Re: Justifying Struts

2003-05-30 Thread Vic Cekvenich
In general I do not sell, or advocate Struts. If they like it, they like.


Have you looked at DynaForms?

I think Dyna this and that is not best practice. (JSTL, Model 1, Unit 

RE: Justifying Struts

2003-05-30 Thread Hibbs, David
a) See the thread about "Is it worth it?" on JavaRanch at

b) See specific comments below...  I'll try not to repeat comments already

> 1) I like 
> to have my front end developers do form (field) validation.  

That's fine.  You can let them write normal HTML and JavaScript, reinventing
the wheel on each page.  You don't have to make a form bean for each form or
action.  Be warned though that when your SQL update or insert blows up
because someone's JavaScript wasn't on par, well, don't cry about it here;
you won't get much sympathy (as you've probably already noticed).  

How about this one from my RL experience...
I filled out a eBiz order form and mis-keyed my CC exp date.  My transaction
was rejected, and I was returned to the form... with nothing in it!  I had
to re-key everything.  The Struts HTML tags take care of this problem for
you, rather than having to trust that the browser will cache it or the user
won't mind re-keying everything.  HINT:  If a user has to re-key something,
they probably won't, resulting in lost business. 

> 3) We already separate business logic nicely, usually by 
> encapsulating the 
> logic in beans or EJBs.  By the time the "application 
> developers" get to work 
> writing JSP/HTML, they are not writing any business logic.  
> So why add the 
> overhead of Struts (or any other framework)?

The key is that Struts helps you control the flow.  You can skeleton out a
whole app before it's even possible to write the business logic.  I speak
from experience here--I had a whole app laid out and assembled 6 months
before the DBA's finished the schema for my data mart.  I dropped in the
logic, and voila, everything worked.  Struts is *not* a business logic
framework.  It *is* a VC framework, waiting for your M.  =)  Trust me when I
say once you learn it, it will save you time.

> 4)  We use a very small subset of Java in JSPs.
> 5) Based on #4, I don't particularly care for taglibs either. 
>  Again, we are 
> simply using Java to do simple scripting.  Loops are probably 
> the most complex 
> thing we do.  So why add the extra overhead of taglibs. 

How about this argument:  Someone new comes in to maintain your app.
They don't know a thing about Java or any other programming language, but
they do know HTML.  They start looking at loops, declarations, etc.  and
they panic.  OTOH, if they look at something with a name and attributes, and
it looks like an HTML tag, they can probably figure it out.

If you're already using Beans, I don't know what the big deal is
with tags.  Tag syntax is cleaner than the Java.  It provides reuse.  (In
fact, the servlet engine can reuse tag instances.)  

> 6) Performance is unknown.  I've looked through the mail 
> archives and have seen 
> requests for performance figures, but no answers (plenty of 
> folks pushing 
> Struts though).

The key here is that Struts does everything for you that you'd have to write
If you want to write it yourself, feel free.  Meanwhile, I've got a set of
wheels and I'm off building apps. =)

David Hibbs
Staff Programmer / Analyst
Distributed Applications Development and Support
American National Insurance Company

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Re: Justifying Struts

2003-05-30 Thread David Graham
1) I think the separation of presentation (view) from the model and 
has gone too far (or probably is not done well in Struts).  For example, I 
to have my front end developers do form (field) validation.  These 
should not have to write beans to do this (all examples I've seen so far do
form validation in Java beans).  This somewhat contradicts the J2EE 
model where "application developers", who are basically scripters (not OO
developers), do the front end work.
It has not gone too far.  If you don't like MVC, you've chosen the wrong 
tool.  You don't need Struts or Java, just use some scripting language like 
PHP.  Form validation is done via an xml config. file and many times there 
is no code required.  This is known as the Validator and is based on the 
Jakarta commons-validator.  You need to subclass ValidatorForm or use 

2) There is just too much junk to write to do a simple form.  The samples 
seen have involve too many files to do a simple form.  Plus, why should I 
to write a new bean for each form.  Why can't the bean either be generated
automatically or there be a general purpose bean (with properties that are
created dynamically) that works for all forms?

You can do this with DynaForms.  You configure each been in 
struts-config.xml and Struts handles it as if you coded a Java class.  This 
approach leads to 1 config file for beans and the rest of the app 
(struts-config.xml), 1 config file for validation (validation.xml), and 1 
Action class to handle the submitted form.

3) We already separate business logic nicely, usually by encapsulating the
logic in beans or EJBs.  By the time the "application developers" get to 
writing JSP/HTML, they are not writing any business logic.  So why add the
overhead of Struts (or any other framework)?
JSPs should not talk to EJBs directly, that is a known best practice.  
Struts is a web tier controller framework for turning web requests into 
business layer calls.

4) Because we separate out business logic into beans and EJBs, Java is 
used as a scripting langauge in our JSPs - in just the same way that 
is used in Active Server Pages.  We try not to confuse the object oriented
language called Java, with the scripting language called Java that we use 
JSPs.  We use a very small subset of Java in JSPs.
There is no Java scripting language, there is only Java the OO language.  
Using scriptlets in JSPs is now considered an obsolete technique for many 
reasons you can find on the net.

5) Based on #4, I don't particularly care for taglibs either.  Again, we 
simply using Java to do simple scripting.  Loops are probably the most 
thing we do.  So why add the extra overhead of taglibs.  A loop is a loop
whether it has the syntax of Java or a taglib.  Plus, if I want my 
developers to get any experience with serious development, I'd rather have 
dealing with Java as opposed to taglibs, which have no value in the real 
of programming.
I'm not sure what you mean by this; Java webapps are "real world" 
programming.  The JSTL provides a common set of reusable taglibs that all 
Java web programmers are expected to know.

6) Performance is unknown.  I've looked through the mail archives and have 
requests for performance figures, but no answers (plenty of folks pushing
Struts though).
Performance is known to be quite good but no one has taken the time to get 
actual numbers.  Feel free to do this analysis and let us know the results.  
The only reason people push Struts is because they've found it useful and 
are excited about using it.  Struts will most definitely not be the weakest 
link in your webapps performance.  Database access and network speeds are 
usually the 2 slowest components.

It sounds like you have the wrong expectations for Struts/Java web 
programming.  This is not designed as a scripting environment.  MVC webapps 
are designed to solve the numerous maintenance and productivity problems 
associated with scripted apps in PHP, ASP, Perl, etc.



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RE: Justifying Struts

2003-05-29 Thread Brandon Goodin
I must speak up here. I would be so bold as to say that Struts is important
to use on all level of sites. I have developed sites in Perl, ASP (not
.NET), PHP and I would have to say they all lack in comparison to
J2EE/Struts. Most of my sites are "small" non-enterprise level apps. But,
there are still ample organizational needs and maintainability issues that
are addressed through the use of Struts.  If it requires dynamic interaction
then Struts is worth the time learning an applying to any project.

The most important thing to remember is REUSE. The Struts framework is the
Model2 portion that is reusable. The next step is to take Struts throw in a
few useful APIS and a few other complementary frameworks and you have
yourself a reusable environment that can span across several project. I have
successfully been able to create "reusable" modules that are the same across
several sites. This is a major time savings and it makes me profitable.  A
little work up front pays off later.

Brandon Goodin

-Original Message-
From: Gandle, Panchasheel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 6:59 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Justifying Struts

For a simple and small project it really doesn't matter whether you
implement model 1 or 2 or any kind of framework. But when it comes to large
projects and complexities, a more clean structured model is always desired.
It all accounts when maintaining the whole application. Whether its a Java
Bean, EJB, or a JSP, I prefer to write it clean, small and simple logics, in
a clean, simple and small source file. I moved from a model 1 arch to model
2 and now to struts, I could definitely see the importance of all the
elements in the framework, whether its a layout tiles, validator or taglibs.

For larger and complex projects, definitely struts framework is WORTH, pays
off in developing and maintaining.
All I can say is its CLEAN and SIMPLE thats what we strive for in life as


-Original Message-
From: Mike Jasnowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 8:38 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Justifying Struts

  Why can't the bean either be
> generated
> automatically or there be a general purpose bean (with properties that
> are
> created dynamically) that works for all forms?

Have you looked at DynaForms?

> 1) I think the separation of presentation (view) from the model and
> controller
> has gone too far (or probably is not done well in Struts).  For
> example, I like
> to have my front end developers do form (field) validation.  These
> developers
> should not have to write beans to do this (all examples I've seen so
> far do
> form validation in Java beans).  This somewhat contradicts the J2EE
> development
> model where "application developers", who are basically scripters (not
> OO
> developers), do the front end work.

I think in some cases though, validation constraints are complex enough they
cannot all be
done through simple means.  Once you start adding on layers of complexity,
without a good
pattern to follow, you may get each developer doing it slightly differently.

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 5:38 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Justifying Struts

Maybe he should also drop java and the servlet api while he is at it - after
all you can do all of that stuff in assembly code. How hard is it to
implement a web server? - just listen on the port, send some text back and
forth. Piece of cake. Run a lot faster too without all that unneccesary
overhead the jvm imposes.

"application developers", who are basically scripters (not  OO developers)

Oh we are just scripters are we? I suppose its true - real programmers write
straight to the metal - none of this high level language stuff... design
patterns are for quiche eaters...

Ok thats probably enough since its still only Thursday... ;->

-Original Message-----
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 29 May 2003 17:10
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Justifying Struts

I'm sorry man, you're reservations are mostly wrong. one thing you have
to bare in mind is that we're not all as clever as you, in fact i'd
argue that I'm very stupid and many people are as equally stupid.

If you've managed to maintain an MVC pattern using model 1 techniques
what are you doing researching struts?

Model 1 techniques were also attempts to encourage MVC but html'ists
who are keen to overcome their programmer envy would break the pattern,
if you don't have this problem and your current development practices
don't break this pattern you don't need struts

RE: Justifying Struts

2003-05-29 Thread Gandle, Panchasheel
For a simple and small project it really doesn't matter whether you
implement model 1 or 2 or any kind of framework. But when it comes to large
projects and complexities, a more clean structured model is always desired.
It all accounts when maintaining the whole application. Whether its a Java
Bean, EJB, or a JSP, I prefer to write it clean, small and simple logics, in
a clean, simple and small source file. I moved from a model 1 arch to model
2 and now to struts, I could definitely see the importance of all the
elements in the framework, whether its a layout tiles, validator or taglibs.

For larger and complex projects, definitely struts framework is WORTH, pays
off in developing and maintaining.
All I can say is its CLEAN and SIMPLE thats what we strive for in life as


-Original Message-
From: Mike Jasnowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 8:38 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Justifying Struts

  Why can't the bean either be
> generated
> automatically or there be a general purpose bean (with properties that
> are
> created dynamically) that works for all forms?

Have you looked at DynaForms?

> 1) I think the separation of presentation (view) from the model and
> controller
> has gone too far (or probably is not done well in Struts).  For
> example, I like
> to have my front end developers do form (field) validation.  These
> developers
> should not have to write beans to do this (all examples I've seen so
> far do
> form validation in Java beans).  This somewhat contradicts the J2EE
> development
> model where "application developers", who are basically scripters (not
> OO
> developers), do the front end work.

I think in some cases though, validation constraints are complex enough they
cannot all be
done through simple means.  Once you start adding on layers of complexity,
without a good
pattern to follow, you may get each developer doing it slightly differently.

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 5:38 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Justifying Struts

Maybe he should also drop java and the servlet api while he is at it - after
all you can do all of that stuff in assembly code. How hard is it to
implement a web server? - just listen on the port, send some text back and
forth. Piece of cake. Run a lot faster too without all that unneccesary
overhead the jvm imposes.

"application developers", who are basically scripters (not  OO developers)

Oh we are just scripters are we? I suppose its true - real programmers write
straight to the metal - none of this high level language stuff... design
patterns are for quiche eaters...

Ok thats probably enough since its still only Thursday... ;->

-Original Message-
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 29 May 2003 17:10
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Justifying Struts

I'm sorry man, you're reservations are mostly wrong. one thing you have
to bare in mind is that we're not all as clever as you, in fact i'd
argue that I'm very stupid and many people are as equally stupid.

If you've managed to maintain an MVC pattern using model 1 techniques
what are you doing researching struts?

Model 1 techniques were also attempts to encourage MVC but html'ists
who are keen to overcome their programmer envy would break the pattern,
if you don't have this problem and your current development practices
don't break this pattern you don't need struts then do you? I'm
interested in how many times "oh that's easy" is said in your team, how
much unaccounted time pops up on your projects especially when
completing "easy" tasks.

taglibs have value in the real world and the struts taglibs more so,
the overhead isn't that great and are far less than the cognitive
overheads that some ropey scriptlet writing can cause. while i
understand your preference for scriptlets, putting your team forward as
the sole inhabitance of the "real world" sounds a little incongruous
with the model 1 utopia that you're all living in.

Anyway there are numerous threads like yours on this group that have
been posted over the last few weeks. take a read. i'd argue that your
position requires justification not struts.

cheers mark

  I've heard about
> Struts and have researched it over the last few hours.  The MVC
> approach makes
> sense, but I'm still not sold on it yet.  Here are some doubts I have.
> 1) I think the separation of presentation (view) from the model and
> controller
> has gone too far (or probably is not done well in Struts).  For
> example, I like
> to have my f

RE: Justifying Struts

2003-05-29 Thread Mike Jasnowski
  Why can't the bean either be
> generated
> automatically or there be a general purpose bean (with properties that
> are
> created dynamically) that works for all forms?

Have you looked at DynaForms?

> 1) I think the separation of presentation (view) from the model and
> controller
> has gone too far (or probably is not done well in Struts).  For
> example, I like
> to have my front end developers do form (field) validation.  These
> developers
> should not have to write beans to do this (all examples I've seen so
> far do
> form validation in Java beans).  This somewhat contradicts the J2EE
> development
> model where "application developers", who are basically scripters (not
> OO
> developers), do the front end work.

I think in some cases though, validation constraints are complex enough they
cannot all be
done through simple means.  Once you start adding on layers of complexity,
without a good
pattern to follow, you may get each developer doing it slightly differently.

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 5:38 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Justifying Struts

Maybe he should also drop java and the servlet api while he is at it - after
all you can do all of that stuff in assembly code. How hard is it to
implement a web server? - just listen on the port, send some text back and
forth. Piece of cake. Run a lot faster too without all that unneccesary
overhead the jvm imposes.

"application developers", who are basically scripters (not  OO developers)

Oh we are just scripters are we? I suppose its true - real programmers write
straight to the metal - none of this high level language stuff... design
patterns are for quiche eaters...

Ok thats probably enough since its still only Thursday... ;->

-Original Message-
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 29 May 2003 17:10
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Justifying Struts

I'm sorry man, you're reservations are mostly wrong. one thing you have
to bare in mind is that we're not all as clever as you, in fact i'd
argue that I'm very stupid and many people are as equally stupid.

If you've managed to maintain an MVC pattern using model 1 techniques
what are you doing researching struts?

Model 1 techniques were also attempts to encourage MVC but html'ists
who are keen to overcome their programmer envy would break the pattern,
if you don't have this problem and your current development practices
don't break this pattern you don't need struts then do you? I'm
interested in how many times "oh that's easy" is said in your team, how
much unaccounted time pops up on your projects especially when
completing "easy" tasks.

taglibs have value in the real world and the struts taglibs more so,
the overhead isn't that great and are far less than the cognitive
overheads that some ropey scriptlet writing can cause. while i
understand your preference for scriptlets, putting your team forward as
the sole inhabitance of the "real world" sounds a little incongruous
with the model 1 utopia that you're all living in.

Anyway there are numerous threads like yours on this group that have
been posted over the last few weeks. take a read. i'd argue that your
position requires justification not struts.

cheers mark

  I've heard about
> Struts and have researched it over the last few hours.  The MVC
> approach makes
> sense, but I'm still not sold on it yet.  Here are some doubts I have.
> 1) I think the separation of presentation (view) from the model and
> controller
> has gone too far (or probably is not done well in Struts).  For
> example, I like
> to have my front end developers do form (field) validation.  These
> developers
> should not have to write beans to do this (all examples I've seen so
> far do
> form validation in Java beans).  This somewhat contradicts the J2EE
> development
> model where "application developers", who are basically scripters (not
> OO
> developers), do the front end work.
> 2) There is just too much junk to write to do a simple form.  The
> samples I've
> seen have involve too many files to do a simple form.  Plus, why
> should I have
> to write a new bean for each form.  Why can't the bean either be
> generated
> automatically or there be a general purpose bean (with properties that
> are
> created dynamically) that works for all forms?
> 3) We already separate business logic nicely, usually by encapsulating
> the
> logic in beans or EJBs.  By the time the "application developers" get
> to work
> writi

RE: Justifying Struts

2003-05-29 Thread Brandon Goodin
Ya I just started coding a project in PHP. I love the spaghetti code and
complete lack of structural rules :-D

Other such loves...

1) I love how there are no namespaces
2) I love the mish-mash of procedural and object oriented principals.
3) I love the lack of scope to store objects or basic string data in general
(no application scope, weak request scope, and, from #2, a procedural/oo
page scope that makes you wanna scream)
4) Loose (obsurdly) typing that can and DOES encourage crappy programming.
5) I love how at every chance they attempt to borrow from java, but due to
their underpinnings always wind up seriously short and still find room to
cut down java.

My advice to PHP... MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!! :-))

Anyways, that's my .02,

Brandon Goodin

-Original Message-
From: Mark Galbreath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 6:17 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Justifying Struts

I'm with you, Mike!  That's why I stopped using this confounded framework
and returned to good ole ASP


>  I've heard about
> Struts and have researched it over the last few hours.  The MVC
> approach makes
> sense, but I'm still not sold on it yet.  Here are some doubts I have.
> 1) I think the separation of presentation (view) from the model and
> controller
> has gone too far (or probably is not done well in Struts).  For
> example, I like
> to have my front end developers do form (field) validation.  These
> developers
> should not have to write beans to do this (all examples I've seen so
> far do
> form validation in Java beans).  This somewhat contradicts the J2EE
> development
> model where "application developers", who are basically scripters (not
> OO
> developers), do the front end work.
> 2) There is just too much junk to write to do a simple form.  The
> samples I've
> seen have involve too many files to do a simple form.  Plus, why
> should I have
> to write a new bean for each form.  Why can't the bean either be
> generated
> automatically or there be a general purpose bean (with properties that
> are
> created dynamically) that works for all forms?
> 3) We already separate business logic nicely, usually by encapsulating
> the
> logic in beans or EJBs.  By the time the "application developers" get
> to work
> writing JSP/HTML, they are not writing any business logic.  So why add
> the
> overhead of Struts (or any other framework)?
> 4) Because we separate out business logic into beans and EJBs, Java is
> simply
> used as a scripting langauge in our JSPs - in just the same way that
> VBScript
> is used in Active Server Pages.  We try not to confuse the object
> oriented
> language called Java, with the scripting language called Java that we
> use in
> JSPs.  We use a very small subset of Java in JSPs.
> 5) Based on #4, I don't particularly care for taglibs either.  Again,
> we are
> simply using Java to do simple scripting.  Loops are probably the most
> complex
> thing we do.  So why add the extra overhead of taglibs.  A loop is a
> loop
> whether it has the syntax of Java or a taglib.  Plus, if I want my
> front-end
> developers to get any experience with serious development, I'd rather
> have them
> dealing with Java as opposed to taglibs, which have no value in the
> real world
> of programming.
> 6) Performance is unknown.  I've looked through the mail archives and
> have seen
> requests for performance figures, but no answers (plenty of folks
> pushing
> Struts though).
> Mike

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Re: Justifying Struts

2003-05-29 Thread Jeff Kyser
but not completely...


On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 07:17  AM, Mark Galbreath wrote:

I'm with you, Mike!  That's why I stopped using this confounded 
and returned to good ole ASP


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RE: Justifying Struts

2003-05-29 Thread Andrew Hill
Wake up mate, your having another nightmare...

those overtime induced ASP flashbacks can be heavy d00d

-Original Message-
From: Mark Galbreath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 29 May 2003 20:17
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Justifying Struts

I'm with you, Mike!  That's why I stopped using this confounded framework
and returned to good ole ASP


>  I've heard about
> Struts and have researched it over the last few hours.  The MVC
> approach makes
> sense, but I'm still not sold on it yet.  Here are some doubts I have.
> 1) I think the separation of presentation (view) from the model and
> controller
> has gone too far (or probably is not done well in Struts).  For 
> example, I like
> to have my front end developers do form (field) validation.  These 
> developers
> should not have to write beans to do this (all examples I've seen so 
> far do
> form validation in Java beans).  This somewhat contradicts the J2EE 
> development
> model where "application developers", who are basically scripters (not 
> OO
> developers), do the front end work.
> 2) There is just too much junk to write to do a simple form.  The
> samples I've
> seen have involve too many files to do a simple form.  Plus, why 
> should I have
> to write a new bean for each form.  Why can't the bean either be 
> generated
> automatically or there be a general purpose bean (with properties that 
> are
> created dynamically) that works for all forms?
> 3) We already separate business logic nicely, usually by encapsulating
> the
> logic in beans or EJBs.  By the time the "application developers" get 
> to work
> writing JSP/HTML, they are not writing any business logic.  So why add 
> the
> overhead of Struts (or any other framework)?
> 4) Because we separate out business logic into beans and EJBs, Java is
> simply
> used as a scripting langauge in our JSPs - in just the same way that 
> VBScript
> is used in Active Server Pages.  We try not to confuse the object 
> oriented
> language called Java, with the scripting language called Java that we 
> use in
> JSPs.  We use a very small subset of Java in JSPs.
> 5) Based on #4, I don't particularly care for taglibs either.  Again,
> we are
> simply using Java to do simple scripting.  Loops are probably the most 
> complex
> thing we do.  So why add the extra overhead of taglibs.  A loop is a 
> loop
> whether it has the syntax of Java or a taglib.  Plus, if I want my 
> front-end
> developers to get any experience with serious development, I'd rather 
> have them
> dealing with Java as opposed to taglibs, which have no value in the 
> real world
> of programming.
> 6) Performance is unknown.  I've looked through the mail archives and
> have seen
> requests for performance figures, but no answers (plenty of folks 
> pushing
> Struts though).
> Mike

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RE: Justifying Struts

2003-05-29 Thread Mark Galbreath
I'm with you, Mike!  That's why I stopped using this confounded framework
and returned to good ole ASP


>  I've heard about
> Struts and have researched it over the last few hours.  The MVC
> approach makes
> sense, but I'm still not sold on it yet.  Here are some doubts I have.
> 1) I think the separation of presentation (view) from the model and
> controller
> has gone too far (or probably is not done well in Struts).  For 
> example, I like
> to have my front end developers do form (field) validation.  These 
> developers
> should not have to write beans to do this (all examples I've seen so 
> far do
> form validation in Java beans).  This somewhat contradicts the J2EE 
> development
> model where "application developers", who are basically scripters (not 
> OO
> developers), do the front end work.
> 2) There is just too much junk to write to do a simple form.  The
> samples I've
> seen have involve too many files to do a simple form.  Plus, why 
> should I have
> to write a new bean for each form.  Why can't the bean either be 
> generated
> automatically or there be a general purpose bean (with properties that 
> are
> created dynamically) that works for all forms?
> 3) We already separate business logic nicely, usually by encapsulating
> the
> logic in beans or EJBs.  By the time the "application developers" get 
> to work
> writing JSP/HTML, they are not writing any business logic.  So why add 
> the
> overhead of Struts (or any other framework)?
> 4) Because we separate out business logic into beans and EJBs, Java is
> simply
> used as a scripting langauge in our JSPs - in just the same way that 
> VBScript
> is used in Active Server Pages.  We try not to confuse the object 
> oriented
> language called Java, with the scripting language called Java that we 
> use in
> JSPs.  We use a very small subset of Java in JSPs.
> 5) Based on #4, I don't particularly care for taglibs either.  Again,
> we are
> simply using Java to do simple scripting.  Loops are probably the most 
> complex
> thing we do.  So why add the extra overhead of taglibs.  A loop is a 
> loop
> whether it has the syntax of Java or a taglib.  Plus, if I want my 
> front-end
> developers to get any experience with serious development, I'd rather 
> have them
> dealing with Java as opposed to taglibs, which have no value in the 
> real world
> of programming.
> 6) Performance is unknown.  I've looked through the mail archives and
> have seen
> requests for performance figures, but no answers (plenty of folks 
> pushing
> Struts though).
> Mike

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Re: Justifying Struts

2003-05-29 Thread Mark Lowe
"it must be a thursday, (i) never could get the hang of thurdays"

but then i guess this should be left 'til friday :o)

On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 10:37 Europe/London, Andrew Hill wrote:

Maybe he should also drop java and the servlet api while he is at it - 
all you can do all of that stuff in assembly code. How hard is it to
implement a web server? - just listen on the port, send some text back 
forth. Piece of cake. Run a lot faster too without all that unneccesary
overhead the jvm imposes.

"application developers", who are basically scripters (not  OO 

Oh we are just scripters are we? I suppose its true - real programmers 
straight to the metal - none of this high level language stuff... 
patterns are for quiche eaters...

Ok thats probably enough since its still only Thursday... ;->

-Original Message-
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 29 May 2003 17:10
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Justifying Struts
I'm sorry man, you're reservations are mostly wrong. one thing you have
to bare in mind is that we're not all as clever as you, in fact i'd
argue that I'm very stupid and many people are as equally stupid.
If you've managed to maintain an MVC pattern using model 1 techniques
what are you doing researching struts?
Model 1 techniques were also attempts to encourage MVC but html'ists
who are keen to overcome their programmer envy would break the pattern,
if you don't have this problem and your current development practices
don't break this pattern you don't need struts then do you? I'm
interested in how many times "oh that's easy" is said in your team, how
much unaccounted time pops up on your projects especially when
completing "easy" tasks.
taglibs have value in the real world and the struts taglibs more so,
the overhead isn't that great and are far less than the cognitive
overheads that some ropey scriptlet writing can cause. while i
understand your preference for scriptlets, putting your team forward as
the sole inhabitance of the "real world" sounds a little incongruous
with the model 1 utopia that you're all living in.
Anyway there are numerous threads like yours on this group that have
been posted over the last few weeks. take a read. i'd argue that your
position requires justification not struts.
cheers mark

  I've heard about
Struts and have researched it over the last few hours.  The MVC
approach makes
sense, but I'm still not sold on it yet.  Here are some doubts I have.
1) I think the separation of presentation (view) from the model and
has gone too far (or probably is not done well in Struts).  For
example, I like
to have my front end developers do form (field) validation.  These
should not have to write beans to do this (all examples I've seen so
far do
form validation in Java beans).  This somewhat contradicts the J2EE
model where "application developers", who are basically scripters (not
developers), do the front end work.
2) There is just too much junk to write to do a simple form.  The
samples I've
seen have involve too many files to do a simple form.  Plus, why
should I have
to write a new bean for each form.  Why can't the bean either be
automatically or there be a general purpose bean (with properties that
created dynamically) that works for all forms?
3) We already separate business logic nicely, usually by encapsulating
logic in beans or EJBs.  By the time the "application developers" get
to work
writing JSP/HTML, they are not writing any business logic.  So why add
overhead of Struts (or any other framework)?
4) Because we separate out business logic into beans and EJBs, Java is
used as a scripting langauge in our JSPs - in just the same way that
is used in Active Server Pages.  We try not to confuse the object
language called Java, with the scripting language called Java that we
use in
JSPs.  We use a very small subset of Java in JSPs.
5) Based on #4, I don't particularly care for taglibs either.  Again,
we are
simply using Java to do simple scripting.  Loops are probably the most
thing we do.  So why add the extra overhead of taglibs.  A loop is a
whether it has the syntax of Java or a taglib.  Plus, if I want my
developers to get any experience with serious development, I'd rather
have them
dealing with Java as opposed to taglibs, which have no value in the
real world
of programming.
6) Performance is unknown.  I've looked through the mail archives and
have seen
requests for performance figures, but no answers (plenty of folks
Struts though).

RE: Justifying Struts

2003-05-29 Thread Andrew Hill
Maybe he should also drop java and the servlet api while he is at it - after
all you can do all of that stuff in assembly code. How hard is it to
implement a web server? - just listen on the port, send some text back and
forth. Piece of cake. Run a lot faster too without all that unneccesary
overhead the jvm imposes.

"application developers", who are basically scripters (not  OO developers)

Oh we are just scripters are we? I suppose its true - real programmers write
straight to the metal - none of this high level language stuff... design
patterns are for quiche eaters...

Ok thats probably enough since its still only Thursday... ;->

-Original Message-
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 29 May 2003 17:10
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Justifying Struts

I'm sorry man, you're reservations are mostly wrong. one thing you have
to bare in mind is that we're not all as clever as you, in fact i'd
argue that I'm very stupid and many people are as equally stupid.

If you've managed to maintain an MVC pattern using model 1 techniques
what are you doing researching struts?

Model 1 techniques were also attempts to encourage MVC but html'ists
who are keen to overcome their programmer envy would break the pattern,
if you don't have this problem and your current development practices
don't break this pattern you don't need struts then do you? I'm
interested in how many times "oh that's easy" is said in your team, how
much unaccounted time pops up on your projects especially when
completing "easy" tasks.

taglibs have value in the real world and the struts taglibs more so,
the overhead isn't that great and are far less than the cognitive
overheads that some ropey scriptlet writing can cause. while i
understand your preference for scriptlets, putting your team forward as
the sole inhabitance of the "real world" sounds a little incongruous
with the model 1 utopia that you're all living in.

Anyway there are numerous threads like yours on this group that have
been posted over the last few weeks. take a read. i'd argue that your
position requires justification not struts.

cheers mark

  I've heard about
> Struts and have researched it over the last few hours.  The MVC
> approach makes
> sense, but I'm still not sold on it yet.  Here are some doubts I have.
> 1) I think the separation of presentation (view) from the model and
> controller
> has gone too far (or probably is not done well in Struts).  For
> example, I like
> to have my front end developers do form (field) validation.  These
> developers
> should not have to write beans to do this (all examples I've seen so
> far do
> form validation in Java beans).  This somewhat contradicts the J2EE
> development
> model where "application developers", who are basically scripters (not
> OO
> developers), do the front end work.
> 2) There is just too much junk to write to do a simple form.  The
> samples I've
> seen have involve too many files to do a simple form.  Plus, why
> should I have
> to write a new bean for each form.  Why can't the bean either be
> generated
> automatically or there be a general purpose bean (with properties that
> are
> created dynamically) that works for all forms?
> 3) We already separate business logic nicely, usually by encapsulating
> the
> logic in beans or EJBs.  By the time the "application developers" get
> to work
> writing JSP/HTML, they are not writing any business logic.  So why add
> the
> overhead of Struts (or any other framework)?
> 4) Because we separate out business logic into beans and EJBs, Java is
> simply
> used as a scripting langauge in our JSPs - in just the same way that
> VBScript
> is used in Active Server Pages.  We try not to confuse the object
> oriented
> language called Java, with the scripting language called Java that we
> use in
> JSPs.  We use a very small subset of Java in JSPs.
> 5) Based on #4, I don't particularly care for taglibs either.  Again,
> we are
> simply using Java to do simple scripting.  Loops are probably the most
> complex
> thing we do.  So why add the extra overhead of taglibs.  A loop is a
> loop
> whether it has the syntax of Java or a taglib.  Plus, if I want my
> front-end
> developers to get any experience with serious development, I'd rather
> have them
> dealing with Java as opposed to taglibs, which have no value in the
> real world
> of programming.
> 6) Performance is unknown.  I've looked through the mail archives and
> have seen
> requests for performance figures, but

Re: Justifying Struts

2003-05-29 Thread Mark Lowe
I'm sorry man, you're reservations are mostly wrong. one thing you have 
to bare in mind is that we're not all as clever as you, in fact i'd 
argue that I'm very stupid and many people are as equally stupid.

If you've managed to maintain an MVC pattern using model 1 techniques 
what are you doing researching struts?

Model 1 techniques were also attempts to encourage MVC but html'ists 
who are keen to overcome their programmer envy would break the pattern, 
if you don't have this problem and your current development practices 
don't break this pattern you don't need struts then do you? I'm 
interested in how many times "oh that's easy" is said in your team, how 
much unaccounted time pops up on your projects especially when 
completing "easy" tasks.

taglibs have value in the real world and the struts taglibs more so, 
the overhead isn't that great and are far less than the cognitive 
overheads that some ropey scriptlet writing can cause. while i 
understand your preference for scriptlets, putting your team forward as 
the sole inhabitance of the "real world" sounds a little incongruous 
with the model 1 utopia that you're all living in.

Anyway there are numerous threads like yours on this group that have 
been posted over the last few weeks. take a read. i'd argue that your 
position requires justification not struts.

cheers mark

 I've heard about
Struts and have researched it over the last few hours.  The MVC 
approach makes
sense, but I'm still not sold on it yet.  Here are some doubts I have.

1) I think the separation of presentation (view) from the model and 
has gone too far (or probably is not done well in Struts).  For 
example, I like
to have my front end developers do form (field) validation.  These 
should not have to write beans to do this (all examples I've seen so 
far do
form validation in Java beans).  This somewhat contradicts the J2EE 
model where "application developers", who are basically scripters (not 
developers), do the front end work.

2) There is just too much junk to write to do a simple form.  The 
samples I've
seen have involve too many files to do a simple form.  Plus, why 
should I have
to write a new bean for each form.  Why can't the bean either be 
automatically or there be a general purpose bean (with properties that 
created dynamically) that works for all forms?

3) We already separate business logic nicely, usually by encapsulating 
logic in beans or EJBs.  By the time the "application developers" get 
to work
writing JSP/HTML, they are not writing any business logic.  So why add 
overhead of Struts (or any other framework)?

4) Because we separate out business logic into beans and EJBs, Java is 
used as a scripting langauge in our JSPs - in just the same way that 
is used in Active Server Pages.  We try not to confuse the object 
language called Java, with the scripting language called Java that we 
use in
JSPs.  We use a very small subset of Java in JSPs.

5) Based on #4, I don't particularly care for taglibs either.  Again, 
we are
simply using Java to do simple scripting.  Loops are probably the most 
thing we do.  So why add the extra overhead of taglibs.  A loop is a 
whether it has the syntax of Java or a taglib.  Plus, if I want my 
developers to get any experience with serious development, I'd rather 
have them
dealing with Java as opposed to taglibs, which have no value in the 
real world
of programming.

6) Performance is unknown.  I've looked through the mail archives and 
have seen
requests for performance figures, but no answers (plenty of folks 
Struts though).


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RE: Justifying Struts

2003-05-29 Thread Nimish Chourey , Tidel Park - Chennai

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:44 AM
> Subject: Justifying Struts
> I am looking at potential frameworks for a new project.  I've 
> heard about 
> Struts and have researched it over the last few hours.  The 
> MVC approach makes 
> sense, but I'm still not sold on it yet.  Here are some doubts I have.
> 1) I think the separation of presentation (view) from the 
> model and controller 
> has gone too far (or probably is not done well in Struts).  
> For example, I like 
> to have my front end developers do form (field) validation.  
> These developers 
> should not have to write beans to do this (all examples I've 
> seen so far do 
> form validation in Java beans).  This somewhat contradicts 
> the J2EE development 
> model where "application developers", who are basically 
> scripters (not OO 
> developers), do the front end work.

No need to write beans for the client side validations .. Have a look at how
Validator works .. 

> 2) There is just too much junk to write to do a simple form.  
> The samples I've 
> seen have involve too many files to do a simple form.  Plus, 
> why should I have 
> to write a new bean for each form.  Why can't the bean either 
> be generated 
> automatically or there be a general purpose bean (with 
> properties that are 
> created dynamically) that works for all forms?

You can use DynaForms for that .. In that you dont have to write a form bean
for each form .. 
Do read the docs for that 

> 3) We already separate business logic nicely, usually by 
> encapsulating the 
> logic in beans or EJBs.  By the time the "application 
> developers" get to work 
> writing JSP/HTML, they are not writing any business logic.  
> So why add the 
> overhead of Struts (or any other framework)?

What type of overhead are you talking about ??

> 4) Because we separate out business logic into beans and 
> EJBs, Java is simply 
> used as a scripting langauge in our JSPs - in just the same 
> way that VBScript 
> is used in Active Server Pages.  We try not to confuse the 
> object oriented 
> language called Java, with the scripting language called Java 
> that we use in 
> JSPs.  We use a very small subset of Java in JSPs.

So ??? 

> 5) Based on #4, I don't particularly care for taglibs either. 
>  Again, we are 
> simply using Java to do simple scripting.  Loops are probably 
> the most complex 
> thing we do.  So why add the extra overhead of taglibs.  A 
> loop is a loop 
> whether it has the syntax of Java or a taglib.  Plus, if I 
> want my front-end 
> developers to get any experience with serious development, 
> I'd rather have them 
> dealing with Java as opposed to taglibs, which have no value 
> in the real world 
> of programming.

Using taglibs instead of Scriplets makes the code more clean .. 
As far as I know there are no overheads in using taglibs ..

> 6) Performance is unknown.  I've looked through the mail 
> archives and have seen 
> requests for performance figures, but no answers (plenty of 
> folks pushing 
> Struts though).

Performance is not a issue .. There have been a lot of threads on this ...

> Mike

Mike .. U need to put some more hours reading Struts docs .. rather then
straight away jumping to conclusions ..

> -
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Re: Justifying Struts

2003-05-29 Thread Kwok Peng Tuck

I am looking at potential frameworks for a new project.  I've heard about 
Struts and have researched it over the last few hours.  The MVC approach makes 
sense, but I'm still not sold on it yet.  Here are some doubts I have.

1) I think the separation of presentation (view) from the model and controller 
has gone too far (or probably is not done well in Struts).  For example, I like 
to have my front end developers do form (field) validation.  These developers 
should not have to write beans to do this (all examples I've seen so far do 
form validation in Java beans).  This somewhat contradicts the J2EE development 
model where "application developers", who are basically scripters (not OO 
developers), do the front end work.

I think you don't have to validate the fields in your bean. You can use 
the validator plugin(?) to do javascript validation if
you wish.

2) There is just too much junk to write to do a simple form.  The samples I've 
seen have involve too many files to do a simple form.  Plus, why should I have 
to write a new bean for each form.  Why can't the bean either be generated 
automatically or there be a general purpose bean (with properties that are 
created dynamically) that works for all forms?

See the link here :

3) We already separate business logic nicely, usually by encapsulating the 
logic in beans or EJBs.  By the time the "application developers" get to work 
writing JSP/HTML, they are not writing any business logic.  So why add the 
overhead of Struts (or any other framework)?

4) Because we separate out business logic into beans and EJBs, Java is simply 
used as a scripting langauge in our JSPs - in just the same way that VBScript 
is used in Active Server Pages.  We try not to confuse the object oriented 
language called Java, with the scripting language called Java that we use in 
JSPs.  We use a very small subset of Java in JSPs.

Well the whole idea is to avoid the scripting that you mentioned.

5) Based on #4, I don't particularly care for taglibs either.  Again, we are 
simply using Java to do simple scripting.  Loops are probably the most complex 
thing we do.  So why add the extra overhead of taglibs.  A loop is a loop 
whether it has the syntax of Java or a taglib.  Plus, if I want my front-end 
developers to get any experience with serious development, 

True; a loop is definately a loop, but consider the use for taglibs in 
this case, would you want to write a loop in a jsp page if there was
a taglib that did what you wanted? 

I'd rather have them 
dealing with Java as opposed to taglibs, which have no value in the real world 
of programming.

Really? What do you think a  taglib is made of?


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