whart is the best web application server for developers?

2002-12-08 Thread Reza Aliakbari
Dear friends,

I use jrun4.0  as web application; but this server now has made some problem
for me.
Can you offer me a nice web application server during development?
Can you e-mail me the URL for comparing between web application servers?


Re: whart is the best web application server for developers?

2002-12-08 Thread colin campbell


I would be very surprised if most members of this
did not recommend Tomcat if you are doing JSP /
servlet/ struts style development. There are also 
corresponding forums fot Tomcat, so they can aid you.

There are other packages which might be of interest,
but from a development point of view, you would
definitely find more assistance with Tomcat. Struts
comes bundled with it at Version 4, so it is pretty
ready to go.

I am currently using JDeveloper for my sins, as it is
strategic tool for the company who is paying for my
work. It can be downloaded from Oracle under
development tools (if you are interested). Obviously
it is biased towards Oracle and its associated
platforms (Oracle Application Server) , but you can
develop and test reasonably easily with it , as it
has its own embedded containers for testing your
development. It has a good debugger which allows you
to step through your code if you want to.

Others can tell you about their experience with tools
like JBuilder.

Enjoy, Colin C

 --- Reza Aliakbari [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrote:  Dear friends,
 I use jrun4.0  as web application; but this server
 now has made some problem
 for me.
 Can you offer me a nice web application server
 during development?
 Can you e-mail me the URL for comparing between web
 application servers?


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RE: whart is the best web application server for developers?

2002-12-08 Thread James Mitchell




I can't help you with the comparison, but I usually use JBoss with
embedded Tomcat (even if I am only taking advantage of the servlet
container).  I really like the automatic hot deploy/redeploy feature.
It offers (for me at least) the simplest and fastest develop-deploy-test

James Mitchell
Software Engineer/Struts Evangelist

C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot; C++ makes it harder, but
when you do, it blows away your whole leg. 
- Bjarne Stroustrup

 -Original Message-
 From: Reza Aliakbari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 7:46 AM
 Subject: whart is the best web application server for developers?
 Dear friends,
 I use jrun4.0  as web application; but this server now has 
 made some problem for me. Can you offer me a nice web 
 application server during development? Can you e-mail me the 
 URL for comparing between web application servers?

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Pass parameter to the same JSP Display parameter value into i/p bean field.

2002-12-08 Thread Harshal D

 My app (simplified)
ProductSearch.jsp – display a search box (searchForm) for product name 

--  Action -  Get name string create product bean

 -- (AGAIN) ProductSearch.jsp display list of products bellow the search box.

-- In the list display QTY from product bean – but allow user to change it – submit 
every line to GetPrice action with changed product bean (changed qty).


1Any example of similar code ? – pass parameter to the same JSP (preferred 
request scope)

2A table row displays i/p bean property as well as allows user to change – any 
such example?

3Basically for some reason my parameter passing is not working – if any one wants 
to help I’ll send the code. My guess – I do not understand bean creation / resetting.





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some basic questions

2002-12-08 Thread Anuj Agrawal
I'm kinda new to Struts, so please forgive these simplistic questions.

(I've gone over the documentation and have been playing with the
struts-example app.)

1. Is the reason bean:message key= / tags are used all over the place
(for things like page titles etc) primarily for locale support?  If not,
then should we restrict using that for text that is used in more than 1
place (or 1 file) so that it behaves like a global replace via the config
(properties) file?  i.e. we shouldn't use it for things like admin.title
(which would probably only be used to specify the title of the admin page),

2. I'm used to having a top and bottom file which get included with every
file to define a page template.  Is the best way to do this to use
jsp:include (or c:import from JSTL) or is there a better way using some
struts tag?  Typically my top page has the page title so there should be a
way to pass in parameters to the page.  Is it better to use a custom tag
in this case?

Thanks for any help.

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RE: some basic questions

2002-12-08 Thread Edgar P. Dollin
bean:message key= / is for locale support or global replace as you
wish to interpret it.

Look at tiles, the struts specific include mechanism as it is quite


-Original Message-
From: Anuj Agrawal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 2:20 PM
To: Struts User Mailing List
Subject: some basic questions

I'm kinda new to Struts, so please forgive these simplistic questions.

(I've gone over the documentation and have been playing with the
struts-example app.)

1. Is the reason bean:message key= / tags are used all over the
place (for things like page titles etc) primarily for locale support?
If not, then should we restrict using that for text that is used in more
than 1 place (or 1 file) so that it behaves like a global replace via
the config
(properties) file?  i.e. we shouldn't use it for things like admin.title
(which would probably only be used to specify the title of the admin
page), right?

2. I'm used to having a top and bottom file which get included with
every file to define a page template.  Is the best way to do this to use
jsp:include (or c:import from JSTL) or is there a better way using some
struts tag?  Typically my top page has the page title so there should be
a way to pass in parameters to the page.  Is it better to use a custom
tag in this case?

Thanks for any help.

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Re: whart is the best web application server for developers?

2002-12-08 Thread Dan Trevino
Orion ( http://www.orionserver.com/ ) is free for development and easy
to use.  It also has good support ( http://www.orionsupport.com/ ,
http://kb.atlassian.com/ ).

Flashline has an app server comparison matrix here:


On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 10:46, Reza Aliakbari wrote:
 Dear friends,
 I use jrun4.0  as web application; but this server now has made some problem
 for me.
 Can you offer me a nice web application server during development?
 Can you e-mail me the URL for comparing between web application servers?

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2002-12-08 Thread Paul Vincent Craven

I have a DynaValidatorForm I want to pre-populate with info from a
database. I have no problem doing this with a non-dynamic form. My code
looks like this:

DynaValidatorForm newForm = new DynaValidatorForm();

I have also tried:
DynaValidatorForm newForm = new DynaValidatorForm();

Form name is personNameInfo, field name is firstname. I'm not sure
the difference between name/key/value. I don't know what 'name'

I store the form in the request under the key personNameInfo.

When I try the 'set' though, I get an exception:

ERROR-15:19:36,060 frontend.struts.SelectPersonAction-Error fetching
person with id=7

The problem is my 'dynaClass' is null. I assume there is some kind of
init I'm supposed to be calling, but I don't know what it is. Here's the
relavent DynaActionForm code.

 * Return the property descriptor for the specified property name.
 * @param name Name of the property for which to retrieve the
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException if this is not a valid
 *  name for our DynaClass
protected DynaProperty getDynaProperty(String name) {

DynaProperty descriptor = getDynaClass().getDynaProperty(name);
-- Exception
if (descriptor == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException
(Invalid property name ' + name + ');
return (descriptor);


What am I missing?

Paul Vincent Craven

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Re: Pass parameter to the same JSP Display parameter value intoi/p bean field.

2002-12-08 Thread V. Cekvenich
Here is where you can find sample apps, cleverly hidden on the home page 
of Struts:

But don't be shy about taking a intro public Struts training class, 
there are like 10 companies that train ( It used to be a few last year). 
Or consider a mentor/consultant, many on this list.

I think you display a list of items, and users type in how many of each 
they want to order or something? If so:
Once you master parm passing using examples above(it is so basic in 
Struts), bellow is an example of a multi row update.
It might be more intermediate to do this. (that is why I like to teach 
Struts to people how know Struts)
Struts basically does multi row updates for you almost transparent, 
trick is index tag and form bean that implements iterator (you know 
where the example is, right?). Rumor is that David Karr is adding docs 
on Index tag in a few days.
Multi row updates are basis of doing master detail processing on a 
single page or a many to many on a single page, I give you sample 
working code for a simple multi row update:

%@ tag lib uri=struts/html prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=struts/logic prefix=logic %
%@ taglib uri=jstl/c prefix=c %

link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=css/default.css

html:form action=/myconcreateaction?Dispatch=Save

logic:iterate name=myFormBean id=row
tdhtml:text name=row indexed=true property=fieldName//td


html:submit property=submit value=Save /





Harshal D wrote:
 My app (simplified)
ProductSearch.jsp – display a search box (searchForm) for product name 

--  Action -  Get name string create product bean

 -- (AGAIN) ProductSearch.jsp display list of products bellow the search box.

-- In the list display QTY from product bean – but allow user to change it – submit every line to GetPrice action with changed product bean (changed qty).


1Any example of similar code ? – pass parameter to the same JSP (preferred request scope)

2A table row displays i/p bean property as well as allows user to change – any such example?

3Basically for some reason my parameter passing is not working – if any one wants to help I’ll send the code. My guess – I do not understand bean creation / resetting.





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Struts Kick Start now available from SAMS

2002-12-08 Thread James Turner
Just a heads-up that Struts Kick Start (complete with CD-ROM packed
with open-source goodies) is now in the warehouse and available from
SAMS directly (www.sams.com), Amazon and the rest of the online vendors
should have it within a week or so.


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html:file validation

2002-12-08 Thread Richmond Te
I am wanting to validate if the user did not enter a
filename, an error message to be displayed when submit
is clicked. (ie. when no file name is entered)

I have the following on the jsp:

html:text property=description styleClass=body
size=23 maxlength=18/bean:message

html:file property=importFile  size=20

How would I validate if there is no file entered? I
got the html:text / bit to work but not for the
html: file


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RE: Question about adding ActionErrors

2002-12-08 Thread Mohan Radhakrishnan
We are validating against the database in the LoginAction through a
business delegate. I think the validation in the form would be limited to
checking for null or spaces...

A related question.

In my action, I use saveErrors. How are the 'errors' saved inside the
form ?


-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 1:24 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Question about adding ActionErrors


i have a LoginForm ( ValidatorForm ), which will validate if username and
password is entered. Ok, but after this i have to probe if the entered
username/password combination really exists in the database.

My question is where to perform the database-check ... in the LoginForm by
overriding the validate method or in the requested Action ( /Login.do ) ?

It seems to me a litte bit confusing that a ValidatorForm should make a
database-connect instead of the Action.

Any help would be appreciated.

Jan Zimmek

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