[freenet-support] Turning off or shutting down Freenet with the Windows client

2005-12-19 Thread Anonymous

I believe with *nix and BSD, it is possible to stop Freeent with the shell 
script. Is there any way to shut down or stop Freenet with the Windows client 
with the command line? This would be useful for the task scheduler and such!

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[freenet-support] Scheduler in Freenet

2005-12-19 Thread Anonymous


My earlier question is a good start but I think in Freenet 0.7 it would be good 
if a simple scheduler is implemented. This should allow different configs to be 
used at different time. This would mean that we can specificy different 
bandwidth limits at different times. Since FreeNet is supposed to run all the 
time, this will be useful for people with slow connections, shared connections 
and different data charges for different times. I hope you consider this 
suggestion for FreeNet 0.7

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[freenet-support] Re: Turning off or shutting down Freenet

2005-12-21 Thread Anonymous

At 12:24 p.m. 20/12/2005, you wrote:
>Bob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Right now this isn't directly possible via freenet.exe (the systray app) as 
>> far
>> as I can tell. It does take command line args, but not a shutdown one. It 
>> could
>Heh ignore that, I'm an idiot, obviously running freenet.exe -shutdown to call
>ExitFServe would spawn a new process then shut it down rather than affecting an
>existing one :) It would have to look for another instance of itself, post
>stop/exit messages to it and then quit. This is unneccessarily complex though,
>process killing should work one way or another.

Good news I found a way that kind of works and doesn't require any external 
programs. taskkill.exe comes with Windows and can be used to end 
tasks/processes from the commandline. Unfortunately, Freenet doesn't work 
properly with taskkill. In theory, 'taskkill /IM freenet.exe' should end 
Freenet but it only ends the front end. Freenet remains in the background. 
Repeating the function does not help (it says send the signal but the process 
does not end). I guess Freenet backend does not respond to Windows end task 
signal for some reason. An alternative, you can use 'taskkill /IM freenet.exe 
/F' which forces Freenet to end but of course this means it's not a clean 
shutdown. While I still think a command line shut down switch would be useful, 
at the very least Freenet should respond properly to a Windows end task signal.

Thanks Matthew for your help to approve my message as I used a remailed for 
anonymity purposes.
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Re: [freenet-support] Scheduler in Freenet

2005-12-21 Thread Anonymous

At 03:52 a.m. 17/12/2005, I wrote:
>My earlier question is a good start but I think in Freenet 0.7 it would be 
>good if a simple scheduler
>is implemented. This should allow different configs to be used at different 
>time. This would mean that 
>we can specificy different bandwidth limits at different times. Since FreeNet 
>is supposed to run all
>the time, this will be useful for people with slow connections, shared 
>connections and different data
>charges for different times. I hope you consider this suggestion for FreeNet 

Good news again. I found a way to do what I want. I thought Freenet does not 
respond to changes in the config file unless you restart. It turns out it does, 
at least for speed. So you can use a batch file to do what I want if you create 
2 different config file. For example to slow down:

if exist freenet.ini.normal goto sloweddown
ren freenet.ini freenet.ini.normal
ren freenet.ini.slowspeed freenet.ini
goto sloweddown

Then you can create another batch file to return to normal speed.. Then using 
Windows task scheduler you can schedule the batch files to run when you want. 
This works fine provided Freenet responds to changes in the config file (which 
0.5 does). If not, I guess a restart commandline option would be sufficient. 
However the disadvantage with this method is that it requires you to maintain 
two config files so you need to make sure any changes in one are made in the 

I guess it is not so important for a Freenet scheduler then even if useful. For 
me, the bigger issue now is FUQID. I change the number of threads because 
otherwise it is using too many when I slow down. But the problem is, there is 
no way to schedule. I don't know if it responds to changes in the config file 
but the config file stores info on the current ul and dl so you cannot use it 
the way I do above. I also don't know if it responds to changes in config file 
while active and if not, I guess you have restart which is even worse since you 
need to stop. Stopping FUQID is quite difficult since you need to tell it to 
deactivate but there is no command line option I think and taskkill doesn't do 
anything. Only way is a force which of course is ungraceful. I guess this is OT 
but unfortunately, the biggest problem now is FUQID for me. If FUQID have 
command line options to change threads and similar it would be very good. 
Currently only way I can think of is using macros which is very ugly.
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Re: [freenet-support] Re: Turning off or shutting down Freenet

2005-12-23 Thread Anonymous

At 03:14 a.m. 23/12/2005, you wrote:
>-- snip --
>> The freenet node runs with the name "javaw.exe". But if you don't know the 
>> exact PID, simply killing by name
>> might affect other java programs running as they all have the same process
name (java or javaw).
>> "freenet.exe" is just the bunnyapp 
>Yeah, but the process tree is freenet.exe -> Flaunch.exe -> javaw. Sysinternals
>pskill, at least, has the ability to kill a process and all its "descendants"
>(with the -t switch), so provided they are considered descendant processes you
>should be able to kill freenet.exe and take the rest of freenet (only) with it.

Sorry perhaps I should have been more clear. If you kill (send close 
signal)freenet.exe, you kill the icon only. I said the frontend but I don't 
know whether it is the complete frontend because freenet.exe is still a running 
process. You can try to kill it again and it says sending signal but it doesn't 
close. If you try it too much, it says unable to close, need to force. The only 
way to kill freenet.exe completely is to force. However a further check reveals 
you're right, javaw.exe does not die even if you force kill the freenet.exe. 
The javaw.exe process also does not respond to a request to end so you also 
have to force kill it. Of course, the point about javaw.exe potentially being 
more then one process is a valid one but process ID is completely unsuitable. 
The whole point is to allow a simple command line kill so it can be set for a 
scheduler. There is no point if you need to update the process ID all the time. 
Systernals I suppose might work but it still doesn't solve the problem that 
freenet does not die gracefully when requested. Also, it means that you may 
kill an open browser window which you opened with the frontend which I guess is 
a dependent which you may not want to kill. I still think it's best to have a 
command line end task with the front end or at least when you ask the frontend 
to close, it should close properly and close both the frontend and the backend 
but obviously not browser windows. If you really want to just close the front 
end. I guess an option in the front end to close the front end may be useful. 
Maybe consider for 0.7
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Re: [freenet-support] (No subject)

2006-07-07 Thread Anonymous
You wrote:

> I am interested to know is free net so secure that a person cannot be
> tracked by their IP address or email address?

Freenet is indeed very secure.  The most any attacker or snoop can 
determine is that you are running a freenet node and even that is less 
likely than ever with 0.7

As long as you use sensible, basic precautions to secure your machine 
and do not insert material that contains clues to your identity then it 
is absolutely not possible to determine WHAT you are inserting.

Check out Frost, it's message boards are forever full of people ranting 
on about pedophiles and child porn.  While CP posters are vile, they do 
server a function in freenet as much as many would like not to admit it.  

The fact that CP can be posted so freely in freenet means that it is 
secure enough and anonymous enough to protect even vile people's 

BTW- you don't have to support or approve of CP to be involved in 
freenet, and your involvment says nothing about your stance on CP.  If 
you don't like it, then don't support it by requesting any CP files or 
sites.  The fewer people who request something, the more likely it'll 
drop out of freenet.

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[freenet-support] Re: where to get wrapper files?

2006-10-02 Thread anonymous
This message contains nonprinting characters, so I encoded it with Base64
before sending it to you.

Message-type: binary


[freenet-support] Wondering about darknets security

2011-07-23 Thread Anonymous
This is sent anonymously, sorry if this message appears more than once. 
The remailer network is not very reliable.

I see Matthew Toseland propagating darknet, connection to 'friends' 
only, in favour of opennet.
Now since there is no way around the fact that 'friends' must know your 
IP and it being very easy for them to monitor all you do on Freenet, I 
think using darknet is by definition making yourself much more 
vulnerable than opennet, no matter how much more attacks may be 
possible to the strangers network. Also no matter the visibility of me 
having a Freenet node up.

Because it takes just one infiltrant who just has to sit back and 
follow all connections to know exactly who to pick out.

As an internet pedophile, I know that there is no worse security than 
breaking the rule: trust no one.
I can't possibly seek out 'trusted friends' in real life, that's 
hopefully obvious.
But it stretches to say, Chinese dissidents who may find it easier to 
have real life trustees. Also their darknet can be compromized by 
government and how many can one infiltrator then catch at once?

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[freenet-support] LE documents

2016-05-03 Thread Anonymous
In the Frost board 'freenet' an Anonymous posted a large collection 
of classified documents on projects, tactics and investigations of 
law enforcement, also on Freenet.

For your convenience, the message can be found on a freesite:


Please take note, thanks.
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Re: [freenet-support] Rant for Opennet

2016-05-11 Thread Anonymous
On 08-May-16 7:35 PM, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
> Anonymous Remailer (austria) writes:
>> Arne Babenhauserheide:
>> Is that a fact, am I on an 'open' Darknet, connected to Opennet
>> too, less vulnerable, also towards an evil 'friend'?
> You are just as vulnerable to friends as to opennet peers.
> With a darknet connection, you have at least one connection which
> requires social engineering to take over — instead of just requiring
> some servers.
>> Thanks for replying. I had not thought of separating real life
>> friends from FN 'friends', because I have understood exchanging
>> noderefs requires real-life trust in the other person. That trust
>> implies shared interests so we'd be friends on Freenet too.
> You might have shared interest, but that does not mean that you share
> all your interests.
> I generally use at least 3 different IDs:
> - Public. It carries my real name. My friends know it.
> - Semi-Private: My friends may know that it’s me.
> - Private: No one but me knows that it’s me.
>> I am not telling anyone I use Freenet, if only for the obvious
>> question why I need it.
>> - Well, maybe I do not need it but I do feel anonymity and
>> encryption is important.
>> - Oh? For what?
>> - Protection against the all-seeing eyes of Google, NSA... for
>> which reasons I hate Facebook and so on.. technics are
>> interesting.. mail is very unsafe.. it's a rat race of encryption
>> against NSA spionage..
>> - Man what a bullshit. Ain't you got something better to do? For
>> that reason you run a complicated, slow network? I should encrypt
>> mails to you? The NSA is interested in our cracked programs?
>> - Yes they read everything.. all talks over phone are registered..
>> worldwide spy industry.. will you read wikileaks?
>> - Alu hat?
> ? Do you want your potential future employer to know everything we talk
> about and use that to screen applications? To you tell all your
> colleagues and family about every hobby you have? When you talk about
> it in the open, it’s just one security breakage of your online service
> from being public.

Reply would be: you're just too paranoia. Got nothing to hide.

>> I can't afford Freenet friends. Few understand, most don't want to
>> know any of this.
>> Am I wrong that exchanging noderefs makes you more vulnerable
>> towards a 'friend', also more vulnerable over the net?
>> That person knows my IP adress, that I run a node and a lot about
>> the person I am in real life, because we should trust eachother.
> You only need to trust the other to not modify his/her node to spy on
> you. Since most people don’t have the skills to do that, the trust
> requirement isn’t that high.

It's indeed not, if my trust in the other would be enough. But it 
is not.

>> Our ID's on Freenet and our reallife id's are linked. But I can't
>> know what my friend does and hides from me. He can make me unsafe
>> for our shared 'secrets', even if there aren't any.
> That’s exactly what you should not do. Or rather: You create one ID per
> shared secret and keep these separate.

This is what I do--inside Freenet. I use more than one ID, keeping 
them separate.
The main reason is to diffuse the profile of the person I am.

>> Now nobody in real life knows that I run a node. My ISP and LE can
>> see it, but FN should be designed to keep them from knowing what I
>> talk about or who I am on Freenet. My reallife me is separated from
>> the FN 'me'. That feels more safe to me.
>> Is that false logic?
> Sadly yes, because there are technical limitations to security: With
> Opennet, you must allow arbitrary people to connect to each other. So LE
> can, with reasonable effort, get many connections to you, even when all
> they know is that you use Freenet.
> With darknet, you only connect to people you know from elsewhere. To
> connect to you, LE has to actually trace down one or several of your
> friends and corrupt their computers without alerting you of that. They
> have to risk that one of your friends might tell you about their
> actions, and that’s a huge risk: If you learn about their attack, not
> only can you stop the attack, you will also be able to stop future
> attacks by staging up your operational security. Or eradicate any
> evidence they search for. And alert your other friends. Via darknet
> friend-to-friend messages which they cannot trace.

As it looks now, LE can ID files w/in FN, track what is downloaded 
or uploaded
but not yet prove w/o doubt what one node does

Re: [freenet-support] safe to send noderef by email

2016-06-12 Thread Anonymous
jelbert nl wrote:
> Hi,
> If I want to invite friends to freenet would it be safe to exhange the 
> noderef bij email or exhange them on a forum? Or is the only secure way to 
> exhange them by a physical meeting and excange usb sticks?
> Cheers,
> Jelbert

Hi Jelbert.
Exchanging by usb stick you give personally is safe.

Mail and forums are very unsafe. You can make mail safe however by 
using GPG, you and your friend both need to use it.

You need eachothers public key, you use it to encrypt mail only you 
and your friend can read.
You can sign your message by your secret key, your friend knows for 
sure the message is by you.

Not even the NSA is known to be able to crack GPG.

I think everyone who is privacy-aware must use GPG as much as he 

I am privacy aware, for that reason this is an anonymous mail.
The NSA stores the text (yes they do!), but they can not know who 
sent it.
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[freenet-support] Turning off or shutting down Freenet with the Windows client

2005-12-16 Thread Anonymous

I believe with *nix and BSD, it is possible to stop Freeent with the shell 
script. Is there any way to shut down or stop Freenet with the Windows client 
with the command line? This would be useful for the task scheduler and such!


[freenet-support] Scheduler in Freenet

2005-12-16 Thread Anonymous


My earlier question is a good start but I think in Freenet 0.7 it would be good 
if a simple scheduler is implemented. This should allow different configs to be 
used at different time. This would mean that we can specificy different 
bandwidth limits at different times. Since FreeNet is supposed to run all the 
time, this will be useful for people with slow connections, shared connections 
and different data charges for different times. I hope you consider this 
suggestion for FreeNet 0.7


[freenet-support] Re: Turning off or shutting down Freenet

2005-12-21 Thread Anonymous

At 12:24 p.m. 20/12/2005, you wrote:
>Bob  writes:
>> Right now this isn't directly possible via freenet.exe (the systray app) as 
>> far
>> as I can tell. It does take command line args, but not a shutdown one. It 
>> could
>Heh ignore that, I'm an idiot, obviously running freenet.exe -shutdown to call
>ExitFServe would spawn a new process then shut it down rather than affecting an
>existing one :) It would have to look for another instance of itself, post
>stop/exit messages to it and then quit. This is unneccessarily complex though,
>process killing should work one way or another.

Good news I found a way that kind of works and doesn't require any external 
programs. taskkill.exe comes with Windows and can be used to end 
tasks/processes from the commandline. Unfortunately, Freenet doesn't work 
properly with taskkill. In theory, 'taskkill /IM freenet.exe' should end 
Freenet but it only ends the front end. Freenet remains in the background. 
Repeating the function does not help (it says send the signal but the process 
does not end). I guess Freenet backend does not respond to Windows end task 
signal for some reason. An alternative, you can use 'taskkill /IM freenet.exe 
/F' which forces Freenet to end but of course this means it's not a clean 
shutdown. While I still think a command line shut down switch would be useful, 
at the very least Freenet should respond properly to a Windows end task signal.

Thanks Matthew for your help to approve my message as I used a remailed for 
anonymity purposes.

[freenet-support] Scheduler in Freenet

2005-12-21 Thread Anonymous

At 03:52 a.m. 17/12/2005, I wrote:
>My earlier question is a good start but I think in Freenet 0.7 it would be 
>good if a simple scheduler
>is implemented. This should allow different configs to be used at different 
>time. This would mean that 
>we can specificy different bandwidth limits at different times. Since FreeNet 
>is supposed to run all
>the time, this will be useful for people with slow connections, shared 
>connections and different data
>charges for different times. I hope you consider this suggestion for FreeNet 

Good news again. I found a way to do what I want. I thought Freenet does not 
respond to changes in the config file unless you restart. It turns out it does, 
at least for speed. So you can use a batch file to do what I want if you create 
2 different config file. For example to slow down:

if exist freenet.ini.normal goto sloweddown
ren freenet.ini freenet.ini.normal
ren freenet.ini.slowspeed freenet.ini
goto sloweddown

Then you can create another batch file to return to normal speed.. Then using 
Windows task scheduler you can schedule the batch files to run when you want. 
This works fine provided Freenet responds to changes in the config file (which 
0.5 does). If not, I guess a restart commandline option would be sufficient. 
However the disadvantage with this method is that it requires you to maintain 
two config files so you need to make sure any changes in one are made in the 

I guess it is not so important for a Freenet scheduler then even if useful. For 
me, the bigger issue now is FUQID. I change the number of threads because 
otherwise it is using too many when I slow down. But the problem is, there is 
no way to schedule. I don't know if it responds to changes in the config file 
but the config file stores info on the current ul and dl so you cannot use it 
the way I do above. I also don't know if it responds to changes in config file 
while active and if not, I guess you have restart which is even worse since you 
need to stop. Stopping FUQID is quite difficult since you need to tell it to 
deactivate but there is no command line option I think and taskkill doesn't do 
anything. Only way is a force which of course is ungraceful. I guess this is OT 
but unfortunately, the biggest problem now is FUQID for me. If FUQID have 
command line options to change threads and similar it would be very good. 
Currently only way I can think of is using macros which is very ugly.

[freenet-support] Re: Turning off or shutting down Freenet

2005-12-23 Thread Anonymous

At 03:14 a.m. 23/12/2005, you wrote:
>freenetwork at ...  writes:
>-- snip --
>> The freenet node runs with the name "javaw.exe". But if you don't know the 
>> exact PID, simply killing by name
>> might affect other java programs running as they all have the same process
name (java or javaw).
>> "freenet.exe" is just the bunnyapp 
>Yeah, but the process tree is freenet.exe -> Flaunch.exe -> javaw. Sysinternals
>pskill, at least, has the ability to kill a process and all its "descendants"
>(with the -t switch), so provided they are considered descendant processes you
>should be able to kill freenet.exe and take the rest of freenet (only) with it.

Sorry perhaps I should have been more clear. If you kill (send close 
signal)freenet.exe, you kill the icon only. I said the frontend but I don't 
know whether it is the complete frontend because freenet.exe is still a running 
process. You can try to kill it again and it says sending signal but it doesn't 
close. If you try it too much, it says unable to close, need to force. The only 
way to kill freenet.exe completely is to force. However a further check reveals 
you're right, javaw.exe does not die even if you force kill the freenet.exe. 
The javaw.exe process also does not respond to a request to end so you also 
have to force kill it. Of course, the point about javaw.exe potentially being 
more then one process is a valid one but process ID is completely unsuitable. 
The whole point is to allow a simple command line kill so it can be set for a 
scheduler. There is no point if you need to update the process ID all the time. 
Systernals I suppose might work but it still doesn't solve the problem that 
freenet does not die gracefully when requested. Also, it means that you may 
kill an open browser window which you opened with the frontend which I guess is 
a dependent which you may not want to kill. I still think it's best to have a 
command line end task with the front end or at least when you ask the frontend 
to close, it should close properly and close both the frontend and the backend 
but obviously not browser windows. If you really want to just close the front 
end. I guess an option in the front end to close the front end may be useful. 
Maybe consider for 0.7

[freenet-support] (No subject)

2006-07-07 Thread Anonymous
You wrote:

> I am interested to know is free net so secure that a person cannot be
> tracked by their IP address or email address?

Freenet is indeed very secure.  The most any attacker or snoop can 
determine is that you are running a freenet node and even that is less 
likely than ever with 0.7

As long as you use sensible, basic precautions to secure your machine 
and do not insert material that contains clues to your identity then it 
is absolutely not possible to determine WHAT you are inserting.

Check out Frost, it's message boards are forever full of people ranting 
on about pedophiles and child porn.  While CP posters are vile, they do 
server a function in freenet as much as many would like not to admit it.  

The fact that CP can be posted so freely in freenet means that it is 
secure enough and anonymous enough to protect even vile people's 

BTW- you don't have to support or approve of CP to be involved in 
freenet, and your involvment says nothing about your stance on CP.  If 
you don't like it, then don't support it by requesting any CP files or 
sites.  The fewer people who request something, the more likely it'll 
drop out of freenet.

[freenet-support] fproxy patch

2002-09-01 Thread Anonymous

I've uploaded a patch to fproxy at

It adds support for content encodings to fproxy. If you insert a file
and specify a Info.Encoding field in the metadata, fproxy will pass
this on to your browser, allowing transparent description of compressed
html pages. A (still big) example page is at
(possibly, if it ever inserts), a smaller one at
(without .gz is the unencoded version).

Any feedback welcome, of course.

support mailing list

[freenet-support] 0.5 feature request

2002-10-22 Thread Anonymous
Not really a "feature"...

If any of the dev team are reading this (or if someone could plz pass it on... :)

I think the 'Network Error' page should be changed. You know, the one that you get 
when Freenet can't find the information you're looking for.

Instead it should read: "Sorry I can't find it." Then have a friendly simple 
explanation of what's happened and what to do. It would be so much better.

And why not make it look a little prettier with a nice Arial font or something? 
Perhaps slightly inkeeping with the style of the new funky gateway page?

Seeing "NETWORK ERROR" in a default font all the time is *so* off putting to new 
users. Especially non-techy ones. Seeing that all the time would make some users 
conclude that freenet simply doesn't work.

(and how about a link on that page back to the Freedom Engine and/or the gateway page?)

The Slander Man
Be offended. Read the Daily Slander - the only newspaper on Freenet.;yjmjb0BoE%7EnVY-aSaQq2LeZhkYIPAgM/thedailyslander//
Please add 'daily_slander' to your Frost board list.

support mailing list

[freenet-support] Fproxy bug: can't save freesites with Mozilla

2002-10-29 Thread Anonymous
After upgrading to build 603, I'm no longer able to save freesites with
Mozilla - not even the fproxy gateway page.  "Save Page As ..." pops up
a message window "The link could not be saved. The web page might have
been removed or had its name changed."

Another possible fproxy bug: loading the gateway page leaves up to 23
TCP connections to in TIME_WAIT state for one minute.

support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] Fproxy bug: can't save freesites with Mozilla

2002-10-29 Thread Anonymous
On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 03:17:07PM +0100, Anonymous wrote:

> [fproxy bugs in build 603]

Same for release (build 526).

support mailing list

[freenet-support] CVS build (Fields.java revision 1.8) doesn't compile

2002-10-29 Thread Anonymous
[javac] Compiling 706 source files to /home/freenet/freenet/build
[javac] freenet/src/freenet/support/Fields.java:282: setTimeInMillis(long) has 
protected access in java.util.Calendar
[javac] gc.setTimeInMillis(time*1000);
[javac]   ^
[javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
[javac] Note: Recompile with -deprecation for details.
[javac] 1 error


support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] Fproxy bug: can't save freesites with Mozilla

2002-11-13 Thread Anonymous
On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 11:07:20PM +, Matthew Toseland wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 03:17:07PM +0100, Anonymous wrote:
> > After upgrading to build 603, I'm no longer able to save freesites with
> > Mozilla - not even the fproxy gateway page.  "Save Page As ..." pops up
> > a message window "The link could not be saved. The web page might have
> > been removed or had its name changed."
> Does this still happen?
> >
> > Another possible fproxy bug: loading the gateway page leaves up to 23
> > TCP connections to in TIME_WAIT state for one minute.
> Hmm, odd.

Both bugs were fixed since build 612 resp. 533, probably earlier.

support mailing list

[freenet-support] Obsolete tempDir warning in log

2002-11-24 Thread Anonymous
Got this in my freenet.log upon startup:

24.11.2002 08:10:37 (freenet.node.Main, main): loading service: mainport
24.11.2002 08:10:37 (freenet.client.http.InsertServlet, main): WARNING: fproxy tempDir 
not set.
24.11.2002 08:10:37 (freenet.client.http.InsertServlet, main):  Set 
mainport.params.servlet.1.params.tempDir in freenet.conf/ini.
WARNING: fproxy tempDir not set.
 Set mainport.params.servlet.1.params.tempDir in freenet.conf/ini.
24.11.2002 08:10:37 (freenet.client.http.FproxyServlet, main): WARNING: fproxy tempDir 
not set.
24.11.2002 08:10:37 (freenet.client.http.FproxyServlet, main):  Set 
mainport.params.servlet.1.params.tempDir in freenet.conf/ini.
WARNING: fproxy tempDir not set.
 Set mainport.params.servlet.1.params.tempDir in freenet.conf/ini.
24.11.2002 08:10:37 (freenet.node.Node, main): Starting ticker..

support mailing list

[freenet-support] java.lang.IllegalStateException: response already committed

2002-12-06 Thread Anonymous
I get lots of these error messages in my freenet.log (Build 627 latest CVS, 
IBMJava2-SDK-1.3.1, Linux 2.4.20, transient node on modem dial-up):

06.12.2002 20:36:42 (freenet.client.http.FproxyServlet, QThread-191): Error sending 
data to browser: java.io.IOException: Transfer interrupted (broken pipe)
06.12.2002 20:36:42 (freenet.client.http.FproxyServlet, QThread-191): Couldn't report 
error to browser: java.lang.IllegalStateException: response already committed
java.lang.IllegalStateException: response already committed
at freenet.client.http.FproxyServlet.writeErrorMessage(FproxyServlet.java:1009)
at freenet.client.http.FproxyServlet.doGet(FproxyServlet.java:864)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:740)
at freenet.client.http.FproxyServlet.service(FproxyServlet.java:328)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
at freenet.interfaces.servlet.ServletContainer.handle(ServletContainer.java:63)
at freenet.thread.QThreadFactory$QThread.run(QThreadFactory.java:212)
06.12.2002 20:36:42 (freenet.interfaces.servlet.MultipleHttpServletContainer, 
QThread-191): I/O error in servlet
06.12.2002 20:38:32 (freenet.client.http.FproxyServlet, QThread-243): Error sending 
data to browser: java.io.IOException: Transfer interrupted (broken pipe)
06.12.2002 20:38:32 (freenet.client.http.FproxyServlet, QThread-243): Couldn't report 
error to browser: java.lang.IllegalStateException: response already committed
java.lang.IllegalStateException: response already committed
at freenet.client.http.FproxyServlet.writeErrorMessage(FproxyServlet.java:1009)
at freenet.client.http.FproxyServlet.doGet(FproxyServlet.java:864)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:740)
at freenet.client.http.FproxyServlet.service(FproxyServlet.java:328)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
at freenet.interfaces.servlet.ServletContainer.handle(ServletContainer.java:63)
at freenet.thread.QThreadFactory$QThread.run(QThreadFactory.java:212)
06.12.2002 20:38:32 (freenet.interfaces.servlet.MultipleHttpServletContainer, 
QThread-243): I/O error in servlet

support mailing list

[freenet-support] Mysterious crashes with recent builds

2003-11-24 Thread Anonymous
Builds 5032 to 6246 on Win XP, Sun JRE 1.4.2_01-b06, 512 MB RAM,
DSL connection with 1536/192 kbit/sec and dynamic IP address.
Node is slowing down after several hours, then locks up.  Systray
Systray app shows red exclamation mark "Freenet is having problems",
and fproxy interface stops working.  freenet.log.gz attached.

Description: Binary data
Support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] Mysterious crashes with recent builds

2003-11-24 Thread Anonymous
Fixed after Windows reinstall.  Sorry for false alarm.
Support mailing list

[freenet-support] Freenet is Broken...HELP!

2004-02-11 Thread Anonymous
I have tried time and time again to get freenet running only to be met with
one frustration after another.

The last version of freenet that worked and actually allowed me to retrieve
freesites and frost content was build 5017.

Since that time the various changes have changed freenet into a time
wasting resource hog that gets no results at all.

Now I find out that enough changes have been made that 5017 no longer seems
to work at all.  oh it starts ok, but it rejects every entry in the
seednodes.ref file on the freenet site, and is thus unable to talk to any
other nodes.  It has also gotten so busy that I can no longer run it on a
p233, which with 5017 I *could* do!

Is there any chance that freenet will start working again soon?

please don't just say that I need to get a hotter pc, it just is not an
option... I am forced to stay within what I have.

(please reply to [Freenet Support], I read it via web interface and anon
proxies... thanks for humoring a paranoid.)

Support mailing list
Unsubscribe at http://dodo.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support

Re: [freenet-support] Startup times

2004-08-09 Thread Anonymous
>On Sat, Aug 07, 2004 at 07:47:50AM -, Toad wrote:
>> As of build 5088 I'm getting startup times in excess of 145 minutes.
>Is it swapping much?

yes, disk is in full thrash.. cpu maxed.  other processes grinding to a

>> This is counting from initiating freenet startup, to freenet being ready to
>> deliver the web interface at in the browser.
>> latest everything, win98se
>> P 233
>How much RAM? How big datastore? What are the timings? i.e. show me the
>log of the startup at logLevel=normal.

64mb (best this mb will do)

here's the log of last startup:

Aug 6, 2004 2:40:01 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Starting Freenet
(Fred) 0.5 node, build #5090 on JVM Sun Microsystems Inc.:Java HotSpot(TM)
Client VM:1.4.1_03-b02
INFO: Native CPUID library
'freenet/support/CPUInformation/jcpuid-x86-windows.dll' loaded from
INFO: Optimized native BigInteger library
'net/i2p/util/jbigi-windows-pentiummmx.dll' loaded from resource
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:08 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, ERROR): overloadHigh set
to 80% - this will NOT WORK with rate limiting
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:13 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading node
keys: node
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:14 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Read node file
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:16 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): starting
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:19 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading data
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:19 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading routing
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:20 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): From input:
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:20 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Setting default
initTransferRate to 1024.0
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:21 PM (freenet.node.rt.NGRoutingTable, main, NORMAL):
Loading estimators
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:22 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Created new NGRT
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:23 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Loaded stats
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:23 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading temp
bucket factory
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:23 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loaded temp
bucket factory
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:23 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Loaded bucket
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:04 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): read seed nodes
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:04 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Initial refs
count: 2, seeds: 607
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:04 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): not seeding
routing table
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:06 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): saved routing
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:06 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): starting node
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:17 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Detected Windows
98/ME. Limiting connections accordingly. To get rid of this message, use a
proper operating system - sorry
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:19 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading service:
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:23 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading service:
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:24 PM
(freenet.interfaces.servlet.SingleHttpServletContainer, main, NORMAL):
Loading the single servlet distribution.params.servlet
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:25 PM (freenet.node.Node, main, NORMAL): Starting ticker..
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:25 PM (freenet.node.Node, main, NORMAL): Starting
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:25 PM (freenet.node.http.BookmarkManagerServlet, main,
NORMAL): Bookmarks updated on request

>> The situation has not improved with 5089 or 5090.
>> Also, What's with 24mb seednodes?
>> Isn't that starting to get excessive?  Why do the refs have to be so large?
>> can they at least be compressed with winrar to make transport easier?
>> (though I expect that the monster seednodes.ref is part of the ultra long
>> time getting started... a few builds back with seednodes no more than 2mb
>> it was able to start up in about 5 min.
>They are, with bzip2.
>> Please excuse me for 'borrowing' the email addy, I like to post anon, if
>> there is an acceptable means to post to this list anonymously (via
>> remailers) please advise and I will change tactics.
>Anonymous remailers that support spoofing addresses are generally
>regarded as anti-social. Doesn't it have a generic default address?

remailer supports full from headers.  it's not used with abuse in mind, but
anonymity with recognizeability. yeah, i know that many abuse such things,
esp on usenet. but in this case simply a means to post anon to a subscribe
only email list.  as test however, this sent without custom from and see if
it makes it to the list.. if not, i'll put disclaimer at top and repost
this as quote with full from of somebody on the list.   or is there an
acceptable anon 'from' i can use that will not have to be bounced or
reviewed by list management to get posted?

Support mailing list
Unsubscribe at http://dodo.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support

[freenet-support] freenet starts and hangs

2004-10-07 Thread Anonymous
freenet starts up, then stops with flashing '!' on the systray rabbit.
Anyone know the cause of this?   perhaps my settings are at fault? any
advice / recomendations are welcome except for bandwidth limits which I
have no choice except 512bytes / sec inbound and outbound.


freenet.log (in it's entirety)
Oct 1, 2004 7:45:01 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Starting Freenet
(Fred) 0.5 node, build #5096 on JVM Sun Microsystems Inc.:Java HotSpot(TM)
Client VM:1.4.1_03-b02
INFO: Native CPUID library
'freenet/support/CPUInformation/jcpuid-x86-windows.dll' loaded from
INFO: Optimized native BigInteger library
'net/i2p/util/jbigi-windows-pentiummmx.dll' loaded from resource
Oct 1, 2004 7:45:18 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading node
keys: node
Oct 1, 2004 7:45:19 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Read node file
Oct 1, 2004 7:45:22 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): starting
Oct 1, 2004 7:45:29 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading data
Oct 1, 2004 7:45:30 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading routing
Oct 1, 2004 7:45:32 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): From input: 512.0=

Oct 1, 2004 7:45:32 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Setting default
initTransferRate to 512.0
Oct 1, 2004 7:45:54 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Created new NGRT
Oct 1, 2004 7:45:55 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Loaded stats
Oct 1, 2004 7:45:55 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading temp
bucket factory
Oct 1, 2004 7:45:55 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loaded temp
bucket factory
Oct 1, 2004 7:45:55 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Loaded bucket
Oct 1, 2004 7:45:55 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): not seeding
routing table
Oct 1, 2004 7:45:59 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): starting node
Could not initialize network I/O system! Exiting
java.io.IOException: Unable to establish loopback connection
at sun.nio.ch.PipeImpl$Initializer.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at sun.nio.ch.PipeImpl.(Unknown Source)
at sun.nio.ch.SelectorProviderImpl.openPipe(Unknown Source)
at java.nio.channels.Pipe.open(Unknown Source)
at sun.nio.ch.WindowsSelectorImpl.(Unknown Source)
at sun.nio.ch.WindowsSelectorProvider.openSelector(Unknown Source)
at java.nio.channels.Selector.open(Unknown Source)


at freenet.transport.WriteSelectorLoop.(WriteSelectorLoop.java:85)
at freenet.node.Main.startNode(Main.java:1570)
at freenet.node.Main.spawnNode(Main.java:1060)
at freenet.node.Main.main(Main.java:908)
Caused by: java.net.SocketException: No buffer space available (maximum
connections reached?): connect
at sun.nio.ch.Net.connect(Native Method)
at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.nio.channels.SocketChannel.open(Unknown Source)
... 15 more

here's most of my freenet.ini

[Node Config]
# Freenet configuration file
# This file was automatically generated by WinConfig on 09/30/04

[Freenet Node]

# Note that all properties may be overridden from the command line,
# so for example, java Freenet.Node --listenPort 1 will cause
# the setting in this file to be ignored

# Normal entries

# The byte size of the datastore cache file.  Note that it will maintain
# a fixed size. If you change this or the storePath field following,
# your entire datastore will be wiped and replaced with a blank one

# The path to a single file (including file name, or a comma-separated list=

# of files,
# containing the data store.  The size of each file is given by =
# Defaults to cache_ in the main freenet directory.

# The port to listen for incoming FNP (Freenet Node Protocol) connections o=

# The I.P. address of this node as seen by the public internet.
# This is needed in order for the node to determine its own
# NodeReference.
# Transient nodes do not give out references to themselves, and should
# therefore not receive any requests.  Set this to yes only if you are
# on a slow, non-permanent connection.

# The directory to store any temporary files created by the node. It gets
# deleted
# automatically on node start and stop.

# Advanced Entries

# set to yes if you want your node to announce itself to other nodes

# file containing initial node references

# The port to listen for local FCP (Freenet Client Protocol) connections on=

Re: [freenet-support] Re: We need your help!

2005-06-13 Thread Anonymous
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

>> I haven't watched the lists for some weeks now (I was on a longer
>> business related trip). So my question: Do you still plan on switching
>> the whole network over to UDP based transfers?
>Yes, although we may implement a TCP based transport as an alternative.
>Nextgens seemed to be interested in that (but he had no time to do it).
>Would all users who would be compelled to leave the network if they
>can't use it over TCP please reply to this message.

I'd have a problem with it because while am able to throttle freenet's TCP
traffic with reasonable success, I am absolutely ignorant of how to do it
with UDP protocols.  Also, I'm not certain, but I believe that my router /
firewall and local server will combine to be a problem to passing on and
throttling UDP traffic.  Un-Throttled is totally UN-Good.

I have to be able to vary speed from as low as 512bytes / second (when
bandwidth is needed temporarily for something else) to 60Kilobytes / second
(or higher) when there is no other demand on the local network.

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[freenet-support] (new) user feedback

2007-03-05 Thread Anonymous Coward
Hi there,
i used 'heavy' to describe the node update process a whole --> IRC
connections &  VS auto-update from nodes to nodes (+ a web site
where people might catch/put their node id to get an entry point)

concerning your bot particularly,
well it is far better than manual update of course, but the looks is still
very 'underground' geek programming.
nowadays a GUI is a must (even if not necessary) to the dumb-end-user!!!
i don't know maybe a web/html front page interfacing your refbot.py would be
(nice&easy) enough??

but to me the 'heavy' pb is from the update process itself...

may the 'ubuntu'(*) be with you!!

have a good day,

(*) the concept not the distro

On 3/5/07, David Sowder (Zothar)  wrote:
> Anonymous Coward wrote:
> > as 'feedback is the breakfast of champions - the one minute manager'
> > here is some:
> >
> > freenet concept is great and thanks for bringing it to us
> >
> >
> > the 0.7 freenet experience is pretty tricky to the user:
> > good points:
> > -WEB interfaces to config the freenet is really good
> > -WEB access are really faster than w the 0.5
> >
> > bad points:
> > -node management is really manual, i mean it's a pain-in-the-glass to
> > connect IRC, exchange then exchange,
> > exchange,exchange,exchange,exchange,exchange,... that's not
> > great. even using the refbot.py is heavy (my point of view)
> Any ideas on how using refbot.py could be made less heavy?
-- next part --
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[freenet-support] (new) user feedback

2007-03-01 Thread Anonymous Coward
as 'feedback is the breakfast of champions - the one minute manager'
here is some:

freenet concept is great and thanks for bringing it to us

the 0.7 freenet experience is pretty tricky to the user:
good points:
-WEB interfaces to config the freenet is really good
-WEB access are really faster than w the 0.5

bad points:
-node management is really manual, i mean it's a pain-in-the-glass to
connect IRC, exchange then exchange,
exchange,exchange,exchange,exchange,exchange,... that's not great.
even using the refbot.py is heavy (my point of view)

i mean for some people i'm a PC geek, for some others (real geeks to me) i'm
a dumb ass.
if you can't bring freenet interface down to the people, i guess freenet
won't be able to expand as it should :(
so i would humbly advise to work on the easy-use of it

i've looked into many censor-proof, anonymous P2P & networks, and freenet is
one the more complicated to setup,
please be inspired by other user-friendly SW and bring freenet to the
people, every people...

ex reference the incredible Share P2P

thanks for everything and good luck (and inspiration) for the next steps!!

-- next part --
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[freenet-support] commandline modify config

2009-01-12 Thread anonymous freenet
hi is there anyway to modify config via the command line? i using windows.
reasons is i want to use task scheduler to change bandwidth limit at certain
times. should i change other things besides bandwidth limit if i limit big
big? is like 5k upload only.

sorry if you is receive this times two, i send before but no see.

also do you is no you got no archive any more here
http://emu.freenetproject.org/pipermail/support/. you is need to go here
http://archives.freenetproject.org/list/support.en.html. but this page
http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support is still tell
you go old page.

thanks to all people.
-- next part --
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[freenet-support] Freenet 0.7

2006-08-28 Thread Anonymous Sender
Freenet 0.7 is nothing more than yet another in a series of Freenet
failures-in-waiting until it proves itself, IMHO, by emerging out of alpha
with open-net.

Support mailing list
Unsubscribe at http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support

[freenet-support] commandline modify config

2009-01-11 Thread anonymous freenet
hi is there anyway to modify config via the command line? i using windows.
reasons is i want to use task scheduler to change bandwidth limit at certain
times. should i change other things besides bandwidth limit if i limit big
big? is like 5k upload only.

sorry if you is receive this times two, i send before but no see.

also do you is no you got no archive any more here
http://emu.freenetproject.org/pipermail/support/. you is need to go here
http://archives.freenetproject.org/list/support.en.html. but this page
http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support is still tell
you go old page.

thanks to all people.
Support mailing list
Unsubscribe at http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support
Or mailto:support-requ...@freenetproject.org?subject=unsubscribe

[freenet-support] downloading freenet

2016-01-02 Thread Anonymous Anon
i tried downloading trough the windows installer but it says i need java
downloaded it with no problem and opened the installer, the next button is
still not active. can i do anything to get past this?
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[freenet-support] Freenet 0.7

2006-08-29 Thread Anonymous Sender
Freenet 0.7 is nothing more than yet another in a series of Freenet
failures-in-waiting until it proves itself, IMHO, by emerging out of alpha
with open-net.

[freenet-support] Re: [Freenet-list] Freenet: Kaffe (free software) compatibility: Was: R freesite

2003-02-05 Thread AARG!Anonymous

> >> is happy to run on build 552; it is slow because run on a
> >>  slow system; the memory profile and resource use of kaffe
> >>  is far better respect sun jre.
> >> Take care of this compatibility; IMHO is more important
> >>  then that the mean Freenet developer think.
> >
> >It crashes in minutes on my machine. The developers have been somewhat
> >nonresponsive, the bugs seem to be deep magick and the Project Leaders
> >have determined that we don't need to spend money making Kaffe work with
> >Freenet.
> This statement is very important; IMHO the Freenet Project 
>  need an explicit position on that question.
> Project Leaders, can we hear you ?
> Releasing the main code under GPL is ineffective, if the
>  .jar need proprietary software; in my understanding
>  the use of the GPL licence is incorrect; I think in
>  this case LGPL is the right type of licence.
> Anyway, till Freenet remains in java, dropping the Kaffe
>  compatibility IMHO is a fundamental mistake, both from
>  the point of view of free software and from the security.
> The only other way to solve this problem is IMU, to 
>  release a C (or other freely compilable/runnable language)
>  version

Totally agree with Marco: this shows my old sensation, Freenet is a good
project but not its developer group :-(

support mailing list

[freenet-support] Lots of "Got a really late DataReply" errors with 5061

2004-01-19 Thread Anonymous Sender
Getting over 300 messages per hour with build 5061 and logLevel=error:

16.01.2004 04:36:53 (freenet.node.states.request.DataPending,
YThread-496, ERROR): Got a really late DataReply. We really ought to
cache it, on freenet.node.states.request.DataPending:
key=0c53b568d998b7617f6021bdb642bd97ac41f165140302, hopsToLive=25,
id=2dfa828fc7afcd7, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
[EMAIL PROTECTED], orig=Peer [DSA(85cf
eaa3 6da7 4216 42b3  d98c 28b6 df17 d06b 166e) @ cronon.gotdns.com:57499
(1/3)], last=Peer [DSA(7f3a 5eec db54 57ee a534  8715 0928 d369 bf47
a9d0) @ iakin.dyndns.org:26828 (1/3)], routedTime=1074224200741,
replyTime=-1, outwardSender=null

Do we really need to log them as error?
Support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] From 0.5 to 0.7

2006-07-29 Thread Anonymous Freenet User
On Sat, 29 Jul 2006, Matthew Toseland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>!!! Unable to decode the following MIME section !!!
>Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha1;
>   protocol="application/pgp-signature"; boundary="MGYHOYXEY6WxJCY8"
>Content-Disposition: inline

personal note: I hate pgpmime, inline may be old fashioned, but it's more

>You have to connect to a **0.7** node. Actually you have to connect to
>several. And yes, the content is different; it's an incompatible content

This means that it's time to download all of your favorite 0.5 content and
re-insert it in 0.7 when it becomes possible.

On a related note...

If I set up a new 0.7 node, get a few refs and begin inserting content. am
I as anonymous in doing so as I am in 0.5? Is there any way to trace
content back to the node that inserted it?

Support mailing list
Unsubscribe at http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support

Re: [freenet-support] Why is the main Download Freenet 0.7 when it's

2006-07-29 Thread Anonymous Freenet User
On Thu, 27 Jul 2006, Scruple Scruple <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Why is alpha software Freenet 0.7 being pushed onto users on the
>download page? I think it better that the stable Freenet 0.5 be featured
>as the preferred download.
> http://freenet.sourceforge.net/download.html
> Until Freenet 0.7 has open-net I do not think it is ready to be treated
>in favor of 0.5. New users are not sticking around on 0.7 because there
>are few content, finding peers harder with darknet along other problems,
>bugs and continual updates.
>Pushing 0.7 onto new users in spite of it lack of maturity is in poor form.
>  P.S. On a related topic of reports & complains about a lack of content
>on Freenet 0.7, I may have an explanation for that. I am in touch with a
>number of major Freenet (0.5) content providers since I run the largest
>media & content index site on Freenet 0.5 (FreeNova). Many users,
>including my self, are staying with 0.5 until 0.7 proves itself.
> Scruple

I agree.  I am willing to experiment with 0.7, but until it is stable
enough that updates only come a couple of times a year and open-net is
activated, I will be keeping my main content on 0.5

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Unsubscribe at http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support

Re: [freenet-support] Why is the main Download Freenet 0.7 when it's

2006-07-29 Thread Anonymous Freenet User
On Sat, 29 Jul 2006, Matthew Toseland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>!!! Unable to decode the following MIME section !!!
>Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha1;
>   protocol="application/pgp-signature"; boundary="dTy3Mrz/UPE2dbVg"
>Content-Disposition: inline
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Disposition: inline
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>"Stable enough that updates only come a couple of times a year" ?
>That will never happen, not if I have anything to do with it, certainly
>not before 1.0.
>0.5 had loads of updates. Granted there were periods when it had fewer
>updates because people were concentrating on other things e.g.
>Now, should we try to only put out one new build number a week, or every
>few days? Probably, but only after 0.7 has entered the beta phase.

Ok, I should rephrase  

"until 0.7's stability equals or exceeds that of 0.5 *and* open-net is

>On Sat, Jul 29, 2006 at 09:54:31AM -, Anonymous Freenet User wrote:
>> I agree.  I am willing to experiment with 0.7, but until it is stable
>> enough that updates only come a couple of times a year and open-net is
>> activated, I will be keeping my main content on 0.5
>Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
>ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.
>Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"
>Content-Description: Digital signature
>Content-Disposition: inline
>Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
>Support mailing list
>Unsubscribe at http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support

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Re: [freenet-support] From 0.5 to 0.7

2006-07-29 Thread Anonymous Freenet User
On Sat, 29 Jul 2006, Matthew Toseland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>!!! Unable to decode the following MIME section !!!
>Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha1;
>   protocol="application/pgp-signature"; boundary="VywGB/WGlW4DM4P8"
>Content-Disposition: inline
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Disposition: inline
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>On Sat, Jul 29, 2006 at 06:32:35AM -, Anonymous Freenet User wrote:
>> On Sat, 29 Jul 2006, Matthew Toseland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >!!! Unable to decode the following MIME section !!!
>> >Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=3Dpgp-sha1;
>> >protocol=3D"application/pgp-signature"; boundary=3D"MGYHOYXEY6WxJCY8"
>> >Content-Disposition: inline
>> personal note: I hate pgpmime, inline may be old fashioned, but it's more
>> compatible
>It's more standards compliant.

Perhaps, but useless to programs that do not understand pgp-mime.  Sadly, I
lack the skills to add this capability to Jack B. Nymble and I am entirely
too stubborn to change software from what has worked for me for years, thus
your msgs are not verifyable to me at all.

>> >
>> >You have to connect to a **0.7** node. Actually you have to connect to
>> >several. And yes, the content is different; it's an incompatible content
>> >reset.
>> This means that it's time to download all of your favorite 0.5 content and
>> re-insert it in 0.7 when it becomes possible.
>> On a related note...
>> If I set up a new 0.7 node, get a few refs and begin inserting content. am
>> I as anonymous in doing so as I am in 0.5? Is there any way to trace
>> content back to the node that inserted it?
>0.5 has security problems. 0.7 has security problems. Either way you are
>vulnerable primarily to those nodes you are directly connected to. Who
>are far fewer in 0.7, and who you hopefully already know, in 0.7.
>Whereas on 0.5 you may well be connected to the [insert bad guys].
>Hence the darknet model is safer - at least, it's safer from a distant
>adversary. It is less safe from the point of view of a personal
>betrayal. And it remains an explicit goal that it be impossible to trace
>the author of an insert, however if you happen to be directly connected
>to them, you have a good chance of busting them with a correlation
>attack or something similar, until we implement premix routing (in 0.8).
>Also there are a number of important features which are not implemented
>yet, and a variety of attacks are possible. One of the big ones is that
>we don't have proper encryption yet; connections are encrypted, but not
>authenticated yet, so they can be MITMed or spoofed. That will be fixed
>in the reasonably near future.

Thanks for the clarification.  That helps my decision of what to insert

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[freenet-support] Re: [freenet-chat] Re: [Tech] Open-net

2006-08-09 Thread anonymous freenet user
On Tue, 8 Aug 2006, Ian Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>!!! Unable to decode the following MIME section !!!
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=Apple-Mail-18-665665722
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Content-Type: text/plain;
>   charset=US-ASCII;
>   delsp=yes;
>   format=flowed
>Opennet is a high priority, but there are a few things we must do  
>first (such as sort out our load balancing issues, and decide on  
>exactly how opennet should be implemented).

Ok, That's understandable.
Is there any kind of roughly-hoped-for-date for deploying open-net?
I realize you can't nail down a date and say on x/y/z open-net will
I'm looking for some idea of how long it's expected to take in real-time.

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[freenet-support] latest 0.7 build blows

2006-11-06 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)

first you have the damned thing spending forever farking with the store on 
startup, then you fark with the store so that it isn't going to grow like 
it should, now the farking thing starts up and pukes all over itself. 
logfile showed it was opening CHK store database when it happened. I tried 
everything, the only thing that fixed was to delete entire store. only then 
would it start up.

also, why cant 0.7 have more than a few peers connected?

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[freenet-support] 0.8

2009-05-21 Thread [Anonymous] Anon User
This is a Type III anonymous message sent you through the Mixminion
server 'pboxlevel3'. If you do not want to receive anonymous messages
through this server, please contact pbox-ad...@winstonsmith.info and
your email address will promptly be added to the list of disallowed
recipients. Please note that the Mixminion anonymity network is
designed in a way such that there is no viable means of tracking the
sender of a message, so blacklisting your address is really the best
_anyone_ can do. Do not reply to this email "as it is" since its
sender is fictitious and obviously not related to the person who
actually sent the message. To learn more about the experimental
Mixminion network and internet anonymity in general, please start at

Message-type: plaintext

I noticed on the website that you're working towared 0.8 being 
released later this year.  will you be including premix (onion) 
routing in this release?

If not, when do you expect it to be implemented?

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[freenet-support] Rant for Opennet - was: How to hide IP when give out noderef?

2016-05-05 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)

Moses wrote:

>  wrote:
>> On Thursday, April 21, 2016 03:20:07 PM Moses wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I trust my friend, but still not want them to see my IP directly on
>>> the freenet web page when I give them my noderef, how to prevent my IP
>>> display on their freenet?
>> It is not technically possible to implement Darknet connections without
>> revealing IP addresses: The purpose of Darknet connections is to establish a
>> direct Internet connection between you and your friend, and direct 
>> connections
>> over the Internet work by using IP addresses.

> I trust my friends, I just want to hide my node's physical location
> and keep my little privacy/anonymity. That's different. And consider a
> extreme situation that if friends are questioned by police, If they do
> not know, they would have nothing to tell. The best way to keep a
> secret is not tell anybody. Anyway, if hide IP is not technically
> possible, I will have to use a VPN or not adding any friend...

Your reasoning is smart.
If you have the skills to run a Freenet node from a masked IP 
more power to you.
Do not use Darknet though.

Darknet is good for a secure intranet with one individual, or a few 
you can trust
with your wallet and the keys to your house.

The big problem however is: you can't trust anyone.
For a simple reason: can you know what exactly you trust them with?
On top, the more people it's about, the more you should distrust 

Say you've got one Freenet 'friend' you do trust with your IP 
and it's no problem he can see much of what you do because you 
trust him.
But can you know what that trusted, for your business trusted 
friend does?
That friend you can actually trust and let him have the keys to 
your house?

Maybe he is doing completely unrelated, but dangerous things on 
other networks,
like bittorrent, maybe he does dangerous things on the open net.
Maybe he is doing something in real life that will have his 
computer confiscated.
You are in trouble too if his computer is not bulletproof LE 
or if he hands down his passwords.
His friends connection may then be taken over by your friendly 
officer, and he
can now see way too much of you and everybody else in your 
Effectively you have given the friendly officer the keys to your 
house now.

To connect to the 'big Freenet', in order to insert/download public 
publish/visit freesites everybody can see, at least one of your 
needs to connect to Opennet, the 'strangers' network.

If you are doing things LE wants to know badly, chances are good 
your darknet
will be infiltrated.

Darknet may seem more secure because traffic within a 'closed' 
darknet can
not easily be recognized as you running a Freenet node.
But this provides a false security because of the problems just 
These problems do not exist on Opennet because you can not be 
recognized as
a real person, Frost/FMS/Sone identities can't be traced to your IP 
Also, files you download/insert, freesites and messages can not be 
linked to your
identities by a third party. This is the good news on the 
distributed, decentralized
peer network Freenet is.
Freenet is pretty smart at hiding which node downloads a file, or 
inserts one.
In particular small files can't be traced because there is no time 
for an attacker
to 'see' it.

If you need anonymity, do not touch Darknet but stick to Opennet.
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[freenet-support] Rant for Opennet

2016-05-08 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)

Arne Babenhauserheide:
> This reasoning falls for 3 misconceptions:
> 1. You do not give your Darknet friends the key to your house. You only
> make it easier for them to break in by letting them see the insides
> as if they looked through the windows. In Opennet everybody can get a
> connection to you and run exactly the same attacks a darknet friend
> can run. So by switching to darknet, you pull down the blinds and
> *only* your Darknet friends can look through. With Opennet you do not
> have blids, so everyone can look through.

The logic of this escapes me. I'll explain below.

> 2. If you are doing things LE wants to know badly and they already know
> your physical identity, nothing can protect you. If they do not know
> your physical identity, they also do not know your friends. If they
> get to know your friends, they also get to know you, which gives them
> your IP address, allowing them to run all Opennet attacks against you
> — which are easier than darknet attacks.

Is that a fact, am I on an 'open' Darknet, connected to Opennet 
too, less vulnerable, also towards an evil 'friend'?

> 3. You do not give your Darknet friends your in-Freenet identities. To
> be safe you have to start a *new* identity in Freenet, without ties
> to people you know physically.

Thanks for replying. I had not thought of separating real life 
friends from FN 'friends', because I have understood exchanging 
noderefs requires real-life trust in the other person. That trust 
implies shared interests so we'd be friends on Freenet too.

I am not telling anyone I use Freenet, if only for the obvious 
question why I need it.

- Well, maybe I do not need it but I do feel anonymity and 
encryption is important.
- Oh? For what?
- Protection against the all-seeing eyes of Google, NSA... for 
which reasons I hate Facebook and so on.. technics are 
interesting.. mail is very unsafe.. it's a rat race of encryption 
against NSA spionage..
- Man what a bullshit. Ain't you got something better to do? For 
that reason you run a complicated, slow network? I should encrypt 
mails to you? The NSA is interested in our cracked programs?
- Yes they read everything.. all talks over phone are registered.. 
worldwide spy industry.. will you read wikileaks?
- Alu hat?

I can't afford Freenet friends.  Few understand, most don't want to 
know any of this.

Am I wrong that exchanging noderefs makes you more vulnerable 
towards a 'friend', also more vulnerable over the net?
That person knows my IP adress, that I run a node and a lot about 
the person I am in real life, because we should trust eachother.
Our ID's on Freenet and our reallife id's are linked. But I can't 
know what my friend does and hides from me. He can make me unsafe 
for our shared 'secrets', even if there aren't any.

Now nobody in real life knows that I run a node. My ISP and LE can 
see it, but FN should be designed to keep them from knowing what I 
talk about or who I am on Freenet. My reallife me is separated from 
the FN 'me'. That feels more safe to me.

Is that false logic?
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Re: [freenet-support] Rant for Opennet

2016-05-12 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)

On 11-May-16 8:27 PM, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
> Anonymous writes:
(all previous text cut)

Okay, you convinced me of how Darknet could add to my security. I 
think I understand though I'm not sure.

Yet the practical problem for me stays the same, although I now 
would like to find a darknet peer, I would not know how.
Not nice for me to write but fact, I got no close friends at all. 
Would not want to ask family as they'd understand nothing of this 
even when one has been an IT worker all his life. I could explain 
the technics but he would understand nothing of why Freenet, 
anonymity, strong encryption is needed.
To trust a coworker with the fact I run a FN node, well, I don't 
dare that either. Only one of them /might/ understand, but I don't 
want to try.

A side comment; I do not see how the NSA could take over all my 
opennet connections, no matter how many nodes it runs.
The connections limit of 40 has been raised to, 100?
I have 73 opennet connections now, 16 backed off. How could the NSA 
take over all 57 remaining connections. If the NSA would run nearly 
all nodes, okay. Could supernodes, with an extremely high bandwidth 
do this?
If so, I imagine those nodes would be similar to black holes for 
them only 'sucking in', but very visible.

Also, I have read the surfaced docs on LE Freenet investigations, 
it looks like the NSA can well identify files within Freenet, but I 
read between the lines they are not as powerful as they would like 
to be on cracking Freenets pseudonymity, in fact hardly at all at 
the moment of writing.
I have read lots on how 'the cops' try to get warrants but very 
little on how Freenet is surveilled from within.
Don't see how surveillance within would give them much to go after 

So I still think it will be next to impossible to link Freenet ID's 
to IP adresses. Linking downloads to IP adresses is easy, given the 
downloaders do it in the most unsafe way. So there can be thought 
of how to make it less unsafe.

Oh, will darknet be as unsafe for the 'friends' running both 
darknet and opennet?
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Re: [freenet-support] Build 1474 status and the *Freenet-bite* attack

2016-06-12 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)

On 07-Jun-16 3:54 PM, Matthew Toseland wrote:
> Freenet build 1474 has been partially released. It includes a critical bugfix
> for the "Frostbite" bug: if you visit a malicious key, downloads can stop
> working. This is being actively exploited on Frost and Sone/WoT. Unloading
> WoT / turning off Frost and restarting the node should make it work again.

This crack was an exploit of Freenet. Not of Frost.
It affected both users of WoT and users of Frost.

It should for that reason not be called 'Frostbite' but 

All users of both programs during the attack must upgrade to the 
repaired version
of Freenet, build 1474 because their node is corrupted and can not 
be repaired.
Users whose node is corrupted can not upgrade over Freenet, they 
must use the
clearweb upgrading method.

Shut down Freenet.
Windows users must use the DOS command line, navigate to the 
Freenet folder:
Linux users need this command: "./update.sh"

This was not just some bug in Freenet, this attack was the most 
severe attack on
Freenet I have seen in over 10 years of using Freenet.
This crack was damaging all nodes of everybody who used either the 
Web of Trust
plugin, or Frost.

I think the importance of this crack should be taken seriously.

This time the anonymity of Freenet users has not been endangered,
but an attack this effective may well expose all damaged nodes.

Since downloading a malicious key was enough, this crack could have 
been applied
to the key of a freesite or even to the key to download a 
particular file.

I know this is no good advertizing of Freenet but this has happened.
Please allow this anonymous message on the support list.
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[freenet-support] Re: [freenet-chat] Re: [Tech] Open-net

2006-08-09 Thread anonymous freenet user
On Tue, 8 Aug 2006, Ian Clarke  wrote:
>!!! Unable to decode the following MIME section !!!
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=Apple-Mail-18-665665722
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Content-Type: text/plain;
>   charset=US-ASCII;
>   delsp=yes;
>   format=flowed
>Opennet is a high priority, but there are a few things we must do  
>first (such as sort out our load balancing issues, and decide on  
>exactly how opennet should be implemented).

Ok, That's understandable.
Is there any kind of roughly-hoped-for-date for deploying open-net?
I realize you can't nail down a date and say on x/y/z open-net will
I'm looking for some idea of how long it's expected to take in real-time.

[freenet-support] From 0.5 to 0.7

2006-07-29 Thread Anonymous Freenet User
On Sat, 29 Jul 2006, Matthew Toseland  wrote:
>!!! Unable to decode the following MIME section !!!
>Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha1;
>   protocol="application/pgp-signature"; boundary="MGYHOYXEY6WxJCY8"
>Content-Disposition: inline

personal note: I hate pgpmime, inline may be old fashioned, but it's more

>You have to connect to a **0.7** node. Actually you have to connect to
>several. And yes, the content is different; it's an incompatible content

This means that it's time to download all of your favorite 0.5 content and
re-insert it in 0.7 when it becomes possible.

On a related note...

If I set up a new 0.7 node, get a few refs and begin inserting content. am
I as anonymous in doing so as I am in 0.5? Is there any way to trace
content back to the node that inserted it?

[freenet-support] Why is the main Download Freenet 0.7 when it's

2006-07-29 Thread Anonymous Freenet User
On Thu, 27 Jul 2006, Scruple Scruple  wrote:
>  Why is alpha software Freenet 0.7 being pushed onto users on the
>download page? I think it better that the stable Freenet 0.5 be featured
>as the preferred download.
> http://freenet.sourceforge.net/download.html
> Until Freenet 0.7 has open-net I do not think it is ready to be treated
>in favor of 0.5. New users are not sticking around on 0.7 because there
>are few content, finding peers harder with darknet along other problems,
>bugs and continual updates.
>Pushing 0.7 onto new users in spite of it lack of maturity is in poor form.
>  P.S. On a related topic of reports & complains about a lack of content
>on Freenet 0.7, I may have an explanation for that. I am in touch with a
>number of major Freenet (0.5) content providers since I run the largest
>media & content index site on Freenet 0.5 (FreeNova). Many users,
>including my self, are staying with 0.5 until 0.7 proves itself.
> Scruple

I agree.  I am willing to experiment with 0.7, but until it is stable
enough that updates only come a couple of times a year and open-net is
activated, I will be keeping my main content on 0.5

[freenet-support] Why is the main Download Freenet 0.7 when it's

2006-07-29 Thread Anonymous Freenet User
On Sat, 29 Jul 2006, Matthew Toseland  wrote:
>!!! Unable to decode the following MIME section !!!
>Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha1;
>   protocol="application/pgp-signature"; boundary="dTy3Mrz/UPE2dbVg"
>Content-Disposition: inline
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Disposition: inline
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>"Stable enough that updates only come a couple of times a year" ?
>That will never happen, not if I have anything to do with it, certainly
>not before 1.0.
>0.5 had loads of updates. Granted there were periods when it had fewer
>updates because people were concentrating on other things e.g.
>Now, should we try to only put out one new build number a week, or every
>few days? Probably, but only after 0.7 has entered the beta phase.

Ok, I should rephrase  

"until 0.7's stability equals or exceeds that of 0.5 *and* open-net is

>On Sat, Jul 29, 2006 at 09:54:31AM -, Anonymous Freenet User wrote:
>> I agree.  I am willing to experiment with 0.7, but until it is stable
>> enough that updates only come a couple of times a year and open-net is
>> activated, I will be keeping my main content on 0.5
>Matthew J Toseland - toad at amphibian.dyndns.org
>Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
>ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.
>Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"
>Content-Description: Digital signature
>Content-Disposition: inline
>Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
>Support mailing list
>Support at freenetproject.org
>Unsubscribe at http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support
>Or mailto:support-request at freenetproject.org?subject=unsubscribe

[freenet-support] From 0.5 to 0.7

2006-07-30 Thread Anonymous Freenet User
On Sat, 29 Jul 2006, Matthew Toseland  wrote:
>!!! Unable to decode the following MIME section !!!
>Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha1;
>   protocol="application/pgp-signature"; boundary="VywGB/WGlW4DM4P8"
>Content-Disposition: inline
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Disposition: inline
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>On Sat, Jul 29, 2006 at 06:32:35AM -, Anonymous Freenet User wrote:
>> On Sat, 29 Jul 2006, Matthew Toseland  wrote:
>> >!!! Unable to decode the following MIME section !!!
>> >Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=3Dpgp-sha1;
>> >protocol=3D"application/pgp-signature"; boundary=3D"MGYHOYXEY6WxJCY8"
>> >Content-Disposition: inline
>> personal note: I hate pgpmime, inline may be old fashioned, but it's more
>> compatible
>It's more standards compliant.

Perhaps, but useless to programs that do not understand pgp-mime.  Sadly, I
lack the skills to add this capability to Jack B. Nymble and I am entirely
too stubborn to change software from what has worked for me for years, thus
your msgs are not verifyable to me at all.

>> >
>> >You have to connect to a **0.7** node. Actually you have to connect to
>> >several. And yes, the content is different; it's an incompatible content
>> >reset.
>> This means that it's time to download all of your favorite 0.5 content and
>> re-insert it in 0.7 when it becomes possible.
>> On a related note...
>> If I set up a new 0.7 node, get a few refs and begin inserting content. am
>> I as anonymous in doing so as I am in 0.5? Is there any way to trace
>> content back to the node that inserted it?
>0.5 has security problems. 0.7 has security problems. Either way you are
>vulnerable primarily to those nodes you are directly connected to. Who
>are far fewer in 0.7, and who you hopefully already know, in 0.7.
>Whereas on 0.5 you may well be connected to the [insert bad guys].
>Hence the darknet model is safer - at least, it's safer from a distant
>adversary. It is less safe from the point of view of a personal
>betrayal. And it remains an explicit goal that it be impossible to trace
>the author of an insert, however if you happen to be directly connected
>to them, you have a good chance of busting them with a correlation
>attack or something similar, until we implement premix routing (in 0.8).
>Also there are a number of important features which are not implemented
>yet, and a variety of attacks are possible. One of the big ones is that
>we don't have proper encryption yet; connections are encrypted, but not
>authenticated yet, so they can be MITMed or spoofed. That will be fixed
>in the reasonably near future.

Thanks for the clarification.  That helps my decision of what to insert

[freenet-support] latest 0.7 build blows

2006-11-06 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)

first you have the damned thing spending forever farking with the store on 
startup, then you fark with the store so that it isn't going to grow like 
it should, now the farking thing starts up and pukes all over itself. 
logfile showed it was opening CHK store database when it happened. I tried 
everything, the only thing that fixed was to delete entire store. only then 
would it start up.

also, why cant 0.7 have more than a few peers connected?

Re: [freenet-support] Stable build 5064, and the transfer termination attack

2004-01-27 Thread privacy.at Anonymous Remailer

On Tue, Jan 27, 2004 at 01:58:35AM +, Toad wrote:
> Freenet stable build 5064 is now available.

http://freenetproject.org/snapshots/freenet-latest.jar is still at 5063
(Jan 27, 2004 at 18:04 UTC).
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Re: [freenet-support] tempDir filling up with files

2004-02-09 Thread privacy.at Anonymous Remailer

On Sun, Feb 08, 2004 at 04:20:05AM +0100, Nomen Nescio wrote:
> Running build 6468 on Linux 2.6.2 with Blackdown-1.4.2-rc1 VM,
> I get lots of temp-*-1-* files in store/temp which don't go
> away after being closed. Only a node restart will delete them.
> The files appear and stay even if there is no client software
> running.

Same thing with stable build 5066.
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[freenet-support] forgot to ask....

2004-08-14 Thread privacy.at Anonymous Remailer

what is the file 'lock.lck' that keeps showing up in my freenet dir?

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[freenet-support] "Too high probability" still crippling 5095

2004-09-04 Thread privacy.at Anonymous Remailer

After running 5095 for 7 hours with Java 1.5.0-rc-b63 on
Linux, my node virtually stopped retrieving files,
its mean routedToChoiceRank went up from 2-3 to over 100,
and it kept logging these error messages until I restarted.

04.09.2004 04:33:59 (freenet.node.rt.EdgeKludgingBinaryRunningAverage, YThread-333, 
ERROR): Too high probability: 1.034 while kludging [EMAIL PROTECTED] (-34 0s, 1034 1s, 
1000 total), init=0.5, index=976
java.lang.Exception: debug
at freenet.node.rt.NodeEstimator.longEstimate(NodeEstimator.java:126)
at freenet.node.rt.NGRoutingTable.route(NGRoutingTable.java:679)
at freenet.node.rt.FilterRoutingTable.route(FilterRoutingTable.java:73)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
at freenet.node.State.received(State.java:143)
at freenet.node.states.FCP.NewClientGet.received(NewClientGet.java:72)
at freenet.node.StateChain.received(StateChain.java:177)
at freenet.node.StateChain.received(StateChain.java:61)
at freenet.Ticker$Event.run(Ticker.java:325)
at freenet.thread.YThreadFactory$YThread.run(YThreadFactory.java:285)
Support mailing list
Unsubscribe at http://dodo.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support

[freenet-support] Site insertion woes

2004-10-09 Thread Anonymous via panta
in attempting to insert a test site and ran got an enourmous number of
errors from FIW .08

java.net.SocketException: No buffer space available (maximum connections
?): connect
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(Unknown Source)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.(Unknown Source)
at fiw.fcp.FCPConn.makeSocket0(FCPConn.java:538)
at fiw.fcp.FCPConn.makeSocket(FCPConn.java:516)
at fiw.fcp.FCPConn.insertStream(FCPConn.java:242)
at fiw.fcp.FCPConn.insertStream(FCPConn.java:218)
at fiw.core.jobs.InsertJob.run(InsertJob.java:231)
at fiw.core.jobs.Job.run0(Job.java:131)

looking at the freenet.log shows a problem allright.  freenet.ini is all
defaults except for ip address, listenport, inputBandwidthLimit=1024 and

OS is win98se with nothing running that isn't required for freenet and FIW

freenet has been working good for site retrievals and small NiM inserts,
but I can't seem to insert a full freesite.

Oct 8, 2004 8:49:48 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): Starting Freenet (Fred)
0.5 node, build #5096 on JVM Sun Microsystems Inc.:Java HotSpot(TM) Client
INFO: Native CPUID library
'freenet/support/CPUInformation/jcpuid-x86-windows.dll' loaded from
INFO: Optimized native BigInteger library
'net/i2p/util/jbigi-windows-pentiummmx.dll' loaded from resource
Oct 8, 2004 8:50:02 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): loading node keys: node
Oct 8, 2004 8:50:02 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): Read node file
Oct 8, 2004 8:50:06 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): starting filesystem
Oct 8, 2004 8:50:11 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): loading data store
Oct 8, 2004 8:50:11 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): loading routing table
Oct 8, 2004 8:50:14 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): From input: 1024.0
Oct 8, 2004 8:50:14 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): Setting default
initTransferRate to 1024.0
Oct 8, 2004 8:50:42 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): Created new NGRT
Oct 8, 2004 8:50:43 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): Loaded stats
Oct 8, 2004 8:50:43 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): loading temp bucket
Oct 8, 2004 8:50:43 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): loaded temp bucket
Oct 8, 2004 8:50:43 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): Loaded bucket factory
Oct 8, 2004 8:50:43 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): not seeding routing table
Oct 8, 2004 8:50:51 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): starting node
Oct 8, 2004 8:50:59 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): Detected Windows 98/ME.
Limiting connections accordingly. To get rid of this message, use a proper
operating system - sorry
Oct 8, 2004 8:51:00 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): loading service: mainport
Oct 8, 2004 8:51:04 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): loading service:
Oct 8, 2004 8:51:04 PM
(freenet.interfaces.servlet.SingleHttpServletContainer, main): Loading the
single servlet distribution.params.servlet
Oct 8, 2004 8:51:06 PM (freenet.node.Node, main): Starting ticker..
Oct 8, 2004 8:51:06 PM (freenet.node.Node, main): Starting interfaces..
Oct 8, 2004 8:51:07 PM (freenet.node.http.BookmarkManagerServlet, main):
Bookmarks updated on request
Oct 8, 2004 8:51:10 PM (freenet.node.Node, main): starting ListenSelector..
Oct 8, 2004 8:51:52 PM (freenet.support.io.NIOInputStream, YThread-9):
waited more than 3ms in NIOIS.read() tcp/connection:
2055>,[EMAIL PROTECTED]:freenet.supp
java.lang.Exception: debug
at freenet.support.io.NIOInputStream.read(NIOInputStream.java:319)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(Unknown Source)
at freenet.session.FnpLink.negotiateOutbound(FnpLink.java:637)
at freenet.session.FnpLink.solicit(FnpLink.java:202)
at freenet.session.FnpLinkManager.createOutgoing(FnpLinkManager.java:111)
at freenet.ConnectionJob.run(ConnectionJob.java:378)
at freenet.ConnectionJob.createConnection(ConnectionJob.java:78)
at freenet.node.ConnectionOpener.checkpoint(ConnectionOpener.java:95)
at freenet.node.states.maintenance.Checkpoint.received(Checkpoint.java:47)
at freenet.node.StateChain.received(StateChain.java:177)
at freenet.node.StateChain.received(StateChain.java:61)

[freenet-support] Would someone please re-insert these files?

2005-08-11 Thread Anonymous via Panta Rhei

I've had a helluva time trying to d/l these and i'd be gratefull for a 
re-insert by anyone who has them.

File:  xpcorp.ISO
Bytes: 512360448

File:  WinXPPlus.ISO

Thank you.

Support mailing list
Unsubscribe at http://dodo.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support

RE: Campaigning for Open-Net [WAS Re: [freenet-support] Freenet 0,

2006-08-29 Thread Anonymous via Panta Rhei
5 and 0, 7]

On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 22:54:12 -0400, you wrote:
> If you pester anyone too much it can be self defeating.  Perhaps
> unintentionally as they consume much time deleting your messages from their
> files.  Or intentionally if they choose to block the excesses traffic.

Tell you what, you make a good point and the last thing I want to do is slow
down the work that would give so many what they want most.

With this in mind, I'll shut up about open-net and not even mention it here
until 12/1/06.  At that time I will ask again how close it is to being 
(unless of course it is deployed by then !!)

I will also post in frost asking others who were on this 'pestering' 
to hold off and let you folks do your thing.

> >
> > "We should all start pestering the hell outta both Ian and Toad to get
> open-net deployed."
> >

Support mailing list
Unsubscribe at http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support

Re: [freenet-support] Freenet 0,5 and 0,7

2006-08-29 Thread Anonymous via Panta Rhei
On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 22:39:59 +0200, you wrote:
> > Please, Do NOT suggest switching to Linux, I've tried it and my hardware 
> > will not
> > support it's demands.  Again, this is a matter of money that unlike SOME 
> > people, I
> > don't have a hell
> >
> I suggest linux. There are many versions of it, some of them designed to
> run on very poor hardware with insufficient ram.
> Money is not an excuse for using a bad OS.
> Just look for a minimalist linux. There are many good window managers
> like IceWM (IIRC) which won't demand much memory.

Perhaps I was not sufficiently clear.  Linux is not an acceptable answer.
Machine limitations are a major part of that, but other considerations
that I am not at liberty to discuss are also a factor.

Changing OS is not an option no matter what.  I have made poor choices due
to financial limitations and now am locked into those choices for at least
another 9.85 years.  (and yeah, it sucks to be me.)

On the other hand, I have seen reports of people successfully running 0.7
on a Windows 98 computer with little difficulty.  Because of this, I do not
comprehend the apparent reluctance to divulge the requested help.

I would consider Entropy except for the fact that it has always been slower
than shit and has not released a new version in over a year

Support mailing list
Unsubscribe at http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support

Re: [freenet-support] Re: [Tech] Freenet 0.7 build 953

2006-08-29 Thread Anonymous via Panta Rhei
On Thu, 24 Aug 2006 07:25:16 -0400, you wrote:
> On Wednesday 23 August 2006 15:19, Matthew Toseland wrote:
> > - Don't start the updater if the wrapper is broken
> I have problems with this one.  I do not run the wrapper - I do want freenet 
> to
> download new stable versions and then quit.
> I have the java command that starts freenet in a loop and this suffices to 
> update
> freenet with much of the wrapper's complexity.
> It worked fine.
> I would not object to an 'are you sure' message but to block the operation is 
> not
> reasonable.  Without the wrapper its reasonable
> for someone to want freenet to download new jars and prep them for execution 
> when the
> user restarts.
> Why do we _need_ this reduced flexibility?

A lack of response to your question I note with disdain

"An evil exists that threatens every man, woman, and child of this great
nation.  We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our

- Adolf Hitler, proposing the creation of the Gestapo in Nazi Germany.
- George Bush, Talking about the Homeland Security Act and the Patriot Act.

"The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become
the instruments of tyranny at home."
- James Madison, fourth president of the United States

I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the
death, your right to say it. - Voltaire

"There are four boxes to use in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury,
ammo.  Use in that order." -Ed Howdershelt

Support mailing list
Unsubscribe at http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support

[freenet-support] Open Letter to Detective Paul Krawczyk

2006-11-04 Thread Anonymous via Panta Rhei

Open Letter to Detective Paul Krawczyk

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Unsubscribe at http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support

Re: [freenet-support] Open Letter to Detective Paul Krawczyk

2006-11-07 Thread Anonymous via Panta Rhei
On Mon, 6 Nov 2006 21:44:33 +, you wrote:
> You just posted your private insert URI. Well done.
> On Sat, Nov 04, 2006 at 10:37:31AM -0000, Anonymous via Panta Rhei wrote:
> >
> > Open Letter to Detective Paul Krawczyk
> > jjt8PAgM,8JcSwW9tZQtaYyD~OMUSVA/dickdetectivepaulkrawczyk//

Wrong answer genius, you didn't look closely enough at it.

It's most definitely not the private insert key, it's the key fiw generated 
when it inserted the page.

=* Inserting project (FIW 0.08) *=
Name: temp1
HTL: 20
  Edition: 0
Start of insert: 2006-11-03 23:45:57
FCP host/port:

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Unsubscribe at http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support

Re: [freenet-support] latest 0.7 build blows

2006-11-07 Thread Anonymous via Panta Rhei
On Mon, 6 Nov 2006 21:46:06 +, you wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 07:21:16PM +0100, Anonymous Remailer (austria) wrote:
> >
> > first you have the damned thing spending forever farking with the store on
> > startup, then you fark with the store so that it isn't going to grow like
> > it should, now the farking thing starts up and pukes all over itself.
> > logfile showed it was opening CHK store database when it happened. I tried
> > everything, the only thing that fixed was to delete entire store. only then
> > would it start up.
> If you had included your wrapper.log (maybe via a pastebin, e.g.
> code.bulix.org), I might have been able to help.

What's a "wrapper"?

File not found: wrapper.log
File not found: wrapper.*
File not found: wrapper*

in any freenet 0.7 directory or sub-directory

> >
> > also, why cant 0.7 have more than a few peers connected?
> It can. I have currently:
> * Connected: 11
> * Backed off: 2
> * Disconnected: 44
> * Never Connected: 1
> Often that's closer to 16.

* Connected: 4
* Backed off: 1
* Disconnected: 37
* Never Connected: 31

and yes, they all have my ref.

Support mailing list
Unsubscribe at http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support

Re: [freenet-support] Open Letter to Detective Paul Krawczyk

2006-11-12 Thread Anonymous via Panta Rhei
On Wed, 8 Nov 2006 17:21:08 +, you wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 08, 2006 at 02:49:39AM -, Anonymous via Panta Rhei wrote:
> > On Mon, 6 Nov 2006 21:44:33 +, you wrote:
> > >
> > > You just posted your private insert URI. Well done.
> > >
> > > On Sat, Nov 04, 2006 at 10:37:31AM -, Anonymous via Panta Rhei wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Open Letter to Detective Paul Krawczyk
> > > > jjt8PAgM,8JcSwW9tZQtaYyD~OMUSVA/dickdetectivepaulkrawczyk//
> >
> > Wrong answer genius, you didn't look closely enough at it.
> >
> > It's most definitely not the private insert key, it's the key fiw generated
> > when it inserted the page.
> Then why doesn't the SSK end with PAgM?

It does. Unwrap it:

.^  ^
.end of ssk end of 'entropy'

blame fiw for handling of oneshot if something's wrong

> >
> > =* Inserting project (FIW 0.08) *=
> > Name: temp1
> > HTL: 20
> >   Edition: 0
> > jjt8PAgM,8JcSwW9tZQtaYyD~OMUSVA/dickdetectivepaulkrawczyk//
> > Start of insert: 2006-11-03 23:45:57
> > FCP host/port:
> > =*==*=

Support mailing list
Unsubscribe at http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support

Re: [freenet-support] latest 0.7 build blows

2006-11-12 Thread Anonymous via Panta Rhei
On Wed, 8 Nov 2006 17:22:02 +, you wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 08, 2006 at 03:11:34AM -, Anonymous via Panta Rhei wrote:
> > On Mon, 6 Nov 2006 21:46:06 +, you wrote:
> > >
> > > On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 07:21:16PM +0100, Anonymous Remailer (austria) 
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > first you have the damned thing spending forever farking with the store 
> > > > on
> > > > startup, then you fark with the store so that it isn't going to grow 
> > > > like
> > > > it should, now the farking thing starts up and pukes all over itself.
> > > > logfile showed it was opening CHK store database when it happened. I 
> > > > tried
> > > > everything, the only thing that fixed was to delete entire store. only 
> > > > then
> > > > would it start up.
> > >
> > > If you had included your wrapper.log (maybe via a pastebin, e.g.
> > > code.bulix.org), I might have been able to help.
> >
> > What's a "wrapper"?
> >
> > File not found: wrapper.log
> > File not found: wrapper.*
> > File not found: wrapper*
> How did you install the node then?

Like this:
> 0) be sure you have Java version 1.5 or 1.6 (1.4 will/should work too)
> - type "java -version" in a console and watch the output
> 1) download these two files into a separate directory you've created forehand:
> - http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/freenet-r10260-snapshot.jar
> - http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/freenet-ext.jar
> 2) change to the directory they're in
> 3) rename "freenet-r10260-snapshot.jar" to "freenet.jar"
> 4) run "java -cp freenet.jar;freenet-ext.jar;%CLASSPATH%;. freenet.node.Node
> 5) report problems :)

6) update freenet.jar as needed

> Do you have any other log of the node's output?

not that i can find.

> >
> > in any freenet 0.7 directory or sub-directory
> >
> > > > also, why cant 0.7 have more than a few peers connected?
> > >
> > > It can. I have currently:
> > > * Connected: 11
> > > * Backed off: 2
> > > * Disconnected: 44
> > > * Never Connected: 1
> > >
> > > Often that's closer to 16.
> >
> >
> > * Connected: 4
> > * Backed off: 1
> > * Disconnected: 37
> > * Never Connected: 31
> >
> > and yes, they all have my ref.
> Maybe some of them dropped you?

yeah, I hear 0.7 has a plague of that.

Support mailing list
Unsubscribe at http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support

Campaigning for Open-Net [WAS Re: [freenet-support] Freenet 0,

2006-08-30 Thread Anonymous via Panta Rhei
5 and 0, 7]

On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 22:54:12 -0400, you wrote:
> If you pester anyone too much it can be self defeating.  Perhaps
> unintentionally as they consume much time deleting your messages from their
> files.  Or intentionally if they choose to block the excesses traffic.

Tell you what, you make a good point and the last thing I want to do is slow
down the work that would give so many what they want most.

With this in mind, I'll shut up about open-net and not even mention it here
until 12/1/06.  At that time I will ask again how close it is to being 
(unless of course it is deployed by then !!)

I will also post in frost asking others who were on this 'pestering' 
to hold off and let you folks do your thing.

> >
> > "We should all start pestering the hell outta both Ian and Toad to get
> open-net deployed."
> >

[freenet-support] Freenet 0,5 and 0,7

2006-08-30 Thread Anonymous via Panta Rhei
On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 22:39:59 +0200, you wrote:
> nobody at geonosis.homelinux.net wrote:
> > Please, Do NOT suggest switching to Linux, I've tried it and my hardware 
> > will not
> > support it's demands.  Again, this is a matter of money that unlike SOME 
> > people, I
> > don't have a hell
> >
> I suggest linux. There are many versions of it, some of them designed to
> run on very poor hardware with insufficient ram.
> Money is not an excuse for using a bad OS.
> Just look for a minimalist linux. There are many good window managers
> like IceWM (IIRC) which won't demand much memory.

Perhaps I was not sufficiently clear.  Linux is not an acceptable answer.
Machine limitations are a major part of that, but other considerations
that I am not at liberty to discuss are also a factor.

Changing OS is not an option no matter what.  I have made poor choices due
to financial limitations and now am locked into those choices for at least
another 9.85 years.  (and yeah, it sucks to be me.)

On the other hand, I have seen reports of people successfully running 0.7
on a Windows 98 computer with little difficulty.  Because of this, I do not
comprehend the apparent reluctance to divulge the requested help.

I would consider Entropy except for the fact that it has always been slower
than shit and has not released a new version in over a year

[freenet-support] Re: [Tech] Freenet 0.7 build 953

2006-08-30 Thread Anonymous via Panta Rhei
On Thu, 24 Aug 2006 07:25:16 -0400, you wrote:
> On Wednesday 23 August 2006 15:19, Matthew Toseland wrote:
> > - Don't start the updater if the wrapper is broken
> I have problems with this one.  I do not run the wrapper - I do want freenet 
> to
> download new stable versions and then quit.
> I have the java command that starts freenet in a loop and this suffices to 
> update
> freenet with much of the wrapper's complexity.
> It worked fine.
> I would not object to an 'are you sure' message but to block the operation is 
> not
> reasonable.  Without the wrapper its reasonable
> for someone to want freenet to download new jars and prep them for execution 
> when the
> user restarts.
> Why do we _need_ this reduced flexibility?

A lack of response to your question I note with disdain

"An evil exists that threatens every man, woman, and child of this great
nation.  We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our

- Adolf Hitler, proposing the creation of the Gestapo in Nazi Germany.
- George Bush, Talking about the Homeland Security Act and the Patriot Act.

"The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become
the instruments of tyranny at home."
- James Madison, fourth president of the United States

I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the
death, your right to say it. - Voltaire

"There are four boxes to use in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury,
ammo.  Use in that order." -Ed Howdershelt

[freenet-support] Open Letter to Detective Paul Krawczyk

2006-11-04 Thread Anonymous via Panta Rhei

Open Letter to Detective Paul Krawczyk
SSK at vso2nfolaRSjmAtuCaqGy1-

[freenet-support] Open Letter to Detective Paul Krawczyk

2006-11-08 Thread Anonymous via Panta Rhei
On Mon, 6 Nov 2006 21:44:33 +, you wrote:
> You just posted your private insert URI. Well done.
> On Sat, Nov 04, 2006 at 10:37:31AM -0000, Anonymous via Panta Rhei wrote:
> >
> > Open Letter to Detective Paul Krawczyk
> > SSK at vso2nfolaRSjmAtuCaqGy1-
> > jjt8PAgM,8JcSwW9tZQtaYyD~OMUSVA/dickdetectivepaulkrawczyk//

Wrong answer genius, you didn't look closely enough at it.

It's most definitely not the private insert key, it's the key fiw generated 
when it inserted the page.

=* Inserting project (FIW 0.08) *=
Name: temp1
HTL: 20
  Edition: 0
Public URI: SSK at vso2nfolaRSjmAtuCaqGy1-
Start of insert: 2006-11-03 23:45:57
FCP host/port:

[freenet-support] latest 0.7 build blows

2006-11-08 Thread Anonymous via Panta Rhei
On Mon, 6 Nov 2006 21:46:06 +, you wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 07:21:16PM +0100, Anonymous Remailer (austria) wrote:
> >
> > first you have the damned thing spending forever farking with the store on
> > startup, then you fark with the store so that it isn't going to grow like
> > it should, now the farking thing starts up and pukes all over itself.
> > logfile showed it was opening CHK store database when it happened. I tried
> > everything, the only thing that fixed was to delete entire store. only then
> > would it start up.
> If you had included your wrapper.log (maybe via a pastebin, e.g.
> code.bulix.org), I might have been able to help.

What's a "wrapper"?

File not found: wrapper.log
File not found: wrapper.*
File not found: wrapper*

in any freenet 0.7 directory or sub-directory

> >
> > also, why cant 0.7 have more than a few peers connected?
> It can. I have currently:
> * Connected: 11
> * Backed off: 2
> * Disconnected: 44
> * Never Connected: 1
> Often that's closer to 16.

* Connected: 4
* Backed off: 1
* Disconnected: 37
* Never Connected: 31

and yes, they all have my ref.

[freenet-support] Open Letter to Detective Paul Krawczyk

2006-11-12 Thread Anonymous via Panta Rhei
On Wed, 8 Nov 2006 17:21:08 +, you wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 08, 2006 at 02:49:39AM -, Anonymous via Panta Rhei wrote:
> > On Mon, 6 Nov 2006 21:44:33 +, you wrote:
> > >
> > > You just posted your private insert URI. Well done.
> > >
> > > On Sat, Nov 04, 2006 at 10:37:31AM -, Anonymous via Panta Rhei wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Open Letter to Detective Paul Krawczyk
> > > > SSK at vso2nfolaRSjmAtuCaqGy1-
> > > > jjt8PAgM,8JcSwW9tZQtaYyD~OMUSVA/dickdetectivepaulkrawczyk//
> >
> > Wrong answer genius, you didn't look closely enough at it.
> >
> > It's most definitely not the private insert key, it's the key fiw generated
> > when it inserted the page.
> Then why doesn't the SSK end with PAgM?

It does. Unwrap it:

SSK at vso2nfolaRSjmAtuCaqGy1-
.^  ^
.end of ssk end of 'entropy'

blame fiw for handling of oneshot if something's wrong

> >
> > =* Inserting project (FIW 0.08) *=
> > Name: temp1
> > HTL: 20
> >   Edition: 0
> > Public URI: SSK at vso2nfolaRSjmAtuCaqGy1-
> > jjt8PAgM,8JcSwW9tZQtaYyD~OMUSVA/dickdetectivepaulkrawczyk//
> > Start of insert: 2006-11-03 23:45:57
> > FCP host/port:
> > =*==*=

[freenet-support] latest 0.7 build blows

2006-11-12 Thread Anonymous via Panta Rhei
On Wed, 8 Nov 2006 17:22:02 +, you wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 08, 2006 at 03:11:34AM -, Anonymous via Panta Rhei wrote:
> > On Mon, 6 Nov 2006 21:46:06 +, you wrote:
> > >
> > > On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 07:21:16PM +0100, Anonymous Remailer (austria) 
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > first you have the damned thing spending forever farking with the store 
> > > > on
> > > > startup, then you fark with the store so that it isn't going to grow 
> > > > like
> > > > it should, now the farking thing starts up and pukes all over itself.
> > > > logfile showed it was opening CHK store database when it happened. I 
> > > > tried
> > > > everything, the only thing that fixed was to delete entire store. only 
> > > > then
> > > > would it start up.
> > >
> > > If you had included your wrapper.log (maybe via a pastebin, e.g.
> > > code.bulix.org), I might have been able to help.
> >
> > What's a "wrapper"?
> >
> > File not found: wrapper.log
> > File not found: wrapper.*
> > File not found: wrapper*
> How did you install the node then?

Like this:
> Message-ID: 
> 0) be sure you have Java version 1.5 or 1.6 (1.4 will/should work too)
> - type "java -version" in a console and watch the output
> 1) download these two files into a separate directory you've created forehand:
> - http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/freenet-r10260-snapshot.jar
> - http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/freenet-ext.jar
> 2) change to the directory they're in
> 3) rename "freenet-r10260-snapshot.jar" to "freenet.jar"
> 4) run "java -cp freenet.jar;freenet-ext.jar;%CLASSPATH%;. freenet.node.Node
> 5) report problems :)

6) update freenet.jar as needed

> Do you have any other log of the node's output?

not that i can find.

> >
> > in any freenet 0.7 directory or sub-directory
> >
> > > > also, why cant 0.7 have more than a few peers connected?
> > >
> > > It can. I have currently:
> > > * Connected: 11
> > > * Backed off: 2
> > > * Disconnected: 44
> > > * Never Connected: 1
> > >
> > > Often that's closer to 16.
> >
> >
> > * Connected: 4
> > * Backed off: 1
> > * Disconnected: 37
> > * Never Connected: 31
> >
> > and yes, they all have my ref.
> Maybe some of them dropped you?

yeah, I hear 0.7 has a plague of that.