Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Artist Name Sorting Anomaly: "Alan"

2020-01-06 Thread Mycenius

mherger wrote: 
> >Some files come with different types of tags, or different versions of
> tagss, which sometimes aren't removed by all tag editors. This has 
> happened to me, too: conflicting information in different version of id3
> tags which were not shown by my tool of choice. I think people usually 
> recommend mp3tag to work on tags. Might be worth a try.

Apesbrain wrote: 
> Mp3tag will display Vorbis tags.  Load the files, highlight all,
> right-click and select "Extended tags".  You can add/edit/delete there.

Yes - I've been caught out with this type of issue (and similar ones) in
the past - it's surprising what odd tags can be in files from different
sources (e.g. different online retailers and/or different ripping
software). A common one is iTunes purchased music which can have the
name sort tag and the compilation tag in the files - if you copy these
over to your LMS library and don't commonly use those fields it can then
cause weird results for sorting or values in your library. Another one I
find FWIW is the caps sensitivity - if you run LMS on a linux based O/S
(e.g. Vortexbox, QNAP NAS, RPi, etc) it's caps sensitive - I use
MediaMonkey in Windows as my primary editor and as a result it isn't
caps sensitive, so when I get two artists in LMS (e.g. in iPeng, or the
LMS Browser on a non-Windows device, etc) - such as "Bat For Lashes" and
"Bat for Lashes" - these will show in my editor all as 'Bat For Lashes",
so I always resort to MP3Tag to see exactly what tags are in each file
and mass update the incorrect ones as needed, etc...

For me MP3Tag is the go to tool for investigating any anomalies with
tagging before doing anything else (and supports great range of file
formats, incl. DSD, etc). :D

- Hi-Fi 1: VortexBox LMS/SOtM tX-USB; Oppo Cirrus ESS Sabre32 DAC
  (BDP-105D), Yamaha Aventage CX-A5000; Focal SM9s.
- Hi-Fi 2: Sqbox Touch/Focal XS Books.
- Hi-Fi 3: iPad/iPhones & iPeng, Plantronics BB Pro 2 LE Headphones.
- Hi-Fi 1 HT: Sony 55" 4K KD-55X8500C LED, Oppo UDP-203, Apple TV 4K,
  PS3/PlayTV; Focal SM6s (1 Twin6, 2 Solo6, 2 Sub6).
- Accessories: Tchernov Classic & Van den Hul IC; Thor PS10 Power
  Station; Blue Jeans & Ruleconnect Cables (Power, HDMI, USB & Coaxial);
  Aurios & Vibrapods.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Artist Name Sorting Anomaly: "Alan"

2020-01-05 Thread Apesbrain

Mp3tag will display Vorbis tags.  Load the files, highlight all,
right-click and select "Extended tags".  You can add/edit/delete there.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Artist Name Sorting Anomaly: "Alan"

2020-01-05 Thread Scardeville

Mystery solved. I thought it was the Various album that was causing the
problem but it wasn't. It turns out that it's an album in Vorbis format
with imbedded tags. I don't see all those tags in LMS, in Tag&Rename, or
in mp3tag. I'm not sure how to actually view or edit those tags but I
think a simpler solution will be to convert those files to mp3 and then

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Artist Name Sorting Anomaly: "Alan"

2020-01-05 Thread garym

Scardeville wrote: 
> How is LMS getting a tag out of that Various album? I think my best bet
> is to strip all tags from it and retag it by hand.

perhaps Alan S. is in a tag as a composer on that album. And there is a
COMPOSERSORT tag that is "S, Alan".   The thing about LMS is that if
an artist has a sort tag anywhere on any track, then all the tracks by
that artist anywhere in LMS use that sort information.

*Home:* VBA 4TB (2.5)>LMS 7.9.2>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio (all
*Cottage:* VBA 3TB (2.4)>LMS 7.9.1>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom, Radio
w/Battery (ethernet, Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>LMS 7.9.2>Squeezelite
*The Wild (no internet): *PiCorePlayer 4.0 on rPi 3B+, hifiberry
Dac+Pro, 4TB USB (LMS & Squeezelite) 
*Controllers:* iPhone6 & iPadAir2 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, or SqueezePlay
7.8 on Win10(64) laptop
*Files:* ripping: dbpa > FLAC; post-rip: mp3tag, PerfectTunes;
Streaming: Spotify

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Artist Name Sorting Anomaly: "Alan"

2020-01-05 Thread bpa

Scardeville wrote: 
>  How is LMS getting a tag out of that Various album? 

On LMS WebUI - on LHS pane drill down to the track and there is a "View
tags" option to show the tags LMS sees.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Artist Name Sorting Anomaly: "Alan"

2020-01-05 Thread Scardeville

Thanks all. I decided to start from basics so I stripped all the Stivell
albums out of my music folders and rescanned. And, lo! another album
showed up in the Various folder. Interestingly, this album doesn't have
Artist names tagged - they all just say "Various" and the artist names
are in the filename and title. I tried mp3tag as you suggested and it
shows no mysterious imbedded tags. But when I removed this Various album
from the folder, put the Stivell files back in and rescanned Alan
Stivell sorts correctly under "A". So, problem solved but I'm still kind
of mystified as to why. How is LMS getting a tag out of that Various
album? I think my best bet is to strip all tags from it and retag it by

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Artist Name Sorting Anomaly: "Alan"

2020-01-04 Thread slartibartfast

Scardeville wrote: 
> I thought about that but I was trying to figure out why if I could. I'd
> rather fix it than cover it up.
> One thing I should try is to put another "Alan" somewhere else in the
> database and see if it's handled the same way.It certainly seems to be an 
> issue with your tags as I have an "Alan"
which is correctly sorted. Like Michael said use mp3tag to see which
types of tags are in the files and go from there.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Artist Name Sorting Anomaly: "Alan"

2020-01-04 Thread Michael Herger

Alan. But when LMS completed a fresh sort Alan Stivell is still under S.

Most likely those files do have an ARTISTSORT tag incorrectly set.

Any thoughts on why? How to fix? I'm using Tag&Rename to tag mp3s. I
have 11 Stivell albums plus two tracks in a compilation album. I don't
have any Albumartist tag on these files.

Some files come with different types of tags, or different versions of 
tagss, which sometimes aren't removed by all tag editors. This has 
happened to me, too: conflicting information in different version of id3 
tags which were not shown by my tool of choice. I think people usually 
recommend mp3tag to work on tags. Might be worth a try.


Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Artist Name Sorting Anomaly: "Alan"

2020-01-04 Thread Scardeville

Apesbrain wrote: 
> As a workaround you could add an ARTISTSORT tag.

I thought about that but I was trying to figure out why if I could. I'd
rather fix it than cover it up.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Artist Name Sorting Anomaly: "Alan"

2020-01-04 Thread Apesbrain

As a workaround you could add an ARTISTSORT tag.

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Artist Name Sorting Anomaly: "Alan"

2020-01-04 Thread Scardeville

This is a strange bug that has bothered me for many years but I never
bothered trying to sort it out until now. In my over 6,000 albums I have
only one artist whose name is "Alan" and that is "Alan Stivell", the
Celtic harpist. I am sorting non-Classical genre by artists' first names
so Alan Stivell should come out as an A. But it sorts as an S, as if
"Alan" is an article. So I tried clearing the "Articles to Ignore When
Sorting" window (which had The, Le, Los, La, etc, but certainly NOT
Alan. But when LMS completed a fresh sort Alan Stivell is still under S.
Any thoughts on why? How to fix? I'm using Tag&Rename to tag mp3s. I
have 11 Stivell albums plus two tracks in a compilation album. I don't
have any Albumartist tag on these files. I've cleared and reset the
Artist tag. There are no other name tags (e.g. Composer) that could be
messing this up. Any suggestions?

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