Interm page

2001-04-23 Thread Biggs

    What I wish to develop is an 
intermediate page after certain actions. For example, one situation would be the 
user edits and saves changes to a form, in which I wish to take them to a 
interim page indicating we are processing their action. Once the action is 
complete the appropriate page is displayed; success (the changes to form is 
displayed along with a message indicating the changes were saved successfully.) 
or an error( indicating why the changes were unable to be saved ). Can anyone 
provide some assistance?
Thanx in advance.

its very strange.

2001-04-23 Thread alex

hello all.

i found a problem, i am not sure whether its a bug in struts.
but i really dont understand why this happened.

i created one bean which extended from ActionForm named as ProfileForm.
and one variable named as "fName"

class final class ProfileForm extends ActionForm {
private String fName;

public void setFName(String fName) {
   this.fName = fName;

public String getFName() {
   return this.fName;

i got the following error message when i try to access fName property in jsp
"javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method for property fName of bean

buf if i change the property name to selfName,  there are no such kind
i am confused.

thank in advance.


ActionErrors inside perform() methods; application context; and i18n issues

2001-04-23 Thread Regular Expression

These are three unrelated questions that have arisen as I've learned Struts;
I thought I'd lump them together for brevity's sake. I've perused quite a
bit of documentation and never found answers to any of these, else I
wouldn't resort to spamming the list.

1) While ActionForm.validate() can return some ActionErrors, it seems the
only way an action itself can signal an error condition is to forward to an
appropriate page--but even in this case, there is no standardized way to
return descriptive error information. Might it not make sense to allow
actions to somehow associate an ActionErrors with the ActionForward they
return, and let the errors become available to the target? That way, an
action can perform business logic-related validation from within its
perform() method, and simply findForward("input") if it finds some error.
Right now, I plan on remedying this by subclassing Action and providing a
method which will stuff an ActionErrors into the request (with the
appropriate attribute key) and forward to the "input" forward. This
mechanism will break whenever someone decides to change the name of the key
under which ActionErrors are stored.

2) Is there some way for my lowly Actions to get access to the
ServletContext under which they're running? I'd like to be able to get the
values of application-context variables.

3) The user guide mentions that sessions may have a Locale associated with
them, which will control the ResourceBundle used for things like the
 tag. But it fails to mention the name of the session key
under which the Locale will be stored. Does anybody have an idea what the
key is, and if it's subject to change between versions?

Re: Packaging Question - Include Source in Binary Distributions?

2001-04-23 Thread Steve A Drake

On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Dzenan Ridjanovic wrote:

> OK to just point at the download URL for the source distribution if you want
> it!


struts accessing bean:message tags from somewheres

2001-04-23 Thread G.L. Grobe

How can I still get the following error if I've commented all my

<%@ taglib uri="WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>


<%@ include file="menubar.js" %>
<%@ include file="main.css" %>

   System.out.println("HERE ... " +
this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(""));// ...
this show's i'm accessing the right *.properties file

<%@ include file="header.jsp" %>
<%@ include file="mainMenu.jsp" %>


<%@ include file="footer.jsp" %>

*** implementing consecutive form validation? ***

2001-04-23 Thread Jonathan Asbell

If a form is made up of three consecutive pages and 
I want to validate page by page, how should I go about doing this?  Do I 
use three ActionForms and one Action?  Do I use the validation the 
ActionForm offers for basic validation?  Do I fill one ActionForm's 
validation method with "if/then" statements to test if I am on the first, 
second, or third page of the form and then use the Action's validate method at 
the end?
I was interested in what you all were 

Struts not reading property file keys

2001-04-23 Thread G.L. Grobe

Yep, I've posted this before, but still can't find 
the problem. I've dug 
into the struts code and don't know what's going on here. I'm using 
Orion 1.4.8 w/ linux 2.2.16. I've got some new info, if I remove my 
resource file, it's still being found. This after I've just done a fresh install 
of the server and inside a new account and there are no other resource files in 
my classpath or on the machine. 
Can anyone point me to the 
location where struts is find the resource file, i.e. the path it's using? 

500 Internal 
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Missing message for key main.title at 

Code) at /index.jsp._jspService(/, Compiled Code) at 
According to the above error and this snippit of 
code taken from the 4-20 tar.gz source, the properties file that my web-app is 
looking for *is being found* and all seems to be setup/configured 
correctly, otherwise the error would be about messageTag.resources (not 
finding the property file). So for some reason, the key can't be gotten from the 
file. I've also included my properties ( file below with this 
key included in it.
The only thing else I think that can be wrong is 
the value of the args array just before the Exception is thrown and I was 
wondering if anyone could tell me what those might be.
The line with 'String message = 
resources.getMessage(locale, key, args);' must be returning null and so this is 
giving me the above error, but I'm not sure what's being stuffed into it or 
where it comes from.
Any help much appreciated.

  public int doStartTag() throws JspException 
   // Acquire the resources object 
containing our messages   MessageResources resources = 
pageContext.getAttribute(bundle, PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE);   
if (resources == null)   throw new 
(messages.getMessage("messageTag.resources", bundle));
   // Calculate the Locale we will be 
using   Locale locale = null;   try 
{   locale = 
(Locale)  pageContext.getAttribute(localeKey, 
PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE);   } catch (IllegalStateException e) { 
// Invalidated session   locale = 
null;   }   if (locale == 
null)   locale = 
   // Construct the optional arguments 
array we will be using   Object args[] = new 
Object[5];   args[0] = arg0;   args[1] = 
arg1;   args[2] = arg2;   args[3] = 
arg3;   args[4] = arg4;
   // Retrieve the message string we are 
looking for   String message = resources.getMessage(locale, key, 
args);   if (message == 
null)   throw new 
(messages.getMessage("messageTag.message", key));
-- ~WEB-INF/web.xml 


-- ~/index.jsp 

<%@ page language="java" %><%@ taglib 
uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %><%@ taglib 
uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" 

-- ~WEB-INF/classes/ 

# C.A.I.S. Resource 
Bundlemain.title=CAISmain.master=Master Viewmain.detail=Detailed 

Error while overriding parameters in instances - components over struts

2001-04-23 Thread Vijaya Narasimha


I am using components over struts on iAS v 6.0 sp2. I am getting a null
pointer exception error while overriding a parameter in an instance. If I
don't override and use the instance as is everything work fine. Did anyone
else get this error? Thanks for any help/leads.


This is my instance definition in componentInstances.xml


And this is how I am overiding the body parameter.

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/components.tld" prefix="comp" %>

And this is the layout page

<%@ page language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/components.tld" prefix="comp" %>

<%-- Layout component 
  parameters : title, header, menu, body, footer 


ERROR:  Application resources not loaded -- check servlet container
logs for error messages.









This is the nullpointer error log

 session GXLiteSessionID-7637684474562691762
[23/Apr/2001 18:25:49:4] info: --
[23/Apr/2001 18:25:50:8] info: --
[23/Apr/2001 18:25:51:0] info: jsp.APPS.ddts.mainPageContainer: init
[23/Apr/2001 18:25:51:2] info: --
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
wn Source)
callJspCompiler(Unknown Source)
callUri(Unknown Source)
callUriRestrictOutput(Unknown Source)
rward(Unknown Source)

at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
wn Source)
at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
at Method)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
wn Source)
callJspCompiler(Unknown Source)
callUri(Unknown Source)
callUriRestrictOutput(Unknown Source)
rward(Unknown Source)

at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

RE: iteration enhancement?

2001-04-23 Thread Niall Pemberton

I am also interested in this. The IterateTag uses "lengthCount" to keep
track of the current iteration, however this is a protected variable and
there is no getter to expose it.

Would it be possible to put in a public getLengthCount() in the IterateTag?
This wouldn't solve Chris's problem directly but then other tags embedded in
the IterateTag could then use:
 findAncestorWithClass(this, IterateTag.class)
to get hold of it and then call getLengthCount().

I have two different scenarios where I needed to do this and I've
sub-classed IterateTag to achieve it. However it would be really useful if
it was in the original version.

I have a  tag which generates rows
with alternating colors which  needs this and from various posts I've seen
might be useful to quite a few people. It generates  elements.


> -Original Message-
> From: Chris Butler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 23 April 2001 16:53
> Subject: iteration enhancement?
> Is it possible to access the count of the number of
> times you've looped in an  tag?
> ideally:
> unfortunately, i'm guessing that via reflection the
> bean is created with a reference name and additional
> attributes aren't there...
> chris

Re: HTML special characters

2001-04-23 Thread Jonathan Asbell

Doesnt this issue depend on the character encoding?  That is, high ascii
values (128-255) are control characters in some encodings, which I assume
you want to get rid of.  Than, there is the 0-31 characters in ascii which
are control characters of which you want to get rid of all except tabs,
spaces, carriage returns, and line feeds.  Than there are characters
reserved for private use in other ranges.  FYI Macintosh has a 0x0 character
which breaks alot of apps, and netscape for mac versions 4.x  have a bug
which introduces control characters on html form submissions.

- Original Message -
From: "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "struts-user" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: HTML special characters

> On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Peter Alfors wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > Is there any plan to update the ResponseUtil.filter() method to
> > handle more (or all) of the HTML special characters?
> > It looks like right now only 4 are being handled.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Pete
> >
> What other characters are you concerned about?  The purpose of filtering
> was to avoid problems where user data had HTML markup in it, but it wasn't
> designed to be a general purpose encoding mechanism.
> Craig

Re: Where did the name "struts" originate?

2001-04-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Roxie Rochat wrote:

> It's the first question people ask me when I describe 
> struts and I don't remember seeing its origin explained anywhere.
> Is it an acronym or does it refer to the framework part?
> Thanks,
> Roxie 

It originally came from a strong memory from when I had a house built --
there were struts all over the place holding things up.  Thus, the idea of
a framework that "holds everything up" but is itself invisible was born...


Re: HTML special characters

2001-04-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Peter Alfors wrote:

> Hello all,
> Is there any plan to update the ResponseUtil.filter() method to
> handle more (or all) of the HTML special characters?
> It looks like right now only 4 are being handled.
> Thanks,
> Pete

What other characters are you concerned about?  The purpose of filtering
was to avoid problems where user data had HTML markup in it, but it wasn't
designed to be a general purpose encoding mechanism.


Re: & static

2001-04-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Chris Butler wrote:

> Another q:
> is it possible to access a static method
> [ie. public static getX()] from a bean:write?
> seems to throw an exception for me.
> i would have guessed that it would work...
> although i question what would happen if
> you tried to put something in the attribute.
> the setX() wouldn't exist...
> Chris

See the JavaBeans spec.  Static methods are not recognized as properties.


Re: Casting beans in JSP

2001-04-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, John Raley wrote:

> Try using  and specifying the type you want.  The 'id'
> attribute value in  will be the downcast reference.
> Example:
> <% ... a bean of type Foo is in the page under the attribute name 'aFoo'
> %>
> aSubFoo now refers to aFoo through a reference of type SubFoo.

This works as advertised, but I should point out that if you are only
using Struts tags (or  to access the properties of the
actual bean, casting is not strictly necessary.


RE: No action instance created

2001-04-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Scott Fitzgerald wrote:

>   My initial jsp includes: 

One thing you should be doing is using the struts-html tag library instead
of struts-form.  Any bug fixes would only have been applied to the
"html" version.


Re: Required vs. optional "name" attribute

2001-04-23 Thread Jonathan Asbell

Incidentally, can antone tell me the difference between id, name, and
property?  (org.apache.struts.taglib.bean)

- Original Message -
From: "James Howe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: Required vs. optional "name" attribute

> At 10:00 PM 4/22/2001 -0700, you wrote:
> >On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, James Howe wrote:
> >
> > > I apologize in advance if this topic has come up before, but ...
> > >
> > > I'm building a Struts JSP page containing a form.  I've noticed that
> > > HTML tags typically do not require the specification of a "name"
> > > in order to retrieve property values from a bean.  If the name isn't
> > > specified, the property value is retrieved from the bean associated
> > > the form.  However, logic tags require the use of the name attribute
> > > order to retrieve a property.  [...]
> >
> >The HTML-oriented tags that allow you to default the "name" attribute can
> >*only* be used within an  tag -- they are not useful in any
> >other context.
> >
> >The logic tags (and the bean tags as well) are general purpose tools,
> >useful either inside or outside a form.  It would be technically feasible
> >to do what you suggest, but IMHO it would be very confusing to have the
> >same tag do two different things depending on whether you nested it or
> >not.
> >
> >Craig
> I understand your point.  How about if there were a new tag in Struts
> called "defaultName" (or something similar).  In the defaultName tag, you
> could identify a bean which automatically be referred to by all other tags
> unless a different bean name attribute were specified on a tag.  This
> let you include common code and the common code wouldn't have to know the
> name of the bean from which it got its value unless it wanted to.
> James W. Howe   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Allen Creek Software, Inc.  pgpkey:
> Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Re: getting bean properity in the scriptlet varible

2001-04-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Sundaram Ramasamy wrote:

> Hi
> I have collection, I was able to print the message like this.
> Is it possible to store the bean value into scriptlet varible.
> <%
>   String name = link.getLinkName();
> %>

The type of object created by the iterate tag is determined by the
"type" attribute.  If you don't include one, it creates a

If the clas of a "link" object is com.mycompany.MyLink, you could say:



RE: Feature request

2001-04-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Nanduri, Amarnath wrote:

> One thing you can do is use a  tag which contains the name of the jsp
> page. When you submit to the same action, and when you want to show errors
> to the input page, get this value out of the  tag and forward to that
> page.
> I would strongly suggest you use a separate action class for every jsp .
> That way it woule be easier to maintain and debug. 
> If you think all the pages perform almost the same action(s) i would suggest
> you use an inheritance mechanism.

You can actually have it both ways ...

It is entirely legal to have more than one  element that uses the
same Action class for the "type" attribute.  Then, you still get the
benefits of having all the code in one place, but you can also configure
the "input" attribute of each  individually.

If you do this, the standard validation performed by Struts will return to
the corret input page, *and* you can do so programmatically from within
the common Action by saying:

String inputPath = mapping.getInput();
return (new ActionForward(inputPath));

> cheers,
> Amar..

Re: doing an if-else

2001-04-23 Thread Keith Morrell

There is possibly going to be an If-the-else in the next major release -
see release notes, but for now I use equal/notEqual and it works ok for

Cheers, Keith

Please note new  extension number/s below...

Keith Morrell
EDS Consultant, TRAID Project

Phone +64-9-308-5650 
EDS internal  extn 4150   
>From Telecom PABX  84150
Fax  +64-9-309-8543
Cell  +64-21-649-395

Email T906399 (internal) or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 24/04/01 11:06:15 >>>
Hi all,

I searched through the archives and could not find a satisfactory
answer to
the following:
There seem to be  and  tags, but there's
 tag. I was looking at Jakarta Taglibs and could not find
such a
tag either. Does anyone have any idea how to do this without

Of course, the 'else' could be something like the tag equivalent of
if (x==5)
if (x==6)
if (x!=5 && x!=6)

but that doesn't cut it if you have way too many cases in the else.


Re: doing an if-else

2001-04-23 Thread Keith Morrell

There is possibly going to be an If-the-else in the next major release -
see release notes, but for now I use equal/notEqual and it works ok for

Cheers, Keith

Please note new  extension number/s below...

Keith Morrell
EDS Consultant, TRAID Project

Phone +64-9-308-5650 
EDS internal  extn 4150   
>From Telecom PABX  84150
Fax  +64-9-309-8543
Cell  +64-21-649-395

Email T906399 (internal) or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 24/04/01 11:06:15 >>>
Hi all,

I searched through the archives and could not find a satisfactory
answer to
the following:
There seem to be  and  tags, but there's
 tag. I was looking at Jakarta Taglibs and could not find
such a
tag either. Does anyone have any idea how to do this without

Of course, the 'else' could be something like the tag equivalent of
if (x==5)
if (x==6)
if (x!=5 && x!=6)

but that doesn't cut it if you have way too many cases in the else.


Re: FW: Session scope

2001-04-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Peter Smith wrote:

> I'm definitely considering running Struts with at
> least 2 JVMs - one on each of 2 boxes.  At first I
> didn't even consider the effects of running multiple
> JVMs - never done it!
> Currently, my company has a big Oracle focus.  There's
> only one Oracle instance so they're using it to
> maintain session info across multiple app servers. 
> This requires a db hit for every HTTP request.
> I can handle the memory requirements.  I just want a
> better way to coordinte session info across JVM's.
> In the past I've written a poor-man's 'serialization'
> module for PERL which just kicked-out all the
> accumulated HTML parameters into  tags. 
> Wonder if I can do something similar for Struts
> environment w/o giving up too much of the
> functionality I'm using Struts for in the first place.
> Are there any gotchas we can think of with using
> Struts across JVM's?

Following the servlet spec requirements (all session attributes need to be
Serializable) is the most important issue.  Beyond that, it's dependent on
the features of the particular app server you are runniing on, so check
the docs for yours to identify any platform-specific recommendations.

> P.S. I wonder if Tomcat project is planning some kind
> of session-sync technology.

This is definitely on the list for Tomcat 4.0 development, but I wouldn't
hold my breath -- getting this right is going to take a while.


doing an if-else

2001-04-23 Thread Iraklis Kourtidis

Hi all,

I searched through the archives and could not find a satisfactory answer to
the following:
There seem to be  and  tags, but there's no
 tag. I was looking at Jakarta Taglibs and could not find such a
tag either. Does anyone have any idea how to do this without scriptlets?

Of course, the 'else' could be something like the tag equivalent of
if (x==5)
if (x==6)
if (x!=5 && x!=6)

but that doesn't cut it if you have way too many cases in the else.


RE: File upload problems

2001-04-23 Thread Schachter, Michael


The first problem you reported might be fixed as of recent builds,
please try a nightly build and let me know if it works.

As for the multibox issue, I'll definately look into it this week.

Thank you

-Original Message-
From: Azariah Jeyakumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 6:11 PM
Cc: Martin Cooper
Subject: File upload problems


We are using the file upload feature of struts heavily. We face the foll

1. I get " end of stream before boundary found!"
intermittently (full stack trace below). Roughly 1 out of 10 or 20 times I
submit the form that contains File upload. I have not been able to identify
a pattern when this exception happens. But I think the exception happens
only when no file is actually entered/uploaded.

To elaborate, my form has several Submit buttons. Only 1 of the submit
button expects the type=file field to have a valid file name. All other
submit buttons dont care about the field. When I click on one of these other
submit buttons, I get the above exception, intermittently.

2. The tag struts:multibox does not work well in a form that has
enctype=multipart/form-data. Only the last checkbox that I selected is set
in the multibox form field. I expect a comma separated list of the value of
all the selected checkboxes. This works in the form if I remove the enctype

We use jakarta-struts-1.0-b1.


Full stack trace for first problem:
500 Servlet Exception end of stream before boundary found!
at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.populate(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at com.caucho.server.http.Invocation.service(
at com.caucho.server.http.CacheInvocation.service(

RE: FW: Session scope

2001-04-23 Thread Chen, Yong

Application server level load balancing is the answer to the problem.
I don't see there is a strong reason to synchronize two sessions on two different app 
servers. Because the web server or proxy server will establish the link between the 
client and app server the very first time the connection is made. After that, the 
client (browser) will bind to the same app server. So, session info should only be 
kept in that particular app server. 

However, if you want to do session level fail-over, then like Weblogic app server, you 
will utilize their cluster feature to sync the secondary app server with the primary 
app server in case the primary is down. This requires to use BEA's weblogic proxy 
feature to detect such failure of primary app server down.

In current generation of web apps, should any services is needed to be distributed, 
you can use EJB, RMI, CORBA or COM/COM+. Session related info should be in the memory 
of app server. Session is transient, not persistent. 

Yong Chen

-Original Message-
From: Peter Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: FW: Session scope

I'm definitely considering running Struts with at
least 2 JVMs - one on each of 2 boxes.  At first I
didn't even consider the effects of running multiple
JVMs - never done it!

Currently, my company has a big Oracle focus.  There's
only one Oracle instance so they're using it to
maintain session info across multiple app servers. 
This requires a db hit for every HTTP request.

I can handle the memory requirements.  I just want a
better way to coordinte session info across JVM's.

In the past I've written a poor-man's 'serialization'
module for PERL which just kicked-out all the
accumulated HTML parameters into  tags. 
Wonder if I can do something similar for Struts
environment w/o giving up too much of the
functionality I'm using Struts for in the first place.

Are there any gotchas we can think of with using
Struts across JVM's?

P.S. I wonder if Tomcat project is planning some kind
of session-sync technology.

--- "Maguire, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Obviously, design decisions have been made on the
> session context.
> Is anyone running (or considering running) Struts in
> a truly distributed
> server infrastructure?
> Does Craig's suggestion of Serializable session
> beans stand up under volume?
> Just looking for some pointers.
> Jim
> -Original Message-
> From: Craig R. McClanahan
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 11:03 PM
> To: Struts-User@Jakarta. Apache. Org (E-mail)
> Subject: Re: Session scope
> On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Girish Baxi wrote:
> > I am a new strut user  as far as i know , isnt
> it a bad idea to store
> > data in the session scope simply becoz its not
> scalable for a multiple web
> > server scenario ...
> > is there any work around to using session scope in
> case of form beans that
> > span more than one html page ???
> > 
> > any guidance is appreciated,
> > thanx
> > 
> > 
> > 
> Let's understand what is really happening in order
> to understand what the
> potential impacts are:
> * An HttpSession, as implemented by your servlet
> container, typically
>   uses something like a Hashtable or a HashMap to
> store session
>   attributes.
> * When you create a bean instance, the bytecodes
> that make up the
>   executable methods of your bean are shared across
> all instances -- the
>   only thing that takes memory is the bean
> properties themselves.
> * Let's assume that your bean uses about 1000 bytes
> for the properties
>   that are unique to that bean, and you want to save
> a bean in each
>   user's session because it represents information
> you need over more
>   than one request.
> * If you have 10,000 simultaneous users, that means
> you need roughly
>   ten megabytes (10,000 * 1000) of memory to store
> these objects.  Whether
>   that is a problem or not depends on how much free
> memory you have.
> * Some application servers support load balancing
> and distribution
>   facilities, so that they can handle more users
> than can be supported
>   by a single server.  Essentially, they are running
> a copy of your
>   web application on each server.  In order to
> facilitate migrating
>   your session from one server to another, they may
> require you to make
>   all of your session beans Serializable.
> The bottom line is that, like everything else, use
> of session beans
> involves tradeoffs.  If you are running
> or Yahoo, you care a
> lot about memory occupancy.  If you're writing an
> Intranet app for 50
> users in your department, it's probably not a big
> deal unless you have
> very large data objects to be stored.  You should
> analyze your expected
> simultaneous user counts, and the typical amount of
> memory that their
> session attributes require.  Compare that to the
> amount of available
> memory on your server.  T

RE: Where did the name "struts" originate?

2001-04-23 Thread Roxie Rochat

Many thanks for how to narrow my search.
The archives only go back as far as the 
beginning of this year and the link from the
struts "Resources" page never seems to work.
Is this a temporary thing or is this site permanently off-line now?

In any event, it would be nice to have this information on
the struts website somewhere.  

-Original Message-
From: Robert Leland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2001 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: Where did the name "struts" originate?

Search the mail archive I recall Craig answering that
question back in October/November 2000. I thought it ment the struts of a
but that wasn't where the name came from.

Roxie Rochat wrote:
> It's the first question people ask me when I describe
> struts and I don't remember seeing its origin explained anywhere.
> Is it an acronym or does it refer to the framework part?
> Thanks,
> Roxie

Robert Leland   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
804 N. Kenmore Street   +01-703-525-3580
Arlington VA 22201

Re: Where did the name "struts" originate?

2001-04-23 Thread Rob Leland

Re: FW: Session scope

2001-04-23 Thread Peter Smith

I'm definitely considering running Struts with at
least 2 JVMs - one on each of 2 boxes.  At first I
didn't even consider the effects of running multiple
JVMs - never done it!

Currently, my company has a big Oracle focus.  There's
only one Oracle instance so they're using it to
maintain session info across multiple app servers. 
This requires a db hit for every HTTP request.

I can handle the memory requirements.  I just want a
better way to coordinte session info across JVM's.

In the past I've written a poor-man's 'serialization'
module for PERL which just kicked-out all the
accumulated HTML parameters into  tags. 
Wonder if I can do something similar for Struts
environment w/o giving up too much of the
functionality I'm using Struts for in the first place.

Are there any gotchas we can think of with using
Struts across JVM's?

P.S. I wonder if Tomcat project is planning some kind
of session-sync technology.

--- "Maguire, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Obviously, design decisions have been made on the
> session context.
> Is anyone running (or considering running) Struts in
> a truly distributed
> server infrastructure?
> Does Craig's suggestion of Serializable session
> beans stand up under volume?
> Just looking for some pointers.
> Jim
> -Original Message-
> From: Craig R. McClanahan
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 11:03 PM
> To: Struts-User@Jakarta. Apache. Org (E-mail)
> Subject: Re: Session scope
> On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Girish Baxi wrote:
> > I am a new strut user  as far as i know , isnt
> it a bad idea to store
> > data in the session scope simply becoz its not
> scalable for a multiple web
> > server scenario ...
> > is there any work around to using session scope in
> case of form beans that
> > span more than one html page ???
> > 
> > any guidance is appreciated,
> > thanx
> > 
> > 
> > 
> Let's understand what is really happening in order
> to understand what the
> potential impacts are:
> * An HttpSession, as implemented by your servlet
> container, typically
>   uses something like a Hashtable or a HashMap to
> store session
>   attributes.
> * When you create a bean instance, the bytecodes
> that make up the
>   executable methods of your bean are shared across
> all instances -- the
>   only thing that takes memory is the bean
> properties themselves.
> * Let's assume that your bean uses about 1000 bytes
> for the properties
>   that are unique to that bean, and you want to save
> a bean in each
>   user's session because it represents information
> you need over more
>   than one request.
> * If you have 10,000 simultaneous users, that means
> you need roughly
>   ten megabytes (10,000 * 1000) of memory to store
> these objects.  Whether
>   that is a problem or not depends on how much free
> memory you have.
> * Some application servers support load balancing
> and distribution
>   facilities, so that they can handle more users
> than can be supported
>   by a single server.  Essentially, they are running
> a copy of your
>   web application on each server.  In order to
> facilitate migrating
>   your session from one server to another, they may
> require you to make
>   all of your session beans Serializable.
> The bottom line is that, like everything else, use
> of session beans
> involves tradeoffs.  If you are running
> or Yahoo, you care a
> lot about memory occupancy.  If you're writing an
> Intranet app for 50
> users in your department, it's probably not a big
> deal unless you have
> very large data objects to be stored.  You should
> analyze your expected
> simultaneous user counts, and the typical amount of
> memory that their
> session attributes require.  Compare that to the
> amount of available
> memory on your server.  The results of this
> comparison will tell you how
> much (or little) you need to worry about the amount
> of space session
> variables require.
> Craig McClanahan

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

File upload problems

2001-04-23 Thread Azariah Jeyakumar


We are using the file upload feature of struts heavily. We face the foll

1. I get " end of stream before boundary found!"
intermittently (full stack trace below). Roughly 1 out of 10 or 20 times I
submit the form that contains File upload. I have not been able to identify
a pattern when this exception happens. But I think the exception happens
only when no file is actually entered/uploaded.

To elaborate, my form has several Submit buttons. Only 1 of the submit
button expects the type=file field to have a valid file name. All other
submit buttons dont care about the field. When I click on one of these other
submit buttons, I get the above exception, intermittently.

2. The tag struts:multibox does not work well in a form that has
enctype=multipart/form-data. Only the last checkbox that I selected is set
in the multibox form field. I expect a comma separated list of the value of
all the selected checkboxes. This works in the form if I remove the enctype

We use jakarta-struts-1.0-b1.


Full stack trace for first problem:
500 Servlet Exception end of stream before boundary found!
at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.populate(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at com.caucho.server.http.Invocation.service(
at com.caucho.server.http.CacheInvocation.service(

Struts at JavaOne

2001-04-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

If you're planning to come to JavaOne this year, you might want to make
a point of attending the following presentations that I'm giving, with
Struts being featured content:

  BOF #1289 - "The Struts Framework Community"
  Wednesday, June 6, 9-9:50pm

  TS  #1284 - "Recommendations for Web Application Architectures"
  Thursday, June 7, 12:15-1:15pm

And if you're also interested in Tomcat or user authentication (or you
just want to hear me talk some more :-), you might also want to note the

  TS  #1287 - "The Tomcat Servlet Container" (focus on Tomcat 4.0)
  Wednesday, June 6, 12:15-1:15pm

  BOF #1290 - "The Tomcat Community"
  Wednesday, June 6, 8-8:50pm

  BOF #1291 - "Approaches to User Authentication and Access Control
  in Web Applications"
  Thursday, June 7, 7-7:50pm

Craig McClanahan

RE: "No getter method for property {prop} of bean {bean}"

2001-04-23 Thread Martin Eckert

I also was getting the same error that the getter method of my property
couldn't be found.
The difference though is that I'm not using overloading.

Here's what I had:

// - Attributes -
private Calendar formDate = Calendar.getInstance();

// -- Properties -
public void setFormDate(Date _last_mod_time) {

public Calendar getFormDate() {
return formDate;

I couldn't find out why it wouldn't find my getter method.
All my other properties worked just fine.
At some point I just switched the order of the get and set method and it
mysteriously worked.

Here's how I have it now in my class:

// - Attributes -
private Calendar formDate = Calendar.getInstance();

// -- Properties -
public Calendar getFormDate() {
return formDate;

public void setFormDate(Date _last_mod_time) {

Although I don't know why I'm very happy that it works now.
Does anybody know why this phenomena occurs?

Regards, Martin

-Original Message-
From: Anthony Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 10:00 AM
Subject: RE: "No getter method for property {prop} of bean {bean}"

Ok, I figured out a work-around.  The bean properties must not be overloaded
I guess.  I created some setter properties that modify the same instance
variables but under a different name (signatures are as follows):

protected Date createDt ;
String getCreateDt()
void setCreateDtAsDate ( Date )

That way the internal systems can pass the correct data type to the
variable.  To the form, the property is read-only.  To the internal system,
it's write-only.  The String getter value "magically" changes when the Date
setter value is changed.

I know this may not follow with bean specifications, but doesn't this sound
strangely similar to method overloading?


-Original Message-
From: Anthony Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 9:03 AM
Subject: "No getter method for property {prop} of bean {bean}"

I get the ServletException, "No getter method for property {prop} of bean
{bean}" when accessing this particular bean.  The variable instance is
stored as a Date that I format to and from strings.  The setter can take a
Date or a String.  I could understand if it couldn't find the setter, but I
don't understand why it can't find the getter.

Is this caused by the fact that I have overloaded the setter to accept Date?
I want to have "createDt" and "modifyDt" values that are set by the system.
I should be able to drop the String setter all together so that my UI team
won't be tempted to offer it as an editable field.  Or am I taking the wrong


It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by the Beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning.
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

destroy the ActionForm object.

2001-04-23 Thread See Yam Lim
Title: destroy the ActionForm object.


    Is anybody knows how Struts clean up object like ActionForm? can we program to control the clean up this object explicitly? also, can i put ActionForm into the session container that i create where i uses it to store proxies to session? Any idea is welcome. Thanks.

See-Yam Lim

Re: Packaging Question - Include Source in Binary Distributions?

2001-04-23 Thread Dzenan Ridjanovic

OK to just point at the download URL for the source distribution if you want

"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:

> As we move towards a 1.0 release of Struts (really!  :-), one of the
> things I am cleaning up is the way that binary distributions are
> packaged.  Currently, we follow the typical Jakarta pattern of including
> the source code for Struts in the binary distribution (in the "etc",
> "src", and "web" directories), as well as in a separate download.
> My question is, do people find the fact that the binary distribution
> includes source code useful, or would it be OK to just point you at the
> download URL for the source distribution if you want it?  For recent
> builds, this would cut the size of the binary distribution by about one
> third.
> I'm fine with doing it either way, but wanted to get some feedback from
> the community before making a final decision.
> Craig

Dzenan Ridjanovic

Re: Who, what, where, how and why?

2001-04-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Ted Husted wrote:

> < > 
> might interest you. 
> There are well over 1000 subscribers to this list. 

As of this morning, we're up to 1222 subscribers.


RE: Packaging Question - Include Source in Binary Distributions?

2001-04-23 Thread Iraklis Kourtidis

Hi Craig,

IMHO the source code is useful, at least in the following circumstances:

1) some weird error occurs (because a struts user writes bad code), and the
line numbers for a file are given. Sometimes looking at the source helps
understand what the heck is going on in your own code and how to fix it.
2) The source for the struts-example sample application (although not part
of the source code you're likely talking about) was to me the most useful
resource in understanding Struts. Any other example I found on the web was
highly confusing and/or incomplete (including the 'resources' section of the
Jakarta Struts  home page.)

In either case though, as long as the code is still downloadable there won't
be any problem.

my 2 cents,

-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 3:31 PM
Subject: Packaging Question - Include Source in Binary Distributions?

As we move towards a 1.0 release of Struts (really!  :-), one of the
things I am cleaning up is the way that binary distributions are
packaged.  Currently, we follow the typical Jakarta pattern of including
the source code for Struts in the binary distribution (in the "etc",
"src", and "web" directories), as well as in a separate download.

My question is, do people find the fact that the binary distribution
includes source code useful, or would it be OK to just point you at the
download URL for the source distribution if you want it?  For recent
builds, this would cut the size of the binary distribution by about one

I'm fine with doing it either way, but wanted to get some feedback from
the community before making a final decision.


Re: Packaging Question - Include Source in Binary Distributions?

2001-04-23 Thread David Winterfeldt

I like having the source with the binary distribution.
 I would just download both if they were separate.


--- "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As we move towards a 1.0 release of Struts (really! 
> :-), one of the
> things I am cleaning up is the way that binary
> distributions are
> packaged.  Currently, we follow the typical Jakarta
> pattern of including
> the source code for Struts in the binary
> distribution (in the "etc",
> "src", and "web" directories), as well as in a
> separate download.
> My question is, do people find the fact that the
> binary distribution
> includes source code useful, or would it be OK to
> just point you at the
> download URL for the source distribution if you want
> it?  For recent
> builds, this would cut the size of the binary
> distribution by about one
> third.
> I'm fine with doing it either way, but wanted to get
> some feedback from
> the community before making a final decision.
> Craig

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

RE: Load Testing

2001-04-23 Thread Deadman, Hal

The jmeter list said something about that being fixed in the CVS version. 

>From the jmeter list:

This is the case in JMeter 1.5.  In 1.6, the alpha release doesn't allow
alternate ports.  However, it has been fixed in cvs.


On Monday 09 April 2001 19:07, you wrote:
> Yep, you just have to specify the port # in the URL, like this:
> http://localhost:8080/, the browser chooses 80 by default unless you tell
> it which port to look at.
> --
end of snippet from jmeter list

> -Original Message-
> From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 4:28 PM
> Subject: Re: Load Testing
> Were you able to get that running with an alternate port, like 8080 ?
> "Deadman, Hal" wrote:
> > Microsoft has a free stress test tool too:
> >

Packaging Question - Include Source in Binary Distributions?

2001-04-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

As we move towards a 1.0 release of Struts (really!  :-), one of the
things I am cleaning up is the way that binary distributions are
packaged.  Currently, we follow the typical Jakarta pattern of including
the source code for Struts in the binary distribution (in the "etc",
"src", and "web" directories), as well as in a separate download.

My question is, do people find the fact that the binary distribution
includes source code useful, or would it be OK to just point you at the
download URL for the source distribution if you want it?  For recent
builds, this would cut the size of the binary distribution by about one

I'm fine with doing it either way, but wanted to get some feedback from
the community before making a final decision.


Re: How can i integrate struts with cocoon ?

2001-04-23 Thread Ovidiu Predescu

On Sun, 22 Apr 2001 17:13:52 +0200, "M.Amin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear all,
>  I'm a newbie to struts-velocity framework and i want to integrate the forms
> generated by struts with the other xml files generated under cocoon control.
> My question is : is it possible to integrate struts with cocoon ?

I believe we need to add a JSP generator to Cocoon to be able to use
Struts. This is true for any JSP taglib out there. The JSP generator
would pretty much work the same as XSP, except that it has to accept
the JSP syntax.


Ovidiu Predescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (inside HP's firewall only) (GNU, Emacs, other stuff)

Did you miss my presentation, "Using Cocoon to build Web sites for
wireless devices" at ApacheCon 2001 in Santa Clara, CA? You can still
get my presentation on the Web at:

Re: Load Testing

2001-04-23 Thread Ted Husted

Were you able to get that running with an alternate port, like 8080 ?

"Deadman, Hal" wrote:
> Microsoft has a free stress test tool too:

Re: Load Testing

2001-04-23 Thread Owen Scott Medd

On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Ted Husted wrote:
> One question for any Linux gurus -- I'll try and max this out and see
> for myself, but does anyone know what scale "uptime" uses for the load,
> and where performance trails off.  It starts at 0.00 -- and goes to
> 100.00?

uptime shows you the average number of processes that are in the
'runnable' state for the various time periods (1, 5, 15 minutes).  So, for
uniprocessor machines, a load factor of 1 might be considered high
(depending on how seriously you take those engineering safety factor
calculations), while for a 4 processor SMP machine, a load factor of one
would indicate you were only using a quarter of the machine (more or

Of course, the whole load factor number discussion is somewhat simplified
and things other than cpu load can impact the ability of the machine to
respond to any given request (interrupts, paging, etc).

Note that I am not a linux guru, but I have played one on TV.

USMail:   CareerSite Corporation, 310 Miller Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Phone:+1 734 213-9500   FAX:+1 734 213-9011

Re: Load Testing

2001-04-23 Thread Ted Husted

I'm trying jmeter, and it seems useful, especially in conjunction with
manual testing, but I'm still finding my way around. 

It has a feature for HTTP authentication, but I'm doing it myself. 

I may need to setup a test action for some allows someone to login and
bid at the same time (it's an auction application -- also destined to be
open source, BTW). 

One question for any Linux gurus -- I'll try and max this out and see
for myself, but does anyone know what scale "uptime" uses for the load,
and where performance trails off.  It starts at 0.00 -- and goes to

"Deadman, Hal" wrote:
> I assume you have you looked at Jmeter? I
> haven't used it yet. I am not sure how easy it is to generate load that
> consists of dynamically generated data for form submissions and the like.
> Microsoft has a free stress test tool too:

> > I need to do some load testing on a Struts application, and
> > wondered if
> > anyone had any war stories to share, or recommendations as to the best
> > approach.


2001-04-23 Thread Anthony Martin

I am trying to use 
 where the getter and setter if field 
work with String[].  Is this the correct approach?  Is this 
functionality available?
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.It is by the Beans 
of Java that thoughts acquire speed,the hands acquire shaking, the shaking 
becomes a warning.It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in 

RE: Load Testing

2001-04-23 Thread Deadman, Hal

I assume you have you looked at Jmeter? I
haven't used it yet. I am not sure how easy it is to generate load that
consists of dynamically generated data for form submissions and the like.

Microsoft has a free stress test tool too:

> -Original Message-
> From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 12:48 PM
> Subject: Load Testing
> I need to do some load testing on a Struts application, and
> wondered if
> anyone had any war stories to share, or recommendations as to the best
> approach.
> -- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
> -- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
> -- Tel 716 737-3463.
> --


2001-04-23 Thread Chris Butler

does anyone have any clever ways to deal with bean
Calendar properties via JSP?  a string would be nicer...


Struts Performance

2001-04-23 Thread jsmith

Hello all,

I am writing a struts application with iPlanet that uses 
internationalization.  I am seeing some performance problems.  Before I 
go down the road too far to pull out, has anyone else seen performance 
problems with internationalization with struts?  How performant is 
struts in a production environment?

Jason Smith

Re: Who are using Struts? (we are reply)

2001-04-23 Thread Keith Morrell

We are but unfortunately it is not availble to the public...


Please note new  extension number/s below...

Keith Morrell
EDS Consultant, TRAID Project

Phone +64-9-308-5650 
EDS internal  extn 4150   
>From Telecom PABX  84150
Fax  +64-9-309-8543
Cell  +64-21-649-395

Email T906399 (internal) or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Who, what, where, how and why?

2001-04-23 Thread Ted Husted

< > 

might interest you. 

There are well over 1000 subscribers to this list. 

Thomas Peters wrote:
> Looking into struts...
> I am interested in getting information on who is using struts. Is this
> framework well adopted?
> I'd like to know what type of applications are being developed & who is
> developing them.
> Additionally, what is the approximate size of the developer community?
> Thank you.

Multi-Lingual collections with Struts HTML tags?

2001-04-23 Thread Mario Laureti


  I created a GetCodeTable Tag that loads data from a database table into a collection.
  This way I can re-use struts html tags... Great!




  But now I want to support two languages: english_description and french_description

  Do I have create a new tag, extend it from the Struts OptionsTag  to allow this:



  Or is there a cleaner way to do this?

Thanks in advance.

Mario L.

Help with upload

2001-04-23 Thread Chris Campbell


I'm trying to get the file upload facility to work, and am having trouble. 
I can get a file to upload and get stored in the database, but as soon as I 
forward to the next page (through a forward to an action), I get an 
exception: "javax.servlet.ServletException: MultipartIterator: no multipart 
request data sent". Tomcat claims to be working on the next action by that 
time (a listing of all the attachments stored in the database).

Any idea why I might be getting this? I realize that I'm not providing all 
that much information, but maybe it's a common occurrence if you don't have 
things set up right...?

Thanks for any help. Email me direct if you like - I receive the digest 
version of the list.

Chris Campbell

Who, what, where, how and why?

2001-04-23 Thread Thomas Peters

Looking into struts...

I am interested in getting information on who is using struts. Is this
framework well adopted?
I'd like to know what type of applications are being developed & who is
developing them.
Additionally, what is the approximate size of the developer community?

Thank you.

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 12:34 PM
Subject: RE:

Is there something wrong?

I see no content in any of the messages...

-Original Message-
From: Chris Butler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 11:53 AM

Load Testing

2001-04-23 Thread Ted Husted

I need to do some load testing on a Struts application, and wondered if
anyone had any war stories to share, or recommendations as to the best

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel 716 737-3463.


2001-04-23 Thread Thomas Peters

Is there something wrong?

I see no content in any of the messages...

-Original Message-
From: Chris Butler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 11:53 AM

Re: Required vs. optional "name" attribute

2001-04-23 Thread James Howe

At 10:00 PM 4/22/2001 -0700, you wrote:

>On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, James Howe wrote:
> > I apologize in advance if this topic has come up before, but ...
> >
> > I'm building a Struts JSP page containing a form.  I've noticed that the
> > HTML tags typically do not require the specification of a "name" attribute
> > in order to retrieve property values from a bean.  If the name isn't
> > specified, the property value is retrieved from the bean associated with
> > the form.  However, logic tags require the use of the name attribute in
> > order to retrieve a property.  [...]
>The HTML-oriented tags that allow you to default the "name" attribute can
>*only* be used within an  tag -- they are not useful in any
>other context.
>The logic tags (and the bean tags as well) are general purpose tools,
>useful either inside or outside a form.  It would be technically feasible
>to do what you suggest, but IMHO it would be very confusing to have the
>same tag do two different things depending on whether you nested it or

I understand your point.  How about if there were a new tag in Struts 
called "defaultName" (or something similar).  In the defaultName tag, you 
could identify a bean which automatically be referred to by all other tags 
unless a different bean name attribute were specified on a tag.  This would 
let you include common code and the common code wouldn't have to know the 
name of the bean from which it got its value unless it wanted to.

James W. Howe   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Allen Creek Software, Inc.  pgpkey:
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

iteration enhancement?

2001-04-23 Thread Chris Butler

Is it possible to access the count of the number of
times you've looped in an  tag?



unfortunately, i'm guessing that via reflection the
bean is created with a reference name and additional
attributes aren't there...


RE: Who are using Struts?

2001-04-23 Thread Ravindranath Pashikanti

 Sites that are known to be Powered by Struts are given at this site.

Ravindranath P.

-Original Message-
From: Suriyanarayanan, Senthil Kumar
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 7:00 PM
Subject: Who are using Struts?

I wonder if anyone can provide me the list of few sites currently
using Struts as their part of Presentation Framework.

Thanks in advance,
Senthil Kumar.S
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Re: Iterate over a bean full of beans?

2001-04-23 Thread Chris Butler

as far as i know you can have nested iterate tags:


i think the trick is referencing the page scope var you've created
in the outer iterate...  in this case "outerObj".


At 09:42 PM 4/23/2001 +0700, Gael Laurans wrote:
"Keith Morrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Iterate over a bean full of beans?
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 17:12:57 +1200

I have an issue where I want to iterate using a bean which has
beans (excuse the non-industry standard lingo!) and would 
some advice (sorry this is my third post today, but I have been
struggling with this and a couple of other issues for days now..)

The old code went something like:

<% Iterator it = Summary.getAccounts().iterator();

... and then within this loop,

<% while( it.hasNext() )
  AccountBean ab = (AccountBean);
  out.println( ab.getName();
  out.println( ab.getPhone();

... etc...

Any help etc would be i am not sure how to access
child bean properties etc from the main bean (which would control
iterate loop)
Here is what I am doing :
I have a Bean with a vector field...

 public class SearchResult implements Serializable  {
   private Vector lots = new Vector();

... and a method returning an array of the vector's elements ...

   public Lot[] getLots() {
 Lot[] results = new Lot[lots.size()];
 return results;

In the JSP I can use the iterate tag as follow :


Hope this helps
Gael Laurans
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: Iterate over a bean full of beans?

2001-04-23 Thread Gael Laurans

>From: "Keith Morrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Iterate over a bean full of beans?
>Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 17:12:57 +1200
>I have an issue where I want to iterate using a bean which has "child"
>beans (excuse the non-industry standard lingo!) and would appreciate
>some advice (sorry this is my third post today, but I have been
>struggling with this and a couple of other issues for days now..)
>The old code went something like:
><% Iterator it = Summary.getAccounts().iterator();
>   if(it.hasNext())
>... and then within this loop,
><% while( it.hasNext() )
>   AccountBean ab = (AccountBean);
>   out.println( ab.getName();
>   out.println( ab.getPhone();
>... etc...
>Any help etc would be i am not sure how to access the
>child bean properties etc from the main bean (which would control the
>iterate loop)
Here is what I am doing :
I have a Bean with a vector field...

  public class SearchResult implements Serializable  {
private Vector lots = new Vector();

... and a method returning an array of the vector's elements ...

public Lot[] getLots() {
  Lot[] results = new Lot[lots.size()];
  return results;

In the JSP I can use the iterate tag as follow :


Hope this helps
Gael Laurans
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: indicating mandatory input fields in html form?

2001-04-23 Thread Peter Alfors


Just keep in mind that some users may be color-blind.
Using an asterisk or some other method of making the string itself look
different will solve that.
As craig mentioned, whatever you choose, it is a good idea to let the user
know what the change means.


"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:

> On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Phillip Rhodes wrote:
> > Is there a recommended method for indicating a required field in an html
> > input form?
> >
> > I know I can just type an asterisk in, but isn't there a better way?
> >
> > Thanks.
> > Phillip
> >
> >
> I don't know if it is "better", but I've seen web sites that use a
> different colored prompt for required fields versus optional
> fields.  Whatever convention you use, be sure that you tell the user about
> it :-), and use it consistently on all of your forms.
> Craig

org:";>Bringing Vision to Your Supply Chain

Who are using Struts?

2001-04-23 Thread Suriyanarayanan, Senthil Kumar

I wonder if anyone can provide me the list of few sites currently
using Struts as their part of Presentation Framework.

Thanks in advance,
Senthil Kumar.S
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Re: Cookies and Clusters (Cookies)

2001-04-23 Thread \(Home\) Dan Connelly

I will reply to Malcolm Davis in two parts: 
Cookies, then (later) Clusters:
Yes, my presentation of the DHTML and JS stuff was 
a bit confusing.  And unnecessary.
Let me boil it down.   
What I was musing about was a hack (??) I had just 
seen in a non-Struts MVC app whereby the current page gets updated, in 
situ, through the cookie(s) that head-up an SC_NO_CONTENT 
page just sent from the server.  The JavaScript in the current page reads 
the cookie(s) and updates its own document model.  No screen 
flash.  Very smooth.  A nice MVC screen effect.  Think of the 
Color Chooser, the canonical MVC application.   Smooth 
Is it a hack?  Would we consider such a 
technique for Struts?
Of course, having the client code read cookies 
might be considered weird.  But why not.  This is the web.  We 
survived the frameset mish-mash.   Many B2B apps have captive clients 
on dedicated PCs.   If the app wants cookies, he should get cookies, 
right?  These are session cookies, not persistent cookies.  Privacy is 
not a big concern.  If the browser is loading up on cookies from other apps 
and maxes out, he gets a nice warning to quit screwing around.
I did not write this MVC-ish app that I am talking 
about.  I am merely testing it, aggresively, looking for hacks.   
I don't have access to the servlet code but I can see the cookies 
arriving at the browser.  No JSESSIONID there.  Just 4k of encoded 
state.   You ask, does this app use HttpSession?  Apparently 
not.  It bakes its own cookies, complex cookies.  
Bad.  Bad.  Bad.  
But I like it.   It contributes to 
MVC.  Why not do it, do it, do it??

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 1:47 
  Subject: RE: Cookies and Clusters
  > Cookies get a 
  lot of bad press.  But, cookies (or complex URL encoding) are the 
  > when session beans are not going to 
  be  used.   
  Many JSP developers will shun session > 
  beans because the app might get deployed on clustered servers 
  (reverse proxied).  > 
  Each POST might then be dispatched to a different JVM.  Session 
  beans were not shared > correctly among clustered JVMs until Servlet 
  2.3.  (Correct me if I am wrong.)   > 
  Nobody is there yet in the commercial offerings.
  iPlanet does, and I'm sure other vendors 
  do also.
  I'm a little lost here about the DHTML & JS stuff, 
  but you might have a misunderstanding about cookies. 
  You can turn cookies 
  off in the browser, but the Appserver should 
  implement them via 
  the jsessionid.  Cookies are 
  fine for a cluster environment.  
  The servlets must be marked as sticky, 
  meaning each subsequent request will 
  return to the correct 
  JVM.  Of course, this might depend 
  on the Appserver being 
  used, and how your 
  cluster is configured.At my present job, we have 3 machines running 10 
  JVM’s, a total of 30 JVM’sin the cluster. If your not using 
  session beans, are you using 

RE: Feature request

2001-04-23 Thread Nanduri, Amarnath

One thing you can do is use a  tag which contains the name of the jsp
page. When you submit to the same action, and when you want to show errors
to the input page, get this value out of the  tag and forward to that

I would strongly suggest you use a separate action class for every jsp .
That way it woule be easier to maintain and debug. 
If you think all the pages perform almost the same action(s) i would suggest
you use an inheritance mechanism.


-Original Message-
From: alex [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 2:26 AM
Subject: Re: Feature request

hi all. 

i wonder who can help me resolve this problem.
i am making a program based on struts.
there are some circumstances that serval pages invoke one same
action. and if some errors occured i want to show these errors in 
the previous page, but i cannot judge where the page is, cuz,
there are many pages can invoke this action.

thanks alot


Which nightly build to use?

2001-04-23 Thread Tom Miller


I've been working under Struts 1.0b1 for awhile, and would like to catch
up. I see that the last binary distribution update was on 4/18, while
the source distribution was updated last night. Does this mean there
have been only doc changes for a few days? Which set of binary and
source are recommended just now?

Thanks in advance.

Tom Miller
Miller Associates, Inc.
641.469.3535 Phone
413.581.6326 FAX

Nighly build corrupt

2001-04-23 Thread Erik Eriksson
Am I wrong or are the nighly binary distributions corrupt?

When I look into
all binary distributions since 20010419 is 1 Kb in size! Maybe the coders have been very efficient :-)

Nightly source distributions seems to have the right
size, but the binaries are much more convenient for a
none struts source developer.

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RE: Digester :"java.lang.InternalError: (Ex02) An error has occu rred " AND"addCallParam"

2001-04-23 Thread Noel Sebastien


>Could you describe the exact rules you are trying to use?  It's not
>possible to answer your questions just from this description.

Here are the rules I use for my case :


digest.addObjectCreate("connector/config", "java.lang.Exception",
digest.addSetProperty("connector/config/attribute", "name",
digest.addSetNext("connector/config", "setConfigObject",
"java.lang.Object"); // New object reference is stored in current object
(this) in order to be available after automatical pop

digest.addCallMethod("connector", "addConnectorToList", 1); //
Function call at end tag
digest.addCallParam("connector", 0, "name");
digest.addCallParam("connector", 1, "className");

Does the order of those statements matter ?

My problem is just to know if CallParam actually pushes a String on stack ?
If yes, this means that one can't use in tha same time CallMethod and
SetNext as in my example.
Thank you

> -Original Message-
> From: Noel Sebastien [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: jeudi 19 avril 2001 12:28
> Subject:  Digester : "java.lang.InternalError: (Ex02) An error has
> occurred " AND "addCallParam"
> Hello,
> It seems that addCallParam push a String on the stack, why ? It is very
> annoying for my program. How can I by pass that problem ?
> I would like to parse the following XML :
> 1/ first : I push my global object on stack (digester.push)
> 2/ on config tag : create configClassName object with nested attribute
> (new
> Object on Digester Stack with addObjectCreate and addSetProperty).
> Before automatically pop, I do a addSetNext to store newly object
> reference
> to global object.
> 3/ on connector end tag I would like to run a method with name and
> className
> parameters : so I use addCallMethod et 2 addCallParam on connector
> pattern,
> addCallParam push a String on stack and my previous AddSetNext is now
> launched on that String instead of the global object  Thus I receive
> that InternalError !!!
> I can't believe it is impossible !! Does somebody have any idea ?
> Please,
> Thanks,
> Sébastien
> -
> Un courrier électronique n'engage pas son émetteur. Tout message
> susceptible de comporter un engagement doit être confirmé par un écrit
> dûment signé.
> An electronic message is not binding on its sender. Any message referring
> to a binding engagement must be confirmed in writing and duly signed.
> Ein elektronischer Brief bzw. eine elektronische Nachricht ist für den
> Absender nicht verbindlich. Jede Nachricht,  welche eine Verpflichtung
> beinhaltet, muß schriftlich bestätigt und ordnungsgemäß unterzeichnet
> werden.
> -
> -
> An electronic message is not binding on its sender.  
> Any message referring to a binding engagement must be confirmed in writing
> and duly signed.
> -


Un courrier électronique n'engage pas son émetteur. Tout message susceptible de 
comporter un engagement doit être confirmé par un écrit dûment signé.

An electronic message is not binding on its sender. Any message referring to a binding 
engagement must be confirmed in writing and duly signed.

Ein elektronischer Brief bzw. eine elektronische Nachricht ist für den Absender nicht 
verbindlich. Jede Nachricht,  welche eine Verpflichtung beinhaltet, muß schriftlich 
bestätigt und ordnungsgemäß unterzeichnet werden.


Re: Loggig Mechanism in Struts

2001-04-23 Thread chris brown

> There is current discussion on the TOMCAT-DEV list about switching Tomcat
> 4.0 to use Log4J internally.  There are some interesting wrinkles to work
> out, but this is likely to happen pretty soon.

Isn't JDK 1.4 supposed to include a logging API ?  This is obviously not an
immediate solution, but the current approach taken by Struts should suffice
for now.  Thereafter, it could be considered as an "always available"
solution, just like ServletContext.log() ...

-Chris Brown