Some of my pages need the user to be logged on before they can be 
viewed, so I have cobbled together some simple behaviour in my Action 
superclass that forwards them to a logon page.  Now, I need to send them 
back to where they were originally trying to go before I redirected them 
to logon.  I have a couple of questions banging around in my head:

1. Should this redirection be performed by my RequestProcessor class or 
by my Action superclass?

2. After they have logged on (in LogonAction), I need to return an 
ActionForward object that takes them back to where they were trying to 
go originally before I forced them to logon.  However, I don't know how 
to construct an ActionForward that contains everything it needs (for 
example, what if their original request was a POST containing FORM data, 
or was a URL like "/action/blah?id=123&a=b&c=d"...  I want to preserve 
and forward this info.)

3. I would have thought that nearly every web app would need this 
behaviour, but both my struts textbooks give mickey-mouse examples, and 
I can't find anything on the web that looks remotely like a real-world 
example.  Does anyone know of any real examples or advice that they 
would care to share? 

Many thanks...

Craig Edwards
Sydney, Australia

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