Re: [VOTE-RESULT] Steve Raeburn as a Struts Committer

2003-07-09 Thread Max Cooper
Here are some tips I have gathered from using WinCVS and Cygwin's ssh client
over the years:

1) Use one of the latest beta releases of WinCVS. I'm using 1.3b13 now. The
1.3 betas have better support for connecting with ssh. I have authentication
set to ssh on the Preferences dialog and none of the boxes checked on the
associated Settings... dialog. The 1.3 betas are as stable as 1.2 in my
experience, so don't fear the beta.

2) Set your CVS_RSH environment variable to the path to Cygwin's ssh
program. Mine is set to c:\cygwin\bin\ssh.exe.

3) Do not install Cygwin's cvs package. Instead, put the WinCVS directory in
your path. It used to be something like C:\Program Files\GNU\WinCvs 1.3,
but the recent WinCVS betas have moved the cvs.exe program to a
subdirectory, so now I have C:\Program Files\GNU\WinCvs 1.3\CVSNT in my
PATH instead.

4) I don't like the default location for my home directory, so I have a
HOME environment variable set to what I want it to be, c:\home\mcooper in
my case. SSH uses HOME to find your SSH keys, so this allows you to control
where it looks for them. I have them in my c:\home\mcooper\.ssh directory.

5) If you wish to use CVS from the Cygwin command line, you might need to
set a variable in your .bash_profile (also in your HOME directory). The
problem is that Cygwin may convert the value of the CVS_RSH environment
variable to a Cygwin-style path, and the cvs.exe program from WinCVS won't
be able to run ssh with the Cygwin style path. The solution is to explicitly
set CVS_RSH back to a Windows-style path in .bash_profile (or .bashrc). I
have export CVS_RSH=c:\\cygwin\\bin\\ssh.exe in mine for this purpose
(note the double \'s).

6) Using ssh -v from the command line to make a connection can be a useful
way to debug connection problems. With the verbose option (-v), ssh will
print out a bunch of messages about connection progress.

Hope that helps,

- Original Message - 
From: Steve Raeburn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 6:55 PM
Subject: RE: [VOTE-RESULT] Steve Raeburn as a Struts Committer

 Thanks, Ted.

 After a fun time battling with my CVS over SSH setup on Windows 2000, I've
 finally managed to make a teensy commit to the docs (baby steps to begin
 with). I have a couple of questions that perhaps those more
 souls could help with.

 First, I get a very long delay while authenticating ( 90 seconds). On an
 interactive logon it also happens and the delay is between the username
 password prompts. Is this normal?

 Secondly, because of problems I was experience with the W2K setup, I tried
 using SSH from both Cygwin and Linux (RH9). In both cases I received the
 server key the first time I connected but got no further response until
 server dropped the connection a couple of minutes later. Do I need to add
 any configuration for SSH to be able to connect to the Apache server? This
 one is probably just my lack of Unix knowledge, but if anyone happens to
 recognize the problem and have an answer handy it would be much


  -Original Message-
  From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: July 5, 2003 12:15 PM
  To: Struts Developers List
  Subject: [VOTE-RESULT] Steve Raeburn as a Struts Committer
  Since this vote has received more than the required +1s, and there being
  no negative votes, I'd like to declare the vote as having passed, and
  welcome Steve aboard. =:0)

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Re: [VOTE-RESULT] Steve Raeburn as a Struts Committer

2003-07-09 Thread Max Cooper
TeraTerm with the TeraTerm SSH extension is also a good, free terminal


SSH extension:


- Original Message - 
From: Rob Leland [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: [VOTE-RESULT] Steve Raeburn as a Struts Committer

 Steve Raeburn wrote:

 I'm getting the long delay just using Putty interactively. But as you've
 mentioned Eclipse seems to authenticate at least twice during a checkout.
 Also, I've never had problems using anonymous CVS so it does seem to be
 I'll try Craig's suggestion and take a look at MindTerm tomorrow.
 I used MindTerm 1.X which worked well,  but they made version
 2.X commercial and you need to use a web page applet to start it, yech !
 I have been useing WinCVS with CYGWIN ssh together under W2K for 2 years

 Here is my shell script I start for ssh tunneling :
 echo on
 ssh -L 2401:localhost:2401 -l rleland -N

 Then start up either WinCVS or the command line cvs client
 Root=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvs

 then you'll be good to go.

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Re: [OT] CVS

2003-07-09 Thread Max Cooper
SourceForge uses syncmail for this purpose:

There are other scripts available to do the same thing.


- Original Message - 
From: Tumi Mathibedi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 2:40 AM
Subject: [OT] CVS

I am would like to know how to setup cvs to send out emails for every commit
to the developers like the way is setup on apache. I tried to do a search on
google with no luck. Any input is welcome.


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Re: Status check?

2003-06-08 Thread Max Cooper
I've gotten some requests for a list of library file versions for my
SecurityFilter project, so I've been looking into automatically creating a
file that lists the library file versions as part of my build. The idea was
to use the version information from the manifest files from the jars.
However, many projects do not provide this information in their jars, or at
least not the correct info.

The commons projects are pretty good compared to the other dependencies I
have, but commons-beanutils reports 1.6 for the 1.6.1 release, and
commons-digester has 1.5 (with the quotes) for the 1.5 release. The quotes
aren't a big deal since anyone reading it would correctly recognize it as
the 1.5 release. But commons-beanutils would mislead you to think you had
1.6 when it was really 1.6.1.

commons-logging has good version info
commons-codec has a good Implementation-Version number (which is what I
would use anyway)
commons-collections has good version info
jakarta-oro is pretty good, but adds a date and time to the
Implementation-Version in additon to the correct version number, which might
be confusing
I'm not sure about other commons (oops, I mean jakarta-commons ;-))

I think it is ideal to set things up so you can just do a cvs checkout or
update with a tag to get all the files you need to build a particular
release. It seems weird to tag another project's tree with your release,
though, if the current setup would require tagging commons project trees
when there is a Struts release. This is perhaps a good reason to commit the
library jars in the struts CVS tree, or do something Maven-like where your
project specifies what versions of external dependencies you need and it
retrieves them into a shared local repository. I think there is an Ant
extension that will do retrieval like Maven.

I don't know if you guys ever do this, but I have in the past moved some
files CVS repositories by moving the repository file (ends in ,v) itself.
After doing that a few times, I have given up the practice since it screws
up the history -- the file will be in the wrong place if you do a checkout
based on a tag that existed before the move. It's better to just remove the
old file and add it in the new location with a CVS client rather than
mucking with the repository files, but you get a discontinuity in the
history that way. I am hopeful that Subversion will support real moves, and
will catch on enough to displace CVS some day.


- Original Message - 
From: David Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: Status check?

 It makes more sense to me to *not* tag the commons files with Struts.  The
 commons doesn't need to be notified every time Struts cuts a release.  The
 commons jars contain version information in their manifests so it would be
 very easy to recreate an old Struts build by looking there.


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Re: Status check?

2003-06-08 Thread Max Cooper
I have been struggling with this for another project, too. Ideally, it would
be great to have a continuous integration build that would also deploy and
test the app(s) in a bunch of containers automatically. You'd still have to
install and configure some deployment details, of course, but it would be
nice to have a machine with a bunch of containers on it that would run and
test builds in all of them automatically. I imagine the same system could be
used to deploy to a developer's favorite container or containers for local
testing on a much smaller scale.

Are there any projects out there intended to make it easier to test the same
app(s) in a variety of containers?


- Original Message - 
From: Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: Status check?

 Martin Cooper wrote:
  For the main Struts release, the most time-consuming part is just
  that everything works with all the supported containers (including all
  web apps).

 So, I take it we would be satisfied with testing our sample applications
   against the binary distribution (rather than against all the
 permutations of Java 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and Servlet 2.2 and 2.3).

 And then for Cactus, I take it we would run TC 3.3 against Servlet 2.2,
 and TC 4.x against Servlet 2.3, as that would be the expected use.


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Re: Very OT: Java Reflection?

2003-01-29 Thread Max Cooper
There doesn't seem to be direct help. Perhaps you could do this, or find a
utility method somewhere that does it for you:

Method method = null;
Class cls = this.getClass();
while (method == null  cls != null) {
   method = cls.getMethod(methodName, args);
   cls = cls.getSuperClass();

Please post the answer if you find a good one.


- Original Message -
From: V. Cekvenich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 4:12 AM
Subject: Very OT: Java Reflection?

 Someone care to help me out on OT reflection?

 Here is the situation:
 My base class has a reflection (in execute) that does this :

 Method eventMethod = this.getClass().getMethod(methodName, args);

 and same class has
 onDefaultExec() {}
 (or full code here:

 The concrete (derived)  class works great with reflection, it calls the
 method in that class.

 However, the problem is that if the concrete class does not have a
 reflected method, it won't go look back in the base class for the method
 name. In my case onDefaultExec and others are in base, not the instance

 To restate, if I reflect for a method that is concrete class, great, but
 when I reflect for a method for a base class I get
 It's not looking back.



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[OT] more editor musing

2002-12-15 Thread Max Cooper
I used to use a regular text editor for writing Java, after having tried or
used Visual Studio, Visual Cafe, JBuilder, Supercede, etc. in the past and
found them not worth the inertia of starting and editing with them. But I
tried IntelliJ IDEA after some co-workers started raving about it, and I
will never go back. It does so many cool things that I feel totally
unproductive without it now. Refactorings, good search and replace, CVS
integration, Ant integration, JUnit integration, code reformatting, key
bindings for every command as a rule (good for the kings of the keyboard),
alternate key bindings (Emacs, others), continuous code analysis (highlight
unused variables, etc.), smart XML and JSP editing, easily debug code
running on your app server, etc. And it is easy to do all this stuff. Sure,
it is possible to do some of these things with other editing systems, but
IDEA makes it easy and does things smartly (it knows which 'i's in the
current file are really the variable you want to rename, rather than
replacing every 'i' in the file). Being able to do something easily is often
the difference between doing it and not doing it -- IDEA empowers you by
making lots of useful things easy to do. Rename a class and it will remove
the file from CVS, add it under its new name, update all references to the
file, etc. with just a few clicks (or key presses). It is pure Java, so you
can use it on any platform. I won't lie -- it can be slow sometimes -- but
unlike other IDEs I have tried, the features it offers far outweigh the
performance disadvantage versus a native text editor. And even though it can
be slow sometimes, I don't really find myself waiting for it very often
(besides startup). We have people around the office using it on 466 Celeron
systems, so I guess it is fast enough.

The IntelliJ IDEA motto is Develop with Pleasure and they certainly
deliver on that promise. I am not affiliated with IntelliJ in any way other
than loving their IDEA product. If it sounds like something you might like,
download an evaluation version and give it a try:


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[OT] Re: goto HEH!

2002-12-15 Thread Max Cooper
Well, at least it doesn't have any comefrom statements. ;-)


- Original Message -
From: micael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2002 12:35 PM
Subject: goto HEH!

 What the heh?  I was nosing around in the class files of the mpp3 parser
 for xml today and found all sorts of strange code including goto
 stuff.  What is with that?  I did not know that reserved word was used?



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How do I resolve test.tomcat.41 testing failure on latest CVS files?

2002-12-08 Thread Max Cooper
I am trying to run the test.tomcat.41 target in the Struts ant file. I can
build and run the junit tests with no problems, so I believe I have most or
all of the stuff setup correctly (including catalina.url,
catalina.username, and catalina.password). It seems I may be missing the
DynaBeans stuff or something. I searched around and couldn't find anything,
but if someone could point me in the right direction that would be great.
I'll do the leg work, I just need to know where to look. Here's the error I

[junit] Testcase: testBeanCreate

 [java] Stopping service Tomcat-Standalone
[runservertests] Server stopped !

file:C:/cvs-other/apache/jakarta-struts/build-tests.xml:221: Test
org.apache.struts.action.TestDynaActionForm failed


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Re: Plugins and Modules (Sub-Apps)

2002-10-02 Thread Max Cooper

 problem go away on several occasions that I know of. There must be a weird
 parsing error that manifests itself in some cases.

Nice pun! Oh wait, it isn't Friday yet, sorry.


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