Re: [SunRay-Users] What are sunray users going to do once Oracle stop support

2014-10-01 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Clift, Tom CIV NSWCDD, K55 writes:

   I thought it was only software also.we have a large number of Sun
   Ray 3's that we will need to be replacing. I almost just need an
   appliance that will only run a browser and point the users to a SSGD
   server. Any thoughts?

We used SGD.  I think you will be much happier with thinlinc.  We run
from Linux-based HP thin clients (e.g., t610).  

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] What are sunray users going to do once Oracle stop support

2014-10-01 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Clift, Tom CIV NSWCDD, K55 writes:

   So your thin clients connect to a thinlinc server? I am researching
   thinlinc know as I don't know much about it.

Yes.  The Linux-based HP t610 works well with ThinLinc, and we also
chose these because we connect to VMware View.

I had responded to a post about Sun SGD, which we used.  There might be
a scenario where SGD wins, but the X server in thinlinc works with more
applications of interest to us (e.g., Maple) than that in SGD or the
Ray.  There is a web (html5) interface to thinlinc, so thinlinc is
superficially similar to SGD.  The thinlinc client has more features and
is required for demanding audio/video (e.g., movie trailers).

Darrel Hankerson 
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] USB device successfully mounted but not notified

2014-06-05 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Nicolás writes:

   Is there a way to configure automatic notifications for the users 
   mounting their devices on their sessions? Is that a job for the utmountd 
   daemon or is there something it's not working as intended?

We've used

# usbdrived
# Author: Daniel Cifuentes
# Version: v67, July 2008

--Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] { SPAM 1 }:{ SPAM 1 }: Success obtaining Oracle Premier Support for Software on small Sun Ray deployments?

2013-10-08 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Jayme Snyder writes:

   My requirements are simply for a multi-monitor thin client environment
   which can play a Youtube clip without major lag on Windows RDP or a
   VMware view.

My opinion is that you will spend substantial time getting something
unlikely to meet your requirements.  Oracle has abandoned the Ray.

We run HP t610 thinclient (Linux-based) with VMware View, along with a
test of Cendio's thinlinc as a Ray replacement for connections to
Windows and Unix systems.  We love the Rays (on Solaris), but they
cannot compete on demanding generic video (which is your interest).

A caveat: there is a significant penalty in the View environment if RDP
is chosen rather than PCoIP.  The performance with thinlinc to Linux
systems is superior to anything under View, provided you can tolerate
the cpu and network consumption.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Forcing a DTU to authenticate on a particular server

2012-03-08 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Adams, Clifford B writes:

  Is anyone aware of a method whereby I could force a particular DTU to
  authenticate to a particular server all the time.  In my setup, I have
  two Sun Ray Servers and 24 clients, I want to split the clients up
  evenly between the two servers and force 12 to always authenticate with
  one server and the other twelve to authenticate with the other server.
  Using the Sun Ray load balancing is not an option since I have 4
  critical workstations (DTUs) that can't all be down at the same time,
  which is a possibility when using SRSS load balancing.

man utamghadm

Darrel Hankerson 
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Forcing a DTU to authenticate on a particular server

2012-03-08 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Adams, Clifford B writes:

   Is it possible to set the order of preference by which a DTU will
   connect to a server?  For instance, I have the mac address of two
   DTUs and I want them to connect to Server A as its primary server and
   the second set of DTUs connect to Server B as their primary servers?

Yes, but you will need amgh on both A and B.  However (at least
in my scenario), machines for B will launch on A if B is down.

As Klimov noted, if you have control over DNS or DHCP, there may be
more elegant ways to achieve your goal.  

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] OpenOffice 3.2 font colours and SRSS 4.2

2011-06-09 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Kevin Doyle writes:

   I have recently upgraded from SRSS 4.0 to 4.2. I am running Solaris
   10 10/09 s10x_u8wos_08a X86 in a FOG Everything is fine except just
   one thing. When I open a either a new or existing document in
   Openoffice 3.2 and change the font colour, the colour mapping is
   wrong [...] Colour mappings seem fine if I open up an image or browse
   the web.

On a similar config, we see blue in certain scenarios involving firefox
4 and flash 10.3.  Depending on what other flash objects come into the
panel (e.g., during scroll), a flash video will go blue.  We don't see
this behavior with firefox 3.6.17 and the same flash player.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Multimedia redirection in windows 7 with vmware view

2011-01-28 Thread Darrel Hankerson
David L. Endicott writes:

  Kill -USR pid from above

You apparently mean USR2.

  tail /var/dt/Xerrors
  I'm not seeing the messages in the log.

For your example (, I see 

   Display :38.0 Video port Id 65 Compressed: JPEG-D

on a similar config (VMWare View 4.5, Rays on Solaris/x86, Win7 32-bit).
utcapture reports 0.5-2% packet loss, but this is on a network where
we have known problems.  prstat reports:

 10894 utku7  21M   13M sleep   400   0:03:34  16% uttsc-bin/2
 26372 utku7  42M   33M sleep   550   0:02:00 4.1% Xnewt/1

This is on a 2-core VM under ESX on a Sun X4150.  We have more packet
loss when we run directly on hardware, and we have used the
Sun-recommended hires_tick to cut the loss in half.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Multimedia redirection in windows 7 with vmware view

2011-01-27 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Craig Bender writes:

   [Rays and multimedia accel in a VMWare View environment]
   What version of Win7 is this?  What VMWare tools are installed on the
   VM?  Any of the multimedia enhancements for View based RDP

The only add-on accel software of which I'm aware in this environment
are delivered by Sun, and I don't see that these apply to Windows 7:

We run a config similar to Endicott, and the Sun accelerations can be
impressive when they work.  However, we had sufficient problems (on XP,
especially with media player) that we discarded all but the Sun audio
driver (to provide audio/video sync).

We experience audio/video sync on Windows 7 without the Sun audio driver
that is roughly similar to XP with the driver.  (We eat more bandwidth
with Windows 7, but have not investigated the source.)

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

[SunRay-Users] black-screen on Ray, X11 connection rejected

2011-01-14 Thread Darrel Hankerson
After applying the Sun Ray software 5.1 bundle on Solaris/x86, Ray 2
are sometimes stalling on a black screen rather than the expected Sun
connector for VMWare View.  Most of these can be terminated by the
Ctrl-Backspace, but sometimes only Ray reset (Ctrl-moon) works.

The Ray server console shows:

   X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication

although I'm uncertain at which point we receive this msg.

Admittedly, I've done only superficial examination of logs.  I don't
know a trigger and so testing has been slow.  We did not have this
problem with 4.2 Early Access 1.  Rays run


firmware.  I'm uncertain if relevant, but the connections (after
the View login and pool selection) are via srwc 2.3 (uttsc).

I'm fishing in the hope that other users of the 5.1 bundle have
experienced this issue.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] SRSS 5.1 and vmware View 4.5

2011-01-14 Thread Darrel Hankerson
David L. Endicott writes:

   I added [-N off] to the UTTSC portion of the kiosk arguments (after
   the --) and it worked!  Thanks a million! But now curiosity is
   killing me.  I can't find that parameter in any documentation.  What
   does that parameter do?

A good source is

The entry from the uttsc man page is:

 -N on|off
  Enable or disable enhanced network  security  (default:

  on - If supported by the remote desktop  service,  con-
  nections  will  use TLS or CredSSP. Otherwise they will
  use RDP Security.

  off - RDP Security will be used.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Sunray 3 dropping packets

2010-11-24 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Ken Mandelberg writes:

   [packet loss with Ray 3 from Linux Nehalem]
   What exactly is utcapture displaying as drops, and how can I get more
   info about where the problem is.

We have only Ray 1 and 2, but packet loss of the size you've reported
would make our Rays rather unresponsive.  In our case, Cisco and Sun
blamed eachother, but the basic issue is apparently inability of the
switch to buffer properly (as described in the SRSS docs

The full story must be more complicated in our case, as we have a second
subnet where things work very well even though the troublesome
switches are still involved.  For the network with huge loss, we had
only a few machines and convinced networking to wire directly to us.

This list has a pile of posts on this issue, and no solutions other than
to find new switches.  You can identify this problem by connecting
directly to the server with a cheap switch (we used a $50 Netgear).  On
Solaris, setting the timer tick was effective in reducing loss.

Perhaps not all of this applies to your Ray 3, and we use Solaris (most
tests were with the Sun X4200) rather than Linux for the server.  We are
Gb/s into the switch, but the Ray 1 and 2 are 100 Mb/s.

--Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] DHCP relay problems on new cisco switch

2010-09-27 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Dark Bass writes:

  We have a situation where a customer replaced their old Cisco switches
  for new Cisco 7010. And now Sunray DTUs on one of the subnets do not
  get DHCP addresses. While other DHCP clients (PC's) work well on this

  1 other subnet works fine even for Sunrays.
  Anyone encountered anything like this before ?

Yes, although I don't know if the switch was to blame in our case (and I
don't know the switch model).  University networking sometimes uses
dynamic jacks that assign networks by MAC.  It appeared to affect all
35 Ray 2, although the Rays would sometimes work.  Removing dynamic
eliminated the problem.

We did not debug sufficiently to understand why Rays are special.  As in
your report, other systems connected.  This list has said that Rays can
present multiple MACs at power-on, but networking was skeptical that
this was an explanation.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Solaris GDM greeter and SRSS 4.2

2010-04-08 Thread Darrel Hankerson
CJ Keist writes:

   So greater question, has anyone on this list gotten both Citrix
   client and dtlogin to play on the same x86 system together?

I haven't tracked recent developments, but we run the ICA Client for
Solaris x86 Version 8.50.117422 on a system reporting 10/08 in
/etc/release.  This system feeds Rays.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Windows Media Player Problem

2010-02-12 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Matthew Arensberg Wieben writes:

   There might be, by using group policy preferences, since the audio
   device selection key resides in HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

in reply to Ivar Janmaat:

   Is there no system wide way of setting Sun Ray RDP Audio for every
   RDP user?

Not elegant, but we do this for XP by group policy, setting

   Software\Microsoft\Multimedia\Sound Mapper
   Value: Playback, REG_SZ, Sun Ray RDP Audio Driver
   Value: SetupPreferredAudioDevicesCount, REG_DWORD, 0

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Windows Media Player Problem

2010-02-10 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Matthew Arensberg Wieben writes:

  In short, if you have the Sun Ray RDP Audio device selected as the
  default audio device and play an mp3 (128k,44kHz) through WMP, it locks
  our sessions up.  Has anyone else seen this?  We're switching to WinAmp
  as the default mp3 player for suffers from the 2s audio lag

I don't think it is the Sun audio device, but rather the portion
that corresponds to your fragment:

  (you still see the SunMMR 1.0.11 video:none audio:pcm icon in
  the system tray).

I can essentially duplicate your report with 4.2 Early Access 1, using
audio-only mp3.  However, the lockup isn't always total, and it will
eventually cause our sessions via VMware View to disconnect.  There are
no problems if -M off in uttsc is used.

On the bright side, we obtained good audio/video sync using only the Sun
audio device (e.g., uttsc has -F off -M off).  Admittedly, when the fun
accelerations work, they can be significantly better in appearance and
load on the server.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Firefox and Flash on Sunrays

2009-10-08 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Aaron Wilson writes:

   I used to have the problem where normal flash animations worked. If I
   went to Youtube or any other site with flash videos, Firefox would
   become unresponsive for anywhere between 30 seconds to 5
   minutes. Generally it lasts for a minute or so. 

What's the packet loss reported by utcapture?  We have packet loss (and
apparently worse) on one of our subnets that is not completely
explained, and flash animations such as NOAA weather movies can make a
Solaris desktop on a Ray nearly useless (at more than 20% loss).
However, we do not get the complete stall that you are reporting.

If you suspect network issues, a useful test is to run a switch
directly off the host and connect the Ray there.  We've used
a $50 Netgear GS108 for this test.

We have a somewhat related issue with video that exploits accelerations
described for Rays.  With consumer-grade hardware, I can trigger a
near-standstill with realplayer when these accelerations are in use.  I
cannot repeat this on our Sun hardware.  Interestingly, packet loss is
low (according to utcapture).  This issue does not affect flash since 
flashplayer does not exploit the accelerations.

Config: Solaris/x86 on X4200 and X2200, SRSS 4.1 and EA.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] SRSS 4.2 Speaker/headphone

2009-10-02 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Peter Sorensen writes:

  I have noticed that when I have my headphones plugged into my sunray
  (sunray 2) the sound comes out of both the headphone and the speaker.
  Is there any way to fix this or at least disable the speaker?


As a rather ugly workaround, I've considered polling with utset.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] SRSS 4.2 Speaker/headphone

2009-10-02 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Peter Sorensen writes:

   bash-3.00# /opt/SUNWut/bin/utset -o s=h
   /etc/opt/SUNWut/basedir/lib/utdevctl: error, no target or session found

Run it from the Ray session.  To be clear, you will have to continually
poll if your users are adjusting volume with the usual Windows control.
As soon as users touch the control, both the in-chassis speaker and the
headphones go active.  

We have no issues if the session is to Ray servers running Solaris/x86.
rdesktop does not have the problem, but uttsc is required to exploit the
enhancements to audio in EA.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] SRSS 4.2 Speaker/headphone

2009-10-02 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Peter Sorensen writes:

   The only issue is that I use VMware view Kiosk..

We're using the vdm kiosk also.  We modified the vdm script under
/etc/opt/SUNWkio/sessions/ to set the audio device.  However, this won't
suffice if users are adjusting volume via the usual Windows control
since each adjustment brings the chassis speaker and headphones active
(on the Ray 2).

Perhaps you can train your users to adjust volume from the Sun-specific
keys.  The only hack I can see working effectively would be to
frequently poll after uttsc is launched, and re-set the device if
necessary.  This won't be pretty and it apparently will not completely
prevent short bursts from the chassis speaker.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] X session terminates when running a specific program

2009-09-23 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Dr T Crummey writes:

   This looks like the bug we ran into with Matlab where the Xnewt
   process (the X server for the SUNRay) core dumps due to a bug in the
   compiled in MESA library. I think SUN have recognised this as a bug,
   but as I don't have a support contract for the SUNRays specifically,
   they won't tell me the ID.

On a somewhat related issue, Maple 13 (a symbolic math app) has a new
graphics engine that relies on opengl, and it painfully slow on Rays.
(It also crashes Secure Global Desktop.)  Is there anything to be done
that helps?  A Maple example illustrating the performance problem is

   plot3d(x^2+y^2, x=-1..1, y=-1..1)

Now try to rotate using the mouse.  We're using Maple 12 as a

Config: Solaris/x86 on X4200, displaying Maple from an X4150 running
Linux (Maple is not available for Solaris/x86), SRSS 4.1.

On the positive side, Solaris/x86 does not appear to have the problem
with Matlab experienced by SRSS on Linux.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] usb to parallel converter printing

2009-07-28 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Craig Bender writes:

   I've used a couple of different models, one of which was a Belkin
   device and it worked great.  I ran into a couple of issues with
   certain printers such as an OkiData line printer that our utparlleld
   just never seemed to work correctly with.  But printers like older HP
   deskjets (non-USB models like a 690C) worked great.

It has been some time, but we had troubles with a HP LaserJet 5MP and a
USB-to-parallel adapter from APC (not listed in HCL).  Printing would
work for a short time and then stall.  I'm uncertain which part to
blame, as we did not debug.  If I recall correctly, this was SRSS 3.1 on

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Flash acceleration works with SRS5

2009-07-16 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Oliver Braun writes:

   You might want to check whether the Sun Ray RDP Audio Driver is the
   default playback device for sound/voice [for Flash acceleration with
   SRWC early access].

Well...I feel fairly stupid now.  Thanks, this indeed fixes audio/video
sync.  The MMR icon in the tray now indicates both video and audio.

--Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Flash acceleration works with SRS5

2009-07-14 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Lars Tunkrans writes:

   There is a big difference [with SRSS early access] in the smoothnes
   of you tube videos run in Internet explorer 8 and the same video
   run through Firefox 3.5 IE is probably two to three times better in

But do you get synchronization between audio and video with the new
accelerations for Flash?  In my tests with Solaris/x86 on an X2200
connecting to Windows XP on a 2.2GHz consumer-grade Pentium 4, Flash is
probably improved over the preceding SRWC and the load on systems is
less, but there isn't sync (with a Ray 2).

If sync is expected, is there a Flash example that is known to work?

--Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Slow refresh/stripped display updates - an observation

2009-07-02 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Sean Clarke writes:

   It has been mentioned a number of times regarding the slow 
   refresh/stripped display updates that occur when using Sun Ray with
   certain switches at Gbps speed.

Our go beyond the Gb issue with Cisco switches.  It's true that moving
to 100Mb reduces packet loss in some cases, but the multimedia xvideo
accelerations can bring our Ray 2 to a near standstill in simple tests
with movie clips via realplay.

In the realplay case, utcapture shows essentially zero packet loss,
unlike the troublesome cases that do not involve xvideo (where we
commonly see 8% loss on simple Flash examples when the server is Gb).
Like other packet loss problems, we can bypass the problem by inserting
a router (a 2-interface ordinary desktop machine) between the Ray and
the wall jack.  Oddly, the xvideo problem is much less severe on a 2nd
Ray server in the same switch stack but running at Gb/s, but we've had
unpredictable results with these switches in other tests.

What I'd like is a method to gather evidence against the switch in the
xvideo example.  I do not have admin access to the switch.  In the
non-xvideo examples, utcapture gives good evidence.

Cisco has said there's nothing they can do about the udp buffering
problem on these switches.  All our problems are solved if we use
a $40 Gb Netgear switch as the only switch between the Rays and server.

Config: Solaris/x86 on a Sun X4200 and on a consumer-grade core2-quad,
SRSS 4.1, Ray 2 (and Ray 1).

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] How to go about selecting a server for a Sun Ray setup

2009-07-02 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Lars Tunkrans writes:

   The latest  Sun Ray server Software  (4.1) have some
   acceleration to  FLASH and MPEG  video built in , and the SUN RAY 2
   hardware also makes it perform better.

The acceleration for Flash in SRSS 4.1 is news to me.  I'm aware of the
xvideo acceleration (easily seen in tests with realplay), but flash
seems unimproved in my simple tests.  Further, there was this fragment
from Kent Peacock (KP) and William Yang (WY) on 8-June-2009:

   (WY) ...I noticed that on Craig's blog and I think also somewhere else
   online (I forget where) it was mentioned that the next release
   would have improvements for flash video. Are those indeed making it
   into this release?

   (KP) Yes, though it will only be from Windows, and running from within IE.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Slow refresh/stripped display updates - an observation

2009-07-02 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Kent Peacock writes:

   If you're running on Solaris, did you try adding set hires_tick = 1
   to /etc/system and rebooting?

Yes, this cuts loss in half in limited non-xvideo tests, but does
nothing on the xvideo test with the 100Mb consumer-grade interface.
Admittedly, something about our tests don't make sense, as a Sun X4200
on the same switch stack (but at Gb) and to the same Ray 2 works much
better.  As in many tests, we can bypass the problem by inserting a
router between the Ray and wall jack.

Is there a way to diagnose the xvideo example that does not involve
admin access to the switch?  utcapture shows essentially zero packet
loss.  The Ray 2 is almost stalled, even when the realplay video
is stopped.  The Ray 2 comes back to life when realplay is terminated.
The switch and our side reports 100Mb full duplex.  There are no
problems if we insert the router mentioned above, even though the
traffic to the server is on the same wire.

   You might tell Cisco that you can replace their switch with a $40
   Netgear, and solve the problem. I don't buy that they can't modify
   their switch firmware to use a better buffering algorithm.

We're on the third round with our network people and Cisco, and everyone
is aware of the $40 Netgear solution :(.  I don't speak to Cisco directly,
but I have confidence in our networking personnel.  My concern is partly
that we are about to deploy 35 classroom Rays, and these will eventually
use Flash clips that apparently will be supported by the Sun
accelerations in the next SRSS.


Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] How to go about selecting a server for a Sun Ray setup

2009-07-02 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Craig Bender writes:

   Just a note of interest, 4.1 on a fast x86 server running a JDS
   desktop, Flash performance is pretty darn good (baring packet loss

Yes, definitely (on our Sun X4200 @2.8GHz running Solaris/x86), although
this eats significant resources at the server compared to the
redirect-to-Ray acceleration.  More importantly for our next deployment:
without acceleration, synchronization of audio and video is fairly awful
when connecting (with any client, not just Rays) to Windows VMs via
vmware view.

(SRSS 4.1 has acceleration for some streams via Windows Media player,
but we are looking forward to Flash acceleration in the next release.
It's hopeless to convince publishers to go cross-platform, so we appear
to be dependent on MS-Win.)

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Adobe Reader 9.1 x86

2009-06-10 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Aaron Wilson writes:

   In either case [acroread 9 on Solaris/x86 to Ray] takes a good 40-90
   seconds before acroread will launch. Usually close to 60 seconds.
   So it leaves me to believe it's something sunray related. I'm leaning
   towards Xsun, though I wouldn't know how to even confirm or diagnose
   that.  Anyone else noticing anything like this?

We see the 1-3 second response reported by Bjoern Rost (on an X4150) if
the measurement is for a subsequent launch after acroread is closed, but
a cold launch can be 10-30 seconds on an X4200 (two single-core 2.8GHz
Opteron) displaying to Xnewt.

The issues for us are that cups is required if we want to list printers
for users, and crashes on save as text are more common than on
Linux/x86.  For cups, we point to an existing cups server rather than
meddle with the print subsystem on the Ray server.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Off-Topic: Adobe Reader 9.1.0 finally available for Solaris x86!

2009-03-26 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Eric Bautsch writes:

   Stupid question: How do you tell CUPS to populate from a central CUPS

If you mean that you want a simple way to use an existing cups server
without changing the stock printing on the Solaris system, then I can
describe what I tested.

1. Install SFWcups from a Solaris Companion CD.  Versions from 2005 and
2008 worked in my limited testing, but 10_08 does not have cups.

2. cups has changed character set handling (and I don't understand all
the issues).  We have some versions that don't care, but the target
machine does.  I changed the file /opt/sfw/cups/lib/locale/en_US/ to
have utf-8, but there may be smarter workarounds.

Here's the script I tested with acroread (replace ... with your cups

   exec /opt/Adobe/Reader9/bin/acroread $@

This gives a menu of printers and appears to work, but my testing is
limited.  As a simpler test, replace the exec line with something like

   lpstat -p

Monitor the cups error log on the cups server when you run the lpstat

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

[SunRay-Users] utslaunch repeatedly running utdetach

2009-03-26 Thread Darrel Hankerson
We are experiencing the following on a 4.1 Solaris/x86 Ray server.  The
keyboard sequence shift-pause to detach succeeds, but runs utdetach
repeatedly until the next login, and sufficiently rapid to eat
significant resources.  We use NSCM, although I'm uncertain if this is

The troublesome machine is updated from SRSS 3.1 (and updated to Solaris
10_08).  I'm unable to duplicate on a similar test machine.  Running
utdetach directly has no problems.

I can't find anything on sunsolve, but I'm hoping the issue is known.
We do not have ray core services patch 139549 on either system.
(Nothing in the patch readme indicates that it would help, however.)

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] utslaunch repeatedly running utdetach

2009-03-26 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Concerning a flood of utdetach after shift-pause, I wrote:

   We do not have ray core services patch 139549 on either system.
   (Nothing in the patch readme indicates that it would help, however.)

I suspect I'm mistaken.  We have additional problems that are consistent

   6706040 Xnewt can send auto-repeated keystrokes into a detached

Example: utdetach from the command line can result in repeated Enter
into the terminal.

I modified utdetach, and shift-pause can cause utslaunch to terminate
utdetach and run again (and this repeats rapidly enough to eat
significant resources). 

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] FYI: Adobe Reader 9.1.0 finally available for Solaris x86!

2009-03-25 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Stoyan Angelov writes:

   adobe has finally released a modern port of Adobe Reader for the
   Solaris x86 platform!

The printing support is for cups, and Sun dropped cups from the
companion CD for the 10_08 release.  Acroread will print without cups,
but there's no menu selection of printers.  If I recall correctly, the
story may be similar for firefox 3 contributed by Sun.

Perhaps it's time to switch to cups, but I suspect I'll point acroread
to an existing cups server.  (In very limited testing, the cups material
on our system from 2005 works with 10_08.)  What's the smart solution?

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] MMR and VMware View Manager

2009-03-13 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Brad Lackey writes:

   Very interesting... I'm not sure that I've even tested this... I would
   have sworn that it was the TCX extensions built into the VMWare tools,
   and not the View Agent. I'm not sure if there is any configuration/
   installation options of the agent.

I confirmed earlier reports by Ross of troubles, but redirection is
working with media player 11 on Windows XP Pro service pack 3.  I have
not done enough tests to be certain that I understand the real problem
with earlier tests.  I did not return to mediaplayer 10 for
verification (Sun says 10 and 11 work).

The install of media player 11 was after vmware tools and agent, but
this is a system where I've been adding and removing while testing.
Tools shows that the Wyse TCX extensions are not available.

I believe it is irrelevant, but I did install the 10-March update to
SUNWkio-vdm before testing mediaplayer 11.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] slow windows on remote X client

2009-03-10 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Truls Asheim writes:

   We are having exactly the same problem which prevents us from switching
   to Firefox 3. Something which in our opinion is getting quite critical
   since Mozilla dropped support for Firefox 2 in December.

This was in response to:
   On 09/03/09 09:17, Sammy Atmadja wrote:
A lot of newer software (for example firefox 3) relies on having the
RENDER extension available on the X-server. When it's not available it
tries it tries to compensate for it which results in high network
traffic, as it copies a lot of data back and forth.

We run a similar config (Solaris/x86 Ray server connecting via ssh to
Linux systems for apps that don't run on Solaris).  We had a 64-bit
Linux system with both 8168 and 8169 realtek interfaces, and the 8168
(presumably the driver) gave significantly better performance.
However, we run 8169 in a 32-bit Linux kernel without problems.  These
are inexpensive Gb interfaces connecting directly to the Ray server
(X4200) via Gb switch.

Our main concern has been apps such as matlab where life can be
painfully slow for remote connections.  Fortunately,


gives considerable help in that case.  I'd love to hear more general
solutions than apply to firefox and acroread.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] MMR and VMware View Manager

2009-03-06 Thread Darrel Hankerson
On Mar 4, 2009, Nick Ross wrote:

   All our tests thus far have installed the View agent first, so we'll
   try installing Sun MMR first to see if that makes a difference.

In my tests with the Sun samples, the following fail:

1. vmware tools + agent + Sun MMR 
2. vmware tools + agent - agent + Sun MMR + agent
3. Sun MMR + vmware tools + agent

There is sound in every case, but no image on a Ray 2 (the Ray 1 works
as expected, but this model does not support the associated video

   In terms of TCX, the current version of the View agent doesn't allow
   us to change or specify components (it's all or nothing), and the
   TCX extensions (specifically for Wyse) are actually part of the
   VMware Tools package.  By default all our VMs have the TCX
   extensions excluded.

Same here, although I don't know if that means that there are not
associcated system changes in our way.  I see that Brad Lackey
suggests identifying such changes.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] SRSS 4.0 and windows 2000 proffesional

2009-02-25 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Brad Lackey - US-SW Desktop Virtualization Technology Lead writes:

   Why not use VDI 3.0 ? In beta now, set for release at the end of March.
   We have an RDP server at the virtual hardware level which allows
   virtually any OS to be presented in this manner. Wile we are only
   testing a subset of these, Windows 2000 is one of the supported

Sun's VirtualBox has a similar-function RDP server; however, it is 
my understanding that audio (even to Windows XP) will not work this
way (that is, to get audio, the customary approach is to bypass 
the VirtualBox RDP and go directly to XP via RDP).

Will audio work with VDI 3.0 in the fashion described?  If so, is
there hope that general audio/video sync will actually be improved by
this facility?  (I've tested the Sun multimedia redirection for Rays,
but these are targeted too narrowly for the app of interest.)

--Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Poor graphics performance redux

2008-12-05 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Rich Teer writes:
   If I'm reading that correctly, that's between 20 and 50% packet loss,
   which would explain a lot!

In our experience, Rays are hopeless at this kind of packet loss.  

   I briefly tried swapping out the GBE switch for a Netgear 100 baseT
   one, but that didn't seem to make much (if any) difference.  Any
   help greatfully received!

In our case, we could not resolve problems with Cisco equipment, but
instantly solved the problem with inexpensive Netgear Gb/s (GS108) 
switches.  Our host is an X4200 running Solaris 10, and so similar
to your config.

This switch problem is rather a showstopper for us, since we do not
have resources or political influence.  Networking here is great, but
we are the only campus users of Rays and we have only a handful.  For
Rays near the server, Networking was willing to insert our switches
into their wiring closets.

Another workaround we've used: add a router at the target site.  We've
used ordinary desktop systems for this, with two interfaces (one to
the public network, one to the Rays).  Not ideal, but it helped in the
case of the Ray 1.

The timer workaround is reportedly helpful, but we still run SRSS 3.1
and so have not tested.

-- Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Graphic performance problems with SunRay 2FS

2008-12-02 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Craig Bender writes:

   What does utcapture show?  Recently we had a NetGear GigE switch at a
   trade show.  Dropped packets like crazy.  Brought in a cheap CompUSA
   100 TX switch and all the problems went away.

I've seen many posts (and some from me) on packet loss with certain
switches.  In our case, it was Cisco, and Cisco and Sun blamed
eachother.  We tried various wiring and port speeds, with some help
for the Ray 1 or the Ray 2 (but not both).  We routinely had packet
loss over 20%, at which point the desktop is mostly unresponsive.

For Rays in the same bldg as our server, we inserted $50 Netgear Gb/s
switches and worked around the problem.  Our server is an X4200.

   Noted that you did /etc/system work-around, did you reboot?  (required)

I gather that this is the timer workaround.  Does this apply pre-SRSS4
(and on Solaris/x86)?

--Darrel Hankerson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] SunRay X server crashes

2008-10-22 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Philippe Bourdeu d'Aguerre writes:

   I use Sun Ray Software 4 10/08 on Centos 5.2 X86_64 and I have an
   application (COMSOL) which repeatedly crashes SunRay X
   server. There is no message in /var/log/gm/:xx.log
   Is there anything I can do to avoid this failure or to help debugging the 
   problem ?

Probably useless info, but in superficial testing COMSOL on
Linux/x86_64 or Solaris/SPARC dsplaying on Rays running from
Solaris/x86 works.  This is a java thing, but I think comsol uses its
own runtime.

On the downside, firefox on Solaris/x86 seems to be less stable than
on Linux (apparently a flashplayer issue), but we never see crashes of
the X server.

--Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] windows connector problem

2008-06-27 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Andreas Höschler writes:

   How does windows distinguish devices? All RDP connection are coming
   from the same machine (Solaris box with SRS and SGD installed). It
   appears that RDP connections still work from some Sun Rays but not
   from others. Is another Sun Ray another device for the windows 2003
   server? How can it know that?

This isn't a direct answer, but Rays are separate devices when using
Citrix Metaframe with Windows Terminal Server.  We eat CALs per Ray,
not per Ray server.

Darrel Hankerson

SunRay-Users mailing list

[SunRay-Users] packet loss, again

2008-06-04 Thread Darrel Hankerson
We are seeing 30% or more packet loss (from utcapture) on Rays after
applying the 27-May-2008 Solaris 10/x86 recommended patch cluster on a
Sun X4200.

We had recently moved away from Cisco switches since we could not
resolve packet loss problems there, and were enjoying exceptional
performance with a direct connection to the server via an inexpensive
Netgear switch.  Users trigger the packet loss problem with flash video
or via weather movies.  Current packet loss is much worse than
anything observed before patching, regardless of wiring.

Now of course I regret patching, but the motivation was 127128-11
which addresses a recent security alert.  To add to the injury, the
sshd patch in the cluster breaks X11 forwarding on machines with
only ipv4.  We used a workaround of enabling an ipv6 lo0.  I don't
have evidence that this is related to the packet loss problem,

I'd be thrilled to hear suggestions or similar experiences.  When we
were using Cisco switches, we tested the NewtBW throttling mechanism.
This helped a little on the Ray 1, but did nothing for our Ray 2. 

We have SRSS 3.1 with 120880-07.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Firefox on Solaris x86 crashing

2008-05-25 Thread Darrel Hankerson
William Yang writes:

   Has anyone else run into issues where Firefox crashes viewing
   certain webpages? I am running Solaris 10 x86 U4 (8/07). Google
   Finance (when attempting to view a quote) is the site that most
   consistently causes segmentation faults in Firefox. The same issue
   does not occur on a SPARC system (also Solaris 10 U4). If I replace
   the Sun-shipped Firefox with one of the Solaris builds from the
   Firefox contributed builds downloads, the crash does not occur.

We see this behavior, and we run only the Firefox contributed builds.
It's difficult to duplicate, although it often repeats when it occurs.
I thought clearing the cache might help, but the evidence isn't

Possibly, we have less trouble if we run from Solaris/SPARC or
Linux/x86, but our data here is limited.  We run Rays from our X4200,
but I don't think this is Ray-specific.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Virtualbox

2008-05-20 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Stefan Schönherr [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   I test [virtualbox] last year with Solaris 10 U3 and SRSS 3.1. The
   RDP-Client (uttsc) can´t connect with the VirtualBox (this time
   v.1.4)  I worked together with the developer from virtualbox to
   bring it working. With several debugversion and modified
   VirtualBox-version we can connect a SRSS4 with a VirtualBox 1.5 but
   the connection wasn't stable.

We considered vitualbox for matlab on a Sun X4150 so that we could
stay with Solaris, but the one-processor-per-vitualization is a
showstopper for us.

   Now the project is sleeping and i don't know if it is stable.
My tests were superficial, but RDP to vitualbox running on Linux (with
a 64-bit kernel) was stable, and vitualbox on Solaris/x86 worked very
well (but I did not test RDP there).  Issues we saw:

1. Installation requires manual labor if running on Linux/x86 with a
64-bit kernel but 32-bit otherwise.

2. The authentication method for MS-Win and RDP connections that uses
pam did not work in the scenario of item 1.  I suspect this is because
we require more 64-bit support (e.g., pam_unix2 for our NIS+
arrangement), but I did not evaluate carefully.

I'm aware that Containers for Linux discusses installation of an older
matlab, but my tests suggests that making matlab and other apps work
smoothly will be difficult.

--Darrel Hankerson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Stream moviefilms with Sun Ray possible?

2007-12-07 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Scott Serr writes:

   Youtube sized video is almost acceptable on my little home network.  I
   have a Sun Ray 1 (actually 3) that I was hoping to make into a easy to
   handle and low power home system for my two kids and wife.  It turns
   out that even small kids like Flash.  I'd like to know if anyone has a
   good experience going to ... For me it seems
   barely usable.

This is an example of the type I've reported earlier.  The short story
seems to be that we have Cisco switches that cannot buffer UDP traffic
properly.  On your example, packet loss (reported by utcapture) pushes
19%.  Much more than this, and the desktop is mostly unresponsive.
Try the animations on

if you'd like to see what 20+% packet loss does to a Ray 1.

If we connect a cheap netgear GS108 switch directly to the X4200, or
if we route through a second machine with two cheap interfaces, or if
we use Ray 2 (with the X4200 on 100 Mb/s), then packet loss drops
below 5%.

In addition to packet loss, it seems that the Ray 1 is too slow to
process video from (where packet loss is low, but audio
and video is fairly choppy).  (It's also necessary to lie to CNN about
the user agent to see these videos on Solaris/x86.)

Config: Sun X4200 (2 Opteron) running Solaris 10, server and clients
in close proximity with very good networking otherwise.  We were
running the Ray server on SPARC, and I believe the behavior was
similar (but we did not test Gb/s on SPARC).

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Gigabit shenanigans

2007-11-04 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Sean Clarke writes:

   I have a Sun Ray server based on 2 x dual core Ultra 40. When I
   attach this to a Sun Ray unit using gigabit ethernet on a Netgear
   unmanaged gigabit switch I get slow screen redraw performance (with
   horizontal lines that stalls).

   Having been monitoring the list I knew an immediate fix would be to
   force the SR server to 100 Mbit/s and yes, that solved the

If this is packet loss, then our case differs.  We have excellent
performance when running from an inexpensive Netgear Gb/s switch
directly from an X4200, but more than 20% loss with Cisco switches.
Going to 100 Mb/s doesn't help the Ray 1, although it makes a
difference on Ray 2.

We were never able to resolve the problem.  Our current workarounds
are to use private networks at the Ray site (even though these use the
same cabling to reach the Ray server, the packet loss difference is
dramatic) or replace with Ray 2.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] SRSS 4.0 (09/07) low bandwidth users have poor performance after upgrade

2007-09-18 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Jimmy Fox writes:

   The MTU was at 1500. I set it to 1400 and even 1300 but I have the
   same results. This is a point to point connection without a VPN
   connection. I would think the 1500 packet would be optimum. This is
   the size we had before the upgrade.
This is perhaps unrelated, but we were never able to solve our latency
problems with the Ray 1 in a scenario where there is very good
networking and only a single switch stack between the Ray and server.

The odd thing is that we get outstanding performance if we use an
inexpensive netgear GS108 direct to the server (a Sun X4200), or if we
route through a system with Rays running on one of the interfaces and
the world out the other.  Networking tested 100 Mb/s ports, different
switches, etc.  Their side sees nothing wrong at the Cisco switches.

Our workarounds were to route through other machines (as described above)
or move to Ray 2.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] SRSS 4.0 (09/07) low bandwidth users have poor performance after upgrade

2007-09-18 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Jimmy Fox writes:

   We don't have bad latency. Just huge amounts of dropped packets.

Sorry, I wrote latency when I meant packet loss as measured by
utcapture.  We can easily trigger 20% packet loss on simple flash
animations.  At this level, the desktop is largely unresponsive.

   Darrel makes me think that perhaps because all DTU traffic is funneled
   through a single interface the server doesn't know how to adjust for
   the lower network's bandwidth. Since the local LAN is 100Mb, it
   doesn't know to throttle down for the 3Mb network? I only have one
   Interface to provide to the DTU traffic so I can't test this theory.

Well...we have exceptionally good networking.  We tested 100 Mb/s due
to recommendations by Sun for somewhat similar problems.  In our case,
connecting to 100 Mb/s Cisco switch ports helps Ray 2 packet loss,
but has little affect on the Ray 1 problem.  

Our experience where we have very little packet loss on direct
connections through inexpensive switches, or routing through another
host with Rays on one interface and the world on the other, should
explain something.  We finally admitted defeat and used workarounds
(either a host with two interfaces doing the routing, or replace with
Ray 2 and run the X4200 interface to a 100 Mb/s Cisco switch port).

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Sunray Server Choice

2007-08-10 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Ken Mandelberg writes:
   So is there a Sunray server that would give faster desktop
   performance? Would an AMD/Intel server give faster Sunray desktops?

Yes, at least compared to a V440 with 1.2GHz processors, the Sun X4200
(Opteron) has better desktop experience.  However, you've nicely
summarized the difficulties choosing a replacement for our SPARC Ray
server.  Our compromise was to add a Linux/x86 (and also our
Solaris/SPARC) system to run apps that are not available or difficult
to build on Solaris/x86.

Making apps (e.g., matlab, acrobat reader) launch from the Ray server
auto-magically on the other machines is not completely trivial.
Matlab and maple are examples that require special hacks to launch
across a ssh connection.  Also, users expect acroread myfile to work
regardless where myfile lives.  For temporary files created while
browsing, it's easy to tell firefox to place on a shared filesystem,
but it's one more issue.  A headache we have not solved is when
myfile lives on a Ray-connected USB mass storage device.

A show-stopper may be sound-related apps such as the flashplayer.
Unless there is extra magic, such apps must run on the Ray server.
Adobe has released a recent version for Solaris/x86, but Linux
versions tend to be first or only.

I realize I haven't answered your question.  Like you, the reports on
this list leave me skeptical about running Rays on Linux.  Sun's
containers for Linux (brandz) may eventually help for apps such as
matlab, but it is not production yet.

We really like the Sun X4200 and Solaris/x86, and it has been a very
nice upgrade for apps such as the symbolic algebra package magma.
However, we have only 10 Rays and we use only the basic non-smartcard
login.  It may be that our SPARC Ray server had less degradation as
load increases, although this is from superficial comparison.

--Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Deploy/Provide new Software to all users?

2007-07-11 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Theron Dekok writes:

   When installing applications such as firefox,thunderbird etc you need
   to create a .desktop entry file in the /usr/share/applications folder.
In practice, however, there will be more editing, e.g.,
/usr/share/{application-registry,mime-info} to make things work
   I have been debating if some explanation of this should be added to
   the Sun Ray wiki - even though it isn't directly Sun Ray related.

One bright spot about CDE was availability of reasonably good printed
documentation directed to admins.  Sun provides some docs on
configuring Gnome (and metacity, etc.), but it is not targeted to
admins.  I'd love to hear a recommendation.  Additions to the 
wiki would be a welcomed step, however.

--Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] ICA client choices

2007-05-17 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Brad Lackey writes:

   [SRS on Linux and use the Citrix client for Linux] is actually
   looking like a better option considering that Kiosk for Linux will
   be delivered with the next release.

On the other hand, SRS on Linux seems to be the subject of many
problem reports on this list, although admittedly some of the problems
are due to folks running versions of Linux and Gnome that are not on
the official list. 

I understand the desire to run SRS on Linux, since Solaris/x86 is
ignored by vendors.  We've tested brandz to run Linux apps, but
getting brandz on a SRS looks like an administrative nightmare to me.
3. There is a Citrix Java client. It cannot be installed on the SRS, it
has to be loaded dynamically from a web server, presumably one running
on the Citrix server. It would probably put high resource demands on
the SRS and may be a bit complicated to set up, but it is an option.
   Don't do it it's very slow and kind of a mess.

But it's the only real option for Citrix if SRS is running on
Solaris/x86.  The Citrix client for Solaris/x86 is ancient.  (We also
run the SPARC client, but then sound is lost since the Rays run from
an X4200.)

The native client on SPARC is indeed easier to configure, although it
wasn't too painful to configure for the java client.  However, our use
of Citrix and SRS is basic and involves only a few users.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] GigE network to SunRays

2007-03-20 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Brad Lackey writes:

   The Sun Ray 2's have a MUCH different (and faster) x86 processor in

And sufficiently different that our Ray 2 can be made to function
where our Ray 1 packet loss is 15% or more (as reported by utcapture).

This list has suggested that our problems are possibly duplex mismatch
and also to run pingplotter or mtr.  Networking says the Cisco
switches appear to be fine.  For the Rays in this report, there
is only a single (Cisco) switch stack between server and client.

To use the Ray 2, we moved the server (X4200 running Solaris 10) to a
100 Mb/s line.  There are many posts on this very issue, including
problems noted by Sun with Gb-to-100Mb downsizing, with the blame
sometimes going to switches for dropping UDP packets.  The arrangement
vastly improves packet loss on the Ray 2, but does not help the Ray 1.

To be fair, the Ray 1 functions perfectly if we wire directly to the
server via a $50 Netgear GS108 switch.  We also have very good
performance if we wire through a router (an ordinary Pentium III with
two 3com 905 interfaces), even though this routes over the same wire
where we have packet loss when connected directly.

--Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Massive network traffic

2007-03-07 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Partington, David R Mr (NGIT) USAICFH writes:

I'm curious what simple video is. They are almost as many types of
video as there are ice cream flavors.

The original complaint was for weather movies on

under Image Loop - Visible.   However, this makes the desktop
on a Ray 1 mostly unresponsive, so I've also been using

under E-Card Three.  This is a low-bandwidth Macromedia flash video,
but it is sufficient to trigger at least 15% packet loss on the Ray 1.

Again, if we connect on a private network (a 400 MHz Celeron with two
3com 905 interfaces) that routes over the same wire, or if we use a
Ray 2, or if we connect directly to the Sun Ray server, then we have
good performance with peak packet loss of a few percent at most.

   I would make a couple of recommendations for the best performance
   on Video.  First use a dedicated interconnect just for the Sun Rays

Unfortunately, we don't control the wire.  Networking went as far as
to install an older 100 Mb/s switch under the gamble that it would
function like our inexpensive Netgear, but I think we'd scrap Rays
before pushing this further.

   and make sure you are using a high quality switch. 

In fact, it seems what we want is low quality or, rather, an
inexpensive switch.  We have no problems with $50 Netgear switches
(Gb/s or 100 Mb/s); it's the good stuff (e.g., Cisco 3750) that break.

   I see that you are using Sun Ray 1's. Can you switch solely to Sun
   Ray 2's since they have a faster processor etc?

Our current strategy is to move some Ray 1 to private networks (where
we don't have packet loss problems, even though the traffic is
eventually on the public wire), or replace with Ray 2.  Admittedly,
Rays are inexpensive, but it's hard to sell Sun to the dept with this
kind of trouble.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] UTDEVROOT link incomplete or incorrect?

2006-11-27 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Hawes writes:

   I could use some advice on figuring out why my system doesn't have the
   UTDEVROOT dir/link.  
   $ echo $UTDEVROOT
   $ ls -lLd $UTDEVROOT
   /tmp/SUNWut/sessions/8/unit: No such file or directory
   Solaris 10 (last patched 8/16/06)
   SRSS3.1 (3.1_32,REV=2005.

We had the problem on Solaris 8.  The links from /tmp/SUNWut/sessions/
to /tmp/SUNWut/units/ would be missing, which breaks Citrix
connections.  We did not resolve the issue, instead using a cron job
to establish the missing links by running through

--Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] GUI for usb removable media drives?

2006-08-25 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Walter Moore writes:

   There are a number of things you can do - nothing off the shelf that I
   know of. Maybe in SRSS 4, eh Sun guys? :)
   I wrote a script (and I'm happy to share it) that polls utdiskadm
   every few seconds adds and removes desktop icons for the gnome users...
   Even simpler would be icons or menu items that open their
   /tmp/SUNWut/mnt/$USER directory -- at least that way they don't need a
   command-line (or a good memory for obscure paths).
There was a contribution (see below) from Peter Downs that may
provide a starting point.  --darrel

From: Darrel Hankerson 
Subject: Re: [SunRay-Users] Automatically show content of usbstick
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 18:52:47 -0500 (CDT)

Concerning Peter Downs wrapper for utodmount (to better handle USB
devices), the code (and the suggested revisions I sent) should skip
the new portions for the root user.

This is an issue when a user leaves devices connected on lock or
logout.  The root user becomes the owner.

Thanks again to Downs.

--Darrel Hankerson


To: SunRay-Users mailing list
Subject: Re: [SunRay-Users] Automatically show content of usbstick
From: Darrel Hankerson
Date: 12 Apr 2006 15:58:25 -0500

Downs, Peter A. writes:

   I'm using SRSS 3.1 on Solaris 10 sparc
   I wrote a wrapper around /opt/SUNWut/lib/utdomount to create an icon to 
   on a users GNOME desktop after USB insertion and delete the Icon after 
   USB removal.

Thanks!  Here's a few comments and suggestions.  My tests are on
1. The code to translate the device name

   name=`basename $dev | sed -e 's/s2//'`

won't work with my Lexar Jump drive where the device can end
disk1p1.  (I'm a USB idiot, and I don't know the full story on

2. I've changed USB to be directory of links rather than a link in an
attempt to support multiple USB devices.  There are corresponding
changes in filenames.  

This makes unmounting less pleasant due to the form of the -p option
although it is possible to find the name from the argument.  I used a
stupid approach that simply checks for existence.  I don't know that
this is robust.

3. utdomount runs as root.  Further, the setuid in

   chown root:sys /opt/SUNWut/lib/utdomount
   chmod 4755 /opt/SUNWut/lib/utdomount

won't do anything for a shell script utdomount.  Running as root will
usually not work if home directories are NFS mounted.  I've split the
script so that most runs as the user.

This is a hack, and more scrutiny is certainly required.  I'll include
it only to show what I tested.   Thanks again.

### SUNWut/lib/utdomount 


# Shell wrapper around /opt/SUNWut/lib/utdomount
# Adapted from 2005/08/23, Peter Downs, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

/opt/SUNWut/lib/utdomount.orig $@


while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case $arg in

if [ $id !=  ]; then
  user=`getent passwd $id | cut -d: -f1`
  if [ $user !=  ]; then
su $user -c /usr/local/sbin/ $cmdopt

### /usr/local/sbin/ #


while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case $arg in

user=`getent passwd $id | cut -d: -f1`
HOME=`getent passwd $id | cut -d: -f6`

name=`basename $dev | sed -e 's/s2//' -e 's/p1$//'`

case $action in
 # Create icon
 cat  $icon EOM
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Removable USB Device $name
Exec=nautilus $mpath
 if [ ! -d $HOME/USB ]; then
 mkdir $HOME/USB
 ln -s $mpath $HOME/USB/
  for n in 1 2 3 4 ; do 
if [ ! -h /tmp/SUNWut/mnt/$user/disk$n ]; then 
  rm $HOME/Desktop/usb_disk$n.desktop
  rm $HOME/USB/disk$n

-- Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Linux SRSS impressions

2006-08-03 Thread Darrel Hankerson
LeBar, Russell J [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Up until recently we were heading more towards software thin clients but
   recent internal events have shifted our focus back to a core contingency
   of always having some hardware thin clients.

This was recently covered on this list.  One side argued that Rays are
no less labor intensive than other mostly thin clients. Our very
limited experience certainly favors Rays.  Admittedly, this was with
older (1996) HP terminals, but I see many of the same issues on
slightly newer NCDs.  Using local clients to off-load some of the work
never worked smoothly.  The X servers were buggy and infrequently
updated.  Display postscript was an issue.  With the Ray, all of the
load is indeed on the server, but we never have the headaches seen
with the HPs.

   We are currently using sun ray mobile (NSCM) sessions and use KDE
   for the desktop (one reason is we have to support multiple
   simultaneous sessions for users).

I'm puzzled why this is desirable, but my limited experience is that
Gnome doesn't like this.  I recall that the login manager can drop out
of mobile mode, and then a login is to a separate session.  I don't
think this provides a workaround for your goal, however.
   Given the above, what are your thoughts on using SRSS 3.1 with the SRS4
   patch on a supported flavor of Linux?

As you've noted, the reports here are not exactly encouraging
SRSS+Linux.  Further, Solaris has outstanding compilers at the right
price.  On the downside, important applications (e.g., acroread,
matlab, maple) are not available for Solaris/x86, and
compile-from-source can be more difficult because building for
Solaris/x86 receives less testing.

Our solution has been to rely on Linux/x86 and Solaris/SPARC
application servers, and automagically feed users.  This is not
quite as easy as it sounds, since it has to work from within web
browsers, isatty type problems, etc.
   what do people think of using the Solaris x86 version?

We moved form Solaris/SPARC to Solaris/x86 with essentially no SRSS
issues (even though we moved from Solaris 8 and CDE to Solaris 10 and
Gnome).  However, we have only a handful of users.

   Any thoughts on BrandZ to provide a user-space Linux environment?
I wish Sun would release a production BrandZ.  We tested BrandZ and it
was indeed impressive in very limited use (but there were certainly
issues).  However, using brandz means Solaris Express.  For us, this
is essentially a show-stopper due to maintenance.

--Darrel Hankerson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Picking the right server

2006-05-18 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Leigh Porter writes:

   Maybe I said this earlier but I thought that Solaris 10 x86 could run
   Linux binaries, in which case, you ought to be able to use the Linux
   Adobe reader...
This is Solaris Containers for Linux.  There are snapshots of
the development project.  The results were promising in our tests
earlier this year, but I don't think we could consider this
on a production Sun Ray server.

We use SPARC and Linux/x86 machines to provide access.  This is not
without pain, and this issue is a significant obstacle for choosing

On the positive side, the transition to srss 3 on Solaris/x86 (from
srss 2 on SPARC) for the actual Ray software was painless, and life is
much faster on the X4200 compared to our Blade 2000.

--Darrel Hankerson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Automatically show content of usbstick

2006-04-13 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Concerning Peter Downs wrapper for utodmount (to better handle USB
devices), the code (and the suggested revisions I sent) should skip
the new portions for the root user.

This is an issue when a user leaves devices connected on lock or
logout.  The root user becomes the owner.

Thanks again to Downs.

--Darrel Hankerson
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Automatically show content of usbstick

2006-04-12 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Downs, Peter A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   I'm using SRSS 3.1 on Solaris 10 sparc
   I wrote a wrapper around /opt/SUNWut/lib/utdomount to create an icon to 
   on a users GNOME desktop after USB insertion and delete the Icon after 
   USB removal.

Thanks!  Here's a few comments and suggestions.  My tests are on
1. The code to translate the device name

   name=`basename $dev | sed -e 's/s2//'`

won't work with my Lexar Jump drive where the device can end
disk1p1.  (I'm a USB idiot, and I don't know the full story on

2. I've changed USB to be directory of links rather than a link in an
attempt to support multiple USB devices.  There are corresponding
changes in filenames.  

This makes unmounting less pleasant due to the form of the -p option
although it is possible to find the name from the argument.  I used a
stupid approach that simply checks for existence.  I don't know that
this is robust.

3. utdomount runs as root.  Further, the setuid in

   chown root:sys /opt/SUNWut/lib/utdomount
   chmod 4755 /opt/SUNWut/lib/utdomount

won't do anything for a shell script utdomount.  Running as root will
usually not work if home directories are NFS mounted.  I've split the
script so that most runs as the user.

This is a hack, and more scrutiny is certainly required.  I'll include
it only to show what I tested.   Thanks again.

### SUNWut/lib/utdomount 


# Shell wrapper around /opt/SUNWut/lib/utdomount
# Adapted from 2005/08/23, Peter Downs, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

/opt/SUNWut/lib/utdomount.orig $@


while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case $arg in

if [ $id !=  ]; then
  user=`getent passwd $id | cut -d: -f1`
  if [ $user !=  ]; then
su $user -c /usr/local/sbin/ $cmdopt

### /usr/local/sbin/ #


while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case $arg in

user=`getent passwd $id | cut -d: -f1`
HOME=`getent passwd $id | cut -d: -f6`

name=`basename $dev | sed -e 's/s2//' -e 's/p1$//'`

case $action in
 # Create icon
 cat  $icon EOM
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Removable USB Device $name
Exec=nautilus $mpath
 if [ ! -d $HOME/USB ]; then
 mkdir $HOME/USB
 ln -s $mpath $HOME/USB/
  for n in 1 2 3 4 ; do 
if [ ! -h /tmp/SUNWut/mnt/$user/disk$n ]; then 
  rm $HOME/Desktop/usb_disk$n.desktop
  rm $HOME/USB/disk$n
SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] gone???

2006-04-07 Thread Darrel Hankerson
Brian Knobbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   I'm new, but I'd be willing to help with content. I've been heavily
   documenting my attempts to get Solaris 10 x86 working, and running
   SRSS 3.1 on Linux (ubuntu). Possible a wiki?
We've just moved from SPARC (srss v2) to Solaris/x86 (srss v3), so I'd
love to see x86 notes (on Solaris and Linux).  So far, we have not had
many surprises, but we have only a very small and simple deployment.

--Darrel Hankerson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SunRay-Users mailing list