Is This a Bug or an Issue - Really need to know!

2013-03-24 Thread David
Seamonkey updated yesterday to the new 2.16.1 build and afterwards, 
every website I visited that I had a login in for such as netflix, or, places like that all popped up with a notice saying website 
could not be confirmed and in order to get to the website, I had to 
create an exception for each website. Even going to netflix from google 
would pop up the unconfirmed website notice. This has never happened 
before using seamonkey or even the mozilla suite which this used to be. 
Is this a bug or some issue that needs resolved or was this a planned 
thing in this build. Or worse, did something go wrong with the update or 
maybe a virus or trojan might have caused this. I used norton anti-virus 
and it hasn't found anything. I just need to know if I should uninstall 
and reinstall or this is how it was supposed to work. Please let me know 
and thanks for the help.

support-seamonkey mailing list

flash player issue - please help

2015-08-17 Thread David
For some reason, version of flash player still shows as being 
installed in seamonkey. I have used the uninstall utility for flash 
player and deleted every location flash player exists then cleaned out 
the registry and still that version says it exists in seamonkey. It also 
still exists in firefox and for some reason, I can not get rid of it. 
Nor can I find it anywhere on my computer. I thought I would send this 
up to you in case you have some idea of why and how to get it not to 
show up in my addons. I have the latest version of flash installed and 
it works just fine so no issues with it. Thanks for any ideas and help.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Possible to have e-mail links open in default browser?

2018-08-19 Thread David
While I realize that Seamonkey may view itself as a one-in-all package, 
I personally would only like to use the e-mail client, since I prefer 
current Firefox for browsing.

But of course copying/pasting links is kind of annoying.
Is it possible to change how links are opened somewhere? Didn't find 
anything in the options myself...

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Possible to have e-mail links open in default browser?

2018-08-19 Thread David

Mason83 wrote:

On 19/08/2018 19:18, David wrote:

While I realize that Seamonkey may view itself as a one-in-all package,
I personally would only like to use the e-mail client, since I prefer
current Firefox for browsing.
But of course copying/pasting links is kind of annoying.
Is it possible to change how links are opened somewhere? Didn't find
anything in the options myself...

I'm curious why you don't use Thunderbird?


Bad past experiences (corrupted e-mail db) but that was many years ago 
and I was under the wrong impression that when I installed both 
yesterday, Thunderbird downloaded all of my emails while Seamonkey 
didn't. But looking at the size of INBOX on my hard drive right now, I 
guess Seamonkey merely hides the progress bar... ;)

So yeah, maybe I should give Thunderbird another shot, especially since 
I leave all mails on the server these days anyway.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: searching password file?

2012-11-19 Thread David Cox

On 20/11/2012 9:27 AM, Miles Fidelman wrote:


Not to be snarky here, but to be very clear about the question:

It's NOT:
- how do I access the password manager
- how do I find the password associated with a specific (or a group of)
- it's not about how to go account by account through the password file
- it is not how to conduct a search, keyed on an account's URL

The question IS, very specifically:
USERNAMES THAT SHARE THAT PASSWORD  (i.e. find all lines where

I must be missing something here.

Try Hartmut's link earlier. 

Click "Show Passwords" and confirm

Click the newly displayed tab header "Password" and it will sort the 
list by password.

Voila - the sites with the same password are grouped.

And perhaps, the more generic questions of:
- where is the password file stored?
- what format is it stored in?
(which would allow constructing one's own search mechanism).

Miles Fidelman

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.14 Mac - drop-down dialogs drawn incompletely.

2012-11-21 Thread david . skellern
On Wednesday, November 21, 2012 4:45:26 AM UTC, Rufus wrote:
> Just updated to SM 2.14, Mac version.  Noticed immediately that the 
> interactive drop down dialogs for such things as Passwords are rendered 
> short (missing the bottom margin) using the SM Modern Theme.
> -- 
>   - Rufus

There seem to be a few "features" in this release.  The install script is more 
clumsy than usual, the spelling checker in mail wants me to correct spaces, and 
who knows what other weird things.  I've gone back to 2.13.2.  
support-seamonkey mailing list display problem

2012-11-28 Thread David Wilkinson
Microsoft's new (hotmail replacement) does not display properly for 
me in SeaMonkey 2.14. When I go to compose a new message, the labels 'Send', 
'Save draft', 'Options' and 'Cancel' are not displayed correctly on the blue 
menu bar (they are displaced downward).

Does anybody else see this?

Actually, I only see this problem with my normal profile. With a fresh SeaMonkey 
profile, it works correctly (but it does not work in safe mode with my normal 

How would I go about finding out what in my profile is causing this problem?

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Anyone working on sqlite address book?

2013-01-05 Thread David Lechner

On 1/5/2013 6:19 AM, Rob wrote:

Is anyone actually working on conversion of the address book from
mork format (.mab) to .sqlite?

There is an old bug (
disussing this but there does not seem to be progress.

However, I remember reading in another bug# that something was done and
then rolled back.   Cannot find it anymore.
support-seamonkey mailing list

ViewSourceWith extension on SeaMonkey 2.15

2013-01-14 Thread David Wilkinson
Does anybody else find that the (indispensable!) ViewSourceWith extension does 
not work on SeaMonkey 2.15?

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: ViewSourceWith extension on SeaMonkey 2.15

2013-01-14 Thread David Wilkinson

WaltS wrote:

Dafzilla ViewSourceWith

Have you contacted the extensions developer, and asked him when he is going to
update it?

The latest version I have is 0.9.3


But never mind, it seems to be working for me today on SM 2.15. Sorry for the 

I did report this at the ViewSourceWith forum at


I have posted retraction.

But from a previous post (initiated by myself) you can see that the author no 
longer supports SeaMonkey. Indeed, I have to hack the installer to get it to 

But as of now, it still seems to be working...

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

SM 2.16 won't thread emails

2013-03-07 Thread David Lawler

SM 2.16, XP SP3

I have a couple email accounts where there are so many messages they 
need to be threaded to keep track of them. That was not a problem up 
through 2.15, now 2.16 refuses to thread them, although all the settings 
(under View) are telling it to thread them. Any ideas why this is 
happening? Is there a setting in "about:config" that I can look at?

Tnanks, Dave
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Usenet problems

2013-04-18 Thread David Cox

On 19/04/2013 4:04 AM, chicagofan wrote:

Daniel wrote:

F Murtz wrote:

Iceman wrote:

If you're using BigPond (the correct name?) as your ISP provider, then
you should contact them.

No one in bigpond knows what a newsgroup server is,I have spent hours
trying to find anyone to talk to about usenet at telstra or bigpond.
I have sent them an email but judghing on past performance I dont expect

F Murtz, just FYI, my ISP, rather than having a news server himself,
usually re-brands a feed from the Bigpond server, but this feed has
been dead since before Christmas, and my ISP is having trouble finding
anyone there that knows about news servers!!

I read somewhere else that Big Pond was out of business... dead, as you

I was using bigpond news util about 48 hours ago when it died around midday.
Seems it is now gone forever as part of the change to microsoft-based 
mail servers.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Bigpond NG again

2013-04-29 Thread David Cox

On 29/04/2013 2:18 PM, F Murtz wrote:

I have just recieved an email from bigpond giving detailed instructions
on how to connect to bigpond ng so it appears that the stories on its
demise are exagerated. I would post the email but it has an instruction
not to repost.
I still can not recieve it but that is probably a problem between
seamonkey, my modem and bigpond server,I think it needs my password but
I can not figure a way to make it ask for it.

What happens when you try to telnet the news server?
You should get something like

> telnet 119
200 Welcome Message ()

If you do connect, use "quit" without the quotes to exit.
This assumes that your secret instructions did not change the port 
number from the default of 119.

I get

Connecting To not open connection to the host, 
on port 119: Connect failed


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Bigpond NG again

2013-04-30 Thread David Cox

On 30/04/2013 12:48 PM, F Murtz wrote:

David Cox wrote:

On 29/04/2013 2:18 PM, F Murtz wrote:

I have just recieved an email from bigpond giving detailed instructions
on how to connect to bigpond ng so it appears that the stories on its
demise are exagerated. I would post the email but it has an instruction
not to repost.
I still can not recieve it but that is probably a problem between
seamonkey, my modem and bigpond server,I think it needs my password but
I can not figure a way to make it ask for it.

What happens when you try to telnet the news server?
You should get something like

 > telnet 119
200 Welcome Message ()

If you do connect, use "quit" without the quotes to exit.
This assumes that your secret instructions did not change the port
number from the default of 119.

I get

Connecting To not open connection to the host,
on port 119: Connect failed


If I ping it  it tries 4 times and says timed out.

I don't think pinging that server has worked for a long time - unless 
the daemon is running it just ignores the ping and hence the time out.

That's why you should try to telnet the nntp server itself.

Here's a couple of examples:

This still works:
telnet 119
200 Welcome Message (newsfe10.iad)
205 Goodbye

Connection to host lost.

And another (telstra) one with a different response

telnet 119
502 Access denied to your node -

Connection to host lost.

So what do YOU get when you try to telnet to bigpond news server? 
Rememberm this removes seamonkey from the picture.

The connect failed that I get says that port 119 is open, but that the 
NNTP server is not running, at least not listening to port 119. Hence my 
other question about your secret email - did it talk about port 119, 
another port, or none. If none, then the default of 119 is expected.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Loss of ownership after 2.19 upgrade

2013-07-10 Thread David Wilkinson
After upgrading to version 2.19 on a Windows 7 x64 system, my profile was not 
working properly. I tracked this down to the fact that I had lost ownership (and 
hence permissions) of prefs.js (and also sessionstore.json, and the safebrowsing 
folder). All other files/folders in the profile were owned by my Windows account.

Has anybody seen this behavior before?

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Loss of ownership after 2.19 upgrade

2013-07-10 Thread David Wilkinson

Robert Kaiser wrote:

David Wilkinson schrieb:

After upgrading to version 2.19 on a Windows 7 x64 system, my profile
was not working properly. I tracked this down to the fact that I had
lost ownership (and hence permissions) of prefs.js (and also
sessionstore.json, and the safebrowsing folder).

That's interesting to hear. Who was ownership turned to?

I think that when I looked in Advanced Security Settings, it said the owner 
could not be displayed. But when I went to edit the owner, it was displayed as 

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Toolbar disappeared

2013-08-09 Thread David Kerridge
I made a bad selection or something on a drop-down screen and my top and 
bottom tool bars disappeared, the top is the one that has the bookmarks 
line on plus the two that I added, "Interests and Shopping" on them and 
the bottom bar too, now the only way I can shut the computer down, right 
now I have to do a "ctrl-alt-del" to shut down. I need help not 
criticism please.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Tool bars gone

2013-08-10 Thread David Kerridge
"I'm using Windows 8".  The only way I can get into SM at all is to 
click on SM-Mail from the Win-8 main screen, there I have all the tool 
bars, both top and bottom, but if instead I left click the SM Browser, I 
get the SM browser, but with no tool bars at all.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Toolbar disappeared

2013-08-10 Thread David Kerridge

A Williams wrote:

David Kerridge wrote:

I made a bad selection or something on a drop-down screen and my top and
bottom tool bars disappeared, the top is the one that has the bookmarks
line on plus the two that I added, "Interests and Shopping" on them and
the bottom bar too, now the only way I can shut the computer down, right
now I have to do a "ctrl-alt-del" to shut down. I need help not
criticism please.

Having looked at the other replies - in particular David Ross' - I
thought of using about:config
Bearing in mind that my setup works, entering "about:config" and
searching for "toolbar" I see three non-default entries, two of which
could be of interest: is set to "2"
mail.toolbars.showbutton.file is set to "true"

My uninformed guess is that the first one of those could be the
important one, and that and should have their default values.

When you say: I have to do a "ctrl-alt-del" to shut down
I take it you mean that is the only way you can terminate Seamonkey.

Best of luck.
The only way I get any tool bars, top or bottom is going to the Win-8 
screen at start up and click on SM-Mail and get my Mail/News screen, If 
I click on the SM Browser icon, I get SM but no bars top or bottom the 
only way I can do anything is to enter an address in the search bar 
which is the only bar on the browser and it takes me to the BING screen 
I still am unable to do much and never get any tool bars as I used to At 
this point all I can do to get out is "ctrl-alt-del"

support-seamonkey mailing list

Touch Scrolling on Google Search Results Page

2013-08-11 Thread David Wilkinson
I have a Windows tablet (Acer W500) upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 8. When I 
use it as a tablet, I normally use "Metro IE", but when I use it with keyboard 
and mouse I use SeaMonkey as I do on all my machines.

When in mouse and keyboard mode, the only thing I use the touch screen for is 
scrolling. But on the Google Search Results page, this finger scrolling does not 
work on SeaMonkey. It works fine on Google Chrome or desktop IE.

Does anybody else see this?

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Toolbar disappeared

2013-08-14 Thread David Kerridge

WaltS wrote:

On 08/12/2013 11:36 AM, A Williams wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

On 8/11/13 6:44 AM, A Williams wrote:

David Kerridge wrote:

A Williams wrote:

David Kerridge wrote:

I made a bad selection or something on a drop-down screen and my
top and
bottom tool bars disappeared, the top is the one that has the
line on plus the two that I added, "Interests and Shopping" on
them and
the bottom bar too, now the only way I can shut the computer
down, right
now I have to do a "ctrl-alt-del" to shut down. I need help not
criticism please.

Having looked at the other replies - in particular David Ross' - I
thought of using about:config
Bearing in mind that my setup works, entering "about:config" and
searching for "toolbar" I see three non-default entries, two of which
could be of interest: is set to "2"
mail.toolbars.showbutton.file is set to "true"

My uninformed guess is that the first one of those could be the
important one, and that and should have their default values.

When you say: I have to do a "ctrl-alt-del" to shut down
I take it you mean that is the only way you can terminate Seamonkey.

Best of luck.

The only way I get any tool bars, top or bottom is going to the Win-8
screen at start up and click on SM-Mail and get my Mail/News
screen, If
I click on the SM Browser icon, I get SM but no bars top or bottom the
only way I can do anything is to enter an address in the search bar
which is the only bar on the browser and it takes me to the BING
I still am unable to do much and never get any tool bars as I used
to At
this point all I can do to get out is "ctrl-alt-del"

so you can't even enter >> about:config << as an url?  Well, you can
still click on the link and then you have it.  Then try the previous

Your >> about:config << is not a clickable link.

really?  It works for me. would be the next try.

You are using SeaMonkey which has a web browser component, therefore it
opens about:config in that browser when clicked.

David is using Thunderbird which doesn't have a web browser component,
therefore it won't open about:config in any browser by just clicking on it.

Tested that myself.

I am using SeaMonkey 2.20 as Browser - Email and News.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Touch Scrolling on Google Search Results Page

2013-09-18 Thread David Wilkinson

David Wilkinson wrote:

I have a Windows tablet (Acer W500) upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 8. When I
use it as a tablet, I normally use "Metro IE", but when I use it with keyboard
and mouse I use SeaMonkey as I do on all my machines.

When in mouse and keyboard mode, the only thing I use the touch screen for is
scrolling. But on the Google Search Results page, this finger scrolling does not
work on SeaMonkey. It works fine on Google Chrome or desktop IE.

Does anybody else see this?

Actually, sometimes it worked and sometimes not.

It seems that this is a known issue in Firefox, and in SeaMonkey 2.21 all touch 
support has been disabled, pending a fix.

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Question about Seamonkey Mail Status Bar in 2.21

2013-09-19 Thread David Goldfield
Before I ask my question, I would like to thank the developers for 
continuing to develop and support Seamonkey.  I really love this program 
and am so thankful that it exists.
I am a blind Seamonkey user using the NVDA screen reader for speech 
output.  I've noticed a change in the way NVDA reads the status bar in 
the email client starting with Seamonkey 2.21.
In prior versions of Seamonkey, the status bar would simply speak the 
amount of unread messages followed by the total amount of messages in 
the currently open mail folder.
Now, I notice that there are additional buttons or icons in the status 
area which are being read by NVDA.  When I press NVDA's status line 
hotkey, I'll hear
browser, mail newsgroups, composer, etc. and then I hear the amount of 
messages.  This may be OK from a visual perspective, but it presents a 
lot of unnecessary wording that I'd prefer to eliminate. Is there an 
option to remove these buttons, either within Preferences or the 
about:config option?

I've also noticed a change in 2.21 which I appreciate.  My screen reader 
is able to provide ascending tones when there is a progress bar which is 
indicating the percentage of a task in the process of being completed, 
such as when you copy files from one folder to another.  In older 
versions of Seamonkey, I used to hear these tones when mail was being 
downloaded, but at some point this capability disappeared.  I've noticed 
that it's back in 2.21, meaning that I now hear ascending tones when 
mail is being downloaded, giving me an approximate indication of how 
much mail has been received.  This is really wonderful!!

Again, thank you for seamonkey.  It's a wonderful program.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Print dialog goes behind mailnews window

2013-09-21 Thread David Wilkinson
In mailnews in SeaMonkey 2.21 on Windows XP, when I go to print a message the 
print dialog appears momentarily but then disappears. It is still there, but it 
is behind the mailnews window. I have to minimize the mailnews window or use 
Alt-Tab to get it back.

Does anybody else see this? It doesn't happen in the browser, just mailnews.

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Print dialog goes behind mailnews window

2013-09-21 Thread David Wilkinson

Jim Taylor wrote:

This is a known problem that is being worked on.  Bug 918425

Thanks Jim! I'm glad it's not just me.

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Is There a Way to Remove the Buttons from the Status Area in Sm2.21

2013-09-22 Thread David Goldfield
Is there a way to remove the buttons near the status area for items such 
as composer, browser, address book, etc?

They're new with Sm2.21.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Is There a Way to Remove the Buttons from the Status Area in Sm2.21

2013-09-22 Thread David Goldfield

On 9/22/2013 1:00 PM, Ed Mullen wrote:

David Goldfield wrote:

Is there a way to remove the buttons near the status area for items such
as composer, browser, address book, etc?
They're new with Sm2.21.

They've always been there.

OK, I'll take your word for that.  Did the actual position of these 
buttons change?  I'm using a screen reader which has a hotkey to speak 
the contents of the status line.  Ever since I installed SM2.21 I'm 
hearing these buttons prior to the amount of read and unread messages, 
and in previous versions of SM I only heard a message count, so it's a 
bit annoying.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Is There a Way to Remove the Buttons from the Status Area in Sm2.21

2013-09-22 Thread David Goldfield

Thank you very much for giving me some visual info about 2.21.  I'm 
going to try 2.21 with NVDA 2013.1, which is the previous release. It 
should be easy to locate on Sourceforge.  I have, however, used 2013.2, 
the current version, with SM2.20 and the status line was read properly.  
Still, I'll file a ticket with them and see if they can look into it, 
but I'm fairly certain it's something which changed with Seamonkey's 
email client.

Thank you again.

On 9/22/2013 2:22 PM, Philip Taylor wrote:

Philip Taylor wrote:

I have 2.17.1 on all VMs except my VPN one, which is currently on 2.19;
I will update this to 2.21. and compare the two status bars
to see if I can see any difference.

I can't /see/ any difference, but that does not mean that they are
not displayed using modified code that exposes them to the Windows
screenreader API whereas before they were concealed.

Philip Taylor
support-seamonkey mailing list

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Is There a Way to Remove the Buttons from the Status Area in Sm2.21

2013-09-23 Thread David Goldfield

I think the actual question is why did his screen reader suddenly

notice these and started reading them out? Phil

I've filed a bug in Bugzilla documenting this issue.  It's 919659, for 
those who are interested.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Is There a Way to Remove the Buttons from the Status Area in Sm2.21

2013-09-23 Thread David Goldfield
>I think the actual question is why did his screen reader suddenly 
notice these and started reading them out? Phil

That is my question.  As an experiment, I loaded the previous version of 
NVDA, which was 2013.1.1.  The status line in SM2.21 still reads the 
extra buttons which say "browser, mail and newsgroups, composer, address 
book" followed by the amount of read and total number of messages.  It 
should just speak the amount of read and total messages, so the change 
is not with NVDA.  I guess I should file a bug about this on Bugzilla, 
but I had hoped that the about:config list might have had an option to 
hide the buttons without hiding the entire status bar.  I've done 
keyword searches for obvious things like status, buttons, etc. but I 
don't find anything obvious.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.21 and Printing

2013-09-26 Thread David Wilkinson

Harvey Gratt wrote:

Just noticed something strange. If I click on the Print icon or select Print
from the File menu, I cannot print an email or newsgroup post (HP L7680) - the
print menu flashes up and disappears. If I select Print Preview, I can print
successfully from there. I can also successfully print web pages via the icon or

Anyone else see this behavior?

Known issue:


David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: optional taskbar preview-per-tab.

2013-09-27 Thread David Wilkinson

Jim Taylor wrote:

Change browser.taskbar.previews.enable from true to false in about:config.

Thanks for this. This was driving me absolutely crazy on my Windows 7 machine.

But surely this new optional feature should have been turned off by default?

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

SM & Home page

2013-10-06 Thread David Kerridge
I have been using Excite as my Home Page, plus SM which gave me SM tool 
bars top and bottom with SM book marks system in the top tool bar, with 
Excite in the middle.  I could scroll up and down on Excite and the SM 
tool bars stayed in place.

I installed the new version of SM (2.20) and the top tool bar 
disappeared altogether, The bottom SM tool stayed until I tried to 
scroll Excite, then the bottom SM tool bar would disappear and the 
entire page is all Excite and SM browser is no longer present.

Does anyone have any ideas?  I need help.   Dave.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM & Home page

2013-10-06 Thread David Kerridge

David Kerridge wrote:

I have been using Excite as my Home Page, plus SM which gave me SM tool
bars top and bottom with SM book marks system in the top tool bar, with
Excite in the middle.  I could scroll up and down on Excite and the SM
tool bars stayed in place.

I installed the new version of SM (2.20) and the top tool bar
disappeared altogether, The bottom SM tool stayed until I tried to
scroll Excite, then the bottom SM tool bar would disappear and the
entire page is all Excite and SM browser is no longer present.

Does anyone have any ideas?  I need help.   Dave.

I forgot:  I've got a Vaio Ultrabook using Windows 8.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM & Home page

2013-10-06 Thread David Kerridge

David Kerridge wrote:

David Kerridge wrote:

I have been using Excite as my Home Page, plus SM which gave me SM tool
bars top and bottom with SM book marks system in the top tool bar, with
Excite in the middle.  I could scroll up and down on Excite and the SM
tool bars stayed in place.

I installed the new version of SM (2.20) and the top tool bar
disappeared altogether, The bottom SM tool stayed until I tried to
scroll Excite, then the bottom SM tool bar would disappear and the
entire page is all Excite and SM browser is no longer present.

Does anyone have any ideas?  I need help.   Dave.

I forgot:  I've got a Vaio Ultrabook using Windows 8.
Excite is a home page software program from I have been 
using for about 15 years, with no problems until now.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM & Home page

2013-10-06 Thread David Kerridge

WaltS wrote:

On 10/06/2013 11:05 AM, David Kerridge wrote:

I have been using Excite as my Home Page, plus SM which gave me SM tool
bars top and bottom with SM book marks system in the top tool bar, with
Excite in the middle.  I could scroll up and down on Excite and the SM
tool bars stayed in place.

I installed the new version of SM (2.20) and the top tool bar
disappeared altogether, The bottom SM tool stayed until I tried to
scroll Excite, then the bottom SM tool bar would disappear and the
entire page is all Excite and SM browser is no longer present.

Does anyone have any ideas?  I need help.   Dave.

The new version of SeaMonkey is 2.21.

I have no idea why the tool bars disappear upon scrolling.

I also don't understand what you mean by Excite is a software program.
If it is installed on your system, then I would expect it to open in
another window, not SeaMonkey.

Using SeaMonkey 2.21 and going to I see a web site.
Scrolling up and down has no affect on the tool bars.

The way it works is using the SM Presences under Browser, I enter 
""; and then each time I hit the SM icon, SM would 
come up, with Excite in the middle, and its worked like a charm for 
years.  What do you guys or gals use as your Browser/Homepage. I have 
never liked IE, but I may have to make another choice. I liked SM 
because I could get Browser/email/newsgroups all in one.

support-seamonkey mailing list

SM & Home page

2013-10-09 Thread David Kerridge
I am so thankful to all of you, My head is so full of information and 
have been able to make positive headway, Thanks for all the help.

support-seamonkey mailing list

avi & rar

2013-10-25 Thread David Kerridge
I have been using SM for about 10 years.  What I like about it is I get 
the Browser, email and news groups.

Now days most of the news group articles I am unable to open, because 
they have either .avi or .rar extensions on each article submitted all I 
get when I try to open the article, graphics or text, all I get is 
machine language.

Is there a download for SM that will allow me to open these files?

The version of SM I'm using is 2.21.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: avi & rar

2013-10-26 Thread David Kerridge

Ed Mullen wrote:

David Kerridge wrote:

I have been using SM for about 10 years.  What I like about it is I get
the Browser, email and news groups.

Now days most of the news group articles I am unable to open, because
they have either .avi or .rar extensions on each article submitted all I
get when I try to open the article, graphics or text, all I get is
machine language.

Is there a download for SM that will allow me to open these files?

The version of SM I'm using is 2.21.

Sounds like you're accessing binary news groups.  If so, this might help:

Thanks very much for the feedback.   Dave.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: avi & rar

2013-10-26 Thread David Kerridge

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

David Kerridge wrote:

I have been using SM for about 10 years.  What I like about it is I get
the Browser, email and news groups.

Now days most of the news group articles I am unable to open, because
they have either .avi or .rar extensions on each article submitted all I
get when I try to open the article, graphics or text, all I get is
machine language.

Is there a download for SM that will allow me to open these files?

The version of SM I'm using is 2.21.

.avi is a video format; there are lots of programs that can open them,
but it's not a native format for browsers like .gif or .jpg. I
personally prefer VideoLAN, which will play lots of video formats and
comes with a good plugin for SM. But as I say, you have lots of options.

.rar is a compression format like .zip, and again you have several
options. My favorite is WinRAR, which works fine in a Windows
environment. You get nagged every time you launch it that it's
technically not freeware and wouldn't you like to buy it, but you can
dismiss the nag and run it forever without paying. You don't have to
integrate it into SM, just list it as a helper app that handles .rar,
.zip, etc.

Thank you very much for the feedback.  Dave.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: avi & rar

2013-11-01 Thread David Kerridge

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

David Kerridge wrote:

I have been using SM for about 10 years.  What I like about it is I get
the Browser, email and news groups.

Now days most of the news group articles I am unable to open, because
they have either .avi or .rar extensions on each article submitted all I
get when I try to open the article, graphics or text, all I get is
machine language.

Is there a download for SM that will allow me to open these files?

The version of SM I'm using is 2.21.

.avi is a video format; there are lots of programs that can open them,
but it's not a native format for browsers like .gif or .jpg. I
personally prefer VideoLAN, which will play lots of video formats and
comes with a good plugin for SM. But as I say, you have lots of options.

.rar is a compression format like .zip, and again you have several
options. My favorite is WinRAR, which works fine in a Windows
environment. You get nagged every time you launch it that it's
technically not freeware and wouldn't you like to buy it, but you can
dismiss the nag and run it forever without paying. You don't have to
integrate it into SM, just list it as a helper app that handles .rar,
.zip, etc.

I am using Win-8 with Seamonkey 2.22 as Browser - email - News Group, 

I downloaded ( saved on my "C:" drive in the same directory 
as Seamonkey, I opened it, shut down the computer, restarted it, went 
into News groups and tried it,0 but it didn't work. How do I go about 
getting (win-rar) to work??   Dave.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: avi & rar

2013-11-01 Thread David Kerridge

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

David Kerridge wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

.rar is a compression format like .zip, and again you have several
options. My favorite is WinRAR, which works fine in a Windows
environment. You get nagged every time you launch it that it's
technically not freeware and wouldn't you like to buy it, but you
can dismiss the nag and run it forever without paying. You don't
have to integrate it into SM, just list it as a helper app that
handles .rar, .zip, etc. <>

I am using Win-8 with Seamonkey 2.22 as Browser - email - News Group,

I downloaded ( saved on my "C:" drive in the same
directory as Seamonkey, I opened it, shut down the computer,
restarted it, went into News groups and tried it,0 but it didn't
work. How do I go about getting (win-rar) to work??   Dave.

Don't know Win8, but the download file from is an installer,
so it has to be run, not just dropped into your SM directory. You should
probably leave it in your Downloads directory so you can find it later
if you need to.

Once you've run the installer, do two tests:

1) From a Windows Explorer directory, try to open a .rar file. If all is
well, Windows should know what to do. If not, it should ask for guidance
and you should tell it that .rar files are opened with WinRAR.

2) Go into SM and try to open a .rar file. It will probably ask you how
to handle it; in that case tell it: Use WinRAR, or Always Ask, or Save
File, as you please.

I go into newsgroups with Sesmonkey and try to open .rar files and 
nothing happens other than what I have been getting, just a bunch of 
machine language.   When I downloaded win-rar, I saved it to a windows 
explorer directory, seamonkey is also located in the very same directory 
as win-rar.  After downloading win-rar, I double cliked the win-rar Icon 
whiched opened it.  Next, like many programs required me to power down 
after opening, so I did that just in case.  I rebooted and went to 
seamonkey news groups and tried some .rar files and nothing more than 
machine language.  Dave.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Email display area

2013-11-04 Thread David Kerridge
I was using SM 2.21 and about 3 or 4 days ago I noticed that the text 
display area got wider, so wide in fact if It was an email with an 
attachment, I could only see just the left edge of the attachment box. I 
tried to bring the right edge of the display area to the left, but it 
wouldn't move. I tried a few other things, but I couldn't do anything to 
correct the problem.  I looked in preferences, but no help. I looked in 
View and Tools, also no help.  I downloaded SM 2.22 but that didn't 
correct the problem.  Does anyone have any solutions for this problem? 
Dave  Kerridge.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Any updates on when we might start seeing Seamonkey updates?

2015-06-14 Thread David Guymer

Adrian Kalla wrote:

W dniu 06/13/2015 o 10:47 PM, EE pisze:

If you are willing to settle for SM 2.36, you can get a beta vesion here:

That would be preferable to an alpha version, since it would have fewer

You might also try SM 2.35 from here:

It should have even less bugs ;)

Hopefully their working on Windows 10 version.

David G
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: IMAP Mail Question

2015-07-14 Thread David Wilkinson

Mason83 wrote:

Maybe you could manually move older messages to your
"Local Folders" hierarchy?

This is what I do.

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Add Mail Account

2015-07-14 Thread David Guymer
Is there a way to add a mail account with the corrupted mail/news wizard 
that is a known fault for SeaMonkey 2.33.1

David G
support-seamonkey mailing list

Add Mail Account

2015-07-15 Thread David Guymer
Is there a way to add a mail account with the corrupted mail/news wizard 
that is a known fault for SeaMonkey 2.33.1

Windows 7 Home Premium (Soon to be Windows 10)

David G
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.35..

2015-08-06 Thread David Cox

On 6/08/2015 6:18 AM, Rob Steinmetz wrote:

Edmund Wong wrote:


I regret to be the bearer of bad news; but as it stands,
the worst case scenario (and likely the actual case) is that 2.35 is
not going to be released in July.

The new goal is to release it in early August.

The past month has been mired in fire-fighting bustages,
getting repacks and builds working (as of this writing,
trunk is busted) as well as the need to get the backend
buildbot code updated to reflect that we no longer depend
on CVS.

I apologize for the delay and thank everyone for your


Thanks for the update. At this point I'd rather wait until things get
sorted out than rush into an unstable situation.
FWIW I've been running Callek's contributed win32 2.35 build for a 
couple of weeks with no issues. But then, I have a pretty simple setup 
with few addons but do mix POP and Imap mail servers.

Cheers, djc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Software Update check fails with xml error - Win 7

2016-03-03 Thread David Cox

On 4/03/2016 1:45 PM, Paul Bergsagel wrote:

Rich Gray wrote:

My work workstation went to check for updates about an hour ago and
produced a error saying:

Update Failed

There were problems checking for, downloading or installing this update.
SeaMonkey could not be updated because:

Update XML file malformed(200)

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/42.0 SeaMonkey/2.39
Build identifier: 20151103191810

This is a Win7 Pro system which checks daily.  No problems in the past.

Anyone else seeing this??

My Mac and an old XP system just say that there's no update available,
as normal.  ewong checked and did not see the problem either.

I am seeing this issue on a 2006 iMac Mac OS 10.7

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/42.0 SeaMonkey/2.39

I get the exact same error message as the OP.
"Update Failed".

Like the original poster, I have been getting this error for about 12 
months (Win7 Ultimate), currently the same Seamonkey build. It does not 
go away after downloading and installing a fresh copy via the link.

I have been putting off creating a new profile from scratch.


None of these suggested error conditions appear to be relevant and 
everything else works, for various values of "work"

AUS Update XML File Malformed 200

The message, AUS: Update XML File Malformed (200) can sometimes appear 
during a check for updates. This is a "catch-all" update error which can 
occur for different reasons such as being in "offline" mode, network 
problems, or not being signed on with your Master password (if you've 
set one up) before the update check [22]. Software Update requires a 
secure connection so, if you are also receiving errors on webmail login 
pages, bank sites or other secure (https) sites (e.g. see Error loading secure sites.

If Software Update errors persist, you can download the latest version 
of Firefox or Thunderbird from and install it "on top 
of" your current version, instead of using the Software Update feature.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Is there a way to remove big images in sent HTML e-mails?

2016-06-13 Thread David Cox

On 13/06/2016 7:20 PM, Ant wrote:

On 6/12/2016 6:33 PM, Jonathan N. Little wrote:

I know I can delete attachments, but what about embedded images in HTML

Right-click > Edit as New

Make edits

Save as Draft

Move modified message into folder you want.

But I still want to keep the headers, dates, times, etc. intact. :(

To combine the various threads:

Copy the email to a new sub-folder. This will only have the one message, 
making it smaller and easier to find.

Close mail agent.

Edit using your favorite editor to remove the junk.

Copy back to the original folder.

Voila. Same headers, not so much to deal with, but an extra couple of steps.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Importing Old Mail with .slt Suffix

2016-09-29 Thread David Hume
I am trying to import some old mail, from around the year 2000. I am not
sure what client I was using then, maybe mozilla communicator, or
netscape. The mail is in folders with a .slt suffix, like xx.slt. I
tried to create a profile called xx following instructions on but it created a folder called yy.xx.

The mail is in various plain text files so I am hoping there is some way
to create .msf indexes from it. Is there a way to do it with seamonkey
(or thunderbird, whichever works).
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Importing Old Mail with .slt Suffix

2016-10-03 Thread David Hume
Daniel  writes:

> On 30/09/2016 9:25 PM, David Hume wrote:
>> It seems seamonkey doesn't permit subfolders, so I have to find the
>> plain text file of email and copy it into an existing folder, and that
>> works. But on the backup there are several files called Inbox in folders
>> for example
> David, if it is a small number of e-mails you want, have you tried selecting
> one e-mail that you want, then select File->Save As->File, than save it
> wherever you want, and print it from there??

It's a large number of emails, maybe a decade worth. I am going to write
a script to move all the files into one place...
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: When is "Exit" not an "Exit"??

2017-01-06 Thread David Wilkinson

"When is "Exit" not an "Exit"??"

When it's a "Brexit"!

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

SeaMonkey 2.23 New Mail account Wizard

2014-01-20 Thread David Guymer
This wizard points to a point where it wants to edit an existing news 
account and does not ask if news or email.

David Guymer
support-seamonkey mailing list

Amazon Music Importer asks for latest Flash

2014-02-03 Thread David Wilkinson
Using SeaMonkey 2.23 I go to the Amazon Cloud Player web site, and try to import 
some of my music (for which you have to install the Amazon Music Importer).

But a popup appears saying "A newer version of Adobe Flash Player must be 
installed and enabled in order to import your music". But I have the latest 
version of flash (which is

What gives?

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Amazon Music Importer asks for latest Flash

2014-02-03 Thread David Wilkinson

David E. Ross wrote:

Have you disabled "Advertise Firefox compatibility"?  If so, enable it
for Amazon?

Thanks for the reply. No, I have not (intentionally) disabled Firefox 
compatibility. My user-agent string is

"User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 
Firefox/26.0 SeaMonkey/2.23"

Is that good?

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Amazon Music Importer asks for latest Flash

2014-02-04 Thread David Wilkinson

David Wilkinson wrote:

Using SeaMonkey 2.23 I go to the Amazon Cloud Player web site, and try to import
some of my music (for which you have to install the Amazon Music Importer).

But a popup appears saying "A newer version of Adobe Flash Player must be
installed and enabled in order to import your music". But I have the latest
version of flash (which is

What gives?

I have been able to install the Amazon Music Importer using a different browser 
(Chrome). Now if I use the Amazon Cloud Player web interface on Chrome or IE and 
select "Import Your Music" then the Amazon Music Importer is started on my machine.

I still cannot do this from SeaMonkey (says I do not have latest Flash), but 
this does not really matter because I can launch it directly on my machine.

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: focus not following new window

2014-02-05 Thread David Wilkinson

Rick Merrill wrote:

When I open a link "in a new window" it opens fine, BUT if I touch a key the
prior window seems to take over and comes to the top. Is it just me, or is the
"focus" not being switched directly to the 'new window'?

Yes, I think I have been seeing this also. SM 2.23 on Windows 7 x64.

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list


2014-02-06 Thread David Kerridge
I have had people that send me emails, ask me if I forward their email, 
to please not send their address along with the forwarding, is there a 
way I can make this happen?  I am using SeaMonkey 2.24

Thanks  Dave Kerridge
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Forwarding

2014-02-06 Thread David Kerridge

Trane Francks wrote:

On 2/7/14 9:59 AM +0900, David Kerridge wrote:

I have had people that send me emails, ask me if I forward their email,
to please not send their address along with the forwarding, is there a
way I can make this happen?  I am using SeaMonkey 2.24

Thanks  Dave Kerridge

Forward the message as inline rather than as an attachment and remove
the address.

I do the right click but don't see anything about (inline, how do you do 

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Forwarding

2014-02-07 Thread David Kerridge

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

David Kerridge wrote:

Trane Francks wrote:

On 2/7/14 9:59 AM +0900, David Kerridge wrote:

I have had people that send me emails, ask me if I forward their email,
to please not send their address along with the forwarding, is there a
way I can make this happen?  I am using SeaMonkey 2.24

Thanks  Dave Kerridge

Forward the message as inline rather than as an attachment and remove
the address.

I do the right click but don't see anything about (inline, how do you do

 From the menu:
Message | Forward As | Inline

 From the toolbar:
Click the little triangle at the right edge of the "Forward" button,
choose "Inline."

 From the message list:
Right-click the message, choose "Forward." SeaMonkey will use your
default forwarding option from Edit | Mail & Newsgroups | Composition |
Forward messages: (•) Inline (o) As Attachment

Thank you ever so much, it works.  Thanks again.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Amazon Music Importer asks for latest Flash

2014-02-08 Thread David Wilkinson

Ralph Fox wrote:

On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 07:26:33 -0500, David Wilkinson wrote:

Using SeaMonkey 2.23 I go to the Amazon Cloud Player web site, and try to import
some of my music (for which you have to install the Amazon Music Importer).

But a popup appears saying "A newer version of Adobe Flash Player must be
installed and enabled in order to import your music". But I have the latest
version of flash (which is

What gives?

1.  The latest is, not

2.  A critical vulnerability has been found in

Thanks, good to know.

I have installed version and I still see the same problem on 

Does anybody else not see this?

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

I have seamonkey 2.24 for Linux

2014-02-24 Thread David Bauer
I figured out how to unzip it (bunzip2) and un- tar it, now how do I
install it??


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support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2.21 won't allow creating new email account (only newsreader)

2014-02-24 Thread David Guymer

WaltS wrote:

On 02/24/2014 09:48 AM, bdelmee wrote:

(does one frown on top-posting around here? that's what I find most
logical/readable, personally - or maybe I just rationalise my laziness)

We try to follow the rules. Either way works. Bottom posting is preferred.

[Mozilla Forum

I am still seeing this error with SM 2.24.

Trying to create a new News account attampt to overwrite the setting for

David Guymer
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wishlist of things I'd like to see

2014-05-13 Thread David Cox

On 13/05/2014 9:24 PM, Cruz, Jaime wrote:

After playing around with several different browsers there are a couple
of minor "tweaks" I'd like to see to the Seamonkey interface.

I'd like to be able to close a tab from the tab itself. Firefox, Chrome
and even Internet explorer put a little "x" on the left side of the tab
(even an inactive one) that allows you to close the tab.  With
Seamonkey, you have to bring the tab you want to close to the fore and
then mouse all the way over to the right and click the "X" over there.
As screens get higher and higher definitions, this gets more and more
You can right click on the tab. This allows you you to close the tab 
even if inactive.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Seamonkey Mail Drafts and Junk Folder Corrupted

2014-10-29 Thread david . szafranski
Using 2.26.1, Vista, and seemed that Mail is acting really slow. Then found 
that several mail folders contain HUGE files for empty folders. 

The Drafts folder has a size of 1.2GB and it contains no drafts (empty) while 
the Junk folder is shown as 195MB and is empty as well. 

I have hit the Repair Folder button several times for each folder, with no 
change. Then I deleted their respective .msf files, and no change as well. 

Inbox folder contains messages but file space reserved seems high as well.

Then I considered whether I had corrupt disc file space and used CheckDisc to 
scan entire C drive. Checkdisc did not find any disc corruption. 

Any ideas on how to fix this? Delete the Drafts and Junk Folders manually and 
reinstall Seamonkey?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey Mail Drafts and Junk Folder Corrupted

2014-10-30 Thread David S
On Thursday, October 30, 2014 3:17:51 AM UTC-7, Daniel wrote:
> On 30/10/14 15:17, david wrote:
> > Using 2.26.1, Vista, and seemed that Mail is acting really slow. Then found 
> > that several mail folders contain HUGE files for empty folders.
> >
> > The Drafts folder has a size of 1.2GB and it contains no drafts (empty) 
> > while the Junk folder is shown as 195MB and is empty as well.
> >
> > I have hit the Repair Folder button several times for each folder, with no 
> > change. Then I deleted their respective .msf files, and no change as well.
> >
> > Inbox folder contains messages but file space reserved seems high as well.
> >
> > Then I considered whether I had corrupt disc file space and used CheckDisc 
> > to scan entire C drive. Checkdisc did not find any disc corruption.
> >
> > Any ideas on how to fix this? Delete the Drafts and Junk Folders manually 
> > and reinstall Seamonkey?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> David, did you try File->Empty Trash and then File->Compact Folders?
> When SM deletes a file (or copys to another folder, I think), the file 
> is not actually removed from the Inbox, it is marked for deletion and 
> made invisible. When you Empty Trash *and then* Compact Folders, it is 
> actually deleted, releasing all saved space back to your system.
> I'm guessing the same would apply to your Draft folder as well.
> -- 
> Daniel

Thanks Daniel, that did the job, and released 10GB of space on the HD.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Seamonkey always asks to save pdf files

2014-12-06 Thread David Wilkinson
On Windows 7, I use Foxit Reader as my PDF application, and I want PDF files 
from the web to open in Foxit Reader (not in a browser tab). But whenever I 
click on a pgf document in SeaMonkey, I am forced to first download the file. It 
will not open directly in Foxit Reader.

Who is causing this: Seamonkey, Foxit Reader, or Windows? In nay case, how can I 
fix it?

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey always asks to save pdf files

2014-12-06 Thread David Wilkinson

Ed Mullen wrote:

You have to download the pdf before you can display it in Foxit.  It gets stored
in in a temp folder in your Windows user profile.  How else would Foxit be able
to display it?

I don't think that is it. It would not be asking me to choose a save location in 
that case. It would just download automatically to the Temp folder.

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey always asks to save pdf files

2014-12-06 Thread David Wilkinson

Ed Mullen wrote:

Edit - Preferences - Browser - Helper Applications.  Scroll to PDF. What do you
see in the Action column?  Click the arrow.  Select what you want to have 

It says "Foxit Reader 6.2, Best Reader for ..."

This is why I cannot understand why this is happening to me.

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey always asks to save pdf files

2014-12-07 Thread David Wilkinson

Ray_Net wrote:

David Wilkinson wrote on 06/12/2014 22:24:

Ed Mullen wrote:

Edit - Preferences - Browser - Helper Applications.  Scroll to PDF. What do you
see in the Action column?  Click the arrow.  Select what you want to have

It says "Foxit Reader 6.2, Best Reader for ..."

This is why I cannot understand why this is happening to me.

What have you selected ? "Always Ask" ?

No, I have selected "Foxit Reader 6.2, Best Reader for ...".

But actually, it does not make any difference what I select -- it always just 
prompts to save the file.

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey always asks to save pdf files

2014-12-07 Thread David Wilkinson

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Note also that there may not be only one answer under Helper Applications. Web
sites serve pdf files under several MIME types, so you need to specify the
desired outcome more than once. For example, I have:

Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Document (application/pdf)
Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Document (file/unknown)
Adobe Acrobat Forms Document (application/vnd.adobe.xfdf)
Adobe Acrobat Forms Document (application/vnd.fdf)
Adobe Acrobat XML Data Package

and I've had to make my choice independently for each of the five.

Thanks, that was it, more than one entry, though in my case just both

Foxit Reader FDF Document
Adobe Acrobat Document

I had just set the first one to Foxit Reader, and had never noticed that it said 
FDF, not PDF. I'm not even sure that Foxit can open FDF files.

Now that I have set the first one to open with Foxit Reader it works as I like.

Thanks. I can't believe I didn't figure this out for myself, but I didn't. I 
have never had Adobe Reader installed on this machine, I just did not look in 
the A's.

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey always asks to save pdf files

2014-12-07 Thread David Wilkinson

Ray_Net wrote:

You did not understand what everybody tell you 

Normally in the right side of the list of "helper application" (in the "ACTION
COLUMN" ) is a drop-down list with :
- Always ask
- Save file
- Other
- etc 

You must not select " "Foxit Reader 6.2, Best Reader for ..."."  YOU MUST select
the choice "ALWAYS ASK" for ACTION.

Can you do this ?

It is you that does not understand. I do not want SeaMonkey to ask me what to 
do, I do not want it to ask me where to save, I do not want it to open in a 
SeaMonkey tab. I want it to open in Foxit Reader without asking me. That is what 
the option "Foxit Reader 6.2, Best Reader for ..." should do.

The problem was (as you can see form my other response) I was doing it to the 
wrong category of file. When I applied it to "Adobe Acrobat Document", it worked.

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey always asks to save pdf files

2014-12-07 Thread David Wilkinson

Mr. Ed wrote:

In Windows - make Foxit Reader (you should really upgrade it to 7.0.3)
the default program for .pdf files

In SeaMonkey Edit/Preferences/Helper Applications  find all references
to Foxit PDF Document, except the FDF one, and make the action "Use
Foxit Reader 7.0."

When you click on a pdf file it will be downloaded and opened with out
further manipulations of any kind by you.

Yes, I know. But for some reason in my SeaMonkey Preferences/Helper Applications 
list, the .FDF type was referred to as "Foxit Reader FDF Document" and the .PDF 
type as "Adobe Acrobat Document" (which, as you imply, seems unnatural). This I 
was not expecting, because Adobe Reader has never been installed on this machine.

I will look into the Foxit update but my copy does not suggest it when I have it 
check for updates.

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey always asks to save pdf files

2014-12-08 Thread David Wilkinson

Ray_Net wrote:

Just an idea ...
PDF type as "Adobe Acrobat Document"
PDF type as "Foxit Reader FDF Document"

No idea if my idea is a feasable one and if the result will be ok.

But perhaps you can modify the ACTION of PDF type as "Adobe Acrobat Document" to
"Other" .. then choice the foxit-reader .exe.

I have it working now. All I had to do was specify Foxit Reader as the viewer 
for "Adobe Acrobat Document". The whole problem was that I was specifying Foxit 
Reader as the viewer for "Foxit Reader FDF Document".

It doesn't really matter for me, but I would I change the designation "Adobe 
Acrobat Document" in the SeaMonkey Helper Applications list?

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey always asks to save pdf files

2014-12-08 Thread David Wilkinson

W3BNR wrote:

When you installed Foxit Reader did you have "Select plugin used to open
PDF files in browser" checked?  I think that's a default check, but I
could be wrong.

And the other ones during the installation of "Set Foxit Reader as the
default viewer" and "Show PDF files in browser".

Now I'm out of ideas.

I"m not sure what I did when I installed Foxit Reader. But I have it working 
now. All I had to do was specify Foxit Reader as the viewer for "Adobe Acrobat 
Document". The whole problem was that I was specifying Foxit Reader as the 
viewer for "Foxit Reader FDF Document".

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey always asks to save pdf files

2014-12-09 Thread David Wilkinson

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

It seems more likely to me that at some time earlier in the life of the OP's
profile, he had an Adobe program installed, and that SeaMonkey (or perhaps
Mozilla or even Netscape) learned about the file type at that time. Even after
the Adobe program was uninstalled (or after the profile was transferred to a
computer that lacked one), SeaMonkey would still know what it knew about the
file type (surely Adobe's uninstaller would leave SeaMonkey's files untouched).
Of course, once the computer no longer had an Adobe program, opening such a file
from SM would force the program to request guidance, as it did.

Paul, I think you are correct. I have been using this profile for A Very Long 
Time, probably originally on a computer that did have Adobe Reader installed.

But I have used Foxit Reader for many years now (and so this SeaMonkey problem 
has been bugging me for years also...). I am so glad to have gotten it fixed 
with the help of this group, and you especially. Thank you!

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Using < and > for URLs messing up for links.

2015-01-19 Thread David Wilkinson

David E. Ross wrote:

The <> brackets around a URI are specified in Appendix C of RFC 3986.
They are especially important when a URI is part of non-HTML text and
also when a URI is sufficiently lengthy that it requires more than a
single line of text.

Yes, I always use <> when I post links manually (I use plain text composition 

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey more secure than Firefox

2015-03-01 Thread David Cox

On 2/03/2015 11:18 AM, NoOp wrote:

On 02/27/2015 09:39 PM, Philip Chee wrote:

On 28/02/2015 02:18, Robert Kaiser wrote:

Paul Bergsagel schrieb:

Surprisingly SeaMonkey has been rated as more secure than Firefox

Please scroll down to the second table:

Thank you SeaMonkey developers!!!

This just confirms that a count of fixed vulnerabilities is a very
bad measure for security. It just means that Firefox developers are
more vigilant in finding and fixing security issues, while the small
SeaMonkey team has no time to even look for any and just inherits
platform fixes.

For your information, I've been keeping a eye out that I've been
monitoring front end security patches landing in Firefox
(mozilla-central/browser) for more than a year and a half. I've been
porting these changes as they come in. Front end Firefox vulnerabilities
are pretty rare compared to backend problems. It is possible that I've
missed one or two, but I believe I've either fixed all known (front-end)
security issues or confirmed that they don't affect SeaMonkey.


Thank you Phil & all that contribute to SeaMonkey.

@Kairo: Robert it seems that you've been dropping turds in here ever
since you went over to Firefox. I've still a tremendous amount of
respect for you, and always thank you for the many years you've
contributed to SeaMonkey... but how about posting something
positive/helpful/useful for a change? Or did I misunderstand and you
were doing this all along?

NoOp, I beg to differ. I read this as Robert simply explaining why 
Firefox was "marked down" by finding and and fixing core 
vulnerabilities. SeaMonkey inherits this benefit at little cost - and at 
no cost in this "study".

Phil has done a great job at maintaining SeaMonkey's integrity, but as 
he states, the back-end vulnerabilities (only counted against Firefox) 
far outweigh the front end.

Be careful of stats - they usually don't measure what people think they do.


support-seamonkey mailing list

SeaMonkey 2.46 keeps asking for security certificates

2017-07-30 Thread David Guymer
SeaMonkey has started asking for security certificates or not displaying 
pages for all websites.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling SeaMonkey with the same result.

I am running Windows 10 Insider preview 16251.

Is the a known SeaMonkey problem or is it more likely related to the 
Insider Preview?

David G
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.46 keeps asking for security certificates

2017-07-30 Thread David Guymer

Lemuel Johnson wrote:

On 7/30/2017 5:16 AM, David Guymer wrote:

SeaMonkey has started asking for security certificates or not displaying
pages for all websites.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling SeaMonkey with the same

I am running Windows 10 Insider preview 16251.

Is the a known SeaMonkey problem or is it more likely related to the
Insider Preview?

David G

I had a similar problem where my Kaspersky program interfered with
display of all sites with "https" URL's.!topic/

Lem Johnson

Adding a certificate for Kaspersky fixed the problem.


David Guymer
support-seamonkey mailing list

SM 2.48 and KTS 18

2017-08-03 Thread David Guymer
Previously I had a problem with KTS blocking all traffic because of 
security certificates.

Someone here gave me a solution that worked involving importing a 
certificate from KTS.

Now I need the answer againg.

Thanks in advance.

David Guymer
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.48 and KTS 18

2017-08-08 Thread David Guymer

Lemuel Johnson wrote:

On 8/3/2017 2:59 AM, David Guymer wrote:

Previously I had a problem with KTS blocking all traffic because of
security certificates.

Someone here gave me a solution that worked involving importing a
certificate from KTS.

Now I need the answer againg.

Thanks in advance.

David Guymer

That was probably me.

Lem Johnson
This does not work for KTS 18. The folder of Kasperky AntiVirus/Data 
does not exist.

David Guymer
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.48 and KTS 18

2017-08-12 Thread David Guymer

David Guymer wrote:

Lemuel Johnson wrote:

On 8/3/2017 2:59 AM, David Guymer wrote:

Previously I had a problem with KTS blocking all traffic because of
security certificates.

Someone here gave me a solution that worked involving importing a
certificate from KTS.

Now I need the answer againg.

Thanks in advance.

David Guymer

That was probably me.

Lem Johnson

This does not work for KTS 18. The folder of Kasperky AntiVirus/Data
does not exist.

David Guymer
Since no one seems to know where the Kaspersky Total Security 18 
certificate is it looks like I have to say goodbye to Seamonkey.

David Guymer
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.48 and KTS 18

2017-08-15 Thread David Guymer

David Guymer wrote:

David Guymer wrote:

Lemuel Johnson wrote:

On 8/3/2017 2:59 AM, David Guymer wrote:

Previously I had a problem with KTS blocking all traffic because of
security certificates.

Someone here gave me a solution that worked involving importing a
certificate from KTS.

Now I need the answer againg.

Thanks in advance.

David Guymer

That was probably me.

Lem Johnson

This does not work for KTS 18. The folder of Kasperky AntiVirus/Data
does not exist.

David Guymer

Since no one seems to know where the Kaspersky Total Security 18
certificate is it looks like I have to say goodbye to Seamonkey.

David Guymer
Kaspersky told me where the certificate is C:\ProgramData\Laspersky 
Lab\AVP 18.0.0\Data\Cert\(fake)Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Root 

support-seamonkey mailing list

SeaMonkey 2.48 Certificates

2017-08-26 Thread David Guymer
There is something wrong with SeaMonkey 2.48.Every page I go to I get a 
certificate warning.

I have aspersky Total Security 18.0. I have imported the Certificate 
from this program with the same warning afterwards.

All other browswers are unaffected. News and mail are unaffected in 

David Guymer
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.48 Certificates

2017-08-26 Thread David Guymer

David E. Ross wrote:

On 8/26/2017 12:34 AM, David Guymer wrote:

There is something wrong with SeaMonkey 2.48.Every page I go to I get a
certificate warning.

I have aspersky Total Security 18.0. I have imported the Certificate
from this program with the same warning afterwards.

All other browswers are unaffected. News and mail are unaffected in

David Guymer

Give us a link to an affected Web page, a page that does not require a
login to an account that I do not have.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.48 Certificates

2017-08-26 Thread David Guymer

David Guymer wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

On 8/26/2017 12:34 AM, David Guymer wrote:

There is something wrong with SeaMonkey 2.48.Every page I go to I get a
certificate warning.

I have aspersky Total Security 18.0. I have imported the Certificate
from this program with the same warning afterwards.

All other browswers are unaffected. News and mail are unaffected in

David Guymer

Give us a link to an affected Web page, a page that does not require a
login to an account that I do not have.

Another important site that won't load is

David Guymer
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.48 Certificates

2017-08-27 Thread David Guymer

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

David Guymer wrote:

Another important site that won't load is
< >

Works fine here in the Untied States.

Strange. I didn't think it was acessible outside of Australia.

It still is reported as having an invalid certificate for me.

Windows 10 Insider Preveiw Build 16275

David Guymer
support-seamonkey mailing list


2017-08-27 Thread David flores
My proposal is to take the free browser to android would be perfect if this
browser was available

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.48 Certificates

2017-09-10 Thread David Guymer

Daniel wrote:

On 28/08/2017 1:26 AM, Lee wrote:

On 8/27/17, Daniel  wrote:

On 27/08/2017 2:17 PM, David Guymer wrote:

David Guymer wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

On 8/26/2017 12:34 AM, David Guymer wrote:

There is something wrong with SeaMonkey 2.48.Every page I go to I
certificate warning.

I have aspersky Total Security 18.0. I have imported the Certificate
from this program with the same warning afterwards.

All other browswers are unaffected. News and mail are unaffected in

David Guymer

Give us a link to an affected Web page, a page that does not
require a
login to an account that I do not have.

Another important site that won't load is

David Guymer

My SM 2.48 gets me to the "Secret Question" page  just
like it has done for years!!

Unless you've got Kaspersky installed on your machine & configured to
check all web traffic your situation is totally different.

see, for example,
  Kasperky installs a WFP driver to intercept all outgoing HTTPS
connections. They effectively proxy SSL connections, inserting their
own certificate as a trusted authority in the system store and then
replace all leaf certificates on-the-fly. This is why if you examine a
certificate when using Kaspersky Antivirus, the issuer appears to be
"Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Root".


Ah!! No Kasperky, so Sorry for distracting you.


Another site that SeaMonkey 2.48 won't let me gp tp is

That version is rediculas tide up.

When will the next version be releast? I wonder if SeaMonkey 2.48 will 
allow updates?

Very frustrated.

David Guymer
support-seamonkey mailing list

Cannot link to a file when editing a page

2017-11-13 Thread David Michelson
I'm using 2.49.1 on a Mac. 

When using the Create Link command, I can select a local file but it doesn't 
appear in the dialog box after I click Open. 

I can type the file name directly and all works as expected.

Known problem? Known resolution?
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Importing multible identites in SM 2.X.

2009-11-24 Thread David Wilkinson

Nairda wrote:
Yes, they can, and extra profiles and dictionaries can be restored. 
Given the time and inclination.

But some really serious security hole(s) are going to have to be found 
in SM1.1.18 first. (:

For me it is the browser compatibility that will get me to move. Too many sites 
do not display correctly in FireFox 2.x/SeaMonkey 1.x these days.

For now I am still using 1.18 on my main (XP) machine. But it's only a matter of 

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2 should remember zoom setting

2009-11-26 Thread David Wilkinson

Stanimir Stamenkov wrote:

Sun, 25 Oct 2009 12:41:45 -0400, /David Wilkinson/:

FireFox 3 remembers the zoom setting for each site, so that when you 
go there again it still looks the way you want. But SM2 does not have 
this feature.

Why not? Is there (or will there be) an extension to do this?

AFAIK it is Firefox specific and SeaMonkey does not inherit it. Here's 
the Bugzilla entry to track the implementation into SeaMonkey:

I've not personally used it, but this extension should help:


I finally got around to installing nosquint. Works great. You can set a default 
magnification for new pages, and remember the setting for previously visited ones.

On my HTPC I have the DPI set to 150%, which causes SeaMonkey 2 (and FireFox 3) 
to double the size of all pages (zoom 200%). Even on a 1920x1080 screen this 
causes horizontal scrollbars. But if I set the default magnification to 90%, 
most pages display correctly the first time.

Previously SeaMonkey was virtually unusable on my HTPC, because I needed to zoom 
out every time I opened a new tab or window. FireFox was somewhat better because 
it remembers the zoom for each site. With nosquint SM and FF work the same way, 
and much better.


David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Enlarge/Decrease fonts sizes only on the fly?

2009-11-29 Thread David Wilkinson

Ant wrote:

Preferences: Appearance / Content

[x] Zoom only text instead of full pages

Note, this is a global and not per site setting.

Thanks! :)


As pointed out to me by Stanimir, an extension that gives improved control over 
the zoom feature is nosquint:

I love it!

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Enlarge/Decrease fonts sizes only on the fly?

2009-11-30 Thread David Wilkinson

Ant wrote:
I love it too, but it keeps crashing for me like on 


+&mid=e75fadG3c2616efGb8881bG9 (doesn't even show the web page yet),, etc. :(

No problem for me. I don't/won't use Facebook. I spend too much time on usenet 
even to consider it.

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Web site work in IE but not in Seamonkey 2.0

2009-12-01 Thread David Wilkinson

Bush wrote:
Read my other post and you will see my wifes computer Has seamonkey 
1.1.14 on it and the Tvguide site loads great ... The program 
discription works great .


SeaMonkey 1.1.14

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: 
Gecko/20081204 SeaMonkey/1.1.14

The About SeaMonkey box reports what the browser actually is. The user-agent 
string is what the browser tells a web site that it is. If the user-agent string 
names FireFox, then many pages will display as they would in FireFox.

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Web site work in IE but not in Seamonkey 2.0

2009-12-01 Thread David Wilkinson

David E. Ross wrote:

On 12/1/2009 3:38 AM, David Wilkinson wrote:

Bush wrote:
Read my other post and you will see my wifes computer Has seamonkey 
1.1.14 on it and the Tvguide site loads great ... The program 
discription works great .


SeaMonkey 1.1.14

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: 
Gecko/20081204 SeaMonkey/1.1.14
The About SeaMonkey box reports what the browser actually is. The user-agent 
string is what the browser tells a web site that it is. If the user-agent string 
names FireFox, then many pages will display as they would in FireFox.

No.  If you go to the menu bar and select [Help > About SeaMonkey], you
get the user agent string that SeaMonkey currently sends to Web servers.

In one of my profiles, [Help > About SeaMonkey] shows
 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20091017 SeaMonkey/2.0 NOT Firefox/3.5.3
I use this profile only for those financial institutions that
incorrectly sniff for "Firefox" instead of "Gecko".

Using the PrefBar extension in all of my profiles, I can make [Help >
About SeaMonkey] show the same Firefox spoof or show
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)
Opera/9.10 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US)
AppleWebKit/525.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/
or even blank.

Hmmm, it seems you are right. Sorry about that.

So now I am puzzled by what Bush is telling us about his wife's computer.

> Note that there is no  for the address area.

What do you mean by this?

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Web site work in IE but not in Seamonkey 2.0

2009-12-01 Thread David Wilkinson

Bush wrote:

So now I am puzzled by what Bush is telling us about his wife's computer.

About WHAT ?

Simple ... I went to my wifes computer and pulled up the About Seamonkey 
and it Showed she was using 1.1.14 and her computer can view the sites 
that Seamonkey 2.0 Cannot View .

like the TV guide website .

It is not that she is using SeaMonkey 1.1.14, but rather that the user agent 
string is apparently not spoofing FireFox (unlike yours, which does).

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Web site work in IE but not in Seamonkey 2.0

2009-12-01 Thread David Wilkinson

Bush wrote:
It is not that she is using SeaMonkey 1.1.14, but rather that the user 
agent string is apparently not spoofing FireFox (unlike yours, which 

 Please follow what I said ...

We both Can see what the other is seeing on those web sites ...

They say hers is Not Spoofed  with 1.1.14

And they say Mine is spoofed  with 1.1.18

Both of our computer can See What Seamonkey 2.0 cannot See .

 I think there is a site called photobucket . I may just create an 
account and Upload Screen shots from Each Computer .

 Start up 2 incidents of seamokey 1.1.14 on my wifes computer .
 One page will have that TV guide site in the background and I will 
Shrink the 2nd incident with About seamonkey  in Front of the TV guide 
page ... Do a Screen shot and Upload that Screen shot to Photobucket .

And likewise Do the Same with my Computer That is runnung What they are 
saying as SPOOFED Ver 1.1.18

And put a link to Each screenshot here .

This will be Done Tomorrow .
Will this Satified All of YOU ?

I am not saying I do not believe you. I am saying that I am puzzled by what you 
are reporting. Everybody else with an unaltered version of 1.x or 2.0 says the 
TVGuide site does not work correctly.

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

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