Justin Wood (Callek) pounded out :
Hey Everyone,

Again I'm sorry for delays on beta's, and sorry for delays which caused
us to technically skip a gecko release last cycle.

But I wanted to give you all a followup, I'm getting much closer to
getting a beta out there now, and correcting dev versions from our
system, however it looks likely we won't have a release within a day or
two of Firefox this cycle.

I'm going to concentrate our effort on getting a new beta out the door
within a week of Firefox's final release, if for some reason I can't,
I'm planning on backing out my effort temporarily to ship another
"sec/stability release" based on teh last full seamonkey release.

That sec/stability work would delay our other work here by about a week,
but I don't want to leave everyone stranded with regards to security/etc
any longer than necessary.

If all goes well, I'm expecting to have a final release, based on the
current Firefox release out no later than 2-weeks after Firefox is shipped.

And if everything does go well, we can have yet another new beta after

~Justin Wood (Callek)

Thanks, Justin.  The efforts are much appreciated.

Ed Mullen
"Some people never see the light till it shines thru bullet holes." - Bruce Cockburn
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