Re: Updating SM To Older Version

2014-12-30 Thread Ray_Net

NoOp wrote on 30/12/2014 02:52:

On 12/28/2014 09:41 PM, HenriK wrote:

Thanks to all who commented.  Unfortunately, I don't think I stated my concerns
very carefully.

My existing SM 2.24 is installed in a different hard drive partition (F) than
the operating system (C).  I seem to remember that picking a new copy of SM will
try to install it only in the C partition.

Is that correct or will pulling a copy of the v.2.30 installation file out of
the SM version list successfully overwrite the files in my v.2.24 existing
installation without raising havoc with the existing profiles, mail location, 

If something goes terribly wrong, where are the instructions these days on
installing SM in a HD partition of a user's choice?

Thanks, in advance, for any and all advice and assistance.

HenriK wrote:

Is there someway to update an existing and older version of SM to a newer
version other than the latest version?

I want to go from v.2.24 to v.2.30 without changing anything else.  The update
screen appears to only allow going to the latest version, v.2.31, something I
don't want to do at this time.

Thanks, in advance, for any and all advice and assistance.

Download the zip file, extract to where you want to run it from, extract
it, and double-click seamonkey.exe. It will open up to your existing
profile. If not, then you adjust/move your profile:

He can download the exe file without going thru a zip file extraction :-)

The 2.30 version can be found here:

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Plugin-Container.exe

2014-12-30 Thread Daniel

On 30/12/2014 4:02 AM, Brooke Clarke wrote:


This morning Firefox was locked up and after awhile a pop up window
appeared asking if I wanted to stop a script:
It took a reboot to bring back the browser.

After a little research I found No Script  Adblock Plus and installed
Restarting Firefox all seemed OK.

Then changed cookie preferences to be more restrictive.

Now Firefox will no boot.

I reinstalled Firefox from their web page but the non start problem

At one point I saw a message that said there was a problem with

Any thoughts on how to get Firefox back?

Yeap, Brooke, ask your question in the Firefox news group or, as you're 
using the lists try something like


Seasons Greeting to One and All!!

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 
SeaMonkey/2.32 Build identifier: 20141218225909

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 
SeaMonkey/2.32 Build identifier: 20141218225525

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Spell-checker setting won't stick

2014-12-30 Thread Daniel

On 30/12/2014 2:40 PM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/34.0 SeaMonkey/2.31
Build identifier: 20141202220728

I have the Russian Hunspell spellchecking dictionary extension
installed (1.0.20131101), which says it's current. For English, I just
use the built-in dictionary, with a few terms I've added.

Under Edit | Preferences | Appearance | Spelling, the pull-down list
English/United States
Russian/Russian Federation

I choose English/United States, but SeaMonkey regularly changes the
setting without notice or prompting to Russian/Russian Federation. I
can tell because email composition windows suddenly flag everything as
misspelled, and input boxes in the browser do the same.

I could understand if it did this when I visited a Russian site or
displayed an email with Cyrillic content. But that's not what's
happening. It just does it randomly (AFAICT), for no apparent reason.

So I change it back to English/United States, and after a little while
SM overrules my pref and sets it to Russian/Russian Federation again.
The interval is often only a few minutes, and usually less than an hour.

My language acceptance settings at Edit | Preferences | Browser |
Languages are:
English [en]
Russian [ru]
Korean [ko]
in that order.

Any idea what's happening, and how I can get the setting to stick until
and unless /I personally/ decide to change it? If it helps any, the pref
in about:config at spellchecker.dictionary is en-US by default, or ru-RU
(user set) when SM goes rogue. But this user never set it to ru-RU,
that's a figment of SM's imagination.

Paul, how often do you received Russian e-mails?? Could it be that 
something in the headers is causing SM to switch, permanently, to Russian??


Seasons Greeting to One and All!!

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 
SeaMonkey/2.32 Build identifier: 20141218225909

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 
SeaMonkey/2.32 Build identifier: 20141218225525

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey 2.31 oddity under Ubuntu Trusty

2014-12-30 Thread Cruz, Jaime

NoOp wrote:

On 12/29/2014 04:02 PM, Cruz, Jaime wrote:

NoOp wrote:

If you right click on the icon you can easily switch between any of
those (email, browser, newsgroup et al).

Thanks for that.  I wasn't aware of that.  The icon is still the ugly
grey question mark generic icon, but at least now I can easily switch
from one to the other.

You can set the standard icon pretty easily:

Look in your ~/.local/share/applications folder for a seamonkey desktop
file (it might be 'userapp-SeaMonkey' or simply seamonkey.desktop. Open
it in gedit (or your favorite editor and add the icon:


Example of one of mine - I have seamonkey installed (extracted to)

[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Internet Suite
Exec=/home/user/seamonkey/seamonkey/seamonkey %u
Name[en_US]=Mozilla SeaMonkey
Name=Mozilla SeaMonkey
Comment[en_US]=Mozilla SeaMonkey
Comment=Mozilla SeaMonkey

and on a Unity user desktop I have :

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/home/user/seamonkey/seamonkey/seamonkey %u
Comment=Custom definition for SeaMonkey

save  you'll have the SeaMonkey icon.

The icon is there in the launcher and in the dash.  What I'm talking 
about is the RUNNING version of Seamonkey.  It used to create a separate 
icon for every running instance (mail/news, browser, composition, etc). 
 Now I just see the single gray generic icon for the running instance.

Jaime A. Cruz
Nassau Wings Motorcycle Club

AMA District 34
Pop's Run
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey 2.31 oddity under Ubuntu Trusty

2014-12-30 Thread Jonathan N. Little

Cruz, Jaime wrote:

The icon is there in the launcher and in the dash.  What I'm talking
about is the RUNNING version of Seamonkey.  It used to create a separate
icon for every running instance (mail/news, browser, composition, etc)

That stopped a while ago, IIRC there is a bug created for it, but the 
separate icons do not work in Windows either. All windows for each 
component bundled under the one icon.

Take care,

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Spell-checker setting won't stick

2014-12-30 Thread Paul B. Gallagher

Daniel wrote:

On 30/12/2014 2:40 PM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/34.0 SeaMonkey/2.31
Build identifier: 20141202220728

I have the Russian Hunspell spellchecking dictionary extension
installed (1.0.20131101), which says it's current. For English, I just
use the built-in dictionary, with a few terms I've added.

Under Edit | Preferences | Appearance | Spelling, the pull-down list
English/United States
Russian/Russian Federation

I choose English/United States, but SeaMonkey regularly changes the
setting without notice or prompting to Russian/Russian Federation. I
can tell because email composition windows suddenly flag everything as
misspelled, and input boxes in the browser do the same.

I could understand if it did this when I visited a Russian site or
displayed an email with Cyrillic content. But that's not what's
happening. It just does it randomly (AFAICT), for no apparent reason.

So I change it back to English/United States, and after a little while
SM overrules my pref and sets it to Russian/Russian Federation again.
The interval is often only a few minutes, and usually less than an hour.

My language acceptance settings at Edit | Preferences | Browser |
Languages are:
English [en]
Russian [ru]
Korean [ko]
in that order.

Any idea what's happening, and how I can get the setting to stick until
and unless /I personally/ decide to change it? If it helps any, the pref
in about:config at spellchecker.dictionary is en-US by default, or ru-RU
(user set) when SM goes rogue. But this user never set it to ru-RU,
that's a figment of SM's imagination.

Paul, how often do you receive Russian e-mails?? Could it be that
something in the headers is causing SM to switch, permanently, to Russian??

Well, my business is Russian translation, so it's pretty common, and I 
compose in Russian, too, which was the point of installing the Russian 
dictionary. But the switch seems to have nothing to do with incoming 
messages. For example, if I'm browsing the web on an unrelated topic, 
it'll often just switch for no apparent reason. The other day, I was 
editing English subtitles on a Korean drama at, and it 
switched. There's no Russian content there, but all of a sudden all the 
subtitles had wavy underlines because it was looking up English words in 
the Russian dictionary.

If it were switching for some rational reason -- if it detected Russian 
content, for example -- that would make sense. But it keeps 
inconveniencing me by switching for no reason to a language I don't need 
at the moment.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey 2.31 oddity under Ubuntu Trusty

2014-12-30 Thread NFN Smith

Cruz, Jaime wrote:

I use the default Unity desktop.  As I mentioned, I do not see this
behavior on my wife's Linux Mint system running Cinnamon, so I suspect
something changed that Unity doesn't particularly like.

That wouldn't surprise me, if it's something related to Unity.  My 
installation does have Unity on it, but I rarely use it.

After reading other posts in this thread (and your note of no problem 
with Cinnamon), I'm thinking that you may be bumping into something 
specific to Unity, rather than something in your user profile.  Still, a 
fast restart in Safe Mode would help verify if there's anything 
profile-related or not.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Spell-checker setting won't stick

2014-12-30 Thread Ed Mullen

Paul B. Gallagher wrote on 12/29/2014 10:40 PM:

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/34.0 SeaMonkey/2.31
Build identifier: 20141202220728

I have the Russian Hunspell spellchecking dictionary extension
installed (1.0.20131101), which says it's current. For English, I just
use the built-in dictionary, with a few terms I've added.

Under Edit | Preferences | Appearance | Spelling, the pull-down list
English/United States
Russian/Russian Federation

I choose English/United States, but SeaMonkey regularly changes the
setting without notice or prompting to Russian/Russian Federation. I
can tell because email composition windows suddenly flag everything as
misspelled, and input boxes in the browser do the same.

I could understand if it did this when I visited a Russian site or
displayed an email with Cyrillic content. But that's not what's
happening. It just does it randomly (AFAICT), for no apparent reason.

So I change it back to English/United States, and after a little while
SM overrules my pref and sets it to Russian/Russian Federation again.
The interval is often only a few minutes, and usually less than an hour.

My language acceptance settings at Edit | Preferences | Browser |
Languages are:
English [en]
Russian [ru]
Korean [ko]
in that order.

Any idea what's happening, and how I can get the setting to stick until
and unless /I personally/ decide to change it? If it helps any, the pref
in about:config at spellchecker.dictionary is en-US by default, or ru-RU
(user set) when SM goes rogue. But this user never set it to ru-RU,
that's a figment of SM's imagination.

Sounds like the answer might lie with the author of the extension.

Ed Mullen
640K ought to be enough RAM for anybody. - Bill Gates, 1981
support-seamonkey mailing list

Windows 8.1 installation question

2014-12-30 Thread Dick Hoffman
We are slowly moving off an XP system to a new computer under Win 8.1. 
I've installed SeaMonkey 2.30 and used Mozbackup to copy the profile 
from the XP system to the 8.1 system. On the XP system, my wife and I 
share a single SeaMonkey profile and share an email account. On the Win 
8.1 system the profile was placed under my account as 
C:\Users\Dick\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla...)and when my wife signed on it 
built a new profile for her in her account as 
C:\Users\Jean\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla Is there a way to set up a 
profile folder in a common area somewhere so that we have one shared 
profile as we did under XP? If so where and how do I do it?

support-seamonkey mailing list

G-mail doesn't like SeaMonkey !

2014-12-30 Thread DoctorBill

I have several g-mail accounts for e-mail.

When I open any of them, at the top is this message:
This version of Firefox is no longer supported. 
Please upgrade to a supported browser. [Dismiss]

I can get rid of it by clicking [Dismiss].

Is there anything I can do - besides trying to 
convince some anonymous person at Google to stop 
this ?

I have PrefBar and have tried all the various 
feedback messages (?) to the web site, but none 
worki.e. Real UA or IE 6.0 WinXP or etc.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: G-mail doesn't like SeaMonkey !

2014-12-30 Thread Paul

DoctorBill wrote:

I have several g-mail accounts for e-mail.

When I open any of them, at the top is this message:
This version of Firefox is no longer supported. Please upgrade to a 
supported browser. [Dismiss]

I can get rid of it by clicking [Dismiss].

Is there anything I can do - besides trying to convince some anonymous 
person at Google to stop this ?

I have PrefBar and have tried all the various feedback messages (?) to 
the web site, but none worki.e. Real UA or IE 6.0 WinXP or etc.


That's odd.  I use SM1119, have multiple G-Mail accts, and
they all work fine.

SeaMonkey 1.1.19  Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; 
rv: Gecko/20100228 SeaMonkey/1.1.19 Chrome/11.0 SeaMonkey/3.64a 
Firefox/11.0 Firefox/35.2 Firefox/  Firefox/9.0.1

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: G-mail doesn't like SeaMonkey !

2014-12-30 Thread DoctorBill

DoctorBill wrote:

I have several g-mail accounts for e-mail.

When I open any of them, at the top is this message:
This version of Firefox is no longer supported.
Please upgrade to a supported browser. [Dismiss]

I can get rid of it by clicking [Dismiss].

Is there anything I can do - besides trying to
convince some anonymous person at Google to stop
this ?

I have PrefBar and have tried all the various
feedback messages (?) to the web site, but none
worki.e. Real UA or IE 6.0 WinXP or etc.


BTW - MY SM is 2.12.1

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: G-mail doesn't like SeaMonkey !

2014-12-30 Thread DoctorBill

Paul wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

I have several g-mail accounts for e-mail.

When I open any of them, at the top is this
This version of Firefox is no longer supported.
Please upgrade to a supported browser. [Dismiss]

I can get rid of it by clicking [Dismiss].

Is there anything I can do - besides trying to
convince some anonymous person at Google to stop
this ?

I have PrefBar and have tried all the various
feedback messages (?) to the web site, but none
worki.e. Real UA or IE 6.0 WinXP or etc.


That's odd.  I use SM1119, have multiple G-Mail
accts, and
they all work fine.

SeaMonkey 1.1.19  Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows
NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100228
SeaMonkey/1.1.19 Chrome/11.0 SeaMonkey/3.64a
Firefox/11.0 Firefox/35.2 Firefox/

Perhaps I described this wrong - my g-mail account just comes on with that message about 
my browser not being supported.

I can still use it, but g-mail says it is old...
no idea what that is doing to the communications.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: G-mail doesn't like SeaMonkey !

2014-12-30 Thread WaltS48

On 12/30/2014 07:43 PM, DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

I have several g-mail accounts for e-mail.

When I open any of them, at the top is this message:
This version of Firefox is no longer supported.
Please upgrade to a supported browser. [Dismiss]

I can get rid of it by clicking [Dismiss].

Is there anything I can do - besides trying to
convince some anonymous person at Google to stop
this ?

I have PrefBar and have tried all the various
feedback messages (?) to the web site, but none
worki.e. Real UA or IE 6.0 WinXP or etc.


BTW - MY SM is 2.12.1


If you're using a supported browser but see a message in Gmail that 
your browser is unsupported, you may be using an extension that 
interferes with browser detection. Try disabling your browser extensions 
to solve the problem.

REF: [Supported browsers - Gmail 

One of the millions of Firefox makes me happy users
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: G-mail doesn't like SeaMonkey !

2014-12-30 Thread Paul B. Gallagher

DoctorBill wrote:

Paul wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

I have several g-mail accounts for e-mail.

When I open any of them, at the top is this
This version of Firefox is no longer supported.
Please upgrade to a supported browser. [Dismiss]

I can get rid of it by clicking [Dismiss].

Is there anything I can do - besides trying to
convince some anonymous person at Google to stop
this ?

I have PrefBar and have tried all the various
feedback messages (?) to the web site, but none
worki.e. Real UA or IE 6.0 WinXP or etc.


That's odd.  I use SM1119, have multiple G-Mail
accts, and they all work fine.

SeaMonkey 1.1.19  Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows
NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100228
SeaMonkey/1.1.19 Chrome/11.0 SeaMonkey/3.64a
Firefox/11.0 Firefox/35.2 Firefox/

Perhaps I described this wrong - my g-mail account just comes
on with that message about my browser not being supported.
I can still use it, but g-mail says it is old...
no idea what that is doing to the communications.

Well, Firefox 15 IS old, eh? So's SeaMonkey 2.12.
They were released on August 28, 2012.

Google's not wrong, and they don't dislike SeaMonkey.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: G-mail doesn't like SeaMonkey !

2014-12-30 Thread Paul

DoctorBill wrote:

Paul wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

I have several g-mail accounts for e-mail.

When I open any of them, at the top is this
This version of Firefox is no longer supported.
Please upgrade to a supported browser. [Dismiss]

I can get rid of it by clicking [Dismiss].

Is there anything I can do - besides trying to
convince some anonymous person at Google to stop
this ?

I have PrefBar and have tried all the various
feedback messages (?) to the web site, but none
worki.e. Real UA or IE 6.0 WinXP or etc.


That's odd.  I use SM1119, have multiple G-Mail
accts, and
they all work fine.

SeaMonkey 1.1.19  Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows
NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100228
SeaMonkey/1.1.19 Chrome/11.0 SeaMonkey/3.64a
Firefox/11.0 Firefox/35.2 Firefox/

Perhaps I described this wrong - my g-mail account just comes 
on with that message about my browser not being supported.

I can still use it, but g-mail says it is old...
no idea what that is doing to the communications.


Good idea from Walt.
I don't get any messages from G-Mail, google, with SM.
However, I did get that when using IE8 with the new
eye candy gmail.  I like the basic, old gmail format better.
Also get a security certificate error with IE8.
SM already is in basic html but the question does not show up at all.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Updating SM To Older Version

2014-12-30 Thread NoOp
On 12/30/2014 12:38 AM, Ray_Net wrote:
 NoOp wrote on 30/12/2014 02:52:
 On 12/28/2014 09:41 PM, HenriK wrote:
 Thanks to all who commented.  Unfortunately, I don't think I stated my 
 very carefully.

 My existing SM 2.24 is installed in a different hard drive partition (F) 
 the operating system (C).  I seem to remember that picking a new copy of SM 
 try to install it only in the C partition.

 Is that correct or will pulling a copy of the v.2.30 installation file out 
 the SM version list successfully overwrite the files in my v.2.24 existing
 installation without raising havoc with the existing profiles, mail 
 location, etc.

 If something goes terribly wrong, where are the instructions these days on
 installing SM in a HD partition of a user's choice?

 Thanks, in advance, for any and all advice and assistance.

 HenriK wrote:
 Is there someway to update an existing and older version of SM to a newer
 version other than the latest version?

 I want to go from v.2.24 to v.2.30 without changing anything else.  The 
 screen appears to only allow going to the latest version, v.2.31, 
 something I
 don't want to do at this time.

 Thanks, in advance, for any and all advice and assistance.

 Download the zip file, extract to where you want to run it from, extract
 it, and double-click seamonkey.exe. It will open up to your existing
 profile. If not, then you adjust/move your profile:

 He can download the exe file without going thru a zip file extraction :-)

Well yes of course he can. However, the .exe file is an installer file 
if he merely wants to run SeaMonkey from a different partition, folder,
drive, etc., then the easiest  obvious way is to simply extract the zip
file to whatever folder/directory you want to run it from. Perhaps you
should take time to read:
To install SeaMonkey by downloading the .zip file and installing
manually, follow these steps (normal users should NOT do that but use
the installer as described above): 

 The 2.30 version can be found here:

Sure it is... but that won't provide the zip file. Instead try:
Warning! The SeaMonkey version available for download from this page is
outdated and may suffer from known security vulnerabilities. This page
is only available for historic reference.
We strongly advise you to download the current release instead. 

But why the OP wants to use 2.30 instead of 2.31 is beyond me:

SeaMonkey 2.30

Released October 15, 2014
Warning! The SeaMonkey version available for download from this page is
outdated and may suffer from known security vulnerabilities. This page
is only available for historic reference.
We strongly advise you to download the current release instead.
Fixed in SeaMonkey 2.31

2014-91 Privileged access to security wrapped protected objects
2014-89 Bad casting from the BasicThebesLayer to BasicContainerLayer
2014-88 Buffer overflow while parsing media content
2014-87 Use-after-free during HTML5 parsing
2014-86 CSP leaks redirect data via violation reports
2014-85 XMLHttpRequest crashes with some input streams
2014-84 XBL bindings accessible via improper CSS declarations
2014-83 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:34.0 / rv:31.3)

Three of those fixes are rated as *Critical*. For those that don't
bother with security, *Critical* is:

Vulnerability can be used to run attacker code and install software,
requiring no user interaction beyond normal browsing. 

And for the record  for those that seem to think staying with SeaMonkey
2.26.1 is OK:

# Fixed in SeaMonkey 2.30

2014-81 Inconsistent video sharing within iframe
2014-80 Key pinning bypasses
2014-79 Use-after-free interacting with text directionality
2014-78 Further uninitialized memory use during GIF rendering
2014-77 Out-of-bounds write with WebM video
2014-76 Web Audio memory corruption issues with custom waveforms
2014-75 Buffer overflow during CSS manipulation
2014-74 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:33.0 / rv:31.2)

# Fixed in SeaMonkey 2.29.1

2014-73 RSA Signature Forgery in NSS

# Fixed in SeaMonkey 2.29

2014-72 Use-after-free setting text directionality
2014-71 Profile directory file access through file: protocol
2014-70 Out-of-bounds read in Web Audio audio timeline
2014-69 Uninitialized memory use during GIF rendering
2014-68 Use-after-free during DOM interactions with SVG