Re: Struts JSR?

2004-03-21 Thread Nathan Bubna
Craig R. McClanahan said:
 My personal vision is that Struts developers will focus their energy on the
 controller and model tiers, leveraging the existence of standard (and not)
 technologies in the view tier.

as someone using and working on the VelocityStruts project, this is great to
hear!  i do hope this is the path the Struts project/community takes.

 The Struts HTML tags have had their
 three years of fame :-) -- it's time to get on with life and develop
 innovative solutions where there are still holes in the big picture.
 But that's up to each of us individually, of course.

couldn't agree more!

Nathan Bubna

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Re: branching 1.2 and 1.3 and CVS reorg for TLP status

2004-03-21 Thread Nathan Bubna
Martin Cooper said:
 Another thought on this. When we get to Struts 2, I'd like to see us
 remove all of the JSP-ness of Struts from the core, and also add some
 degree of support for other presentation technologies, such as XSLT and
 Velocity. So, instead of having 'taglib' where it is in the above tree, we
 might want to do something like:

 presentation/ (or whatever name we want)
   {others when we get to them}/

interesting.  i've wondered before if the VelocityStruts code (but not all of
Velocity Tools, of course) might be better off in Struts land.  something to
keep in mind i suppose.

 Incidentally, where would Tiles land in all of this? In theory, it's not
 tied to JSP, but rather to Servlets, so it might be applicable to some
 other presentation technologies, but clearly not all.

Tiles works great for us, and we are able to use it in such a way that we can
mix and match JSP and Velocity tiles.  i definitely think Tiles can and should
avoid dependence on any particular presentation technology.

Nathan Bubna

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Re: Compartmentalization of Modules (was Re: [18111] et al)

2004-01-22 Thread Nathan Bubna
James Mitchell said:
  html:link module=exercise action=welcome /

 I don't think that's the best idea.  Doing that means your pages know they
 are in a particular module.

does the action=foo attribute mean that you are in a particular action? ;)

i think the idea was to identify which module you're linking *to*, not which
one you are *in*.

Nathan Bubna

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Re: Stxx and Multiple Presentation Engines in General (Re: Struts 2.0 Ideas)

2003-12-19 Thread Nathan Bubna
Joe Germuska said:
 Could stxx's XML processing features be put into Struts 1.x?  Yes, but
 before that happens, I think some sort of url feature for forwarded paths
 should be put in first.  This would allow a request to easily be forwarded
 to a different presentation system without modifying or overriding the
 request processor.  For example, a forward to a jsp page could look like:
 jsp://Foo.jsp, for tiles: tiles://Foo.jsp, and for stxx:
 stxx://Foo.xsl.  This feature would make it easy to have multiple
 presentation engines, a feature we say Struts supports, but it doesn't

 I'm still uncomfortable with minting new URL schemes.  Couldn't this
 be solved by deploying an additional servlet mapped to handle other
 extensions?  This is how JSPs work as it is; if your deployment
 descriptor gave *.xsl to the STXX servlet, then
 requestDispatcher.forward() would give control to STXX just to do the
 view rendering.

 I thought this was how the Velocity/Struts integration stuff worked already.

that's precisely how we do it, and everything works just fine.
i too think new URL schemes are a redundant complexity.

Nathan Bubna

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Re: Standard HTML Tags (was Extending Standard Tags ...)

2003-09-29 Thread Nathan Bubna
/controller for applications (web and

 I believe over at Struts, people have also been doing the same. Right at the
 top of the Struts home page it says, For the View, Struts works well with
 JavaServer Pages, including JSTL and JSF, as well as Velocity Templates,
 XSLT, and other presentation systems. I also recall several occasions on
 the struts-user mailing list when Struts committers have corrected the
 misconception that Struts is in any way bound to JSP. In fact, I'm pretty
 sure I've said it myself.

actions speak louder than words.  as long as the taglibs are bound up in the
same release cycle, jar, and distribution as the core, then i believe the
misconception will persist.

 I don't quite understand why I am not helping. I'm in favour of repackaging
 the taglibs and giving them a seperate release cycle.

hmm.  from your previous email that seemed to be your second choice, but ok,
i'm glad to hear it!

 I want to reduce the number
 of Struts specific libraries in favour of the the general purpose and
 standard JSTL. And I think it's great that users have a choice of view

 The only thing I disagree with you about is that I think the Struts taglib
 is fine where it is and should be included in the distribution whereas you
 would have us remove it and ship a framework that can't actually do

again, i have no problem keeping the tags in the Struts project if the
community wants them there.  but the framework does plenty for me without the
tags, so IMHO, they don't *need* to be in the same distribution.  or at least,
not in the same jar (we agree there, right?)

 How would you suggest we include example applications without including at
 least one view technology?

you could just put the taglibs jar in the WARs for the example app(s) that
need it, just like you would with any other library the example apps are
dependent on.  for instance, one of the VelocityStruts example apps Gabe made
demonstrates using Struts with *both* Velocity and JSP.  once the taglibs are
separated, we will include the taglib jar in the WAR for that app, but not
have it in the rest of the distribution.  if you included a VelocityStruts app
in the Struts examples, would you argue that VelocityTools should be
distributed with Struts besides being in the example app's WAR?

 And if we're going to bundle support for a
 view technology, shouldn't it be the most widely used, widely understood and
 standard (as in JCP, not as in the standard for Struts) one?

as long as the core and the taglibs have separate release cycles and are in
separate jars, i won't be too picky. :)   if you want to ship them together,
go for it.  though personally, i think the 16MB size of the Struts 1.1
distribution could use a little paring down somewhere.  there's already a ton
of jars (mostly duplicates) between the lib, struts-el/lib, and the example
WARs.  but i digress, that is another matter. :)

Nathan Bubna

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Re: Standard HTML Tags (was Extending Standard Tags ...)

2003-09-28 Thread Nathan Bubna
Steve Raeburn said:
 David Graham said:
  --- Steve Raeburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm still happy to be in the view business, but I do think that
   the controller from the view would be A Good Thing.
  The controller has no dependency on the view.  The taglibs are dependent
  on what the controller stores in the various scopes.  You could develop an
  app without using the html taglib at all (XML, Velocity, etc).

 Agreed. It's almost unthinkable, but you can even develop an app without
 Struts :-) But I was focussing on JSP which is still the most common view
 technology. At the minute it's not practical to create a JSP Struts app
 without the html taglib so, in my view, Struts as an application framework
 is dependent on that taglib.

that's ridiculous.  i've been working on Struts apps for nearly a year and i
have *never* once used the html taglib.  if you wanna say Struts is
dependent on it, you've got the funkiest definition of dependent that i've
heard in a long while.  following that logic i could say that the internet is
dependent on Internet Explorer because it's the most common means of using it.

  FWIW, JSF has much richer view support than Struts does.  It supports
  features that Struts users have wanted like binding form data to native
  data types on beans that don't implement any particular interface or
  extend a certain class.

 Yup, that's a possible (probable?) way forward. I'm not ignoring other view
 technologies or JSF, just focussing on what is commonly in use now.

focus is fine.  tunnelvision is not.

 For discussion, here's my view of how things might progress:

 - Short term: continue to separate the taglibs from the Struts core into
 their own cvs/build/distribution.

continue?  i didn't know the taglibs had even begun to be moved to a separate
cvs, build, or distribution.  and if i'm wrong on this one, i'd love to be
corrected :).

 - Medium term: drop support for the old taglibs and move the el tags up to
 the core distribution (or their own distribution if that's what is decided).
 I understand that breaks support for JSP 1.1 and I'm personally OK with that
 but I do appreciate that may not be the general consensus.

i don't believe any taglibs or other view technology should be part of the
core distribution.  the question of where these View libraries are developed
is secondary.  i'm definitely with Ted on this one.  develop it wherever
there's a community interested in developing it, but please give the taglibs a
separate release cycle.

over in VelocityTools, we've tried hard to dispel this notion that Struts is a
JSP technology.  i think we've had a little success with that, but you're not
really helping here.  while it's true that other view technologies can use
Struts, as long as the Struts developers treat JSP as the standard view and
distribute the two together, i believe you are significantly limiting the
potential of Struts as a framework/controller for applications (web and

Nathan Bubna

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Re: Addition of two new actions

2003-08-01 Thread Nathan Bubna
Steve Raeburn said:
 I would prefer going with simpler, specialised classes than a monolithic
 DispatchAction but if there is a consensus to combine them then I accept
 your point.

 A combined action may perhaps offer more flexibility. A concrete subclass
 might be able to resolve the method in different ways depending on what was
 present at runtime. (request parameter, parameter, key).

i never liked the separate dispatch actions.  so, i ended up writing one of
these combined ones of my own.  i think it's a good way to go.  the
flexibility allows me to extend all my actions from the one class and later
worry about how the dispatch method is specified (via things that don't have
to be re-compiled: struts-config, velocity templates, etc).

 However, I'm not sure that flexibility justifies the increased complexity of
 the class or of understanding how to use it. Potential areas for user
 confusion would be misunderstanding the order of preference for resolving
 the method names or not recognizing conflicts that could arise between them.

yes, the order of precedence/preference would need to discussed and well

 Also, what happens if we need to resolve by other means? Add more weight to
 the super class or add another specialized sub class?

i don't think there's really that many reasonable ways to specify a dispatch,
and you're just talking here about combining the various dispatch actions,

Nathan Bubna

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Tiles w/o JSP (was: Re: Building struts-legacy (was: ...)

2003-07-23 Thread Nathan Bubna
Ted Husted said:
 Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
  Splitting Tiles and Validator is a little tougher if we go for the
  previously popular idea of melding all the custom request processor
  subclasses into a single one (since we don't have multiple inheritance and
  don't have a decomposition solution yet - which is at least partly my

 Unless someone can show me how Tiles can be used without JSP, I would be
 tend to be -1 on integrating Tiles with the inner core, or making any
 other product changes that imply a specific presentation technology.

Ted, i'd love to hear your thoughts on this:

it's been offered as a contribution to the Velocity-Tools project.  i'm
inclined to take it, but since i've never used Tiles (yet), i'm soliciting
other's opinions/evaluations.   i am a little concerned that some of the Tiles
classes use things in the org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles package (e.g.
ComponentConstants).  once the struts taglibs are separated from the core, i
don't want to keep a dependency on them.

  I'd be very much in favor of integrating something like Tiles as part
 of the request processor, so long as it is accessible to non-JSP
 technologies. But I'm not sure if we have that now.


Nathan Bubna

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Re: DynaActionForm.getMap() change

2003-07-16 Thread Nathan Bubna
David Graham said:
  i don't know about JSTL-EL, but Velocity users would only need a
  key) method to have ${form.prop} work for us.  and i think this will
  several of us happy too! :)
 Because DynaActionForm is a DynaBean, it already has a get(String) method.

cool.  i was happy and didn't even know it!  thx!  :)

Nathan Bubna

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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Velocity Tools 1.0 released

2003-07-16 Thread Nathan Bubna
The Velocity team is happy to announce the release of Velocity Tools 1.0.

Velocity Tools is a collection of Velocity subprojects offering servlets and
tools for rapid, clean web development with Velocity, tools for using Velocity
with Struts, and a set of generic tools to help with any Velocity project.

Please see the Velocity Tools website
( for more information.

For more info on Velocity+Struts see

Both source ( and binary
( distributions are available
through the the usual Apache mirror sites. Please remember to verify the
signatures of the distribution using the keys found on the main Apache web
site ( when downloading
from a mirror.

Nathan Bubna

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Re: Struts repackaging (was RE: [PROPOSAL] Modular Struts Examples)

2003-07-03 Thread Nathan Bubna
David Graham said:
 Struts is view agnostic.  You can use any view technology you like.

agreed!  but it could be made friendlier to non-JSP view technologies.


(btw, congrats again on getting 1.1 out.  ya'll are great!)

Nathan Bubna

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Re: Interesting Bug Fact

2003-03-20 Thread Nathan Bubna
David said:
 Can you explain why?  Having the JSP tags in the Struts distro doesn't
 to hurt you if you don't use JSPs.

well, i'm assuming that releases of the Struts core library would no longer
have to wait on fixes and upgrades to the JSP tags.  it would also help in
dispelling the seemingly frequent perception that Struts is just for those
using JSPs.

 Nathan said:
 It would also *greatly* please those of us who prefer to use Struts
 using JSPs.

Nathan Bubna

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Re: The RequestUtils interface

2003-02-02 Thread Nathan Bubna
Ted said:
 The RequestUtils package is really the JspRequestUtils package, and
 probably should stay that way.

Hmm.  Then perhaps it should be so named. :)

 The much better route, IMHO, is for other
 presentation devices to do their own, optimized versions of RequestUtils.

perhaps, but on the other hand, a more generalized and central RequestUtils
would make it easier to keep all varying presentation layers in sync as
Struts continues to evolve.  i could go either way.

 I do have a few tweaks of my own for the Velocity Tools package. Should
 I send you the patches to review, Anthony?

The velocity-dev list would be a great place to share those.  :-)

Nathan Bubna

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Re: The RequestUtils interface

2003-02-02 Thread Nathan Bubna
David said:
 I've always been a little unclear about what RequestUtils' role should be.
 Passing in the ServletContext is redundant because (at least in servlet
 you can get the session from the request and the ServletContext from the

But what do you do if you need the ServletContext but no session exists for
the request?  Do you want the RequestUtils to be responsible for creating a
session?  I'm not sure I like that.  I think it's fine to pass the
ServletContext as well as the request.

Nathan Bubna

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Re: Velocity vs. JSP: objective tests?

2002-11-22 Thread Nathan Bubna
David said:
 I believe the Velocity site has a comparison to JSP.  Of course, they like
 Velocity better.  If it's important that new developers be productive
 immediately I would go with JSP because that's a java standard that they
 will already know.

also, if you haven't already, be sure you look into the Velocity Tools
subproject.  a fair bit of work has already been done there to integrate
Struts and Velocity.  personally, i use the two together and am really
enjoying the process.

i'm of the lucky few :) that has had almost no experience with JSP, so i'm
no doubt a little biased, but i don't think you need to worry about time
spent learning Velocity.  it's really quite small and simple; the basics can
be picked up quickly.   if you want to do JSP well, you can easily spend
more time learning taglibs (unless you already know them of course).

one thing that may ease your concern is that with the Velocity Tools
project, it is quite easy to use both Velocity and JSP side by side.  there
are examples included there for that.  also, the Veltag allows you to use
Velocity right inside JSP (link below).

the one drawback you should be aware of for Struts+Velocity is that not as
many people do it yet, and there's not exactly prodigous amounts of
documentation or examples floating around yet.  the Velocity Tools stuff is
a good start though, and if you look into it, be aware that much of the
documentation for tool management and such is mostly in the javadocs right
now.  here's some links that may be of interest to you:

Gabe Sidler's docs on Velocity+Struts:
Velocity Tools home:

Nathan Bubna

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Re: Velocity vs. JSP: objective tests?

2002-11-22 Thread Nathan Bubna
Craig said:
  For example, here's a simple little loop example in
 Velocity syntax and a couple approaches in JSP:


 (Note -- it's assumed that the Customer collection has been stored in the
 VelocityContext by some preceding business logic.)

actually, if you are using the Velocity/Struts support in the Velocity Tools
project, the recommended pattern is to define a set of tools in an xml
config.  these will then be automatically placed in the template's Context
and available for you to pull the needed data.  there are other ways of
getting objects into the template still, but i don't have time to detail
them here.  see the docs concerning the VelocityViewServlet for that.  oh,
and Jon Stevens does a good job of explaining the Pull MVC Model here:

   #foreach $result in $results {

actually, this is syntax is almost completely wrong.  :)

a more fitting example would be:
#foreach( $result in $sometool.results )

velocity and it's supporting tools are evolving too. :-)

 * Velocity advocates used to argue that using Velocity was safer
   because it restricted what a page designer could do to calling
   getter methods.  This was never a completely true argument
   (how do *you* know that the getter method of the beans you are
   calling doesn't mutate something?), but it's been pretty much
   eliminated by the fact that you can call arbitrary methods
   in Velocity.

yes, it is possible to design badly even in Velocity, but perhaps we could
agree it's at least harder in Velocity to do so.


 There was an interesting article on about a project to
 implement a simple blogger app that used both Struts and Velocity:

 I was particularly struck by the following snippet of Velocity code:


 which builds part of the UI by rendering the navigation bar.  I don't know
 about you, but that looks an awful lot like a scriptlet equivalent:

   % macros.showNavBar(true); %

 to me :-).

yeah, no offense intended to David Johnson, but that's a really poor way to
use Velocity.  it looks as though that method is intended to spit out some
HTML hardcoded into whatever $macros is or some such thing.  the HTML
shouldn't come from the java, it should be in the template to begin with, or
at least defined the global Velocimacro library.  that way the code could
just be:

#showNavBar( true)

anyway, i hope i'm not coming off too argumentative, it's just that these
are poor examples of using velocity.  i wouldn't want people to get the
wrong idea. :)

Nathan Bubna

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Re: Velocity vs. JSP: objective tests?

2002-11-22 Thread Nathan Bubna
Matt said:
 See comments below...

  yeah, no offense intended to David Johnson, but that's a
  really poor way to use Velocity.  it looks as though that
  method is intended to spit out some HTML hardcoded into
  whatever $macros is or some such thing.  the HTML shouldn't
  come from the java, it should be in the template to begin
  with, or at least defined the global Velocimacro library.
  that way the code could just be:
  #showNavBar( true)
  anyway, i hope i'm not coming off too argumentative, it's
  just that these are poor examples of using velocity.  i
  wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea. :)

 As I am a committer on the Roller project - I'm curious to know what a
 better way of implementing this would be.  We do want Roller to be a
 best-practices examples - so any advice is appreciated!

Velocimacros are what you want.  you can create a specify a library
template of velocimacros in your that would be available
to all your templates.


this provides some nice encapsulation to avoid both hard-coding html or xml
or whatever and yet not have to copy-paste or retype the same stuff every

Nathan Bubna

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Re: Velocity vs. JSP: objective tests?

2002-11-22 Thread Nathan Bubna
Craig said:
 Sorry ... I was following an example from a published article (don't
 remember where) so I presume that it (at least) *used* to be correct :-0.

yeah, it may have been right (or closer) once, but not since at least two
years ago (when i started using velocity).

   * Velocity advocates used to argue that using Velocity was safer
 because it restricted what a page designer could do to calling
 getter methods.  This was never a completely true argument
 (how do *you* know that the getter method of the beans you are
 calling doesn't mutate something?), but it's been pretty much
 eliminated by the fact that you can call arbitrary methods
 in Velocity.
  yes, it is possible to design badly even in Velocity, but perhaps we
  agree it's at least harder in Velocity to do so.

 Harder != Impossible.

yep, that's what i said.  we agree then! :)

   There was an interesting article on about a project to
   implement a simple blogger app that used both Struts and Velocity:
   I was particularly struck by the following snippet of Velocity code:
   which builds part of the UI by rendering the navigation bar.  I don't
   about you, but that looks an awful lot like a scriptlet equivalent:
 % macros.showNavBar(true); %
   to me :-).
  yeah, no offense intended to David Johnson, but that's a really poor way
  use Velocity.  it looks as though that method is intended to spit out
  HTML hardcoded into whatever $macros is or some such thing.  the HTML
  shouldn't come from the java, it should be in the template to begin
with, or
  at least defined the global Velocimacro library.  that way the code
  just be:
  #showNavBar( true)

 Fine ... still looks like a scriptlet to me :-).

looks can be deceiving!   with a proper velocimacro, the HTML isn't
hard-coded into java classes.  that may not be important to some folks, but
it is to me.  i think it goes a long way toward *encouraging* good MVC
separation.  it's not just a matter of syntax, but of design philosophy as

 Actually, Ted's Struts book (Struts In Action) devotes an entire chapter
 to using Velocity and Struts together, including how VelocityViewServlet
 helps you out.  It would make a pretty good starting point for people
 interested in learning how to combine them.

yeah, i haven't gotten to see it, but i heard he talked about the
Velocity+Struts stuff in it.  i'm hoping it gets more people looking into
and/or using that code.  i think there's some good potential there, but
progress has kinda plateaued lately.  it could use some fresh
users/contributers to prod things along.

Nathan Bubna

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Re: [Roller-development] RE: Velocity vs. JSP: objective tests?

2002-11-22 Thread Nathan Bubna
Dave said:
 No offence taken, but I do have some comments, which are below...

 yeah, no offense intended to David Johnson, but that's a
 really poor way to use Velocity.  it looks as though that
 method is intended to spit out some HTML hardcoded into
 whatever $macros is or some such thing.  the HTML shouldn't
 come from the java, it should be in the template to begin
 with, or at least defined the global Velocimacro library.
 that way the code could just be:
 #showNavBar( true)
 anyway, i hope i'm not coming off too argumentative, it's
 just that these are poor examples of using velocity.  i
 wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea. :)

 In the case of the NavBar, there was an existing JSP NavBar tag and I
 wanted to use that NavBar from Velocity.  In general, I think you
 (whoever you are) are correct: the Velocity template (or a Velocity
 macro) should be responsible for creating the HTML based on the model
 objects that have been placed into the context.

yeah, i had a feeling it was something like that.  i can see that that is
useful for initial development, but unless you have some real need to keep
that HTML output always in sync with the NavBar tag, i think it would be
best to move away from that as you continue to develop the product.

Nathan Bubna

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