Re: [sqlite] Writing and reading a csv using sqlite3

2010-02-16 Thread Phil Hibbs
Thanks, Jay, you're absolutely right. I've encountered a few csv
incompatibilities myself, even within the same tool (one case used \"
whereas the other used "").

Well, except for your last point, I only wanted sqlite3.exe to script
some unit tests, so it really is why I downloaded SQLite. I can cope

Phil Hibbs.
Don't you just hate self-referential sigs?
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Writing and reading a csv using sqlite3

2010-02-15 Thread Phil Hibbs
> So the command-line tool cannot correctly read the CSV files it output
> itself ?  Okay, that's messed up. Something should be done.

On the other hand, should it read HTML output back in again? At
present, the .import only supports separators, no other processing is
done. It wouldn't be too hard to respect the MODE_Csv setting on
import, but the others might be a little more tricky.

Phil Hibbs.
Don't you just hate self-referential sigs?
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] bug: round problem?

2010-02-15 Thread Phil Hibbs
Simon Slavin:
> Nice try.  The rounding rule is that a .5 rounds to the nearest even number.

No it isn't:
sqlite> select round(40226+0.5);
sqlite>  select round(40227+0.5);
sqlite>  select round(40228+0.5);
sqlite>  select round(40229+0.5);

Phil Hibbs.
Don't you just hate self-referential sigs?
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Writing and reading a csv using sqlite3

2010-02-15 Thread Phil Hibbs
Simon Slavin:
> The command-line tool is correct as far as it goes in producing CSV
> files: if you use quotes around text fields, it is correct to double quotes
> inside those fields.  Take a look at the CSVs you're trying to import.
> Are the text fields delimited by quotes ?  If quotes appear in the field,
> are they doubled ?

In this case, the csv file that I'm trying to import was created by
SQLite. And yes, fields containing quotes or commas are quoted with
the internal quotes doubled up. It's SQLite3's import that does not
correctly handle the doubled-up quotes that it correctly wrote out.

Phil Hibbs.
Don't you just hate self-referential sigs?
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] round problem?

2010-02-15 Thread Phil Hibbs
Shane Harelson:
> Under the covers, when the second term to ROUND(X,y) is omitted, SQLite adds
> 0.5 and then truncates.Because of floating point precision, some numbers
> can not be represented exactly... causing the odd rounding you saw in your
> examples.

I've just had a look "under the covers", and indeed it seems that
SQLite has its own printf implementation. Makes sense, as I think the
C standard itself is also implementation-defined in this case, and
this might be the kind of thing that SQLite coders want control over.

It was hasty to conclude that round-to-even is the rule, as one more
example shows:

sqlite> select round(40226.5);

I think the 40223.5 case is just an example of binary/decimal floating
point incompatibility. As Kernighan and Plauger put it:
"Floating-point numbers are a lot like sandpiles: Every time you move
one you lose a little sand and pick up a little dirt."

I'm a little surprised that it's going wrong with a number ending in
0.5 though, I'd have thought that that would be expressible perfectly
in binary without loss. I don't know enough about it though.

Phil Hibbs.
Don't you just hate self-referential sigs?
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] round problem?

2010-02-15 Thread Phil Hibbs

So, are you saying round-half-to-even is the SQLite behaviour? I would
have expected it to have used the "normal" mathematical convention of
round-half-away-from-zero. The reason this is "normal" mathematical
behaviour is that any decimal result is likely to be a truncation of
the real result, e.g. "pi = 3.14195". The SQL standard leaves it up to
the implementation:

sec 4.4.1:
 An approximation obtained by rounding of a numerical value N for
 an  T is a value V representable in T such
 that the absolute value of the difference between N and the nu-
 merical value of V is not greater than half the absolute value
 of the difference between two successive numerical values repre-
 sentable in T. If there are more than one such values V, then it is
 implementation-defined which one is taken.

So I guess "round half to even" is a reasonable interpretation, but
I'd like to see this, and all implementation-defined behaviour,

Phil Hibbs.
Don't you just hate self-referential sigs?
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Stupid noob question - can't find table

2010-02-15 Thread Phil Hibbs
> If you give SQLite a command to open a database file that
> doesn't exist, it will just create a new one.  It doesn't give an
> error message.  So use a search function on your disk for
> files with that name.

Try this in your program: "select * from sqlite_master;"

That will tell you if you are looking at the right database.

Phil Hibbs.
Don't you just hate self-referential sigs?
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Writing and reading a csv using sqlite3

2010-02-15 Thread Phil Hibbs
Paul Corke:
> Not doing the ".mode csv" before the ".import" makes things better
> but doesn't fix it.

That breaks when I have more than one column though, "line 1: expected
3 columns of data but found 1".

> Do you need to read the csv data back in to a sqlite database?  If
> not, then the file you've got should be ok.

Well, what I need to do is import csv files from other sources, this
was just a test to see if there were any gotchas. So I do need to fix
the importing.

> If you do then I think
> you will need to either alter shell.c or create your own program
> to read a csv file and insert it.

I don't have a C compiler here at work, I'll look into installing one
at home. I really should, it's been a long time since I did any C.

Thanks for the replies. Is this something that should be fed back into
the master source for shell.c? Should I post to the devs list?

Phil Hibbs.
Don't you just hate self-referential sigs?
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Writing and reading a csv using sqlite3

2010-02-15 Thread Phil Hibbs
If I write out data in csv format using SQLite3 shell, it doubles up
all the quote characters. Any ideas how can I stop it doing this?

C:\sqlite>sqlite3 test.db
SQLite version 3.6.22
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> create table test ( f1 varchar(100) );
sqlite> insert into test values('test 1');
sqlite> insert into test values('test "2"');
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .output test.csv
sqlite> select * from test;
sqlite> .quit

C:\sqlite>type test.csv
"test 1"
"test ""2"""

C:\sqlite>sqlite3 test.db
SQLite version 3.6.22
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> delete from test;
sqlite> .import test.csv test
sqlite> select * from test;
"""test 1"""
"""test """"2"""""""

Phil Hibbs.
Don't you just hate self-referential sigs?
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Error: no such table on .import

2010-02-12 Thread Phil Hibbs
> because of the semicolon following the table name in your .import -
> command. Remove it.

Yes, I was just about to reply saying I'd spotted that. Funny how
after half an hour of scratching your head, you post to a mailing list
and then spot it immediately. Thanks and apologies.

Phil Hibbs.
Don't you just hate self-referential sigs?
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Error: no such table on .import

2010-02-12 Thread Phil Hibbs
I'm doing this in SQLite:

sqlite> .separator tabs
sqlite> create table head
   ...> ( id varchar(10)
   ...> , tplnr varchar(20)
   ...> , plnal varchar(2)
   ...> , ktext varchar(40)
   ...> , arbpl varchar(10)
   ...> , werks varchar(4)
   ...> , verwe varchar(1)
   ...> , vagrp varchar(3)
   ...> , statu varchar(1)
   ...> , sttag varchar(8)
   ...> , strat varchar(6)
   ...> , batchno varchar(3)
   ...> );
sqlite> .import C:\HEAD.txt head;
Error: no such table: head;
sqlite> .schema
( id varchar(10)
, tplnr varchar(20)
, plnal varchar(2)
, ktext varchar(40)
, arbpl varchar(10)
, werks varchar(4)
, verwe varchar(1)
, vagrp varchar(3)
, statu varchar(1)
, sttag varchar(8)
, strat varchar(6)
, batchno varchar(3)

Any idea why I'm getting "no such table"?

Phil Hibbs.
Don't you just hate self-referential sigs?
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Cloning a database to memory

2010-02-10 Thread Phil Hibbs

Awesome, that means an application could use SQLite both for its "save
file" storage mechanism, and for manipulating its data in memory while
it is running, dumping it back out to disk when it's finished. Thanks.

Phil Hibbs.
Don't you just hate self-referential sigs?
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Cloning a database to memory

2010-02-10 Thread Phil Hibbs
Is there an easy way of opening a SQLite database and cloning it to an
in-memory database? Cloning a database in a file is easy, you just
copy the file. It would be nice if I could just copy a file into
memory just as easily.

Phil Hibbs.
Don't you just hate self-referential sigs?
sqlite-users mailing list