Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn
> Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2012 15:40:13 +1000
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18
> On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 02:08:03AM -0300, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
> > I agree with you when you say, to teach programming, add the need to
> > learn a foreign language to the fact of learning the programming
> > language, does not have too much sense.
> I couldn't read what Flavio said, but I agree that having to learn a
> foreign language before learning programming does increase the cost of
> learning considerably, to the point that the learning may not occur.
> This is one of the reasons why some learning areas are difficult.  But
> knowledge of the implementation language can assist greatly.
> Know Latin, can learn medicine terminology more quickly.
> Know Italian, can learn opera or music terminology more quickly.

Know English, can learn programming more quickly.
> -- 
> James Cameron
> ___
> Sugar-devel mailing list
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread James Cameron
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 02:08:03AM -0300, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
> I agree with you when you say, to teach programming, add the need to
> learn a foreign language to the fact of learning the programming
> language, does not have too much sense.

I couldn't read what Flavio said, but I agree that having to learn a
foreign language before learning programming does increase the cost of
learning considerably, to the point that the learning may not occur.

This is one of the reasons why some learning areas are difficult.  But
knowledge of the implementation language can assist greatly.

Know Latin, can learn medicine terminology more quickly.

Know Italian, can learn opera or music terminology more quickly.

James Cameron
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread Kevin Mark

--- On Mon, 9/24/12, Gonzalo Odiard  wrote:

From: Gonzalo Odiard 
Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18
To: "Flavio Danesse" 
Cc: "Kevin Mark" ,, 
"James Cameron" , "S. Daniel Francis" 
Date: Monday, September 24, 2012, 1:08 AM

Flavio,Estoy de acuerdo que para enseñar programación, agregar la problemática 
de comprender otro idioma a la de comprender el lenguaje de programación en si, 
no tiene demasiado sentido.Lo que si creo que tiene sentido, y esto tu y yo lo 
hemos hablado varias veces, pero como has dado tu punto de vista, voy a dar el 
mio, es que usemos un lenguaje comun para tratar de compartir esfuerzos y no 
multiplicar el trabajo. Imaginate lo que pasaría si la gente de Nepal, de 
Rwanda, latino america, y ahora las islas Fiji, cada uno tuviera que hacer su 
reproductor de videos y audio, su actividad para sacar fotos, etc.
El costo en esfuerzo y tiempo que se invierte es altísimo. En la práctica es 
mas alto del que podemos afrontar como comunidad, porque aun no hemos logrado 
todo lo que nos proponemos.Entonces, esta barbaro usar los lenguajes locales 
para enseñar y aprender, algunos miembros de esas comunidades y algunos 
proyectos creceran hasta poder compartirse y alli es mejor contar con un idioma 
comun. Hoy es el ingles, en cien años, veremos.

I agree with you when you say, to teach programming, add the need to learn a 
foreign language to the fact of learning the programming language, does not 
have too much sense.
But have sense (and we talked about this a few times, but you have your point, 
and I have my point too) use a common language to share efforts and avoid 
multiply the job. Imagine if people from Nepal, Rwanda, Latin America, and now 
Fiji, need create his own video player, record activity, etc. 
The cost in time and effort is too high. In fact, is higher than the effort we 
can do as a community, because we haven't reach all what we want.Then, is ok 
use local language to teach and learn, some of the community members and some 
projects will grow up until be shared and then is better use a common language. 
Today is english, in 100 years, will see.

I think a certain comparison comes to mind from learning about Debian-edu/OLPC. 
There are tools you use to learn learing and learn skills and tools you use to 
do work. To learn programming, you should use what is easiest and useful to do 
it (like python and Spanish comments), but when you are going 
to collaborate with many non-English people, then you turn to the common 
language, English.___
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread Kevin Mark
Hola Flavio, I think you gave many excellent  reasons for using Spanish, which 
is what i was saying. So I agree. I was recalling something about the OLPC 
project in Haiti.  They have 2 'officlal' languages: Kreyol and French. 99% of 
the country learns Kreyol but the upper class/government know French. So the 
kids learn French for some reason in their early years along with Kreyol and I 
was confused by this. Why learn something that they will use very little and 
confuse learning while trying to learn it in a little used language, French. 
That may not be 100% correct, so any correction welcome. So I understand the 
idea of having kids try to learn Python and English at the same time as being 
difficult and not always useful.-K___
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread Gonzalo Odiard
Estoy de acuerdo que para enseñar programación, agregar la problemática de
comprender otro idioma a la de comprender el lenguaje de programación en
si, no tiene demasiado sentido.
Lo que si creo que tiene sentido, y esto tu y yo lo hemos hablado varias
veces, pero como has dado tu punto de vista, voy a dar el mio, es que
usemos un lenguaje comun para tratar de compartir esfuerzos y no
multiplicar el trabajo. Imaginate lo que pasaría si la gente de Nepal, de
Rwanda, latino america, y ahora las islas Fiji, cada uno tuviera que hacer
su reproductor de videos y audio, su actividad para sacar fotos, etc.
El costo en esfuerzo y tiempo que se invierte es altísimo. En la práctica
es mas alto del que podemos afrontar como comunidad, porque aun no hemos
logrado todo lo que nos proponemos.
Entonces, esta barbaro usar los lenguajes locales para enseñar y aprender,
algunos miembros de esas comunidades y algunos proyectos creceran hasta
poder compartirse y alli es mejor contar con un idioma comun. Hoy es el
ingles, en cien años, veremos.


I agree with you when you say, to teach programming, add the need to learn
a foreign language to the fact of learning the programming language, does
not have too much sense.
But have sense (and we talked about this a few times, but you have your
point, and I have my point too) use a common language to share efforts and
avoid multiply the job. Imagine if people from Nepal, Rwanda, Latin
America, and now Fiji, need create his own video player, record activity,
The cost in time and effort is too high. In fact, is higher than the effort
we can do as a community, because we haven't reach all what we want.
Then, is ok use local language to teach and learn, some of the community
members and some projects will grow up until be shared and then is better
use a common language. Today is english, in 100 years, will see.


2012/9/23 Flavio Danesse 

> El tema del idioma, tiene muchas aristas, (desde mi punto de vista), pero
> en lo que refiere específicamente a enseñar a programar a los niños y
> adolescentes, la cuestión está en que aprender un lenguaje de programación
> es en si, aprender otro idioma, lo cual ya de por si es difícil para
> cualquiera.
> Cuando trabajas con niños y jóvenes que a veces, ni siquiera conocen bien
> su propio lenguaje materno, y mucho menos el inglés, debes facilitarle el
> aprendizaje del lenguaje que intentas enseñar, que en este caso es python,
> no inglés.
> Al esfuerzo de aprender python, no puedes agregarle el de aprender inglés
> que en este caso sería un aprendizaje previo, lo cual termina por aburrir y
> frustrar a aquellos que lo que desean en realidad es programar.
> Obviamente, hasta cierto punto, quien intenta programar termina
> aprendiendo algo de inglés, casi sin darse cuenta, lo cual es bueno, pero
> no es el objetivo de enseñar a programar en python.
> Tampoco es cierto que para programar se necesite saber inglés, yo soy la
> prueba de ello.
> Yo no puedo siquiera escribir una frase en inglés, mucho menos hablarlo, y
> si escucho a alguien hablando inglés, dificilmente le entienda la mitad de
> lo que dice, sin embargo, entiendo casi todo lo que leo en inglés y luego,
> lo que no entiendo lo traduzco con google.
> Obviamente, para programar en python, cuando tengo que hacer cosas
> complejas, se me complica bastante por el idioma, pero para las cosas que
> yo deseo hacer con python, mis conocimientos de inglés son suficientes.
> De modo que yo, a mis alumnos, trato de enseñarles python, solucionándoles
> lo mejor que puedo el tema del inglés, luego, ellos, verán que es necesario
> aprender inglés para superarse, pero tienen toda la vida por delante para
> solucionarlo.
> Mientras tanto, todas mis aplicaciones van con variables y comentarios en
> español, porque sé que ellos las leen y las hackean a medida que aprenden o
> tratan de aprender cosas nuevas sobre python.
> Además, de todo eso, siendo que soy de habla hispana, ¿por qué habría de
> escribir en otro idioma?.
> ¿Para que me entiendan otros que no hablan español?, y ¿por qué, si yo
> para entenderles a ellos tengo que traducir con google?.
> Por un tema de desarrollo colaborativo tampoco puede ser, porque en 4 años
> nadie a aportado una sola línea de código a mis aplicaciones, mientras que
> yo he portado, mejorado, expandido y hasta reescrito muchas aplicaciones de
> terceros, y, las veces que alguien me dio una mano con algo fue en forma de
> ideas o conceptos y, o bien fue en español (generalmente han sido comañeros
> de CeibalJAM), o bien tuve que traducirlo con google.
> Qué no se entienda esto último como un reproche ni nada parecido,
> simplemente trato de ilustrar mis motivos para utilizar lo menos posible el
> inglés en mis aplicaciones. Simplemente no encuentro motivos por los cuales
> no utilizar español, mientras que encuentro fuertes motivos para no
> utilizar inglés.
> Pero sin lugar a dudas, el tema del idioma es fundamental en

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread Flavio Danesse
El tema del idioma, tiene muchas aristas, (desde mi punto de vista), pero
en lo que refiere específicamente a enseñar a programar a los niños y
adolescentes, la cuestión está en que aprender un lenguaje de programación
es en si, aprender otro idioma, lo cual ya de por si es difícil para

Cuando trabajas con niños y jóvenes que a veces, ni siquiera conocen bien
su propio lenguaje materno, y mucho menos el inglés, debes facilitarle el
aprendizaje del lenguaje que intentas enseñar, que en este caso es python,
no inglés.

Al esfuerzo de aprender python, no puedes agregarle el de aprender inglés
que en este caso sería un aprendizaje previo, lo cual termina por aburrir y
frustrar a aquellos que lo que desean en realidad es programar.

Obviamente, hasta cierto punto, quien intenta programar termina aprendiendo
algo de inglés, casi sin darse cuenta, lo cual es bueno, pero no es el
objetivo de enseñar a programar en python.

Tampoco es cierto que para programar se necesite saber inglés, yo soy la
prueba de ello.
Yo no puedo siquiera escribir una frase en inglés, mucho menos hablarlo, y
si escucho a alguien hablando inglés, dificilmente le entienda la mitad de
lo que dice, sin embargo, entiendo casi todo lo que leo en inglés y luego,
lo que no entiendo lo traduzco con google.

Obviamente, para programar en python, cuando tengo que hacer cosas
complejas, se me complica bastante por el idioma, pero para las cosas que
yo deseo hacer con python, mis conocimientos de inglés son suficientes.

De modo que yo, a mis alumnos, trato de enseñarles python, solucionándoles
lo mejor que puedo el tema del inglés, luego, ellos, verán que es necesario
aprender inglés para superarse, pero tienen toda la vida por delante para

Mientras tanto, todas mis aplicaciones van con variables y comentarios en
español, porque sé que ellos las leen y las hackean a medida que aprenden o
tratan de aprender cosas nuevas sobre python.

Además, de todo eso, siendo que soy de habla hispana, ¿por qué habría de
escribir en otro idioma?.
¿Para que me entiendan otros que no hablan español?, y ¿por qué, si yo para
entenderles a ellos tengo que traducir con google?.

Por un tema de desarrollo colaborativo tampoco puede ser, porque en 4 años
nadie a aportado una sola línea de código a mis aplicaciones, mientras que
yo he portado, mejorado, expandido y hasta reescrito muchas aplicaciones de
terceros, y, las veces que alguien me dio una mano con algo fue en forma de
ideas o conceptos y, o bien fue en español (generalmente han sido comañeros
de CeibalJAM), o bien tuve que traducirlo con google.

Qué no se entienda esto último como un reproche ni nada parecido,
simplemente trato de ilustrar mis motivos para utilizar lo menos posible el
inglés en mis aplicaciones. Simplemente no encuentro motivos por los cuales
no utilizar español, mientras que encuentro fuertes motivos para no
utilizar inglés.

Pero sin lugar a dudas, el tema del idioma es fundamental en la comunidad
de sugar.
Quienes no podemos sostener una charla en inglés, directamente no
participamos de las discusiones.

Es también un motivo por el cual los docentes, en general, no se acercan a
la comunidad.
Todos sabemos el poco conocimiento y manejo informático que tienen los
docentes (de américa latina al menos), en general, no podemos pensar que
hablen inglés y por ende, al momento de escribir una wiki por ejemplo,
debemos hacerlo en español, no en inglés.

Lo que pasa es que la comunidad de sugarlabs se ha ido conviertiendo en una
comunidad casi exclusivamente de desarrolladores y desde mi punto de vista,
cada vez, se convierte más en eso, no hay mucho espacio para los docentes,
ni mecanismos de participación real y efectiva para ellos, a menos que
hablen inglés. <= esto si es un reproche :)

Bueno, pero en definitiva, supongo que debe ser tan complicado traducir del
español al inglés como del inglés al español.
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread Kevin Mark

--- On Sun, 9/23/12, S. Daniel Francis  wrote:

> From: S. Daniel Francis 
> Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18
> To: "James Cameron" 
> Cc:
> Date: Sunday, September 23, 2012, 9:24 PM
> 2012/9/23 James Cameron :
> > On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 09:14:41PM -0300, S. Daniel
> Francis wrote:
> >> 2012/9/23 James Cameron :
> >> > It is irritating that we still store source
> code in linear text files
> >> > without built-in internationalisation.
> >> > As you change these names, they become far
> less useful to programmers
> >> > who use that language.
> >> >
> >> > The development system would be more open and
> inclusive if there was a
> >> > way to keep variable names, and other text, in
> multiple languages.
> >>
> >> It isn't possible, there is to implement l10n and
> then there are
> >> needed translators, our translators cant translate
> source code...
> >
> > True, only bilingual programmers could translate source
> code ... and
> > that was what I was suggesting.  I doubt our
> string translators, or
> > their infrastructure, could be any help
> whatsoever.  It is a totally
> > different problem.
> >
> > But I don't think it is impossible for bilingual
> programmers to
> > collaborate in this way.  Merely difficult.
> There are many reasons for don't translate source code.
> Here two:
> - Other languages have non-ascii characters, and variable
> names can't
> be written with those characters.

Some language (might be Perl or Python) are moving to make variables Unicode 
(UTF-8), so it will be allowed in the future.

> - Python is very similar to the natural language, but in
> other
> languages, where the order to use the words is different,
> the code
> leases concordance.

Yes, I can see a direct translation would be a problem, but in most case, the 
people I knew just made a shortened version or shorthand of the full name.

I didn't mean to disrupt the conversation, as I know most 'real' programmers 
will eventually use English. But the idea of kids learning python with Spanish 
variable names and comments as part of a hacking community to learn, I think is 
something to consider. When they go to High School or College, they will have 
learned more English, I assume, and they can change to English (if they program 
in a Company that uses that)
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread Gonzalo Odiard
Now I know,  I should stop reading this thread :)


On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 8:40 PM, James Cameron  wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 07:53:35PM -0300, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
> > Paint activity was developed by a Brazilian team and a lot of variables
> > had Portuguese names.
> > Whit the time, we changed a lot, but there are a few pending.
> It is irritating that we still store source code in linear text files
> without built-in internationalisation.
> As you change these names, they become far less useful to programmers
> who use that language.
> The development system would be more open and inclusive if there was a
> way to keep variable names, and other text, in multiple languages.
> I've seen nothing yet that achieves this.  It would require editor
> application support.
> In the meanwhile, the source code moves slowly to the common language
> of the most frequent change directors.  As it happens to be my
> language, I find it hard to object.  ;-)
> --
> James Cameron
> ___
> Sugar-devel mailing list
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread S. Daniel Francis
2012/9/23 James Cameron :
> On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 09:14:41PM -0300, S. Daniel Francis wrote:
>> 2012/9/23 James Cameron :
>> > It is irritating that we still store source code in linear text files
>> > without built-in internationalisation.
>> > As you change these names, they become far less useful to programmers
>> > who use that language.
>> >
>> > The development system would be more open and inclusive if there was a
>> > way to keep variable names, and other text, in multiple languages.
>> It isn't possible, there is to implement l10n and then there are
>> needed translators, our translators cant translate source code...
> True, only bilingual programmers could translate source code ... and
> that was what I was suggesting.  I doubt our string translators, or
> their infrastructure, could be any help whatsoever.  It is a totally
> different problem.
> But I don't think it is impossible for bilingual programmers to
> collaborate in this way.  Merely difficult.

There are many reasons for don't translate source code.
Here two:
- Other languages have non-ascii characters, and variable names can't
be written with those characters.
- Python is very similar to the natural language, but in other
languages, where the order to use the words is different, the code
leases concordance.
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread James Cameron
On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 09:14:41PM -0300, S. Daniel Francis wrote:
> 2012/9/23 James Cameron :
> > It is irritating that we still store source code in linear text files
> > without built-in internationalisation.
> > As you change these names, they become far less useful to programmers
> > who use that language.
> >
> > The development system would be more open and inclusive if there was a
> > way to keep variable names, and other text, in multiple languages.
> It isn't possible, there is to implement l10n and then there are
> needed translators, our translators cant translate source code...

True, only bilingual programmers could translate source code ... and
that was what I was suggesting.  I doubt our string translators, or
their infrastructure, could be any help whatsoever.  It is a totally
different problem.

But I don't think it is impossible for bilingual programmers to
collaborate in this way.  Merely difficult.

James Cameron
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread S. Daniel Francis
2012/9/23 James Cameron :
> It is irritating that we still store source code in linear text files
> without built-in internationalisation.
> As you change these names, they become far less useful to programmers
> who use that language.
> The development system would be more open and inclusive if there was a
> way to keep variable names, and other text, in multiple languages.

It isn't possible, there is to implement l10n and then there are
needed translators, our translators cant translate source code...

> I've seen nothing yet that achieves this.  It would require editor
> application support.
> In the meanwhile, the source code moves slowly to the common language
> of the most frequent change directors.  As it happens to be my
> language, I find it hard to object.  ;-)

Maybe because I don't speak Chinese or any other Asian language, I
don't see difficult the task of understand/write source code in

I don't think it isn't inclusive or open, in this time we are able to
translate from any language to our natural language using any
translation program. I know about lots of English speakers writing in
Spanish mailing lists thanks to Google Translate. And also the case of
only-Spanish speakers writing in these mailing lists. If people can
pass the barrier of the language at mails, source code is very easier.
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread Chris Leonard
On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Kevin Mark  wrote:

> They are both 'python' but most programmers are not going to be able to debug 
> the 2nd example easily.
> --
> Making all the comments and the variable names in Spanish is not what I 
> expect for sugarlabs but maybe for the 'python joven' or similar.

In my experience, programmers are typically able adept at thinking of
variables in the abstract, thus the preponderance of "foo" and 'bar"
when conversationally describing programming with variables.

Comments in code are a little more challenging, but as long as a
Google Translate window is handy, I would think that most basic
algorithmic structures (loops, etc.) would be readily deciphered.

Quozl's notion of a deeper abstraction layer so that variable names
could be internationalized is interesting, but I'm pretty busy going
only as deep as the UI strings as it is, so I'll pass on that for now.

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread James Cameron
On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 07:53:35PM -0300, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
> Paint activity was developed by a Brazilian team and a lot of variables
> had Portuguese names.
> Whit the time, we changed a lot, but there are a few pending.

It is irritating that we still store source code in linear text files
without built-in internationalisation.

As you change these names, they become far less useful to programmers
who use that language.

The development system would be more open and inclusive if there was a
way to keep variable names, and other text, in multiple languages.

I've seen nothing yet that achieves this.  It would require editor
application support.

In the meanwhile, the source code moves slowly to the common language
of the most frequent change directors.  As it happens to be my
language, I find it hard to object.  ;-)

James Cameron
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread Gonzalo Odiard
> # Just regarding the Sugar Paint activity mixes English and Portuguese
> of its original maintainers. Now
> # with all the changes and patches it conserves only some words,
> specially file names like "desenho"
> # instead design.
Paint activity was developed by a Brazilian team and a lot of variables
had Portuguese names.
Whit the time, we changed a lot, but there are a few pending.

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread James Cameron
On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 02:19:38PM -0700, Kevin Mark wrote:
> We need to 'clone' this person, we need more who can do what he is
> doing!

Find out from this person what hindered them, and remove that
hindrance from others?  ;-)

James Cameron
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread S. Daniel Francis
> but where I worked, it was like this:
> #!/usr/bin/python
> # questo è il modo in cui il punteggio di corrispondenza viene calcolato
> partida = calcio101+calcio02
Ciao Mondo! :)

# Just regarding the Sugar Paint activity mixes English and Portuguese
of its original maintainers. Now
# with all the changes and patches it conserves only some words,
specially file names like "desenho"
# instead design.

> They are both 'python' but most programmers are not going to be able to debug 
> the 2nd example easily.
> Making all the comments and the variable names in Spanish is not what I 
> expect for sugarlabs but maybe for the 'python joven' or similar.

Small examples can be made in other langs, but not a big application.
That doesn't teach for the real life.
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread Kevin Mark

--- On Sun, 9/23/12, S. Daniel Francis  wrote:

> From: S. Daniel Francis 
> Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP]  Sugar Digest 2012-09-18
> To: "Agustin Zubiaga Sanchez" 
> Cc: "iaep" , "Sugar-dev Devel" 
> ,
> Date: Sunday, September 23, 2012, 3:53 PM
> 2012/9/23 Agustin Zubiaga Sanchez
> :
> > Hi, everybody.
> > Like Daniel, I'm from Uruguay and I feel identified
> with the Walter message.
> Hi Agustin!
> > I'm fourteen years old, and I started using sugar when
> I was ten, when I
> > receive my XO was the first time that I used linux and
> it liked me a lot.
> >
> > About the young programmers:
> > I was a student of Flavio Danesse, and he taught me a
> lot but for obvious
> > reasons I had to appeal the internet to found more
> information, where the
> > most are in english, for me it wasn't a problem,
> because I have learned
> > english..
> >
> > But the most of the children in Latin America hasn't
> this luck, and they
> > find it difficult to program.
> I'd say now there's a lot of documentation in Spanish, but I
> agree
> with you in the language can be a barrier sometimes,
> specially for
> write e-mails and similar things.
> When Flavio said he doesn't understand why Spanish speakers
> write
> source code in English, I replied I don't write code in
> English, I
> write in Python, in C (not for Sugar) or in any programming
> language.

There is a subtle thing that I experienced when I was working at a multilingual 
website where it was common to speak, write and program in English, Spanish and 

The program language might have been C, python or vb script but it was written 
not like you'd expect.
In the US, this is the norm:
# this is how you compute the total
total = sum1+sum2+sum3
print "This is the total" total
but where I worked, it was like this:
# questo è il modo in cui il punteggio di corrispondenza viene calcolato
partida = calcio101+calcio02
They are both 'python' but most programmers are not going to be able to debug 
the 2nd example easily.
Making all the comments and the variable names in Spanish is not what I expect 
for sugarlabs but maybe for the 'python joven' or similar.

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread Kevin Mark
Hello Agustin from the US :)

--- On Sun, 9/23/12, Agustin Zubiaga Sanchez  wrote:

From: Agustin Zubiaga Sanchez 
Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP]  Sugar Digest 2012-09-18
To: "Gonzalo Odiard" 
Cc: "James Simmons" , "iaep" , 
"Sugar-dev Devel" ,, "S. Daniel Francis" 
Date: Sunday, September 23, 2012, 3:16 PM

Hi, everybody.
Like Daniel, I'm from Uruguay and I feel identified with the Walter message.
I'm fourteen years old, and I started using sugar when I was ten, when I 
receive my XO was the first time that I used linux and it liked me a lot.

About the young programmers:
I was a student of Flavio Danesse, and he taught me a lot
We need to 'clone' this person, we need more who can do what he is doing!

 but for obvious reasons I had to appeal the internet to found more 
information, where the most are in english, for me it wasn't a problem, because 
I have learned english.
Yes, access to the internet, a laptop and free time are VERY important in the 
global world and provides access to the largest library, but sadly 90% of the 
text is in English. But now there is more in other languages, and even better, 
almost anyone of any age can write a web page to add Spanish (or other 
langauge) text.

But the most of the children in Latin America hasn't this luck, and they find 
it difficult to program.

About sugar and the teachers:
Unfortunately, when I was in primary school, no teacher was concerned with 
explaining how to use my XO, and the "logical sugar activities", such as Turtle 
Art and Scratch, but luckily their interfaces are very intuitive.
That was the goal of Sugar Labs, to make it easy to use, its great that you 
agree and they need more kids to help them make it better.

And when I started the high school was the same, no teacher was interested in 
the XO, except Mr. Flavio Danesse :)
That is sad, more teaacher need to see what he is doing in High Schools.

For this reason the most of my classmates, only use their XO to browse in 
Facebook and other social networks.

That is useful, but its not as educational as learning about python or reading 
about world news or science or animals or something more about your interests 
or your future. Unless you are using facebook to talk about science and news 
and books.

Thanks you for your great effort to explain how the XO is helping and how you 
use it.-KevinRegards,
Agustin Zubiaga

-Inline Attachment Follows-

Sugar-devel mailing list
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread S. Daniel Francis
2012/9/23 Chris Leonard :
> I would love to see more of the Spanish-only activities
> present in ASLO take this step to i18n so that they can be used by
> other XO kids around the world in their mother tongues.

A good way would be if the ASLO editors request the authors to
internationalize their activities. I know sometimes they do it, and
leave a link to an article at where explains how to
implement i18n.

For my part, I can start to contact Spanish developers.

Best regards,
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread Chris Leonard
On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 3:53 PM, S. Daniel Francis
> 2012/9/23 Agustin Zubiaga Sanchez :

>> About the young programmers:
>> I was a student of Flavio Danesse, and he taught me a lot but for obvious
>> reasons I had to appeal the internet to found more information, where the
>> most are in english, for me it wasn't a problem, because I have learned
>> english..
>> But the most of the children in Latin America hasn't this luck, and they
>> find it difficult to program.
> I'd say now there's a lot of documentation in Spanish, but I agree
> with you in the language can be a barrier sometimes, specially for
> write e-mails and similar things.
> When Flavio said he doesn't understand why Spanish speakers write
> source code in English, I replied I don't write code in English, I
> write in Python, in C (not for Sugar) or in any programming language.

It is true that the language one speaks when programming is the
computer's language.  However, while is not important which language
one uses for the UI strings as long as the users understand it, I
would like to encourage all Sugar developers to write for an
international audience by using gettext and generating English POT

The argument for porting a stable branch of your UI strings to English
and generating a POT from there is the simple and practical argument
that English is the common language of our localization community.  By
all means, one should develop and test with Spanish UI strings if that
is easiest, but please consider taking that next step to an
internationalized activity (with English POT) when you have something
you are proud of having developed and would like to share it with
non-Spanish speakers.

We are fortunate to have many developers that are "trilingual"
(Spanish, English, Python) that are willing to help with this
important step to make activities from Spanish-speaking developers
available to children in any of the languages represented by our L10n
community.  I would love to see more of the Spanish-only activities
present in ASLO take this step to i18n so that they can be used by
other XO kids around the world in their mother tongues.

Warmest Regards,

Sugar Labs Translation Team Coordinator
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread S. Daniel Francis
2012/9/23 Agustin Zubiaga Sanchez :
> Hi, everybody.
> Like Daniel, I'm from Uruguay and I feel identified with the Walter message.
Hi Agustin!

> I'm fourteen years old, and I started using sugar when I was ten, when I
> receive my XO was the first time that I used linux and it liked me a lot.
> About the young programmers:
> I was a student of Flavio Danesse, and he taught me a lot but for obvious
> reasons I had to appeal the internet to found more information, where the
> most are in english, for me it wasn't a problem, because I have learned
> english..
> But the most of the children in Latin America hasn't this luck, and they
> find it difficult to program.

I'd say now there's a lot of documentation in Spanish, but I agree
with you in the language can be a barrier sometimes, specially for
write e-mails and similar things.
When Flavio said he doesn't understand why Spanish speakers write
source code in English, I replied I don't write code in English, I
write in Python, in C (not for Sugar) or in any programming language.

> About sugar and the teachers:
> Unfortunately, when I was in primary school, no teacher was concerned with
> explaining how to use my XO, and the "logical sugar activities", such as
> Turtle Art and Scratch, but luckily their interfaces are very intuitive.
> And when I started the high school was the same, no teacher was interested
> in the XO, except Mr. Flavio Danesse :)
> For this reason the most of my classmates, only use their XO to browse in
> Facebook and other social networks.

Here One Laptop Per Child is promoted as an implementation with the
aim of provide the children the possibility of access to the
information and internet. Of course, when it's also an education
project we expect an educational usage, I can say there is at least
one teacher per school interested in implement XO computers in its

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2012-09-18

2012-09-23 Thread Agustin Zubiaga Sanchez
Hi, everybody.
Like Daniel, I'm from Uruguay and I feel identified with the Walter message.
I'm fourteen years old, and I started using sugar when I was ten, when I
receive my XO was the first time that I used linux and it liked me a lot.

About the young programmers:
I was a student of Flavio Danesse, and he taught me a lot but for obvious
reasons I had to appeal the internet to found more information, where the
most are in english, for me it wasn't a problem, because I have learned
But the most of the children in Latin America hasn't this luck, and they
find it difficult to program.

About sugar and the teachers:
Unfortunately, when I was in primary school, no teacher was concerned with
explaining how to use my XO, and the "logical sugar activities", such as
Turtle Art and Scratch, but luckily their interfaces are very intuitive.
And when I started the high school was the same, no teacher was interested
in the XO, except Mr. Flavio Danesse :)
For this reason the most of my classmates, only use their XO to browse in
Facebook and other social networks.

Agustin Zubiaga
Sugar-devel mailing list