Re: Re: [sqlite] SQLite for Win32 TCHAR

2004-03-19 Thread Nuno Lucas
=== On 2004-03-19, Will Leshner wrote ===
>On Mar 19, 2004, at 7:18 AM, Nuno Lucas wrote:
>> What I believe is in separation of the os.c file for the diferent 
>> platforms supported.
>> A os_unix.c, os_win.c, os_mac.c (and maybe os.c for common code) 
>> separation will make the code for each port more readable and easy to 
>> set new ports (for example, ifdefing the incompatible code in os_win.c 
>> and adding a os_wince.c).
>Yes, I think this is a great idea.
hehe, let's lobby for it ;-)

~Nuno Lucas

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Re: [sqlite] SQLite for Win32 TCHAR

2004-03-19 Thread Nuno Lucas
=== On 2004-03-20, sword wrote ===
>So, what you want to do basically falls in maintaining ports, but
>internally in SQLite codebase, isn't it?

If I understood you correctly, yes.
I just replyed to correct a litle misconception about the Windows CE port. I agree 
with you on patching sqlite to work under the Unicode environment (a very quick fix).
About adding a Unicode API to sqlite, I don't, for now (until sqlite works with it 
The reason is that as sqlite would convert to UTF8 anyway, it would not add nothing 
except maybe confusing the developer of why his database access was slower than his 
coleage (using the Ansi version).
If you want this Wide API, is easy enough to make it yourself (as you probably have 
done, already). What could be missing in here is a contrib page where this kind of 
stuff could be exposed for all (it could be a wiki page, also). In this case, a .h/.c 
pair of files would do the trick, maybe titled wsqlite.h/.c. Another pair tsqlite.h/.c 
would expose the Win32 generic types interface.

~Nuno Lucas

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Re: [sqlite] SQLite for Win32 TCHAR

2004-03-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Fri, 19 Mar 2004 15:18:50 +
"Nuno Lucas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't think there is the need to go so far. What I believe is in separation
> of the os.c file for the diferent platforms supported.
> A os_unix.c, os_win.c, os_mac.c (and maybe os.c for common code) separation will
>make the code for each port more readable and easy to set new ports
> (for example, ifdefing the incompatible code in os_win.c and adding a os_wince.c).
> When compiling for windows, the os_mac.c and os_unix.c would simply be
>ifdefed out, like when using SQLITE_OMIT_AUTHORIZATION and the auth.c file.
> I didn't do this to the WinCE port because I think a port should be the closest
>possible to the original, including the design, making it very simple
>to use a program like WinMerge to update the sources to a new version.
>For WinCE I had to also to implement atof() (for some WinCE versions), and
>having it on a separate os_wince.c file would make the code cleaner.

So, what you want to do basically falls in maintaining ports, but
internally in SQLite codebase, isn't it?

Actually, I don't care specific breed of Windows, but only have concern
on the aspect (you can associate it with aspect-oriented programming)
that they have same characteristics in necessary interfaces (ANSI/wide).
Therefore I thought it would be advantage for SQLite to extract and
abstract this aspect, ANSI/wide, to adapt it to unknown future platforms.
If you only care about problems of short-range, just port and let it go,
but I believe it won't produce maintainable and reusable code.

My own usage model of SQLite is, I incorporate SQLite as source code
in my C++ codebase of an application with UNICODE defined.
Since UNICODE is defined all over SQLite code, to match Windows API
and SQLite const char* zFilename interface and make it pass through
the compiler, I have to modify os.c to add 'A' postfix to all file-handling
APIs. Because I only use source code of SQLite, I can agree with your
somewhat light-weight solution.

However, SQLite is provided in binary .dll form, too. For users of
.dll, only one dll for all Windows and unchanged interfaces would be
some kind of merit, at least I'd thought so looking for years.
I would like to hear the opinion of the designer himself on this point.

If you assume ANSI/wide version APIs coexistence in SQLite is too
fat and takes in a few unwanted kilobytes of code memory which is too
big in embeded platform, then there should be a macro like LEAN_FILE_API
or something to remove unwanted part from resulted binary, but it is only
for Windows Embedded developers, not for mainstream desktop/server
Windows developers.

-- KL

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Re: [sqlite] SQLite for Win32 TCHAR

2004-03-19 Thread Will Leshner
On Mar 19, 2004, at 7:18 AM, Nuno Lucas wrote:

What I believe is in separation of the os.c file for the diferent 
platforms supported.
A os_unix.c, os_win.c, os_mac.c (and maybe os.c for common code) 
separation will make the code for each port more readable and easy to 
set new ports (for example, ifdefing the incompatible code in os_win.c 
and adding a os_wince.c).
Yes, I think this is a great idea.

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Re: [sqlite] SQLite for Win32 TCHAR

2004-03-19 Thread Nuno Lucas
plz see below...

=== On 2004-03-19, sword wrote ===
>On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 16:01:39 -0500
>"Clark, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > -Original Message-
>> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 11:58 PM
>> > Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQLite for Win32 TCHAR
>> > 
>> > 
>> > So finally Ticket 239,2
>> > will be fixed soon, after 1 year the ticket was submit? (by adding 'A'
>> > to all file handling API in OS_WIN)
>> If you do that you break the WinCE port. WinCE only has the wide versions (but we
>>have char and wide char). That's why the previuos posts have mentioned
>> Chris

No, the WinCE port will not be broken. It is a separate project and not using the same 
code for windows, so a merge with the windows sources  of sqlite (what I do for each 
new version) will not break WinCE. Probably one or two fixes will be implied, but 
nothing serious.

>OK, WinCE doesn't have CreateFileA symbol in its binary from the
>There will be 2 different scenarios for SQLite to adapt itself
>to Windows overall.
>1) Separate OS_WIN to OS_WINNT, OS_WIN9X, OS_WINCE, and
>maintain different SQLite binaries for them as ports.

I don't think there is the need to go so far. What I believe is in separation of the 
os.c file for the diferent platforms supported.
A os_unix.c, os_win.c, os_mac.c (and maybe os.c for common code) separation will make 
the code for each port more readable and easy to set new ports (for example, ifdefing 
the incompatible code in os_win.c and adding a os_wince.c).
When compiling for windows, the os_mac.c and os_unix.c would simply be ifdefed out, 
like when using SQLITE_OMIT_AUTHORIZATION and the auth.c file.
I didn't do this to the WinCE port because I think a port should be the closest 
possible to the original, including the design, making it very simple to use a program 
like WinMerge to update the sources to a new version.
For WinCE I had to also to implement atof() (for some WinCE versions), and having it 
on a separate os_wince.c file would make the code cleaner.

>2) Put ASCII/wide version of those APIs side-by-side in os.c
>of SQLite, like sqliteOsOpenReadWriteA and
>sqliteOsOpenReadWriteW, and add user interfaces as sqlite_openA
>and sqlite_openW, then put CreateFileA and CreateFileW (CreateFileW,
>not CreateFile, is present as a symbol in WinCE binary as listed in
>right? ) in each versions, just like WindowsNT itself does. This way
>is what I suggested in the last paragraph of Ticket 239 comment of
>1 year before.

I don't see the need for this. It will just complicate the code with litle value (not 
the ticket, offcourse).
I will not detail myself here, as I think you were not well informed about the WinCE 
port (I think I informed you now).

I wanted to see the ticket better, but it seems the tracker is down at the moment 
(Richard ?).
If this helps, here is the error (
Query failed

Database query failed:

REPLACE INTO access_load(ipaddr,load,lastaccess) 

Reason: attempt to write a readonly database

Well, regards,
~Nuno Lucas

>"Another way is, add to SQLite its own ANSI/Unicode(UCS-2) version
>APIs as Windows does, in Windows SQLite build. For example "open" is
>translated in sqlite.h to openA/openW which exists in dll. Fortunately
>SQLite has os.c as abstraction filter for its body, several changes in
>os.c will be sufficient."
>For sqlite.h,
>#ifdef UNICODE
>#define sqlite_open sqlite_openW
>#define sqlite_open sqlite_openA
>this translation is sufficient, as you won't remove UNICODE symbol
>in Windows Embedded development.
>Win95 has CreateFileA (if you have installed Microsoft Unicode Layer
>to Win9X it also has CreateFileW), WinNT has both CreateFileA and
>CreateFileW, and WinCE has only CreateFileW. In current SQLite dll
>binary at contains only
>CreateFileA symbol as you can see it with Dependency Walker.
>Performance-wise for WinNT, when it takes CreateFileA it internally
>translates ASCII arguments to wide and passes it to CreateFileW, so
>it's recommended that you use Unicode filenames consistently in
>WinNT platforms.
>By the way, please

Re: [sqlite] SQLite for Win32 TCHAR

2004-03-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 16:01:39 -0500
"Clark, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 11:58 PM
> > Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQLite for Win32 TCHAR
> > 
> > 
> > So finally Ticket 239,2
> > will be fixed soon, after 1 year the ticket was submit? (by adding 'A'
> > to all file handling API in OS_WIN)
> If you do that you break the WinCE port. WinCE only has the wide versions (but we
>have char and wide char). That's why the previuos posts have mentioned
> Chris

OK, WinCE doesn't have CreateFileA symbol in its binary from the

There will be 2 different scenarios for SQLite to adapt itself
to Windows overall.

1) Separate OS_WIN to OS_WINNT, OS_WIN9X, OS_WINCE, and
maintain different SQLite binaries for them as ports.

2) Put ASCII/wide version of those APIs side-by-side in os.c
of SQLite, like sqliteOsOpenReadWriteA and
sqliteOsOpenReadWriteW, and add user interfaces as sqlite_openA
and sqlite_openW, then put CreateFileA and CreateFileW (CreateFileW,
not CreateFile, is present as a symbol in WinCE binary as listed in, 
right? ) in each versions, just like WindowsNT itself does. This way
is what I suggested in the last paragraph of Ticket 239 comment of
1 year before.,2

"Another way is, add to SQLite its own ANSI/Unicode(UCS-2) version
APIs as Windows does, in Windows SQLite build. For example "open" is
translated in sqlite.h to openA/openW which exists in dll. Fortunately
SQLite has os.c as abstraction filter for its body, several changes in
os.c will be sufficient."

For sqlite.h,

#ifdef UNICODE
#define sqlite_open sqlite_openW
#define sqlite_open sqlite_openA

this translation is sufficient, as you won't remove UNICODE symbol
in Windows Embedded development.

Win95 has CreateFileA (if you have installed Microsoft Unicode Layer
to Win9X it also has CreateFileW), WinNT has both CreateFileA and
CreateFileW, and WinCE has only CreateFileW. In current SQLite dll
binary at contains only
CreateFileA symbol as you can see it with Dependency Walker.

Performance-wise for WinNT, when it takes CreateFileA it internally
translates ASCII arguments to wide and passes it to CreateFileW, so
it's recommended that you use Unicode filenames consistently in
WinNT platforms.

By the way, please don't confuse the argument above with TCHAR
support all over SQLite, because SQLite won't support UTF-16 until
SQLite 3.0 as its storable data. And I don't like simple ASCII/wide
implicit translation wrapper to be incorporated in SQLite since it
becomes unwanted overhead. Here I only talk about TCHAR filename
and abstraction of file-handling interfaces.

-- KL

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Re: [sqlite] SQLite for Win32 TCHAR

2004-03-17 Thread Mateusz Łoskot

In 03/17/2004 07:35 AM, Nuno Lucas wrote:
For the original poster:
If you want a hint on how to do your wraping, 
> see the help on mbstowcs/wcstombs functions of the C runtime,
> or MultiByteToWideChar/WideCharToMultiByte in the Win32 API.
That's right. Nuno gives you a great hint.
I'm using his sqlite WinCE port (that maintained on and
I wrote a small wprapper classes which do a ASCII <-> UNICODE
conversion using MultiByteToWideChar/WideCharToMultiByte API calls.
My wrapper uses string from STLPort by Giuseppe Govi
(look at ) internally and every string
going out my wrapper is converted into TCHAR, LPTSTR or - what is
even better -  to WTL::CString class objects (which also provides some
conversions if needed).
Kind regards

Mateusz Łoskot, mateusz at loskot dot net
GNU/Linux (Slackware 9.1) #220771
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RE: [sqlite] SQLite for Win32 TCHAR

2004-03-17 Thread Michael Smith
This is to clarify what I meant:
I would like to know if anyone has modified sqlite so that it entirely works
with TCHAR, either when it is typedef'd as unsigned short or char (per
This is an example of what I would like to see:
sqlite *sqlite_open(LPTCSTR filename, int mode, LPTSTR* errmsg);
typedef int (*sqlite_callback)(void*,int,LPTSTR*, LPTSTR*);
int sqlite_exec(sqlite*,  LPCTSTR sql,  sqlite_callback,  void *, LPTSTR
and following this the underlying code fully supports TCHAR all down to the
functions in os.c.
In studying the code I realize its not a simple task and it may not even be
possible or desirable considering the logic which supports UTF8 throughout.
Other sources of concern are buffer sizes and how the changes would affect
read/write performance etc
Thanks for your feedback to this point,
Mike Smith

-Original Message-
From: Steven Van Ingelgem [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 1:27 AM
To: Andrew Francis; Michael Smith
Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQLite for Win32 TCHAR

I understand what he means... 

I am using SQLite 2.8.11 and I did notice this too... Some Win32 fucntions
should have 'A' attached to the end. This way it does not complain when
using SQLite embedded in a UNICODE project.

[ I even think I submitted a diff with things you would have to change to
have absolutely no warnings any more (for a Win32 unicode build that is)]


At 06:11 17/03/2004, Andrew Francis wrote:

Michael Smith wrote:

Has anyone ported the SQLite code to support the Win32 TCHAR type and API?

I'll confess I'm not actually sure what you mean by "ported" - do you mean
using TCHAR (which is, btw, just a typedef for char or short depending on
whether UNICODE is #define'd) in the sqlite library interface, or using
TCHAR for Win32 calls?

Regardless, I'd start by looking at the sqlite ports to Windows CE /
PocketPC. From memory, there are a couple around. Windows CE provides only
Unicode versions of the Win32 functions, so generally WinCE code has to be
TCHAR/Unicode 'clean.'

Andrew Francis
Software Developer
Family Health Software

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G00fy, (aka KaReL, aka Steven)

Main Webpage : <> 
CQ Database  : <> 
ICQ #: 35217584

Re: [sqlite] SQLite for Win32 TCHAR

2004-03-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
So finally Ticket 239,2
will be fixed soon, after 1 year the ticket was submit? (by adding 'A'
to all file handling API in OS_WIN)
Aside from it, since Win9X is really diminishing, SQLite should start to
adapt itself to 'NT way' if it purports Windows support...

-- KL

On Wed, 17 Mar 2004 6:48:55 +
"Nuno Lucas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Oops...
> I realize now that the fix for compiling for windows when UNICODE is defined is in 
> my TODO list.
> I was waiting for it to be fixed in the main code, to minimize the changes from the 
> original code.
> In the total, there are only a dozen changes to the code in "os.c". I can also make 
> a patch, if that is desired.
> Regards,
> ~Nuno Lucas
> === On 2004-03-17, Nuno Lucas wrote ===
> >Just a litle correction
> >
> >=== On 2004-03-17, Andrew Francis wrote ===
> >...
> >>
> >>Regardless, I'd start by looking at the sqlite ports to Windows CE / 
> >>PocketPC. From memory, there are a couple around. Windows CE provides 
> >>only Unicode versions of the Win32 functions, so generally WinCE code 
> >>has to be TCHAR/Unicode 'clean.'
> >>
> >
> >All WinCE ports I know of (including the one I try to maintain - 
> > just wrap the OS specific functions to work with the Unicode 
> >only available Win32 API functions (and a few tweaks to make synchronization work).
> >The sqlite API is unchanged, just the UTF8 is enabled by default.
> >I don't see any advantage in creating a Unicode specific sqlite API, as this can be 
> >done by a simple wraper made by the user (that all C++ programmers out there would 
> >make, anyway by creating their object encapsulation to sqlite C API).
> >The only thing I can say about my WinCE port is that it compiles on normal windows, 
> >too, reverting to the original sqlite source code (compiling with or without 
> >UNICODE defined).
> >
> >For the original poster:
> >If you want a hint on how to do your wraping, see the help on mbstowcs/wcstombs 
> >functions of the C runtime, or MultiByteToWideChar/WideCharToMultiByte in the Win32 
> >API.
> >
> >Best regards,
> >~Nuno Lucas
> >
> --
> /"\ 
> / \ 
> -
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Re: [sqlite] SQLite for Win32 TCHAR

2004-03-16 Thread Nuno Lucas
I realize now that the fix for compiling for windows when UNICODE is defined is in my 
TODO list.
I was waiting for it to be fixed in the main code, to minimize the changes from the 
original code.
In the total, there are only a dozen changes to the code in "os.c". I can also make a 
patch, if that is desired.

~Nuno Lucas

=== On 2004-03-17, Nuno Lucas wrote ===
>Just a litle correction
>=== On 2004-03-17, Andrew Francis wrote ===
>>Regardless, I'd start by looking at the sqlite ports to Windows CE / 
>>PocketPC. From memory, there are a couple around. Windows CE provides 
>>only Unicode versions of the Win32 functions, so generally WinCE code 
>>has to be TCHAR/Unicode 'clean.'
>All WinCE ports I know of (including the one I try to maintain - 
>just wrap the OS specific functions to work with the Unicode only available Win32 API 
>functions (and a few tweaks to make synchronization work).
>The sqlite API is unchanged, just the UTF8 is enabled by default.
>I don't see any advantage in creating a Unicode specific sqlite API, as this can be 
>done by a simple wraper made by the user (that all C++ programmers out there would 
>make, anyway by creating their object encapsulation to sqlite C API).
>The only thing I can say about my WinCE port is that it compiles on normal windows, 
>too, reverting to the original sqlite source code (compiling with or without UNICODE 
>For the original poster:
>If you want a hint on how to do your wraping, see the help on mbstowcs/wcstombs 
>functions of the C runtime, or MultiByteToWideChar/WideCharToMultiByte in the Win32 
>Best regards,
>~Nuno Lucas

/ \ 

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Re: Re: [sqlite] SQLite for Win32 TCHAR

2004-03-16 Thread Nuno Lucas
Just a litle correction

=== On 2004-03-17, Andrew Francis wrote ===
>Regardless, I'd start by looking at the sqlite ports to Windows CE / 
>PocketPC. From memory, there are a couple around. Windows CE provides 
>only Unicode versions of the Win32 functions, so generally WinCE code 
>has to be TCHAR/Unicode 'clean.'

All WinCE ports I know of (including the one I try to maintain - 
just wrap the OS specific functions to work with the Unicode only available Win32 API 
functions (and a few tweaks to make synchronization work).
The sqlite API is unchanged, just the UTF8 is enabled by default.
I don't see any advantage in creating a Unicode specific sqlite API, as this can be 
done by a simple wraper made by the user (that all C++ programmers out there would 
make, anyway by creating their object encapsulation to sqlite C API).
The only thing I can say about my WinCE port is that it compiles on normal windows, 
too, reverting to the original sqlite source code (compiling with or without UNICODE 

For the original poster:
If you want a hint on how to do your wraping, see the help on mbstowcs/wcstombs 
functions of the C runtime, or MultiByteToWideChar/WideCharToMultiByte in the Win32 

Best regards,
~Nuno Lucas

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Re: [sqlite] SQLite for Win32 TCHAR

2004-03-16 Thread Steven Van Ingelgem
I understand what he means...

I am using SQLite 2.8.11 and I did notice this too... Some Win32 fucntions 
should have 'A' attached to the end. This way it does not complain when 
using SQLite embedded in a UNICODE project.

[ I even think I submitted a diff with things you would have to change to 
have absolutely no warnings any more (for a Win32 unicode build that is)]


At 06:11 17/03/2004, Andrew Francis wrote:
Michael Smith wrote:

Has anyone ported the SQLite code to support the Win32 TCHAR type and API?
I'll confess I'm not actually sure what you mean by "ported" - do you mean 
using TCHAR (which is, btw, just a typedef for char or short depending on 
whether UNICODE is #define'd) in the sqlite library interface, or using 
TCHAR for Win32 calls?

Regardless, I'd start by looking at the sqlite ports to Windows CE / 
PocketPC. From memory, there are a couple around. Windows CE provides only 
Unicode versions of the Win32 functions, so generally WinCE code has to be 
TCHAR/Unicode 'clean.'

Andrew Francis
Software Developer
Family Health Software
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G00fy, (aka KaReL, aka Steven)

Main Webpage :
CQ Database  :
ICQ #: 35217584

Re: [sqlite] SQLite for Win32 TCHAR

2004-03-16 Thread Andrew Francis
Michael Smith wrote:

Has anyone ported the SQLite code to support the Win32 TCHAR type and API?
I'll confess I'm not actually sure what you mean by "ported" - do you 
mean using TCHAR (which is, btw, just a typedef for char or short 
depending on whether UNICODE is #define'd) in the sqlite library 
interface, or using TCHAR for Win32 calls?

Regardless, I'd start by looking at the sqlite ports to Windows CE / 
PocketPC. From memory, there are a couple around. Windows CE provides 
only Unicode versions of the Win32 functions, so generally WinCE code 
has to be TCHAR/Unicode 'clean.'

Andrew Francis
Software Developer
Family Health Software
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