Re: [sqlite] Help with a self join please

2013-09-15 Thread dochsm
... and it runs in under half the time of my version, including showing the
percentage and selecting only those over 75%

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Re: [sqlite] Help with a self join please

2013-09-15 Thread dochsm
Thanks Igor, that looks neater than my solution.

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Re: [sqlite] Help with a self join please

2013-09-14 Thread dochsm
OK, solved it myself (always happens a day after I post a question!).

The solution is

COUNT(StudentID ) AS Numstudents,
(SELECT Points
WHERE   T.ReportNumber = 6
AND T.classcode=Grades .classcode
AND T.StudentID= Grades .StudentID
- points > 0
END) AS NumImproved,
100.0 * SUM (
(SELECT Points
WHERE   T.ReportNumber = 6
AND T.classcode=Grades .classcode
AND T.StudentID= Grades .StudentID
- points > 0
  ) / COUNT(upn) AS PercentImproved
FROM Grades
WHEREReportNumber = 5

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Re: [sqlite] Dynamically generate SQL statements for SQLite

2013-09-14 Thread dochsm
I agree with the other poster. You can just use any string manipluation
routines you like to assemble the SQL into a string and then execute it.
Take care with literals, eg where name = 'fred' might have to become where
name = ''fred''  in Delphi (thats two single quotes at each end).

If it's any help, two brilliant tools that I use are SQLinForm
( and  SQLite Expert

SQLinForm lets me take some sql that I know works and with one click format
it to generate a string in loads of languages. So for example the sql.. 

select name from people where age = 30; 


SQL := '' 
+'SELECT name ' 
+'FROM   people ' 
+'WHERE  age = 30;';

and you can then copy/paste it into your editor and tweak it to accept
variables at runtime instead.

SqliteExpert is simply the best database management system for SQLite that I
have come across (and I've tried a few!) I can try out my sql, make tables,
see data and do all the manipulation I like. 
Two tools I wouldn't be without when developing.

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[sqlite] Help with a self join please

2013-09-14 Thread dochsm
Please can somebody help me with this query.

I have a table called Grades containing
ClassID (text), 
StudentID (text), 
ReportNumber (integer), 
Points (Integer)

ClassID, StudentID and ReportNumber can be used as a compound key to
reference a particular Points value.

I am trying to write a query, grouped by ClassID, to return the percentage
of students in each class whose points for ReportNumber = 6  is more than
the points for ReportNumber = 5 (for the same classID).

The ReportNumbers can be hard coded for the moment. I might use parameters

I'm looking for a result something like

Eng1 56.6
Math2   60.3
Geog2   34.6


Ideally I'd also like the total number of students in each class and the
number who have improved their points. (This is necessary to give meaning to
the percentage.)

I've tried playing around with self joins but am not getting very far. 

Any help would be gratefully received. Thanks

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Re: [sqlite] How to select from a temp table with same name as a main table.

2013-06-21 Thread dochsm
Thanks to everyone.
I have always prefixed  table names with the db name when I have attached
dbs myself but I didn't appreciate that the temp database was 'attached' as
such as well.
In a nutshell then, if you only use one database then you can refer to
tables with no prefix (although you can prefix with main if you like). But
as soon as you either attach another db or use a temp database then it is
wise to prefix all the tables with the database name to avoid any issues
that might crop up with table names inadvertantly or deliberately being the
Thanks, I've learnt something!

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Re: [sqlite] How to select from a temp table with same name as a main table.

2013-06-19 Thread dochsm
That brilliant. It is as I thought. Odd behaviour though. I would have
thought having no database prefix would default to the main, after all I
don't put the prefix there usually and if you try to create two tables in
the same db you get an error (obviously). To be on the safe side I've
re-written the code to give the temp table a different name and altered all
the sql to use the new name. That seems fine.
I'll have to remember that issue though as it might crop up again if ever I
inadvertantly give a temp table the same name as one alreay in main.

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[sqlite] How to select from a temp table with same name as a main table.

2013-06-18 Thread dochsm
I have a table in the main database called 'students' and a two page block of
sql that processes it, referring to it as simply 'students'. 

Experimenting with a different approach, I created a temp table, also called
'students' that contained a subset of the main.students. (I intended to
modify the sql, replacing 'students' with 'temp.students' but have not yet
done so)

However, running my original sql now, before editing it, it appears to be
using both the table 'students' and the table temp.students as it is now
repeating some rows.

Can sombody please explain what might be happening?
If no database prefix is given, doesn't SQLite default to the 'main'
database or does it somehow use a combination of all the tables with the
same name regardless of database?

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Re: [sqlite] How to restore from backup or alter db in multi-user envionment?

2012-12-02 Thread dochsm
Simon, sensible point about being cautious and I'm sorry my original post
caused a problem. However I can confirm to anyone reading this that
DISQLite3 is a brilliant product. Easy to use, fast, very robust and one
that allows you to communicate directly with SQLite3 databases without
having to distribute any dlls. (That's what sold it to me.) It has never let
me down and if I ever need help doing something unusual with it, Ralf is
always quick to reply via the support mailing list. My query, for which I'm
grateful for your reply Simon, was slightly more to do with SQLite3
generally which is why I posted it here and not in the DIOSqlite3 group. 


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Re: [sqlite] How to restore from backup or alter db in multi-user envionment?

2012-12-02 Thread dochsm
Thank you Simon for a very full and informative reply.

Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2012 19:37:45 -0800
Subject: Re: How to restore from backup or alter db in multi-user envionment?

On 1 Dec 2012, at 3:22pm, dochsm <[hidden email]> wrote:

> My database is shared by many users on a network. As part of auto-updating my

> client applications via the web it might be necessary to alter some table

> structures / view sql or put extra data into tables inside the shared sqlite

> database. Problem is that the db might be in use at the time. 


> Qn1) Is it safe simply to wrap up everthing I want to do in a transaction

> and then commit the transaction?

As far as SQLite is concerned, yes.  SQLite will lock the schema against 
changes while SELECT UPDATE INSERT commands are executing, and will lock the 
database against those commands while the database schema is being changed.  
The effect is that locking is used in the same way it would be if two users 
tried to do UPDATE commands at the same time.

> Q2) If I back up the database first using the online backup to safely back

> it up, how do I safely restore it again when the db might be in use at the

> time?

I assume you're talking about the online backup API:


Under those circumstances I think you would use the same backup API in the 
other direction to restore the database again.  It will have a lock on that 
destination database the whole time it's working, of course.  So if you have 
implemented a timeout correctly your users will just get a long pause or a 
"database busy" message during access.

If you have been writing your code correctly you will have used transactions to 
group all related accesses /including related SELECTs/ together.  So any 
particular piece of code in your app should notice only consistency.

> I'm using DISQLite and the online api in delphi, not the command line thing.

I have seen some bad drivers which assume that underlying schema will not be 
changed by another user while they have a database connection open.  I have no 
reason to believe that this is one of them, but it might be worth reading the 



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[sqlite] How to restore from backup or alter db in multi-user envionment?

2012-12-01 Thread dochsm
My database is shared by many users on a network. As part of auto-updating my
client applications via the web it might be necessary to alter some table
structures / view sql or put extra data into tables inside the shared sqlite
database. Problem is that the db might be in use at the time. 

Qn1) Is it safe simply to wrap up everthing I want to do in a transaction
and then commit the transaction?

Q2) If I back up the database first using the online backup to safely back
it up, how do I safely restore it again when the db might be in use at the

I'm using DISQLite and the online api in delphi, not the command line thing.

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