Re: [sqlite] [sqlite-dev] Final preparations for the release of System.Data.SQLite v1.0.92.0 have begun...

2014-03-19 Thread Joe Mistachkin

Stefano Ravagni wrote:
> The application run well, so good! The HasRows properties return TRUE as 
> far as i close datareader explicity 


> I hope after new compilation of library, i'll just have to reference the 
> system.Data.SQLite.dll and not all x86 right ?

If you use one of the mixed-mode assemblies, yes.

Joe Mistachkin

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [sqlite-dev] Final preparations for the release of System.Data.SQLite v1.0.92.0 have begun...

2014-03-19 Thread Stefano Ravagni
Hello Joe, yesterday i tryed the StickyHasRows properties passed on 
connection string...

As in your suggestion, i add reference to new 1.0.92 version and i also 
copy all files in x86 directory in my BIN directory.

The application run well, so good! The HasRows properties return TRUE as 
far as i close datareader explicity

I'm satisfied and now i could use SQLite in my application...

I hope after new compilation of library, i'll just have to reference the 
system.Data.SQLite.dll and not all x86 right ?

Let me know if you receive my feedback and have a good day!

Il 17/03/2014 22.27, Joe Mistachkin ha scritto:

Stefano Ravagni wrote:

I cannot recompile because i run under Windows XP and without Visual C,
i use Visual Basic...

You would need to recompile your application against the new
assembly, not System.Data.SQLite itself.

properties in next compiled versione ? If yes, when you think is ready
for download (about) ?

The addition of the StickyHasRows feature is pending; however, we were
to get your feedback prior to including it in the release to make sure that
works for the specific scenarios that you mentioned previously.

The next version is scheduled to be released sometime this week, barring any
more late-breaking changes.

Joe Mistachkin

sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [sqlite-dev] Final preparations for the release of System.Data.SQLite v1.0.92.0 have begun...

2014-03-18 Thread Stefano Ravagni
Hello Joe, i just tryed the StickyHasRows properties passed on 
connection string...

As in your suggestion, i add reference to new 1.0.92 version and i also 
copy all files in x86 directory in my BIN directory.

The application run well, so good! The HasRows properties return TRUE as 
far as i close datareader explicity

I'm satisfied and now i could use SQLite in my application...

I hope after new compilation of library, i'll just have to reference the 
system.Data.SQLite.dll and not all x86 right ?

Let me know if you receive my feedback and have a good day!

Il 17/03/2014 22.27, Joe Mistachkin ha scritto:

Stefano Ravagni wrote:

I cannot recompile because i run under Windows XP and without Visual C,
i use Visual Basic...

You would need to recompile your application against the new
assembly, not System.Data.SQLite itself.

properties in next compiled versione ? If yes, when you think is ready
for download (about) ?

The addition of the StickyHasRows feature is pending; however, we were
to get your feedback prior to including it in the release to make sure that
works for the specific scenarios that you mentioned previously.

The next version is scheduled to be released sometime this week, barring any
more late-breaking changes.

Joe Mistachkin

sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [sqlite-dev] Final preparations for the release of System.Data.SQLite v1.0.92.0 have begun...

2014-03-17 Thread Stefano Ravagni
Ok, tomorrow i'll try again to use followind your instructions and i'll 
feedback answer this emaili hope to be able...

Il 17/03/2014 22.27, Joe Mistachkin ha scritto:

Stefano Ravagni wrote:

I cannot recompile because i run under Windows XP and without Visual C,
i use Visual Basic...

You would need to recompile your application against the new
assembly, not System.Data.SQLite itself.

properties in next compiled versione ? If yes, when you think is ready
for download (about) ?

The addition of the StickyHasRows feature is pending; however, we were
to get your feedback prior to including it in the release to make sure that
works for the specific scenarios that you mentioned previously.

The next version is scheduled to be released sometime this week, barring any
more late-breaking changes.

Joe Mistachkin

sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [sqlite-dev] Final preparations for the release of System.Data.SQLite v1.0.92.0 have begun...

2014-03-17 Thread Joe Mistachkin

Stefano Ravagni wrote:
> I cannot recompile because i run under Windows XP and without Visual C, 
> i use Visual Basic...

You would need to recompile your application against the new
assembly, not System.Data.SQLite itself.

> properties in next compiled versione ? If yes, when you think is ready 
> for download (about) ?

The addition of the StickyHasRows feature is pending; however, we were
to get your feedback prior to including it in the release to make sure that
works for the specific scenarios that you mentioned previously.

The next version is scheduled to be released sometime this week, barring any
more late-breaking changes.

Joe Mistachkin

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [sqlite-dev] Final preparations for the release of System.Data.SQLite v1.0.92.0 have begun...

2014-03-17 Thread Stefano Ravagni

A... this the problem...

I cannot recompile because i run under Windows XP and without Visual C, 
i use Visual Basic...

I use SQLite as a referenced library, so i have to wait for a new 
compiled version... I will found the


properties in next compiled versione ? If yes, when you think is ready 
for download (about) ?

Thanks for your interest !

Il 17/03/2014 21.01, Joe Mistachkin ha scritto:

Stefano Ravagni wrote:

Joe i tryed the beta library you propose to me... but i obtain this error:

"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation."

Can you make sure that all the binaries included in that ZIP file end up in
the application binary directory?  This is especially important for the
and "x64" directories within the archive.  They should be extracted verbatim
into the application binary directory.

Also, you might need to recompile your application to refer to the new
of System.Data.SQLite, which is

Joe Mistachkin

sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [sqlite-dev] Final preparations for the release of System.Data.SQLite v1.0.92.0 have begun...

2014-03-17 Thread Joe Mistachkin

Stefano Ravagni wrote:
> Joe i tryed the beta library you propose to me... but i obtain this error:
> "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation."

Can you make sure that all the binaries included in that ZIP file end up in
the application binary directory?  This is especially important for the
and "x64" directories within the archive.  They should be extracted verbatim
into the application binary directory.

Also, you might need to recompile your application to refer to the new
of System.Data.SQLite, which is

Joe Mistachkin

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [sqlite-dev] Final preparations for the release of System.Data.SQLite v1.0.92.0 have begun...

2014-03-17 Thread Stefano Ravagni

Joe i tryed the beta library you propose to me... but i obtain this error:

"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation."

The error happen in this line of my code:

MyDBFactory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("System.Data.SQlite")

I forgot something ??

I can see the beta library is mre small as previous stable version normal ?

Il 17/03/2014 5.41, Joe Mistachkin ha scritto:

Stefano Ravagni wrote:

In addiction..what change in backward compatybilities ? I think nothing...
Who use datareader with "while .read do " continue to use in same
waybut many others developer, who use HasRows for check if
datareader has or had records will be gratified to this new
capacity...don't think ??

I have figured out a backwards compatible way to enable this behavioral

It involves modifying the connection string used when creating the
associated connection by modifying [or adding] the Flags connection
string property to include the StickyHasRows value, e.g.:

"Data Source=:memory:;Flags=StickyHasRows;"

Currently, these changes can be seen on the stickyHasRows branch, here:

Would this satify your requirements?

Joe Mistachkin

sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [sqlite-dev] Final preparations for the release of System.Data.SQLite v1.0.92.0 have begun...

2014-03-16 Thread rava
Hello and thanks for reply ...
You want say i have just to add " Flags=StickyHasRows;" to normal string 
connection and i could use hasrows in the way i say? 

If yes, i like this way! When could i try the compiled version for make somes 

Joe Mistachkin  ha scritto:

>Stefano Ravagni wrote:
>> In addiction..what change in backward compatybilities ? I think nothing...
>> Who use datareader with "while .read do " continue to use in same 
>> waybut many others developer, who use HasRows for check if 
>> datareader has or had records will be gratified to this new 
>> capacity...don't think ??
>I have figured out a backwards compatible way to enable this behavioral
>It involves modifying the connection string used when creating the
>associated connection by modifying [or adding] the Flags connection
>string property to include the StickyHasRows value, e.g.:
>   "Data Source=:memory:;Flags=StickyHasRows;"
>Currently, these changes can be seen on the stickyHasRows branch, here:
>Would this satify your requirements?
>Joe Mistachkin
>sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [sqlite-dev] Final preparations for the release of System.Data.SQLite v1.0.92.0 have begun...

2014-03-16 Thread Joe Mistachkin

Stefano Ravagni wrote:
> In addiction..what change in backward compatybilities ? I think nothing...
> Who use datareader with "while .read do " continue to use in same 
> waybut many others developer, who use HasRows for check if 
> datareader has or had records will be gratified to this new 
> capacity...don't think ??

I have figured out a backwards compatible way to enable this behavioral

It involves modifying the connection string used when creating the
associated connection by modifying [or adding] the Flags connection
string property to include the StickyHasRows value, e.g.:

"Data Source=:memory:;Flags=StickyHasRows;"

Currently, these changes can be seen on the stickyHasRows branch, here:

Would this satify your requirements?

Joe Mistachkin

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [sqlite-dev] Final preparations for the release of System.Data.SQLite v1.0.92.0 have begun...

2014-03-15 Thread Stefano Ravagni

I'm sorry, maybe i've not your knowledge 
...but could you tell me why in your mind database library for .net as 
MySql connector, ODBC for Postgres, all Access drivers, NPGSQL and many 
others permit read hasrows properties also after data association as i 
say and SQlite not ?

In addiction..what change in backward compatybilities ? I think nothing...
Who use datareader with "while .read do " continue to use in same 
waybut many others developer, who use HasRows for check if 
datareader has or had records will be gratified to this new 
capacity...don't think ??

Il 14/03/2014 2.01, Joe Mistachkin ha scritto:

Stefano Ravagni wrote:

Only SQL Server don't follow this line for what i know, and because of
that i abandon it in favor of SQlite (as file system database) and

Well, the SQL Server provider is included with the .NET Framework itself
and I assume that they know how to properly implement their own database
access interfaces.

Tell me please because i'm not sure to had understand in next
version could i check dati.hasrows and have to return TRUE value also
after data association or have i to combine the use with StepCount
properties ?

No, for several reasons:

1. It would not be a backward compatible change.

2. It would not be compatible with several other ADO.NET providers
(e.g. SQL Server).

3. The IDataReader.Read() method return value can be used instead (see
example below) and has the additional benefit of being more widely
available since it is required on any class that implements the
IDataReader interface, not just those derived from the DbDataReader
abstract class.

bool hasRows = false;

do {
if (dataReader.Read()) {
hasRows = true;
// process this row...
} else {
// no more rows.
} while (true);

if (hasRows) {
// more code here...

Joe Mistachkin

sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [sqlite-dev] Final preparations for the release of System.Data.SQLite v1.0.92.0 have begun...

2014-03-13 Thread Joe Mistachkin

Stefano Ravagni wrote:
> Only SQL Server don't follow this line for what i know, and because of 
> that i abandon it in favor of SQlite (as file system database) and 
> PostgreSQL.

Well, the SQL Server provider is included with the .NET Framework itself
and I assume that they know how to properly implement their own database
access interfaces.

> Tell me please because i'm not sure to had understand in next 
> version could i check dati.hasrows and have to return TRUE value also 
> after data association or have i to combine the use with StepCount 
> properties ?

No, for several reasons:

1. It would not be a backward compatible change.

2. It would not be compatible with several other ADO.NET providers
   (e.g. SQL Server).

3. The IDataReader.Read() method return value can be used instead (see
   example below) and has the additional benefit of being more widely
   available since it is required on any class that implements the
   IDataReader interface, not just those derived from the DbDataReader
   abstract class.

bool hasRows = false;

do {
if (dataReader.Read()) {
hasRows = true;
// process this row...
} else {
// no more rows.
} while (true);

if (hasRows) {
// more code here...

Joe Mistachkin

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [sqlite-dev] Final preparations for the release of System.Data.SQLite v1.0.92.0 have begun...

2014-03-13 Thread Joe Mistachkin

Stefano Ravagni wrote:
> Yes,  i think tue value have to remain constant as far as i explicit close
> This have an important effect; possibility to valle a datareader in a
specific routine
> and obtain hasrows value out of this routine.

The MSDN docs are unclear on this point; however, other ADO.NET providers
seem to follow
the System.Data.SQLite behavior you are seeing.

Meanwhile, I've added a new SQLiteDataReader.StepCount property on trunk
that will return
the number of rows seen so far.  Checking if this value is greater than zero
may work for
your use case, when combined with the HasRows property, e.g.:

If Dati.HasRows = True Or Dati.StepCount > 0 Then
... code here ...
End If

This new property will be present in the release, due out next

Joe Mistachkin

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [sqlite-dev] Final preparations for the release of System.Data.SQLite v1.0.92.0 have begun...

2014-03-13 Thread Stefano Ravagni
i encounter problem with datareader hasrows properties...

After data association the property became FALSE also if data is present

Is not good thing for who use datareader.hasrows for check data presence...

Is possible to fix this problem ?

Il giorno martedì 11 marzo 2014 02:22:31 UTC+1, Joe Mistachkin ha scritto:
> If you have any issues with the current code, please report them via this 
> mailing 
> list (and/or by creating a ticket on "";) 
> prior to 
> this coming Friday, March 14th. 
> Thanks. 
> -- 
> Joe Mistachkin 
> ___ 
> sqlite-dev mailing list 
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [sqlite-dev] Final preparations for the release of System.Data.SQLite v1.0.92.0 have begun...

2014-03-12 Thread Joe Mistachkin

Stefano Ravagni wrote:
>   i use a code like this:
> If Dati.HasRows = True Then
>   sorgente.DataSource = Dati
>  .
>  .
> end if
> If Dati.HasRows = True then
> . make something others
> end if

My reading of MSDN indicates that the HasRows property value can change
calls to the Read method (which is used prior to actually reading each
row).  In your sample code, using the SQLiteDataReader as a data source will
almost certainly change the HasRows property.

I've added a test that demonstrates how this works, here:

Based on your previous statements, it sounds like you may have expected the
return value of the HasRows property to remain constant (i.e. even after
reading some or all of the available rows)?

Joe Mistachkin

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [sqlite-dev] Final preparations for the release of System.Data.SQLite v1.0.92.0 have begun...

2014-03-12 Thread Joe Mistachkin

Stefano Ravagni wrote:
> i encounter problem with datareader hasrows properties...

Do you have some example code that demonstrates the issue?

Joe Mistachkin

sqlite-users mailing list