Re: Dreamweaver Custom Tag Support

2001-10-01 Thread Christophe Marchand

Yes it does ! I've spend all the night on this 
problem. Try to print your classpath and check it.

  - Original Message - 
  Houbie - ABSIS-GROUP 
  To: Struts-User 
  Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 4:05 
  Subject: Dreamweaver Custom Tag 
  I'm trying to use 
  this feature but when I had a html:text tag for exemple, I get this 
  javax.servlet.ServletException :Cannot find 
  ActionMappings or ActionFormBeans Collections. 
  Is there something 
  missing in my classpath ?

Re: Dreamweaver UltraDev Translator for struts

2001-07-09 Thread Ted Husted

This is hosted at Jakarta Tablibs now. 

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel 716 737-3463.

Re: Dreamweaver and Struts 1.0 - updated translator now available..

2001-06-18 Thread Ned Seagoon

Hi Don,

I'd be very interested to see this - we currently 
use a bunch of custom icons for displaying this inside DW... clunky but it 


  - Original Message - 

  Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 1:01 
  Subject: Dreamweaver and Struts 1.0 - 
  updated translator now available..
  Hi Everyone,
  Recently I downloaded from an old 
  Dreamweavertranslator for Struts 0.5 to use in coding my Struts 1.0 
  JSPs, however I've had a lot of problems with it...
  I've since converted this to support most 1.0 
  HTML tags, and have been using it fairly successfully in conjunction with a 
  JSP include extension found on the dreamweaver site.
  If anyone is interested in a copy of this I'm 
  happy to provide - please email me on [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'll 
  send the translator + instructions via return email...
  Don Elliott
  Melbourne, Australia
  FYI - the translator basically converts Struts 
  HTML tagsinto normal html tags so that the design view of Dreamweaver 
  will show you what the page looks like - without this, the page just looks 
  like a bunch of little squares that represent ASP / JSP code.
  I've spent quite a bit of time commenting the 
  code so it should be easy to add the tags I already haven't. The few 
  known issues are as follows:
  - dreamweaver goes bananas when it finds a Struts 
  tag that has been commented out and replaces it with a bunch of 
  MM:taglock ... junk in your source file (be careful of commented out 
  tags !! By commented out, I mean within % /* ... */ %
  or % // ... % comments, or event !-- 
  ... -- tags.
  - doesn't support any iteration tags, however if 
  these are coded nicely will ignore these which makes little difference to the 
  way your screen looks.

Re: Dreamweaver ThirdPartyTags for HTML taglib?

2001-04-04 Thread Thierry Cools

Well it is exactly the way the translators are working, it translates 
struts-tags into HTML tags.
The version I wrote was for the 0.5 version but make it works with the 1.0 
version you should only replace the stuts: prefix by html: in the 
javascript code.

If you need any further help don't hesitate to contact me.

Thierry CoolsSenior Java Developer S1 
Brussels Kleine Kloosterstraat, 23 1932 st. Stevens-Woluwe Belgium 
Tel : +32 2 200 43 82 Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  - Original Message - 
  To: Gavin Hughes 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 3:30 
  Subject: Re: Dreamweaver ThirdPartyTags 
  for HTML taglib?
  Unfortunately, I jumped the gun. I 
  quickly realized that the Dreamweaver ThirdPartyTags only allows you to 
  substitute an icon in place of a tag and can not render HTML elements as I 
  first thought it might. I found the alternatives posted to the 
  list too intensive, "workaround", or complex for my needs right now. I 
  will wait a year or so and hope that Dreamweaver improves its support 
  for custom tags (to include some sort of translation from custom tags to HTML 
  elements for display and graphical editing -- just enough so you could 
  visualize the design)I am also considering not using the Struts HTML 
  tags (if possible) and still use Struts but w/ standard HTML form input 
  elements in some cases.I really want to turn the site over to the 
  graphic artist and web designer after the software engineers finish their 
  part. Unfortunately, if we use Struts we will not be able to do so as 
  easily! ...and that puts us back into the days of servlet programming 
  pre JSP where only the engineers will figure it out. Why do the artists 
  need to learn a new syntax?... they already know HTML and know how to leave 
  the JSP tags alone. Acknowledged, there are plenty of web 
  designers who could do the job, but I want the team to be able to visualize 
  what they are working on using good tools that abstract the detail so they can 
  concentrate on the graphic design and layout. Sure, we could also design 
  the site artwork first by creating an HTML storyboard and then convert to 
  struts taglibs, but at some point maintenance and/or "facelift" will be an 
  issue. Any thoughts anyone?Below was the most promising of the 
  replies:==Hi ,Several 
  weeks ago, I sent an email to this list describing an extension 
  forDreamweaver UltraDev that allows for the creation of JSPs with custom 
  taglibraries in UltraDev's development environment. I expressed our 
  intentionto release the extension through jakarta if there was interest. 
  After thedecision was made to donate the code to the taglibs project, 
  Macromediareleased UltraDev 4, incorporating many bug fixes in their SDK. 
  I tookthese past couple weeks to optimize the extension for UltraDev 4 and 
  therevised SDK, to increase the stability and feature set of the 
  extension. Itis now ready for an initial examination.As stated in 
  its documentation, the extension is not commercial code to beused 
  immediately for creating webapps; rather it is part of aninvestigation 
  into the current and potential state of tool support for theauthoring of 
  JSPs with custom tag libraries. As a foundation for thisinvestigation, the 
  extension is intended to have its limitations explored,and be built 
  upon.The Custom Tag Library Extension for UltraDev (CTLX) can be 
  downloaded here: the zip file is the 
  documentation (ctlxmanual.html). The docincludes detailed information for 
  installing the extension, as well as atutorial to guide you through the 
  process of creating a JSP with customtags using the extension. For a quick 
  start, I recommend following the"Installing the Extension" section, and 
  then running the tutorial.With your consent, I'd like to donate CTLX 
  to the taglibs project.Dan MandellSun Microsystems- 
  Original Message -From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 
  8:28 PMSubject: RE: [PROPOSAL] adding "tools" directory to 
  taglibs I worked for Allaire, now work for Macromedia. I am an 
  UltraDev newbie,but I've been to the MM Exchange center. Are these 
  extensions availablethere? Scott Stirling 
  - Original Message - From: "Daniel Jonathan Mandell" 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, March 29, 
  2001 4:55 AM Subject: [PROPOSAL] adding "tools" directory to 
  taglibs  Hi all,   A few 
  weeks ago I submitted CTLX, an extension for authoring JSPs with  
  custom tags in UltraDev, to the taglibs project. One of the issues 
  with  commiting any utility or tool for tag libraries to the 
  project is that  since the tool itself is not a tag library, it is 
  difficult to provide  the source in a str

RE: Dreamweaver ThirdPartyTags for HTML taglib?

2001-04-04 Thread Ludwig, Pat

 try the Translator tags that Terry 
wrote and i referenced. it translates the Struts tags into HTML which 
Dreamweaver can render. the only difficulty is in dealing with the properties of 
the tag. the DW property sheet doesn't recognize the tag so you'll end up 
editing the properties by hand, but in Design mode, the page will display the 
Struts form controls as if they were native HTML tags added via Dreamweaver. 
hopefully that will satisfy the graphic artist's need to see the page as layed 

Pat Ludwig
Silverstream Software

Ludwig]-Original Message-From: Bill 
Bunting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 
9:30 PMTo: Gavin HughesCc: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: Dreamweaver ThirdPartyTags 
for HTML taglib?
Unfortunately, I jumped the gun. I quickly realized that the 
  Dreamweaver ThirdPartyTags only allows you to substitute an icon in place of a 
  tag and can not render HTML elements as I first thought it might. 
  I found the alternatives posted to the list too intensive, 
  "workaround", or complex for my needs right now. I will wait a 
  year or so and hope that Dreamweaver improves its support for custom tags (to 
  include some sort of translation from custom tags to HTML elements for display 
  and graphical editing -- just enough so you could visualize the 
  design)I am also considering not using the Struts HTML tags (if 
  possible) and still use Struts but w/ standard HTML form input elements in 
  some cases.I really want to turn the site over to the graphic artist 
  and web designer after the software engineers finish their part. 
  Unfortunately, if we use Struts we will not be able to do so as easily! 
  ...and that puts us back into the days of servlet programming pre JSP where 
  only the engineers will figure it out. Why do the artists need to learn 
  a new syntax?... they already know HTML and know how to leave the JSP tags 
  alone. Acknowledged, there are plenty of web designers who could 
  do the job, but I want the team to be able to visualize what they are working 
  on using good tools that abstract the detail so they can concentrate on the 
  graphic design and layout. Sure, we could also design the site artwork 
  first by creating an HTML storyboard and then convert to struts taglibs, but 
  at some point maintenance and/or "facelift" will be an issue. Any 
  thoughts anyone?Below was the most promising of the 
  replies:==Hi ,Several 
  weeks ago, I sent an email to this list describing an extension 
  forDreamweaver UltraDev that allows for the creation of JSPs with custom 
  taglibraries in UltraDev's development environment. I expressed our 
  intentionto release the extension through jakarta if there was interest. 
  After thedecision was made to donate the code to the taglibs project, 
  Macromediareleased UltraDev 4, incorporating many bug fixes in their SDK. 
  I tookthese past couple weeks to optimize the extension for UltraDev 4 and 
  therevised SDK, to increase the stability and feature set of the 
  extension. Itis now ready for an initial examination.As stated in 
  its documentation, the extension is not commercial code to beused 
  immediately for creating webapps; rather it is part of aninvestigation 
  into the current and potential state of tool support for theauthoring of 
  JSPs with custom tag libraries. As a foundation for thisinvestigation, the 
  extension is intended to have its limitations explored,and be built 
  upon.The Custom Tag Library Extension for UltraDev (CTLX) can be 
  downloaded here: the zip file is the 
  documentation (ctlxmanual.html). The docincludes detailed information for 
  installing the extension, as well as atutorial to guide you through the 
  process of creating a JSP with customtags using the extension. For a quick 
  start, I recommend following the"Installing the Extension" section, and 
  then running the tutorial.With your consent, I'd like to donate CTLX 
  to the taglibs project.Dan MandellSun Microsystems- 
  Original Message -From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 
  8:28 PMSubject: RE: [PROPOSAL] adding "tools" directory to 
  taglibs I worked for Allaire, now work for Macromedia. I am an 
  UltraDev newbie,but I've been to the MM Exchange center. Are these 
  extensions availablethere? Scott Stirling 
  - Original Message - From: "Daniel Jonathan Mandell" 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, March 29, 
  2001 4:55 AM Subject: [PROPOSAL] adding "tools" directory to 
  taglibs  Hi all,   A few 
  weeks ago I submitted CTLX, an extension for authoring JSPs with  
  custom tags in UltraDev, to the taglibs project. One of the issues 
  with  commiting any utility or tool for tag libraries to the 
  project is that  since the tool itself is 

RE: Dreamweaver ThirdPartyTags for HTML taglib?

2001-04-03 Thread Ludwig, Pat

 there is a DreamWeaver translator 
written by Thierry Cools for Struts 0.5 that works pretty well that you can find 
and download at Ted Husted's site. 
it doesn't use the new Translation Manager xml approach, but will allow you to 
see your form fields etc. other submitters to 
this list have indicated that they were interested in writing plug-ins for using 
Struts with DreamWeaver. no doubt if and 
when they do, they will post them. you might look at the Struts-User archives 
for Dream Weaver threads.

Pat Ludwig
Silverstream Software

  -Original Message-From: Bill Bunting 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 11:05 
  AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Dreamweaver 
  ThirdPartyTags for HTML taglib?Has anyone built ThirdPartyTags (xml) for Dreamweaver 
  (UltraDev) for the struts JSP taglibs -- specifically the HTML taglib? 
  [Without a custom third party tags for struts, you can not visualize 
  how the screens will look in Dreamweaver. So, without a good visual HTML 
  editor, then graphic artists / web designers ("non programmer" web designers) 
  will have a hard time working on improving the appearance and layout of the 
  screens and thus defeats some of the major advantages of JSP 
  programming. Your suggestions appreciated!]I will start 
  developing the configuration file to help visualize the Struts HTML 
  taglib. Please let me know if you are interested in a copy of the 
  Bill BuntingRievent Technologiesemail: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Web: http://www.rievent.comPhone: 757-549-1215Fax: 

Re: Dreamweaver ThirdPartyTags for HTML taglib?

2001-04-03 Thread Martin Duffy

There is a Dreamweaver/Ultradev Taglib Manager that is 
available. It uses the Live Data feature of Ultradev and the tags 
aredynamic in the page when you put put them on the page. Struts tagslibs 
work with it. I have had mixed success with it. Sometimes I get 

I have included 
the original message from Daniel and the link to 

,Several weeks ago, I sent an email to this list describing an extension 
forDreamweaver UltraDev that allows for the creation of JSPs with custom 
taglibraries in UltraDev's development environment. I expressed our 
intentionto release the extension through jakarta if there was interest. 
After thedecision was made to donate the code to the taglibs project, 
Macromediareleased UltraDev 4, incorporating many bug fixes in their SDK. I 
tookthese past couple weeks to optimize the extension for UltraDev 4 
and therevised SDK, to increase the stability and feature set of the 
extension. Itis now ready for an initial examination.As stated in 
its documentation, the extension is not commercial code to beused 
immediately for creating webapps; rather it is part of aninvestigation into 
the current and potential state of tool support for theauthoring of JSPs 
with custom tag libraries. As a foundation for thisinvestigation, the 
extension is intended to have its limitations explored,and be built 
upon.The Custom Tag Library Extension for UltraDev (CTLX) can be 
downloaded here: the zip file is the documentation 
(ctlxmanual.html). The docincludes detailed information for installing the 
extension, as well as atutorial to guide you through the process of creating 
a JSP with customtags using the extension. For a quick start, I recommend 
following the"Installing the Extension" section, and then running the 
tutorial.With your consent, I'd like to donate CTLX to the taglibs 
project.Dan MandellSun Microsystems- Original Message 
-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 8:28 PMSubject: RE: [PROPOSAL] 
adding "tools" directory to taglibs I worked for Allaire, now 
work for Macromedia. I am an UltraDev newbie,but I've been to 
the MM Exchange center. Are these extensions 
availablethere? Scott Stirling - 
Original Message - From: "Daniel Jonathan Mandell" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 4:55 AM Subject: 
[PROPOSAL] adding "tools" directory to taglibs  Hi 
all,   A few weeks ago I submitted CTLX, an extension 
for authoring JSPs with  custom tags in UltraDev, to the taglibs 
project. One of the issues with  commiting any utility or tool for 
tag libraries to the project is that  since the tool itself is not a 
tag library, it is difficult to provide  the source in a structure 
that is useful but also complies with the  Jakarta directory 
structure. CTLX for example, consists of a servlet,  6 JavaScript 
files installed via Macromedia's "Extension Manager", and a  
tutorial webapp. The servlet and webapp could be picked up by 
abuild.xml  file, but the actual extension files require the use 
of the Macromedia  "Extension Manager" to be built and 
installed.   Since tool support seems to be an area of 
growing interest among tag  library users, I'd like to suggest we 
add a "tools" directory to the  repository, and within that 
directory we could have an "UltraDev"  directory for something like 
CTLX, and a GoLive directory when someone  creates a similar tool 
for GoLive, etc. If there is any issue with this,  please let me 
know.   Dan 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 6:05 
  Subject: Dreamweaver ThirdPartyTags for 
  HTML taglib?
  Has anyone built ThirdPartyTags (xml) 
  for Dreamweaver (UltraDev) for the struts JSP taglibs -- specifically the HTML 
  taglib? [Without a custom third party tags for struts, you can 
  not visualize how the screens will look in Dreamweaver. So, without a 
  good visual HTML editor, then graphic artists / web designers ("non 
  programmer" web designers) will have a hard time working on improving the 
  appearance and layout of the screens and thus defeats some of the major 
  advantages of JSP programming. Your suggestions appreciated!]I 
  will start developing the configuration file to help visualize the Struts HTML 
  taglib. Please let me know if you are interested in a copy of the 
  Bill BuntingRievent Technologiesemail: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Web: http://www.rievent.comPhone: 757-549-1215Fax: 

Re: Dreamweaver TagLib

2001-03-05 Thread bram

if you make a dir in
Macromedia\Dreamweaver UltraDev\Configuration\Objects
eg "Struts", you get in your object window a new panal called "Struts"
then you have to make your "tool buttons" like in the other dirs (copying
the Forms dir works is the easyest..)

change the sources so they generate the right codes(struts custom tags)..
I don't yet know how to make that property window, but it is'n hard, (done
it before, but forgot it...)
the translator kicks in for displaying the "content", translates the
"source" into a temporary html file for your main view..

the hardest part is to make datasources work, I could make the basics,
(object-window, property window, enz )
and make one "extension" fore the extension manager so everyone could easely
install it..( have to check the differences between version 3(dreamweaver,
ultradev 3) and 4(dreamweaver, ultradev 4) 

Should be cool, fully integrated with ultradev you could go to the server to
get some data for every custom tag, layout is yust "click and drag" work
the only thing is how to display "optional" html/jsp like the content of the
logic tags...

- Original Message -
From: "Ted Husted" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: Dreamweaver TagLib

 Well, that's pretty cool. In the script, I renamed struts: to html:
 (since they seemed to be the HTML tags), and it started to display my
 form fields as, well, form fields.

 With what I was doing before, with Objects and ThirdPartyTages, it was
 only showing markers.

 Still trying to get my head around how all these customizations fit


 Thierry Cools wrote:

 Actually, it is more a tag translator than a tag lib.
 This means that every time you'll type a struts tag in the editor it
 will be translated in visual mode.
 To use it, simply copy the .htm file in the
 %ULTRADEV_HOME%\configuration\translator directory.

 Please keep in mind, that it was a prototype developed for the 0.5
 version and it will need some modifications for the 1.0 version.

Re: Dreamweaver TagLib

2001-03-05 Thread Martin Duffy

His the link for the document that Macromedia has on their site for
extending Ultradev. It talks about alot of the diferent ways to extend UD.
It is a good place to get details and where to start.

- Original Message -
From: "Ted Husted" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 7:17 PM
Subject: Re: Dreamweaver TagLib

 Well, that's pretty cool. In the script, I renamed struts: to html:
 (since they seemed to be the HTML tags), and it started to display my
 form fields as, well, form fields.

 With what I was doing before, with Objects and ThirdPartyTages, it was
 only showing markers.

 Still trying to get my head around how all these customizations fit


 Thierry Cools wrote:

 Actually, it is more a tag translator than a tag lib.
 This means that every time you'll type a struts tag in the editor it
 will be translated in visual mode.
 To use it, simply copy the .htm file in the
 %ULTRADEV_HOME%\configuration\translator directory.

 Please keep in mind, that it was a prototype developed for the 0.5
 version and it will need some modifications for the 1.0 version.

Re: Dreamweaver TagLib

2001-03-05 Thread Thierry Cools
Title: RE: Dreamweaver TagLib

For all people interrested in the alpha version, you can download it at 
this address

Thierry CoolsSenior Java Developer S1 Brussels 
Kleine Kloosterstraat, 23 1932 st. Stevens-Woluwe Belgium Tel : 
+32 2 200 43 82 Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 5:31 
  Subject: RE: Dreamweaver TagLib
  I would also be interested in an alpha of the Dreamweaver 
  extensions for Struts. 
  -Original Message- From: Ted 
  Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2001 8:29 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Subject: Re: Dreamweaver TagLib 
  I picked it up from another posting, and to be honest, I'm not 
  sure how to use it either ;0 
  I'm working on an extensions of my own now. Let me know if 
  you're interested in an alpha. This let's you 
  use Struts tags within Dreamweaver as if they 
  were standard HTML tags. 
  Dreamweaver doesn't seem to read TLD's directly. It has its 
  own extension system -- that also works with 
  ColdFusion, ASP, and whatever else. 
  Martin Duffy wrote:  
   I guess that this may be off topic 
  but.   I saw the 
  DreamWeaver Struts taglib(?) on Ted Husted's site. Are there any 
   instructions for using it? It looks to me like it is 
  some sort of  pre-processor? I do not understand 
  how to use it. I thought that taglibs  were 
  TLD's?   Thanks 

Re: Dreamweaver TagLib

2001-03-04 Thread Ted Husted

I picked it up from another posting, and to be honest, I'm not sure how
to use it either ;0

I'm working on an extensions of my own now. Let me know if you're
interested in an alpha. This let's you use  Struts tags within
Dreamweaver as if they were standard HTML tags. 

Dreamweaver doesn't seem to read TLD's directly. It has its own
extension system -- that also works with ColdFusion, ASP, and whatever

Martin Duffy wrote:
 I guess that this may be off topic but.
 I saw the DreamWeaver Struts taglib(?) on Ted Husted's site. Are there any
 instructions for using it? It looks to me like it is some sort of
 pre-processor? I do not understand how to use it. I thought that taglibs
 were TLD's?

Re: Dreamweaver TagLib

2001-03-04 Thread Jens Rehpöhler

Hi Ted,

 Dreamweaver doesn't seem to read TLD's directly. It has its own
 extension system -- that also works with ColdFusion, ASP, and whatever

as far as I know Dreamweaver or better Dreamweaver Ultradev supports only JSP
1.0. That would explain why Dreamweaver can't handle TLD's directly. Maybe it
will be supported in a later version.


Re: Dreamweaver TagLib

2001-03-04 Thread Martin Duffy


I appreciate your quick response. We are evaluating extending Ultradev4 for
Struts ourselves as well. I would say that we are about 99% sure that we are
going to do it. I would really appreciate seeeing the alpha work that you
have when it is available. I think that we could make a contribution as
well. We are looking at making Server behaviors for the MVC portion of
Struts and possibly adding the taglibs as components with wizards. I saw
that there was another group (Compuware in Holland) that is looking at the
Taglib part. I was also thinking about contacting them as well to see if we
might all work together on this.

I think that I understand the htm file now. It is not an extension. Because
an extension would have to be installed using the extension manager and they
have mxp file extensions. I need to do a little research on how it is
installed in Dreamweaver.

I would also like to thank you for the great collection of Struts info on
your website. It is a real help in getting all of the right information
together for getting started with Struts.

Would you mind if I contacted you directly about the Dreamweaver/UltraDev4
extensions for Struts? I do not know if this forum would be appropriate or
not for discussing Struts extensions for UltraDev4.


- Original Message -
From: "Ted Husted" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2001 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: Dreamweaver TagLib

 I picked it up from another posting, and to be honest, I'm not sure how
 to use it either ;0

 I'm working on an extensions of my own now. Let me know if you're
 interested in an alpha. This let's you use  Struts tags within
 Dreamweaver as if they were standard HTML tags.

 Dreamweaver doesn't seem to read TLD's directly. It has its own
 extension system -- that also works with ColdFusion, ASP, and whatever

 Martin Duffy wrote:
  I guess that this may be off topic but.
  I saw the DreamWeaver Struts taglib(?) on Ted Husted's site. Are there
  instructions for using it? It looks to me like it is some sort of
  pre-processor? I do not understand how to use it. I thought that taglibs
  were TLD's?

Re: Dreamweaver TagLib

2001-03-04 Thread Thierry Cools

Hi Martin,

Actually, it is more a tag translator than a tag lib.
This means that every time you'll type a struts tag in the editor it will 
be translated in visual mode.
To use it, simply copy the .htm file in the 
%ULTRADEV_HOME%\configuration\translator directory.

Please keep in mind, thatit was a prototype developed for the 0.5 
version and it will need some modifications for the1.0 version.

Thierry CoolsSenior Java Developer 
S1 Brussels Kleine Kloosterstraat, 23 1932 st. Stevens-Woluwe 
Belgium Tel : +32 2 200 43 82 Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2001 8:33 
  Subject: Dreamweaver TagLib
  I guess that this may be off topic but.I saw the 
  DreamWeaver Struts taglib(?) on Ted Husted's site. Are there 
  anyinstructions for using it? It looks to me like it is some sort 
  ofpre-processor? I do not understand how to use it. I thought that 

RE: Dreamweaver

2001-02-05 Thread Kok, Arjan

Thierry Cools submitted a simple prototype for a Struts Dreamweaver
Note:A project is started to extend this prototype to get a fully functional
Struts Dreamweaver extension.
Regards, Arjan Kok.

-Original Message-
From: Martin Duffy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: Dreamweaver

I have been looking into the possibility of writing Struts extensions for
UltraDev4 (which is an extension of Dreamweaver itself). I would be
interested in getting such extensions as well if they are available.
I will look in the list archives to see of I can find anything there.

- Original Message - 
From: Charles Beckham mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
To: Struts-User@Jakarta. Apache. Org mailto:Struts-User@Jakarta. Apache.
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 8:07 AM
Subject: Dreamweaver

I seem to recall a mention of DW extensions for 0.5...does anyone know where

I can get such extensions?


charles beckham


Re: Dreamweaver

2001-02-04 Thread Martin Duffy

I have been looking into the possibility of writing 
Struts extensions for UltraDev4 (which is an extension of Dreamweaver itself). I 
would be interested in getting such extensions as well if they are 

I will look in the list archives to see of I can 
find anything there.

  - Original Message - 
  To: Struts-User@Jakarta. Apache. 
  Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 8:07 
  Subject: Dreamweaver
  I seem to recall a 
  mention of DW extensions for 0.5does anyone know 
  I can get such 