Re: [Standards] [Fwd: I-D Action:draft-melnikov-digest-to-historic-00.txt]

2007-09-12 Thread Ian Paterson

Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

Ian Paterson wrote:

In real life servers will always be compromised (especially in cases
where the attacker is the service provider). So SASL PLAIN still
contains a serious vulnerability that is easily fixed in those cases
where DIGEST-MD5 is a practical option.

Except that DIGEST-MD5 is effectively being deprecated by the IETF. Thus
the interest in SCRAM, YAP, and their ilk.

With all due respect to the experts at the IETF, I feel (as a 
non-expert) that they are trying to depricate DIGEST-MD5 before it has a 
suitable replacement (i.e. another one that protects users' passwords 
from a compromised server). I strongly agree we should recommend/require 
SCRAM and/or YAP as soon as they are baked. But is that likely to happen 
before 3920bis is puiblished?

I agree that if we start recommending SASL PLAIN in addition to 
DIGEST-MD5 now, *and if we continue to do so in the future*, then we can 
ensure that current implementations will still be compatible with future 
implementations that have removed support for DIGEST-MD5.

However I don't understand why we are considering recommending weakening 
the security of XMPP servers in the short and medium term by not 
requiring any of DIGEST-MD5 or SCRAM or YAP. Are XMPP implementors 
experiencing interoperability issues with DIGEST-MD5? If so can't we fix 
them with a Best Practices XEP - as we did with SASL ANONYMOUS and SASL 
EXTERNAL? Which of the 7 problems with DIGEST-MD5 mentioned in [1] make 
DIGEST-MD5 less secure for XMPP authentication than SASL PLAIN?

- Ian


Re: [Standards] [Fwd: I-D Action:draft-melnikov-digest-to-historic-00.txt]

2007-09-11 Thread Ian Paterson

Dave Cridland wrote:

On Tue Sep 11 11:55:35 2007, Jonathan Chayce Dickinson wrote:

Interesting because most clients used Digest-MD5, so what do we use now?
Cram-MD5? Or is there some other newfangled method out there?

DIGEST-MD5 is still more secure than CRAM-MD5, and this won't change 
because of that draft. :-)

I strongly agree. Despite its imperfections, RFC 3920bis should continue 
recommending and requiring DIGEST-MD5 until something better has been 
adopted by the IETF.

Furthermore I disagree with the following problem with the DIGEST-MD5 
mechanism included in the Internet-Draft:

Implementations may chose to store inner hashes instead of clear text 
passwords. While this has some useful properties, such as compromise of 
an authentication database on one server does not automatically 
compromise an authentication database with the same username and 
password on other servers, in practice this was rarely done. Firstly, 
the inner hash is not compatible with commonly deployed Unix password 
databases. Secondly, change of a username invalidates the corresponding 
inner hash.

In practice inner hashes may be stored relatively rarely, however that 
does not necessarily make the optional feature into a problem. It is, 
IMHO, a critical security feature that should be employed whenever 
practical. Perhaps RFC 3920bis could encourage this practice - while 
mentioning the potential impracticalities.

Note, a change in the SASL mechanisms supported by future versions of an 
XMPP server is probably a more likely cause of invalidating the inner 
hash than changing XMPP usernames (which are generally fixed).

- Ian

Re: [Standards] e2e encryption and jingle

2007-09-03 Thread Ian Paterson

Niklas Höglund wrote:

I'd like all my communication to be encrypted end-to-end, so I like
the development going on in the jabber community on that side. Voice
calls are also very useful, but from a quick look at the jabber XEPs I
can't see how these two features should interoperate.

How should this work?

The clients should negotiate an Encrypted Session first. Then the client 
should negotiate the Jingle Session. That protects the potentially 
sensitive information (e.g. IP addresses) that is exchanged during the 
Jingle negotiation. A note about this might usefully be added to the 
5.1 Resource Determination and/or Security Considerations sections 
of XEP-0166.

Note that this separation of layers enables the protocols to be used 
independently, however, the fact that the two negotiations are carried 
out simultaneously creates latency in the establishment of a call 
(something that AFAICT is an issue in the Real World).

Perhaps a couple of round trips could be saved by *optionally* including 
the first jingle/ negotiation elements in the message/ stanzas used 
for the Encrypted Session negotiation (instead of in subsequent iq/ 

- Ian

Re: [Standards] Group Name with Gateway Registration

2007-08-16 Thread Ian Paterson

Tomasz Sterna wrote:

Dnia 15-08-2007, śro o godzinie 18:31 +0100, Ian Paterson napisał(a):

Currently the name of the group that contacts will be added to tends
to be hardcoded on the gateway.

You are talking about gateway XEP-0144 usage?

Yes, or the direct roster editing that some server-hosted-plugin 
gateways seem to perform.

- Ian

Re: [Standards] Group Name with Gateway Registration

2007-08-16 Thread Ian Paterson

Ian Paterson wrote:
Currently the name of the group that contacts will be added to tends 
to be hardcoded on the gateway. This causes problems if there are 
language issues or, more typically, if the user has two accounts on a 
legacy service (accessed via two instances of a gateway server) - in 
which case the contacts will end up being mixed within the same group.

To solve this I'd suggest adding a new example (see [1] below) to 
Section 7 Contact Lists that indicates how the client/user might 
specify during registration a group name (see the group field/ 
below) that the gateway will use whenever it adds contacts to the 
user's roster.

Someone mentioned offlist that some legacy services now support groups, 
and that some gateways now use these group names (instead of a single 
hardcoded group).

So it may be useful for the client to be able to indicate a 
prefix/suffix for all group names, instead of a single prefered group 
name. (A zero length prefix/suffix would be equivalent to no change to 
the group names at all.) I'd suggest a second additional field like the 
one in the examples below.

- Ian

 field type='list-single' label='Group Name Modification' 

   option label='Prefix'
   option label='Suffix'
   option label='Fixed'
 field type='text-single' label='Group Name' var='group'


 field var='groupmodify'
 field var='group'
   value (Yahoo Work)/value

Re: [Standards] whiteboarding and shared editing

2007-08-15 Thread Ian Paterson

Greg Hudson wrote:

A generic XML editor isn't going to know much about the semantics of the
document it is editing.  It's not necessarily going to be a good
framework for a whiteboarding application, any more than emacs is a good
foundation for Photoshop.  They both edit files, but...

Nobody is suggesting deploying a single editor for two different 
applications. We are suggesting that although the two editors would be 
designed for incompatible applications, they could talk the same 
protocol at the lowest level, and that they could therefore share a code 
library (just as many very different applications might use the same 
database engine).

I would have thought that, a *very low level* synchronised XML editing 
protocol suitable for SVG documents could be very similar to, for 
example, one for XHTML documents.

1. What significant differences do people see between two such *lowest* 
level protocols?

2. Could those differences be optional parts of a single low-level protocol?
3. What specific real-world disadvantages do people see if we use a 
single low level building-block protocol?

All XML editing applications share the same major challenge, i.e. the 
various issues surrounding synchronization. IMHO, the 
application-specific protocol issues tend to be relatively trivial to 
work out. So if we standardise on a good extensible synchronization 
protocol then we will facilitate many applications and avoid protocol 
designers reinventing the wheel.

- Ian

[Standards] Group Name with Gateway Registration

2007-08-15 Thread Ian Paterson

Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

Ian Paterson wrote:

Peter Saint-Andre wrote:


That looks good, thanks :-)

Super, I've added that to the agenda for the next Council meeting:

Since we're already making a couple changes to this XEP, can we consider 
including a recommended fix for the issue below:

Currently the name of the group that contacts will be added to tends to 
be hardcoded on the gateway. This causes problems if there are language 
issues or, more typically, if the user has two accounts on a legacy 
service (accessed via two instances of a gateway server) - in which case 
the contacts will end up being mixed within the same group.

To solve this I'd suggest adding a new example (see [1] below) to 
Section 7 Contact Lists that indicates how the client/user might 
specify during registration a group name (see the group field/ 
below) that the gateway will use whenever it adds contacts to the user's 

- Ian


iq type='set' from='[EMAIL PROTECTED]/orchard' 
to='aim.shakespeare.lit' id='reg2'

 query xmlns='jabber:iq:register'
   x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'
 field var='FORM_TYPE'
 field var='username'
 field var='password'
 field var='group'
   valueAIM (Work)/value

Re: [Standards] Username Escaping with Gateway Registration

2007-08-10 Thread Ian Paterson

Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

Ian Paterson wrote:

XEP-0100 Gateway Interaction doesn't, AFAICT, explain whether the
username supplied at registration should be the Legacy Service
username or the Jabber username. [The difference between these
usernames (typically escaping) is explained in section 6.2 (User

Can anyone please enlighten me on which username should be used?

The username used for registration is the LegacyUserAddress. I'll
clarify this in the spec.

See here:


That looks good, thanks :-)

- Ian

[Standards] Username Escaping with Gateway Registration

2007-08-09 Thread Ian Paterson
XEP-0100 Gateway Interaction doesn't, AFAICT, explain whether the 
username supplied at registration should be the Legacy Service 
username or the Jabber username. [The difference between these 
usernames (typically escaping) is explained in section 6.2 (User 

Can anyone please enlighten me on which username should be used?

I think it would be very useful to specify this in the XEP.

- Ian

Re: [Standards] IMML

2007-08-08 Thread Ian Paterson

Alex Jones wrote:

By the way, how the sending client knows in is an emoticon? Many users I
know just type them, not select from list.

That's an application issue that can be tackled. In any event, rather
the sender decide than the receiver.

Yes. The sending user will see how her client interpreted what she 
typed, and can therefore control what the receiving user will see before 
clicking SEND.

Alex Jones wrote:

On Wed, 2007-08-08 at 13:21 +0100, Ian Paterson wrote:

Mridul Muralidharan wrote:

If we just add another tag to explicitly mark emoticons - and remove 
the implicit rendering completely - then Alex's baseline requirements 
should be done with IM-XHTML itself ?
Yes. This would be backward compatible too since, IIRC, XHTML parsers 
should ignore tags they don't understand (and the tag would be qualified 
by a namespace other than '' anyway).

I feel it shouldn't be a part of XHTML-IM though. I think there is a
need to use icons that is independent of the need to use even the most
minimal, valid support of XHTML-IM.

Well, RFC 3921 states that the body/ element MUST NOT contain mixed 

And I agree with Michal that we should avoid including three copies of 
the message in each stanza. So it seems that the only place for the new 
emoticon tags is inside the XHTML-IM (under a different namespace).

Furthermore, it would be complicated to write the code to display both 
XHTML and emoticon elements if they are kept separate. Whereas it is 
trivial to write the code to ignore the one or the other if they are merged.

- Ian

Re: [Standards] XEP-0045: direct invitations

2007-07-20 Thread Ian Paterson

Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

Michal 'vorner' Vaner wrote:

So just one last question - how does a client know, when to send direct
or usual presence? 

Sends both?

Perhaps. Inviting people to rooms happens infrequently enough that it's
not a bandwidth issue. But it may be confusing for the receiving client
to get two invitations. Then do we need some logic for checking
duplicate invitations? Ick.

This is definitely Ick. But the other options (Aunt Tillie decides or 
hardcode are even worse.

I understand why Google Talk has this policy, so I'm not going to argue
them out of it. But it does introduce complications.

*Maybe* we need to consider addressing the valid reasons that Google 
Talk feels it needs this policy, rather than handling the symptoms of 
the policy? Can we solve the real problem? i.e. can we create enough 
anti-spim protocols and/or infrastructure to make Google (and everyone 
else) confident enough to relax this policy?

- Ian

Re: [Standards] inactive XEPs

2007-07-13 Thread Ian Paterson

Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

The following XEPs have been inactive for 6+ months and therefore are
subject to automatic deferral. If you have an interest in these specs,
please speak up.

XEP-0154: User Profile

Now that PEP/PDP are being finalized, I hope we can move this to Draft 
and start to depricate vcard-temp.

- Ian

Re: [Standards] XEP-0115 1.4pre2

2007-07-12 Thread Ian Paterson

Dave Cridland wrote:
For maximum pedantry, you might note that the base64 encoding used 
MUST NOT contain whitespace (which RFC 4648 says is the default 
anyway) and MUST set padding bits to 0 (which RFC 4648 says 
applications MAY require).

These requirements mean that the resultant base64 from any given input 
has precisely one form, and so can be used for direct comparison.

Yes, this is important to specify.

- Ian

Re: [Standards] XEP-0115 1.4pre1

2007-07-11 Thread Ian Paterson

Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

I've made a first pass at updating XEP-0115 (Entity Capabilities) in
line with recent list discussion:

This looks like a good first pass.

- In section 1.2 How it Works:

1. If Benvolio is publishing caps with a different 'node' but the same 
'ver' then I don't need to perform another disco#info. So can you make 
that clear from the outset by giving Benvolio a different node attribute 
to Romeo in the example?

- When generating the ver attribute (section 5):

1. It would be more secure to include a delimiter character between the 
various parts of the string E. The delimiter should be a '' character 
since it may not appear in an XML attribute value.

2. The big-endian array of bytes output by the hash function should be 
converted directly to a base64 string, since converting it to a 
hexadecimal string first only serves to double the length of the ver 

- Discovering Capabilities (Section 6.2)

Why should the client pick a random JID from that list?

Why is the disco#info query sent to a node of node#ver (see section 
1.2 too). Why should the capabilities supported by the base 
installation of the application without plugins or other add-ons be 
returned, and not the capabilities that the client currently offers 
(i.e. those that correspond to the hash value)?

Insert a point  saying that clients SHOULD (MUST?) calculate the hash of 
the returned identity and features to confirm that they correspond to 
value of the 'ver' attribute (to prevent caps cache poisoning).

- Ian

Re: [Standards] XEP-0115 1.4pre1

2007-07-11 Thread Ian Paterson

Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

Ian Paterson wrote:

- In section 1.2 How it Works:

1. If Benvolio is publishing caps with a different 'node' but the same
'ver' then I don't need to perform another disco#info. So can you make
that clear from the very outset by giving Benvolio a different node 
attribute to Romeo in the example?

Any objections to changing '' to 
'' in the second presence stanza in section 1.2 
(i.e. the one from '[EMAIL PROTECTED]/230193')?

Why is the disco#info query sent to a node of node#ver (see section
1.2 too). Why should the capabilities supported by the base
installation of the application without plugins or other add-ons be
returned, and not the capabilities that the client currently offers
(i.e. those that correspond to the hash value)?

More leftover text. Removed.

OK, thanks. In that case, in Section 1.2 the text: '(note that the 
disco#info query is sent to a node of node#ver)' and #{ver} in the two 
disco#info examples also need to be removed.

Finally, a small typo, there's a double '' character in the line below 
from section 5:
5. E = 

- Ian

Re: [Standards] private storage revisited

2007-07-09 Thread Ian Paterson

Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

We already have one such solution/hack in PEP: the +notify
namespaces used in entity capabilities to signal that a subscriber wants
to receive notifications related to a given namespace. Your suggestion
of +whitelist (etc.) is in the same spirit, but +notify does not force
semantic structure on NodeIds, which +{access_model} does (and the
objections may arise because NodeIds are supposed to lack semantic

Yes, there is a significant difference between +notify (where the var attribute of the 
feature/ element continues to specify only the functionality that the client supports), and 
+{access_model} (where the 'node' attribute of the feature/ element no longer simply 
identifies a node, i.e. it is overloaded to also specify the configuration of the server).

That said, we still might want to consider defining a new notify='true' attribute for 
disco#info feature/ elements. Disco is Final, but this change would be 100% 
backwards compatible, and is therefore permitted. What do people think?

- Ian

Re: [Standards] private storage revisited

2007-07-08 Thread Ian Paterson

Ian Paterson wrote:

Wow! consensus on Personal Publishing! I'm off to celebrate :-) :-)

Well, so far only a consensus of 3 people who disagreed in the past.

- Ian

Re: [Standards] private storage revisited

2007-07-07 Thread Ian Paterson

Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

So we'd have something like this:

iq from='juliet at' type='set' id='foo'
  pubsub xmlns=''
publish node=''
activity xmlns=''
  text xml:lang='en'My nurseapos;s birthday!/text
  x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'
field var='FORM_TYPE' type='hidden'
field var='pubsub#access_model'

If the node exists and the precondition is not met (in this case, if the
access model is something other than whitelist), then the publish
fails with a suitable error condition (probably conflict/ along with
some pubsub-specific condition).

If the node exists and the precondition is met, then the publish succeeds.

If the node does not exist, then the service auto-creates the node with
default configuration in all respects except those specified in the
preconditions (in this case, the node would be created with an access
model of whitelist) and the publish succeeds.


Correct. +1

Thank you Ralph, Peter.

Wow! consensus on Personal Publishing! I'm off to celebrate :-) :-)

- Ian

Re: [Standards] private storage revisited

2007-07-06 Thread Ian Paterson

Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

Whenever a client publishes the first item to a node that ends in
+[accessmodel], the pubsub service MUST create the node with a default
access model equal to the specified model (that is open or presence
or roster or authorize or whitelist). [1] For such a node, the
access model MUST remain fixed and a pubsub service MUST return an error
if the node owner tries to change it.

[1] In fact roster doesn't make sense here since you need to specify
the roster group. And BTW the list for whitelist must start out empty,
i.e., only the node owner can publish or subscribe. 

I think I agree with everything above except the proposed syntax. *If* 
we agree on the functionality, then IMHO it *should* be trivial to come 
up with a more appropriate syntax.

I strongly disagree with overloading the node attribute with the access 
model. IMHO, mixing an identifier and a configuration parameter into the 
same attribute would be a horrible (and unnecessary) hack.

Instead of:
publish node=''

I could live with this syntax:
publish node='' 

However, IMHO, the following example stanza would fit better with the 
rest of the protocol. That would make it easier for developers, since 
they could simply reuse their existing configure/ element processing code:

iq from='[EMAIL PROTECTED]/balcony' type='set' id='create-presence'
 pubsub xmlns=''
   publish node=''
   activity xmlns=''
 text xml:lang='en'My nurseapos;s birthday!/text
 x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'
   field var='FORM_TYPE' type='hidden'
   field var='pubsub#access_model'

I stress that the functionality associated with the above example would 
be absolutely identical to that which Peter described above.

- Ian

P.S. I put Ralph on copy because, although he has been very busy 
recently, we're not going to move forward on this without his input and 
eventual acceptance (he's both a principle author of the PubSub protocol 
and a council member).

Re: [Standards] Re: [jdev] XEP-0115: Entity Capabilities

2007-07-04 Thread Ian Paterson

Mridul Muralidharan wrote:

Joe Hildebrand wrote:
Changing the meaning of node breaks backwards compatibility, whereas 
nothing else in the current proposal does.  If there's no good reason 
to break backward compatibility, I suggest that we avoid it.

I am not sure what was decided as the final design for the spec 
regarding hashing, but moving from existing scheme of ver  ext also 
breaks backward compatibility.

I don't think it does.

1. The 'ver' attribute used to be opaque, so existing implementations 
should cope perfectly if they receive one containing a base64-encoded 
hash value instead of something like 2.3.
2. The 'ext' attribute used to optional, so legacy applications won't 
mind if it is never specified by implementations of the latest protocol 
3. The new 'hash' attribute (containing the name of the hash) will be 
ignored by existing implementations.

New implementations will need to be aware that if no 'hash' value is 
specified they should ignore the caps element (they should not attempt 
to be compatible with legacy caps since that would make them vulnerable 
to cache poisoning).

- Ian

Re: [Standards] Re: [jdev] XEP-0115: Entity Capabilities

2007-07-03 Thread Ian Paterson

Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

I also agree with Dave that we want to future-proof
this. What if 3 years from now we want to use SHA-256 and 7 years from
now we want to use an algorithm that emerges from the current NIST work?
 It might be good to include a 'hash' attribute whose value is one of
the hash function text names from the IANA registry (but the value
defaults to MD5 or whatever we settle on now so that you don't have to
include it until we decide to allow alternate algorithms).

+1 If we want to prevent malicious cache poisoning going forward, then 
clients need to be able to upgrade the hash they are using. MD5 is not 
secure enough even for this purpose. (I've read about attacks that 
require less than an hour of computing time!) IMHO, SHA256 is the most 
reasonable default.

2) do we need ext in the hash world?

Rachel makes a good point that without ext, more data has to be cached,
since there will be redundant features associated with different ver's. 
I think it's a toss-up; no ext's is considerably simpler for all

involved; no partitioning of features on the sender side and no unions
on the receiving side.

I don't think we need 'ext' in the hash world.

+1 the protocol is far simpler to implement without extensions. More 
storage will be required. But I'm not sure that we'll hit the sweet spot 
for storage-challenged clients. i.e. It may well be that those clients 
that have insufficient storage to cache the hash for each combination of 
plugins also have insufficient storage to cache hashes for each separate 
extension (i.e. they can't use caps at all).

Joe Hildebrand wrote:

On Jul 3, 2007, at 6:48 AM, Ian Paterson wrote:

Rachel Blackman wrote:

Let's say we have node='' and
ver='h$someverylongstring' and ext='h$otherverylongstring'

Or how about simply:
node='$' ver='base64encodedHashOfFeatures'

No.  The other reason for caps is so that receivers can show a different
icon for each different client that they have received presence from. 
There has to be a URI to define the sending client.

Yes, that cuts down on the old iq:version flood. Or so we hope. :)

Hmm, going forward, are the clients that most people use going to 
continue showing these icons? Is this a feature we need to care about? 
Even though I'm one of the small group of people involved in the XMPP 
community, I really don't care what client my contacts are using. Will 
there ever be mass demand for this feature? On the rare occasions where 
people are interested, they'll probably be perfectly happy to explicitly 
ask their client to find out the other user's client version on a 
case-by-case basis.

IMHO the 'node' attribute could be repurposed to be the name of the hash 
function (for backwards compatibility). We could also add some language 
to the XEP stating that clients SHOULD NOT perform an iq:version flood. 
(IMHO, assuming the features hash is available via caps, there is little 
justification for such behavior.)

Dave Cridland wrote:
Assuming you didn't really mean base64, since hashes are typically 
represented as strings simply as hex digits. Base64 would be smaller, 
but unusual, and potentially include character-space clashes with Disco.

I did mean base64, but if people think that is too hard to implement, 
then hex is fine (even though it is 50% longer). I don't understand how 
base64 could create clashes with Disco.

- Ian

Re: [Standards] Re: [jdev] XEP-0115: Entity Capabilities

2007-07-03 Thread Ian Paterson

Justin Karneges wrote:
Apologies for not understanding this thread at all and just commenting out of 
nowhere, but what security is gained by using a hash in the caps protocol?  
If there is no security gained by using a hash (e.g. everyone has access to 
the raw data such that they can all calculate the same hash) then what 
difference does it make which algorithm is used?

What if the raw data is supplied by the attacker?

Imagine Eve wants to poison the caches of clients that haven't yet 
received presence from a brand new release of Psi.

If it is easy to discover collisions for the hash used by Psi, then Eve 
can send Psi's hash to a client and respond to its resulting disco 
request with a false set of features that she generated earlier. The 
false set would probably include a single unrecognizable feature whose 
'var' value could be manipulated to ensure the set has the correct hash 
value, for example:

feature var='[EMAIL PROTECTED]'/.

- Ian

Re: [Standards] compliance: RFCs or bis drafts?

2007-06-13 Thread Ian Paterson

Peter Saint-Andre wrote:


The RFCs are more stable. The bis drafts are officially works in 
progress and therefore are subject to change. Developers hate coding 
to a spec that is a moving target (on the other hand, they hate coding 
to a spec that will soon be obsolete, too).

Yes, although the bis drafts are subject to change, they are almost 
certainly normatively closer than the RFCs to the final bis documents.

IMHO that fact, plus all the clarifications, corrections and 
improvements, makes them better for developers.

- Ian