Greg Hudson wrote:
A generic XML editor isn't going to know much about the semantics of the
document it is editing.  It's not necessarily going to be a good
framework for a whiteboarding application, any more than emacs is a good
foundation for Photoshop.  They both edit files, but...

Nobody is suggesting deploying a single editor for two different applications. We are suggesting that although the two editors would be designed for incompatible applications, they could talk the same protocol at the lowest level, and that they could therefore share a code library (just as many very different applications might use the same database engine).

I would have thought that, a *very low level* synchronised XML editing protocol suitable for SVG documents could be very similar to, for example, one for XHTML documents.

1. What significant differences do people see between two such *lowest* level protocols?
2. Could those differences be optional parts of a single low-level protocol?
3. What specific real-world disadvantages do people see if we use a single low level building-block protocol?

All XML editing applications share the same major challenge, i.e. the various issues surrounding synchronization. IMHO, the application-specific protocol issues tend to be relatively trivial to work out. So if we standardise on a good extensible synchronization protocol then we will facilitate many applications and avoid protocol designers reinventing the wheel.

- Ian

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