Re: [squid-users] Terminal Server Users

2009-08-13 Thread Angela Williams
On Thursday 13 August 2009, 9 denis wrote:
> Hi,
> I am pretty new to Squid.  I am using Webmin to configure Squid.
> We have Microsoft Windows 2003 Terminal Server on which 50 users login
> with their Active Directory ID.  I have configured Proxy settings for
> all the users using Internet.
> Now, we want to block certain websites for only some of the users, how
> can I do it?

For a start you must setup squid to authenticate the users. If you do not you 
will not be able to differentiate them as they will all appear to come from 
the Terminal Server's IP address. How you chose to do the authentication is 
up to you!
You might also want to add squidguard in as well to give a bit more control!
Visit the squid wiki as there is lots of info!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview Gauteng South Africa
Do you PrayerWalk?
Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] how much RAM for squid proxy

2009-07-28 Thread Angela Williams
On Tuesday 28 July 2009, qwertyjjj wrote:
> How much RAM would be required to run Squid Proxy for a number of users?
> I realise there is no exact answer but a rough guide?
> For example, I have a linux proxy server with 100Mbit mainly retransmitting
> and caching running video (I assume about 512kbps).
> I'm guessing this could support up to 100 users or so but would 1GB RAM be
> enough?
> Server would be something like:
> # CPU: Athlon 3800+
> # CPU Details: 2 x 2.0 GHz
> # RAM: 1 GB RAM
> # Hard Disks: 2 x 160 GB (RAID 1 Software

More ram the better! I would go for atleast 2G.
Also go for the latest version of squid from either the 2.7, 3.0 branches.
3.0 seems pretty good but you must get the latest version 3.0.STABLE17 because 
of the security bug! 

There is a ton of info in the wiki as well to browse over!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview Gauteng South Africa
Do you PrayerWalk?
Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] How to clear old cache

2009-04-01 Thread Angela Williams
On Wednesday 01 April 2009, Nilesh wrote:
> Hi All,
> How do I remove old squid cache?

Why? Squid does a pretty good job of cleaning out the cache on its own when 
objects expire! Its default rules are pretty good!

> I have googled for the problem but couldnot get the proper way to delete
> cache.

If you really have to remove the whole cache structure the rm -rf works pretty 


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] One node work, the other don't

2009-03-10 Thread Angela Williams
On Tuesday 10 March 2009, David Rodríguez Fernández wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two squid servers in HA. Two nodes have the exact same config,
> but one node works fine but the other one don't work when I migrate
> the HA. I have copy the config files from one server to another,
> regenerated the cache, I can surf the web from the server with telnet,
> but all response that I have is long wait time without response.
> I have connectivity with Internet inside the squid server, I can
> telnet with the remote web servers to port 80 and GET an URL, so
> there's no connectivity problem.

What does the "bad" servers squid logs show? Cache and access.
Try telneting in port 3128 on and getting a page. Well that is 
assuming you allow localhost!

A bit more info would be helpful!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Squid Crashes when cache dir fills

2009-02-26 Thread Angela Williams
On Thursday 26 February 2009, Wilson Hernandez - MSD, S. A. wrote:
> Amos Jeffries wrote:
> > Wilson Hernandez - MSD, S. A. wrote:
> >> I have cache_dir ufs /var/log/squid 6 255 255

Your cache_dir line says create a squid cache directory structure 255 wide by 
255 deep and allow it to grow up to 60G. Squid will continue to try and store 
objects into the directory structure until either 60G limit is reached or the 
filesystem - more like as not /var - runs out of space.
If it runs out of space squid is no longer able to write to its log files you 
configured in your squid.conf file. If it cannot write to the log file it 
cannot tell you want happened!

Do you want a nice simple solution?
Add a second hard drive and have squid create its 60G sized cache there.
Make certain logrotate is rotating the normal system logs  and asking squid to 
rotate its logs!

Use df and see just how fuch free space is really available in /var if it is a 
filesystem in its own right.

Another thought?
How many users are trying to access the 'net via this proxy that you want to 
store 60G in a 256 by 256 structure? Last time I looked through the docs and 
faq's there was a good write up on sizing the cache - both hard and soft.

Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] connecting to gmail via imap over squid

2009-02-26 Thread Angela Williams
On Thursday 26 February 2009, sameer shinde wrote:
> I'm using squid3.0 as our proxy server to serve the internet users,
> which is working fine. Now I want users to access IMAP(say gmail on imap)
> over my proxy.

Squid is an http proxy and has no means to proxy imap traffic!

> Can anyone let me know, How do I do this?
> Is there any way I can do it with squid? Is there any other way?

Not with squid but it depends on what platform squid is running on.
If it is linux then iptables can solve the problem.
Anything else you will have to solve yourself!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Squid and which redirector advice and thoughts ?

2009-02-18 Thread Angela Williams
On Thursday 19 February 2009, Tejpal Amin wrote:
> Hi Ross,
> I need your advice with regards to squidGuard and AD groups.
> I have a setup wherein we have a squid proxy server authenticating users
> from windows 2003 active directory.
> I also use squidGuard for content filtering, I would like to have
> squidGuard allowing access to different websites on the basis of group
> membership.
> How can this be achieved.

I have not used the feature yet but the 1.3 version of squidguard supports 
ldap and version 1.4 supports mysql as well! Have a look at the squidguard 
This is a good question for the squidguard mailinglist!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] rebuilding db does not stop

2008-12-04 Thread Angela Williams
On Thursday 04 December 2008, Sameer Shinde wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm using Ubuntu server 8.0.4 , in which I've running squid 3.0 stable 1.
> I'm using SquidGuard 1.3 for rules along with BerkelyDB 4.6.21 (checked
> with  squidguard -v)

You should try the squidguard guys first!

> When I run squidguard -C all  or restart the squidGuard
> it gives the following message which does not stop.
> Setting up squidguard (1.2.0-8.2ubuntu2) ...
> Double checking directory and file permissions...done!
> Re-building SquidGuard db files...
> How to get rid of this error.?

Usage: squidGuard [-u] [-C block] [-t time] [-c file] [-v] [-d]
  -v  : show version number
  -d  : all errors to stderr
  -c file : load alternate configfile
  -t time : specify staruptime on format: -mm-ddTHH:MM:SS
  -u  : update .db files from .diff files
  -C file|all : create new .db files from urls/domain files
specified in "file".

The -d is pretty handy! It's more like as not going into emergency mode!

Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Disk Space problem in a squid-proxy server

2008-10-17 Thread Angela Williams
On Friday 17 October 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> *
> The output of the command df in my proxy server is as follows:-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] squid]# df
> Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/mapper/PrimaryVol-root
>   19838052   6579328  12234724  35% /
> /dev/mapper/PrimaryVol-var
>   14855176  12993112   1095296  93% /var
> /dev/mapper/PrimaryVol-home
>   34756272  29035932   3926292  89% /home
> /dev/mapper/PrimaryVol-tmp
>4062912139748   3713452   4% /tmp
> /dev/sda1   101086 22511 73356  24% /boot
> tmpfs   25342412253412   1% /dev/shm
> Now the thing is that earlier I used to delete the files generated on
> time-t-time basis under /var/spool/squid directory to create more space
> for the squid server to run.
> But now, there are no core.* files generated in /var/spool/squid
> directory, so what should i do to create more space under /var partition,
> as of now it shows up as 93%.
> At the most the squid server would run for another day and then stop
> running!!
> Please suggest some pointers to delete some files under /var partition to
> create more space !!

Log files in /var/log? What about the squid store log which you do not need! 
Update your squid.conf to make the store log none

Have a look at your squid.conf file and look for this line

My one I have configured like this.
cache_dir aufs /data/squid 5000 15 256
To give 5G in /data/squid

If you change it you will need to trash the current cache and create new with 
squid -z


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Disk Space problem in a squid-proxy server

2008-10-16 Thread Angela Williams
On Thursday 16 October 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> *
> This message has been scanned by IMSS NIT-Silchar
> Dear All Squid Users,
> I have a proxy server, where the df shows the following :
> Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/mapper/PrimaryVol-root
>   19838052   6484280  12329772  35% /
> /dev/mapper/PrimaryVol-var
>   14855176  12631912   1456496  90% /var
> /dev/mapper/PrimaryVol-home
>   34756272  29035612   3926612  89% /home
> /dev/mapper/PrimaryVol-tmp
>4062912205720   3647480   6% /tmp
> /dev/sda1   101086 22511 73356  24% /boot
> tmpfs   253424 0253424   0% /dev/shm
> On executing the du command under /home it shows the following ( copying
> here a certain portion of the output of the command du):
> 9304./squid/00/DA
> 8748./squid/00/55
> 3364./squid/00/C6
> 10204   ./squid/00/E9
> 6336./squid/00/62
> 4996./squid/00/57
> 8264./squid/00/16
> 5428./squid/00/0A
> 8972./squid/00/31
> 6344./squid/00/DD
> 6740./squid/00/68
> 5168./squid/00/9D
> 5004./squid/00/DC
> 15868   ./squid/00/E4
> 6464./squid/00/07
> 8708./squid/00/A1
> 4728./squid/00/51
> 3588./squid/00/3B
> 4468./squid/00/91
> 4508./squid/00/D1
> 5064./squid/00/D3
> 7652./squid/00/BA
> 5828./squid/00/B1
> 3484./squid/00/88
> .
> My question, is can i delete the above folders to make more free space
> available under /home directory ?

Simple answer? No!

You might want to have a look at your squid.conf file and see how much 
diskspace is allocated for its cache. Look for a line like this default.
cache_dir ufs /var/cache/squid 100 16 256
The 100 is the size in Meg in this default.

Remember that if you change the size it really means trashing the old cache 
and have squid recreate and nice new empty one with squid -z

Please do not hijack an existing thread as many users with threaded news 
readers will not see it!



Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Squid working in Firefox not Internet Explorer 7

2008-10-15 Thread Angela Williams
On Wednesday 15 October 2008, Myles Tippett wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've looked for someone asking a similar question here but can't find a
> decent answer. I've set up Squid on a Windows XP box and I've blocked a
> few URL's. My Firefox browser blocks these sites when the proxy IP &
> port are inputted to my settings. However if I do the same in Internet
> Explorer 7 it doesn't make any difference, the sites aren't blocked and
> by the looks of the logs nothing is being recorded from Internet
> Explorer. The IP and port are the same as Firefox and I've removed all
> exceptions.

For a start clean out Internot Exploders cache.


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Why has Sarg has stopped working?

2008-07-29 Thread Angela Williams
On Tuesday 29 July 2008, ajhart wrote:
> Hi guys, I have the same question "Why has Sarg stopped working", but I
> thing this could be different problem. I'm running Suse 10.3 with Squid 2.6
> Stable 14 on Webmin 1.410 and Sarg 2.0.7 Sarg was working perfectly but
> after 2 week it gets slower and slower until it gave me a "cannot open
> file" error looking like this;

Sarg has its own list! Try them! 
Have a look at the size of the squid log files sarg is trying to parse might 
be a place to start!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] squid won't start on boot

2008-07-23 Thread Angela Williams
On Wednesday 23 July 2008, Sébastien WENSKE wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Iget some troubles with squid3-stable8 when I try ti enable it on boot
> Starting squid: WARNING: Cannot write log file: /var/logs/cache.log
> /var/logs/cache.log: Permission denied
> [...]
> squid: ERROR: Could not read pid file
> /var/logs/ (13) Permission denied
> It work fine when I start it manualy.
> You can find below what i did :
> ./configure  --localstatedir=/var --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr
> --sysconfdir=/etc/squid/ --enable-icmp --enable-arp-acl
> --with-default-user=squid
> make
> make install
> adduser squid
> mkdir /var/logs
> mkdir /var/cache
> chown -R squid.squid /var/logs
> chown -R squid.squid /var/cache
> /usr/sbin/squid -z
> OS is RedHat EL 5.1
> What's wrong ?

Quick guess? When you test squid as root squid created the cache.log as owner 
root! Now that you are starting squid from an rc script it runs as user squid 
so needless to say cannot write a file created by root!
Try linux101!!
chown squid.squid /var/logs/cache.log
chown -R squid.squid /var/cache
Check the perms and ownerships on the rest of your files in /var/logs!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Regarding FTP access through Squid

2008-07-22 Thread Angela Williams
On Tuesday 22 July 2008, Sunny Bhatheja wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using Squid 2.5 in RHEL-4 U - 4. My clients behind the
> proxy server is able to access the internet . But when on of my client
> trying to access the non-anonymous ftp server. Then that time it got stuck.
> So please suggest me why it is happening and how can i resolve this issue.


Works like a wiz! Squid cannot guess the ftpservers credentials without the 
user telling it!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Credentials not kept cross domain

2008-07-11 Thread Angela Williams
On Thursday 10 July 2008, Joseph Piché wrote:
> >> I have a setup with Squid 3.0 stable 7 and DansGuardian I
> >> have been trying to set up authentication using ntlm_auth connecting
> >> to Active Directory. Everything works fine except I get prompted for a
> >> username and password for every single domain.
> >
> > Are you doing transparent interception?
> >
> > authentication and interception is mutually exclusive..
> >
> > For proxy authentication to work proper you need to have the browsers
> > configured to use the proxy, preferably on a shortname så they know it's
> > a local resource and automatically accepts NTLM authentication without a
> > login prompt..
> I have iptables forwarding port 80 to port 8080 where dansguardian
> intercepts the request and forwards it to squid which listens on local
> 3128. So, there is no way to do this without configuring browsers? I
> would really like to get around that.

A proxy autoconfiguration script served up by a internal webserver is the 
answer! You can even use GPL's on the DC to configure all users browsers as 
they log in on the winblows network.
There is quite a few good tuts on pac scripts around the web! Just google 'em! 
The javascript is easy to understand and use!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] transparent intercepting proxy

2008-07-07 Thread Angela Williams
On Monday 07 July 2008, Indunil Jayasooriya wrote:
> >> no, it´s now possible without dns ... browser need to resolve address
> >> to ip to start connections

There is a typo! The word should be not! Not now!

The client - no matter what they are need to resolve the dns name to an ip 
address to make the connection!
The proxy will only intercept the packets destined to the internet on port 80 
and should invisibly handle the request, cache what needs to be cached and 
pass the page contents back to the client!

If you want to do without client dns lookups you have to use a "normal" proxy 


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Squid web interface

2008-07-03 Thread Angela Williams
On Thursday 03 July 2008, Patrick G. Victoriano wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a software or program where you can set acl's on squid using a web
> browser? If there's any, please advise me.

Webmin does a reasonable job. You will still need to set the order of the 
acl's so that they are parsed in the order you want them to!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] bypass proxy for local addresses

2008-06-27 Thread Angela Williams
On Friday 27 June 2008, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> On 27.06.08 03:48, Shaine wrote:
> > Basically we can do the bypass proxy for local addresses via web
> > browsers. This is inbuilt functions of certain web browsers.
> > Like that, can we bypass some web request which are locally hosted ( In
> > the same network ) via squid-cache ?
> No, because your requests can go either directly (bypass the cache), or via
> the cache, not both.
> However this function is also a builtin in some (many) browsers.

Or you can use a proxy autoconfig script served up by an apache webserver!
Just needs java scripting enabled on the clients and it solved all my issues 
with 2 internal networks and many customer networks and a plethora of squid 
servers on different internet connections! There is even a simple perl based 
pac file tester available called pactester that solved the last few issues I 


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] FIFO + Logrotate squid

2008-06-05 Thread Angela Williams
On Thursday 05 June 2008, William A. Knob wrote:
>   Hi all,
> I have a problem using FIFO and Squid.
> The problem is:   I create a log with mkfifo to work with my
> personal mysql logger, works fine. But when Logrotate runs, my fifo
> disapears! Logrotate moves my original FIFO to a .1 FIFO and create an
> empty FILE with the name of my fifo. Anyone knows how I make to
> logrotate create another FIFO when it runs?

It's the same thread with Wundy!  Squid keeps rotating.
Always read or search the list before posting please.

Just make sure that logfile_rotate 0 is setup in squid.conf and that logrotate 
scripts or anyother scripts for that matter do not rotate squids logs! Check 
scripts for squid -k rotate


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Unable to reach a site

2008-03-17 Thread Angela Williams
On Monday 17 March 2008, revathi ganesh wrote:
> Hello friends
> This is a strange problem I am facing
> I am able to ping to a particular site and also
> Traceroute also is finishing with out any problem.
> But I am unable to get the page on my browser.
> why its is happening..
> Is there any way like traceroute to find out what is
> happening in a browser when we access a site.

Did you try lynx or wget to make an http connection to the site from the squid 
server? A simple telnet to the webserver on port 80 also will prove the 
Always start simple!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Why squid -z

2008-02-27 Thread Angela Williams
On Tuesday 26 February 2008, Ric wrote:
> On Feb 26, 2008, at 2:25 AM, Angela Williams wrote:
> > On Tuesday 26 February 2008, Ric wrote:
> >> I'm wondering why we require "squid -z" before starting up Squid for
> >> the first time.  Is there some reason why Squid shouldn't do this
> >> automatically when necessary?

> > Just a simple scenario?
> > I use a separate cache file system for all my many squid boxes.
> > Now for some reason one of the boxes get bounced and my squid cache
> > filesystem
> > fails to mount but squid comes up happily and say Oh look I don't
> > have any
> > cache directory structure so let me make one! Root filesystem is
> > limited in
> > space and then this dirty great big directory structure is created
> > and then
> > gets used by squid. In the twinkling of an eye the root filesystem
> > is full!
> >
> > Ever tried to solve this kind of problem when the server is hundreds
> > of
> > kilometers away? Its phun!
> >
> > Give me squid -z!!

> I'm wondering if this is better solved with a directive in squid.conf
> to disallow (or allow if you prefer) the automatic creation of the
> cache structure.

To me this does not make sense really.
I setup a squid server, create the squid cache structure and start squid.
I can count the numbers of time I have had to rebuild a fresh cache structure 
on the fingers of 1 hand. Replace a fault harddrive, increase or decrease the 
cache size and thats it!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Why squid -z

2008-02-26 Thread Angela Williams
On Tuesday 26 February 2008, Ric wrote:
> I'm wondering why we require "squid -z" before starting up Squid for
> the first time.  Is there some reason why Squid shouldn't do this
> automatically when necessary?

Just a simple scenario?
I use a separate cache file system for all my many squid boxes.
Now for some reason one of the boxes get bounced and my squid cache filesystem 
fails to mount but squid comes up happily and say Oh look I don't have any 
cache directory structure so let me make one! Root filesystem is limited in 
space and then this dirty great big directory structure is created and then 
gets used by squid. In the twinkling of an eye the root filesystem is full!

Ever tried to solve this kind of problem when the server is hundreds of 
kilometers away? Its phun!

Give me squid -z!!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Asking for feedback on new Squid Wiki theme

2008-02-06 Thread Angela Williams
On Wednesday 06 February 2008, Kinkie wrote:
> Hi all,
>   in the past few days I've worked on a new theme for the Squid Wiki,
> and feedback has been mostly positive so far.
> Before switching to it, I'd like to get feedback from you - after all,
> the squid users are those who are going to benefit - or suffer - from
> it.
> I've set a read-only mirror of the wiki (plus the new theme) up at the URL
> I invite all of you to take a tour, and please report your opinions.

Okay I did! My feelings are much the same as the replies so far!
The "watermark" image is a bit distracting. My kde desktop setup my way with 
konq and firefox are not to bad so I tried our helpdesk windows fing with 
internot exploder and the image is rather more pronouced. I had a few techies 
in the office have a look to and the same sort of opinion!

I was thinking of doing something similar and one of my Xaraya sites but I 
might just scrap the idea!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] for new squid make install

2008-02-04 Thread Angela Williams
On Monday 04 February 2008, squid learner wrote:
> make[3]: Leaving directory
> `/root/squid-2.6.STABLE14/tools'
> make[2]: Leaving directory
> `/root/squid-2.6.STABLE14/tools'
> make[1]: Leaving directory
> `/root/squid-2.6.STABLE14/tools'
> make[1]: Entering directory `/root/squid-2.6.STABLE14'
> make[2]: Entering directory `/root/squid-2.6.STABLE14'
> make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
> make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/squid-2.6.STABLE14'
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/squid-2.6.STABLE14'
> =confeused for this two lines
> make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
> make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.

Just means nothing to compile here!

> can i go next or re start from scratch again

If you had no errors at the end of the make you just do the next step - 
normally make install


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] How to exclude ip addressses

2008-01-30 Thread Angela Williams
Hi Neil!
On Wednesday 30 January 2008, Neil A. Hillard wrote:
> Hi,
> Angela Williams wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > On Wednesday 30 January 2008, Indunil Jayasooriya wrote:
> >> Hi All,
> >>
> >> I want to know how to exclude or bypass a few ips with squid.
> >>
> >> these are the basic rules currently wriiten in squid.conf files
> >>
> >> acl our_networks src
> >>  http_access allow our_networks
> >>
> >> Let's say, a few sites are running on  and I
> >> want to exclude (bypass) squid for thses ips.
> >>
> >> How can I do it with squid.conf  file?
> >>
> >> Hope to hear formn you.
> >
> > You could try always_direct
> >
> > Me? I rather do that kind of thing in a proxy autoconfiguration script
> > but then you need an http server like Apache http server!
> By the time the request has got to squid it's too late.  You must do
> this browser-side, as Ang said in a proxy auto config script or just by
> adding them to the proxy exclusion list.

To true! I just remebered seeing it and misunderstood it!

pac and wpad are the only way to go! penny dropped with Amos' post!

I only use pac and never have a problem!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] How to exclude ip addressses

2008-01-30 Thread Angela Williams
On Wednesday 30 January 2008, Indunil Jayasooriya wrote:
> Hi All,
> I want to know how to exclude or bypass a few ips with squid.
> these are the basic rules currently wriiten in squid.conf files
> acl our_networks src
>  http_access allow our_networks
> Let's say, a few sites are running on  and I
> want to exclude (bypass) squid for thses ips.
> How can I do it with squid.conf  file?
> Hope to hear formn you.

You could try always_direct

Me? I rather do that kind of thing in a proxy autoconfiguration script but 
then you need an http server like Apache http server!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] VPN connection through SQUID 2.5

2007-11-15 Thread Angela Williams
On Thursday 15 November 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Dears,
> I have a simple LAN that is connected to the Internet via satellite
> connection, SQUID 2.5 was installed as proxy server and http ACLs were
> created as well and everything is running smoothly.
> Some of the users inside the network are using CISCO VPN clients to access
> remote networks but it is not responding, this might be logical as the
> satellite connection could
> not endure such a process but is there anything to do with the SQUID?

Cisco VPN was nothing to do with squid! Squid just caches http traffic and 
basically nothing else!

Latency on a satellite link could be the start of the problem. I suggest you 
checkout the Cisco TAC


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] failed to start or stop squid

2007-11-07 Thread Angela Williams
On Wednesday 07 November 2007, Chezhira Alice wrote:
> my squid service is failing to  start or stop i've tried to rebuild the
> squid cache but still its failing

A look at your cache.log
Post the relevant bits!
Without your input we are dead in the water!

Bit phuny though that it both fails to start and stop! Could it be a zombie?



Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Active Rule Changing

2007-11-02 Thread Angela Williams
On Friday 02 November 2007, Robin-Vossen wrote:
> I just did setup my first Squid Conf.
> I love it already. ^^
> But, well I have a new problem now
> I did define:
> acl Badwords url_regex -i "/usr/local/etc/words.squid"
> and
> http_access deny Badwords
> Since I thought I could change the words.squid file while squid was
> running. I tryed that. And that didnt really work..
> So, my question now is.
> Is this possible? or do I have to restart Squid every time that the words
> file chances?

squid -kcheck
squid -kreconfigure

I always run the check in case I made a fluff of a file!
The reconfigure simply tells squid to reread all is config files!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] log rotation

2007-07-25 Thread Angela Williams
On Wednesday 25 July 2007 10:20, Zbigniew Szalbot wrote:
> Hello,
> I have looked at wiki but cannot find information about log rotation
> (access & store logs).
> How can I do this? Or is it simply a matter of defining log rotation in
> newsyslog.conf (I am on a FreeBSD system)?

squid -k rotate will tell squid to rotate its own logs!
Look in the well documented squid.conf.example file for this tag
and all will come clear.

You do not normally need the store log so set it to none in squid.conf. Access 
and Cache logs are normally all you need!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] squid & ftp

2007-07-24 Thread Angela Williams
On Tuesday 24 July 2007 11:58, Nadeem Semaan wrote:
> While trying to open ftp sites with IE, i usally get an error, when opening
> the same site with firefox, i get prompted for credentials. Is there
> anything that has to be done on Squid to have IE promt for passwords as
> well (probably TAG: ftp_user), or is this browser specific. I mean is it
> the way that squid handels the requests?

Good reason to trash Internot Exploder!
In the Internet Options window choose the Advanced tab and make certain Use 
Passive FTP is checked!

But Firefox with FireFTP is best!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Help needed for squid with LDAP

2007-07-24 Thread Angela Williams
On Tuesday 24 July 2007 12:31, Jagdeep Shrivastav wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have configured Squid (squid-2.6.STABLE6-4.el5) on Centos5.0, now i
> am trying to configure Squid to get the users authenticated with LDAP
> (windows 2003) server
> can any one please tell me how to configure and what is the start to
> achive the same.

There is a great howto in the wiki!
Also try


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] SNMP & Squid 2.6STABLE12 problems

2007-07-13 Thread Angela Williams
Hi All!
On Friday 13 July 2007 06:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> To answer my own question...(why do you always find a solution only
> minutes after posting a Q :-)
> The reason for the errors was that the new snmpwalk program defaults to
> using the SNMP v3 protocol which it appears Squid does not understand.
> If I use a command of 'snmpwalk -v 1 -c public udp:localhost:3401
> .' I get the results expected.

Been there too! I have always tried to avoid snmp but now suddenly a few sites 
that I'm going to have to use it!

It would be interesting to hear you results!
I have tried to get mrtg to play nicely with squid but it almost seems that 
mrtg does not use the squid mib file I told it to. Mrtg needs the full oid 
before it get the snmp info.
I'm on the point of giving Henrik Nordstrom's rrd-tool stuff a go.


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Mrtg and squid

2007-07-09 Thread Angela Williams
Hi Adrian!
On Monday 09 July 2007 13:30, Adrian Chadd wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 09, 2007, Angela Williams wrote:
> > Hi All Squiders!
> > I have run many squid boxes over the years but never really worried about
> > any stats out of them other than cache manager and sarg.
> > We have just put a new box in to frontend an F5 Link controller which
> > frontends a few dsl lines.
> > I now really need to tweak this box for really good performance so have
> > tried mrtg to do this.
> > Here is the problem! I have had to change all the nice MIB names to
> > dreadful oid numbers to make it work.
> You haven't changed the MIB numbers;

This is the config after I changed the names to numbers!
It had been cacheServerRequests in the original config.
Result was empty graphs and tons of errors in the mrtg log!
Sorry should have mentioned that!

> > Target[cacheServerRequests]:
> >
> Thats still a MIB number!
> Hang tight, I'm just putting the finishing touches on a basic MRTG graphing
> template which works with Squid-2.6 and Squid-3. I'll put it online once
> I figure out why I'm not seeing LRU expiry time information.

I'm waiting breathlessly!!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Mrtg and squid

2007-07-09 Thread Angela Williams
Hi Henrik
On Monday 09 July 2007 13:31, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> fre 2007-07-06 klockan 15:40 +0200 skrev Angela Williams:
> > Hi All Squiders!
> >
> > Here is the problem! I have had to change all the nice MIB names to
> > dreadful oid numbers to make it work.
> The easier solution is to ask MRTG to load the Squid mib. Works fine, at
> least last time I used MRTG (quite many years ago..).

Still trying to get on to the mrtg list! Subscribe but nothing came back! :-(

> > These are the errors I see in my /var/log/mrtg.log file
> >
> > 2007-07-06 13:58:19 -- Started mrtg with config '/etc/squid-mrtg.conf'
> > 2007-07-06 13:58:19 -- Unknown SNMP var cacheUptime
> >  at /usr/bin/mrtg line 2149
> >
> >
> > Using snmpget with a -m and the mib file gets me the correct results but
> > it seems to me that mrtg is not using the squid mibs.
> Is the MIB readable by the user running mrtg?

I'm currently using root to run mrtg to resolve that possibility!
I even tried putting the mib file in /tmp perms 777 just to be sure!

I'll give this s few days and then hack your scripts!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

[squid-users] Mrtg and squid

2007-07-09 Thread Angela Williams
Hi All Squiders!
I have run many squid boxes over the years but never really worried about any 
stats out of them other than cache manager and sarg.
We have just put a new box in to frontend an F5 Link controller which 
frontends a few dsl lines.
I now really need to tweak this box for really good performance so have tried 
mrtg to do this.
Here is the problem! I have had to change all the nice MIB names to dreadful 
oid numbers to make it work.

Here is the config.
Gentoo linux with squid 2.6.STABLE12 and mrtg 2.15.1
The relevant lines from squid.conf are

acl snmppublic snmp_community public
snmp_port 3401  # Gentoo must specify this
snmp_access allow snmppublic all

The rest are all commented out to use defaults

My mrtg config file looks like this
# Global Configuration
RunAsDaemon: yes
EnableIPv6: no
Options[_]: bits,growright
WorkDir: /var/www/squid
IconDir: /images/
LoadMIBs: /opt/mrtg/squid/squid.mib

# #
# Common stuff
# #
PageTop[^]: Squid3 Squid Traffic Stats
PageTop[$]: Contact Angela Williams if you have any questions

PageFoot[^]: Page managed by mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Angela 

# #
# Configuration for each Target you want to monitor
# #
Target[cacheServerRequests]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3401
MaxBytes[cacheServerRequests]: 1000
Title[cacheServerRequests]: Server Requests @ squid3
Options[cacheServerRequests]: growright, nopercent
PageTop[cacheServerRequests]: Server Requests @ squid3
YLegend[cacheServerRequests]: requests/sec
ShortLegend[cacheServerRequests]: req/s
LegendI[cacheServerRequests]: Requests 
Legend1[cacheServerRequests]: Requests

These are the errors I see in my /var/log/mrtg.log file

2007-07-06 13:58:19 -- Started mrtg with config '/etc/squid-mrtg.conf'
2007-07-06 13:58:19 -- Unknown SNMP var cacheUptime
 at /usr/bin/mrtg line 2149
2007-07-06 13:58:19 -- Unknown SNMP var cacheSoftware
 at /usr/bin/mrtg line 2149
2007-07-06 13:58:19 -- Unknown SNMP var cacheVersionId
 at /usr/bin/mrtg line 2149
2007-07-06 13:58:19 -- Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or 
string at /usr/bin/mrtg line 2165.
2007-07-06 13:58:19 -- Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or 
string at /usr/bin/mrtg line 2165.

Repeated every 5 mins!

Using snmpget with a -m and the mib file gets me the correct results but it 
seems to me that mrtg is not using the squid mibs. I have always tried to 
avoid snmp until now! New learning curve again!

I could have a go at Henrik Nordstrom's rrdtool stuff but that is another 
learning curve!

I will post this to the mrtg list once I get subscribed!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

[squid-users] Mrtg and squid

2007-07-09 Thread Angela Williams
Hi All Squiders!
I have run many squid boxes over the years but never really worried about any 
stats out of them other than cache manager and sarg.
We have just put a new box in to frontend an F5 Link controller which 
frontends a few dsl lines.
I now really need to tweak this box for really good performance so have tried 
mrtg to do this.
Here is the problem! I have had to change all the nice MIB names to dreadful 
oid numbers to make it work.

Here is the config.
Gentoo linux with squid 2.6.STABLE12 and mrtg 2.15.1
The relevant lines from squid.conf are

acl snmppublic snmp_community public
snmp_port 3401  # Gentoo must specify this
snmp_access allow snmppublic all

The rest are all commented out to use defaults

My mrtg config file looks like this
# Global Configuration
RunAsDaemon: yes
EnableIPv6: no
Options[_]: bits,growright
WorkDir: /var/www/squid
IconDir: /images/
LoadMIBs: /opt/mrtg/squid/squid.mib

# #
# Common stuff
# #
PageTop[^]: Squid3 Squid Traffic Stats
PageTop[$]: Contact Angela Williams if you have any questions

PageFoot[^]: Page managed by mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Angela 

# #
# Configuration for each Target you want to monitor
# #
Target[cacheServerRequests]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3401
MaxBytes[cacheServerRequests]: 1000
Title[cacheServerRequests]: Server Requests @ squid3
Options[cacheServerRequests]: growright, nopercent
PageTop[cacheServerRequests]: Server Requests @ squid3
YLegend[cacheServerRequests]: requests/sec
ShortLegend[cacheServerRequests]: req/s
LegendI[cacheServerRequests]: Requests 
Legend1[cacheServerRequests]: Requests

These are the errors I see in my /var/log/mrtg.log file

2007-07-06 13:58:19 -- Started mrtg with config '/etc/squid-mrtg.conf'
2007-07-06 13:58:19 -- Unknown SNMP var cacheUptime
 at /usr/bin/mrtg line 2149
2007-07-06 13:58:19 -- Unknown SNMP var cacheSoftware
 at /usr/bin/mrtg line 2149
2007-07-06 13:58:19 -- Unknown SNMP var cacheVersionId
 at /usr/bin/mrtg line 2149
2007-07-06 13:58:19 -- Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or 
string at /usr/bin/mrtg line 2165.
2007-07-06 13:58:19 -- Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or 
string at /usr/bin/mrtg line 2165.

Repeated every 5 mins!

Using snmpget with a -m and the mib file gets me the correct results but it 
seems to me that mrtg is not using the squid mibs. I have always tried to 
avoid snmp until now! New learning curve again!

I could have a go at Hendrik Nordstrom's rrdtool stuff but that is another 
learning curve!

I will post this to the mrtg list once I get subscribed!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Ad-zapping redirector causes IE to think it never completes loading a page

2004-10-27 Thread Angela Williams
On Wednesday 27 October 2004 01:02, James Gray wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 09:32 pm, Angela Williams wrote:
> > On Tuesday 26 October 2004 08:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Hi everyone,
> > >
> > > I am running Squid 2.5STABLE5 and trying to block a few of the more
> > > prominent web advertisements that chew bandwidth.
> >
> > Andy Lyttle's bannerfilter take out all the pain of reinventing the
> > wheel!
> > We've run it on our squid boxes for over a year now with nary a problem.
> > I've also used it to redirect our intranet sites for the internal users
> > that insisted on using the external uri's - ok I will phix the dns real
> > soon!
> >
> > Cheers
> > Ang
> With the external/internal sites, we have a similar problem; same URL but
> different IP's.  So, is externally but
> internally.
> I could've used Bind8/9 and set up "views" for that same zone, but alas
> manglement insists M$ (in)ActiveDirectory is a better option. 

I moved the otherway. The ad crap lives in its own mickeysnot world as it 
should and dns lives on linux servers. We had so many problems with the 
mickeysnot dns that I took the bull by the horns and just moved all the dns 
to linux bind8. I have since moved to bind9 and will do the views bit! Just 
added complexity as we have multiple domains and sites and I want to do it 
right first time! The internal ad stuff is just delegated to the mickeysnot 
things and is no longer a problem. The bright sparks who setup the ad stuff 
did not have a clue what they where doing just like many mcse's (mouse click 
software exec's!) 

> G.  So 
> instead I just put the internal IP in the proxy's /etc/hosts file, HUP'ed
> squid and voila!  If an internal user accesses the
> proxy goes to the internal address.  As external users don't use the
> internal proxy, the DNS only needs to resolve to the external address.  All
> this works great as long as internal users use the proxy - which we have
> set using AD's group policy stuff.

We use the ad gp the same way. I'm not keen on hosts files as I have quite a 
few squid boxes and 1 point of change is all I want! 

> Not sure if this will help you but it's in the archives now in case anyone
> wants to know how to force squid to use a specific IP instead of what DNS
> resolves to.
> Cheers,
> James

Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
SCO Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Ad-zapping redirector causes IE to think it never completes loading a page

2004-10-26 Thread Angela Williams
On Tuesday 26 October 2004 08:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am running Squid 2.5STABLE5 and trying to block a few of the more
> prominent web advertisements that chew bandwidth. 

Andy Lyttle's bannerfilter take out all the pain of reinventing the wheel!
We've run it on our squid boxes for over a year now with nary a problem. I've 
also used it to redirect our intranet sites for the internal users that 
insisted on using the external uri's - ok I will phix the dns real soon!

Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
SCO Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Can squid interpret "local" addresses?

2004-10-25 Thread Angela Williams
On Friday 22 October 2004 21:32, Adam Engel wrote:
> Hi All,
> Squid-2.5 Stable5
> I was wondering if somehow Squid can interpret a local address, an address
> that is internal in the network. The reason is that I have a bunch of web
> test machines that developers use to test their web codes. They have to
> constantly change the proxy settings in IE to exclude those servers. Is
> there a way to tell squid to "send back" a request to the actual local
> server so that the request doesn't go to the proxy?

What works for me is a proxy autoconfig script written in java script.
Check out the faq on the squid site.

Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
SCO Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Many squids one point of authentication

2004-10-18 Thread Angela Williams
On Monday 18 October 2004 14:24, you wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, Angela Williams wrote:
> > Just what I thought! Ah well the users just get to login three times!
> > Once they get used to it they wont have a problem!
> Why does your users have to use all three proxies? What does your setup
> look like?

Sony's super proxy script is what I use. With some local mods to use direct to 
certain local ip's

> You can get around this issue by either
> a) Making sure the user for the same session only uses one of the proxies.

Been there done that!

> b) Balance on the proxies using a DNS round-robin entry shared by all the
> proxies.

Done that to! I much prefer the use of a pac script. To many users on to many 
sites. Also like the idea of the sony hashing as well. I was just trying to 
find someway to only have a single point of authemtication! Could be done 
with MS AD except every customer that runs AD are on different MS domains.


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
SCO Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

Re: [squid-users] Many squids one point of authentication

2004-10-18 Thread Angela Williams
On Thursday 14 October 2004 18:30, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Oct 2004, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> > To solve this you need to either use Digest authentication with the same
> > realm on all proxies (and hope the browsers handle this correctly)
> My error. Digest authentication does not support multi-proxy
> authentication, and like Basic the authentication is per proxy.

Just what I thought! Ah well the users just get to login three times! Once 
they get used to it they wont have a problem!


Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
SCO Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

[squid-users] Many squids one point of authentication

2004-10-14 Thread Angela Williams
I have a rather different request!
I have currently 3 squid servers 2.5stable3 and stable6. I currently use the 
sps.pac proxy autoconfig script togther with standard NCSA authentication.
One problem has arisen and that is the need  for all my customers to 
authenticate 3 times! Any ideas as to being able to reduce this to a single 
I have a basic LDAP server setup and have compiled squid2.5stable6 with 
support for LDAP and NCSA - well once I put the ldap libs in the right place! 
- if that might be of help. 

Angela Williams Enterprise Outsourcing
SCO Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here! Bedfordview
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Gauteng South Africa

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!