Problem with logic:equal?

2003-09-14 Thread Bjørn T Johansen
I have this code in my jsp page:

  logic:iterate id=elem name=annList
  logic:equal name=elem property=status  value=0 
td class=text bean:write name=elem
property=annCreated //td
td class=text bean:write name=elem
property=filnavn //td
td class=text html:radio property=checked
idName=elem value=annID//td
  logic:equal name=elem property=status  value=10 
bean:define id=username name=UserContainer
scope=session property=user.username /
logic:equal name=elem property=caseworker 
value=%= (String) username % 
  td class=text bean:write name=elem
property=annCreated //td
  td class=text bean:write name=elem
property=filnavn //td
  td class=text html:radio property=checked
idName=elem value=annID//td
logic:notEqual name=elem property=caseworker 
value=%= (String) username % 
  td class=textdis bean:write name=elem
property=annCreated //td
  td class=textdis bean:write name=elem
property=filnavn //td
  td class=textdis bean:write name=elem
property=caseworker //td

But this just gives me an error message telling me that cannot resolve

symbol  : variable username
But this variable has been defined, hasn't it??

Any suggestions?



RE: client side sorting.

2003-09-14 Thread imran ali
I used client sorting the way it is used at

you can see the source by doing view source at this page.
But when I used it. Suppose I am having 6 rows. then it is 
actually swapping 1  6, 2  5, 3  4. Please help as to what may 
be the reason behind this kind of behaviour. Why i am not getting 
all the rows sorted properly.

Regards and Thanks
On Thu, 11 Sep 2003 Paul McCulloch wrote :
If you can live with a server side solution then the display 
taglib does
this  much more.


-Original Message-
From: imran ali [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11 September 2003 16:23
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: client side sorting.
Hi All,

I have a struts page with a table of many rows. contents of 
comes from a collection of forms. I have to sort contents of 
based on which column user is clicking. How can I acieve it 
struts, java script etc.

Thanks  Regards

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JFace and Struts?

2003-09-14 Thread MyStrutsGroup
Hi there,

Would you please give me a discription about using JFace with Struts or is
there any web site or documents on this topics?


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Re: Problem with logic:equal is actually a problem with bean:define and Weblogic 8.1

2003-09-14 Thread Bjørn T Johansen
I tried just running

bean:define id=username name=UserContainer property=user.username
Test: %= username % 

in a jsp file under Tomcat and that works ok, but doing the same under
Weblogic 8.1 with SP 1, generates a cannot resolve symbol error.

Is this a bug in WL or am I doing something wrong?


On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 13:46, Bjørn T Johansen wrote:

 I have this code in my jsp page:
   logic:iterate id=elem name=annList
   logic:equal name=elem property=status  value=0 
 td class=text bean:write name=elem
 property=annCreated //td
 td class=text bean:write name=elem
 property=filnavn //td
 td class=text html:radio property=checked
 idName=elem value=annID//td
   logic:equal name=elem property=status  value=10 
 bean:define id=username name=UserContainer
 scope=session property=user.username /
 logic:equal name=elem property=caseworker 
 value=%= (String) username % 
   td class=text bean:write name=elem
 property=annCreated //td
   td class=text bean:write name=elem
 property=filnavn //td
   td class=text html:radio property=checked
 idName=elem value=annID//td
 logic:notEqual name=elem property=caseworker 
 value=%= (String) username % 
   td class=textdis bean:write name=elem
 property=annCreated //td
   td class=textdis bean:write name=elem
 property=filnavn //td
   td class=textdis bean:write name=elem
 property=caseworker //td
 But this just gives me an error message telling me that cannot resolve
 symbol  : variable username
 But this variable has been defined, hasn't it??
 Any suggestions?

tbody colour change.

2003-09-14 Thread imran ali
During the client side sorting, I have to replace existing 
tbody with a new sorted tbody in Java Script.

 var newTbody = document.createElement('tbody');
for (var i=0, length=rowArray.length; ilength; i++) {
		table.replaceChild(newTbody, tbody);

Actually I want rows to have a particular color after sorted. 
So is there any way to specify bgcolor of rows in this method.

Thanks  Regards
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Re: JFace and Struts?

2003-09-14 Thread Ted Husted
MyStrutsGroup wrote:
Hi there,

Would you please give me a discription about using JFace with Struts or is
there any web site or documents on this topics?
The JSF specification hasn't been finalized yet, and, AFAIK, there 
aren't any HOWTOs available. For more about JSF and Struts in general, see

I'm updating the link to Struts Faces now. You can find it here:

There's an OS implementation of JSF underway, but it's under the LGPL 
rather than an Apache license. =:(



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Re: Question about properties in the struts configuration file

2003-09-14 Thread Ted Husted
There's the set-property element which can be used to set an aribrary 
property on the Java object being deployed. To access those properties, 
you should go through the object. So if you are using set-properties on 
an ActionMapping, you cast the ActionMapping to your subclass and then 
use the properties getter.

MyActionMapping myMapping = (MyActionMapping) mapping;
String myProperty = myMapping.getMyProperty();

Marco Tedone wrote:

Hi, I can see that for each action, is possible to define some properties
via the property element. Now, I cannot see any method in the ActionConfig
file which returns those properties. Is there anything I'm missing?

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Re: RemoveAttributeAction always failure

2003-09-14 Thread Ted Husted
You also need to specify the scope or * for any scope. See the Javadoc 
and the source code for details.


Lázaro Miguel Fung wrote:


I can't make org.apache.struts.scaffold.RemoveAttributeAction works.

this is my action config,

action path=/logoff
   forward name=success
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Re: validating dates as Dates, or Strings?

2003-09-14 Thread Ted Husted
Matt Raible had an article about how to compare if two Strings match. I 
was going to see if you could use the same technique here, but it's down 
right now.

Though, you don't need to use the Struts Validator for everything. You 
can also call your own custom validations too.

ActionErrors errors = super.validation(mapping,request);

// Your validations here

return errors;

So you could also compare your dates the old fashioned way and use the 
Struts Validation for whatever else.


Mick Knutson wrote:

I have a Value Object with java.sql.Dates, and I use String's on the front
end. I do a simple conversion, but I now need to compare a starting and
ending Date.
How can I do this with the Validation?
Mick Knutson
+001(805) 563-0666 Office
+001 (708) 570-2772 Fax
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Re: design question

2003-09-14 Thread Ted Husted
If the values are not going to change during the life of the 
application, I would suggest using a plugin to set them at startup. See 
the MailReader Example application for some sample code.


deepaksawdekar wrote:
I am displaying some dropdown boxes on my jsp. I have to take the values for them from ApplicationResource file.
I have writen a separate file which will read the properties file and return me the values in array list. 
Now I have to set this arraylist to the property of my form bean, now the question is should i assign this arraylist in action class execute method  or will it good option to assign this value in from bean constructor, since the value are not going to change dynamically.
Please suggest me which is better option
1. set values in action execute method
2. set values in constructor of form bean.

Thanks and Regards
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Ted Husted,
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Re: Please Help Me To Understand forward

2003-09-14 Thread Ted Husted
The first snippet redirects to a Struts ActionForward named welcome. 
This places controls within the Struts controller where it can be 
managed from the struts-config.

In the global-forwards section, the ActionForward element for welcome 
is mapped to the page /do/Menu. This application uses prefix mapping, 
so any request for /do/* is sent to the Struts ActionServlet. The Struts 
ActionSerlvet then looks for a matching ActionMapping.

The matching ActionMapping in this case is /Menu (the URI stripped of 
the prefix or suffix registered to the Servlet). If you look again, I 
think you will find this ActionMapping:

action path=/Menu name=menuForm 
forward name=success path=.article.Menu/
forward name=failure path=/do/MenuCreate/

Here, if the attribute exists, the page will be rendered by the 
.article.Menu Tile. Otherwise, control will go the /MenuCreate action 

The .article.Menu tile (in tiles-def.xml) assembles the page using these 

definition name=.article.Menu extends=.article.Base
put name=title value=article.Menu.title/
put name=content value=/article/content/menu.jsp/
put name=navbar value=/article/common/navbarMenu.jsp/
The menu.jsp is the main content page, but other pages are also used to 
create the final response.


Caroline Jen wrote:

I am studying the code in Artimus_1_1 to make sure
that I understand how things actually work.  I am lost
at the beginning of the application.  Please kindly
help me.  The index.jsp of the application contains
two lines:
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-logic prefix=logic %
logic:redirect forward=welcome/

Does this redirect forward tells the browser to submit
a new request to the path with logical name welcome?
I then searched the config.xml file, 

!-- default forwards --
!-- MENU forwards --


The path of the logical name welcome is do/Menu
(note it is upper case Menu).  The other place that
do/Menu appears in the config.xml is:

There is no Menu ActionServlet in the application.

There is a menu.jsp (note it is lower case menu) file
in the application. Does this application display
menu.jsp when it is first launched? Apparently, it
does. This menu.jsp is in the
artimus_1_1/WEB-INF/src/pages/article/content folder.
I am confused - does /do/Menu locate the menu.jsp 

1. in the /src/pages/article/content folder?
2. regardless upper or lower cases? 

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RE: how to output value in text field?

2003-09-14 Thread hari_s
How about if you do with html-el html-el:text
value=${yourbeanname.yourvalue} property=yourproperty /

-Original Message-
From: Paul McCulloch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 5:00 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: how to output value in text field?

Why not set the default value on the form bean in an Action and let
html:text render it for you?


-Original Message-
From: Rick Col [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11 September 2003 17:27
Subject: how to output value in text field?


I am trying to output a default value in a textfield.
I did something like this:
html:text property=myValuebean:write

It should work, but it does not seem to work. What did
I do wrong?


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RE: JFace and Struts?

2003-09-14 Thread James Holmes
Hey Leon,

I have to put together a comprehensive listing of JavaServer Faces
resources on my website at the following URL.

Hope that helps,


-Original Message-
From: MyStrutsGroup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2003 9:10 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: JFace and Struts?

Hi there,

Would you please give me a discription about using JFace with Struts or
there any web site or documents on this topics?


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Re: sslext can only get it to post

2003-09-14 Thread Max Cooper
Hi Stephane,

Here is how the system currently appears to work:

1. User is on shopping cart page, clicks checkout, the form is submitted
unencrypted to the ShoppingCartAction (which is fine since it isn't supposed
to be secure).

2. ShoppingCartAction does its magic (saves cart changes, for instance) and
then forwards to the checkout JSP.

3. checkout.jsp has an sslext:pageScheme tag in it that says it is
supposed to be secure. The current request was not secure, so the tag
creates a redirect to the secure port with all the request parameters
appended to the URL as a query string. By the time the app figures out that
you want to go to the checkout, it is too late so sslext can't really help
too much. The request has already been sent, and it wasn't secure. Some
design changes are needed to make the switch to the https port in what I
consider to be an acceptable manner.

Here are some possible solutions:

1. I don't like this one, but you could have JavaScript submit the shopping
cart form to ShoppingCartAction securely by changing the action to an
absolute URL that starts with https when the user clicks the checkout
button. There is an sslext:rewite tag that would be useful for this

2. If you have a checkout button other places on the site (not a form
submit, but rather a simple link to some kind of CheckoutAction), you could
have the ShoppingCartAction redirect to the CheckoutAction when it is done
processing the changes in the
cart. I am not sure if sslext will work its magic on forwards, which in
this case is actually going to be a redirect by setting redirect=true on
the forward. If sslext doesn't fix the redirect, I believe we can get
Steve (sslext author) to make this change. It should work that way, IMO.
Even if it doesn't switch on the redirect, it will switch with a second
redirect so long as CheckoutAction is specified as a secure action. This
would require the least amount of changes to the current
actions if you already have a simple checkout link, and for that reason is
favorite solution if it would work for you.

NOTE: This would be the app making the redirect to a different page, which
is totally okay in my opinion -- my aversion to redirects is limited only to
sslext doing the redirect itself to correct the port that the current
request came in on.

3. If you don't have a simple checkout link, you could rework the app to
make this work. This is a good idea anyway to encourage users to get to the
checkout. The checkout action would need to access the contents of the cart
from the session (since that information won't be coming in on the request),
perhaps by accessing the shopping cart ActionForm from the session. Perhaps
one of the property copying utilities from commons-beanutils would be useful
for copying the cart contents to the checkout ActionForm. Once you get the
simple checkout link working, just do a redirect to it as described in #3

4. You could remove the sslext:pageScheme tag from checkout.jsp, which
would avoid the redirect upon entering the page. The form on that page will
submit the form securely since you have the sslext:form tag there and the
action it submits to has been configured to be secure in struts-config.xml.
However, this is one of those cases where users are likely to prefer that
the form page itself is already secure, even though it isn't technically

A note on the pageScheme tag: If all your pages are Struts actions and you
use sslext:form and sslext:link to navigate to your secure actions, there is
no need for the sslext:pageScheme tags. Configuring the actions in
struts-config.xml is all that is needed (which I also prefer for its
simplicity). The tag is convenient if you have directly-accessed JSPs and
things that need to be secured and you dip the site one level deeper into
the SSL bin, but otherwise they are of no value.


- Original Message - 
From: Stephane Grenier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Max Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: sslext can only get it to post

 Hello Max.

 Thank you for the information. You cleared up some vagueness in my
 understanding. However let me expand more into the details. The thing is
 not sure how to actually implement what you have just said, I actually
 that is what I'm currently doing which it is obviously not...

 If you don't mind I'm sending you my relevant chunks of code. I would like
 to have the shopping cart page not secure, but once moving to the checkout
 section to start the ssl security.


 form-bean name=ShoppingCartForm
 type=com.rana.release.forms.ShoppingCartForm /
 form-bean name=CheckoutForm
 type=com.rana.release.forms.ssl.CheckoutForm /

 action-mappings type=org.apache.struts.config.SecureActionConfig
  action path=/ShoppingCartAction