re: [sqlalchemy] DetachedInstanceError

2010-08-14 Thread Michael Hipp

On 8/14/2010 2:29 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

The approach above may be fine for your needs but I wouldn't encourage it.  The 
demarcation of transaction boundaries shouldn't be an ad-hoc thing IMO and 
granular functions shouldn't be deciding whether or not they are setting up a 

Thanks. Yes, I was beginning to suspect such. Makes more sense to manage the 
session and commit/rollback issues at the top of the call stack. I was trying 
too hard to not have to pass the session down in argument lists, but looks like 
I should.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Error creating backref

2010-08-07 Thread Michael Hipp

On 8/6/2010 9:04 PM, Michael Hipp wrote:

Can someone help me figure out why I keep getting the error below. Here
are my 3 models. It's a simple many-one on banks-dealer and reps-dealer.

class Dealer(Base):
__tablename__ = 'dealers'
id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
reps = relationship('Rep', order_by='Rep.lname', backref=dealer)
banks = relationship('Bank', order_by='Bank.id_', backref=dealer)

class Bank(Base):
__tablename__ = 'banks'
id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
dealer_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('dealers.id_'))
dealer = relationship(Dealer, backref=backref('banks', order_by=id_))

class Rep(Base):
__tablename__ = 'reps'
id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
dealer_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('dealers.id_'))
dealer = relationship(Dealer, backref=backref('reps', order_by=id_))

I'm attempting to do this exactly like:

But when I run it it gives:
sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Error creating backref 'dealer' on
relationship 'Dealer.reps': property of that name exists on mapper

I think I figured it out, it's not necessary to put the backref on both ends.


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[sqlalchemy] Error creating backref

2010-08-06 Thread Michael Hipp
Can someone help me figure out why I keep getting the error below. Here 
are my 3 models. It's a simple many-one on banks-dealer and reps-dealer.

class Dealer(Base):
  __tablename__ = 'dealers'
  id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
  reps = relationship('Rep', order_by='Rep.lname', backref=dealer)
  banks = relationship('Bank', order_by='Bank.id_', backref=dealer)

class Bank(Base):
  __tablename__ = 'banks'
  id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
  dealer_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('dealers.id_'))
  dealer = relationship(Dealer, backref=backref('banks', order_by=id_))

class Rep(Base):
  __tablename__ = 'reps'
  id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
  dealer_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('dealers.id_'))
  dealer = relationship(Dealer, backref=backref('reps', order_by=id_))

I'm attempting to do this exactly like:

But when I run it it gives:
sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Error creating backref 'dealer' on 
relationship 'Dealer.reps': property of that name exists on mapper 

Any help?

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Re: [sqlalchemy] create_all() fails silently

2010-08-05 Thread Michael Hipp

On 8/4/2010 10:03 PM, Mike Conley wrote:

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 9:39 PM, Michael Hipp wrote:

Can someone tell me why this code won't create any tables? The
tables are defined in another file that calls declarative_base().

I presume the problem is that it doesn't know which tables to
create. If so, how do I tell it what tables to create?

Base = declarative_base()
database = 'sqlite:///convert/db.sqlite'
engine = create_engine(database, echo=True)
metadata = Base.metadata
metadata.create_all(engine)  # Does nothing, says nothing
Session = sessionmaker()


Well, metadata here doesn't refer to the metadata that holds table

What about something like

import otherfile
Base = otherfile.Base# assuming you use Base = declarative_base() in

Thanks. But by the time I'm done there will be at least a dozen of those 
otherfiles. Which one do I get Base from?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] create_all() fails silently

2010-08-05 Thread Michael Hipp

On 8/5/2010 8:26 AM, Mike Conley wrote:

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 6:29 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

On 8/4/2010 10:03 PM, Mike Conley wrote:

Thanks. But by the time I'm done there will be at least a dozen of
those otherfiles. Which one do I get Base from?

You can put the declaration of Base in a common file that is imported by
all the other files and your main program. Reference the Base from that
file whenever needed and all code will share the same instance.

That works great, thank you.


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[sqlalchemy] Can an object span sessions?

2010-08-05 Thread Michael Hipp

Can this be made to work?

  session = Session()
  rec = MyModel()  # create a record

  # Sometime later
  session = Session() = Fred  # modify the record
  session.commit()  # try to save modified record

Does the session have to be global to this whole operation? Is there a way to 
issue the 'commit' on the record instead of the session?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Can an object span sessions?

2010-08-05 Thread Michael Hipp

On 8/5/2010 11:03 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Aug 5, 2010, at 11:54 AM, Michael Hipp wrote:

Can this be made to work?

  session = Session()
  rec = MyModel()  # create a record

  # Sometime later
  session = Session() = Fred  # modify the record
  session.commit()  # try to save modified record

Does the session have to be global to this whole operation? Is there a way to 
issue the 'commit' on the record instead of the session?

make sure you give a good read through .   What you 
would like here is to make a detached object persistent again.   add() and 
merge() both accomplish that end result though with different ramifications regarding pre-existing 

Thank you.

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[sqlalchemy] Basic query questions ...

2010-08-04 Thread Michael Hipp

Hello, a couple of really basic questions ...

1) How do I write a query beforehand that will be evaluated later at some other 
place in the code? (Note that the session hopefully won't exist until that 
later time.) Also, certain parameters may need to be passed to the query at 
eval time (e.g. id==id_to_get).

2) How do I specify a query to load only certain columns? I think I've read the 
'defer' docs, it seems to be a way to specify such in the mapper, not the 
query; or else do something like mark every column deferred and then undefer 
then at query time. Is there a simple way to just specify which columns to load 
at query time?


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[sqlalchemy] create_all() fails silently

2010-08-04 Thread Michael Hipp
Can someone tell me why this code won't create any tables? The tables 
are defined in another file that calls declarative_base().

I presume the problem is that it doesn't know which tables to create. If 
so, how do I tell it what tables to create?

Base = declarative_base()
database = 'sqlite:///convert/db.sqlite'
engine = create_engine(database, echo=True)
metadata = Base.metadata
metadata.create_all(engine)  # Does nothing, says nothing
Session = sessionmaker()


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[sqlalchemy] Close the engine and go home

2010-07-17 Thread Michael Hipp

This is a really dumb noob question...

I know how to create an engine, a Session, and a session.

I see how to do session.close().

How do I close the engine?

(i.e. How do I close all connections to the database cleanly so my application 
can exit and not leave the database server hanging?)


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[sqlalchemy] Opportunistic locking or edit sequence

2008-05-16 Thread Michael Hipp

Hello, new to SQLAlchemy. A question...

Does SA implement what is sometimes referred to as opportunistic locking or 
sequence locking? This is intended to prevent near simultaneous but 
incompatible UPDATESs of the same record in the database by two different 

Some databases implement this by using a field like 'edit_sequence' which is an 
incrementing sequence where the value in the db must match that in the UPDATE.

Does SA have such a feature or something like it?

Michael Hipp
Heber Springs, Arkansas, USA

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