[sqlite] Time Precision

2018-07-01 Thread danap

The time precision treated with and defined, ISO-8601, seems to be
with regard to seconds. Storage of an Integer for time as an example
in SQLite:

sqlite> SELECT STRFTIME('%s', 'now', 'localtime');

A 10 digit value. The issue I'm having is with regard to storage
of time, in milliseconds, a 13 digit value. I would assume a more
appropriate precision for a scientific community.

Looking briefly at the c library for strftime() it does not seem
to provide the possibility for a millisecond precision?

STRFTIME('%ms'), Integer
TIME(D), 13 digits, Text.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] column types and constraints

2018-06-30 Thread danap

> Bob wrote:
> Affinity is only a hint and not an assurance of anything.
> I solve the problem by bloating the schema with checks like this:
>   foo integer default 1234
>  check (typeof(foo) == 'integer'),
> This enforces that someone can't put "Hello world" where an integer
> belongs.

I don't get to control others schema in providing a generic gui
for users.

> Simon wrote:
> The problem, as far as SQLite is concerned, is that the column
> should have been declared "TEXT' not STRING.  Then it works correctly:

> SQLite version 3.22.0 2017-12-05 15:00:17 [...]
> sqlite> CREATE TABLE a (col1 STRING);
> sqlite> INSERT INTO a (col1) VALUES ("3.0");
> sqlite> SELECT * from a;
> 3
> sqlite> DROP TABLE a;
> sqlite> CREATE TABLE a (col1 TEXT);
> sqlite> INSERT INTO a (col1) VALUES ("3.0");
> sqlite> SELECT * from a;
> 3.0

> But course the dev team cannot correct the understanding of 'STRING'
> for backward compatibility reasons.  And using affinities rather than
> types means that feeding a string into a numeric column does not
> generate an error.  So the programmer never figured out that using
> 'STRING' as a type didn't do the right thing.

> It's a problem with multiple causes.  And it cannot be fixed in SQLite3.

Nor should it! Ryan provided ample argument for a light DB engine that
SQLite seems to satisfy for millions with FLEXIBILITY! If you wish a
more constrained light RDBMS then H2, HSQL, and others are available.

I'm just happy at least I get a column affinity for type checking to
give some sanity. Thank you.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] column types and constraints

2018-06-29 Thread danap

"This flexible type-name arrangement works because SQLite is very
forgiving about you putting non-proscribed values into columns - it
tries to convert if it can do so without loss of information but if it
cannot do a reversible type conversion it simply stores whatever you
give it.  Hence if you store a string '3456' into an INT column, it
converts the string into an integer, but if you store a string 'xyzzy'
in an INT column it will actually store the string value."

> From: David Burgess

This is an important feature of SQLite.  In hindsight, an excellent decision.

Unless your trying to create a generic user interface.

I have spent the last month trying to solve affinity with the columns.
The only way it seems to me to guarantee to solve the issue is to test
every retrieved column value and test its affinity.

The easier approach chosen just check the column affinity and assume
thats what is going to be stored there.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite for single user data manipulation

2014-04-16 Thread danap
> Hello 'Liters!
> I'd like to move to SQLite from Postgres, but have two quick questions.
> I'm a social scientist looking to manipulate a large dataset (5 billion
> transactions, 700gb). I do not need multiple connections, and will only
> ever run one query at a time.
> I started in Postgres, but discovered that in Windows one cannot increase
> some of the per-query RAM memory caps above 2gb (I know -- I would love to
> switch operating systems, but it's beyond my control).  So I'm thinking of
> moving to SQLite.

So may I understand more fully.

1. If you perform a SELECT * FROM XXX_5B_ROW_TABLE
   you are unable to retrieve that result set becasue if exceeds per-query
   memory cap 2GB on Windows?

2. Or in trying to stuff that result set into a data structure you exceed the
   RAM allocation cap?

> Before I make the move, I was hoping you kind people could answer two quick
> questions for me:
>   -- am I going to have problems using all 16gb of ram on my Windows 8
> machine for data manipulations if I switch to SQLite? Or will SQLite set me
> free?

If 2. above I do not see how moving to SQLite is going to help you. As
below no tool is going to allow the manipulation of large datasets like
that in
memory. I have found in processing data that most software makes this

The proper approach is to process that data in chunks for your visualation or

>   -- Is there any reason I should NOT use SQLite for manipulation of large
> datasets like this (for example, pulling out unique pairs of transaction
> participants, averages across users, etc.)? All the literature I can find
> talks about SQL database choices for people setting up databases that will
> be queried by lots of people, and I just can't find any input for people
> like me who just want a data manipulation tool for data that's too big to
> read into RAM and manipulate with the usual suspects (R, Stata, Matlab,
> etc.).
> Thanks all!
> Nick

I have been working on a routine for the MyJSQLView project that could pull
a query from PostgreSQL and create a local database either in memory or file,
say SQLite, so that processing could take place for analysis.

The main reason this came about is because in processing large datasets from
a networked RDBS it became apparent that to speed up analysis it may be
to have the query result stored locally in a memory or file database.

Dana M. Proctor
MyJSQLView Project Manager

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Database to SQLite Population

2014-04-06 Thread danap
> On 4/5/2014 12:33 PM, da...@dandymadeproductions.com wrote:
>> The assumption is that the networked database, datasource, could be on
>> the local lan or Internet.
> So am I to understand that you indeed are concerned (1) that the pipe
> could be slow, and (2) that the server may be heavily loaded?  Alright.
>> The 'snapshot' would not necessarily be everything, but based on a
>> SELECT statement of a set of the datasource content.
> Okay, that's good.
>> The benefit I see from this local file/memory database is that I have
>> found some processing of data for analysis occurs over and over to
>> derive comparison results. By having the data local the user can
>> perform these analysis without constantly re-querying the production
>> database.
> That makes sense, though there are costs, but you say...
>> It is assumed that the user knows that data can be stale at any point
>> beyond the initial load.
> Okay, also good that this limitation is known and accepted.
>> The analysis tools can also remain unchanged since the data is still
>> coming from a RDBM.
> Yes, good point.  This is definitely a massive plus over rolling your
> own caching mechanisms.
>> The only reason the queue was considered is because it is quite
>> conceivable that a network datasource would be the choke point so a
>> queue being filled by several threads in process 1 would speed up the
>> population.
> I'm trying to understand your statement because at first glance it seems
> contradictory.  You assert the data source may be slow, but the solution
> you present is normally used when interfacing with a slow data *sink*.
> My best guess is you're considering simultaneously running multiple
> source queries simultaneously to better utilize (monopolize, really) the
> network, and this design indeed typically needs a queue to serialize its
> output so it can be fed to a sink that accepts only one thing at a time.

Yes, and is assumed as you point out later fast at populating data.

> I have two answers for you.  Pick whichever you like.  I apologize in
> advance for the level of detail in answer #2.  I just want to be clear
> so you can make the right decision.  Also I can't help but plug the
> Wibble web server (featuring Tcl coroutines) since it's my baby.
> Answer 1: Keep it simple.  Have one connection only, and just write
> whatever you receive as you get it.  SQLite will not be your bottleneck.
> One, it's very fast.  Two, you already say the source is the choke
> point.  No need to complicate things.
> Answer 2: You really do need to have multiple connections at a time, and
> you're willing to have a more complex system to support this approach.

I do not want to clog up the mailing list with further additional details,
and have not included those details from 2.

In short would prefer solution 1. and have to contemplate the benefit of
some performance increase for the level of complexity introduced in
solution 2.

Again thank you Andy for your input. I will have to take time to digest the
insight you have provided in the details of Answer 2. I will review this
information to more fully understand the possibilities.

> ~
> ~
> ~
> So to sum up, you want to repeatedly analyze one or more data sets which
> just so happen to have been read from a remote database, but you don't
> want to make that remote database do all the work because it could be at
> the nether end of the Internet.  You want to do this analysis using your
> existing codebase which was designed to operate using SQL.  You see
> SQLite as a good fit because it's compatible (useful subset of SQL) and
> is trivial to set up (link it into your program and you're done).  That
> all seems totally reasonable to me.
> --
> Andy Goth | 

I think you summed it up pretty well.

Dana M. Proctor
MyJSQLView Project Manager

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Database to SQLite Population

2014-04-05 Thread danap
> On 4/4/2014 1:21 PM, da...@dandymadeproductions.com wrote:
>> On working with the MyJSQLView database GUI access tool it has been
>> determined that a local file/memory database would be valuable to
>> perform recurring analysis on datasets from the connected datasource.
>> Sqlite is being considered as the local database.
> If I understand you correctly, you're suggesting making a local snapshot
> of a networked database to optimize performance.  I'm not sure what
> remote database you're using, but it seems to me with properly designed
> prepared statements there won't be much gain in downloading everything
> in advance to the local machine, especially since the download will
> certainly include more data than is actually needed.  Additionally
> consider the loss of coherency when the upstream database is modified
> but the local snapshot becomes stale.

The assumption is that the networked database, datasource, could be on the
local lan or Internet. The 'snapshot' would not necessarily be everything,
but based on a SELECT statement of a set of the datasource content. The
application already has a mechanism in place that the user can store queries
in a bucket for reuse. I guess a similar commercial term for this would
be ETL, but without the transform perhaps. One of the commercial tools out
there called Tableau I believe is using this exact concept.

The benefit I see from this local file/memory database is that I have found
some processing of data for analysis occurs over and over to derive
results. By having the data local the user can perform these analysis without
constantly re-querying the production database. The analysis tools can also
remain unchanged since the data is still coming from a RDBM. It is assumed
that the user knows that data can be stale at any point beyond the initial

>> All the underlining code has been created for conversion between
>> datasource and local database. The code is now being developed to
>> perform the DB to DB transfer population. The basic algorithm being
>> considered is:
>> Process 1, Loop: 1,2,3
>> 1. Read Datasource row from query.
>> 2. Create SQL INSERT statement.
>> 3. Write SQL INSERT into queue.
>> Process 2, Loop: 4,5
>> 4. Read SQL INSERT from queue.
>> 5. Write SQL INSERT to SQLite db.}
> The queue seems to be an unnecessary intermediary.  Simply alternate
> between reading from the remote database and writing the received data
> to the SQLite database.  This simpler design is also more amenable to
> prepared statements which offer indispensible performance and security
> benefits.

Thank you for that input. My general thoughts were along your statement
of a simpler design. The only reason the queue was considered is because
it is quite conceivable that a network datasource would be the choke point
so a queue being filled by several threads in process 1 would speed up
the population.

> Do keep in mind that an SQL database consists not only of INSERTs (the
> data) but also CREATE TABLEs (the schema) plus indexes and triggers and
> views.

The data is the only interest here beside indexes for the new table data.
Completed routines have already been created to re-create the structure
of the datasource database.

>> Perhaps someone from this forum could possibly comment on another open
>> source project with similar type of db to db transfer that could be
>> studied or alternative algorithm.
> It doesn't matter what database you use, the algorithm remains the same:
> read source, write destination, repeat.  Many database systems have
> convenient import routines for common data sources.  For example, the
> SQLite shell has the .import command for loading a file into a table.
> --
> Andy Goth | 

These import routines are exactly how I have had to populate a local SQLite
database when testing analysis plugins. The process of setting up the
table(s) exporting from datasource data and importing to the local
database would be much simply for non-expert users if automated so they
can focus on deriving results from analysis with a local higher
performance file/memory database.

Thank you Andy for your comments.

Dana M. Proctor
MyJSQLView Project Manager

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Database to SQLite Population

2014-04-04 Thread danap

On working with the MyJSQLView database GUI access tool it
has been determined that a local file/memory database would
be valuable to perform recurring analysis on datasets from
the connected datasource. Sqlite is being considered as the
local database.

All the underlining code has been created for conversion
between datasource and local database. The code is now being
developed to perform the DB to DB transfer population. The
basic algorithm being considered is:

Process 1, Loop: 1,2,3
1. Read Datasource row from query.
2. Create SQL INSERT statement.
3. Write SQL INSERT into queue.

Process 2, Loop: 4,5
4. Read SQL INSERT from queue.
5. Write SQL INSERT to SQLite db.}

Perhaps someone from this forum could possibly comment on
another open source project with similar type of db to db
transfer that could be studied or alternative algorithm.


Dana M. Proctor
MyJSQLView Open Source Project Manager.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Direct PostgreSQL to SQLite connection?

2013-09-26 Thread danap

I'm currently working on a feature to MyJSQLView that allows DB to DB table
creation for use with creating in memory or local file data for anaylsis.
The feature is really being made to facilitate the oposite of your goal
of SQLite to PostgreSQL, but rather PostgreSQL/MySQL/Other to something
like SQLite, HSQL or Derby.

Have no experience with a foreign data wrapper like mentioned, but usually
some of these scipts do not fit most specific case uses that are desired.

I think I'm with some others. This would a be simple script or a plugin for
MyJSQLView to perform the SQLite to PosgreSQL insertions that does exactly
what is desired. Seems like a good task for a post graduate student.

Dana Proctor
MyJSQLView Project Manager.

> Subject: [sqlite] Direct PostgreSQL to SQLite connection?
> Message-ID: <5243132b.10...@tanguaylab.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Looking for a solution to connect directly from a PostgreSQL database to
> a SQLite database. We need PostgreSQL for it's Window/Analytic functions
> and other features that SQLite doesn't have. Yet, SQLite is great for
> collecting data.
> Every one of our experiments adds 300MB to the SQLite database. Rather
> than exporting to CSV and then importing to PostgreSQL, we'd like to
> directly access SQLite from PostgreSQL.
> Does anyone have good experience using 'Foreign Data Wrapper for sqlite'
> or another method?
> https://github.com/gleu/sqlite_fdw
> Joe Fisher
> Oregon State University

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Dynamically generate SQL statements for SQLite

2013-09-14 Thread danap
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] Dynamically generate SQL statements for SQLite
> Message-ID: <1379089163135-71243.p...@n5.nabble.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> I agree with the other poster. You can just use any string manipluation
> routines you like to assemble the SQL into a string and then execute it.
> Take care with literals, eg where name = 'fred' might have to become where
> name = ''fred''  in Delphi (thats two single quotes at each end).
> If it's any help, two brilliant tools that I use are SQLinForm
> (http://www.sqlinform.com) and  SQLite Expert
> (http://www.sqliteexpert.com/).

A while back I did some research on dynamic generated SQL tools, open source
ones, and traced some of the code back to a project on Sourceforge. A project
there used a Graphical SQL Query Builder. I started the search I think from
code seen in JasperReports. There now appears to be a fork of that tool. I
also integrated the Visual QueryBuilder into my MyJSQLView project.

Sourceforge Projects:

Dana Proctor
MyJSQLView Project Manager

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Getting Constraints Details

2013-07-02 Thread danap
For some reason I'm using a more complicated version of that same
query for constraints. Perhaps its based on some older information
that may have been in the table.

sqlite_temp_master) WHERE type!='meta' AND sql NOT NULL AND name='MyTable'


> Vijay Khurdiya wrote:
>> How to get details of constraints associated with Data in SQLite3.
> There is no API to get individual properties; you have to look up the
> original SQL statement:
> SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = 'MyTable'

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] MyJSQLView Version 3.44 Released

2013-03-25 Thread danap
MyJSQLView Version 3.44 Released

The MyJSQLView project is pleased to release v3.44 to the public. The
release's main composition is for the support of an additional database,
but in so doing expands the capability to use external data sources for
plugins. Modifications have been coded in to standardize the connection
properties in the Connection Manager and proper close of memory connections
for those database that support such. The Login Frame now supports via
the database entry field the passing of parameters like, myDB;loglevel=1,
to more customize connections. Also included with this release comes
changes to the Query Frame UI, and enhancements to the HeatMapper plugin.

Dana M. Proctor
MyJSQLView Project Manager

MyJSQLView provides an easy to use Java based user interface front-end
for viewing, adding, editing, or deleting entries in several mainstream
databases. A query frame allows the building of complex SQL statements
and a SQL Query Bucket for saving such. The application allows easy
sorting, searching, and import/export of table data. A plug-in framework
has allowed the inclusion of tools to visual build queries, profile and
plot data for analysis.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Help needed with query to tell a FK from a PK

2013-01-03 Thread danap
> Hi,
> I'm a complete sql novice so please go easy :)
> I'm trying to create two queries so I can determine which of the keys
> for a given sqlite3 table is the primary key and which keys are
> foreign.


I did not fully review your question detail, but perhaps this may help.
The MyJSQLView application can generate a table DDL definition which I
pretty sure does properly identify primary & foreign keys for a table.

Please see:


Code--> source--> utilities-->


sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Subject: Re: Simple SQLite-based spreadsheet?

2012-12-07 Thread danap
> Hello
> I need to enter a bunch of items into a table that I can later read
> from a web app.
> I was wondering if someone had come up with a Windows application that
> would...
> - use Sqlite  to host the data
> - make it very easy to add a table anc columns (possibly several
> related tables)
> - display a spreadsheet to make it easy to add data
> ?
> Namely, a basic, no brainer MS Access relying on SQLite. Considering
> so many people use Excel as poor man's database because anyone can use
> it while Access takes some learning... I think there's an opportunity
> here.
> Thank you.

Or perhaps MyJSQLView
Be sure to install Xerial JDBC jar in jre/lib/ext/



sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Subject: SQLite driver for Java

2012-11-07 Thread danap
Well its been a while since I did a search on it, but a few years ago
the best current one I could come up with is the xerial.org SQLiteJDBC.
My project, MyJSQLView, uses this to provide a GUI to a SQLite database

Dana M. Proctor
MyJSQLView Project Manager

> Howdy!
> What driver are people using to access SQLite databases from Java
> Will
> --
> Will Duquette -- william.h.duque...@jpl.nasa.gov
> Athena Development Lead -- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
> "It's amazing what you can do with the right tools."

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] MyJSQLView Version 3.40 Released

2012-10-30 Thread danap
MyJSQLView Version 3.40 Released

The MyJSQLView project is pleased to release v3.40 to the public. The
release marks a major reorganizational effort to the source code and
plugin management. Though the public will notice little with regard
to the source subpackaging the plugin management changes bring the
ability to now load plugins from remote locations. Plugin repositories
can now be created by individuals or organizations that wish to provide
custom plugins on the basis of a realtime network loading capability.
In that regard the MyJSQLView project has added to its own public
repository a free open source plugin that contains a graphical SQL
query builder. MyJSQLView works in conjuction with the Xerial SQLite
JDBC to access a SQlite database file.

Dana M. Proctor
MyJSQLView Project Manager

MyJSQLView provides an free open source easy to use Java based user
interface frontend for viewing, adding, editing, or deleting entries
in several mainstream databases. A query frame allows the building
of complex SQL statements and a SQL Query Bucket for saving such. The
application allows easy sorting, searching, and import/export of table
data. A plug-in framework has allowed the inclusion of tools to profile
and plot data for analysis.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How do you load a ".csv" and skip the first line?

2012-09-03 Thread danap
> Is there some way to load a ".csv" file into a SQLite database table
> when the first row (record) of the file contains headers?
> This does not work?
> --
> .separator ,
> .import test.csv ld_assay
> Here's my database / table:
> CREATE TABLE [ld_assay] (
>[barcode_id] NCHAR(9),
>[light] BOOLEAN,
>[bpm] REAL);
> Here's my "test.csv":
> id,barcode_id,light,bpm
> 1,02455,1,180.2
> 2,02455,1,168.3
> 3,02455,1,189.4

I'm pretty sure MyJSQLView will do this for you. Been a while
since I tested it it, but it should use the first line to
compose a SQL insert statement that only adds the columns
specified. Left out columns should take default values.

Since MyJSQLView is a Java based GUI the Zentus's SQLite
JDBC must be used as the commnuncation interface to the
SQLite database file. Add it to your java/lib/ext directory
to have it loaded automatically.



sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] JDBC Drivers--which one?

2012-06-28 Thread danap
> I have found both the Xerial and Zentus SQLite JDBC Drivers on the net.
>   This leads me to wonder are there other JDBC drivers for SQLite and if
> so what are they?  Also, what are the pros and cons of the available
> drivers?  Which one is the recommended one for use with SQLite?
> Thanks,
> LA

I think you have found them. During the research for a SQLite JDBC
solution for the MyJSQLView application these are two that turned up.
The Zentus one I think is dated, while Xerial appears to be the newer.
I have noticed that the latter has not been updated since last year.
Which leads me to wonder abouts its future.

I do known the Xerial driver allowed a pure Java mode which allows no
dlls to be installed. Meaning nothing is needed besides your Java code
and the driver. This does impose a performance hit.

In my latest testing with the Xerial JDBC I have discovered a lack of
ability to handle large imports and exports to the database for inserts
and selects. A lot of tweeking was done with batch and commit/non-commit
modes to no available. I believe the JDBC is not properly handling the
memory consumption during these process. The same code works fine with
other databases, but of course these are server based not like SQLite.


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Example database with lots of "types"?

2012-06-28 Thread danap
> I'm working on getting the Mac version of the SQLite ODCB connector fully
> functional. I'm having some problems getting examples of lots of
different data
> types - for instance, my northwind copy has a decimal stored as a varchar.
> Does anyone have a small test DB they would be willing to part with so I
could see
> lots of different data types and what happens when they come through the

During the development for MyJSQLView for SQLite we created a test tables
that includes all the data types supported in SQLite. As Simmon indicated
there is not much there. These test scripts and a db file are in the
download for the application. If you do not want to download, then here
is links to the script and db. Enjoy design dress for Princess Leia.

Dana M. Proctor
MyJSQLView Project Manager

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] MyJSQLView Version 3.35 Release

2012-06-24 Thread danap
MyJSQLView Version 3.35 Released

The MyJSQLView project is pleased to release v3.35 to the public. The
release is a maintenance update to address several issues that manifest
themselves when using the SQL Query Bucket and Query Frame. Drops to the
Query Bucket from the main summary table fail to properly create the
syntax as derived from the search and sort parameters in the Summary
Table. Fixes to the Query Frame now allow the use of aliases. The
application has also been updated to remove legacy data structures
that had decrease the efficiency of the application.

Dana M. Proctor
MyJSQLView Project Manager

MyJSQLView provides an easy to use free open source Java based user
interface frontend for viewing, adding, editing, or deleting entries
in several mainstream databases. A query frame allows the building of
complex SQL statements and a SQL Query Bucket for saving such. The
application allows easy sorting, searching, and import/export of table
data. A plug-in framework has allowed the inclusion of tools to profile
and plot data for analysis.

MyJSQLView uses the Xerial JDBC driver to communication with the SQLite
database files.

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Java JDBC type Interface to SQLite

2012-03-21 Thread danap
Currently the MyJSQLView application uses the Xerial SQLiteJDBC
interface to interact with a SQLite database. Does anyone know
of a more native type of JDBC interface mechanism that Java may
use to access a SQLite database?

The project would really like to be able to create a local file
or memory database like SQLite to re-analyze database data once
it is initially collected via a query from a remote database.

Dana Proctor
MyJSQLView Project Manager.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] GUI for SQLite

2012-03-08 Thread danap
> Message: 8
> Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 21:47:28 +
> From: "Rose, John B" 
> To: "sqlite-users@sqlite.org" 
> Subject: [sqlite] GUI for SQLite
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> We are new to SQLite and have experimented with a few GUIs, Firefox
> plugin, SQLite DB Browser, and Navicat. Is there a single GUI that is
> considered the best, with the most features?
> Thanks

Guess I can't speak for which SQLite GUI is best, but I have been
working on supporting SQLite with MyJSQLView. Got most of the basic
features in place like add, editing, deleting, import and export
of data. In addition I have created a plugin environment for the
application to support various analysis. Currently the app comes
with two a TableFieldProfiler and Heatmap plotter. You can create
your own plugin, tutorial outlines how.

Plugin Use Examples:

Table Field Pattern Analysis Map:

Ocean Temperatures Heat Map:

MyJSQLView requires the Java Runtime Environment 1.5+, SQLiteJDBC,
and is free open source tool.

See http://www.xerial.org for SQLiteJDBC. Install into jre/lib/ext/

Dana M. Proctor
MyJSQLView Project Manager

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite, portable, image store

2012-02-27 Thread danap

> Hi

> I would like some help to use SQLite as a general information resource
> on my pc's.
> I would like to use open source software but will consider proprietary
> software.
> Even better would be portable software, I could take all my photos and
> the means of searching them on a disk drive.

> In fact I would like my first project to be a database of all my photos.
> I think I need:
> dbadmin tool,
> db front end,
> image viewer from BLOB to screen view.
> Means of storing image in db.

> To get me started could anyone suggest software tools please.
> Intend to learn ADO, ColdFusion,
> I program a little in DBA with msAccess, html, CSS, basic.
> Have used C.

Hello Scriptham,

I think MyJSQLView can do this for you. Download and extract the folder
contents to your hard drive. Install the Xerail SQLite JDBC to your Java
Runtime lib/ext directory. Use default settings for SQLite login, specifying
the database file. You can use the test sqliteType.sql file to create your
own table with a id key, and blob type. Import the table to create the
table in the database. Though MyJSQLView does not have a image viewer for
the blob, pictures, I have seen some. You could modify the Java source
to view them or make a plugin. If you need additional help let me know I
may have some other projects that do have a image viewer that I could steer
you to.

MyJSQLView - myjsqlview.org
SQLiteJDBC - xerial.org

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] sqlite-users Digest, Vol 50, Issue 26

2012-02-26 Thread danap
> Hi
> I would like some help to use SQLite as a general information resource
> on my pc's.
> I would like to use open source software but will consider proprietary
> software.
> Even better would be portable software, I could take all my photos and
> the means of searching them on a disk drive.
> In fact I would like my first project to be a database of all my photos.
> I think I need:
> dbadmin tool,
> db front end,
> image viewer from BLOB to screen view.
> Means of storing image in db.
> To get me started could anyone suggest software tools please.
> Intend to learn ADO, ColdFusion,
> I program a little in DBA with msAccess, html, CSS, basic.
> Have used C.
> Many thanks
> Scriptham.

Hello Scriptham,

I think MyJSQLView can do this for you. Download and extract the folder
contents to your hard drive. Install the Xerail SQLite JDBC to your Java
Runtime lib/ext directory. Use default settings for SQLite login, specifying
the database file. You can use the test sqliteType.sql file to create your
own table with a id key, and blob type. Import the table to create the
table in the database. Though MyJSQLView does not have a image viewer for
the blob, pictures, I have seen some. You could modify the Java source
to view them or make a plugin. If you need additional help let me know I
may have some other projects that do have a image viewer that I could steer
you to.

MyJSQLView - myjsqlview.org
SQLiteJDBC - xerial.org

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] MyJSQLView Version 3.33 Released

2012-01-26 Thread danap
MyJSQLView Version 3.33 Released

The MyJSQLView project is pleased to release v3.33 to the public. The
release includes improvements in the efficiency of use for the SQL Query
Bucket and an Aggregation/GROUP BY feature for the Advanced Sort/Search
Form. The new release also brings a new default plugin called HeatMapper
that allows the plotting of multi-variable numeric data. Initial tests
for the HeatMapper plugin used latitude, longitude, and temperature
data from measurements in the Alantic with over 90k records.

MyJSQLView uses the Xerial SQLite JDBC to establish the connection to
a SQLite Database via it be file or memory.

Dana M. Proctor
MyJSQLView Project Manager

MyJSQLView provides an easy to use Java based user interface frontend
for viewing, adding, editing, or deleting entries in serveral databases
including SQLite. A query frame allows the building of complex SQL
statements. The application allows easy sorting, searching, and import
/export of table data.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Wanted - a straightforward 'grid' data entry tool for sqlite

2012-01-18 Thread danap
I think MyJSQLView should do what you suggest. Most of the commands can be
entered via keyboard for add, edit, delete, etc. for data manipulation.
Free and open source.


To use with SQLite download Xerial JDBC and install in java/lib/ext/



> I'm after an application which will allow me to enter data into a sqlite
> database using a 'grid' layout of the data.  I.e. I want the existing
> contents of the database displayed as a table and I want to be able to
> click on a field in a row and just edit the data in place.  In addition
> I want to be able to use the TAB key to move from field to field
> (another key would be OK, just not the mouse).  There should be an empty
> row at the bottom for entering a new row.
> I'm happy to use a design tool of some sort to do this although a ready
> made application would be easier/quicker of course.  I don't want to
> code the whole thing from scratch though.
> What I want is what MS Access calls a tabular form in its design wizard
> and is also what it presents you with by default if you open a table
> directly.
> I need this to run under Linux as a desktop application or alternatively
> a web application would be fine, I have apache2 with PHP etc. running on
> my desktop machine here.
> I've searched around quite a lot for something that can do this for me
> but haven't found anything yet.  There are lots of database management
> programs (such as sqlitebrowser and sqliteman) but while they do a good
> job of managing a database they're really not built for entering data.
> I just want an executable I can run with database name and table name as
> parameters, e.g.:-
> myDataEditor somedatabase.db tablexyz
> ... and it fires up a window with the rows/columns in a grid and allows
> me to edit.  I don't want to have to navigate through menus and options
> to get there.
> Any ideas or suggestions would be very welcome.
> -- Chris Green

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] GROUP BY With ASC/DESC

2011-11-12 Thread danap

Given the following table:

CREATE TABLE key_table5 (
name TEXT NOT NULL default '',
color TEXT default NULL,
price REAL default NULL,
UNIQUE (name),

I'm getting the following exception:

SQLException: [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (near "ASC": syntax 


SELECT name, color, Sum(price) AS price FROM key_table5 WHERE price > '2' GROUP 

when either ASC or DESC is used with the GROUP BY clause.

Is this a bug or a query statement inaccuracy on my part?

SQLite version 3.7.2 & 3.7.9.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] GROUP BY With ASC/DESC

2011-11-11 Thread danap
> Message: 23
> Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 10:57:22 -0500
> From: da...@dandymadeproductions.com
> To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
> Subject: [sqlite] GROUP BY With ASC/DESC
> Message-ID:
>   <5ed601b698a020a8d790240cc05c8714.squir...@dandymadeproductions.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1
> Given the following table:
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS key_table5;
> CREATE TABLE key_table5 (
> name TEXT NOT NULL default '',
> color TEXT default NULL,
> price REAL default NULL,
> UNIQUE (name),
> PRIMARY KEY (color)
> );
> I'm getting the following exception:
> SQLException: [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (near "ASC":
> syntax error)
> with:
> SELECT name, color, Sum(price) AS price FROM key_table5 WHERE price > '2'
> when either ASC or DESC is used with the GROUP BY clause.
> Is this a bug or a query statement inaccuracy on my part?
> SQLite version 3.7.2 & 3.7.9.
> danap.
> --
> Message: 24
> Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 16:10:04 +
> From: "Black, Michael (IS)" <michael.bla...@ngc.com>
> To: General Discussion of SQLite Database <sqlite-users@sqlite.org>
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] GROUP BY With ASC/DESC
> Message-ID: <ABF72471-0160-4FBE-A249-5CFBC96DD19B@mimectl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I think you want ORDER BY COLOR,NAME
> Since color is a primary key you can't have dups so what good is the group
> by?
> Michael D. Black
> Senior Scientist
> Advanced Analytics Directorate
> Advanced GEOINT Solutions Operating Unit
> Northrop Grumman Information Systems

Currently I'm implementing an interface for the MyJSQLView SQL GUI to use
the GROUP BY aspect of SQL statements. Upon testing with SQLite I received
the above indicated exeception. So the context given is only an example
with no predefined objective of meaningful results.

Perhaps a more meanful example with the same results:


ROP TABLE IF EXISTS General_Expenses;
CREATE TABLE General_Expenses (
  date date NOT NULL,
  company TEXT NOT NULL,
  record_type TEXT NOT NULL,
  payment_method TEXT NOT NULL,
  account TEXT NOT NULL,
  description TEXT,

The query with GROUP BY account works fine, but if ASC or DESC included
with the field GROUP BY an exception is given.

SELECT date, company, account, Sum(cost) AS cost FROM General_Expenses
WHERE date LIKE '2011%'
GROUP BY account ORDER BY account ASC

SELECT date, company, account, Sum(cost) AS cost FROM General_Expenses
WHERE date LIKE '2011%'
GROUP BY account ASC ORDER BY account ASC

SQLException: [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (near "ASC":
syntax error)
SQLState: null VendorError: 0

Is this a bug, since the documentation indicates ASC and DESC can be used

Dana M. Proctor
MyJSQLView Project Manager

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] GROUP BY With ASC/DESC

2011-11-11 Thread danap
Given the following table:

CREATE TABLE key_table5 (
name TEXT NOT NULL default '',
color TEXT default NULL,
price REAL default NULL,
UNIQUE (name),

I'm getting the following exception:

SQLException: [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (near "ASC":
syntax error)


SELECT name, color, Sum(price) AS price FROM key_table5 WHERE price > '2'

when either ASC or DESC is used with the GROUP BY clause.

Is this a bug or a query statement inaccuracy on my part?

SQLite version 3.7.2 & 3.7.9.


sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] MyJSQLView Version 3.31 Released

2011-10-13 Thread danap
MyJSQLView Version 3.31 Released

The MyJSQLView project is pleased to release v3.31 to the public.
Included with this update is several corrections for bugs involved
with the import of large SQL dumps and table definition generation
for unique keys. A multi-language PDF export inclusion is now
implemented via unicode embedded fonts. The Query Frame in the
application has now been expanded to allow input of direct SQL
statements for execution.

Dana M. Proctor
MyJSQLView Project Manager

MyJSQLView provides an easy to use free Open Source Java based user
interface frontend for viewing, adding, editing, or deleting entries
in several mainstream databases including SQLite. A query frame allows
the building of complex SQL statements. The application allows easy
sorting, searching, and import/export of table data.

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] MyJSQLView Version 3.30 Released

2011-08-14 Thread danap
The MyJSQLView project has released a preliminary production version to
address several reported problems with the application. Since this release
is to correct these bugs a more fully vetted release will be forth coming
by the end of the month or early next.

The release Version 3.30 corrects the running of the application
on specifically the Ubuntu Linux OS with the Gnome desktop. Because of
the type of bug that was discovered it is possible this may effect all
uses of the application on the Gnome desktop. The second issued addressed
by the release is the lack to properly export PDF Summary Table data. A
failure on the project to properly build the last release with an updated
iText library file inclusion was the cause.

Dana M. Proctor
MyJSQLView Project Manager

MyJSQLView provides an easy to use open source Java based user interface
frontend for viewing, adding, editing, or deleting entries in the HSQL,
MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQLite databases. A query frame allows
the building of complex SELECT SQL statements. The application allows
easy sorting, searching, and import/export of table data.

The MyJSQLView application uses the Xerial SQLiteJDBC to communicate
with the SQLite database.

sqlite-users mailing list