Form data vs request attributes

2003-11-18 Thread Craig Edwards
I've been fiddling around with Struts for a while now and am still a 
little puzzled as to whether JSPs should be getting their data from my 
DynaActionForm or from the session/request context.  For example, if my 
JSP contains:

html:select property=selectedCustomer size=5
  html:options collection=customers property=id/
html:text property=suburb size=16 maxlength=18/

The way I have this working currently is by adding customers to the 
request context and by having suburb declared in my DynaActionForm.  I 
don't appear to have to declare customers in the form, but if I don't 
declare suburb, I get an error... what is the difference?

P.S.  If it helps clarify things, the JSP I have displays a list of 
customers and some input fields.  The user can update the input fields, 
press submit and they see the same page (with the new details displayed 
in the list).  Many thanks.

Craig Edwards
Sydney, Australia

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Re: Form data vs request attributes

2003-11-18 Thread Craig Edwards
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
 The options of a SELECT control are only used to help the user choose a 
 value; its only purpose is to give the SELECT control a value and isn't
 itself a value of the form.  Think of it this way: the form doesn't lose
 any data by changing your SELECT into an INPUT type=text.  
 Confused?  Think of it another way: The OPTION values don't get submitted,
 only the value of the SELECT.

Ahh, that make sense.  Thanks.  A followup question if I can... 

The ActionMapping that my XXXAction returns forwards to the same XXX.jsp 
that was used as the original input for XXXAction.  I have noticed that, 
in XXXAction, if I change the value of one of the ActionForm variables, 
the JSP will plug the new value into the INPUT when it serves it back 
to the user.  That's sort of neat, but it makes me wonder what will 
happen if an ActionMapping from another unrelated Action forwards to 
XXX.jsp.  The other action may well have setup the customers variable in 
the context, but it is unlikely that it will have the same form as 
XXXAction.  What happens in this case?  Thanks again.

Craig Edwards
Sydney, Australia

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Re: Redirecting after logon...

2003-11-17 Thread Craig Edwards
 As long as you have users that have passwords, and that might be in zero or
 more roles, it should be relatively easy to write a realm implementation
 that would access your custom user information repository. That would allow
 you to make use of the J2EE container managed security system, which solves
 your problem about keeping POSTed request parameters across a login event.
 If there is any way this would work, it seems likely to be the best (least
 work, most rubust, has some positive side effects) way to go.

It does sound like the right way to go... however, I have two 

1. As I understand it, have to have hard coded role names in the web.xml 
file.  For example:
This means that anytime I create new roles, I have to update two places.  
Given that I probably won't be doing that too often, that may not be a 

2. I am only just learning Struts and the notion of writing a Realm 
implementation would be yet another thing I have to come to grips with 
before being able to build application functionality.  I'm wary of 
overengineering at this tender stage...

Having said all that, in trying to describe my problem I think I can 
clarify it by saying: 

- If a user requests a private page, the framework should authenticate 
them and then redirect them to the private page.
- If a user requests a page for which they are not authorized, they will 
be redirected to a static not authorized page. 

Perhaps I can create one J2EE role called LOGGEDON and use container 
managed security to handle the redirection.  This way, I can use J2EE to 
deal with *authentication*, but I can still manage *authorisation* 
within my Action framework.  Maybe...

Craig Edwards
Sydney, Australia

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Redirecting after logon...

2003-11-16 Thread Craig Edwards
Some of my pages need the user to be logged on before they can be 
viewed, so I have cobbled together some simple behaviour in my Action 
superclass that forwards them to a logon page.  Now, I need to send them 
back to where they were originally trying to go before I redirected them 
to logon.  I have a couple of questions banging around in my head:

1. Should this redirection be performed by my RequestProcessor class or 
by my Action superclass?

2. After they have logged on (in LogonAction), I need to return an 
ActionForward object that takes them back to where they were trying to 
go originally before I forced them to logon.  However, I don't know how 
to construct an ActionForward that contains everything it needs (for 
example, what if their original request was a POST containing FORM data, 
or was a URL like /action/blah?id=123a=bc=d...  I want to preserve 
and forward this info.)

3. I would have thought that nearly every web app would need this 
behaviour, but both my struts textbooks give mickey-mouse examples, and 
I can't find anything on the web that looks remotely like a real-world 
example.  Does anyone know of any real examples or advice that they 
would care to share? 

Many thanks...

Craig Edwards
Sydney, Australia

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Re: Redirecting after logon...

2003-11-16 Thread Craig Edwards
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
 You could do that... or you could do it the J2EE way, decleratively 
 without any coding, letting container do it that way:

Thanks for the reply Vic.  I can see how that would be the way to go if 
I were starting from scratch.  Unfortunately, I am using a framework 
that has its own repository for users/roles and I don't think I will be 
able to coerce it into operating within the J2EE Realm/LoginConfig 

Assuming that I have to build my own infrastructure to handle this, do 
you have any more thoughts?  I already have code that recognizes the 
user isn't logged on and redirects them to logon... I am just missing 
the step that sends back to where they were originally going.

Thanks again for the feedback.

Craig Edwards
Sydney, Australia

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