Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: OutOfBand Stream Data

2009-07-14 Thread Dirk Meyer

I wonder if someone has a comment on it. Joe and Dave suggested a
framing parameter to use BEEP instead of what I created. Since BEEP
sounds ok to me, there is no reason for a framing parameter and just use

Dirk Meyer wrote:
 After reading BEEP again...

 Dirk Meyer wrote:
 Dave Cridland wrote:
 On Fri Apr 24 16:31:20 2009, Joe Hildebrand wrote:
 Sorry I'm so far behind.  Any chance XEP-265 could have a framing
 parameter in the Jingle portion?  Some folks might like to just use
 BEEP instead of the framing mechanism specified in the XEP.

 Or at least a BEEP-lite - we (Isode) may actually produce a spec for
 the MPP protocol that is, more or less, that - we use it for internal
 fast comms in our products already.

 What do you mean by BEEP-lite? I looked at BEEP again to check if we
 could use it instead of the self-made framing and found two parts I
 don't like:

 1. Every MSG needs an RPY or NUL as answer? If you transfer a video in
frames (that is one reason why I wrote it), what is the answer? Or
does your BEEP-lite ignore the it?

 That is still an issue. We could just ignore that and just use MSG in
 all cases. We don't speak BEEP in channel 0 anyway, so it is not

Suggestion: we only send MSG frames. Om the other hand we could use NUL
as answer to some frames as ack to get reliability.

 2. I also do not like the seqno. It has a maximum value of 4GB which is
not enough when watching HD content.

 I see, it wraps back to 0. That works for larger content but I would
 prefer larger values in seqnum ... and the question remains if seqnum is
 needed after all.

Would it be bad to increase the range of the value? Even if it wraps at
4GB, I would prefer to make it larger. But that could break with BEEP.

 Besides that, it would be ok for me to use the BEEP style
 frameming. This would move the content-type stuff away from the XML
 stream into the frameming but that is ok for me.

 Reading BEEP again, I don't see where BEEP says how I can check if I
 have mime headers or not. The BEEP header is only the one line and the
 payload does not specify MIME in the ABNF style.

I would be nice if someone with more knowledge on BEEP could comment on
that. We do not need the mime-stuff, only the framing.


program, n.:
A magic spell cast over a computer allowing it to turn one's input
into error messages.  tr.v. To engage in a pastime similar to banging
one's head against a wall, but with fewer opportunities for reward.

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: OutOfBand Stream Data

2009-06-09 Thread Dirk Meyer

sorry for the late answer -- stupid PhD thesis

Dave Cridland wrote:
 On Fri Apr 24 16:31:20 2009, Joe Hildebrand wrote:
 Sorry I'm so far behind.  Any chance XEP-265 could have a framing
 parameter in the Jingle portion?  Some folks might like to just use
 BEEP instead of the framing mechanism specified in the XEP.

 Or at least a BEEP-lite - we (Isode) may actually produce a spec for
 the MPP protocol that is, more or less, that - we use it for internal
 fast comms in our products already.

What do you mean by BEEP-lite? I looked at BEEP again to check if we
could use it instead of the self-made framing and found two parts I
don't like:

1. Every MSG needs an RPY or NUL as answer? If you transfer a video in
   frames (that is one reason why I wrote it), what is the answer? Or
   does your BEEP-lite ignore the it?

2. I also do not like the seqno. It has a maximum value of 4GB which is
   not enough when watching HD content.

Besides that, it would be ok for me to use the BEEP style
frameming. This would move the content-type stuff away from the XML
stream into the frameming but that is ok for me.

 But in any case, yes, a framing mechanism sounds great.

I'm thinking about it. It would be nice to know what parts of BEEP you
need and how your so-called BEEP-lite looks like.

BEEP over XMPP  who would have thought that 5 years ago?


To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous.
[Confucius 551 BC - 479 BC]

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: OutOfBand Stream Data

2009-04-24 Thread Joe Hildebrand
Sorry I'm so far behind.  Any chance XEP-265 could have a framing
parameter in the Jingle portion?  Some folks might like to just use
BEEP instead of the framing mechanism specified in the XEP.

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 5:19 PM, XMPP Extensions Editor wrote:
 The XMPP Extensions Editor has received a proposal for a new XEP.

 Title: OutOfBand Stream Data

 Abstract: This specification defines how to send parts of an XML stream over 
 a direct connection between peers. This allows to send large stanzas or 
 binary data without blocking the XML stream for other stanzas.


 The XMPP Council will decide at its next meeting whether to accept this 
 proposal as an official XEP.

Joe Hildebrand

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: OutOfBand Stream Data

2009-04-24 Thread Dave Cridland

On Fri Apr 24 16:31:20 2009, Joe Hildebrand wrote:

Sorry I'm so far behind.  Any chance XEP-265 could have a framing
parameter in the Jingle portion?  Some folks might like to just use
BEEP instead of the framing mechanism specified in the XEP.

Or at least a BEEP-lite - we (Isode) may actually produce a spec for  
the MPP protocol that is, more or less, that - we use it for internal  
fast comms in our products already.

But in any case, yes, a framing mechanism sounds great.

Dave Cridland - -
 - acap://
Infotrope Polymer - ACAP, IMAP, ESMTP, and Lemonade

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: OutOfBand Stream Data

2009-03-17 Thread Dirk Meyer
Andreas Monitzer wrote:
 On Mar 16, 2009, at 13:09, Dirk Meyer wrote:

 Yes, maybe restrict the usage to a stanza and not allow it inside a
 stanza by default. So a client MAY send any return from any XEP out of
 band, but only the whole result. If out of band is allowed somewehere
 deep inside a stanza it SHOULD be added to the XEP defining that

 That's not a good idea, since then you couldn't use it for binary data
 at all (since you never have base64-encoded data at the top level).
 Having it only in specific stanzas would mean that you couldn't
 implement a solution for everything, but only on a case-by-case basis
 (or you'd have to carry around a list of situations where it's allowed
 – ugh).

Yes, but on the other hand it would be a pain for the developer to
expect out of band data everywhere. And it is not needed in most
cases. Maybe use the service discovery to handle the list:


This means that the client expects out of band data as first child
element in any stanza and inside every element in the media server
namespace. I know it kind of sucks to carry the list around. Another way
would be that the urn:xmpp:tmp:media:server namespace defines where out
of band data may happen. So if you support out of band data, just must
expect for every complete stanza and everytwhere in the media server
namespace where it is defined. No idea what the best solution is.


Drugs cause amnesia and other things I can't remember...

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: OutOfBand Stream Data

2009-03-16 Thread Pedro Melo


On Mar 14, 2009, at 11:34 AM, Dirk Meyer wrote:

XMPP Extensions Editor wrote:

The XMPP Extensions Editor has received a proposal for a new XEP.

Title: OutOfBand Stream Data

Abstract: This specification defines how to send parts of an XML
stream over a direct connection between peers. This allows to send
large stanzas or binary data without blocking the XML stream for  



I would like to know what others think about this idea. I know it is
kind of strange but would be very usefull for large stanzas and  

binary data.

I like the framing part, as expected :).

But why such a specific protocol? Why not just open a peer-to-peer  
XMPP stream and route everything between the two endpoints through it?  
You could even reuse end-to-end encryption XEPs.

Best regards,
Pedro Melo

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: OutOfBand Stream Data

2009-03-16 Thread Andreas Monitzer

On Mar 16, 2009, at 12:42, Pedro Melo wrote:

I like the framing part, as expected :).

But why such a specific protocol? Why not just open a peer-to-peer  
XMPP stream and route everything between the two endpoints through  
it? You could even reuse end-to-end encryption XEPs.

Because then you'd have to base64 encode all binary data, making most  
of the advantages of this extension mood.


Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: OutOfBand Stream Data

2009-03-16 Thread Dirk Meyer
Andreas Monitzer wrote:
 On Mar 16, 2009, at 12:42, Pedro Melo wrote:

 I like the framing part, as expected :).

 But why such a specific protocol? Why not just open a peer-to-peer
 XMPP stream and route everything between the two endpoints through
 it? You could even reuse end-to-end encryption XEPs.

 Because then you'd have to base64 encode all binary data, making most
 of the advantages of this extension mood.

That is one reason, the other one is that a large stanza will block the
e2e stream. Having one stream for large stanzas and binary data with
framing helps. And you can use xtls over that stream, too.


Evolution doesn't take prisoners

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: OutOfBand Stream Data

2009-03-16 Thread Dirk Meyer
Andreas Monitzer wrote:
 Why use a non-existing protocol as an example, when you could use the
 well-known discovery protocol for it? 

Simple, I did not thought about that :) I had my future media server XEP
in mind, but XEP-0030 can also serve as an example. All the item
listings can be very long.

 Section 3, Example 5: That's not EBNF, could you change it to the
 correct syntax, so there is no room for interpretation?

It is not? OK, I will fix it. It should have been EBNF :)

 On a higher level, I think that's a great idea :) Could be hell for
 some client implementations, though, due to the asynchronicity (you
 have to buffer the parts of the stanza you already know, and collect
 the rest before passing it to the upper layers).

Yes, maybe restrict the usage to a stanza and not allow it inside a
stanza by default. So a client MAY send any return from any XEP out of
band, but only the whole result. If out of band is allowed somewehere
deep inside a stanza it SHOULD be added to the XEP defining that

 You should also add the regular section about discovering support for
 this protocol.

Yes, it is only a first draft. If people think that it is a good idea, I
will add all this. Thanks for the feedback.


I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my telephone;
my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out how to use my
telephone. -- Bjarne Stroustrup

Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: OutOfBand Stream Data

2009-03-16 Thread Andreas Monitzer

On Mar 16, 2009, at 13:09, Dirk Meyer wrote:

Yes, maybe restrict the usage to a stanza and not allow it inside a
stanza by default. So a client MAY send any return from any XEP out of
band, but only the whole result. If out of band is allowed somewehere
deep inside a stanza it SHOULD be added to the XEP defining that

That's not a good idea, since then you couldn't use it for binary data  
at all (since you never have base64-encoded data at the top level).  
Having it only in specific stanzas would mean that you couldn't  
implement a solution for everything, but only on a case-by-case basis  
(or you'd have to carry around a list of situations where it's allowed  
– ugh).


Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: OutOfBand Stream Data

2009-03-16 Thread Dirk Meyer
Dave Cridland wrote:
 On Mon Mar 16 14:43:38 2009, Andreas Monitzer wrote:
 On Mar 16, 2009, at 13:09, Dirk Meyer wrote:

 Yes, maybe restrict the usage to a stanza and not allow it inside a
 stanza by default. So a client MAY send any return from any XEP
 out of
 band, but only the whole result. If out of band is allowed
 deep inside a stanza it SHOULD be added to the XEP defining that

 That's not a good idea, since then you couldn't use it for binary
 data  at all (since you never have base64-encoded data at the top
 level).  Having it only in specific stanzas would mean that you
 couldn't  implement a solution for everything, but only on a
 case-by-case basis  (or you'd have to carry around a list of
 situations where it's allowed  – ugh).

 Bob... XEP-0231

 Bob already defines a mechanism for referencing blobs. This provides
 an alternative transport for them.

Yes, reading bob gave me the idea :)
I want to add a section to describe how this can interact with bob.

 What this won't allow is for huge XML blobs to be referenced within
 stanzas, but I can't think of a single use case for that - perhaps I'm
 being naïve, but I think Bob and this between them are an interesting

I thought about using bob's cid for the content, but the use case is
different. For bob I request the stuff later, in my idea it comes by
itself. No need for a constant id like bob.


An aquarium is just interactive television for cats.