[sqlite] Crash

2013-05-10 Thread bardzotajnekonto
Table was created by copying data from other database:

C:\sqlite3.exe db
SQLite version 2013-04-12 11:52:43
Enter .help for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ;
sqlite attach 't68286' as x;
sqlite create table tabela_analityczna as select *, 1 from 

Created database can be downloaded from http://bardzotajnekonto.w.interii.pl/db

Select below crashes sqlite:

C:\chcp 65001
Aktywna strona kodowa: 65001

C:\sqlite3.exe db
SQLite version 2013-04-12 11:52:43
Enter .help for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ;
sqlite SELECT `czy firma upadła` FROM `tabela_analityczna`;


Debugging on older version shows that nField in OP_Column is smaller than real 
number of columns. 
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Crash

2013-05-10 Thread bardzotajnekonto
 Works fine for me on both Linux and Windows7, for SQLite version
 and 3.7.17 (beta).  

It also works for me on linux. I'v looked what is happening on vista and it 
doesn't crash but silently exists. fgets() in local_getline() is returning 0 
when n is 0. My problem with small nField on older version must be something 
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Finding rows with MIN(MTIME) for all IDs

2012-09-11 Thread BardzoTajneKonto
select * from tab
id | a  | mtime | 
 1 |  1 | 3 | 
 1 |  2 | 2 | 
 1 |  3 | 4 | 
 1 |  4 | 2 | 
 1 |  5 | 7 | 
 2 |  6 | 1 | 
 2 |  7 | 0 | 
 2 |  8 | 4 | 
 2 |  9 | 1 | 
 2 | 10 | 2 | 

select id, a, min(mtime) over(partition by id order by mtime) m from tab 
qualify row_number() over(partition by id order by mtime) = 1
id | a | m | 
 1 | 2 | 2 | 
 2 | 7 | 0 |

qualify isnt't in standad. instead subquery can be used.

 Message: 14
 Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2012 09:03:35 -0400
 From: Richard Hipp 
 To: General Discussion of SQLite Database 
 Subject: [sqlite] Finding rows with MIN(MTIME) for all IDs
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
 Suppose you have a table like this:
 CREATE TABLE tab(ID, A, B, C, ..., MTIME);
 The ID entries are not unique.  For each ID occurrence, the values for A,
 B, C, and so forth might (or might not) be different.  We do queries like
 SELECT id, a, b, ..., mtime
 FROM tab
 *The problem to solve* is this:  We want to restrict the output of the
 query above to show only the entry with the smallest MTIME for each
 distinct ID.
 As of SQLite version 3.7.11
 the problem can be
 solved like this:
 SELECT id, a, b, ..., min(mtime)
 FROM tab
 ORDER BY min(mtime) DESC;
 SQLite, unique among SQL database engines as far as I know, will choose for
 A, B, C, ... the values of those columns that correspond to the row that
 satisfies the min(mtime) aggregate.  And so this actually works.  On SQLite
 versions prior to 3.7.11, the values of A, B, C, .. would be from any
 arbitrary row having the corresponding ID.  And on more strictly conforming
 SQL implementations (ex: PostgreSQL) the query will not even parse because
 the GROUP BY clause does not contain every column that is not within an
 aggregate function.  But the query does work, and works efficiently and
 well, in SQLite and seems very convenient.
 *Question*:  Is there a (better) standard SQL way to do the same thing?
 *Context*:  The actual application here is Fossil, and the display of all
 changes to a particular file in a repository.  Queries like the above are
 used to generate, for example, a complete history of the changes to the
 date/time function logic in SQLite:
 In this example, the ID column corresponds to a particular version (SHA1
 hash) of a file.  That same version might appear in various branches and so
 there are duplicate entries in the graph for the same file, which can be
 confusing.  (Note, the actual
 render the finfo page is slightly more complex; tab is really a
 of two tables, and the a, b, c, .. columns are subqueries.  But these
 complications do not bare upon the question of this email.)  To work around
 the confused output, we'd like to only see a single row for each ID,
 specifically the row with the smallest value of mtime, which means the
 first time that a particular version of a file appears in the repository.
 For example:
 The recent change to Fossil to add the fco query parameter to the finfo
 page is the first time I have actually needed SQLite's min()/max() query
 behavior myself, and I now find it *very* convenient.  But, I am slightly
 troubled by depending on SQL behavior that is only found in SQLite in not
 in other database engines.
 D. Richard Hipp

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] SQLite4 key encoding bug

2012-07-10 Thread bardzotajnekonto
SQLite version 4.0.0 2012-07-07 12:21:48
Enter .help for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ;
sqlite create table t(a);
sqlite insert into t values(123);
sqlite insert into t values(123.0);
sqlite insert into t values(12323);
sqlite insert into t values(12323.0);
sqlite select * from t group by 1;
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Join performance in SQLite

2009-06-01 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

 Do other SQL database engines not have this same limitation? Are MySQL 
 and PostgreSQL and Firebird and MS-SQL and Oracle creating phantom 
 indices on-the-fly to help them do joins faster, for example? Or do 
 their optimizers do a better job of finding ways to use indices in a 
 join? Can somebody supply me with specific examples of joins that other 
 database engines do efficiently but that SQLite does slowly?
Acoording to SQLite wiki other databases do better job without indices:

Test 6: INNER JOIN without an index
SELECT t1.a FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON t1.b=t2.b; 
SQLite 3.3.3 (sync):14.473 
SQLite 3.3.3 (nosync):  14.445 
SQLite 2.8.17 (sync):   47.776 
SQLite 2.8.17 (nosync): 47.750 
PostgreSQL 8.1.2:   0.176 
MySQL 5.0.18 (sync):3.421 
MySQL 5.0.18 (nosync):  3.443 
FirebirdSQL 1.5.2:  0.141 

 Is join 
 efficiency really a frustration to many SQLite users?

Generally not, however the behaviour could be more user friendly. The way is I 
use SQLite is probably not common becase I don't write queries - apllication's 
users write them. I also deal with quite large data. The biggest problem with 
the way joins work is with subqueries. If flattening cannot be done the query 
runs slow. For example I was told by an user that joins on views are really 
slow (on large data it means that doesn't work at all).
The are other minor problems:
1. Creating indices on every (possibly very large) table makes database file 
much bigger that it would be if SQLite used temporary indices created before 
query is run.
2. Database users need to know how exaclty how SQLite work. That is not problem 
if programmer write queries, but can be a problem if database is used by a 
mathematician who doesn't really care about it and simply wants to do some 

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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] fulltest *malloc* test failures

2009-01-19 Thread BardzoTajneKonto
 These are simulated malloc() failures.  They are important for embedded  
 devices (which tend to run out of memory) but not so much on Solaris.   
 When was the last time you remember that malloc() really failed on a  
 workstation or a server? 
It's very easy to cause malloc failure on 32 bit desktop computer. Especially 
using sqlite configured to use about 800M cache inside jvm with large -Xmx. 
Unfortunaltelly jvm crashes after a malloc failure. Sqlite usually simply 
returns out of memory however I'v experienced several crashes caused by 
sqlite (I'm using old version, problems I'v seen were already corrected long 
time ago). 

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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite syntax diagrams

2008-10-06 Thread BardzoTajneKonto
I find those diagrams less readable than text version. There are
other problems besides my personal preferences:
- text cannot be copied from pictures
- syntax cannot be viewed with text-only browsers
- site loads a little longer (there are still people that don't use broadband)

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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How to download a old sqlite version?

2008-09-26 Thread BardzoTajneKonto
 Hi! I need to download sqlite (exe), dll and source code of sqlite 3.4.2 but
 I don't find it. Does someone know where to get it ?

This will show when every sqlite version was released.

Checkout from cvs from the date you want and compile. Instruction how to 
checkout from cvs are here:
http://www.sqlite.org/download.html (-D option checksout by date)

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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Manifest Typing performance impact?

2008-08-28 Thread BardzoTajneKonto
 Is there a performance hit assosiated with manifest typing?

I'm not sure about performance, but I assume that static typing might reduce 
memory usage (especially with small caches). Internally every type in sqlite is 
stored in structure that takes 64 bytes (little more on 64 bit systems). 
Different structure for every type or even union would make the size smaller.

 Sprawdz, czy do siebie pasujecie!

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] PROBLEMS BUILDING 3.4.2 using Ms Visual Studio 2005

2007-08-15 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

 See http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/tktview?tn=2574
 Apparently VC++ does not like for you to declare a constant
 with file scope before the constant is defined.  I do not
 know how to work around this problem.  Perhaps someone who
 better understands the quirks of VC++ can help.

VC doesn't like static array with unknown size (it's fine with const). I 
think C standart doesn't like it either. 

Prowadzisz firmê? Zobacz jak mozemy Ci pomoc. 


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Re: [sqlite] Is it a bug?

2007-06-14 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

 The code changes are not that complex.  The hard part is getting
 me to agree to such a change.  Surely by now you have come to
 better understand my views toward static typing

Isn't this decision already made? Strict affinity mode is mentioned on 
official SQLite site suggesting that it will happen.

Cywilizacje powstaja z gliny i zelaza. Travian 

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Re: [sqlite] Why do you use SQLite? Comments for an article needed

2007-06-07 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

 I'm writing an article about SQLite and I'd love to get some comments
 from users about why you use it. Performance? Features? Reliability?

- no restrictions, like only 1 LONG VARCHAR in the table, numer of columns, 
maximum network packet size and similar (actually there are some 
restrictions regarding sizes, but with resonable max values)
- fast
- open source
- free

Is the open source aspect important? 

Very. I don't work with orygnal SQLite, but with customized version.

 For that
 matter, anything you really don't like about SQLite?

- no full support for ALTER TABLE and JOIN
- no strict typing and missing date type
- no high concurrency support

Wiktor Adamski

Wicie, rozumicie
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Re: [sqlite] Stack usage

2007-06-06 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

 There have been some recent changes to try to address this
 by placing various limits on number of columns, length of
 SQL expressions, length of SQL statements etc. See:

Nice. Limit is much better than a crash. But I hope that I will always remain 
configurable and will be possible to specify really large values.

 But so that we can check, can you post the database schema 
 and the actual SQL statement that caused the crash in the 
 sqlite shell? Or mail it to me off-list if it's too large or

Below is a simple C programme that causes a crash with default stack size 
(tested with MSVC i cygwin's gcc):

#include stdio.h
#include string.h
#include malloc.h
#include sqlite3.h

int main(int argc, char **argv){
  sqlite3 *db;
  char *str = (char *) malloc(100);
  int rc, i;

  strcpy(str, select * from (select 1);
  for (i = 0; i  5000; ++i) {
strcat(str,  union select 1);
  strcat(str, ));

  rc = sqlite3_open(test.db3, db);
  printf(rc: %d\n, rc);
  rc = sqlite3_exec(db, str, NULL, 0, NULL);
  printf(rc: %d\n, rc);
  rc = sqlite3_close(db);
  printf(rc: %d\n, rc);
  return 0;

If you still want the big query let me know, but it basically does the same - 
it doesn't even need any table.

I was thinking about sqlite based solution (other solutions are: don't make 
such query or increase stack limit). I guess the best way is:
-include multiSelect in sqlite3Select - that's the easy part
-instead of recursive calls to sqlite3Select use gotos with self written 
stack created on the heap - unfortunatelly it requires to keep track of all 
created variables. They are mostly in front of the function but still it's 
annoying to have to remember all of them.

Using MSVC it's easy prevent a crash: __try, __except and _resetstkoflw.
I have no idea yet hot to do this with gcc. Signal can be caught, but I 
wasn't able to do anything more with demaged stack. I was looking at 
-fstack-check - it does print information but i dont know how to catch the 
error ant recover.

Kasia Cichopek eksponuje biust  

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Re: [sqlite] Stack usage

2007-06-06 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

 Change the 5000 to 5 and it crashes here on linux too.

I guess your compiler's default stack limit is big. I tested real query on 
linux too and it crashed really fast. But satck size was limited by default 
java's value, not gcc's limit.

 we need to limit the number of SELECT statements that can be
 combined in a compound. 

Anybody can lower stack limit during compilation. It would be hard to guess 
correct number. But maybe a test case that creates maximum number of 
selects would at least help to determine quite fast the correct number.

 Another case (haven't tested it though):

With default values it works - error is returned (realy fast, only 13 selects 
are allowed). It will crash if YYSTACKDEPTH is set to 0. 

  I was thinking about sqlite based solution (other solutions are: don't 
  such query or increase stack limit). I guess the best way is:
  -include multiSelect in sqlite3Select - that's the easy part
  -instead of recursive calls to sqlite3Select use gotos with self written 
  stack created on the heap - unfortunatelly it requires to keep track of 
  created variables. They are mostly in front of the function but still 
  annoying to have to remember all of them.
  Using MSVC it's easy prevent a crash: __try, __except and _resetstkoflw.
  I have no idea yet hot to do this with gcc. Signal can be caught, but I 
  wasn't able to do anything more with demaged stack.
 Even if it worked it would leak resources and maybe leave SQLite's 
 internals in an inconsistent state.

The goto way won't leak. But yes, _resetstkoflw may cause problems. I was 
thinking of closing a db connection after that error. It should solve 
inconsistency problem. Maybe some kind of rollback would be even better. 
Leaks would probably remain, but its better than a crash.

Po meczu.kurde...:)

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[sqlite] Stack usage

2007-06-05 Thread BardzoTajneKonto
I'v read in change log that some stack allocted memory were moved to the heap, 
but I think that there is still to much allocated memory on the stack.
After creating a table with 2000 columns, jdbc driver created a query that run 
out of stack. Default java's stack limit is low, but it wasn't hard to create 
simillar query that crashed C application with default stack limit. And the 
fact that it crashed instead repoting an error isn't really nice.
The query created by the driver looks like that:

select null as TABLE_CAT, null as TABLE_SCHEM, 'test' as TABLE_NAME, cn as 
colnullable as NULLABLE, null as REMARKS, null as COLUMN_DEF, 0as 
ordpos as ORDINAL_POSITION, (case colnullable when 0 then 'N' when 1 then 'Y' 
else '' end)as IS_NULLABLE, null as SCOPE_CATLOG, null as SCOPE_SCHEMA, 
null as SCOPE_TABLE, null as SOURCE_DATA_TYPE from (select 0 as ordpos, 1 as 
colnullable, 'col1' as cn, 'double' as tn, 8 as dt union all select 1 as 
ordpos, 1 as colnullable, 'col2' as cn, 'double' as tn, 8 as dt union all 
select 2 as ordpos, 1 as colnullable, 'col3' as cn, 'double' as tn, 8 as dt 
union all select 3 as ordpos, 1 as colnullable, 'col4' as cn, 'double' as tn, 8 
as dt union all select 4 as ordpos, 1 as colnullable, 'lastcol' as cn, 'double' 
as tn, 8 as dt);

but uses more columns.

Cywilizacje powstaja z gliny i zelaza. Travian

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Re: [sqlite] Stack usage

2007-06-05 Thread BardzoTajneKonto
Joe Wilson napisał(a):
 Please respond to the mailing list in the future.

Sorry. Different client. I didn't notice the adress.

 At least there#039;s a known workaround, so no problem.

Workaround is not a solution.

   hence your problem.
  Sure it is. Just like any bug or missing feature in any application. But
 I#039;v always hoped that
  SQLite won#039;t constraint me. It#039;s sad the it does, and horrible 
  that it
 crashes instead returning
  an error. 
 You should ask for your money back.

Yes it's free. But I think that no user (or author) of software like when 
software crashes. Unfortunatelly SQLite does.

Last time wasn't sent to the mailing list so once more:
Does anyone know other places apart from unions where deep recursion may be 

Kasia Cichopek eksponuje biust

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Re: [sqlite] Does Attach improve Concurrency ?

2007-06-05 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

  using separate databases and attaching them improve concurrency (by
  providing finer-grained locking)?
  Yes it does. You can open a connection to a memory database, store each 
  in a separate database and attach  them if needed. I'v already changed
  sqlite to do it transparently. It still has a lot of bugs, but it has
  already proven to work. But if you don't mind attaching databases manually
  originall sqlite will work perfectly.
 As stated above, not needed if you avoid using BEGIN EXCLUSIVE.

It is impossible to write to 2 tables even with default transaction.
It is impossible to insert inside a select callback.
Seeing numerous Table is locked topics I think there are lots of other 
impossible things to do.
And commit does appear at some time, so reading should be synchronized 
outside of SQLite (or perhaps repeated when error occures).
Attach allows to forget about those problems and makes possible table level 
locks instead of database level locks.

Nowy darmowy serwis og³oszeniowy Populada. Kup, sprzedaj, zamieñ  

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Re: [sqlite] Stack usage

2007-06-05 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

 Excuse me for make this question but have you 
 normalized your database? Try to design/define it in at least 3NormalForm.

My application's doesn't create any databases itself. It allows users to 
store any data. And users need to be able to store any number of columns in 
1 table (the most I'v heard about is about 1, but I wouldn't be 
surprised if they had more). Trust me, they need it and they can't do 
anything about it.. 
But the problem isnt't actually caused by many columns in the table. The 
query i posted before doesn't need any table in the database - it was 
created based on the a table but any similar query will crash SQLite. The 
query was created by JDBC driver - I will change driver's code and the 
problem will be solved for now, but it doesn't mean that everything is ok. 
Similar automatically created queries may be created based on anything, for 
example rows of some table - 1 rows isn't too many, right? And that 
query may cause any application to crash. And possibly there are other 
innocent looking queries that are implemented using recursion that will do 
the same damage (maybe nested selects ?).

Nowy darmowy serwis og³oszeniowy Populada. Kup, sprzedaj, zamieñ  

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Re: [sqlite] Tomcat crashes with SQLite

2007-06-03 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

 My project is working with Tomcat, SQLite and javasqlite.
 Since a few weeks Tomcat server crashes very often: error 505
 and I need to restart it manually. It is installed on FreeBSD 5.4.
 Please see the Tomcat log file bellow.
 It seems to be an error in SQLite outsite the Java Virtual Machine.

I see 2 possible explanations:
1. You use the same connection in different threads at the same time.
2. There are bugs in JDBC driver. If this is the case, try driver from 
http://www.zentus.com/sqlitejdbc. It for sure has bugs, but may be 
different and you won't even notice them. You may use pure java version - 
it will be probably slower than JNI based, but should never crash VM.

Wicie, rozumicie
Zobacz  http://link.interia.pl/f1a74

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Re: [sqlite] Re: CAST

2007-06-01 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

 Sqlite lets us advance our storage 
 capabilities into a more flexible world.

Sure, but it's not allways a good thing. Usually one column stores related 
Related data mostly have the same type. Entering a value of different type is 
an error
which is silently ignored. Allowing different types gives us more 
flexibility, but is also
more error-prone. Ofcourse there are other databases that can be chosen 
instead of
SQLite if type safety is required, but compile time option wouldn't hurt 
SQLite in any way.

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RE: [sqlite] Re: CAST

2007-05-30 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

 I for one would be in favor of an option to enforce strict
 typing (compile time option).

SQLite version 3 will feature two other affinity modes, as follows:
Strict affinity mode. In this mode if a conversion between storage classes is 
ever required, the database engine returns an error and the current 
statement is rolled back.

I hope it means that SQLite will behave like any other database, and errors 
during insert will be detected while they are made, not in some unspecified 
time in the future.
This is probably not a problem with machine generated SQLs, but if a human is 
allowed to enter SQLs, working with a database may be difficult.

Wyjatkowo niegrzeczne kartki na Dzien Dziecka 

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[sqlite] CAST

2007-05-28 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

I'm wandering if CAST is supposed to work?
Documentation says that it changes the datatype of the into the type specified 
by type.
However I don't observer any change. It even alters data in not obvious way:

SQLite version 3.3.17
Enter .help for instructions
sqlite create table tab(col date);
sqlite insert into tab values('1994-11-11');
sqlite create table tab2 as select cast(col as DATE) from tab;
sqlite .schema tab2
CREATE TABLE tab2(cast(col as DATE));
sqlite select * from tab2;
sqlite create table tab3 as select cast(col as DATE) as col from tab;
sqlite .schema tab3
CREATE TABLE tab3(col);
sqlite select * from tab3;

Po meczu.kurde...:)

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Re: [sqlite] Re: CAST

2007-05-28 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

 SQLite does not have a dedicated DATE type. 

I know that, but why it does't create appropriate column definition ?
create table tab(col date);
creates a table with date type. 
create table tab2 as select * from tab;
This type does't do much, but it can be queried with sqlite3_column_decltype.
This way I know what to do with text stored in the database.
Currently the only way I see is to create table and then insert .. as select
which seems to be weird in presence of a function that changes the datatype.

- Original Message -
From: Igor Tandetnik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: SQLite sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 10:36:50 -0400
Subject: [sqlite] Re: CAST

  I'm wandering if CAST is supposed to work?
  sqlite create table tab(col date);
  sqlite insert into tab values('1994-11-11');
  sqlite create table tab2 as select cast(col as DATE) from tab;
  sqlite .schema tab2
  CREATE TABLE tab2(cast(col as DATE));
  sqlite select * from tab2;
 SQLite does not have a dedicated DATE type. See 
 http://sqlite.org/datatype3.html . When given an unknown type, SQlite 
 assumes numeric. That's why CAST('1994-11-11' as DATE) produces 1994. So 
 would CAST('1994-11-11' as ANY_RANDOM_STRING).
 It is customary to store dates as strings in SQLite. Several functions 
 are provided to manipulate dates in this representation.
 Igor Tandetnik 
 To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [sqlite] Longest real SQL statement

2007-05-10 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

I haven't used SQLite for that yet (I will in the near future) but with mysql 
my longes statement was at least several megabytes.
I create statements automatically. I think so far the longes created 
statement was a PCA trafsformation from table with about 2000 columns 
(would have been more if mysql supported that).
Coefficients were already calculated, so a single column in the result table 
was created from at least 2 * 2000 tokens.
I don't remember exact length, but possibly even longer statements was 
created using a few CASE .. WHEN constructs with lengthy calculations for 
every condition with lots of columns.

- Original Message -
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Date: Wed, 09 May 2007 23:32:53 +
Subject: [sqlite] Longest real SQL statement

 I'm looking for an upper bound on how big legitimate 
 SQL statements handed to SQLite get to be.  I'm not
 interested in contrived examples.  I want to see
 really big SQL statements that are actually used in
 real programs.
 Big can be defined in several ways:
 *  Number of bytes of text in the SQL statement.
 *  Number of tokens in the SQL statement
 *  Number of result columns in a SELECT
 *  Number of terms in an expression
 If you are using really big SQL statements, please
 tell me about them.  I'd like to see the actual
 SQL text if possible.  But if your use is proprietary,
 please at least tell me how big your query is in
 bytes or tokens or columns or expression terms.
 D. Richard Hipp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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...zanim nie porownasz cen  http://link.interia.pl/f1a5e

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Re: [sqlite] more test suite problems on Windows

2007-04-27 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

 When testing, it is my usual practice to compile with
 -DSQLITE_NO_SYNC=1 which turns off disk syncing.  This
 very definitely makes the tests run way faster.  I 
 wonder if the Makefiles you are using are not setting
 this option by default on windows but are on linux?

On windows this option doesn't do anything, and with FlushFileBuffers()
allways executing tests run really slow.

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[sqlite] ALTER TABLE

2007-04-26 Thread BardzoTajneKonto
Is there a reason why ALTER TABLE ADD can add only one column?
I'v changed the parser to allow any number of columns - I'm calling
sqlite3AlterFinishAddColumn() for every column. It seems to work.
Am I missing some problem, or nobody wanted more columns before?

Wiktor Adamski

Wkrec znajomych :) http://link.interia.pl/f1a5c 

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Re: [sqlite] Insert order maintained?

2007-04-17 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

 I know this is the behavior for MySQL, but not sure about SQLite.

I'v heard about some version of mysql that didn't return rows in the same 
order (but haven't seen it myselt). So unless this behaviour is documented 
in mysql manual, it's not a good idea to rely on this. Actually I'v seen 
only 1 database that allways returns rows in random order, but it doesn't 
mean that other databases guarantee anything.

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Re: [sqlite] Building Test Fixture under Visual Studio 2005

2007-04-13 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

 The offending lines are
 EXTERN int Sqlite3_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp){
   Tcl_InitStubs(interp, 8.4, 0);
   Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, sqlite3, (Tcl_ObjCmdProc*)DbMain, 0,

I simply removed EXTERN from source and there were no other compile errors. 
But there were other problems when I tried to run tests on windows:
-tests crashed (I think only with SQLITE_CRASH_TEST enabled)
-there was some problem with tcl not being able to delete some file - after 
that all other tests didn't run
-tests were really slow: os_win.c ignores SQLITE_NO_SYNC - putting it in 
winSync() function speed up tests a lot

On wie jak zyskaæ, a nie straciæ.
Wideofelietony Tadeusza Mosza. Zobacz  http://link.interia.pl/f1a3c

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Re: [sqlite] Java wrapper for both windows and linux

2007-03-30 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

 Hello All
  iam java starter and love sqlite . when i download java wraper for sqlite
 this is good work in windows but it cant work in linux .i have this
 exception not found libraryjsqlite.so Althought, i download sqlite.so and
 rename to it .where is solution
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=directory_with_sqlite_library:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
should make it work

Wideofelietony Tadeusza Mosza.
O biznesie dla wszystkich. Ogl±daj  http://link.interia.pl/f1a3c

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Re: [sqlite] database is locked error with 3.3.13

2007-03-08 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

 Where can I get 3.3.9 and earlier source code?


But it would be nice to have direct link on the website, or even better to 
have tags for all releases in CVS.

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Re: [sqlite] Single-character pathnames in win2k

2007-01-09 Thread BardzoTajneKonto
 Can somebody who understands or regularly uses windows please 
 look into it for me.

It seems like changing 
nByte = GetFullPathNameW(zWide, 0, 0, zNotUsedW) + 1;
nByte = GetFullPathNameW(zWide, 0, 0, zNotUsedW) + 3;
corrects the problem.

According to documentation even that + 1 isn't necessary, and actually without 
it and with longer file name the call does't return an error and everything 
work as expected. Error isn't returned even with 1-letter file, but +3 is 
required in my computer to make it work.

Wiktor Adamski

Lewa kasa! Zobacz  http://link.interia.pl/f19e2

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[sqlite] attach in transaction

2007-01-08 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

Can someone tell me why attach cannot be called within transaction? It does 
change internal structures, but id doesn't change any tables. And even if it 
would have, I think changing tables in the same connection should be allowed.

Wiktor Adamski

Jestes kierowca? To poczytaj!  http://link.interia.pl/f199e

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[sqlite] Calling ATTACH internally

2007-01-04 Thread BardzoTajneKonto

I need SQLite to be able to acces several tables at the same time. I'v decided 
to do this by creating a new database for each table. So far I'v changed 
sqlite3StartTable() function - it calls attachFunc() and then changes name to 
name.name. It worked - master database is not changed, and new table is created 
in just created database. But I had to disable sqlite3SafetyOn() check. Can I 
assume that I'm in the same thread that set SQLITE_MAGIC_BUSY and it is safe to 
disable checking when calling attachFunc() from sqlite3StartTable() (and 
probably from every other funtions that uses table name, since I think I'll 
have to do this for every SELECT, INSERT, etc.) ?
Also I'm wandering about SQLite reliability. For example comment to 
sqlite3SafetyOn() says: 
** This routine is a attempt to detect if two threads use the
** same sqlite* pointer at the same time. There is a race 
** condition so it is possible that the error is not detected.
** But usually the problem will be seen.
The race codidion is obvious, so is the solution, especially since the are 
already platform independed mutexes in SQlite. Another comment:
** The lock byte is obtained at 
** random so two separate readers can probably access the file at the 
** same time, unless they are unlucky and choose the same lock byte.
can probably access the file at the same time is better than can't access, 
but there is no guarantee.
Does commets like those mean that SQLite will work very often, but there are 
known bugs not resolved because thay are unlikely to appear, or problems like 
race conditions are guarented to be found is some other functions?
Wiktor Adamski

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