Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-07 Thread Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen

mandag februar 4 2002 kl. 06:43 PM skrev Dustin Aleksiuk:

 The most common way to generate HTML forms is through the Struts HTML 
 tag library,
 which is not XML compliant and therefore unusable in conjunction with 

Does this mean that Struts generates HTML and not XHTML?  If so, then this 
should be relatively easy to fix.

   Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
   Scandiatransplant, c/o Christian Mondrup
   89 49 53 01

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Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-05 Thread Sean Willson

I have messed with both Cocoon using XML / XSLT extensively to render 
views to varying devices and also use the Struts Tiles framework to do 
the same. I found Cocoon very powerful for static XML documents but as 
soon as I started trying to hook dynamic content in (forms, JSP's, 
Servlets, Struts), and NOT through XSP, I was hitting walls daily. 
However, in Struts I was able to write a custom Tiles FactorySet which 
looked at the incoming UserAgent and then applied certain rules against 
that to select the factory. Once that was selected you could write a 
factory file to have custom JSP's render as the output to actions. I 
don't explain it all that well but it is actually rather nice. I suggest 
using this mechanism if you are using Struts and want custom views for 
each device type. We actually use this user agent mapping factory in 
every website we develop in our lab.


P.S. I am working on getting this submitted back to Jakarta or at least 
Open Source it ... getting the company to do it isn't all that easy.

Matt Raible wrote:


 I read everyone's posts, and they are somewhat inspiring.  I'd like to 
 examples of using Xalan to get my struts message bundle, or other messag
 bundles.  I'm sure I could spend an hour and figure this out, but if 
 anyone has
 ready examples, links, send them my way!

 XForms - I'm excited about these, but I think it'll be awhile before the
 browser's support them.

 #3 is probably from my own experience.  I spent a week trying to 
 develop a
 XML/XSL framework using JSPs to emit XML, XSL and the JSTL to do the
 transformation.  My JSPs became very small and nice, but it seemed I was
 spending a lot of time writing the XSL and trying to get it to work 
 I've had a lot of experience with writing HTML and JSPs, and so I 
 bagged the
 whole idea and recommended we just use JSP/HTML with Tiles and CSS.  I 
 that my client will get more value from my time with this approach.

 The reason my client wanted to use XML/XSL was to easily adapt the UI 
 for other
 devices.  I think this is a great reason, but it almost seems simpler 
 to me to
 separate my HTML client from my WAP client and develop entirely new 
 JSPs for
 the WAP client.

 Of course, working with a limited budget and a small development team 
 (1) -
 there's not much time for learning curve.


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Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-05 Thread Ted Husted

Sean Willson wrote:
 P.S. I am working on getting this submitted back to Jakarta or at least
 Open Source it ... getting the company to do it isn't all that easy.

I certainly hope you are successful!

The Velocity guys are also looking at ways XML/XSLT can be integrated
into their applications, in response tot this same article.

With a flexible front controller, like, say, Struts, this is not an
either/or decisions. You can have your pick of presentation devices, and
choose the right tool for each job :)

I hear that the Maverick framework plays well with XSLT too.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Java Web Development with Struts.
-- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
-- Web

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RE: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-05 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

IMHO, internationalization is best done on the tail-end rather than up
front.  This is a little bit backwards compared to how you're probably
used to doing it.

My approach would be to scatter xml elements like message key=foo/
throughout your base XML and XSLT transforms, making sure that they pass
unmolested to the last transform.  The last transform would be a simple
stylesheet that included the identity transform and a bunch of templates
that look like this:

xsl:template match=message[@key='foo']The Foo Message/xsl:template
xsl:template match=message[@key='bar']The Bar Message/xsl:template

Assuming you have a framework that allows multiple XSLT transforms to be
chained together using SAX events, this should actually be quite

About a year ago a friend and I wanted an MVC framework that allowed us
to work with XSL.  Struts was very tightly coupled to JSP at the time
(and arguably still is), so we wrote our own.  It is very similar to
Struts in many ways, but it is designed around building what the
JavaWorld article calls Model 2X.  Like Struts, Maverick (our
framework) offers an XML sitemap configuration, but unlike Struts:

* Each view can have multiple, iterative transformations
* You can halt the transformation process at any step and obtain static
XML that designers can work with offline.
* JavaBeans are automatically domified with an adapter that uses Java
reflection to provide a lazily-loaded DOM façade.  No need to ever
generate or parse text XML.
* Designed from the start to be template-language agnostic; you can
seamlessly mix and match XSLT, JSP, Velocity, or other views.
* View and transform types are pluggable.  Not only can you use XSLT
transforms, but also DVSL transforms and document transforms that let
you use JSP or Velocity to simply wrap the content of previous steps.
* Framework will automatically pick from multiple views based on
Accept-Language or any other request characteristic, automating
internationalization, browser customization, etc.
* Actions (called Controllers in Maverick) can work either like Struts
Actions (which are singletons) or like WebWork Actions (which are
instantiated, used, and thrown away on every request).

I'm not just writing this to publicize a competing framework
( :-).  I am beginning to wonder if maybe
there is some potential to merge it with the Struts codebase.  It sounds
like Struts is being decoupled from JSP and generally moving in the
direction of a view-agnostic MVC framework.  If a year ago I had
suggested making changes to the Struts config file format to accommodate
XSL, I think I would have been booed, but I'm not so sure anymore.  Any

Anyone familiar with the Struts config file would probably be amused by
seeing the Maverick equivalent.

Here is what a Maverick config file looks like for an XSL app (a simple
contact-list manager):

Here is the exact same app (uses the same Controller aka Action classes)
using JSP (with the JSTL ea3 taglib):

Here is the exact same app using Velocity:

And here is a simple config file which shows using the
internationalization feature:

Perhaps there merging the two projects is worth investigating?

Jeff Schnitzer

-Original Message-
From: Chappell, Simon P

1. I18N. Agreed. This is a problem. Having gotten used to I18N 
in my apps, I really have no desire to give it up. According 
to the book XSLT (by Doug Tidwell, Pub: O'Reilly, Aug 2001) it 
is possible to extend XSL/XSLT with Java extensions. Could we 
brave souls not write an XSL/XSLT extension to give us the 
I18N that we get in struts-powered JSPs? On the other hand, as 
I re-read this before I hit send, the XSL/XSLT only process 
the XML that it's given. It's up to what ever generates the 
XML to perform the I18N. With a struts/XSL/XSLT mix, who's 
responsibility would it be to provide I18N?

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Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-05 Thread Ted Husted

Jeff Schnitzer wrote:
 I'm not just writing this to publicize a competing framework
 ( :-).  I am beginning to wonder if maybe
 there is some potential to merge it with the Struts codebase.  It sounds
 like Struts is being decoupled from JSP and generally moving in the
 direction of a view-agnostic MVC framework.  If a year ago I had
 suggested making changes to the Struts config file format to accommodate
 XSL, I think I would have been booed, but I'm not so sure anymore.  Any

I think we are all onboard with view agnosticism now. 

Though, the Struts config file will accomodate any URI, and does not
prefer JSPs in anyway whatsoever. 

Personally, I'm liking the model we're seeing in X2 and VelServlet,
where other helper servlets are loaded to handle whatever presentation
devices someone might use. 

I think what we are moving towards is exposing the Struts controller API
as a standard object in the request that will be easy to use with any
helper servlet or presentation system, including JSTL when it ships. 

Does this jive with where Maverick is going?

The ActionMapping object is pluggable. Would extending that provide the
support you need in the config to assist with the transformations?

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Java Web Development with Struts.
-- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
-- Web

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RE: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-05 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

 From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I think we are all onboard with view agnosticism now.


 Though, the Struts config file will accomodate any URI, and does not
 prefer JSPs in anyway whatsoever.
 Personally, I'm liking the model we're seeing in X2 and VelServlet,
 where other helper servlets are loaded to handle whatever
 devices someone might use.

Using a URI to invoke a servlet is great for simple documents like JSP
or Velocity pages, but it is far too limiting for more complicated
views like XSLT.  With a simple URI, how would you configure these
things on a view-by-view basis:

* Define multiple transformations to iteratively run.
* Pass xslt params to the transformation process.
* Run transforms against XML generated from JSP or other views.
* Define custom uri-resolvers.
* Specify the name of the root element.

I've found that it makes sense to distinguish JSP, Velocity, et al as a
separate stage from XSLT and DVSL.  The former are view types, the
latter are transform types; users should be able to arbitrarily apply
transforms to views, and there is a considerable amount of configuration
data needed to define a transform.  Furthermore, the framework's
interface to a transform is not necessarily text; it is often much more
efficient to be able to pass a DOM, SAX events, or other parsed data
directly into the transform.

Side node:  A really neat idea adapted from Turbine is the document
transform which simply takes the output from executing one document and
passes it as a String in the request attributes to a subsequent
document.  This addresses 90% of what the struts-template taglibs are
used for, but in a templating-language-independent way and with far less

I'm trying to make a case for allowing much more configuration to be
specified in the Struts config file.  Taking all the above points, the
Maverick config for a command might look like this:

command name=signupSubmit
  controller class=org.infohazard.friendbook.ctl.SignupSubmit/

  !-- JSP which generates XML which is then processed --
  view name=success type=document path=hello.jsp
path value=outside.xsl/
path value=english.xsl
  param name=dialect value=uk/

  !-- XML is automagically produced from the model --
  view name=error type=domify node=signupElement
  path value=signup.xsl
  path value=outside.xsl/
  path value=english.xsl/
param name=dialect value=uk/

That should be pretty clear, although it's a lot more complicated than
most commands would be.  I don't think there is any way to do this sort
of thing in the current Struts config schema.  Do you think it's
reasonable to try to evolve some of the Struts schema in this direction?

 I think what we are moving towards is exposing the Struts controller
 as a standard object in the request that will be easy to use with any
 helper servlet or presentation system, including JSTL when it ships.

Will it allow arbitrary XML configuration data to be pulled from the
config file?

 Does this jive with where Maverick is going?

Well, in Maverick 2.0 we removed Velocity from the core and are using
the same JSP-like servlet that Struts is using, so I guess the answer is
sort-of :-)

 The ActionMapping object is pluggable. Would extending that provide
 support you need in the config to assist with the transformations?

I'm looking through the docs and javadocs, and I'm not sure.  How do you
plug it?  And is it free to interpret the XML?  Can it read
(hypothetically) child elements of forward (under action)?

Jeff Schnitzer

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RE: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-04 Thread Knoll, Zach

This is really cool. I've been struggling with this for a while trying to
convince myself that everything that comes from SUN must be good and
beautiful and that those that were ragging on JSP were just fringe loonies.
I thought the whole struts tag library and tag libraries in general would
shut up the non-believers by removing spaghetti code from JSP. But from
experience I am seeing that people will always go the easiest route and when
offered a choice between learning how to handle a new tag library API or
just slopping some java code into your JSP, its the rare coder who wont take
the sloppy, easier, impossibly harder to debug 2 months later approach. I
think I can finally admit now that JSP is just not a clean good technology
and although I have a lot to learn I'd like to move away from JSP's
altogether. Simultaneous to my JSP=bad voyage of discovery I was also
starting to learn Struts and saw and continue to see in Struts stuff that I
have been doing on my own for a while now, done in a more polished cleaner
fashion that attracts me to it. This article showing how to have the best
servlet centric architecture (Struts) while cutting out the dead-weight
(JSP) really hits home. I just wish they would've provided more code so
people like myself who are new to xml can really get a sense of how to
implement this beast. 

-Original Message-
From: Pete Carapetyan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 12:17 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

This is one of the most well written articles I have ever seen.

At first blush, I am having a difficult time deciding wether this technology
totally cool, or it is just such a straightforward presentation that I am

Thanks Todd

Todd G. Nist wrote:

 I have not seen this posted so, for those interested in using XSLT and XML
 with Struts, thought the following article maybe of value.

 Boost Struts with XSLT and XML
 An introduction to Model 2X

 Struts is an innovative server-side Java framework designed to build Web
 applications. Hosted by the Apache Software Foundation's Jakarta Project,
 Struts has recently gained wide acceptance in the Java community. In this
 article, Julien Mercay and Gilbert Bouzeid introduce the processing model
 underlying Struts, describe the Struts framework itself, and present Model
 2X, which enhances Struts by replacing JSP (JavaServer Pages) with XML and
 XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) to better separate
 logic and presentation. (2,600 words; February 1, 2002)

 By Julien Mercay and Gilbert Bouzeid


 Todd G. Nist

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Pete Carapetyan
Java Development Services

Open standards technology for commercial profitability

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Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-04 Thread Ted Husted

See also the Velocity/Struts toolset.


Same basic idea: expose the Struts API as an object that anybody can
easily use, without having to know that Struts even exists. All the
hooks are there, they just aren't as easy to get to as they might be. 

I started a ContextHelper object that did this as part of the core
framework. We pulled it out temporarily while the new multiapps stuff is
going on. But I plan to put it back in so that the default controller
does what the X2 Servlet and Velocity Servlets are doing, in a uniform

It's my personal opinion that, while JSPs are flexible, these other
technologies work are ever bit as effictive when used as the V in MVC. 

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Java Web Development with Struts.
-- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
-- Web

Knoll, Zach wrote:
 This is really cool. I've been struggling with this for a while trying to
 convince myself that everything that comes from SUN must be good and
 beautiful and that those that were ragging on JSP were just fringe loonies.
 I thought the whole struts tag library and tag libraries in general would
 shut up the non-believers by removing spaghetti code from JSP. But from
 experience I am seeing that people will always go the easiest route and when
 offered a choice between learning how to handle a new tag library API or
 just slopping some java code into your JSP, its the rare coder who wont take
 the sloppy, easier, impossibly harder to debug 2 months later approach. I
 think I can finally admit now that JSP is just not a clean good technology
 and although I have a lot to learn I'd like to move away from JSP's
 altogether. Simultaneous to my JSP=bad voyage of discovery I was also
 starting to learn Struts and saw and continue to see in Struts stuff that I
 have been doing on my own for a while now, done in a more polished cleaner
 fashion that attracts me to it. This article showing how to have the best
 servlet centric architecture (Struts) while cutting out the dead-weight
 (JSP) really hits home. I just wish they would've provided more code so
 people like myself who are new to xml can really get a sense of how to
 implement this beast.
 -Original Message-
 From: Pete Carapetyan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 12:17 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -
 This is one of the most well written articles I have ever seen.
 At first blush, I am having a difficult time deciding wether this technology
 totally cool, or it is just such a straightforward presentation that I am
 Thanks Todd
 Todd G. Nist wrote:
  I have not seen this posted so, for those interested in using XSLT and XML
  with Struts, thought the following article maybe of value.
  Boost Struts with XSLT and XML
  An introduction to Model 2X
  Struts is an innovative server-side Java framework designed to build Web
  applications. Hosted by the Apache Software Foundation's Jakarta Project,
  Struts has recently gained wide acceptance in the Java community. In this
  article, Julien Mercay and Gilbert Bouzeid introduce the processing model
  underlying Struts, describe the Struts framework itself, and present Model
  2X, which enhances Struts by replacing JSP (JavaServer Pages) with XML and
  XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) to better separate
  logic and presentation. (2,600 words; February 1, 2002)
  By Julien Mercay and Gilbert Bouzeid
  Todd G. Nist
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
  For additional commands, e-mail:
 Pete Carapetyan
 Java Development Services
 Open standards technology for commercial profitability
 To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:
 This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
 intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
 are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
 the postmaster at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-04 Thread Jonathan Gibbons


nicely said.  Pretty much what I feel, but could not describe.  I guess it comes down 


i.e use it for prototypes and dept projects.  Don't start designing customer web sites 
with it until you have sorted out tools, maintenance, evolving xslt/xml specs and so 

(who also hates JSP, they are too easy...and thus messy.)

 Message History 

From: Matt Raible [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 04/02/2002 09:00 PST

Please respond to Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

I read this article and think that it is good - but there's a couple of things
that I think need to happen before this architecture is embraced.

1.  There needs to be mechanisms for getting internationalization into your XML
or XSL.  It seems difficult to use messages from a properties files for
messages and form labels.  By difficult, I mean harder than it is to use
bean:message in JSPs.  I could see putting them into the XML document, but
then it seems that HTML developer type stuff is getting handed off to the Java

2.  XSL Templates and examples are difficult to find.  I think this technology
and concept would rapidly catch-on if there were XSL stylesheets that you could
download that would format all your form-elements and other details.  If the
struts-example where adapted to use this approach, people would jump all over
it I'll bet.

3.  XSL is difficult to debug, and if we're truly separating view from
everything else - good luck finding a view developer that knows XSL.

I know some of these are irrelevant since we HTML developers are often Java
coders and XSL experts... but just my 2 cents.


--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 See also the Velocity/Struts toolset.


 Same basic idea: expose the Struts API as an object that anybody can
 easily use, without having to know that Struts even exists. All the
 hooks are there, they just aren't as easy to get to as they might be.

 I started a ContextHelper object that did this as part of the core
 framework. We pulled it out temporarily while the new multiapps stuff is
 going on. But I plan to put it back in so that the default controller
 does what the X2 Servlet and Velocity Servlets are doing, in a uniform

 It's my personal opinion that, while JSPs are flexible, these other
 technologies work are ever bit as effictive when used as the V in MVC.

 -- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
 -- Java Web Development with Struts.
 -- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
 -- Web

 Knoll, Zach wrote:
  This is really cool. I've been struggling with this for a while trying to
  convince myself that everything that comes from SUN must be good and
  beautiful and that those that were ragging on JSP were just fringe loonies.
  I thought the whole struts tag library and tag libraries in general would
  shut up the non-believers by removing spaghetti code from JSP. But from
  experience I am seeing that people will always go the easiest route and
  offered a choice between learning how to handle a new tag library API or
  just slopping some java code into your JSP, its the rare coder who wont
  the sloppy, easier, impossibly harder to debug 2 months later approach. I
  think I can finally admit now that JSP is just not a clean good technology
  and although I have a lot to learn I'd like to move away from JSP's
  altogether. Simultaneous to my JSP=bad voyage of discovery I was also
  starting to learn Struts and saw and continue to see in Struts stuff that I
  have been doing on my own for a while now, done in a more polished cleaner
  fashion that attracts me to it. This article showing how to have the best
  servlet centric architecture (Struts) while cutting out the dead-weight
  (JSP) really hits home. I just wish they would've provided more code so
  people like myself who are new to xml can really get a sense of how to
  implement this beast.
  -Original Message-
  From: Pete Carapetyan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 12:17 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -
  This is one of the most well written articles I have ever seen.
  At first blush, I am having a difficult time deciding wether this
  totally cool, or it is just such a straightforward presentation that I am
  Thanks Todd
  Todd G. Nist wrote:
   I have not seen this posted so, for those interested in using XSLT and
   with Struts, thought the following article maybe of value.
   Boost Struts with XSLT and XML
   An introduction to Model 2X

RE: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-04 Thread Taylor Cowan


Those are very good points.  Here is how I deal with each one:

1. You can internationalize using resource bundles with Xalan, because it
allows Java extensions.  Another thing on i18n, I've noted that when UI's
are described in XML, you are combining question text, labels, instructions
all in one document.  In that case it's more direct to just translate the
XML docs, and not use resource bundles.  It's rare that you just need to
translate a word here or there for web apps.  They are full of text, and
resource bundles are suited well to managing documents of translated text.
The framework just needs to choose the correct XML doc based on the

2. XForms is introducing a generic form descriptor language, once that's
available we can choose a generic style sheet and modify...I have defined my
own XML strucure, and that article gave an example as well.  It's not that
big of a deal.  Once the first style sheet is done, it's easy to modify to
account for little changes here and there.

3. Using a tool like excelon makes XSL easy to debug.  It is not difficult
to debug.  You're not really 100% correct on that one.  J2EE is difficult to
debug, but we still use it.

I just saw the post from J. Gibbons, and it is NOT TOO EARLY.  Nope.  That's
wrong.  It's time has come, at least for us to consider as developers.


-Original Message-
From: Matt Raible [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 11:01 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

I read this article and think that it is good - but there's a couple of
that I think need to happen before this architecture is embraced.

1.  There needs to be mechanisms for getting internationalization into your
or XSL.  It seems difficult to use messages from a properties files for
messages and form labels.  By difficult, I mean harder than it is to use
bean:message in JSPs.  I could see putting them into the XML document, but
then it seems that HTML developer type stuff is getting handed off to the

2.  XSL Templates and examples are difficult to find.  I think this
and concept would rapidly catch-on if there were XSL stylesheets that you
download that would format all your form-elements and other details.  If the
struts-example where adapted to use this approach, people would jump all
it I'll bet.

3.  XSL is difficult to debug, and if we're truly separating view from
everything else - good luck finding a view developer that knows XSL.

I know some of these are irrelevant since we HTML developers are often Java
coders and XSL experts... but just my 2 cents.


--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 See also the Velocity/Struts toolset.


 Same basic idea: expose the Struts API as an object that anybody can
 easily use, without having to know that Struts even exists. All the
 hooks are there, they just aren't as easy to get to as they might be.

 I started a ContextHelper object that did this as part of the core
 framework. We pulled it out temporarily while the new multiapps stuff is
 going on. But I plan to put it back in so that the default controller
 does what the X2 Servlet and Velocity Servlets are doing, in a uniform

 It's my personal opinion that, while JSPs are flexible, these other
 technologies work are ever bit as effictive when used as the V in MVC.

 -- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
 -- Java Web Development with Struts.
 -- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
 -- Web

 Knoll, Zach wrote:
  This is really cool. I've been struggling with this for a while trying
  convince myself that everything that comes from SUN must be good and
  beautiful and that those that were ragging on JSP were just fringe
  I thought the whole struts tag library and tag libraries in general
  shut up the non-believers by removing spaghetti code from JSP. But from
  experience I am seeing that people will always go the easiest route and
  offered a choice between learning how to handle a new tag library API or
  just slopping some java code into your JSP, its the rare coder who wont
  the sloppy, easier, impossibly harder to debug 2 months later approach.
  think I can finally admit now that JSP is just not a clean good
  and although I have a lot to learn I'd like to move away from JSP's
  altogether. Simultaneous to my JSP=bad voyage of discovery I was also
  starting to learn Struts and saw and continue to see in Struts stuff
that I
  have been doing on my own for a while now, done in a more polished
  fashion that attracts me to it. This article showing how to have the
  servlet centric architecture (Struts) while cutting out the dead-weight
  (JSP) really hits home. I just wish they would've provided more code so

RE: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-04 Thread Chappell, Simon P

I'm in the process of reading the article ... so no comments on it yet, but I have 
done a little XSL/XSLT and am in the process of converting my personal website to use 

1. I18N. Agreed. This is a problem. Having gotten used to I18N in my apps, I really 
have no desire to give it up. According to the book XSLT (by Doug Tidwell, Pub: 
O'Reilly, Aug 2001) it is possible to extend XSL/XSLT with Java extensions. Could we 
brave souls not write an XSL/XSLT extension to give us the I18N that we get in 
struts-powered JSPs? On the other hand, as I re-read this before I hit send, the 
XSL/XSLT only process the XML that it's given. It's up to what ever generates the XML 
to perform the I18N. With a struts/XSL/XSLT mix, who's responsibility would it be to 
provide I18N?

2. XSL examples. Hmmm. I've written some small ones. They really aren't that hard. I'm 
planning to write some HOW-TOs (ant, junit etc) once my wife delivers our #2 child, 
and I take a week off to show support and pull the night shift for her, but she's T 
plus 5 days right now, so I'm still here at work. I'll add some simple XSL/XSLT 
examples  to the list of things to write. The Tidwell XSLT book has a number of good 
examples in it and coupled with his excellent explanations, is a powerful book. 
Recommended. (Although being six months old, I'm sure that it's ready for a re-write! 

Just a few comments before I get back to reading the article.


Simon P. Chappell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java Programming Specialist
Lands' End, Inc.   (608) 935-4526

-Original Message-
From: Matt Raible [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 11:01 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

I read this article and think that it is good - but there's a 
couple of things
that I think need to happen before this architecture is embraced.

1.  There needs to be mechanisms for getting 
internationalization into your XML
or XSL.  It seems difficult to use messages from a properties files for
messages and form labels.  By difficult, I mean harder than 
it is to use
bean:message in JSPs.  I could see putting them into the XML 
document, but
then it seems that HTML developer type stuff is getting handed 
off to the Java

2.  XSL Templates and examples are difficult to find.  I think 
this technology
and concept would rapidly catch-on if there were XSL 
stylesheets that you could
download that would format all your form-elements and other 
details.  If the
struts-example where adapted to use this approach, people 
would jump all over
it I'll bet.

3.  XSL is difficult to debug, and if we're truly separating view from
everything else - good luck finding a view developer that 
knows XSL.  

I know some of these are irrelevant since we HTML developers 
are often Java
coders and XSL experts... but just my 2 cents.


--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 See also the Velocity/Struts toolset.
 Same basic idea: expose the Struts API as an object that anybody can
 easily use, without having to know that Struts even exists. All the
 hooks are there, they just aren't as easy to get to as they 
might be. 
 I started a ContextHelper object that did this as part of the core
 framework. We pulled it out temporarily while the new 
multiapps stuff is
 going on. But I plan to put it back in so that the default controller
 does what the X2 Servlet and Velocity Servlets are doing, in 
a uniform
 It's my personal opinion that, while JSPs are flexible, these other
 technologies work are ever bit as effictive when used as the 
V in MVC. 
 -- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
 -- Java Web Development with Struts.
 -- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
 -- Web
 Knoll, Zach wrote:
  This is really cool. I've been struggling with this for a 
while trying to
  convince myself that everything that comes from SUN must 
be good and
  beautiful and that those that were ragging on JSP were 
just fringe loonies.
  I thought the whole struts tag library and tag libraries 
in general would
  shut up the non-believers by removing spaghetti code from 
JSP. But from
  experience I am seeing that people will always go the 
easiest route and
  offered a choice between learning how to handle a new tag 
library API or
  just slopping some java code into your JSP, its the rare 
coder who wont
  the sloppy, easier, impossibly harder to debug 2 months 
later approach. I
  think I can finally admit now that JSP is just not a clean 
good technology
  and although I have a lot to learn I'd like to move away from JSP's
  altogether. Simultaneous to my JSP=bad voyage of discovery

RE: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-04 Thread Vaughan Jackson

A couple of naive questions.

1. Given that the authors of the article mention that the 
   Cocoon framework uses XML and XSLT to generate HTML
   (among other formats), I assume their motivation
   for using Struts is to gain the MVC framework. Is this 
   correct? Does Velocity also have the same deficiency 
   compared with Struts?

2. Is there any possibility that something like this
   may become a formal extension to Struts?


 -Original Message-
 From: Chappell, Simon P [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 9:32 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -
 I'm in the process of reading the article ... so no comments 
 on it yet, but I have done a little XSL/XSLT and am in the 
 process of converting my personal website to use it.
 1. I18N. Agreed. This is a problem. Having gotten used to 
 I18N in my apps, I really have no desire to give it up. 
 According to the book XSLT (by Doug Tidwell, Pub: O'Reilly, 
 Aug 2001) it is possible to extend XSL/XSLT with Java 
 extensions. Could we brave souls not write an XSL/XSLT 
 extension to give us the I18N that we get in struts-powered 
 JSPs? On the other hand, as I re-read this before I hit send, 
 the XSL/XSLT only process the XML that it's given. It's up to 
 what ever generates the XML to perform the I18N. With a 
 struts/XSL/XSLT mix, who's responsibility would it be to provide I18N?
 2. XSL examples. Hmmm. I've written some small ones. They 
 really aren't that hard. I'm planning to write some HOW-TOs 
 (ant, junit etc) once my wife delivers our #2 child, and I 
 take a week off to show support and pull the night shift for 
 her, but she's T plus 5 days right now, so I'm still here at 
 work. I'll add some simple XSL/XSLT examples  to the list of 
 things to write. The Tidwell XSLT book has a number of good 
 examples in it and coupled with his excellent explanations, 
 is a powerful book. Recommended. (Although being six months 
 old, I'm sure that it's ready for a re-write! :-)
 Just a few comments before I get back to reading the article.
 Simon P. Chappell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Java Programming Specialist
 Lands' End, Inc.   (608) 935-4526
 -Original Message-
 From: Matt Raible [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 11:01 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -
 I read this article and think that it is good - but there's a 
 couple of things
 that I think need to happen before this architecture is embraced.
 1.  There needs to be mechanisms for getting 
 internationalization into your XML
 or XSL.  It seems difficult to use messages from a 
 properties files for
 messages and form labels.  By difficult, I mean harder than 
 it is to use
 bean:message in JSPs.  I could see putting them into the XML 
 document, but
 then it seems that HTML developer type stuff is getting handed 
 off to the Java
 2.  XSL Templates and examples are difficult to find.  I think 
 this technology
 and concept would rapidly catch-on if there were XSL 
 stylesheets that you could
 download that would format all your form-elements and other 
 details.  If the
 struts-example where adapted to use this approach, people 
 would jump all over
 it I'll bet.
 3.  XSL is difficult to debug, and if we're truly separating 
 view from
 everything else - good luck finding a view developer that 
 knows XSL.  
 I know some of these are irrelevant since we HTML developers 
 are often Java
 coders and XSL experts... but just my 2 cents.
 --- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  See also the Velocity/Struts toolset.
  Same basic idea: expose the Struts API as an object that 
 anybody can
  easily use, without having to know that Struts even exists. All the
  hooks are there, they just aren't as easy to get to as they 
 might be. 
  I started a ContextHelper object that did this as part of the core
  framework. We pulled it out temporarily while the new 
 multiapps stuff is
  going on. But I plan to put it back in so that the default 
  does what the X2 Servlet and Velocity Servlets are doing, in 
 a uniform
  It's my personal opinion that, while JSPs are flexible, these other
  technologies work are ever bit as effictive when used as the 
 V in MVC. 
  -- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
  -- Java Web Development with Struts.
  -- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
  -- Web
  Knoll, Zach wrote:
   This is really cool. I've been struggling with this for a 
 while trying to
   convince myself

Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-04 Thread Ted Husted

Vaughan Jackson wrote:
 A couple of naive questions.
 1. Given that the authors of the article mention that the
Cocoon framework uses XML and XSLT to generate HTML
(among other formats), I assume their motivation
for using Struts is to gain the MVC framework. Is this
correct? Does Velocity also have the same deficiency
compared with Struts?

It's said that Velocity enforces MVC better than JSPs.

 2. Is there any possibility that something like this
may become a formal extension to Struts?


-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Java Web Development with Struts.
-- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
-- Web

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For additional commands, e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-04 Thread Ted Husted

The ActionForms are just JavaBeans in the standard request or session
scope, and available to any servlet process in the Application. 

Most of the other Struts elements are just application scope objects,
which are also avaialble to any servlet process in the application, or
request attributes (errors) or session attributes (locale). 

The Struts taglibs just happen to know what attribute name to look under
for these objects, and which scope to find them in. 

It's important to remember that Struts does not render the JSPs. This is
done by the container, usually through a service like Tomcat's Jasper. 

Anything with access to the servlet context can do the same things that
the taglibs do, just as the Velocity/Struts kit does.

Here, the functionality of the Sturts taglibs is provided as standard
objects that other presentation layer devices can easily access.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Java Web Development with Struts.
-- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
-- Web

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For additional commands, e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-04 Thread Chappell, Simon P

Ok. I've read the article now.

1. They point out, correctly in my humble opinion, that the internationalisation is 
best done during the creation of the XML document. This makes sense to me.

2. They do provide a couple of examples of XML/XSL/XSLT.

3. They do not really seem to much in the way of HOW-TO. I see that there is an 
accompanying download file, but even if it contains everything I need to get this 
going, there is no explanation in the article as to how to implement this stuff. This 
article would have been better as a two-parter. We have the first part, now come back 
and show us how it's done!


Simon P. Chappell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java Programming Specialist
Lands' End, Inc.   (608) 935-4526

-Original Message-
From: Chappell, Simon P 
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 11:32 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

I'm in the process of reading the article ... so no comments 
on it yet, but I have done a little XSL/XSLT and am in the 
process of converting my personal website to use it.

1. I18N. Agreed. This is a problem. Having gotten used to I18N 
in my apps, I really have no desire to give it up. According 
to the book XSLT (by Doug Tidwell, Pub: O'Reilly, Aug 2001) it 
is possible to extend XSL/XSLT with Java extensions. Could we 
brave souls not write an XSL/XSLT extension to give us the 
I18N that we get in struts-powered JSPs? On the other hand, as 
I re-read this before I hit send, the XSL/XSLT only process 
the XML that it's given. It's up to what ever generates the 
XML to perform the I18N. With a struts/XSL/XSLT mix, who's 
responsibility would it be to provide I18N?

2. XSL examples. Hmmm. I've written some small ones. They 
really aren't that hard. I'm planning to write some HOW-TOs 
(ant, junit etc) once my wife delivers our #2 child, and I 
take a week off to show support and pull the night shift for 
her, but she's T plus 5 days right now, so I'm still here at 
work. I'll add some simple XSL/XSLT examples  to the list of 
things to write. The Tidwell XSLT book has a number of good 
examples in it and coupled with his excellent explanations, is 
a powerful book. Recommended. (Although being six months old, 
I'm sure that it's ready for a re-write! :-)

Just a few comments before I get back to reading the article.


Simon P. Chappell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java Programming Specialist
Lands' End, Inc.   (608) 935-4526

-Original Message-
From: Matt Raible [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 11:01 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

I read this article and think that it is good - but there's a 
couple of things
that I think need to happen before this architecture is embraced.

1.  There needs to be mechanisms for getting 
internationalization into your XML
or XSL.  It seems difficult to use messages from a properties 
files for
messages and form labels.  By difficult, I mean harder than 
it is to use
bean:message in JSPs.  I could see putting them into the XML 
document, but
then it seems that HTML developer type stuff is getting handed 
off to the Java

2.  XSL Templates and examples are difficult to find.  I think 
this technology
and concept would rapidly catch-on if there were XSL 
stylesheets that you could
download that would format all your form-elements and other 
details.  If the
struts-example where adapted to use this approach, people 
would jump all over
it I'll bet.

3.  XSL is difficult to debug, and if we're truly separating view from
everything else - good luck finding a view developer that 
knows XSL.  

I know some of these are irrelevant since we HTML developers 
are often Java
coders and XSL experts... but just my 2 cents.


--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 See also the Velocity/Struts toolset.
 Same basic idea: expose the Struts API as an object that anybody can
 easily use, without having to know that Struts even exists. All the
 hooks are there, they just aren't as easy to get to as they 
might be. 
 I started a ContextHelper object that did this as part of the core
 framework. We pulled it out temporarily while the new 
multiapps stuff is
 going on. But I plan to put it back in so that the default 
 does what the X2 Servlet and Velocity Servlets are doing, in 
a uniform
 It's my personal opinion that, while JSPs are flexible, these other
 technologies work are ever bit as effictive when used as the 
V in MVC. 
 -- Ted

Extending Struts (was: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-04 Thread Couball, James

I have been lurking for a couple of months now and have seen many useful
extensions to the Struts framework.  I am curious to understand what thought
has gone into better understand how Struts can be extended in common ways
such that:

(1) Extensions are an add-on/plug-in rather than a rewrite of the Struts


(2) non-overlapping extensions are compatible.  For example, wouldn't expect
Velocity and XSLT extensions to work together but might expect different
classes of extensions to work together.

Can the types of extensions be classified?  For example, the XSLT extension
talked about in the JavaWorld article could be a View extension.

Should the framework be separated out into core and extension pieces?
For example, maybe the custom taglibs should be considered part of the JSP
Extension.  And the JSP Extension considered a View extension that follows
certain rules that other View extensions (such as Velocity and XSLT) must

Thank you,

-Original Message-
From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 9:51 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

Vaughan Jackson wrote:
 A couple of naive questions.
 1. Given that the authors of the article mention that the
Cocoon framework uses XML and XSLT to generate HTML
(among other formats), I assume their motivation
for using Struts is to gain the MVC framework. Is this
correct? Does Velocity also have the same deficiency
compared with Struts?

It's said that Velocity enforces MVC better than JSPs.

 2. Is there any possibility that something like this
may become a formal extension to Struts?


-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Java Web Development with Struts.
-- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
-- Web

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RE: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-04 Thread Matt Raible


I read everyone's posts, and they are somewhat inspiring.  I'd like to see
examples of using Xalan to get my struts message bundle, or other messag
bundles.  I'm sure I could spend an hour and figure this out, but if anyone has
ready examples, links, send them my way!

XForms - I'm excited about these, but I think it'll be awhile before the
browser's support them.

#3 is probably from my own experience.  I spent a week trying to develop a
XML/XSL framework using JSPs to emit XML, XSL and the JSTL to do the
transformation.  My JSPs became very small and nice, but it seemed I was
spending a lot of time writing the XSL and trying to get it to work properly. 
I've had a lot of experience with writing HTML and JSPs, and so I bagged the
whole idea and recommended we just use JSP/HTML with Tiles and CSS.  I know
that my client will get more value from my time with this approach.

The reason my client wanted to use XML/XSL was to easily adapt the UI for other
devices.  I think this is a great reason, but it almost seems simpler to me to
separate my HTML client from my WAP client and develop entirely new JSPs for
the WAP client.

Of course, working with a limited budget and a small development team (1) -
there's not much time for learning curve.


--- Taylor Cowan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Those are very good points.  Here is how I deal with each one:
 1. You can internationalize using resource bundles with Xalan, because it
 allows Java extensions.  Another thing on i18n, I've noted that when UI's
 are described in XML, you are combining question text, labels, instructions
 all in one document.  In that case it's more direct to just translate the
 XML docs, and not use resource bundles.  It's rare that you just need to
 translate a word here or there for web apps.  They are full of text, and
 resource bundles are suited well to managing documents of translated text.
 The framework just needs to choose the correct XML doc based on the
 2. XForms is introducing a generic form descriptor language, once that's
 available we can choose a generic style sheet and modify...I have defined my
 own XML strucure, and that article gave an example as well.  It's not that
 big of a deal.  Once the first style sheet is done, it's easy to modify to
 account for little changes here and there.
 3. Using a tool like excelon makes XSL easy to debug.  It is not difficult
 to debug.  You're not really 100% correct on that one.  J2EE is difficult to
 debug, but we still use it.
 I just saw the post from J. Gibbons, and it is NOT TOO EARLY.  Nope.  That's
 wrong.  It's time has come, at least for us to consider as developers.
 -Original Message-
 From: Matt Raible [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 11:01 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -
 I read this article and think that it is good - but there's a couple of
 that I think need to happen before this architecture is embraced.
 1.  There needs to be mechanisms for getting internationalization into your
 or XSL.  It seems difficult to use messages from a properties files for
 messages and form labels.  By difficult, I mean harder than it is to use
 bean:message in JSPs.  I could see putting them into the XML document, but
 then it seems that HTML developer type stuff is getting handed off to the
 2.  XSL Templates and examples are difficult to find.  I think this
 and concept would rapidly catch-on if there were XSL stylesheets that you
 download that would format all your form-elements and other details.  If the
 struts-example where adapted to use this approach, people would jump all
 it I'll bet.
 3.  XSL is difficult to debug, and if we're truly separating view from
 everything else - good luck finding a view developer that knows XSL.
 I know some of these are irrelevant since we HTML developers are often Java
 coders and XSL experts... but just my 2 cents.
 --- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  See also the Velocity/Struts toolset.
  Same basic idea: expose the Struts API as an object that anybody can
  easily use, without having to know that Struts even exists. All the
  hooks are there, they just aren't as easy to get to as they might be.
  I started a ContextHelper object that did this as part of the core
  framework. We pulled it out temporarily while the new multiapps stuff is
  going on. But I plan to put it back in so that the default controller
  does what the X2 Servlet and Velocity Servlets are doing, in a uniform
  It's my personal opinion that, while JSPs are flexible, these other
  technologies work are ever bit as effictive when used as the V in MVC.
  -- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA

Re: Extending Struts (was: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-04 Thread Ted Husted

Couball, James wrote:
 I have been lurking for a couple of months now and have seen many useful
 extensions to the Struts framework.  I am curious to understand what thought
 has gone into better understand how Struts can be extended in common ways
 such that:
 (1) Extensions are an add-on/plug-in rather than a rewrite of the Struts

Craig and Oleg are doing some work along those lines via the Commons
Services component

 (2) non-overlapping extensions are compatible.  For example, wouldn't expect
 Velocity and XSLT extensions to work together but might expect different
 classes of extensions to work together.

I believe both of these would be. The model is that the ActionServlet
forwards the request to another servlet (via the container). The second
servlet then finishes the response cycle, building on what the Action
and ActionServlet started. So, you could use a Velocity template in one
requesst, and XLST document the next, and then back to JSPs. 

 Can the types of extensions be classified?  For example, the XSLT extension
 talked about in the JavaWorld article could be a View extension.
 Should the framework be separated out into core and extension pieces?
 For example, maybe the custom taglibs should be considered part of the JSP
 Extension.  And the JSP Extension considered a View extension that follows
 certain rules that other View extensions (such as Velocity and XSLT) must

Yes. At some point, I'd like to get the taglibs moved out into a
seperate JAR to help clarify this point. This would be slightly more
important if more people where using alternative presentation devices
and didn't need the JSP tags at all. But right now, we are all still
recovering from suddenly needing so many Commons JARs :o)


 Thank you,
 -Original Message-
 From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 9:51 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -
 Vaughan Jackson wrote:
  A couple of naive questions.
  1. Given that the authors of the article mention that the
 Cocoon framework uses XML and XSLT to generate HTML
 (among other formats), I assume their motivation
 for using Struts is to gain the MVC framework. Is this
 correct? Does Velocity also have the same deficiency
 compared with Struts?
 It's said that Velocity enforces MVC better than JSPs.
  2. Is there any possibility that something like this
 may become a formal extension to Struts?
 -- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
 -- Java Web Development with Struts.
 -- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
 -- Web
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RE: Re: Extending Struts (was: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-04 Thread Kosh . Podder

Can someone please enlighten me as to the current thinking is on 
integrating Struts with Cocoon:

- there seems to be certain amount of thought/discussion that points 
toward reinventing the wheel as far as Cocoon's outstanding XML 
functionality is concerned
- Cocoon also seems somewhat to have started encroaching on areas that 
were previously not part of its scope, i.e. not directly XML related... 
at the very least there is a close analogy between Cocoon pipelines and 
the (and eagerly anticipated!) workflow functionality in the next 
version of Struts. The Cocoon sitemap and Struts action mappings config 
file also exhibit similar ideas, and the ideas of both combined 
together could provide a very powerful framework for building apps.

Is this overlap occurring or am I just been seeing things! Forgive me 
if this discussion has already taken place, or I've got the wrong end 
of the stick! It's true that there are sometimes different perspectives 
in each project's take on the same ideas, and sometimes the duplication 
of work may make sense, but I think there is probably more common 
ground than differences.

It's just that there there are a number of amazing projects under 
various parts of the Apache umbrella that I've used use together to 
build apps, but recently it seems that sometimes they are not aware of 
obvious overlap with other Apache projects... I'd just rather continue 
discounting inferior expensive commercial solutions to the benefit of 
using the great work going on in the projects at Apache XML, Jakarta 
etc rather than have to trade off between two different implementations 
of the similar functionality in two Apache projects.

Anyway, I'd be interested in hearing thoughts... 


 -Original Message-
 From: husted 
 Sent: 04 February 2002 19:51
 To: struts-user
 Cc: husted
 Subject: Re: Extending Struts (was: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -
 Couball, James wrote:
  I have been lurking for a couple of months now and have 
 seen many useful
  extensions to the Struts framework.  I am curious to 
 understand what thought
  has gone into better understand how Struts can be extended 
 in common ways
  such that:
  (1) Extensions are an add-on/plug-in rather than a rewrite 
 of the Struts
 Craig and Oleg are doing some work along those lines via the Commons
 Services component
  (2) non-overlapping extensions are compatible.  For 
 example, wouldn't expect
  Velocity and XSLT extensions to work together but might 
 expect different
  classes of extensions to work together.
 I believe both of these would be. The model is that the ActionServlet
 forwards the request to another servlet (via the container). 
 The second
 servlet then finishes the response cycle, building on what the Action
 and ActionServlet started. So, you could use a Velocity 
 template in one
 requesst, and XLST document the next, and then back to JSPs. 
  Can the types of extensions be classified?  For example, 
 the XSLT extension
  talked about in the JavaWorld article could be a View extension.
  Should the framework be separated out into core and 
 extension pieces?
  For example, maybe the custom taglibs should be considered 
 part of the JSP
  Extension.  And the JSP Extension considered a View 
 extension that follows
  certain rules that other View extensions (such as Velocity 
 and XSLT) must
 Yes. At some point, I'd like to get the taglibs moved out into a
 seperate JAR to help clarify this point. This would be slightly more
 important if more people where using alternative presentation devices
 and didn't need the JSP tags at all. But right now, we are all still
 recovering from suddenly needing so many Commons JARs :o)
  Thank you,
  -Original Message-
  From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 9:51 AM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -
  Vaughan Jackson wrote:
   A couple of naive questions.
   1. Given that the authors of the article mention that the
  Cocoon framework uses XML and XSLT to generate HTML
  (among other formats), I assume their motivation
  for using Struts is to gain the MVC framework. Is this
  correct? Does Velocity also have the same deficiency
  compared with Struts?
  It's said that Velocity enforces MVC better than JSPs.
   2. Is there any possibility that something like this
  may become a formal extension to Struts?
  -- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
  -- Java Web Development with Struts.
  -- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
  -- Web
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Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-02 Thread Todd G. Nist

I have not seen this posted so, for those interested in using XSLT and XML
with Struts, thought the following article maybe of value.

Boost Struts with XSLT and XML
An introduction to Model 2X

Struts is an innovative server-side Java framework designed to build Web
applications. Hosted by the Apache Software Foundation's Jakarta Project,
Struts has recently gained wide acceptance in the Java community. In this
article, Julien Mercay and Gilbert Bouzeid introduce the processing model
underlying Struts, describe the Struts framework itself, and present Model
2X, which enhances Struts by replacing JSP (JavaServer Pages) with XML and
XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) to better separate
logic and presentation. (2,600 words; February 1, 2002)

By Julien Mercay and Gilbert Bouzeid


Todd G. Nist

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Re: Boost Struts with XSLT and XML -

2002-02-02 Thread Pete Carapetyan

This is one of the most well written articles I have ever seen.

At first blush, I am having a difficult time deciding wether this technology is
totally cool, or it is just such a straightforward presentation that I am

Thanks Todd

Todd G. Nist wrote:

 I have not seen this posted so, for those interested in using XSLT and XML
 with Struts, thought the following article maybe of value.

 Boost Struts with XSLT and XML
 An introduction to Model 2X

 Struts is an innovative server-side Java framework designed to build Web
 applications. Hosted by the Apache Software Foundation's Jakarta Project,
 Struts has recently gained wide acceptance in the Java community. In this
 article, Julien Mercay and Gilbert Bouzeid introduce the processing model
 underlying Struts, describe the Struts framework itself, and present Model
 2X, which enhances Struts by replacing JSP (JavaServer Pages) with XML and
 XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) to better separate
 logic and presentation. (2,600 words; February 1, 2002)

 By Julien Mercay and Gilbert Bouzeid


 Todd G. Nist

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Pete Carapetyan
Java Development Services

Open standards technology for commercial profitability

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