[sqlalchemy] Re: Unit Of work seems to be calling save/delete twice

2007-06-21 Thread Eric Ongerth

Thank you.  Glad it worked out easily.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Unit Of work seems to be calling save/delete twice

2007-06-20 Thread Eric Ongerth

* Apologies if this is a duplicate -- I attempted to post a few hours
earlier but the result vanished.  Could be that the earlier effort went off
as a direct email to MB, instead of a post to this group as intended.
chris e posted about this topic in April and I was trying to respond on
that thread, but Google Groups won't take a response this long after.

Below, i've included a working test script that causes a
ConcurrentModificationError.  I'm wondering if that is the right result.  I
was working with this section of my code specifically to work out what
cascade relationships I wanted to use in my tables and mappers, and while
experimenting with various cascade options I fully expected to run into some
exceptions where I couldn't delete some object because of its
dependencies.  But seeing a ConcurrentModificationError instead was a
surprise.  So I'm wondering if I've just got something set up wrong.

I've done my best to trim this to a bare-bones minimal reproduction of the
error, though it's still not tiny.  Can't really cut out any more
tables/classes/mappers without rendering the test script alien to what I'm
actually working on.

  I'm modeling a rental reservation system.  rentable Items are (multiple
table) polymorphic.  In this example the subclasses of Item have all been
trimmed down to just one for clarity: Ski.  Events are polymorphic, too;
here I've included only most obvious subclass of event: Reservation.  Each
reservation has one customer associated with it.  A reservation is
associated to one or more Gearsets; each gearset has one or more
Items.  Items to Gearsets is actually many-to-many, and this is accomplished
via three secondary tables: historyfile, currentfile, and futurefile.  In
this way an item has a distinct history of what sets (and thereby what
rentals) it has been a part of in the past; a record of what it's doing
right now, and what sets (and thereby rentals) it is reserved to be a part
of in the future.

If I had to guess, maybe this 3-way split of secondary/association tables is
the thing that might be causing problems.  I set it up that way to keep a
strong, up-front distinction between events being in an item's future vs.
its present case vs. its past.  But I suppose I could actually achieve the
same thing with all gearsetitem associations being in a single table, and
just map the item's future/current/past to separate selects on that
table.  Right?

But that's semi-off-topic.  Again, I thought maybe I'd encounter some
cascade problems but I didn't expect a ConcurrentModificationError to happen
where it's happening here.

Here's the test script and stack trace:

# semi-minimal test example for ConcurrentModificationError:
# Deleted rowcount 0 does not match number of objects deleted 1

import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import Table, BoundMetaData, Column
from sqlalchemy import Integer, String, ForeignKey, PrimaryKeyConstraint
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKeyConstraint, polymorphic_union
from sqlalchemy import mapper, relation, backref
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, create_session

db = create_engine('postgres://postgres:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:5432/test2',
metadata = BoundMetaData(db)

items = Table('items', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True),
Column('type', String(20)))

skis = Table('skis', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('data', Integer),
ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], ['items.id']))

events = Table('events', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('etype', String(20)),
Column('data', Integer))

reservations = Table('reservations', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, ForeignKey('events.id'), primary_key=True),
Column('customer_id', Integer, ForeignKey('customers.id')),
Column('data', Integer))

gearsets = Table('gearsets', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('event_id', Integer, ForeignKey('events.id')),
Column('data', Integer))

historyfile = Table('historyfile', metadata,
Column('item_id', Integer, ForeignKey('items.id'), primary_key=True),
Column('gearset_id', Integer, ForeignKey('gearsets.id'),

currentfile = Table('currentfile', metadata,
Column('item_id', Integer, ForeignKey('items.id'), primary_key=True),
Column('gearset_id', Integer, ForeignKey('gearsets.id'),

futurefile = Table('futurefile', metadata,
Column('item_id', Integer, ForeignKey('items.id'), primary_key=True),
Column('gearset_id', Integer, ForeignKey('gearsets.id'),

customers = Table('customers', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key = True, autoincrement=True),
Column('data', Integer))

class Item(object): pass
class Ski(Item): pass
class GearSet(object): pass
class Event(object): pass
class Reservation(Event): pass
class Customer(object): pass

item_join = polymorphic_union(

[sqlalchemy] Re: Unit Of work seems to be calling save/delete twice

2007-06-20 Thread Eric Ongerth

p.s.: I'm curious whether this is the same issue mentioned in ticket
370, though that was apparently specific to Firebird's treatement of
rowcounts; here I'm on postgresql 8.2.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Unit Of work seems to be calling save/delete twice

2007-06-20 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jun 20, 2007, at 2:52 AM, Eric Ongerth wrote:

 If I had to guess, maybe this 3-way split of secondary/association  
 tables is the thing that might be causing problems.  I set it up  
 that way to keep a strong, up-front distinction between events  
 being in an item's future vs. its present case vs. its past.  But I  
 suppose I could actually achieve the same thing with all  
 gearsetitem associations being in a single table, and just map  
 the item's future/current/past to separate selects on that table.   

thats definitely where the issue is, since its a many-to-many delete  
raising the error.  however the mapping seems fine; the secondary  
tables are distinct in each relationship.  so its possibly something  
related to the backrefs upon a single m2m table, although the bi- 
directional m2m relationships communicate with each other to avoid  
this conflict.

turn on echo_uow=True on your session to possibly shed some hints on  
this, as well as attempt removing the backrefs/other relationships to  
see the point at which it fails.  else Ill have a look at it sometime  
tonight or tomorrow.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Unit Of work seems to be calling save/delete twice

2007-06-20 Thread Eric Ongerth

Thanks.  I'll be getting back to this tomorrow too.  Meanwhile: please
note -- easily overlooked, item.current has uselist=False in its
relation to Gearset because an item can only *currently* be involved
in, at most, one set of items / one in progress reservation.
However, item.history and item.future both have uselist=True in their
relations to Gearset, because items can have loads of future
reservations and loads of events they participated in in the past.
While it's not clear that this little scalar-vs-collection difference
would cause problems when sqla is processing dependencies upon delete,
conceivably it could?

Also in the meantime, instinctively would you say keeping all the past/
present/future in one table would just be a better way to go?  It only
occurred to me very recently that I could do that, and map item.future
to a select that collects only related gearsets connected to events
with future dates, and map item.history to a different select on the
same association table, etc.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Unit Of work seems to be calling save/delete twice

2007-06-20 Thread Michael Bayer
ok its fixed in 2750 and it was mega-dumb, yes it was the  
uselist=False.   lets pretend this one didnt happen this late in the  

On Jun 20, 2007, at 2:52 AM, Eric Ongerth wrote:

 items = Table('items', metadata,
 Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True),
 Column('type', String(20)))

 skis = Table('skis', metadata,
 Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
 Column('data', Integer),
 ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], ['items.id']))

 events = Table('events', metadata,
 Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
 Column('etype', String(20)),
 Column('data', Integer))

 reservations = Table('reservations', metadata,
 Column('id', Integer, ForeignKey('events.id'), primary_key=True),
 Column('customer_id', Integer, ForeignKey('customers.id')),
 Column('data', Integer))

 gearsets = Table('gearsets', metadata,
 Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
 Column('event_id', Integer, ForeignKey('events.id')),
 Column('data', Integer))

 historyfile = Table('historyfile', metadata,
 Column('item_id', Integer, ForeignKey('items.id'),  
 Column('gearset_id', Integer, ForeignKey('gearsets.id'),  

 currentfile = Table('currentfile', metadata,
 Column('item_id', Integer, ForeignKey('items.id'),  
 Column('gearset_id', Integer, ForeignKey('gearsets.id'),  

 futurefile = Table('futurefile', metadata,
 Column('item_id', Integer, ForeignKey(' items.id'),  
 Column('gearset_id', Integer, ForeignKey(' gearsets.id'),  

 customers = Table('customers', metadata,
 Column('id', Integer, primary_key = True, autoincrement=True),
 Column('data', Integer))

 class Item(object): pass
 class Ski(Item): pass
 class GearSet(object): pass
 class Event(object): pass
 class Reservation(Event): pass
 class Customer(object): pass

 item_join = polymorphic_union(
 }, None, 'ijoin')

 item_mapper = mapper(Item, items,
 properties = {
 'history': relation(GearSet,
 backref=backref('items_history', uselist=True),
 'current': relation(GearSet,
 backref=backref('items_current', uselist=True),
 'future': relation(GearSet,
 backref=backref('items_future', uselist=True),

 customer_mapper = mapper(Customer, customers)

 gearset_mapper = mapper(GearSet, gearsets,
 properties = {
 'event': relation(Event,
 backref=backref('gearsets', uselist=True),

 event_join = polymorphic_union(
 }, None, 'ejoin')

 event_mapper = mapper(Event, events,

 reservation_mapper = mapper(Reservation, reservations,
 properties = {
 'customer': relation(Customer,
 backref=backref('reservations', uselist=True),

 ski_mapper = mapper(Ski, skis,

 if __name__ == '__main__':
 session = create_session()

 ski = Ski()
 gearset = GearSet()
 customer = Customer()
 reservation = Reservation()
 reservation.customer = customer
 gearset.event = reservation

 item = session.query(Item).selectfirst()
 item.future = []

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Unit Of work seems to be calling save/delete twice

2007-04-17 Thread Michael Bayer

send me a reproducing test case, or at least let me see your  
mappings.  in particular, dont mix a mapping on a table that is also  
used as secondary in a many-to-many relationship.

On Apr 17, 2007, at 5:47 PM, chris e wrote:

 I'm not sure why. But when I do a delete/sql alchemy seems to be
 running the save/delete operation twice. Could this be related to a
 circular dependency in UOW that is undetected?? When deleting this is
 causing the following error because the database delete is done twice:

 sqlalchemy.exceptions.ConcurrentModificationError: Updated rowcount 0
 does not match number of objects updated

 To fix this I added the following, but it is a serious hack, and
 probably needs to be addressed in the unit of work code, but I'm not
 sure where to look. Code below.  I am on 0.3.5, however I tested
 against 0.3.6 as well and this bug appears to be present there as

 in orm.unitofwork.UnitOfWork

 def _remove_deleted(self, obj):
 if hasattr(obj, _instance_key):

 # ignore key errors if the item has already been
 try :
 del self.identity_map[obj._instance_key]
 except KeyError:
 except KeyError:
 except KeyError:

 in orm.mapper.Mapper

def delete_obj(self, objects, uowtransaction):
 issue DELETE statements for a list of objects.

 this is called within the context of a UOWTransaction during a
 flush operation.

 if self.__should_log_debug:
 self.__log_debug(delete_obj() start)

 connection = uowtransaction.transaction.connection(self)

 [self.extension.before_delete(self, connection, obj) for obj
 in objects]
 deleted_objects = util.Set()
 for table in self.tables.sort(reverse=True):
 if not self._has_pks(table):
 delete = []
 for obj in objects:

 # 4/17/07
 # this prevents items from being deleted twice
 if hasattr(obj, '_has_been_deleted_') :

 params = {}
 if not hasattr(obj, _instance_key):
 for col in self.pks_by_table[table]:
 params[col.key] = self.get_attr_by_column(obj,
 if self.version_id_col is not None:
 params[self.version_id_col.key] =
 self.get_attr_by_column(obj, self.version_id_col)
 if len(delete):
 def comparator(a, b):
 for col in self.pks_by_table[table]:
 x = cmp(a[col.key],b[col.key])
 if x != 0:
 return x
 return 0
 clause = sql.and_()
 for col in self.pks_by_table[table]:
 clause.clauses.append(col ==
 sql.bindparam(col.key, type=col.type))
 if self.version_id_col is not None:
 clause.clauses.append(self.version_id_col ==
 sql.bindparam(self.version_id_col.key, type=self.version_id_col.type))
 statement = table.delete(clause)
 c = connection.execute(statement, delete)
 if c.supports_sane_rowcount() and c.rowcount !=
 exceptions.ConcurrentModificationError(Updated rowcount %d does not
 match number of objects updated %d % (c.cursor.rowcount,

 # this prevents items from being deleted twice
 for obj in deleted_objects :
 obj._has_been_deleted_ = True
 [self.extension.after_delete(self, connection, obj) for obj in


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