Re: Thank you Seamonkey Volunteers

2014-07-17 Thread Alex Beauroy

Eric wrote:

Cross Posted to all Groups

To All of you Seamonkey VOLUNTEERS:

Thank you for everything that you do for our growing community.

Thank you for listening to our bitches and moans.

Thank you for staying up late, hammering out all those lines of code.

Thank you for getting up early and working on the bugs that get reported.

Thank you for trying to work in our wishes for improvements on the next
build or three.

Thank you for treating our on-line browsing security as your own, and
giving us free of charge a functioning suite that we call Seamonkey.

Thank you for building Seamonkey for Unix, Lynix, Solaris, Windows,
Unbunto, and all of the other OS out there that you do.

Thank you for trouble shooting in the newsgroup.

In short, Thank you for being you.  Without you, we the users would be
stuck with something other than the great work that is Seamonkey, that
is a little piece of all of you.

With much appreciation, and not a single complaint or question.


Eric Gunn
Proud User of Seamonkey Suite.

Thank you for perpetuating the Netscape Communicator survival after the 
Browser War with Microsoft IE

And long life and prosperity to Mozilla!!!
Seamonkey for ever

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Thank you Seamonkey Volunteers

2014-07-17 Thread Wolf

Eric schrieb, Am 17.07.2014 22:35:

Cross Posted to all Groups

To All of you Seamonkey VOLUNTEERS:

Thank you for everything that you do for our growing community.

Thank you for listening to our bitches and moans.

Thank you for staying up late, hammering out all those lines of code.

Thank you for getting up early and working on the bugs that get reported.

Thank you for trying to work in our wishes for improvements on the next
build or three.

Thank you for treating our on-line browsing security as your own, and
giving us free of charge a functioning suite that we call Seamonkey.

Thank you for building Seamonkey for Unix, Lynix, Solaris, Windows,
Unbunto, and all of the other OS out there that you do.

Thank you for trouble shooting in the newsgroup.

In short, Thank you for being you.  Without you, we the users would be
stuck with something other than the great work that is Seamonkey, that
is a little piece of all of you.

With much appreciation, and not a single complaint or question.


Eric Gunn
Proud User of Seamonkey Suite.


OS: Linux Mint 13, MATE, 32-bit
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Release Delay(s)

2014-07-17 Thread MCBastos
Interviewed by CNN on 17/07/2014 16:18, hawker told the world:

> Why does SM have to stay on such a fast release schedule? What was wrong 
> with the slower schedule of yesteryear? Just because FF and TB do it 
> does SM need to as well?

Sorta. The Firefox people are the ones responsible for Gecko, which is
the engine that powers Seamonkey as well. Every six weeks a new Gecko
version is released with bug fixes, security fixes and small feature

The important thing to keep in mind is that the previous version is
immediately _dropped_. No support at all. No bug fixes. No security fixes.

Well, there is an exception to that: they keep supporting _one_ older
version, for roughly _one_ year. That's for the Firefox Extended Support
Release (ESR). Right now that would be Firefox 24 ESR. This Gecko
version receives mostly security and stability fixes, and few if any
other sorts of fixes.

One might think: "OK, the why don't they use the ESR version of Gecko
and update at a more leisurely pace?" That's what the Thunderbird guys
are doing, after all.

Here's the thing: by doing that, the SM team would have to deal all at
once with whatever issues that could have been spread over eight upgrade
cycles or so and dealt with piecemeal. Which means a far larger chance
for disastrous issues. (This is not as much of a problem for Thunderbird
because, well, T-bird only deals with plaintext and HTML e-mail, which
evolves far slower than Web HTML. It doesn't even attempt to process
Javascript, for instance -- it just ignores it.)

Also, let's say for the sake of argument that some new code in Gecko 25
caused problems in SM but the issue went unreported and ignored because
SM stuck with Gecko 24 for one year. By the time the issue surfaces
(around Gecko 32 or thereabouts), the fix can become much harder,
because by then the Firefox team has added four our five more things
that can be broken because they depend on how the Gecko-25 code behaves.
So now instead of one bug to fix, you have maybe half a dozen.

Simply stated, the dev team _has_ to keep up. They have to keep testing
the Seamonkey code with each new release, identify issues and either fix
them in SM code or report the issue to the Gecko team. Going to the
trouble of making sure that SM works with Gecko, say, 31 (to be released
next week) and not giving the users the benefits of the security fixes
in Gecko 31 would be sorta irresponsible.


This message has been protected with the 2ROT13 algorithm. Unauthorized
use will be prosecuted under the DMCA.

... Sent from my Franklin Translator.
* Added by TagZilla 0.7a1 running on Seamonkey *
Get it at
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Thank you Seamonkey Volunteers

2014-07-17 Thread cmcadams

Eric wrote:

Cross Posted to all Groups

To All of you Seamonkey VOLUNTEERS:

Thank you for everything that you do for our growing community.

Thank you for listening to our bitches and moans.

Thank you for staying up late, hammering out all those lines of code.

Thank you for getting up early and working on the bugs that get reported.

Thank you for trying to work in our wishes for improvements on the next build 
or three.

Thank you for treating our on-line browsing security as your own, and giving us 
of charge a functioning suite that we call Seamonkey.

Thank you for building Seamonkey for Unix, Lynix, Solaris, Windows, Unbunto, 
and all
of the other OS out there that you do.

Thank you for trouble shooting in the newsgroup.

In short, Thank you for being you.  Without you, we the users would be stuck 
something other than the great work that is Seamonkey, that is a little piece 
of all
of you.

With much appreciation, and not a single complaint or question.


Eric Gunn
Proud User of Seamonkey Suite.

I'll fourth that!
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Release Delay(s)

2014-07-17 Thread Danny Kile

hawker wrote:

On 7/16/2014 9:07 PM, Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:

Hey Everyone,

Again I'm sorry for delays on beta's, and sorry for delays which caused
us to technically skip a gecko release last cycle.

But I wanted to give you all a followup, I'm getting much closer to
getting a beta out there now, and correcting dev versions from our
system, however it looks likely we won't have a release within a day or
two of Firefox this cycle.

I'm going to concentrate our effort on getting a new beta out the door
within a week of Firefox's final release, if for some reason I can't,
I'm planning on backing out my effort temporarily to ship another
"sec/stability release" based on teh last full seamonkey release.

That sec/stability work would delay our other work here by about a week,
but I don't want to leave everyone stranded with regards to security/etc
any longer than necessary.

If all goes well, I'm expecting to have a final release, based on the
current Firefox release out no later than 2-weeks after Firefox is

And if everything does go well, we can have yet another new beta after

~Justin Wood (Callek)

Thank you for all you do for Seamonkey.
FWIW I could care less how often Seamonkey gets updated. Every 6 months
or even more would be fine. The security updates don't bother me either
since I think I have most of it dealt with in other ways.

What is important to me is that the limited volunteer resources get as
much done for the project as possible in the limited time they have. I
want to see bug fixes and features that keep SM the best browser out
there. If frequent releases distract from that then who cares.
It seems to me if you had half as many releases we would see more
accomplished in the end over time since your not worrying about build
schedules, release dates, beta testing etc.

Why does SM have to stay on such a fast release schedule? What was wrong
with the slower schedule of yesteryear? Just because FF and TB do it
does SM need to as well?

I agree with you whole-heartedly!

support-seamonkey mailing list

Translate browser.translation.service Google Translate NOT

2014-07-17 Thread NoOp
I finally got tired of trying to tweak/fix the Google Translate page
issues (loops, "Translated in Safe Mode. This may cause problems with
some websites, especially those that use plugins like Flash.Click here
to disable Safe Mode" etc., etc.) and changed the default to Microsoft
Bing Translator:


Now when I click 'Tools|Translate Page' it goes to Bing Translator & I
can finally get some thing done.

Now I'd like to be able to modify via a drop-down menu like the search
engine selection drop-down menu to add other translator engines
(Worldlingo etc) - similar to the /seamonkey/searchplugins code. Anyone
know how to go about this, or know if there is an addon that does this
(allow the user to select the translator engine)?
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Thank you Seamonkey Volunteers

2014-07-17 Thread Paul Bergsagel

Eric wrote:

Cross Posted to all Groups

To All of you Seamonkey VOLUNTEERS:

Thank you for everything that you do for our growing community.

Thank you for listening to our bitches and moans.

Thank you for staying up late, hammering out all those lines of code.

Thank you for getting up early and working on the bugs that get reported.

Thank you for trying to work in our wishes for improvements on the next
build or three.

Thank you for treating our on-line browsing security as your own, and
giving us free of charge a functioning suite that we call Seamonkey.

Thank you for building Seamonkey for Unix, Lynix, Solaris, Windows,
Unbunto, and all of the other OS out there that you do.

Thank you for trouble shooting in the newsgroup.

In short, Thank you for being you.  Without you, we the users would be
stuck with something other than the great work that is Seamonkey, that
is a little piece of all of you.

With much appreciation, and not a single complaint or question.


Eric Gunn
Proud User of Seamonkey Suite.

Ditto to the above, thanks.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Adobe Acrobat and Reader

2014-07-17 Thread David E. Ross
On 7/17/2014 2:01 PM, BIll Spikowski wrote:
> Every so often something changes and I have to re-figure out how to get PDF 
> files from the web to open the way I want.
> Recently I upgraded from Acrobat 9 to Acrobat XI and things have gotten 
> jumbled again.
> Now when I download a PDF file, it opens in a Seamonkey tab using Reader 
> instead of Acrobat 9. I can save the file, then open it in Acrobat 9 or XI in 
> a separate window, but I'd rather not do that over and over!
> I seem to remember that this behavior is controlled by the order in which 
> Reader and Acrobat was installed -- is that correct? If so, it would seem 
> PDFs should now open in a Seamonkey tab using Acrobat XI.
> I just disabled Reader in the Add-ons Manager (where perversely it identifies 
> itself as Acrobat!). Now I'm asked if I want to open the file in Acrobat (in 
> a separate window), which works, but is not my preferred behavior.
> Does anyone know how I can reset Acrobat XI to open in a Seamonkey tab?
> (BTW, I've tried some of the other alternatives (PDF.js, Foxit, Nitro PDF) 
> but none of them offer the functionality of the full Acrobat product.)

Part of your problem might be the fact that the plugins for both Adobe
Acrobat and Adobe Reader are .dll files with the same name: nppdf32.dll.
 It appears that Adobe Reader has two identical copies of that file, one
in the Browser subfolder and one in the AIR subfolder.  Adobe Acrobat
has only one, in the Browser subfolder.

On the SeaMonkey menu bar, select [Help > About Plugins].  Find Adobe
Acrobat on the page.  Note that, no matter whether the plugin is really
from Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader, it will be identified as Adobe
Acrobat.  Check the path to nppdf32.dll.  If it is the path through
Adobe Reader, that is the cause of your problem.

In that case, try the following:

1.  On the SeaMonkey menu bar, select [Edit > Preferences].

2.  On the left side of the Preferences window, select [Browser > Helper

3.  On the Helper Applications pane, locate Adobe Acrobat Document and
select that line.

4.  On the right side of Adobe Acrobat Document line, select the
down-pointing triangle to get a selection list.  Select Use Other.

5.  On the Select Helper Application window, select the actual Adobe
Acrobat application.  If it is not in that window, select the Browse
button, navigate to Adobe Acrobat, and select it.  (What you really want
is "Adobe Acrobat (in SeaMonkey)", but I don't know how to force that.
You might try navigating to the nppdf32.dll file in Adobe Acrobat's
Browser subfolder and selecting that.)

6.  After selecting OK buttons to terminate the Preference window and
its panes and subwindows, again go to [Help > About Plugins] to see if
the correct path to nppdf32.dll is displayed.


David E. Ross

On occasion, I filter and ignore all newsgroup messages
posted through GoogleGroups via Google's G2/1.0 user agent
because of spam, flames, and trolling from that source.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Release Delay(s)

2014-07-17 Thread Trane Francks

On 7/18/14 4:18 AM, hawker wrote:

Why does SM have to stay on such a fast release schedule? What was wrong
with the slower schedule of yesteryear? Just because FF and TB do it
does SM need to as well?

The most important element there is to stay on top of security fixes. As
vulnerabilities are discovered, they need to be patched and new versions
deployed to ensure the safest possible browsing experience. What
SeaMonkey has always done right, in my opinion, is to maintain a stable
user interface while addressing stability and security concerns.

// Trane Francks   Tokyo, Japan
// Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Thank you Seamonkey Volunteers

2014-07-17 Thread David E. Ross
On 7/17/2014 1:35 PM, Eric wrote:
> Cross Posted to all Groups
> To All of you Seamonkey VOLUNTEERS:
> Thank you for everything that you do for our growing community.
> Thank you for listening to our bitches and moans.
> Thank you for staying up late, hammering out all those lines of code.
> Thank you for getting up early and working on the bugs that get reported.
> Thank you for trying to work in our wishes for improvements on the next 
> build or three.
> Thank you for treating our on-line browsing security as your own, and 
> giving us free of charge a functioning suite that we call Seamonkey.
> Thank you for building Seamonkey for Unix, Lynix, Solaris, Windows, 
> Unbunto, and all of the other OS out there that you do.
> Thank you for trouble shooting in the newsgroup.
> In short, Thank you for being you.  Without you, we the users would be 
> stuck with something other than the great work that is Seamonkey, that 
> is a little piece of all of you.
> With much appreciation, and not a single complaint or question.
> Eric Gunn
> Proud User of Seamonkey Suite.

To show my appreciation for SeaMonkey, I disable "Advertise Firefox
compatibility".  Rarely do I need to use PrefBar's "User Agent" extlist
to spoof Firefox.


David E. Ross

On occasion, I filter and ignore all newsgroup messages
posted through GoogleGroups via Google's G2/1.0 user agent
because of spam, flames, and trolling from that source.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Adobe Acrobat and Reader

2014-07-17 Thread Paul B. Gallagher

BIll Spikowski wrote:

Every so often something changes and I have to re-figure out how to get
PDF files from the web to open the way I want.

Recently I upgraded from Acrobat 9 to Acrobat XI and things have gotten
jumbled again.

Now when I download a PDF file, it opens in a Seamonkey tab using Reader
instead of Acrobat 9. I can save the file, then open it in Acrobat 9 or
XI in a separate window, but I'd rather not do that over and over!

I seem to remember that this behavior is controlled by the order in
which Reader and Acrobat was installed -- is that correct? If so, it
would seem PDFs should now open in a Seamonkey tab using Acrobat XI.

I just disabled Reader in the Add-ons Manager (where perversely it
identifies itself as Acrobat!). Now I'm asked if I want to open the file
in Acrobat (in a separate window), which works, but is not my preferred

Does anyone know how I can reset Acrobat XI to open in a Seamonkey tab?

(BTW, I've tried some of the other alternatives (PDF.js, Foxit, Nitro
PDF) but none of them offer the functionality of the full Acrobat product.)

First off, I don't understand why you have the Reader installed at all. 
Why let the programs compete when you have a much more powerful program 
in Acrobat XI? So I recommend uninstalling the Reader and simplifying 
the problem and your life.

Having done so, go to Edit | Preferences | Browser | Helper Applications 
and look at the prefs for PDF files. You'll see several different 
"types" because PDF files are served with several different MIME 
headers. If you want them to open in a SeaMonkey window, choose the 
option "Use Adobe Acrobat (in SeaMonkey)." If you insist on retaining 
the reader, you can also select that in the same way.

You may also find it helpful to set a pref in Acrobat. I have version X, 
where it was at Edit | Preferences | Internet | [x] Display PDF in 
browser. That's supposed to prevent Acrobat from launching as a separate 
application to handle PDF links when you browse.

Another Acrobat pref that may be relevant is at Edit | Preferences | 
General | Select Default PDF Handler. If you specify Acrobat XI, PDFs 
should only ever open in the Reader when you open them from within the 
Reader. But of course if you've uninstalled the Reader, there's no issue 

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

support-seamonkey mailing list

Adobe Acrobat and Reader

2014-07-17 Thread BIll Spikowski

Every so often something changes and I have to re-figure out how to get PDF 
files from the web to open the way I want.

Recently I upgraded from Acrobat 9 to Acrobat XI and things have gotten jumbled 

Now when I download a PDF file, it opens in a Seamonkey tab using Reader 
instead of Acrobat 9. I can save the file, then open it in Acrobat 9 or XI in a 
separate window, but I'd rather not do that over and over!

I seem to remember that this behavior is controlled by the order in which 
Reader and Acrobat was installed -- is that correct? If so, it would seem PDFs 
should now open in a Seamonkey tab using Acrobat XI.

I just disabled Reader in the Add-ons Manager (where perversely it identifies 
itself as Acrobat!). Now I'm asked if I want to open the file in Acrobat (in a 
separate window), which works, but is not my preferred behavior.

Does anyone know how I can reset Acrobat XI to open in a Seamonkey tab?

(BTW, I've tried some of the other alternatives (PDF.js, Foxit, Nitro PDF) but 
none of them offer the functionality of the full Acrobat product.)
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Release Delay(s)

2014-07-17 Thread Ray_Net

hawker wrote, On 17/07/2014 21:18:

On 7/16/2014 9:07 PM, Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:

Hey Everyone,

Again I'm sorry for delays on beta's, and sorry for delays which caused
us to technically skip a gecko release last cycle.

But I wanted to give you all a followup, I'm getting much closer to
getting a beta out there now, and correcting dev versions from our
system, however it looks likely we won't have a release within a day or
two of Firefox this cycle.

I'm going to concentrate our effort on getting a new beta out the door
within a week of Firefox's final release, if for some reason I can't,
I'm planning on backing out my effort temporarily to ship another
"sec/stability release" based on teh last full seamonkey release.

That sec/stability work would delay our other work here by about a week,
but I don't want to leave everyone stranded with regards to security/etc
any longer than necessary.

If all goes well, I'm expecting to have a final release, based on the
current Firefox release out no later than 2-weeks after Firefox is 

And if everything does go well, we can have yet another new beta after

~Justin Wood (Callek)

Thank you for all you do for Seamonkey.
FWIW I could care less how often Seamonkey gets updated. Every 6 
months or even more would be fine. The security updates don't bother 
me either since I think I have most of it dealt with in other ways.

What is important to me is that the limited volunteer resources get as 
much done for the project as possible in the limited time they have. I 
want to see bug fixes and features that keep SM the best browser out 
there. If frequent releases distract from that then who cares.
It seems to me if you had half as many releases we would see more 
accomplished in the end over time since your not worrying about build 
schedules, release dates, beta testing etc.

Why does SM have to stay on such a fast release schedule? What was 
wrong with the slower schedule of yesteryear? Just because FF and TB 
do it does SM need to as well?
I agree with your last sentence, because i upgrade my SM not more than 
once or twice a year.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Thank you Seamonkey Volunteers

2014-07-17 Thread Eric

Cross Posted to all Groups

To All of you Seamonkey VOLUNTEERS:

Thank you for everything that you do for our growing community.

Thank you for listening to our bitches and moans.

Thank you for staying up late, hammering out all those lines of code.

Thank you for getting up early and working on the bugs that get reported.

Thank you for trying to work in our wishes for improvements on the next 
build or three.

Thank you for treating our on-line browsing security as your own, and 
giving us free of charge a functioning suite that we call Seamonkey.

Thank you for building Seamonkey for Unix, Lynix, Solaris, Windows, 
Unbunto, and all of the other OS out there that you do.

Thank you for trouble shooting in the newsgroup.

In short, Thank you for being you.  Without you, we the users would be 
stuck with something other than the great work that is Seamonkey, that 
is a little piece of all of you.

With much appreciation, and not a single complaint or question.


Eric Gunn
Proud User of Seamonkey Suite.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Release Delay(s)

2014-07-17 Thread hawker

On 7/16/2014 9:07 PM, Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:

Hey Everyone,

Again I'm sorry for delays on beta's, and sorry for delays which caused
us to technically skip a gecko release last cycle.

But I wanted to give you all a followup, I'm getting much closer to
getting a beta out there now, and correcting dev versions from our
system, however it looks likely we won't have a release within a day or
two of Firefox this cycle.

I'm going to concentrate our effort on getting a new beta out the door
within a week of Firefox's final release, if for some reason I can't,
I'm planning on backing out my effort temporarily to ship another
"sec/stability release" based on teh last full seamonkey release.

That sec/stability work would delay our other work here by about a week,
but I don't want to leave everyone stranded with regards to security/etc
any longer than necessary.

If all goes well, I'm expecting to have a final release, based on the
current Firefox release out no later than 2-weeks after Firefox is shipped.

And if everything does go well, we can have yet another new beta after

~Justin Wood (Callek)

Thank you for all you do for Seamonkey.
FWIW I could care less how often Seamonkey gets updated. Every 6 months 
or even more would be fine. The security updates don't bother me either 
since I think I have most of it dealt with in other ways.

What is important to me is that the limited volunteer resources get as 
much done for the project as possible in the limited time they have. I 
want to see bug fixes and features that keep SM the best browser out 
there. If frequent releases distract from that then who cares.
It seems to me if you had half as many releases we would see more 
accomplished in the end over time since your not worrying about build 
schedules, release dates, beta testing etc.

Why does SM have to stay on such a fast release schedule? What was wrong 
with the slower schedule of yesteryear? Just because FF and TB do it 
does SM need to as well?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Release Delay(s)

2014-07-17 Thread Ed Mullen

Justin Wood (Callek) pounded out :

Hey Everyone,

Again I'm sorry for delays on beta's, and sorry for delays which caused
us to technically skip a gecko release last cycle.

But I wanted to give you all a followup, I'm getting much closer to
getting a beta out there now, and correcting dev versions from our
system, however it looks likely we won't have a release within a day or
two of Firefox this cycle.

I'm going to concentrate our effort on getting a new beta out the door
within a week of Firefox's final release, if for some reason I can't,
I'm planning on backing out my effort temporarily to ship another
"sec/stability release" based on teh last full seamonkey release.

That sec/stability work would delay our other work here by about a week,
but I don't want to leave everyone stranded with regards to security/etc
any longer than necessary.

If all goes well, I'm expecting to have a final release, based on the
current Firefox release out no later than 2-weeks after Firefox is shipped.

And if everything does go well, we can have yet another new beta after

~Justin Wood (Callek)

Thanks, Justin.  The efforts are much appreciated.

Ed Mullen
"Some people never see the light till it shines thru bullet holes." - 
Bruce Cockburn

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Release Delay(s)

2014-07-17 Thread David E. Ross
On 7/16/2014 6:07 PM, Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:
> Hey Everyone,
> Again I'm sorry for delays on beta's, and sorry for delays which caused 
> us to technically skip a gecko release last cycle.
> But I wanted to give you all a followup, I'm getting much closer to 
> getting a beta out there now, and correcting dev versions from our 
> system, however it looks likely we won't have a release within a day or 
> two of Firefox this cycle.
> I'm going to concentrate our effort on getting a new beta out the door 
> within a week of Firefox's final release, if for some reason I can't, 
> I'm planning on backing out my effort temporarily to ship another 
> "sec/stability release" based on teh last full seamonkey release.
> That sec/stability work would delay our other work here by about a week, 
> but I don't want to leave everyone stranded with regards to security/etc 
> any longer than necessary.
> If all goes well, I'm expecting to have a final release, based on the 
> current Firefox release out no later than 2-weeks after Firefox is shipped.
> And if everything does go well, we can have yet another new beta after that.
> ~Justin Wood (Callek)

For a free application that has a much better user interface than
Firefox, I refuse to complain that my current version is a month old.


David E. Ross

On occasion, I filter and ignore all newsgroup messages
posted through GoogleGroups via Google's G2/1.0 user agent
because of spam, flames, and trolling from that source.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Release Delay(s)

2014-07-17 Thread Ant

On 7/16/2014 10:30 PM PT, Daniel typed:

~Justin Wood (Callek)

Thanks for your efforts with this update, Calleck.

Any news on a Linux x64 Beta build, or is this somewhere further down
the line??

Ditto. We still <3 SM even if they are a little old. :)
"Oh, look what Kyle got me, it's a red Mega... Ants in the pants? Ants 
in the pants?! Ants in the Pants?!! ..." --Eric Cartman in South Park's 
Damien Episode (Season 1; Episode 8)

   /\___/\ Ant(Dude) @ (Personal Web Site)
  / /\ /\ \Ant's Quality Foraged Links:
 | |o   o| |
\ _ /If crediting, then use Ant nickname and AQFL URL/link.
 ( ) If e-mailing, then axe ANT from its address if needed.
Ant is currently not listening to any songs on this computer.
support-seamonkey mailing list